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tv   World News Now  ABC  July 19, 2017 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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this morning on "world news now." what's next for the nation's health care system? >> after the republican bill failed to make it through the senate, politicians are now playing the blame game as coverage for millions of americans hangs in the balance. what would a repeal now/replace later plan look like? and new this morning, what we're learning about an additional, previously undisclosed meeting between president trump and the russian leader, vladimir putin at that global summit, with trump tweeting about the report overnight, calling it fake news. we're going to unpack the real news about this just ahead. and police in l.a. are on the hunt for a suspect known as the oceans 11 bandit. he takes on a ceiling to spray paint over security cameras,
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except one thing he di didndn'tk of, the cameras outside the store. how about a good old-fashioned game of tag? perhaps this kind of tag looks a little different than the game we all played as kids. that's because they're actually getting paid to play it. what are we doing wrong with our lives? where did we go wrong? it is wednesday, july 19th. from abc news, this is "world news now." did we get paid? no. no. no. i didn't get a check at all. >> i just got my face in the dirt by my two younger brothers. that's all i o ggot from playin tag. >> thank you for being with us while diane is spearfishing. >> the claps. what a busy day to have you back here, a lot of things happening in washington as usual. the president
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rps tod republicans today after that stunning defeat of the health care bill. >> the president has invited all gop senators to the white house for lunch. after seven years to replace and repeal obamacare imploded. >> now the president says it's time to let obamacare fail. emily row has the latest. >> reporter: president trump expressing his disappointment. >> when we finally get a chance to repeal and replace, they don't take advantage of it. >> reporter: the devastating blow to the senate's health care plan coming late monday when two more republicans defected, effectively killing the bill. >> this has been a very, very challenging experience for all of us. >> reporter: republican majority leader, mitch mcconnell quickly proposing a new plan. repeal now and have two years to replace. but three gop senators already saying that's a no-go. >> i do not think that it is going to be constct
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repeal a law that at this point is so interwoven within our health care system. >> reporter: and after doing little to help sell the bill, the president, not shouldering any of the blame and suggesting a different plan. >> let obamacare fail. it will be a lot easier. we're not going to own it. i'm not going to own it. i can tell you, the republicans are not going to own it. we'll let obamacare fail and the democrats will come to us and say how do we fix it, how do we fix it. mitch mcconnell still wants to have that vote to repeal obamacare even though he likely doesn't have the votes to pass. and he said on tuesday the vote will likely happen sometime early next week. kendis and ariel? >> thank you. a lot to wait and see. and new information coming in this morning about a previously undisclosed conversation between president trump and russian president putin on the sidelines of the g-20 summit. >> it took place hours after the two leaders sat down for their official meeting,
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say the only other person who knows what they talked about is a russian translator. now the president defended the interaction on twitter last night, denying that it was secret. >> he slammed the story as sick and fake news, saying the press new about the encounter. we are joined with the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. if president trump's latest tweets have you scratching your head, here is what we know to be true about his meetings with president putin. up until last night there were two meetings that we knew about. first handshake, a brief hello, and then this photo op. but on monday night, ian brehmer, an american political scientist said there was actually a third meeting during this official dinner, where putin was seated next to melania trump. he said president trump walked over there for a talk, that it lasted for an hour and that trump relied on putin's translator during tha
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now the white house confirmed that meeting did take place, but they're pushing back on the idea that it was hidden in any way. one official said the two men spoke only briefly which brings us back to the president's tweets. trump tweeted that the press knew about the dinner, which is true, but he's also calling the story fake news, which it's not. yes, the dinner was public, but the one on one meeting wasn't. and there are still questions about the length and content of that meeting. now because the white house hasn't always been forthcoming when it comes to sharing details about meetings, particularly in those involving russian officials it doesn't look like those questions are going to go away anytime soon. >> yeah, the reporter who broke this saying they actually met privately for an hour for that meeting. we'll see what we hear from the white house. appreciate it. a man the president once accused of giving our country away to china is the president's choice to be ambassador to russia. >> lot of interesting developments today. former utah governor john
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nominated for the post. he served as ambassador to china for two years under president obama. and and president trump criticized his policy with the chinese. and a minneapolis officer is providing new details about the deadly shooting of a bride to be. mohamed noor pulled the trigger, but it was his partner, officer hairity who is responding to questions. hairity says he was startled by a loud noise and immediately, damond walked up to the car. that's when officer noor in the passenger seat fired through the open driver's side window strike damond. officers immediately began cpr. damond's father in australia, though, pleading for the truth. >> we thought yesterday was our worst nightmare, but we woke to the ugly
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we only ask that the light of justice shine down on the circumstances of her death. >> so officer noor has not given a statement about the incident, and he can't be compelled to actually speak about it. investigators are hoping a man who was seen riding a boix icycn the area before the shooting will come forward for questioning. more bad news for chipotle. they have temporarily shut down a location outside washington, d.c. this comes after multiple reports of customers getting sick after eating at the chipotle in sterling bein, virg. they've been working to bounce back in scares a couple years ago. police are looking for the oceans 11 bandit. surveillance video
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bandit forcing an employee back. and a jewel thief is free on bail. joyce maine wpayne was arrested atlanta. this time she's charged with grabbing $86 worth of items from a walmart. payne was the subject of a 2013 documentary. she stole her first piece of jewelry, we're told, when she was 10. >> an illustrious career there. you know who might not be able to get away? >> who? >> these guys. check out snail racing in england. dozens of people came out to watch. a nail named u-slime-bolt did not win. >> some snails were
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over each other, trying to get to the finish line, but in the end, it was a snail named larry that won the championship. larry moving at a snail's pace there. >> he posed on some lettuce leaves with his owner, wildly celebrating. that competition actually started like four months ago, and it just ended. it did. >> it creeped on by. crept, i should say. crept on by. it is liabilike the world cup. >> so much for u-slime-bolt. the photographer who's trying to save the world one photograph at a time. and what every parent needs to know about newborns and germs. and find us on facebook and twitter. you're watching "world news now." i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out
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then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare surance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare...
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and there you have it. that soft boom, and then a cloud of dust that has 70-year-old paper mill smokestack demolished in michigan. the mill has been closed for years and city officials were worried they would come down on their own. demolition of the second is soon. let's hope it's as exciting. a wildfire has forced the complete evacuation of a town. the detwiler fire has grown to more than 25,000 acres. it is threatening hundreds of homes and at least eight structures have been destroyed. it stretches all the way to idaho. yosemite national park is filling with smoke. the park itself open, but several roads leading up to it are closed and electricity inside the park has been on and off because of
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miami police are trying to unravel the death of a 10 year old caused by a powerful opioid. fentanyl killed austin banks. they're not sure how he came in contact with the drug. they do not believe he got it at hole. prosecutors say it could have been on a towel at that pool. ochlt it is a warning every new parent should hear. a newly wed couple blaming the death of their baby on a kiss. >> reporter: this little girl, baby marianna, losing her life at just 18 days old after her parents say she contracted from a deadly virus, possibly from an innocent kiss. nicole documenting it on facebook. saying they hope their story will save the lives of other
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marianna was born healthy on july 1st. one week later, her parents say she stopped eating and they rushed her to a des moines hospital. doctors diagnosing her with the same virus that causes cold sores, a type of herpes, that took her life. >> it's pretty rare to get it from a kiss, but it does happen. >> reporter: but both parents tested negative for the virus, leading doctors to say she could have caught it from a family member who simply kissed her. she had six blood transfusions, was airlifted to another hospital and on monday lost her battle with the virus. her mother writing, our princess gained her angel wings at 8:41 this morning. marianna's mom and dad want to warn other parents to be careful when letting other people kiss their newborn. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> really an important warning for parents. i have a 2-year-old, and i wanted everyone kissing my
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and mouth, obviously, because you don't want to transmit bacteria there. >> if it's dormant -- >> you don't know if somebody's infected. coming up in our next half hour, the lpga's new stricter dress code cracking down on plunging necklines and short skirts. one pro, though, is striking back. but first, the photographer using his talent to save endangered species. how he's doing it. you're watching "world news now."
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♪ famed animal photographer joe sarturi has used his career to tell the story of some of the most exotic creatures. >> and now his photos to save the lives of endangered ones. we're up all nightline with gio benitez. >> it's like a $6,000 camera, don't you know that? >> reporter: getting that perfect shot isn't always easy. just ask wildlife photographer, joel sarturi. >> see how it all fits? >> reporter: i heard about a crane getting a little testy with you. >> there was a hornbill trying to draw blood a little
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>> reporter: it's all in a day's work. >> the goal is to get all 13,000 or so species that are in human care. 6500 down so far. >> reporter: his photos and how he captures them are the subject of a new three-part series, rare photos of the creatures. sartore and his team traveled to five couldn't nents photographing these creatures in captivity. the results are these stunning portraits. some of sartore's images have gone viral, even projected onto major world landmarks like the vatican and empire state building. you're shopping. >> i am shopping. >> reporter: we met him at the bronx zoo where he hopes to shoot for
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some people will say, wait a minute, this is about seeing animals in captivity. but you see zoos and zookeepers as heroes. >> oh, yeah, they are conservation centers. for many of the species that i photograph, they only exist in zoos now. they're extinct in the wild. >> reporter: according to a new study, earth is on the brink of its sixth mass extinction. nearly 200 species have vanished in the past century. >> we are on track to lose half of all species by 2100 if not more. >> reporter: half. >> this is my desperate attempt to get people's attention. >> reporter: he also hopes to show some of the world's smaller, threatened species, like the lower keys marsh rabbit that is almost gone. he also goes on a taxing hike in cameroon, looking for the rare cross river gorilla, but instead finds beetles in a pile of dung.
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difference. people say what's your favorite animal? i always say it's the next one. >> reporter: his project will take it 25 years to complete. and for you, this isn't just a photo project. >> 100% a conservation project. i'm not doing it so i have something to do until i die. i want people to wake up and realize, as these species go away, so could we. we're talking about the future of life on earth. >> reporter: gio benitez, new york. >> it has had a successful effect. in australia, his photos of injured koalas prompted the government to help recognize them as endangered species. >> it's taken him ten years to put these pictures together. he's a 25 year veteran. they're beautiful photos. >> it's something he'll do straight through till he dies. he does it on vacation, he hijacks family vacations and tries to find
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have taken the childhood game of tag and turned it into a professional sport. >> they're getting paid bucks, just to do that. >> they are. >> why are we here? one laugh, and hello sensitive bladder. ring a bell? then you have to try always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. for incredible protection... snap! so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. i've discovered incredible bladder leak underwear that hugs every curve. can't tell i'm wearing it, can you? always discreet underwear. for bladder leaks.
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♪ it is your wednesday mix. and we're going to start with something that we're all familiar with from grade school. the game of tag. we would just kind of abuse each other for free. but these guys are the pros. so apparently, there's an entire tag competition that takes place all around the world. people from japan, france and even australia. and these are some highlights of the tag championship. look at that. >> smooth. >> so the league says that we are dedicated to the promotion and enjoint of the most-played and universal game in history. >> people really chasing their dreams.
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else i guess. who knew that we could do that. do you know how to get revenge on a snoring spouse? >> just put a pillow over their face and leave it there in. >> that's one way and illegal and scare ey, but this is anoth way. >> i hadn't thought about it. >> i hope that was not premeditated. a woman decided to do this. she recorded her husband snoring for four years and then remixes it to the song "despacito." check it out. ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ despacito >> the guy's trying to make the donuts. >> i mean, why do we even need justin bieber or any of the other. >> are those the words for it? those are more words than jb
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that is brilliant. it's a perfect sort of revenge. >> it is. so we have seen plenty of overpriced items. $800 birkenstocks that have taken really the luxury shoe trend a little too far. >> should be gold gilded. what on earth? >> they're a strictly limited edition, nautical themed sandals with naturally oiled leather. arizona exquisite is what it's called. >> i thought you could get birkenstocks for $70. >> $70 is still outrageous. we leave you with a silly goose, a running goose, have you ever made to feel inferior? taking off there, right into the
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sunset. this is grandma goose on the
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this morning on "world news now," president trump firing back overnight at what he calls fake news. an additional and undisclosed meeting with russian president putin earlier this month that was kept secret from the media, and what we're learning about their conversation. and president trump expressing disappointment over the current state of the republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare, saying he'd rather let the current system fail. will democrats be brought to the table for a new plan? details ahead. and new this half hour, the bizarre story involving a puppy stolen from a nfl star. >> the wide receiver who says that a rapper stole his puppy, blitz, calling for ransom.


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