tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC July 14, 2017 11:35pm-12:37am EDT
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tonight's "jimmy kimmel live" is brought to you by this very confused man our camera followed for no reason whatsoever. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- chadwick boseman. from "orphan black" tatiana maslany. and music from kyle featuring lil yachty. and now, moving on, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for visiting. thank you for watching. [ cheers and applause ] i had a -- i had a baby somewhere under here. i don't know what happened. what i have in this stroller are baby products. those of you who have babies at home or abroad know that a lot of stuff comes with them. we have so much stuff at my house. to be honest, i don't know what d it's starting to drive me s nuts. like this. this is a wubenub. it's a pacifier with a little like dead animal at the end. [ laughter ] my daughter calls it a wubby. and now i have to say the word wubby ten times a day. as if that's a thing. there's also -- we have one of these. this is a bumbo. this is to help the baby-sit upright. in case you take it to benihana or something i guess. [ laughter ] when my wife was pregnant, she slept with one of these. this is a snoogle.
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they call it a snoogle. i guess it's like snuggle and goo goo i guess. but it's a pillow for your underparts. you put it like -- [ laughter ] you mount it and then you -- [ cheers and applause ] very dirty in a way. i don't know why they call it the snoogle. for some reason baby products have names like these. they don't seem to realize babies aren't the ones buying this stuff. a lot of the terrible names have to, do are related to breast-feeding products. this is the boppy. it's a breast-feeding pillow. this is one like it. it's my breast friend. sounds like something bill o'reilly would call his secretary or something. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] this is -- i think i lost one re
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anyway, this one -- oh. these are the hooter hiders. [ laughter ] i think you know what that does. it's a cover. these are like companion products. the tee-tee turtle and the pee-pee tepee. if you have a boy, these are little tents you use during diaper changes to avoid getting squirted in the face. and this might be the worst one. this one i find completely offensive. these are nursing pads. they call them bamboobies. and i don't even know why. at least some of the other ones kind of make sense. there's some relation to something. bamboobies is just completely unacceptable. [ laughter ] whoever came one bamboobies should be put in solitary confinement for the rest of his natural life. anyway, i've got to get this stuff. guillermo, here, take these bamboobies and the pee-pee tepee and all this stuff. [ cheers and applause ] and you know what? ♪ get your wife pregnant and use all that stuff, all right? >> guillermo: yeah.
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>> jimmy: i like with you that one. try that one out. see how it feels to you. [ cheers and applause ] comfortable. oh, speaking of silly names, jared kushner is in israel today with a big gucci bag full of peace for the middle east. president trump sent his son-in-law to meet with the leaders of israel and palestine. that's normal. that's something presidents do a lot. [ laughter ] a lot of people are saying jared kushner isn't qualified. but actually, he has been to israel before on a high school trip with his mom. so they're wrong. [ laughter ] and whatever you want to say about their personal relationship, the president says if jared can't bring peace to the middle east he'll find ivanka a husband who can. [ laughter ] meanwhile, the only people less likely to bond than the israelis and palestinians right now are republicans and democrats. a small group of republican senators are working on a health care plan right now that no one else has seen. and they want to force a vote on it before july 4th.
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that way i guess people who blow their fingers off with firecrackers can't claim that as a pre-existing condition. [ laughter ] but senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. you know that old lady with the glasses? yeah, her. [ laughter ] [ applause ] she's keeping this bill such a tightly guarded secret even senators in her own party haven't been allowed to look at it. senator mcconnell, they've held no hearings, they've allowed no debate. all we know is that the legislation, which would affect many millions of americans, is being written in secret by a laughter ]hey're not allowed. it's so crazy. it's hard to believe this is actually happening and not a plot from a movie like -- well, like this. ♪ >> buried deep in a hidden chamber. >> in such darkness, behind such closed doors.
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>> why are my constituents not allowed to see the details of what's about to happen to their lives? >> that could wreak incalculable destruction. >> i think it's one of the most terrifying things that's about to happen. >> and only one man knows its mysteries. ♪ mitch mcconnell and the chamber of secrets. coming to america much too soon. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's the bill that must not be named. hey, here's a guy who i hope has a health care plan. this is from the szechuan province of china where a guy for some reason decided to swallow 50 eggs in 15 seconds. that's the guy. and those are the eggs. he's not -- now he's halfway done. now he's 4/5 of the way done. and -- i don't know why.
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have ever seen. [ laughter ] he knows you can cook those, right? [ applause ] how many of you would do that for $1,000? i mean, honestly. anyone? >> whoo! >> jimmy: o.j. simpson is up for parole. remember o.j., the guy from that fx show? [ laughter ] o.j. has a parole hearing scheduled for next month. he could be out of prison by october. he served eight years for armed robbery. o.j.'s attorney said if he gets out on parole he'll want to live a quiet life. maybe he'll become an uber driver. wouldn't that be -- could you imagine -- [ laughter ] o.j. arriving now in a white bronco. [ applause ] you'd pay a little more for that. uber, by the way. i don't know how many of you use uber but uber's making some major changes. as of yesterday uber in seattle, houston, and minneapolis have started -- they've started allowing riders to tip their drivers using the app. which is good.
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but i will say i know people complain. i already had a way to tip my driver. what i would do is i would pull money out of my wallet and hand it to that person. really it was miraculous. also yesterday the ceo of uber, this guy travis kalanick, after months of scandals and declining market share, announced he's stepping down. he's leaving his post as ceo. he told "the new york time," "i love uber more than anything in the world."s," "i love uber more than anything in the world," "i love uber more than anything in the worlds," "i st the beginning of a much g n larger campaign to rebrand uber and get back to basics. and their new service i think does exactly that. >> at uber we've lost the trust of our customers. so we're getting back to basics. presenting uber yellow. >> downtown? >> at uber yellow we know you don't mind paying a little more even if it means less comfort and safety. [ tires squealing ] with uber yellow there's no need
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to download a confusing app. just wave at one of our cars as they pass. how easy is that? uber yellow drivers aren't distracted by gps. >> hey, hey, hey. >> and with identity theft on the rise, you'll feel safe knowing uber yellow takes cash only. uber yellow. it's a cab, dumb-ass. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they knew we'd come crawling back. all right. we're going to take a break. when we're done with the break, each of these people on the wall behind me, each of these people has a name that happens to be perfectly matched to what they do for a living, and we will chat with those people about that when we come back. so stick around, we'll be right back. >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel
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live, brought to you by at&t. because sure, we want to use this to call the people we love- - like our directors. but mostly, to get the entertainment we love. maaaaark ! ! ! switch to at&t for the only unlimited plan that gives you 60 channels of live television on any screen all for $70 a month. guyscause this is my jam.n... showtime! ♪tell it to my heart ♪tell me i'm the only one... nailed it tim, nailed it. ♪ the best tour of italy is the at olive garden. create your own tour of italy starting at $12.99. choose 3 of 9 of your favorites. and have everything you love all on one plate. create your own tour of italy for a limited time only at olive garden.
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guyscause this is my jam.n... showtime! ♪tell it to my heart ♪tell me i'm the only one... nailed it tim, nailed it. ♪ the ultra-fine mist startstoms working instantly to deliver up to 12 hours of ahhhhh get fast relief with vicks sinex. right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you.
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live," brought to you by target. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the . [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to th. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to th[ c] the screen some very ave up e interesting people. every once in a while you come across a person whose name fits his or her occupation. like if you're a lawyer and your name is sue, for instance. so we scoured the country for people with named that match their jobs. they are joining us now on the wall of america, our big cisco screen. hello, everybody. how are you guys doing? [ cheers and applause ] okay, good. let's get to know you one at a time. we're going to start with sun prairie, wisconsin. this gentleman is a volunteer
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firefighter. how many years have you been doing this? >> 30 years, jimmy. >> jimmy: 30 years you've been doing it. and your name is? >> les mcburney. >> jimmy: les mcburney. [ cheers and applause ] good. you go in with a hose and you literally make things less mcburney. >> there you go. >> jimmy: did having this name influence your decision to become a firefighter? >> it did not. >> jimmy: it did not. >> no. >> jimmy: do people mention it to you a lot? >> only when on the internet i did an investigation and it hit the worldwide web and that's pretty much the end of that. >> jimmy: that's probably how we found you too. les mcburney would also be a good name for a urologist. [ laughter ] so i don't know if you have any sons or anything. but thank you, les. you are indeed perfectly named. next up we head to austin, texas to meet a perfectly named dentist.
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hello there. how are you? >> hey, jimmy. how are you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. are you in your dental office right now? >> yes. yes, i am. sticking around a little late. >> jimmy: anyone waiting to have a cavity filled or anything? >> no. not yet. we're all done for the day. >> jimmy: how long have you been dentisting? [ laughter ] >> i've been a dentist for 19 years. >> jimmy: and do you like it? good job to have? >> yeah. yeah. i've enjoyed it. >> jimmy: do you ever take a hit off the nitrous oxide just to make sure it's still working? [ laughter ] >> no. you've got to be careful with that kind of stuff. we don't do that, jimmy. >> jimmy: we have not revealed your name yet, but do people mention it to you a lot? >> yes. all the time. people choose me just because my name sticks out on their insurance list. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. let's find out your name. your name is? >> i am dr. chip silvertooth. [ cheers and applause ] >> j
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and doctor, how much does it cost to fix a chipped silver tooth? >> it depends what we need. >> jimmy: hey, i heard that some dentists were saying you don't need to floss anymore, that it's a waste of time. do you believe in flossing? >> of course i believe in flossing. >> jimmy: there we go. chip silvertooth believes in flossing. [ cheers and applause ] next let's go all the way to noblesville, indiana to meet a perfectly named contractor. hello there. how are you? hello perfectly named contractor. >> i'm great. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. did you build the kitchen we see behind you? >> actually i did, yes. >> jimmy: i would hope so. how often do people comment on your name? >> surprisingly not as much as you might think. i might get it maybe once a month. >> jimmy: once a month. okay. well, let's reveal your perfect name. and so everyone can enjoy it. >> hi. my name is paul schwinghammer. [ cheers and applause ]
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are you from -- are there a lot of schwinghammers in your area? >> well, surprisingly, where i grew up down in the southern part of indiana, the schwinghammer name is as common as stempenogel and gromerstopper. pretty common. >> jimmy: schwinghammer is good for construction or porn, by the way. [ laughter ] which gets more attention, the hammer or the schwing part of it? [ laughter ] >> well, because of "wayne's world" i do get the schwing thing quite a bit. >> jimmy: that must have been a nightmarish time for you in the '90s. >> yeah. it still comes up every noun and then. >> jimmy: i'm glad you could move past that. thank you very much, paul. and finally, we go to west hills, california. and what may i ask do you do for a living, ma'am? >> i am a gynecologist. >> jimmy: you are a gynecologist. an ob-gyn. you deliver babies i assume? >> i have delivered babies for the past 19 years ani
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ago. >> jimmy: all right. and your perfect name is? >> my name is dr. lauren hymen. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: do you ever say dr. hymen at your cervix? [ laughter ] >> i think i hear that once a week. >> jimmy: you should start using it. i was told when you got married you decided to keep your maiden name. what name could your husband possibly have you that you decided to keep your maiden name? >> dr. krovitz isn't that interesting. and at that point i was already in practice. my last name had become the perfect calling card. so i went from hiding my last name to just leaning in. >> jimmy: sometimes you have to just dive right into it, don't you? [ laughter ] well, thank you, dr. hyman.
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♪ >> jimmy: hi and welcome back to the show. tonight, she is an emmy winner for her work on the show "orphan black," the super talented tatiana maslany is here. [ cheers and applause ] then, his hit single is called "ispy," kyle is here with help from lil yachty on the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, anthony hopkins will be here. chris hardwick will join us. we'll have music from queen with a draft.op two picks from the you'll get to see two college kids transform into millionaires right before your very eyes. tomorrow night.
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our first guest tonight is a talented actor and a powerful avenger. he is the black panther, he is james brown and jackie robinson all rolled into one. next he plays supreme court justice thurgood marshall in "marshall." it opens october 13th. please welcome chadwick boseman. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] i have to apologize to you in advance because there's a woman in the audience -- [ laughter ] >> i didn't do it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she is pregnant. she's nine months pregnant. she's having her baby next month. and i asked what are you going to name the baby? and she said layla. and i said oh, like the song? and she said, what song? [ laughter ] >> whoa.
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she's never heard of the song. and none of the -- the guy who knocked her up never heard of it. [ laughter ] >> is it this guy? >> jimmy: well, we're not sure. [ laughter ] we're going to have a "maury" style test later on to find out which guy it was. >> you should have had him sing it to her. >> jimmy: he doesn't know it. he didn't even know -- i don't know what's going on here. how are you doing? does anyone call you chad? >> they do, yes. of course. >> jimmy: because chadwick boseman is a name that you would -- i immediately think oh, he must be a billionaire. [ laughter ] >> hey, that's what we're shooting for, right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's kind of a high bar to clear. >> fake it till you make it. >> jimmy: you were in atlanta like this morning. and i heard you're going right back there after the show tonight. >> you know, i'm going to wait till tomorrow. >> jimmy: oh, you are. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: but you're shooting two "avengers" movies there. >> i'm shooting one. >> jimmy: you're shooting one. oh, that's an interesting statement. he's shooting one.
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>> you know, they're like the cia. so i've got to say i'm shooting one. >> jimmy: but you are actually shooting two. yeah. >> no. [ laughter ] i'm just shooting one. how many marvel heroes are down there, are assembled? how many avengers are assembled and other characters right now? >> you know what? i see about eight or nine at a time. >> jimmy: have you seen guys that you hadn't seen before or women, characters? >> the one i can't say is mark ruffalo. >> jimmy: mark ruffalo. he plays the hulk. >> yes. >> jimmy: so we know he's in there for sure. >> why is he the one you can say? >> because i don't see everybody. i don't deal with every character. and i'm telling you, it's so secret that we don't see every -- >> jimmy: but i don't care. [ laughter ] i know for you it's secret. but for me it's another thing to find out. >> oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: will a
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like the black panther was in "civil war"? >> no. >> jimmy: really? no? no new characters? >> no new characters. all the same ones. >> jimmy: guardians of the galaxy will be a part of this? they told me they'd be a part of this. >> they did? then yes. >> jimmy: okay. [ laughter ] i think they told me. i don't know. you told me. >> they train us for this. >> jimmy: i know they do. >> they train us for this. >> you have to be a ninja on screen and off screen as well. the trailer for the movie for "the black panther" was during one of the nba games. did you like watch that as it was happening? >> oh, man. it's like when i was watching it i forgot that i was in the movie. yeah. i knew it was going to happen. i'd heard that it was going to come -- it would be on in game 5. actually, i was rooting for golden state. but when i heard -- when they were jus
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cast i started rooting for the cast just so they -- >> jimmy: to get to game 5. >> to get to game 5. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's kind of weird. it's like some weird fantasy league kind of thing where you start rooting for things within the series. but then they moved it to game 4 because they were worried there wouldn't be a game 5. >> i think so. >> jimmy: yeah, i think so. and it has like 90 million views or something like that. >> 89 million in the first 24 hours. >> jimmy: let's get it up to 90 tonight. >> oh, i'm sure it's there now. >> jimmy: so as soon as that premiered did everyone you know, everyone in the world just start contacting you as onc oncet onc? >> they did, but i cut my phone off. >> jimmy: oh, you did? >> i cut my phone off. because it was so exciting. i literally for like three minutes was like oh, my gosh, just staring at the screen. and then i cut my phone off imulation. was too much >> jimmy: did you later on get back to those people? >> some of them.
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>> jimmy: how do you cut a phone off? do you actually just turn it off? >> you don't cut your phone off ever? >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] i don't get that much -- i'm not a big texter or anything like that. i don't get a whole lot -- i'm not in a superhero movie. no group of people are texting me. >> that's hard for me to believe. >> jimmy: i know. maybe i am in a superhero movie. am i in this movie? [ laughter ] you can't say, can you? >> i can't say. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i saw your -- you have a very big family. who was here with you last time you were here? >> oh, my mom, my dad, my sister. that's it that time. >> jimmy: that time. any of them here with you tonight? >> no. i have a lot of friends back -- >> jimmy: have they lost interest in your career? >> no. [ laughter ] it's just so much happening, just trying to coordinate everybody.
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>> jimmy: do they come to the set when you're shooting like the marvel movie? >> yes. not everybody. my mom and my dad, they came to the "black panther" set. >> jimmy: you can trust them to keep quiet about what's happening? >> no. you can absolutely not. my dad, when we were shooting 42, it was a scene we were doing, i was still at home and i had to jump over the catcher and slide, and we did it like 15 times. and he's sitting right behind the director and he's fuming. he's like oh, you can't do that no more, you can't do it, you're going to be hurting in your body. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he said this to the director? >> he said it to me and he said it to the director. brian helgeman. he comes over and says i think we're done, your dad said we can't do any more. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's pretty good. when we come back, we're going to have a look at your upcoming film. chadwick boseman is here with
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we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ guys, everybody quiet down... cause this is my jam. showtime! ♪tell it to my heart ♪tell me i'm the only one... nailed it tim, nailed it. ♪ having mplaque psoriasise is not always easy. it's a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record
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, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. i'm not the type to smushy garbages... you know what? i'm going for it. you are completely and utterly... awesome... i'm glad you showed up. in my life! i think i'm about to cry... you better not. every single time i... get down! you always have... my back! my back! it's really hard to describe. it's like... all these tiny little... things? yes. yes. things! are actually... friendship. ♪ school. i think it's time we mixed things up. ♪ oh yeah, in your face! and in conclusion, cats. four flavors, four shapes. cheetos xtra cheesy mixups. you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa!
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advancement of colored people. >> sam friedman. >> friedman & friedman. >> good to meet you, sam. give me a hand with these, would you? >> sure. what have you got in here? cement? >> guns. books, mr. friedman. my law library. it goes where i go. >> jimmy: that is chadwick boseman in "marshall," which is not -- has nothing to do with the discount clothing chain urt.ll, who was on the supreme and this is really about a case he tried in his early -- as a young lawyer, correct? >> mm-hmm. 1941. it's a bio pic in some ways, but it's really not. what it is, it's a whodunit. it's a thriller. if you didn't know anything
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about thurgood marshall you could watch this -- buddy movie. >> jimmy: you played a few real-life people. you mentioned jackie robinson before. james brown. is that something that you prefer? well, the black panther is real also. >> he is. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: in my childhood he seemed like he was real. is that something you like? or is it harder to play a real guy? >> you know what? i think it's the same. acting is the same regardless. it's just you're responsible for certain things when you play a real person. and in this case i said i didn't want to do any more movies about real people. but the script was really, really good. and i didn't want to do it also because thurgood marshall's a lot lighter than me. i was like i don't look like him. >> jimmy: skinwise. >> yeah. in terms of complexion. and you know, once i read it, i realized that that really wasn't important. each movie you do about a real person, it's like -- it's a painting. and you choose certain things in
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pull out and you want to show. so for this one it was the spirit of the man. he lives hard. he works hard. he fights hard. so i wanted to show this person who just was an interesting person. >> jimmy: one of the things i learned about him is that he had only one testicle. is that what drew you to this role? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> i feel like i should switch which leg i have -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you find out which testicle? like how deep into this character did you go? >> you know, that's a funny story because you can't verify it. you know what i'm saying? some of the biographies it says that story's told and you're like i don't know, i don't know, but i just decided it was true. >> jimmy: yeah. jimmy: me or -- when you [ laughter ] >> that's just one of the questions i had. >> jimmy: you stand like a flamingo.
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>> jimmy: did you call any one-testicle people? lance armstrong could have been -- >> i did not. >> jimmy: i feel like you're not giving 110%. [ laughter ] >> you know what? that might be the case. no, i just -- it comes at a funny point in the movie. >> jimmy: it does. it pops up in a way. [ laughter ] well, it's very, very good to see you. congratulations on the movie. it's a really good movie. it's called "marshall." it opens october 13th. chadwick boseman, everybody. we'll be right back with tatiana maslany. [ cheers and applause ]
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black." the fifth and final season airs saturdays on bbc america, please welcome tatiana maslany. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] you look great. >> thank you. you too. >> jimmy: may i ask -- i don't know if this is a rude question to ask, but how old are you? >> me? >> jimmy: yeah. >> how old do you think i am? >> jimmy: i think you're probably in your late 20s. >> i'm 31. and i'm about to turn 32. i'm finally at that age where it all blurs and i don't know. i'm within this age range. >> jimmy: do you know the song "layla" have you ever heard of it? [ laughter ] >> why did that come up? i love that song. >> jimmy: someone's naming her baby after it. >> congrats. >> jimmy: and she never heard of the song. >> what? [ laughter ] it's so original. >> jimmy: i really think you should give the baby up for adoption.
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i don't think you should raise this child. i just don't think -- i feel like you're not ready. [ laughter ] anyway. how are you doing? i hear you just moved here. not just here to l.a. but you moved out of your home country of canada. >> my home country, yes. >> jimmy: to be -- are you now an american? or what is your status? >> i think i'm like -- really did not do it right. my boyfriend and i were like we can't find a lease for three months, should we just move there? and now we're here. jimmy: really? just because you couldn't find a short-term -- >> yeah. we don't like any of these short-term leases. the one we liked fell through. and we were just like let's move our entire lives and change everything and not look at what we should be doing legally and just be here. >> jimmy: did president trump okay this? [ laughter ] >> he gave us a stamp. >> jimmy: he did? i didn't know he had a stamp. >> yeah. a disgusting stamp. [ laughter ] [ applause ] his hand print. >> jimmy: when we're talking
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something you tweeted. and correct me if i have any of this wrong. but you tweeted last week, "never do this, but had the worst experience using u-haul. you wrote @u-haul. being passed off from department to department. no one could help. and ending up in not being in service." kind of mad, sad emoji -- >> dead face. kind of like fed up face. >> jimmy: did you drive a u-haul here? >> no. i did. >> jimmy: why are you renting a u-haul? >> because we're moving our lives. so we had to pack -- >> jimmy: you won an emmy. you got a u-haul? [ laughter ] >> what do you do? how do you move? >> jimmy: i have movers move my stuff. [ laughter ] >> to be fair, we did not drive it across the country. but we did like load it up. >> jimmy: and took it where? >> took it to the u-haul box. that box is currently moving -- sorry, guys. so it's moving across the country. so hopefully they don't -- >> jimmy: not anymore it isn't. [ laughter ] not when u-haul gets a load of this.
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jimmy: what else?- like what other menial jobs are you doing associated with this? >> i think my boyfriend currently is building a fence in our back yard. >> jimmy: we don't build fences here in california. >> he's welsh and i'm canadian, so we're changing it up. >> jimmy: welsh people build fences? >> yeah. that's what they're known for. [ laughter ] they build it around sheep. >> jimmy: do you have any sheep? or do you have to get those? >> we're getting sheep imported. >> jimmy: are those in the u-haul? >> yeah. they keep the furniture from breaking. >> jimmy: wow. [ laughter ] i like that. it would be better than those packing peanuts. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: you open the box. there's a sheep. and my vase isn't broken. >> exactly. >> jimmy: so you're really doing this all yourself. this is remarkable. i know most people do this stuff and certainly i've moved myself many times but you don't imagine especially international travel, i didn't even know you had u-haul up in canada, i'll be honest with you. >> just got. >> jimmy: turns out we're learning a lot. is it good? >> it's a disaster.
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moving's the worse. >> jimmy: are you scared about living in l.a.? >> yeah. like every emotion. i'm super excited. we love our new place. everything's wrong with it. like we're fixing it all. but it's a lot. yeah. it's very intense. >> jimmy: now, your television show, for which you won an emmy, i happened to be there when you won. i want to ask you about something. because when you won the emmy kiefer sutherland was the one who presented it. and this is how he pronounced your name. which is, and correct my if i have this incorrect. tatiana maslany. >> very good. >> and the emmy goes to tatiana maslany. [ laughter ] >> i was like, i think that's me. he's canadian too. >> jimmy: he's a fellow canadian! >> he said it in the voice-over more, tatiana maslany nominated for an emmy. >> jimmy: have you spoken to him since then? >> i will not talk to him. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: he didn't contact you john travolta style afterwards and say sorry i don't know what came over me? >> no. >> jimmy: oh, wow. things are going terribly for you here. >> it's really bad. life sucks in l.a. >> jimmy: your show -- have you finished shooting the whole show? >> yeah, we finished two months ago. we wrapped it up. >> jimmy: you play so many characters on the show, which seems like obviously is a fun thing as an actor. but at a certain point do you miss it or are you like all right, enough already with this? >> i mean, i was exhausted by the end of it. but saying good-bye, because we kind of had two weeks where we were wrapping either a clone a day or a character, a supporting character, or a set or whatever, and these are people who you like get to know for five seasons and you really care about them. i was so emotional. that two weeks i was just like -- >> jimmy: you really care about your clones? >> yeah. i care deeply about all my clones. >> jimmy: that's very sweet. >> i wonder what they're doing right now. are they okay? >> jimmy: they didn't make the move with you, huh? >> no. they stayed in canada.
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reaction to saying good-bye to one of them. and we're doing a scene where it's this skype call and it's kind of emotional as it is so i could kind of use what was happening. and i just had a spontaneous nose bleed while i was sobbing. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. it was so gross. the director's like cut. and i'm like stop, no, can't we use this? let's use it. >> jimmy: a lot of actors can cry on command. very few actors can make their nose bleed on command. [ laughter ] that's like a special level. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's why the emmy. >> jimmy: you, meryl streep. maybe like sir alec guinness could do that kind of thing. >> the three of us. >> jimmy: is that something that happens to you regularly, nose bleeds? >> in times of trauma. like break-ups can elicit that. >> jimmy: when u-haul screws up your move. >> yeah. i just shot blood out of my nose. >> jimmy: well, on behalf of los angeles and america we welcome you and your boyfriend.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank chadwick boseman, tatiana maslany, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first his single is called "i spy." here with help from lil' yachty, kyle! [ cheers and applause ] >> what up, l.a.! matt damon's my favorite actor, by the way. hey! hey! ♪ ♪ i know when you text me girl i
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♪ i spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ a girlie i can get cause she don't get too many likes a curly-headed cutie i can turn into my wife ♪ ♪ wait that means forever ever hold up never mind oh i i spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ a girlie i can get cause she don't get too many likes a curly-headed cutie i can turn into my wife ♪ ♪ i spy with my little eye ♪ i spy with my little eye ♪ i spy with my little eye ♪ i spy with my little eye ♪ she said she 21 i might have to id that all my --- come in pairs like ♪ ♪ i remember riding around the city in a hatchback lookin for a problem with my young goblins ♪ ♪ i'mma send a model home with her neck throbbin i done made so much money that it's non-stoppin ♪ ♪ got my brothers on my back like the last name i remember tellin everyone i couldn't be tame
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♪ whoa six months later i had snapped and now i'm in the game ♪ ♪ went from fake chains to diamonds in another lane went from can you take me here ♪ ♪ to screening out the lane went from --- this --- lame to remember my name ♪ ♪ so i remember all the people who ain't --- with me ♪ ♪ they went to college now all them --- is history upgraded from gold to diamonds in my teeth ♪ ♪ riding deep in the van like we lookin for a mystery raggy ♪ ♪ so don't mess with me no lately i been livin like luxury ♪ ♪ boat and kyle stick together like piano keys ♪ ♪ i spy with my little eye a girlie i can get cause she don't get too many likes ♪ ♪ a curly-headed cutie i can turn into my wife wait that means forever ever hold up never mind ♪ ♪ oh i spy with my little eye a girlie i can get cause she don't get too many likes ♪
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tonight a special edition of "nightline." surviving the inferno. britain's deadliest fire in more than a century. >> never seen a fire like this. never seen people die like this. >> reduced to ashes, killing at least 80 people. >> an action/horror movie and you're in it. >> the flames and spoke was very, very intense. >> now one month after the deadly blaze, disturbing questions remain. >> it was a death trap. >> how did a fire sparked by a refrigerator consume a building so quickly. >> it went from the fourth floor to the 18th
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