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tv   World News Now  ABC  July 24, 2017 2:30am-3:59am EDT

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good monday morning, everyone, i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm diane macedo. >> the investigation into russian meddling hitting home for president trump as his son-in-law, jared kushner faces questions on capitol hill. and the president is tweeting about hess power to pardon. as his legal team insists pardons are not on the table. our report straight ahead. at least nine people are dead and more than a dozen others in the hospital in a tragic case of human smuggling. the victims were crammed into the back of a sweltering truck in the 100-degree heat of san antonio, texas britain, today, the
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doctors are opposed to bringing him to the unit fed states for treatment. jordan spieth is on track to become the youngest grand slam winner. he played his final five-holes at the british open, winning over matt kuchar. those are some of our stories on this monday, july 24th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> jordan spieth turning 24. >> and it's a big week for us. diane macedo is back. >> hello! i missed you a lot. when i was sitting by the pool drinking pina coladas. beautiful castles and palaces. i thought about you a lot. >> i bet. i can't wait to see the vacation pictures. you did post them? >>
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but i have plenty. we begin this hour with president trump focussing on his agenda as stories of russia overshadow the white house. >> the president will give a statement on health care later this afternoon. we're not sure what he plans to say, but a tweet, warnings for republicans if they don't repeal and replace obamacare. >> and his son-in-law, jared kushner will face questions from investigators. and donald trump jr. and paul manafort will be behind closed doors. >> reporter: the white house struggled to explain where the president stands on pardons, after he tweeted this weekend, all agree, the u.s. president has the complete power to pardon. >> i'm in the oval office with the president last week. we're talking about that. he says, he brought that up, he says, but he doesn't have to be pardoned. there's nobody around him that has to be pardoned. he was just making the statement about the
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>> reporter: the constitution does give the president broad powers to pardon, but a president has never pardoned himself. president trump's private lawyer says there's been no talk of pardons. >> while it makes for interesting academic ski discussions, let me tell you what the legal team is not doing. we're not researching the issue because the issue of pardons is not on the table. there's nothing to pardon from. >> reporter: the new white house communications team was on the offensive. >> listen, there's obviously a communications problem. >> the top three issues that americans care about is immigration, health care and jobs. the top three that the news cares about is russia, russia and russia. >> reporter: even though the intelligence community insists otherwise. >> somebody said to me yesterday, i won't tell you who, that if the russian actually hacked this situation and spilled out those e-mails, you would have never seen it. >> reporter: when pressed about his source. >> how about it was the president.
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one. and he basically said, you know, maybe they did it, maybe they didn't do it. >> reporter: this week, the president's son-in-law, jared kushner, heads to capitol hill to be interviewed behind closed doors, by the senate and house committees investigating russian meddling. this weekend, kushner revised his financial disclosures, yet again, having inadvertently omitted 77 assets worth at least $10 million. he and his wife ivanka reported personal assets of between206 million and $760 million. while jared kushner is headed to capitol hill, we're not expecting to see don jr. or paul manafort there. the senate committee originally wanted them to testify on wednesday and even threatened them with subpoenas but backed down from that after the committee said the two agreed to negotiate to share documents. committee members have a lot of questions for them, and they still hope to hear from them
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david wright, abc news, the white house. >> he's the worst snitch ever. like i'm not going to tell you who, but it rhymes with crump. [ laster ] >> it starts with a p and ends with resident. >> that's awesome. welcome to the communications department. >> there are some conflicting responses now from the white house to a sweeping bipartisan package on russian sanctions that the house is expected to vote on as early as tomorrow. >> the legislation would require the president to get permission from congress before lifting or easing sanctions against russia. newly promoted press secretary sarah sanders told abc this week that the president now backs the bill. >> the administration is supportive of being tough on russia, technically in putting these sanctions in place. the original piece of legislation was
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but we were able to work with the house and senate and the administration is happy with the ability to do that and make those changes that were necessary. >> but on a different sunday news program, the communications director says the president hasn't made a decision on the measure as yet. the bill could reach his desk before congress breaks for the august recess. and russia is replacing its u.s. ambassador at the center of allegations into election meddling. sergei kislyak's tenure has ended. members of the trump campaign were forced to resign. it also prompted jeff sessions to recuse himself from the investigation and caused jared kushner to amend his security clearance form. and at least two people are dead and others wounded after a shooting in israel. a jordanian man attacked an israeli security guard with a screwdriver. israeli authorities say the security guard opened fire after
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from afghanistan. a suicide car bombing has killed at least 24 people in kabul. more than three dozen other people were wounded. you see the scenes and video we're getting in moments ago. the attacker rammed a car into a mini bus, carrying government workers. no one so far has claimed responsibility. but it should be noted that both isis and the taliban have staged attacks in kabul in recent history. pope francis speaking out about the deadly tensions over jerusalem's temple mount. the pontiff made a plea for moderation and dialog while addressing crowds at the vatican. the temple has seen clashes when some were shot two weeks ago. and people in the midwest will be cleaning up this morning from severe storms over the weekend. hundreds of utility crews are working through the night in the kansas city area to restore service to tens of thousands of customers. the srm
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damage, knocking down trees and snapping utility polls. towns in northwestern illinois and in iowa and wisconsin are waiting for floodwaters to recede after this weekend's heavy rains. there could be flash flooding again in the southwest today. let's check in with accuweather's paul williams. paul, good morning. >> good morning to you as well, diane, and welcome back from your trip. good morning to you, kendis. >> widespread scattered showers are going to cover the four corners area. and that's going to and good thing, providing some fire relief. so yeah, we're expecting inland thunderstorms, staying pretty numerous, covering a good portion of arizona and new mexico. but we'll have some problems with flooding. severe storms likely to touch off through winnipeg, down through dismark and rapid city. rapid city's going to warm crazy warm with the chance of isolated coverage tornados and
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excessive rain. >> temperatures today in san antonio expected to be 103, paul. thank you. a massive fire has destroyed an apartment complex in a boston suburb. residents report hearing several explosions during the eight-alarm fire. the complex was nearly complete. the project was built almost entirely of wood. yesterday's latino festival parade was canceled. on sunday, john mccain tweeted a photo of himself relaxing with a friend, dipping their feet in a creek. on saturday, his daughter meghan mccain of shared a photo after the two had just finished a hike. it can be rough,es person any washington, d.c. where a man
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trashed. not the way you think. >> rescue workers had to pull him out of a trash chute. he dropped his cell phone and lost his balance trying to find it. workers pumped in fresh air. luckily he was not hurt. no word on the condition of the cell phone. >> did he get the cell phone? and an ohio mom says she is only ordering pizza the old-fashioned way from now on after using an app that didn't work out so well for her. >> so jimmy stead wanted a pie with pepperoni from dominoes. so she used the new app but forgot a few things like the tomato sauce and the cheese. >> ah, dominoes delivered exactly what she asked for. a crust and some pepperoni. >> what's the problem here? >> that prompted a response from digiorno, offering ten free pizzas, all with cheese and sauce.
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>> apparently. her son had a good laugh at her expense over this one. the way the app works, you build your own pizza. you check-off all the ingredients that you want. but she assumed cheese and sauce were a given and she'd have to put on the extras. >> i would do the same thing. >> that pepperoni bread looks pretty good. >> i'm sure they ate it still. coming up, tagging humans with microchips. why one company in wisconsin wants to start implanting its employees, and how they're trying to sell it as a convenience rather than an invasion of privacy. but first, the rescue of two elephants stranded in the sea. we'll show you how it ended. ist, here's a look at today's temperatures. "world news now" weather, brought to you by flex seal.
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♪...nausea, heartburn,♪ indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪
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for the second time this month, sri lanka's navy has rescued elephants swept out to sea. the pair was about a half-mile out to sea. sailors, navy divers brought them to shore. they're said to be okay. two weeks ago, an elephant was saved after it was discovered eight miles into the indian ocean. >> wow. wandered quite far. >> swimming out there.
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out of a sci-fi flick. a wisconsin company is saying it will soon be offering microchip implants for employees. >> josh rosenfeld from kstv reports. >> reporter: at three square market in river falls a team of programmers designed software forebreak room markets, like this one. brief it or not, this is the reason. they're about to do this to more than 50 of their employees. >> it's the next thing that's inevitably going to happen, and we want to be a part of it. >> reporter: the concept is pretty simple. just like how you can buy something nowadays using your phone. what if you could use a microchip inside your hand instead. you're going to show us how this could potentially work. >> yeah, this is considered a brake room mark break room in an office complex. we'll come up, scan the item, hit pay with credit card. and it's asking to swipe my
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my hand up, just like the cell foechb phone, and it will pay for my product. >> reporter: instead of a credit card. >> correct, because my microchip is now my credit card. >> reporter: more than 50 employees are having them inserted next week. not only will they be able to buy things, they will be able to get into the front door and log into computers. each chip costs $300. it goes between your thumb and forefinger and todd westby says it is encrypted and secure. >> reporter: if i'm one of your employees and i have this chip in my hand, you won't know that josh is slacking off? >> no, there's no gps tracking at all. >> reporter: employees aren't required to get the chip. one of those choosing to is a hockey coach, curt jiles. if someone told you back in the day when youe
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ice playing with the north stars that you're going to have a chip implanted in your hand, you're going to use it to pay for stuff, get in and out of building, what would you have thought? >> i would have thought about a chipped tooth but not the technology we're talking about today. >> good one. >> i don't like that. >> i don't like that idea at all. >> that freaks me out. >> i like walking into the barbara walters building with our card checking in and barbara saying "welcome to abc." that's what i like. >> "welcome to abc news." the micro chips are about the size of a grain of rice. they say if you change your mind you can pop it out. >> really? huh, all right. if you want brown rice, is that extra? >> ow! coming up, britain's princes opening up about their mother, princess diana. the touching new memories they're sharing as the 20th anniversary of her dth
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>> only the guacamole. ♪harry's meeting clients... ♪...from far away. but they only see his wrinkles.♪ ♪if only harry used some... ♪...bounce, to dry. ♪he would be a less wrinkly, winning guy.♪
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as the 20th anniversary of princess diana's death approaches her sons are sharing touching memories of their mother. >> reporter: william and harry's intimate portrait of princess diana. speaking for the first time about the mother only they knew. on the 20th anniversary of her death, the sons cherishing her memories in this new documentary. >> this is the first time that the two of us have ever spoken about her as a mother. organizably, probably a little too raw up until this point. it's still raw. >> reporter: william saying he thinks of his mom every day. harry, recalling her playful nature. >> all i can hear is her laugh. in my head. and that sort of
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where there's just pure happiness shown on her face. one of her mottos to me is you can be as naughty as you want, just don't get caught. >> reporter: harry can still feel the hugs his mom used to give. both sons still agonizing over their last phone call with her the night she died in paris. harry, speaking of the deep regret over rushing off the phone. if i'd known that was the last time i'd speak to my mother, the things i would have said to her. looking back on it now, it is incredibly hard. >> there's not many days that go by that i don't think of her. her 20th anniversary year feels like a good time to remember, you know, all the good things about her and hopefully provide, maybe, a different side that others haven't seen before. >> reporter: william adding that he thinks diana would have loved being a grandmother and thinks she would have been the type of grandmother who showed up right
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children up. eva pilgrim, abc news, new york. >> i like that motto. >> that's a good motto. that's another motto. ♪ vacation's all -- >> we're going to look at diane's vacation pics. oon, you may want more than parts a and b here's why. medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. you might want to consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any medicare supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. you could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust... or go with someone new.
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new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. ♪ ♪ girls trip >> you had a girls trip, a ladies trip. want to welcome back diane after a well-deserved vacation. while you were gone, there was a bit of confusion over where exactly you were. >> i wonder where that confusion came from. >> i have no idea. >> welcome back. >> slow clap. it's been a child. >> it's been a while. diane is swimming with turtles in the galapagos right now. >>
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hiking kilimanjaro. >> diane is spearfish, in the great barrier reef of australia. >> diane is backpacking in bu taun this morning. >> feeling sary for her. >> diane is cruising with oprah winfrey this morning. erielle is here with us. >> i can't tell you what it was like being on vacation, showing my husband all the messages i was getting, how's kilimanjaro. how did you get to the great barrier reef? how's gayle? how's oprah? it took me a minute to realize what was going on. someone told that i was in rehab on my honeymoon. i was in croatia. this is in a national park there. absolutely beautiful. crystal clear blue water and of course gorgeous water falls pretty much anywhere you went.
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this is a little town there, the scene of some of the shots of "game of thrones," and there i am accidently matching the sign. >> color-coordinated. >> that was unplanned. awkward. we move on to havar. it is at the top of the mountain, and we rented a boat. that's me playing skipper. they actually let me drive a boat. watch out, everybody. >> was everybody okay? >> everybody was okay. nobody got injured. we did not capsize. >> at what point did your husband roll his eyes and say i'm another instagram husband? >> no, these are mostly selfies. so we are in king's landing. we missed the first episode of "game of thrones" but we went to kings landing. that's me practicing my shame pose. >> shame. shame. >> these are the stairs for that scene. >> those are the shame stairs. >> those are the shame stairs, so of course that's where i
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belonged. welcome, off you go to the shame stairs. >> you did get revenge. >> such a beautiful
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this morning on "world news now." millions of americans facing severe weather. >> overnight there's flooding in several states as torrential rains move into the northeast. and a busy day on tap for the trump administration. the president will make an announcement on health care this afternoon. this as his son-in-law faces investigators in the russian probe. then, a man is suing a state lottery commission over a denied jackpot. hear why the state is refusing to pay out the $5 million prize, even though the man has the winning scratchoff ticket. and then an olympic swimming legend versus one of the world's most feared predators. michael phelps racing
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it is must-see tv unless you actually see it. >> i hope that's not phelps. >> that was phelps. it was good while it lasted. who came out on top? [ laughter ] >> on this monday, july 24th. from abc news, this is "world news now." that was an unfortunate edit. >> we don't know how it all ended up. >> we will leave you all in suspense and come back to that. welcome back, you weren't planning on coming back for several days and you found out it's national tequila day. >> i demanded to be home. >> welcome back. >> mine is empty. it's 5:00 somewhere. well, good morning to you all. we're going to start things off with flash flood watches. >> you can seat storms on the
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there's flooding in towns in northern maryland and much of pennsylvania and about a fourth of the flights into and out of new york, philadelphia, washington, d.c., their airports understand bring delayed. >> and a waterspout off southern new jersey after storms battered the midwest. adrian bankert has the details. >> reporter: destruction across the midwest. powerful floodwater the ravage entire towns. and the storm's not over yet. this home carried two football fields away from his foundation in mason county, kentucky. look at it teetering right on the edge of a river. >> we looked outside and seen our neighbor's house. our house is turned and we got out. >> reporter: dozens more rescued from the raging waters. and the desperate search for one man, missing after his house was swept away. up to half a foot of rain overwhelming streets, piling up
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>> this is epic for us. we've never had anything like this. >> reporter: in fair bank, iowa, nearly the entire town desperately filling sandbags, trying to barricade interest homes. a similar scene in illinois, the galena river rising. >> there is a storm coming and lightning is on its way. >> reporter: and in indianapolis. race officials temporarily suspend the brickyard 400 after lightning was reported in the area. adrian bankert, abc news, new york. >> there are also severe storms expected in the south and southwest. >> we'll get the details right now from paul williams. good morning. >> good morning, kendis, diane. thunderstorms will now expand throughout the southwest. that's a bit of good news with a little bit of a twist. first of all, we're expecting the rain to reach into the four corners region, from california, to idaho, wyoming, montana. it's going to provide wildfire relief. however, it will come with the cave
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the moisture surge will feed feed into into a frenzy of storms. the entire south ooet, atlaneas florida. downpours will be widespread. we're looking for scattered showers begin to migrate to portions of the deep south. we're learning new details this morning about a human trafficking tragedy in san antonio, texas. nine people are dead after being found inside a sweltering 18 wheeler parked outside a walmart. nearly 20 others rescued interefrom that tractor-trailer in extreme condition. the victims are being remembered with memorials and vigils. some of the survivor the are from mexico an and at least two others from guatemala. >> folks were literally baking in the texas sun and did not have access to water. >> we
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do an airline crash, any major incident. >> all of those dead are men. authorities say at one point, more than 100 people may have been on that truck. the alleged driver has a court appearance this morning. >> temperatures over the weekend there were in the triple digits. moving on now, president trump delivering a statement from the white house today on health care, this as republicans prepare to hold a key vote. the president issued a warning last night, tweeting if republicans don't repeal and replace obamacare, repercussions will be far greater than any of them understand. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is holding a procedural vote this week, but it's not clear whether it would call for repeal and replace or repeal only. jared kushner heads to capitol hill today to meet with congressional investigators. he'll be questioned as allegations linking the trump campaign to russia continue to plague the white house. and there's some mixed messages from the white house about whether the president is now looking into his power to
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pardon. abc's brian clark has the latest. >> reporter: jared kushner heads to capitol hill to be questioned behind closed doors by the senate and house committees investigating russian meddling. >> i'm confident that when jared kushner speaks and i'll keep my fingers crossed in saying this to you, it will probably be the last time he has to talk about russia. >> reporter: the white house trying to move past the media attention on russia. >> there's a ton of focus on what i like to call russia fever. >> reporter: the white house struggling to stand on where the president stands on pardons, leading some to wonder if he'd pardon himself. >> the issue of pardons is not on the table. there's nothing to pardon from. >> reporter: and according to a poll, the democrats will unveil their economic agenda monday. >> what do democrats stand for? a better deal for working families. higher wages, less costs. >> reporter: brian clark, abc
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news, new york. and today's the final hearing in the ongoing legal battle for a terminally ill british baby. charlie gard's parents want to bring him to the u.s. for experimental treatment. but british doctors treating him say his case is hopeless. the rill boy suffers from a rare, genetic disorder. the judge will hear findings by an american doctor who examined the baby. a california man is in a multi-million dollar fight with the lottery commission. >> he says he has a winning $5 million scratch-off ticket, but they won't give him the cash because his 16-year-old son bought the ticket forehim. the vendor never told his son he was too young to buy the ticket. >> that doesn't seem fair. >> complicated. well, marines are trained to be tough and combat ready. >> their kids, however, aren't always so
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that little guy's 4-year-old gauge. he is giving a big hug to emily. she and gauge's dad tied the knot in western new york. >> so gage became a little overwhelmed after hearing vows his new step mom wrote for him. >> i never gave you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you. >> oh, he's totally overwhelmed. the new couple, by the way, is still on active duty, meaning no honeymoon for them. >> but they'll have a lifetime of that. clearly husband and wife head back to their base in new jersey in a few days. her words, i may not have given you the gift of life. but you have given me the lifetime of a gift. a big congratulations to them.
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lines as coalition-backed forces attempt to drive out the islamic state. and five people were forced to cling to an overturned boat and a cooler as the coast guard races in to help. see how the boat's crew did everything right to stay alive. and do remember to find us on facebook at twitter, abcwnn. and on instagram at abcwnn. you're watching "world news now."
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not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. i wneverever wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every strand stronger because strong is beautiful.
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check out this dramatic video of five people being rescued from a capsized boat. the coast guard received a mayday call that a boat was taking on water. just minutes later, the boat capsized. now the coast guard responded with a spotter airplane and two boats and got everyone out safely. they say the people on board did everything right, including setting off flares, and they
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jackets. >> and you're supposed to stay with the vessel itself so they can spot you. they hung onto the cooler there, which i've done in the ocean, open seas, it was not easy. >> was it full of beer? >> no, that's a reason i would have held on, but no, it is not an easy thing. i can guarantee. you're supposed to empty it first. pentagon officials will face congressional leaders to answer claims they wasted nearly $30 million on afghan army uniforms. a report found the uniforms have a camouflage pattern. woodlands cover just 2% of the terrain. they were chosen by the country's defense minister. they were bought without any test to determine their effectiveness in the battle. and turning to the front lines in syria, the u.s.-led coalition is hoping to knock out isis, pushing them out of their de facto headquarters in the city of raqqah. >> as they retreat, authorities
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discoveries, including a whole lot of drugs. >> ian pannell is there. >> reporter: driving into the heartland of isis, going forward with american-backed forces. until recently, the militants controlled this land. we're heading to the front lines with the christian fighters who are taking on the militants. they take us to a make-shift mosque set up by isis. this is the flag of isis here. we find evidence of drug abuse. you can see a needle there. a sign of the pressure the militants now face. america's sending vehicles and guns to local forces. foreign volunteers have joined the fight against isis, from america. to europe. >> the least i can do is fight and resist them and fight back. >> reporter: let me just explain, the sound you can hear is a u.s. military fire base very nearby. the sound you can hear is the sound of mortars
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american war machine gives to the local force is incredibly strong. >> reporter: he leads a local unit. the young syrian kurd joined straight from high school. she says she's fighting to protect and liberate the people. but she's worried the troops don't have the guns or protection they need. this is the enemy. isis in raqqah, standing and fighting to the death as shown if their own propaganda film. we've now come up to one of the front line positions. the fighters here are holding this ground, trying to protect other fighters who are trying to move forward. they've been attacked by isis snipers. life ends quickly here. the day after we met her she was killed. she was just 24 years old. it seemed everyone we met knew someone who'd died. and privately, the american coalition admits that like mosul, a long, drawnout and bloody
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ian pannell, in northern iraq. >> we hope his crew stays safe. coming up, the deepening mystery in louisiana, involving the wife of a fire chief. it turns out her death was not caused by the fire that engulfed their home. the surprising clue that's now surfaced. but first, phelps versus shark, the most decorated olympians squares off against one of nature's most fierce sea creatures. we'll show you who one. every year, kids miss 22 million school days due to illness. lysol disinfectant spray kills viruses that cause the cold & flu.
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♪ [ laughter ] >> so jordan spieth is ticking off the boxes, heading into the pga championship for the chance to become the youngest career grand slam winner. >> the 23-year-old texan played his final five-holes yesterday five under par and closed with a three-shot victory over matt
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he is calling it a dream come true. >> i am going to thoroughlien j joy this. you don't realize the significance until you hit a low, a pit fall. and this is as much of a high as i've ever experienced in my golfing life. and i'm going to enjoy it more than i've enjoyed anything that i've accomplished in the past. >> he turns 24 on thursday. >> woo-hoo. >> and he didn't wait for that. fellow golfer, justin thomas shared this video of spieth swilling something out of the official jug there. >> it was water for sure. definitely water. >> i'm sure it was water. >> got to stay hydrated. >> maybe he was celebrating national tequila day. meanwhile, in the world of professional cycling, chris
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froome has won and is one win behind the record holders. lance armstrong won seven but was stripped of them in 2012 for doping. and the u.s. will face jamaica on wednesday night in santa clara, california. >> jamaica drove them crazy. gentlem jamaican me crazy. now one for the times. >> at least for as long as
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michael phelps, the 23-time olympic medalist squares off against a great white shark in south africa. it wasn't a true race. that's because the shark wasn't actually swimming next to him. the shark beat phelps by only two seconds. >> i don't like taking silver medals, but i'll take one to a great white. maybe next time we can have a better race. >> quite a few viewers were disappointed that the shark wasn't really in the water next to phelps. >> boo! >> phelps swam against the time of the shark. there were others that were disappointed that that wasn't phelps in that slow-mo right there. >> that is not phelps? >> no, that is not michael phelps. >> that would be an exciting end to the race. that's how a shark celebrates his victory. >> he doesn't have that kind of insurance plan. >> no.
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playing a video game gets the fright of his life offscreen. and meet the dog too cool for the pool. the mix is next.
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okay, so i don't know if you're a big gamer, but obviously -- >> tetrus, baby. >> there's this scary dad, he was live streaming, he's just in the middle of that game. he was loving every moment of it. he was killing some zombies, some monsters, and then -- his daughter walked in, interrupted him. freaking him out. that scream. and he goes, are you okay? [
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>> so tough in the virtual world. not so much in the real world. that's adorable. the little girl's like what's wrong with you? >> you are weird. >> so earlier, we talked about jordan spieth calling his win a dream come true on the golf course. here's another couple celebrating a dream come true on a different kind of golf course. that's richard and emily godfried. their goal is to reach 800 golf courses. they're on track to do that over the next 12 months. >> how is that there are more than 700 mini golf courses in the uk? is there nothing else to do in the uk? >> we've been to so many places and they're different and fun in their own way. >> i can't think of one other thing to do in the uk. >> minute ei golf? >> country's empty.
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britain at the 2012 world adventure golf masters. >> there are three other people who competed in that competition? who knew. this is a good thing. mcdonald's is selling a line of clothing accessories. >> ooh, i'm listening. and it's a onesie? >> the big mac onesie. it celebrates the service on uber eats. it's sort of going global. >> will they deliver the big mac onesie to me? >> we'll work on that. we would like that. >> please, mcdonald's, work on that, will you? >> they say they'll do just about anything to make their customers happy. why aren't thereisn't there a p a onesie. meet diesel, the golden retriever who not only sms
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wears his shades. he goes to the pool, fetch the his tennis ball, comes on back just as he's told. you know w
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this morning on "world news now," we have new details in the human trafficking tragedy in texas. dozens of people found in a hot semi trailer. what we're learning overnight about where those people were coming from. and the white house announcing the president will make a statement on health care this afternoon. what will he say? plus, the president's new communications team defending his claim that he has the power to pardon himself. and new this half hour, you, too can dress like conor mcgregor. >> remember the pinstripes with the special expletive message? how you can own that suit, expletive and all. and could ben affleck's days
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on team batman be numbered? hear the report that's questioning the actor's role. and what he's telling fans. we have that in "the skinny" on this july 24th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning to you all. we begin this half hour with the shocking tragedy in texas. the suspected driver of what became a fatal journey for at least nine men is now due in federal court this morning. at least 17 of those rescued from a sweltering truck in texas are now in critical condition. authorities also say that mexican nationals are among the victims as well as two guatemalans. there were dozens of people on that big rig. >> the victims are being remembered with vigils overnight here. authorities say that more than 100 people may have been packed on that 18 wheeler at one point. abc's kenneth moten is in san antonio.
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>> reporter: a deadly and horrific case of human smuggling in san antonio. federal investigators say 38 immigrants inside this tractor-trailer suffocating in excruciating heat. >> folks were literally baking in the heat of texas sun and did not have access to water. >> reporter: officials making the grim discovery. the trailer in a walmart parking lot with no air conditioning. eight people dead, 30 more rushed to the hospital. 20 in critical condition. suffering traumatic brain injuries from heatstroke and dehydration. most of them in their 20s and 30s, but at least are two young children. and one more dying at the hospital, bringing the death toll to at least nine. the u.s./mexico border 150 miles away. the stonts san antonio roads becoming main thoroughfares for smugglers. the victims could have been in that truck for hours. temperatures inside at least 140 degrees. video shows people jumping out of the truck.
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before being discovered. a worker called 911 when he spotted a man desperate for water. federal prosecutors say the driver, james matthew bradley of florida was taken into custody. >> it's a mass casualty situation for us. you treat it like you would an airline crash or any major incident. >> reporter: the acting director of ice has confirmed at many as 100 people were in the back of that truck. they are looking for those who ran, some jumped into waiting cars as the survivors fight for their lives inside this hospital. kenneth moten, abc news, san antonio. the president and his new communications team are facing a busy week as the first member of the trump family is set to talk on capitol hill. as part of the russia probe. >> here's what's happening today in d.c. the president is expected to deliver remarks about health care this afternoon at the white house. his son-in-law will be questioned by investigators with the senate
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committee, not actual senators. and democrats plan to unveil their economic agenda. a report says that president trump is asking his legal team about possible pardons for associates, family members, even himself. he has tweeted that he has complete power to pardon, but added that the only problem so far is leaks. one of his lawyers insists pardons have not been discussed. >> while it makes for interesting academic discussions, let me tell you what the legal team is not doing. we're not researching the issue. because the issue of pardons is not on the table. there's nothing to pardon from. >> in an interview later this week, chuck schumer warned what would happen if president trump were to pardon himself or to get rid of the special counsel. >> if he fired mueller or pardoned himself or someone closed to him under investigation, it would be one of the greatest, greatest breaking of rule of law, of traditional democratic norms,
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i think it would cause a cataclysm in washington. i cannot imagine a republican colleagues, including ryan and mitch mcconnell just standing by if he were to do either of those things. >> the constitution does give the president broad powers to pardon, but no president has ever pardoned himself. we're learning new details this morning about the final moments of an australian yoga instructor fatally shot by police last week. her fiance is now speaking out about their last conversation and her death. erielle reshef has the details. >> the death of justine is a loss to everyone who knew her. >> reporter: don damond is speaking out for the first time. sense t-- since the press conference following justine's death. in an interview with the "new york times," a grieving damond says he is still trying to fill in the blanks of how and why she died. he was in las vegas for work when he got a call from justine shortly before midnight. panicked about noises she was
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behind the home they shared. damopp damond, a casino manager by trade told his upset fiance to call 911. on thursday, authorities releasing the transcript of the australian yoga teacher's call. i can hear someone out the back, she says. i'm not sure if she's having sex or being raped. damond staying on the phone with his fiance until police arrived. asking her to call him back before they said good-bye. that would be the last time they talked. he says i have played this over and over in my head. why didn't i stay on the phone with her. what happened next no one could have predicted. by 12:45, he received a call, but not from his fiance. it was from police saying a woman had been shot. they believed it was justine. flying home the first thing the next morning, damond recalls, thinking there's a glitch in the matrix. i just know i'm going to wake up from this nightmare. both officers involved in the
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leave. and on friday, the mayor forcing the police chief to step down but was defiant after calls for her own resignation. >> i will not be resigning. >> reporter: officer noor is not speaking to investigators. only releasing a statement through his attorney expressing condolences to justine's family. to the west now and two wildfires erupting in southern california. one of them 30 miles east of los angeles. quickly scorching 40 acres. it was quickly moving uphill towards homes. the second fire is about 65 miles northeast of the city and prompted mandatory evacuations. more than 1 million acres have been burned, but the, by the currently active fires in the west. and the guy with apparently the best poker face in the world this year comes from new jersey. >> we're talking about scott blumstein who is $8 million richer today. he won the world series of poker. he and the
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of pennsylvania went head to head for the final 66 hands. blumstein says he's pretty tired of poker right about now. >> ya think? >> he's like choking up? >> now he's got plenty of money to take a nice, long break. exhausted. >> so you can now be a proud owner of conor mcgregor's infamous suit. just don't wear it around the kids or to church. >> that might be awkward. remember we showed you the statement outfit that he wore to the news conference for his fight with floyd mayweather. the suit was made up with pinstripes and the pinstripes were made of two words, forget you. only not forget. it starts with an f. >> find you. >> find you, yes. >> you can buy it for $6500.
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>> what? >> prepare to wait, though. there's already a three-month delay to get it. >> $6500? >> it's actually a pretty good deal on a pricey suit. >> that's not your birthday present, no dice. >> that won't work? >> no. >> you can put the sentiment. >> no, i'll wait for the knockoff version. all right, coming up. the deepening mystery surrounding the death of a wife of a fire chief in louisiana. the investigation is now taking a whole new turn after an autopsy found her death was not caused by the fire that engulfed her home last week. and o.j. simpson reacting just days after a parole board voted to release him from prison. what he's now saying this morning. and first here's a look at today's forecast. "world news now" weather, brought to you by buy to you by buy
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60% of women are wearing the w...experience leaks. introducing always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. visitors to miami's south beach had unexpected company when a six foot long alligator showed up off shore. wildlife crews captured the reptile yesterday, about two hours after it was spotted.
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after it apparently lost its way. very unusual for a gator to be in saltwater. a national forcest is -- forest is closed as authorities are searching for a man described as armed and dangerous in the pisgah national forest. philip stroop is a suspect. he fled into the park after leaving a stolen motor vehicle parked across a roadway to block it. o.j. simpson won't leave prison until sometime this fall, but his attorney says he's quote, on cloud nine. the former football and media star was granted parole last week and has been moved to protective custody within a nevada prison. simpson's attorney says, moving him is good, because there's a legitimate concern about threats. he spent nine years in jail for his part in a robbery and kidnapping. well, now to a mystery in louisiana after a fire chief's wife was found dead in a house fire. >> her body was so badly damaged that dna had to be used to identify her.
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wasn't the fire that killed her. eva pilgrim has the story. >> reporter: a louisiana mystery heating up. a fire chief's wife killed in what looked like a tragic house fire. but new information now showing it wasn't the fire that killed her. >> i can't imagine it. i can't fathom it. can't put it into words. >> reporter: for a week, most assumed she died in the fire that destroyed her home outside of new orleans. but the coroner, making a bombshell announcement during her memorial service friday evening. >> we got the information as everybody else did. >> reporter: the autopsy revealing a gunshot wound. the coroner not giving a cause of death but concluding her death was not caused by the fire. the st. tammany sheriff's office investigating at this time, not calling it a homicide nor saying if there are any suspects. >> the likelihood that this is a suicide is
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the fire was set to cover up the homicide. >> reporter: her husband was reportedly at work when the fire call came in around 2:30 friday, july 14th. >> typically, if you have someone shot and a house set on fire, it's not a stranger. it's somebody in her life. >> reporter: for now, this community gathering around her husband. as they all wait to find out what really happened to nanette krentel. eva pilgrim, abc news, new york. when we come back, ben affleck lashes out about a report that says his batman days are numbered. >> and a bnumber new for j. lo. for a just-cleaned feeling that lasts up to 4 weeks. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny
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>> nice. >> you like my skinny drum? it's been a while. i was out of practice, but i got it back. time now for "the skinny" starting with ben affleck's future with team batman. >> you have the hollywood reporter which cited unnamed sources saying that warner bros. was working on plans to usher affleck out as the batman. >> you about now aflifleck is o the offensive. chris hardwick began to bring up that issue when affleck cut him off. >> affleck said the rumors are quite blanking amazing. and he didn't use blank, either. >> affleck told the crowd that batman is the coolest in any universe and he's thrilled to do it. >> no doubt if they keep cutting him those eight-figure paychecks, although there are probably some fans that said please let it be true, please let it be true. it's not
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>> he could use those paychecks to buy the conor mcgregor suit. j. lo has songs that say "i ain't your mama", and there are some who say she's old enough, and she has kids, but she's not lookin' her age at all. >> no, baby. >> jenny from the block is celebrating her birthday today, turning 48. >> and she and her boy friend alex rodriguez celebrated their birthdays together. a-rod celebrates his 42nd birthday on thursday. >> cake all around. the celebrity couple got a jump start on celebrations over the weekend in miami where a-rod threw a surprise party for jennifer. it couldn't have been too much of a surprise, though, she was already decked out in a semi-cutout sheer mini dress. >> that's what she calls tuesday. a source tells e! news that the couple got down on the dance floor and both looked happily in love. they're pretty. they're young. they're rich. >> happy birthday.
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what's not to be happy about. >> exactly. next, something that makes me happy. channing tatum. he gave a fan a surprise of her life. >> so, you know, the magic mike star launched his own brand of born and bred vodka earlier this year, and just for a little bit of a joke, he decided to deliver the goods to several people in person who ordered online. and then this happened. >> what's up? how are you? >> holy -- >> hi. how are you? happy friday. >> i'm wearing a -- >> let me just say hi to everybody. britney jones? >> yes. >> so britney clearly took a note from ben affleck. she kept our bleepers working. she'd been working at a bacon fest. that sounds pretty awesome.
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>> if the vodka business takes off, he'll even be able to afford a real cameraman. >> i'll be with you. i'm just ordering, a really quick bottle. >> channing? >> channing? no. not yet. >> i'll try a case. >> all right. just get it anyway. even if he doesn't come with it. so finally, what could easily get the votes for the photo of the day or -- >> hold on a second. >> nicolas cage was pictured next to the first lady of kazakhstan after he dropped by to attend the 13th eurasia international film festival. >> and he chose to wear the official kazakhstan dress as well as the blank stare. >> he isn't the only a-lister in attendance. john malkovich will also drop in, but i doubt they will be as well-dressed. >> he looks like he wants to say "i drink your milk shake." >> he doesn't have any films at the festival but six in
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>> six? >> yeah. >> busy. >> what was he there in that outfit trying to plug? >> just hangin' out. >> what we do. >> what we do.
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you get to do the dishes.ed... bring 'em on. dawn ultra has 3 times more grease-cleaning power. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath.
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...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it ♪ don't be surprised ♪ i will still rise ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, >> i could not bother the frank! did frank miss you? >> frank doesn't care how much time you spend with your phone. he missed me, of course. >> ask did he even realize you were gone? >> of course he did. a high jumper was paralyzed in an accident but refused to give up. >> he even kept a long-held promise to his new bride, surprising everyone in the house at his own wedding. tom llamas has the story.
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jamie kn jamie nieto. a freak accident recently crushed his dreams and his neck. from his hospital bed days after his accident, jamie, describing what happened. >> i hit my head doing a flip. and my disc in my neck slipped and hit the nerve. and paralyzed me. >> reporter: making things even worse, he was about to get married. >> a lot of things come into perspective when something like this happens. >> reporter: jamie, vowing to his fiance, he would walk down the aisle with her. >> i think i had a little anxiety, just because i want to walk the best i can walk. >> reporter: so jamie started intense physical therapy, learning to walk again, building back his muscles to show his wife he wouldn't break his promise. and on their wedding day, jamie started out on a walker to preserve his strength as he put on his tuxedo. then came that moment. after the new couple said "i do." this home video is shaky, but
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you can see jamie right there, slowly taking the first steps with his new wife. >> this is a really special day to see him walk down that aisle and just to have him there on my arm. >> reporter: jamie's life has changed so much, and though he can't compete against other olympians, he's taking that same drive to fuel his personal come back. >> you just keep pushing and fighting, and every time you fall you get back up and try it again. >> reporter: tom llamas, abc news. >> and his doctors told him that moment might not be possible. he worked for months to make that happen. >> 15 months. he was determined, no cane, and he was going to do it on his own. no walker as well. >> the whole crowd erupted in applause and of course lots of waterworks, who could blame them. >> and stay with us. don't miss our updates on
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>>que we have more news on the backside. this is abc news "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. informing insomniacs for two decades.
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making news in america this morning, president trump is warning republicans about the consequences of not repealing and replacing obamacare. this comes as the president's son-in-law heads to capitol hill today to answer questions about russian election meddling. another busy week is getting under way and we're live in washington. also developing, the human trafficking tragedy in san antonio. authorities detailing the nationalities of those found in that scorching hot truck and mourners gathering overnight to honor the victims. new this morning the shocking street signs that have started appearing in minneapolis following the police shooting death of a woman from australia. vacation dangers, new warnings about holidays gone


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