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tv   World News Now  ABC  July 19, 2017 2:37am-3:00am EDT

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manafort in front of the american people. be both have said they will cooperate. republican senator generjef flake is coming to the defense of a democrat hoping to take his spot. he tweeted, hang in there, dedra, sorry you have to put up with this, and abboud thanked him for rejecting behavior that doesn't reflect american values. the wus hite house is recruitin republicans to challenge him in the primary. a wildfire is threatening yosemite park. the entire town of mariposa has been vac waevacuated. power inside the park has been going on and off as the detwiler fire
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it's mo it one of more than a dozen wildfires in the western united states. >> paul williams has the national forecast for us, good morning, paul. >> good morning,a ariel, kendis. >> it includes salt lake city and close to seattle. numerous thunderstorms still causing concern for flooding, courtesy of the monsoon at moisture coming out of the south. so we have yet extended problems with urban flash flooding, sudden flooding and desert washes and blowing dust in the desert. ariel, kendis? >> what was tropical storm dawn is still making waves. a new one is forming and its name is hillary. that's right, don and hillary
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it's just a coincidence of course. and this hillary has just come from lists drawn up years in advance from the world meteorological organization. >> just when you thought you were done with this parg. > a bison brigade stopped traffic in new hampshire. about a dozen of them escaping from a farm in manchester. neighbors think they were frightened by loud roadwork and took off. the whole neighborhood got together to help the bison get back home. colorado police say a gang of kids vandalized a bunch of offices near denver, but it's not what you think. >> here are the kids. yeah, you see them. they're goats. and they were caught on camera, of course. they smashed some glass windows in louisville, colorado.
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on the glass until it shattered. the kids are still on the lam. >> they're on the lam. >> that's it right there. >> do it. >> they think the goats escaped from a farm nearby. apparently, they left dna evidence nearby. we're not going into what sort of evidence they left behind, but there is an apb out for those goats. coming up, did you know it is national hot dog day? >> kendis's favorite. >> yeah. and in an at this that's notoriously anticatsup on hot dogs, how heinz is trying to get folks in chicago to warm up dressing up those hot dogs. >> what's a hot dog without condiments on it. >> reporter: wi will a parole board
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into a free man? but first, here's a look at today's temperatures. "world news now" weather, brought to you by the real real. if you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage.
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♪ just about 60 miles from reno, nevada, o.j. simpson has spent nearly a decade behind bars for armed robbery. >> and we're one day away from a parole hearing that could set simpson free. and we're hearing about an interesting person who will be in simpson's corner during that hearing. matt gutman is in loveland, nevada. >> reporter: o.j. simpson is hours away in a parole hearing that could set him free. interest so high it will be streamed live, carried on numerous networks. simpson sentenced for up to 33 years for armed robbery charges after a botched 2007 attempt to recover sports memorabilia he says belonged to i am had. the p
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a model inmate as he told a 2013 parole board. >> i have not had any instances, despite all the stories in the tabloids and everything. >> reporter: the prosecutor who put him away says he expects him to get parole. but could the murders of nicole brown and ron goldman come into play? >> i think there's about a 52% chance he would get parole, but if he weren't o.j. simpson, i would say it would be 92%. at this hearing will be one of his victim. but the victim will be speaking on o.j.'s behalf. >> an interesting twist there. we also have heard he's been working out while he's been in prison, apparently, losing some weight, looking a little thinner and different. >> even if he is set free, it will not be until october that he'll be walking out of
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coming up, a reality check for your wallet. >> our consumer expert sits down with diane to tell us what's costing less and more. i want you to stay this bright blue forever, that's why you'll stay in this drawer forever. i can't live without you, and that's why i'll never ever wash you. protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner.
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♪ we're about halfway through the year, which means it might be a good time to start looking at your budget. you might notice you're paying more for certain things or less for others, so here to break it down, founder and editor of non-political, vera gibbons is going to guide us through. where do you see the most people making mistakes in managing their money? >> they make mistakes all summer long, paying too much for rental cars and hotels. gas prices are the lowest they've been since 2
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people are trading up. they're getting out of their small cars and getting into the suvs and the trucks. these are expensive. they use a lot of gas. >> the gas is cheap so i'm going to upgrade my car, but then the new car is too expensive of. >> exactly. if you look at new car prices they're up 35% over the past 35 years. second hand cars up. household income has only risen a teeny, tiny bit. so people want to get into the big cars. how do you do that? you take out a ridiculously long loan. >> i'm going to guess those aren't cheap either. >> no. not only is the interest rate higher on the longer loans, but you could end up owing more on the car than it's worth. edmonds says the average loan is 70 months. and you say travel is another area where wre
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much. why is that? >> spending in some areas and saving in others, spending not so much on going to europe and going to just about anywhere. there's all these disrupter airways, wow airways, norwegian, it's very cheap to fly portugal, london, france. but because everybody wants to have that experiential vacation they want to get in the trechncs with the locals, dance with a "dancing with the stars" person, whatever they want to do, that's expensive. even going to the theme parks now has gotten really, really expensive because the demand is there, the popularity is there and also they have all these enhancements at the park. they pass those on to consumers. >> if you create your own experience. >> people used to go to the eiffel tower and get a souvenir and go home. now it's like they want to go all out. >> they want to climb the eiffel
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tower. >> yes, yes, yes. >> what about eating? that's the other big one. >> here's other thing. when we go on vacation we want to eat out and do all this type thing. but eating out in general is costing about 3% more this year. and it has nothing to do with the cost of food, because if you look at some of the food items, like beef, eggs, some things are actually down. but at the restaurant, costs are actually up because of their labor costs and because of their rental costs. so they pass those down on to you the consumer. you're bert off having a cookout at home. beef prices are at a three-year low, rivaling the cost of chicken and pork. very cheap right now, which is why we saw a lot of people over the fourth of july go gang busters. >> at the grocery store. >> loading up on beef. >> it's always a little bit cheaper. you're saving twice. >> and it's healthier. >> all right. >> you're all set. >> cook out at
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who's coming? >> i'm in! thanks, diane. >> you can get more info at our facebook page stay with us, you're watching "world news now."
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every year, kids miss 22 million school days due to illness. lysol disinfectant spray kills viruses that cause the cold & flu. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power.
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oftgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. ♪ ♪ hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog ♪ ♪ hot dog, hot dog, no problem solved ♪ ♪ hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog ♪ >> today might be -- >> for those of you who have kids out there, specifically in the 3 and below set. my son watches mickey mouse, and. >> that's the song they do. >> i know every word, regrettably. >> today is national hot dog day. >> hot dog
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1 9d hl hot dogs. >> i don't eat beef or pork. fun facts, can you believe, 19 billion hot dogs are eaten annually in the u.s. >> this surprised me a little bit i have to say. the most popular condiment is mustard, then onion, chili and sauerkraut. >> i would assume that -- >> what are you doing? >> i don't know. it's fun to dress it up. i would assume mayonnaise would be a big condiment. >> you would think so. >> i guess not. the world's most expensive hot dog was actually sold in tokyo. it was a seattle dog for 169 dollar. >> i wonder if it was wagyu. >> i don't know that snapchat did
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the internet's going crazy over the dancing hot dog filter on snapchat. a lot of players -- a lot of athletes have been having fun with it. >> we had mr. hot dog in the makeup room. >> it's kind of creepy. >> it is creepy. >> but it infiltrates any piece of video that you have. and speaking of catsup. >> a lot of chicagoans are not a fan of catsup on their hot dog, that's taboo. so heinz as come up with a sur ep tishs way of getting you to use it. they call it chicago dog sauce. >> this new product called chicago dog sauce. it's actually just like catsup. they just rebranded it and called it chicago dog sauce. try to fool the folks in chicago to finally
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hot dog. >> it looks just like this. >> it may be fun to -- i know i'm goi
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this morning on "world news now." what's next for the nation's health care system? >> after the republican bill failed to make it through the senate, politicians are now playing the blame game as coverage for millions of americans hangs in the balance. what would a repeal now/replace later plan look like? and new this morning, what we're learning about an additional, previously undisclosed meeting between president trump and the russian leader, vladimir putin at that global summit, with trump tweeting about the report overnight, calling it fake news. we're going to unpack the real news about this just ahead. and police in l.a. are on the hunt for a suspect known as the oceans 11 bandit. he takes on a ceiling to spray paint over security cameras,


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