tv Good Morning America ABC October 12, 2017 7:00am-8:59am EDT
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good morning, america. breaking news, the number of california wildfires exploding. nearly two dozen burning at this hour forcing more people from their homes overnight. an entire town of 5,000 evacuating. neighborhoods destroyed. more than 8,000 firefighters now battling the flames as winds pick up and the smoke from wine country pouring into san francisco shutting down schools, delaying flights, officials call this a worst case scenario. also breaking right now, reports one of the top isis recruiters known as the white widow is dead. was she killed in a drone strike? harvey weinstein speaks to cameras for the first time. >> you know what, we all make
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>> reportedly checking into rehab as the number of accusers grows. and now weinstein's former protege ben affleck facing questions. what he's saying about his own inappropriate behavior. and no longer a boys club, the boy scouts announcing an historic change saying they'll now accept girls for the first time in more than 100 years. now the girl scouts firing back. and we do say good morning, america, and the girl scouts just released a blistering statement. >> boy, they sure did saying the boy scouts, a house on fire and a whole lot more. more on that coming up. first the threat from those massive wildfires in california. it is growing right now. at least 22 fires burning, thousands more were forces to evacuate. >> california's top fire official is calling this a critical catastrophic event saying the fires are
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faster than firefighters can run. >> the scale of the damage is coming into focus right now. look at this drone footage showing the town of santa rosa is laid to waste right there. our senior national correspondent matt gutman is there. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, george. when you see those fires on the march you get a sense for why officials are saying there's no hope of stopping them right now. they are only trying to slow them down. there is an army of firefighters out here from a thousand different departments, five different states, now, this was the cardinal newman high school. you can see what intensity can do to places like this and with the death toll rising to 23 overnight, the focus now is not saving property, it's just saving lives. officials are calling the inferno a worst case scenario. >> these fires are just literally burning faster than firefighters can run. >> reporter: overnight the winds picking up speed spreading the fire at a feverish pace.
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this, a chilling reminder of the brutal conditions the more than 8,000 firefighters face here. as this home burns to the ground, firefighters must give up and focus on saving the houses not yet in flames. and as the fire looms over downtown sonoma, business owners scrambling to save whatever they can. >> i built 30 years my business and i'm not letting a fire take it. >> reporter: mandatory evacuations turning this riefshging communities into ghost towns. and an eerie silence hanging over many calistoga in the heart of wine country after police went door to door telling everyone in the community of 5,000 to get out now. that advanced warning not a luxury afforded to saernts, 17 miles away. there the fire swept through so fast that many first responders and residents were trapped. this video just shared by travis hahn shows his dramatic escape. so many couldn't make it out at all. we a
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park just after bob tunis found his mother's body. >> probably knocking on her door at 3:00 a.m. >> reporter: this embrace with his sister told her what she already feared. >> i hear the smoke alarms going off, coughing, coughing and i'm telling her i love her and she tells me she's going to die. she can't get out of her house. she's going to die. >> reporter: this mobile home park has been reduced to a field of ashes and just minutes ago, a victim was identified here in the rubble. law enforcement tells us when you look at the tops of those melted mobile homes, you can understand why they believe that there are more victims here. from above, the view nothing but the gray smudged outlines of where so many houses once stood. and when you look at this from up above on that camera there you can see how disastrous this was for the school. 600 kids here and right there you c
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units that have fallen through and you can make out the file cabinet. all of the school's books and servers destroyed. a sense of what these mangled metal is. school desks and hundreds here. luckily none of the students were here at the time the fire swept through, but i also want to give you a sense of why this is so dangerous for firefighters to get through these places. there are nails pretty much everywhere you look. want to show you something over here too, guys. this -- these were temporarily classrooms, not built to withstand fires like this and essentially melted as the fire swept through here. when you look at the totality here you can understand how affected this community was. schools, businesses, homes and, of course, lives, guys. >> we've never seen a fire level an entire town like that. >> the way the fires move so quickly. to ginger now and the smoke is moving into the bay area. they're even shutting down
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districts shut down, colleges and libraries shutting down. air quality this bad and it goes well beyond the fire areas. san francisco airport had one in four flights delayed. they had major delays for incoming traffic and you can see why. this is the satellite image. we will circle where the fires are. some of those high clouds get out of there and the northern edge with that north to northeast wind blowing it directly over the bay area where so many people are focused. this also hurts the firefight. the inversion traps that smoke and can't fight the fire until they can see. air quality alert, fresno and bakersfield, redding, santa barbara included. the winds and how low the humidity is going into the weekend coming up. >> we'll come back to you in a bit. now to the white house where the president is set to sign an executive order on health care this morning. he says it will give some consumers more choice and lower premiums. critics argue it will undermine the proct
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air kt. he will nominate his new secretary for homeland security. it was vacated when john kelly became white house chief of staff. now kirstjen nielsen will fill the post. he is escalating his war with the media as he pushes his tax plan and jon karl has all the latest. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning. the president has said his tax plan is a middle class miracle and now he is taking that message to those that he claims will benefit the most. in harrisburg, pennsylvania, wednesday, president trump told supporters he's happy with his life in the white house. >> i had a very good life, but you know what, i'm having a better life now and i'm helping a lot of people. >> reporter: the president says his tax plan will help the middle class. >> so many people have come up to me and said, give it to the middle class. give it to people that need it. give it to people that want to spend it. >> reporter: he offered no new details on the plan which will cut taxes for most americans including what will likely be a big break for some of the
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tax on a single piece of paper. [ applause ] h&r block will not like donald trump very much. >> reporter: the president claimed his plan would mean a $4,000 windfall for the typical american family. but his top economic adviser has said he could not guarantee that no middle class american families would pay more under the administration's plan. meanwhile, the president is escalating his war on the news media. overnight threatening again to try to take away broadcast licenses from tv networks tweeting, network news has become so partisan, distorted and fake that licenses must be challenged and, if appropriate, revoked. not fair to the public. this after the president seemed to question the freedom of reporters to write their stories. >> and it's, frankly, disgusting the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write and people should look into it. >> reporter: those words
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drawn a rebuke from republican senator ben sasse who overnight put out a statement saying, mr. president, are you recanting the oath you took on january 20th to preserve, protect and defend the first amendment? also, george, on this question of revoking broadcast licenses for the networks, the networks, the national networks he is feuding with don't have licenses. those are granted to the individual stations, so we had a statement overnight from one of the fcc commissioners, a democrat, she tweeted to the president, not how it works and then added, freedom of press is a cornerstone of our democracy. hope my fcc colleagues can all be on the same page with respect to the first amendment. >> this threat to tv networks is a tool but it's an empty threat. >> reporter: it's an empty threat. he doesn't have the power to do this, george. and the only thing if the fcc theoretically went after each and every local station across the country, nobody thinks
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>> the president does have the power to decertify the iran nuclear deal and briefed congress on it expected to announce it tomorrow. >> reporter: that's right, george. all indications are that the president will not certify that iran is in compliance with the deal but an important distinction here, that does not mean that the united states is dropping out of the deal. what that means it goes to congress to decide what to do and whether or not to reimpose the sanctions that were dropped, of course, george, iran already got much of the economic benefit from the united states at the beginning of the deal so dropping out of it now doesn't actually, you know, do much at this point. >> okay, jon karl, thanks very much. robin. >> george now to that breaking news. reports this morning that the british isis recruiter known as the white widow has been killed. for the very latest let's go to our senior attorney correspondent ian pannell in london. good morning, ian. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, robin. in the last hours a number of reports contemplating the cia has told british intelligence that sally jones was killed in a
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year. jones is infamous in the uk nicknamed the white widow because of her blond hair and extremist views. she used to be a punk rock guitarist but converted to islam and moving to syria. sally jones shared bizarre pictures of herself posing with weapons, becoming notorious for trying to recruit girls and women to join isis and posted threatening messages asking women to attack and how to make bombs. this is not confirmed by u.s. officials, but perhaps more proof the militants are feeling the pressures of the battle against isis in syria reaches its climax. >> it's been going on for months. how close is isis to being defeated, ian. >> reporter: u.s. forces on the front line in that fight for raqqah, the heart of the territory isis used to control and now hearing it could be liberated within weeks, robin. >> thank you. back home there are new developments this morning in the
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one victim is now filed the first lawsuit against the hotel as more questions whether the gunman could have been stopped. our chief investigative correspondent brian ross with the story, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. with the first of what is likely to be a rash of victims' lawsuits filed, the time line of the response time is becoming a major issue. most importantly, did the hotel fail to quickly tell police one of its guards had been shot on the 32nd floor. a maintenance man who was also fired on on the 32nd floor made this call to his supervisors. >> call the police. someone's fired a gun up here. someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor down the hallway. >> security wants to know if you know a room? >> it's at the end of the hallway. i can't tell you what room. he looked like he fired down the hallway when i got close to the door. >> reporter: according to the police time line that was about six minutes before the shooter began his rampage against the concert audience below but hotel
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until after the rampage was already under way according to a person who has seen the records. if that checks out, it could be fodder for the victims' lawyers who claim the hotel dropped the ball and cost live, george. >> the hotel is questioning the police time line? >> that's right. they tell us they do not think the police time line is accurate and learned the police are prepared to issue yet another revision of an already revised time line sometime tomorrow, george. >> a lot more to come on this. thanks very much. thousand to new details about that tragic fraternity death at lsu. ten young men are facing charges for hazing after a pledge died at a party last month. his blood alcohol level was a shocking 0.495. abc's steve osunsami is there at the school in baton rouge. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is the fraternity house where that pledge died. we're learning more about what happened that night. police say that the evening began with the older pledges pelting the younger ones with mustard and hot sauce and
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it went terribly downhill from there. these are the pictures this morning that authorities want students here to remember, the brothers of phi delta theta being led away in handscuffs after the hazing death of a freshman pledge. police gave them till noon wednesday to turn themselves in. >> this is a young man who lost his life. we had a promising future for him. this should not happen under any circumstance. >> reporter: charges their charges attorneys argue didn't include a parade in front of cameras. matthew naquin is facing charges that could send him away for five years. >> i want to make sure the parents of mr. and mrs. gruver know what happened to their son. >> reporter: max gruver died on september 13th after he and others were invited to a bible study where they were asked questions about the fraternity and were forced to drink 190 proof grain alcohol when they got
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witnesses tell police naquin never liked gruver and wanted him cut because he was always late forcing him to drink after he made mistakes. a coroner's report says his blood alcohol level was 0.495. styx times past the legal driving limit and past the point where death is possible. for a 180 pound, about 26 drinks in three hours. >> tragic loss in the case. >> reporter: this morning, phi delta theta says it wants authorities to prosecute those responsible to the fullest extent of the law. gruver's mother took her pain to facebook writing #stopthehazing. my son is dead now. you brothers will have to live with it every day for the rest of your lives. the national organization of this fraternity is speaking out this morning saying that it supports the police in their efforts here. robin. >> got to agree with the mother there. stop the hazing, steve, thank you. >> my goodness. >> 0.495. >>
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we move on to the big change for the boy scouts. after more than 100 years they voted unanimously to begin admitting girls to its ranks drawing a fierce reply from the girl scouts. adrienne bankert has more. >> it's huge, historic. the boy scouts leadership says it came about after years of requests from busy families to have more options for the siblings of boy scouts. now while some applaud the shift others are call it a politically correct mistake. in recent years the boy scouts have attempted to counter declining membership numbers in a variety of ways. ♪ ♪ baby i was born to a scout >> reporter: admitting girs as members was only recently discussed. >> i think that girls should have the opportunity to join either program. >> reporter: this morning 16-year-old sydney ireland is among those celebrating girls, something she's been fighting for for years. but leaders of the girl scouts are outraged. in a strongly worded statement
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to include girls telling abc news, the boy scouts house is on fire. instead of addressing systemic issues of continuing sexual assault, financial mismanagement and deficient programming, bsa's senior management wants to add an accelerant to the house fire by recruiting girls. girl scouts generate half of their annual revenue needs through those famous cookies selling 200 million boxeses a year which generate almost a billion dollars in sales. no word if the scouts will attempt their own cookie franchise. and girls have been welcome at group and family boy scout programs for over 40 years but this is a game changer. as you saw girl scouts corner the market on those cookie sales but boy scouts have the coveted eagle scout ranking which sydney and other girls want to attain. >> can you imagine the reaction if they start to sell cookies? >> oh, that would -- >> it could be more explosive than this announcement. >> that was a pretty explosive announcement but hearing from
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girls and boy scouts and girl scouts it's very interesting how they look at it and it's far from over. >> definitely. >> let's put it that way. >> good way to put it. >> back to ginger. >> that fire forecast i promised you, so you've got to reinforcing cold front that will come through. today really through tonight would be the worst for the bay area as far as gusts go. you could see them up to 35, 40 miles per hour but the weekend, saturday, really into the looking good for parts of southern california as far as fire weather goes and humidity dropping.
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possible last 80 - cold front monday, more rain - cooler & drier most of next week thursday: scattered showers, drizzle, breezy & cool highs: 65-70 winds: northeast 5-15 mph, gusts 20 tonight: scattered showers, drizzle, fog mainly west of dc lows: 56-62 winds: east 5-15 friday: cloudy & cool, scattered showers (mainly light) highs: 64-69 winds: east 5-15 mph coming up here, harvey weinstein speaking to cameras for the first time as the disgraced movie mogul reportedly checks into rehab. ben affleck in the crosshairs also apologizing for his own behavior. the beauty pageant dispute that's turning ugly. why one contestant says miss oregon doesn't have the right to the crown. ing] hello. hi, it's anne from edward jones. i'm glad i caught you.
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i've got plenty of time. what's going on? so those financial regulations being talked about? they could affect your accounts, so let's get together and talk, and make sure everything's clear. thanks. yeah. that would be great. we've grown to over $900 billion in assets under care... by being proactive, not reactive. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. unwrap the magic of a place. where wonder fills the air. where joy is the reason for it all. and everything is better together. walt disney world resort... come celebrate joy through the world. from only real ingredients.
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the important thing is that we're going to make you better. (voice-activated double-tone) okay. here's how to make butter. pour two thirds a cup of cold heavy cream into a one cup canning... snickers® satisifes. >> anchor: good morning, washington! i'm melanie hastings. top stories. the nats keeping hopes alive. >> michael a.! oh kaler! a grand slam. >> anchor: >> anchor: that grand slam seals the deals, the nats force a game 5 against the cubs. washington ringer home for the win and take all. off to language to face the dodgers in the nlcs. the grand opening, phase 1. you will still see work in progress but you'll also see new restaurants and new
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>> anchor: a live look at markets partial, it's dark and dreary. we're expecting conditions to continue try the later half of the week. going through today. very unsettled, temperatures only in the mid 60s for the day tomorrow we'll top out there as well. temperature of 76 on saturday. best chance to see the sunshine coming on sunday with a high of 80 degrees. next week we'll expect those fall temperatures to return. now here is angela with your traffic update. >> reporter: on the roads, good news for folks on inter state 95, southbound lanes reopened in stafford. the damage has been done northbound and southbound. 30 minute ride just from fredericksburg to stafford, traveling northbound on interstate 95. 66, same problem. we had an earlier collision
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police caught him, but there are so many survivors that live knowing that their attacker is still out there. ♪ thank you mark herring, for taking this seriously, and for making this a priority, for all of the victims out there. mark: i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad.
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thank you. >> guy, i'm not doing okay. i got to get help, guys. you know what, we all make mistake, second chance, i hope. >> that is the new video of harvey weinstein surfacing for the first time since two dozen women came forward to accuse him of sexual harassment or assault. fallout continues to grow this morning. we'll have more on that in a moment. >> right now the california situation is growing more desperate. 22 wildfires are burning across the state and now there are new concerns about the wind and smoke shutting down schools in san francisco this morning. president trump is preparing to sign an executive order on health care this morning. it's expected to increase options for consumers but
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undermine the affordable care act. first that new trouble for harvey weinstein as he deals with those acquisitions, his company's board is also facing new questions about what they knew and one of weinstein's most prominent collaborators ben affleck taking heat of his own. linsey davis here with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, george. lots of turmoil in tinseltown. it's now turned to finger-pointing as there are questions who knew what when and if their own behavior crossed the line. >> hanging in, i'm trying my best. >> reporter: in this new video obtained by abc news harvey weinstein speaks so cameras for the first time since those damning accusations of sexual harassment and rape. >> guy, i'm not doing okay. but i'm trying. i gotta get help, guys. you know what, we all make mistakes. second chance i hope, okay? >> reporter: it's taken as the 56-year-old left los angeles reportedly headed to a rehabilitation clinic for
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addiction. >> get some help, man. >> thank you. >> reporter: the list of alleged victims of weinstein's harassment is growing. actress and model cara delevingne posting on instagram about an experience he claims to have had with the producer. he walked me to the door and stood in front of it and tried to kiss me on the lips. i stopped him and managed to get out of the room. and bond girl leia sadu said we were talking on the sofa when he jumped on me and tried to kiss me. he's big and fat so i had to be forceful to resist him. i left his room thoroughly disgusted. this morning new questions about how much his company knew and when. "the new york times" reports that despite a statement saying allegations of sexual misconduct came as an utter surprise, executives at the movie studio were grappling with the movie mogul's behavior as early as 2015. more than two dozen women have now accused weinstein of harassment, abuse or rape. >> this is very much about
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sexually that's not just an issue of somebody trying to be on a power trip. >> reporter: weinstein is not the first celebrity to go to rehab for an alleged sex addiction. tiger woods, russell brand and anthony weiner have all publicly sought help but some experts stress there is a difference between addiction and aggressive behavior. >> it's not only wrong and completely wrong, but it's also irrational. >> reporter: now others are being pulled into the fray. >> harvey weinstein who believed in us and made the movie. >> reporter: after ben affleck condemned him in a statement calling his alleged actions sick, this moment resurfaced on twitter. >> so nice to see you. >> reporter: the actor with an mtv host apparently groping her. >> he wraps his arm around me and comes over and tweaks my left boob. >> reporter: former veejay hilarie burton retweeted that with girls i'm so impressed with you brave ones. i had to laugh back then so i wouldn't cry.
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affleck yesterday apologized saying in a statement i acted inappropriately toward ms. burton and i sincerely apologize. new york police detectives say they plan to review weinstein's background to identify, locate and interview any of his potential victims. in a statement to "the new yorker" weinstein denies any allegations of nonconsensual sex and the academy awards plan to discuss the scandal this week. >> they have a lot to talk about. >> let's talk to dan abrams. we heard from linsey. thenew york police department is looking at this. real criminal exposure for him. >> certainly possible. the biggest fear for harvey weinstein has to be new alleged victims coming forward. because of the ones we know of in "the new yorker," "the new york times," et cetera, there's really only one of the allegations from "the new yorker" which would fit the definition of a criminal act. >> assault. >> assault and would fit within the statute of limitations, two questions, which is conduct and statute of limitations. one of those could but then again you nee
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come forward and want to move forward with a criminal case. i think the bigger concern for harvey weinstein is this is now going to open up the floodgates. you're going to see more people come forward and some of them may be relatively recent, remember, in new york state as long as it's in the last 15 years or so, and it was a significant sexual assault, first degree, no statute of limitations anymore on it. >> he's asking for a second chance. >> yeah. that's not going to happen. i mean, you know, look, we've seen people come back from the lows of the low. america is the land of comebacks. i don't see how harvey weinstein comes back from this ever. >> and now you've got this new reporter in "the new york times" saying the company's board knew at least five of these settlements. is the company now facing a real risk of survival? >> they could certainly face a risk legally and that would be if someone knew, not one of the old ones where they settled but some
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within the statute of limitations. it is critical. the statute of limitations is pretty short when you're talking about civil cases so it would have to be something that happened relatively recently. >> the last couple of years. >> and they would say i'm suing this person and the company because the company knew or should have known this was happening. that is a real risk but it's going to involve a new plaintiff and i would be very surprised if that didn't happen in the next month or so. >> okay, dan abrams, thanks very much. >> there has to be some people questioning -- i mean how could the board not know if they were part of making these settlements. >> yeah, the question is going to be exactly what did though know about the settlements. exactly what did they know about the facts. what were they agreeing to, et cetera. on a moral level, you know, i think you can throw up your hands and say, come on. how did this continue to happen. >> all right, guys. coming up unsafe sky, why this incident, remember the doctor being dragged off a flight, why it could be affecting your safety on a plane. come on back.
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we are back with our flight attendant confidential. this unforgettable incident on a flight is now having major repercussions across the airline industry that could put your safety at risk. abc's david kerley joins us from reagan national with more on this. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, robin. have you flown recently? have you noticed anything different? ever since that passenger was dragged off an aircraft they say the atmosphere has changed and it's not good for you, the passenger, or the crew.
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this one incident. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: sent shudders through the airline industry. >> oh, my god. look at what you did to him. >> reporter: dr. david dao refusing to give up his seat dragged bloodied down the aisle. he settled with united airlines but airline cabins are now unsettled. >> the minute something else happens, i believe it'll escalate higher than it was with dau. >> reporter: three flight attendants from three different airlines asked that we not show their faces or use their names. >> the dau incident brought a lot of attention to us in not a way we would like. >> that one incident made that big of a difference. >> yes. >> some passengers feel now that they could be more defiant and that has us on edge. >> reporter: now when these flight attendants ask a customer to do something they see cameras recording their every move. the fear is not that you'll be on social media but the airline
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might take action against you. >> yes. >> reporter: there have been plenty of other incidents, passengers fighting. confronting flight attendants. the rising tensions. >> don't touch me. >> reporter: according to these flight attendants is leaving each of them to be more lax about enforcing some of the rules to avoid confrontation. everything from seat belt buckling, cell phone use, laptops, the verbal okay about helping in the exit row. >> now if you don't acknowledge me i just kind of shrug and go my way. >> i will tell you once, maybe tell you twice, i'm not going to get into a major argument with you. >> you are afraid of escalation. >> definitely, definitely. >> reporter: they call it inform, not enforce. is this affecting safety inside the aircraft. >> i think it's a huge safety issue. >> if you have one person that doesn't follow the rules, they can affect the whole airplane. >> the faa says it has not seen a wavering of crew commitment to safety.
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remain worried. what's your greatest fear on board? >> my greatest fear now is just being attacked. >> physically attacked. >> physically attacked. >> even the airline industry acknowledges the new tension saying it's reforming to allow crews to better manage situations but adds it hopes everyone understands the importance of listening to and working with each other. will it be less tense someday in the future in the aircraft? >> i personally think that, no, i don't think it'll be as good as it was. >> reporter: now these flight attendants tell us they came forward because they are concerned about safety in the aircraft. if there is any good news, robin and george, it's that as time passes between the dau incident they say there's been a slight improvement in the cabins but it's still a tense atmosphere, they say. >> i bet it is. just so thankful and they really brought up excellent points there that we have to keep i
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mind. yeah, thank you. >> need a little more golden rule on the flights. >> uh-huh. that would help. coming up on our big board battle for the crown. one of miss oregon's rivals says she doesn't deserve the title. cn a trip back to the doctor's office, just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home... ...with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%... ...a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders,
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contest. >> they may all want world peace but things aren't very peaceful right now for miss oregon, usa and one of her competitors. she's only had her crown for a few days but is requesting a redo saying miss oregon is actually from california. it's the glamorous pageant known for its beauty and bikinis but this morning two of the ladies vying for a spot in the miss usa pageant are in the midst of a feud that would make bette and joan winds. toneata morgan was crowned over the weekend but stephanie matheson is crying foul saying she doesn't live in oregon but is a california resident and cites this as proof. morgan previously competed for miss california four times, most recently in december. >> i think the big question is how does someone compete in another state nine months ago, yet claim that they've been living in one state for over a year. >> reporter: residency controversies are nothing new in the pageant world. women are known to move from pageant friendly states
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in 2012 miss oregon was forced to step down when she couldn't prove her residency. morgan says she's been living in oregon for a year with her grandparents. >> how are you able to come and compete in miss oregon. >> that's a great question. oregon is my home. i live with my grandma and i love oregon. >> reporter: and she reiterated to our affiliate she's been living there for over a year now. it is worth noting it was less than a year ago she competed for miss california. >> yeah, we kind of got that. so what do pageant officials say. >> they say she has fully complied with all of the requirements. i quote here, they say the rule in question is proof of residency in which she provided the necessary documents to make her eligible for the state of oregon. their residency wrierment is six month, not a year. >> question really about california? >> well, i guess the question is should she be allowed to compete in oregon if by the competitor's definition she's not actually from there and that depends how
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you define from. they say she followed the rules. >> whenever you got to use air quotes. >> tricky situation, even the competitor that's complaining she says she realizes officially she doesn't have grounds to stand on but she just doesn't think it's fair that people tend to do this in the pageant world. they jump around to less competitive states to try to win. >> that does happen. that does happen a lot. coming up -- thank you, diane. health secrets. how it win the battle of the bloat. the best foods that can help you trim your waistline. and tory here with "deals & steals" for life on the go. plus ciara here to announce the american music award nominations. that's all live. ♪ somebody better than you and you look comfortable. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching.
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shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. only have a sore throat? get long-lasting relief for up to 6 hours with new alka seltzer plus sore throat relief. how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. back here
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a rojas formed in the atlantic and it is way, way, way in the eastern atlantic. so this thing is to you a category 1. it should stay that way for a little bit here through saturday. early sunday but then it will become probably a depression, eventually just a strong low but that could clip ireland. stay west of the iberian peninsula. these don't happen that often and certainly not that strong so we'll watch that. a basin opens tomorrow. a little early in some places. they're making snow then snow will fall in parts of the cascades, southern washington casca cascades. some areas above 4500 could see more than a foot of
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difficulties] authorities asking for the communities help in finding whoever is responsible. happening today, the grand opening of the work, features free living, new restaurants ands new theater, already sold out for the food fighter's concert tonight. the official ceremony kicks off at 11:00 a.m. ditch the car, try out the new water taxi to the south west water front. grabth
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here is molly. >> reporter: here is a live look outside at nationals park, looks cloudy and also dreary. we will expect drizzle to continue for tonight's game. mostly cloudy skies for that first pitch, 8:00. notice the temperatures staying in the 60s. that's our daytime high for this afternoon. quick look as your extended forecast, showing showers through the early half of the weekend. nice and bright on sunday with the high of 80. >> reporter: major drive times , all lanes open on inter state 95 for the crash in stafford, on 66, lanes are open too from the earlier accident. we have major drive times, that's right. one, 13 minutes from manassas to the capital beltway. as woe step outside to the traffic land cameras, a live look headed into the district. major problems on south capital street. doingilous bridge. right lane blocked impacting the ride on 295 and the suitland parkway. >> anchor: thank you. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8.
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want some inspirational stories for a change? you gotta check out the american dream. saturdays, 1pm, newschannel8 you gotta check out the american dream. cnarrator: ed gillespie and i wants to endis ad. a woman's right to choose. ed giof a woman'sd put thpersonal decisions,rge not women and their doctors. as governor, ed gillespie says, i would like to see abortion be banned. if ed gillespie would like to see abortion banned, i would like to see
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i would like to see that ed gillespie never becomes governor. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. breaking news, california wildfires force more people from their homes overnight. an entire town of 5,000 evacuated. neighborhoods destroyed. residents scrambling to save whatever they can as thousands of firefighters battle the flames. officials call this a worst case scenario. on a mission. actress rose mcgowan, one of the first to come forward against harvey weinstein, now encouraging all women to stand up. how she first started sounding the alarm years ago and what she said to our cameras. the boy scouts announce a landmark change saying they'll welcome girls for the first time in more than 100 years. the girl scouts fire back this morning condemning the decision. we're going beyondhe
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to beat the bloat. the foods you crave that you should really avoid. dr. ashton here with a secret trick to feeling better starting now. and it's one great star-studded morning. gerard butler, halsey and ciara all here live in times square. and she's here to say. >> good morning, america. ran down here. >> microphone booths there. >> when you're up there you got to do that. good morning, america. happy to have you with us on this thursday morning. >> and if it's thursday you know what that means, "deals & steals," tory johnson here with a lot of great ones. what is that? hats with headphones? >> okay. >> okay. we'll talk about it coming up. first we'll get to the latest on those devastating deadly wildfires in california. growing at this hour, now 22 burning across the state. abc's matt gutman is there in santa rosa where they've been -- well, they've seen so much destruction. good morning, matt.
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>> reporter: good morning, robin. you can see that destruction right here. this was cardinal newman high school. these were temporarily classrooms. you can see the ceilings buckled and in there those black figures are all desks and it's not just here. this goes on for row after row of classrooms here. now, firefighters aren't even concerned right now with protecting even key structures like these. they are just trying to save lives, especially in those communities that have just been evacuated. and the reason for that is that these fires have been moving faster than firefighters can run. that according to one official. and i want to show you this video kind of perfectly illustrates the speed of the fire. those houses lighting up like match sticks everywhere the man turns in this community, he is blocked by fire and embers. now, there is an army of 8,000 firefighters out here, many of them have been on the line since monday. they're not even thinking about stopping the fire. that could take months but just slowing it down and protecting key communities, now, bad news for them, the conditi
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humidity and higher winds. and from our camera up there i want to you see what looks like a giant fire pit but this was the school's library. you can see file cabinets over there, maybe you can see the servers there. these are air conditioners that fell through. luckily no students were here at the time of the fire but this gives you a sense of how unique this fire was. it tore right through the heart of a major city like this, santa rosa, population 175,000 people. robin. >> every time you see those scenes. president trump's escalating war with the media. our chief white house correspondent jon karl is there in washington with all the latest. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. the president is escalating his ongoing war with the news media suggesting overnight again that he may try to revoke the broadcast licenses of the networks. not clear what he can do there. the national networks don't have broadcast licenses. this comes after the president
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reporters to write their stories. listen to this. >> and it's frankly disgusting the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write and people should look into it. >> reporter: all of this has drawn a rebuke from republican ben sasse who put out a statement saying, mr. president, are you recanting the oath you took on january 20th to preserve, protect and defend the first amendment? george. >> yeah, the press writing what they want to write, the essence of the first amendment. the president back on twitter this morning appearing to attack puerto rico for its own financial crisis and suggesting that the help -- federal government help from fema may not last long. >> reporter: he is pointing out which is correct long before the hurricane puerto rico had a severe financial crisis infrastructure problems and he writes, we cannot keep fema, the military and the first responders who have been doing amazing under the most difficult circumstances in puerto rico forever. george, unclear how immediate
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this before. he has said that puerto rico is costing a lot of money and that congress would decide how much rebuilding to actually do. by the way, only about 10% of the island right now has power. >> yeah, they are still in a lot of trouble there. jon karl, thanks very much. >> a lot of trouble. also, the boy scouts announcing that historic change voting to begin accepting girls to its troops and girl scouts fighting back and adrienne bankert has the latest. good morning. >> good morning. this is a landmark decision and possibly a contentious fight for members between the girl scouts and the boy scouts so the boy scouts will start admitting girls to be official members by next year and girls will be able to attain the coveted rank of eagle scout by 2019. the girl scouts are saying this is just a desperate plea to boost declining numbers. they had some strong words in this statement to abc news saying the boy scouts' house is on fire. instead of addressing systemic issues of continuing sexual assault, financial mismanagement and deficient programmg,
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senior management wants to add an accelerant to the house fire by recruiting girls. the boy scouts say this is to help busy families so they can one stop drop-off all their kids to scouting activities. the girl scouts famous for those cookies, and they generate half of their revenue through those sales and no word on whether the boy scouts will do that. a big deal. >> sure is. >> huge, thanks, adrienne. coming up here the actress leading the charge against sexual harassment in hollywood. we'll have what rose mcgowan is now saying about harvey weinstein, what she's calling for. dr. ashton is here with simple ways to stop bloating. and lara, what do you have upstairs. >> look who is here. ciara in the house, everybody. [ applause ] get ready, music fans. she is announcing the american music award nominees that's happening live right here this morning on "good morning america." are we ready? [ applause ] >> come on back. we'll be right back.
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to be unique... to be authentic... and unapologetically me. i'm good at it because i'm unafraid. every time someone wants me to be quiet, i speak louder. i am halsey... renegade. ♪ ♪ man: shh you guys, group: surprise! avo: nothing comes before coffee. enjoy the perfectly balanced flavor of mccafe coffee at home. woman: ok group: surprise woman: ah what! grandpa: did we get ya?
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your body was made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests.
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infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a once-daily pill. ask about xeljanz xr. we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. from scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. (gasping) son? dad! we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so we're partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. doctor poses! dad! cigna. together, all the way.
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♪ you don't want to know what they're talking about. welcome back to "gma" on this thursday morning or as we like to say, happy friday eve. >> oh, yes. >> one more. >> oh, i love that and i always love "pop news" on a friday eve. lara. >> splendid. you're not too shabby yourself. bruce springsteen was definitely born to run on the great white way. tonight is the official opening night of his one-man show on broadway after five previous shows last week,
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those five shows alone grossed $2.3 million. >> whoa. >> we broke it down, the mathematicians in the "pop news" department. that comes to $466,000 per show which is more than broadway's darling "hamilton" makes. insiders are already throwing out tony buzz for best book, best direction of a musical for which springsteen does actually qualify. the problem is getting tony voters in to see it because the entire run is already sold out. >> everything. >> breaks my heart. bruce, taking on 79 performances in this very special engagement on broadway from now until february. if you have tickets, have the best time. >> a musical. >> yep, it is and he is in the playbook -- he wrote the score and he directs. >> angie, do you have tickets? okay. how many times have you seen the boss? 50 some types. >> 5-0, angie. >> 5-0.
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>> people -- >> we got to get angie in. [ applause ] we got to do it. >> i got you. all right. she's giving me a wrap now. moving on, who knows the cover girl slogan? you know it. go ahead, tell me. easy breezy beautiful cover girl. well, guess what it's done. no masome. the company decided to give themselves a makeover replacing that famous slogan and their logo. now it's i am what i make up. what is the new saying and there's also an updated emblem. it's in sleek black and white. the brand announcing this major change on instagram and twitter writing i am what i make up celebrates your power to create who you are and discover who you want to be. cover girl has taken their rebranding one step further by interesting their ambassadors work onni inclusivity and hopes
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dialogue shifts cultural assumptions about when, where, how and why people wear makeup. keep the conversation alive. >> keep the make up. >> it is very deep for me. i wear it because i need it. that's my slogan. thank you. and finally, it's back by popular demand, the venison sandwich at arby's, everybody. [ applause ] >> oh, come on. >> oh, yeah. >> do you really like that? >> oh, yeah. the seasonal sandwich offered at just awe handful of stores last year sold out within minutes so this year they are offering that venison sandwich at all arby's coast to coast, let's line up, people. [ applause ] but only while supplies last and new this year, robin, get your sneakers on, arby's is offering elk sandwiches, as well. those are only available at three stores, colorado, wyoming and montana. >>
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available there. >> if it goes well then next year we could all be eating elk. >> watch out, new york. >> that's all i have. >> thank you, lara. [ applause ] >> i love her. she makes me happy. always. always. >> we switch gears to our cover story much the fight against sexual harassment in hollywood and one of the people leading the way is rose mcgowan. she was one of the first actresses that sounded the alarm on sexism in the movie industry. eva pilgrim here with the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. rose mcgowan is on a mission. she's been tweeting so much that temporarily twitter locked her account because of all the activity. her name is trending this morning. she has been relentless encouraging women to come forward and calling out people she says knew and did nothing. she beat up bad guys in "scream". >> you want 20 play psycho killer. >> reporter: bewitched us in "charmed" but now rose mcgowan is
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first women to dom forward accusing harvey weinstein of sexual harassment and now not holding back her criticism of hollywood insiders who may have protected him. >> she has been really, really active in signal boosting other people's stories in calling out a potential hypocrisy. >> reporter: as the list comes forward against weinstein continues to grow, so do the questions. a new report overnight in "the new york times" saying the weinstein board likely knew of harvey weinstein's behavior. mcgowan tweeting this impact two days ago. they knew. they funded. they advised. they covered up. they must be exposed. they must resign. mcgowan also calling out some of hollywood's leading men she believes knew about weinstein's behavior but chose to stay silent. matt damon and ben and casey affleck. both matt and ben have come forward saying, they never knew what was going on. but the weinstein scandal isn't the first time
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spoken up about alleged hollywood sexism. >> i just want to make it better for the next girl coming after me to know that she doesn't have to sell her body and soul just because she wants to be a creative person. that isn't the fine that you pay at the gate and it shouldn't be. >> reporter: that's mcgowan back in 2015 on "gma." after she said she was fired by her agent for sounding off about a casting call that asked her to show off cleavage. >> know your worth. you know, and know that it's not okay to be treated like a piece of meat. >> reporter: according to "the new york times" report, in 1997 weinstein reached a $100,000 settlement with mcgowan after an incident in a hotel room. >> it just falls into this culture of silence that really extends beyond hollywood. people whisper about these sorts of things in the shadows. >> and the weinstein company's board of representatives are shocked and dismayed and say any suggestion the board had knowledge of this conduct is false. the board saying they are cooperating with
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and are doing their own independent review. >> all right, eva, thank you. to our series "beyond the scale" and this morning we're showing you how to win the battle of the bloat. our nutrition dream team is here. senior medical contributor dr. jennifer ashton and dietitian maya feller. we have your attention. let's fight the bloat here. why do we experience this. >> you foe, that's the million dollar question. a complex condition. it's a symptom that a lot of people deal with. there are a lot of theories out there about what causes intestinal bloating range from intrinsic g.i. problems like irritable bowel and alteration in the bacteria or gut microbiome, certain medications and dietary sensitivity or slow gut motion. let me tell you why it's so uncomfortable. i'll show you. >> who keeps sneezing. >> do you need a doctor? okay. so let me show you why this is uncomfortable, robin. if
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intestine. it's normally collapsed. things move through. it moves, it's called peristalsis. in bloating it's not just the volume in there, it's actually -- ? oh, wow. >> the stretch in the intestens that causes so much pain. it is stretch sensitive. >> it can be so incredibly painful. okay. so it helps when you feel this way, we make bad food choices. >> absolutely. when you feel that stretch and that distention, you think, look, i'm not going to eat anything. i'm not going to drink anything and that's exactly the opposite of what you want to do. you actually want to eat and drink so that you can move food through the bowel rather than be stuck and distended. >> you talk about food and that is a big key. what are the ones we should avoid. >> look, everyone will be a little different with this but these are the big offenders, mainly processed foods. high in sugar and salt. things that say fat-free actually can increase bloating so this is some examples. we kind ofno
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but over on the side what can help us? >> so here we've got these gorgeous potassium rich foods and also have fiber in them. they're easy digested. that will help the movement through the bowel, low stress. >> okay, you all have some little tips that you think could help. what's yours. >> that's why i'm wearing my sneakers today. right. exactly because physical activity moves that abdominal wall, right. hes to get you moving and move things through. >> you thought we were going to have the treadmill for you. all bummed out. >> here's the secret weapon. we learned this in the surgical literature. chewing gum. we would give it to patients after surgery who have what we call a postop i willous. their intestines are temporarily paralyzed. the theory is the secretions and nerve signals get that intestinal movement we've been talking about moving forward and could work in a nonsurgical patient as well. >> if only i could chew gum and walk at the same time.
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let's get outside to ginger. >> well, this crowd, i have to say, i say it awe the time but this is a good one. lexi from tennessee. kind of a birthday. >> kinda. >> we'll explain that maybe later. we should check real quick. there's still red flag warnings going into the weekend. so much so the air quality alerts that encompass fresno are going to gust thisupcoming week possible last 80 - cold front monday, more rain - cooler & drier most of next week thursday: scattered showers, drizzle, breezy & cool highs: 65-70 winds: northeast 5-15 mph, gusts 20 tonight: scattered showers, drizzle, fog mainly west of dc lows: 56-62 winds: east 5-15 friday: cloudy & cool, scattered showers (mainly light) highs: 64-69 winds: east 5-15 mph
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>> i got to say all these people, they're here because they know it's "deals & steals" day. lara, i know you got that. >> thank you, ginger. the one and only is here so it is time for "deals & steals." tory is here with great gear for life starting at $9. >> but i'm starting with something super soft and cozy. i got it for you to hole and cuddle. >> to the to take. >> to cuddle. come on out here. look at how fabulous they look. so this is called -- this is called a softie snuggler created by a family owned business in minnesota so they know something about staying warm and they say that cozy and warm maybes people happy so this is the cozy snuggler. you could put leggings or jeans on under it and head out for the day because you will not want to take this off. it is spectacular. sizes small to 3x. cuddle up in it.
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slashed this half, a little more than half, $46. >> great holiday gift. okay. >> hold on to that. >> you said they are the super cool things. >> beanies with built-in 00 bluetooth speakers. you have the bluetooth so you can listen to music, talk on the phone and stay warm and stylish at the same time. a big assortment of all earbuds and headphones. normally depending on what you choose 70 to 129 slashed by 69%, 20 to 40 bucks for your choice. >> very cute. >> okay. lulu dharma. i got one right here for you. so, matches what you're wearing. >> perfect. >> this is a weekender bag. this beautiful woven canvas, great handles that you can hold it like that or the cross body so if you're racing through the airport or on the train you can see long gait that strap to carry it. five different colors to choose from, just a really terrific
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$119, this one is slashed by 68%. $38 for your weekender bag. >> very pretty. >> this is designed by a woman in omaha, nebraska so this is the infinity scarve goes around your neck but has a hidden pocket zippered pocket. it's in all of them. if you want to stash cash, your passport, earbud, whatever it is, you can stash your stuff in style and then you've got -- you can go hands-free if you're traveling and want your passport with you, it is for you, big variety. slashed in half, 15 to 20 bucks for it. >> i'm going to get a jump start on my holiday gifts. these are fantastic. >> made in america, we happen to have a saints over here. might be a saints fan in the studio. look at this. my favorite, peanuts one. there is a -- saints for you. there is a winnie the pooh. so many. "star wars," mickey, mini.
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just a huge assortment. peanuts. she'll take her saints. normally 17 to $35, great for cold and hot beverage, microwave safe, freezer safe, dishwasher slash slashed in half. big assortment then finally we also have more help from this from anna and alex. mission active wear. these pieces are fabulous so look at how great they look. they look spectacular. they're ready. you're in. we have so many pieces and the pants are fabulous. all the pieces have vapor active technology in them. what that means is that it attracts and removes sweat to keep you dry faster and cooler longer. so that when you're working out on the go, just busy, that sweat is not staying with you and you get to look pretty fabulous as well. fashionable and functional all at the same time. biggest assortment ever for men and women ranging from 30
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but everything slashed in half, 15 to $65 from mission. really good stuff. >> that's fantastic. tory, we thank you. of course, we partnered with all these companies on these deals. you can take advantage of them. go to our web side to get the details. thank you, tory. get ready because ciara is with us live revealing the american music award nominations.
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>> anchor: good morning, washington! i'm melanie hastings. checking top stories, the nats keeping hope alive. a grand slam seals the deal as the nats force a game 5 against the cubs. washington now returning home for that winner take all at nats park, 8:08 first pitch. if they win it's off to los angeles to face the dodgers. if you plan on taking metro to nats park, metro will not stay open late, closes right around 1 is 30:00. whether the game is over or not. metro will only stay open late if the sports team agree to pay $100,000 an hour for the late service. we
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the melter schedule at -- metro schedule at it's a great today, cooling, too , here is molly. >> reporter: thanks. mostly clouds, and area of drizzle going through the afternoon commit. nationals forecast for tonight, the same. cloudy, also areas of drizzling, so make sure you wipe the seat before you sit down. temperatures through the 60s through tonight. weekend forecast, a similar forecast tomorrow. temperature at 68 degrees. actually a few degrees below average for this time of year. cloud cover will linger into saturday =-frpblgts sunday, 08 degrees with bright sunshine returning. here is angela with your traffic >> reporter: it is a tough commute trying to get to the capital beltway even around the beltway, we have some major delays. traveling from i95 in silver spring, 98 minutes just to get to the i270 spur. you're also doing with crash chine up on the
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. they cleared it out of the roadway. back in 30 minutes. now more "good morning america." sweet 4k tv, mr. peterson. thanks. i'm pretty psyched. did you get fios too? no, was i supposed to get fios? mr. peterson. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network. it's like it was invented to stream 4k movies and shows. how do you know so much about tv and internet? the internet.
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nly as good as your internet. so get the best internet - with the 100% fiber-optic network - get fios - now just $79.99 per month for fios gigabit connection plus tv and phone. ♪ welcome back to "gma." welcome back to our audience. we've been waiting for this all morning. the moment we've been waiting for the nominees for the american music awards, the biggest fan voted awards show and have an empty seat. two-time ama nominee ciara is going to help us out. [ applause ] >> hello. hello. >> thank you. thank you. >> we are excited to hear about the
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hear about your new music. [ applause ] >> i'm super excited working on my album but still cooking and taking my time and excited about it. >> still in the works. >> still cooking. letting it simmer. when it's ready i'll serve it on plates nice and hot. mm-mm. flavorful? a little spicy. >> ciara, ready to help me out. >> we have two nods now for ama favorite female artist soul r&b. you've been there. >> yes, i have. >> what's it like? >> pretty cool feeling. >> what is it like to hear your name. >> it's awesome. can i please take that award home. no, it's really cool. a huge honor and makes you feel like you aaccomplished something. >> i'll do the first nominee with you. we'll start with favorite female artist pop/rock. >> here we go. >> alessia cara. >> yes.
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lady gaga. >> of course. >> and rihanna. [ applause ] those are your pop/rock female nominees. >> fantastic. let's hand it over to the male side now. favorite male art at this time, pop/rock. >> here we go? nominees. >> bruno mars. >> bruno mars. yes. >> drake. [ applause ] ed sheeran. >> oh, he was just here, ed sheeran. >> yeah, and those are your pop/rock male nominees. >> that's all the fans vote too. >> the fan, yes, the fans vote. the largest fan voting awards show in the world. >> we have more categories coming up? >> yes, more. >> all right. >> so exciting so you'll have to stay with us on that. now we turn to the brightest and most talented stars in the movie business, they're teaming up for a new drama. adam sandler, ben stiller, dustin ho
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names on you starring in the new netflix movie that i had a chance to talk with them. here it is finally. >>. >> yes, this is danny, also harold meyerowitz's sons. >> i didn't realize he had two sons? and a daughter. >> reporter: meet the meyerowitz family. >> plastered. >> reporter: hollywood heavyweights adam sandler, ben stiller and dustin hoffman bring a dysfunctional family to life in the netflix film, "the meyerowitz stories," new and selected. >> i have to say when i first saw your names associated with this i thought it's going to be a comedy. yes, it's humorous, it's witty but it's an emotional family. how would you describe the film. >> he made it emotional. hoffman being the way he was. >> is that the way you're going to answer the question. >> i figured i'd say your name and you'd take over. >> oh, okay. >> and action.
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all the time that they come from a dysfunctional family. i've never heard of a functional family. >> reporter: written and directed by noah bambach. they try to navigate their painful relationship with their father, dustin hoffman's character, harold meyerowitz. >> hard to have a relationship in a child. i imagine you felt that too. >> no, not really. i didn't find that difficult. >> dad, you've been married four times. >> three. the first one was annulled. >> reporter: why do you think it will be relatable. >> what's going on in the story is a complicated relationship with a father whose creativity is important and relationship with his kids is also important but he's constantly sort of, you know, battling that. >> this is not the most handsome young man you've ever seen in your life? call him a young jewish marlon brando. >> not the first time you played his son on screen. what was it hike to be reunited. >> it was interesting because i felt like dustin was a
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different dad in this one. in a way it felt like a new thing. >> what surprised you about working with each other. >> besides dustin all the time is always putting for you as an arc, me and ben, i just loved him. we loved seeing each other every day. i loved seeing him. an amazing brother-in-law feeling and our scenes together i was so excited to do them. >> but that fight scene. >> yeah, hated ha. >> doesn't he play dirty. >> that's the way it was edited. >> he was dirtier than me in left me with a big bruise. >> we did get hurt. there was little safety on set. no precaution. wasn't any rehearsal. usually they have opportunity people and we were like, just, we'll be able to check in with each other, but then like the first time he's -- >> he said -- he said, i started the hard part. i literally -- i was telling ben there's one spot because we did about 50 takes and one spot that take three started to aggravate me already so i'd say if you
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the chest right here starting to hurt. >> it did. >> you never did. >> what do you want people to come away when they watch the film. >> i hope that they can see some reality there, something that they can connect with that they're moved in some way because they see something of their own lives, of their own families and i think dustin and adam are really wonderful. >> these guys, you know, made a living many types, you know, with comedy and this is absolutely first grade work they're doing as actors. [ applause ] >> it is first grade work but when i was first approached about doing it, oh, my gosh, this is going to be a comedy. it is humorous but it's a family drama at heart but it's excellent. >> it looks it. >> meyer pyre will be in select theaters and available on netflix tomorrow. coming up, you're going to talk to gerard butler, oh, my god, he's here live. come on ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad.
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a woman's right to choose. ed giof a woman'sd put thpersonal decisions,rge not women and their doctors. as governor, ed gillespie says, i would like to see abortion be banned. if ed gillespie would like to see abortion banned, i would like to see i would like to see i would like to see that ed gillespie never becomes governor.
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whack now with gerard butler. he has been in everything from 3 "300" to "p.s., i love you" and now in "geostorm." before we talk about it, i want to give you a sneak peek. >> this is my life's work, max. i know you said it was impossible but we pulled it off and it worked perfectly without fail day after day, year after year, so
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it? turn it into a gun. >> oh, you did? >> yes, i was just saying how much i liked the film but you can see it's very tense. the message at the core of this film, the backdrop, if you will is chilling. no pun intended. the whole idea of this severe climate change. >> yeah, i mean it's definitely a cautionary tale when it was first written in the near future but you look at this. >> when you said 2019, i just -- it was depressing and scary. >> it's a little bit scary but then again, the movie itself is -- it touches on that but that's kind of at the prologue and then it says what would we have to do to get past that? what would be the science behind it? and it's kind of -- that's a goosebump moment when you see all the countries coming together, scientists coming together and building this fascinating and involved technology that allows us to control the environment. >> yes. >> but then where does that take us? >> exactly. >> and you realize -- >>
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thrill ride. it's edge of your seat but also again at its core there's also real family dynamic to this film. >> yeah, i know it's kind of -- it's a sci-fi, it's an action movie, it's a whodunit thriller but like you say very emotional family story about a father who is a scientist who is trying to become a good father. he doesn't really know how to do it that well and also to be a brother to his he trained brother kind of flips the cliche of he's the older brother but more like the younger brother thinking he's always going to be helped out by his brother and the two of them have to learn to work together to this race against the clock. >> to save us. >> to save you guys. >> yes. >> and do you -- and do you appreciate -- >> who else would we want to save us. >> chris helms work, maybe mark wahlberg. >> not only are you terrific in action roles but you got pipes. we've seen it before on screen.
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asked if you'd want to do -- if you ever would want to go on broadway your answer surprised me. that you would like to do "music man". >> yeah, yeah. exactly. the one person who -- ay. that was 100 years ago. no, it's favorite movie of mine and my manager's and we often talk about it because it's an old movie but it's a fresh story and it's so entertaining and heartwarming and the movie -- i actually wouldn't mind doing the movie version of it. at some point, you know. >> let's make that happen. >> yeah, yeah. professor harold hill going into river city. >> this is a passion for you. >> listen, to be honest me singing in "phantom" was a surprise. i didn't go for it. i was approached. even my agent said, sick? i don't know, maybe. hesang in a band but once i had the opportunity i knew i could give everything to it and since then i've always
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somewhere along the line, oh, my god -- there's me. >> that's when i first interviewed you. >> yes, that's right. >> a million years ago. you can sing, you can act. you're an action star and "geostorm" is terrific. we thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> "geostorm" is great. it hits theaters on friday, october 20th. right now, though, we got to get outside to ginger appropriately the weather. >> lara, diane was just telling me about her latest grandchild. your first. >> yes, it is. i'm so excited. can i show? >> she wants to show. >> get the picture in right before we go to the break. that is the bigfor a few - warmer for the upcoming weekend, possible last 80 - cold front monday, more rain - cooler & drier most of next week thursday: scattered showers, drizzle, breezy & cool highs: 65-70 winds: northeast 5-15 mph, gusts 20 tonight: scattered showers, drizzle, fog mainly west of dc lows: 56- >> this weather report brought
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you're from nashville. >> yeah. >> i know you just came back. >> i did. had a great time. ciara, gerard is hanging out trying to -- gerard butler can hang out here any time he wants. just so you know that. you are back now and revealing more nominees. two down, two to go and let's see. you have -- >> the nominee, yep, pop/rock. duo or group are the chainsmokers. >>:oh. >> coldplay. imagine dragons. >> oh, my gosh. >> those are your nominees for pop/rock duo. [ applause ] >> that is a tough one. now for pop/rock album. >> bruno tonioli, "24 karat magic." drake "more life." the weeknd "starboy." those are your nominees for pop/rock album. >> i know. you're going to come back and got more. >>
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back now with two-time ama nominee who is revealing the two biggest categories starting with artist of the year. >> the nominees for artist of the year are bruno mars, the chainsmokers, drake, kendrick lamar and ed sheeran. those are your nominees for artist of the year. >> great group and then last but not least favorite song pop/rock. there is a special one we kept had. >> the nominees are luis fonsi and daddy yankee featuring justin bieber "despacito" ed sheeran's "shape of you." the chainsmokers featuring halsey!
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hey. yes. those are your nominees for pop/rock song. go, halsey. [ applause ] whoo-hoo. >> i saw you looking over there while they were -- the first two names were said. hopi hoping. >> i was hoping. it's unbelievable. my first television performance i ever did was amas with the guy, with the chainsmokers so having to come full circle is really special. >> well deserved. well deserved and you're going to be able to see it because voting is open now for the american music award, isn't that right, lara? go to and watch them on november 19th right here on abc. lara, ciara, thank you, thank you very much. give it up for halsey right now. [ applause ] her first ever ama nomination here to perform her new song off her new album, "hopeless
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wonderful. 2017 has been crazy. you had the two grammy nominations. oh that song "closer" is an earworm. what has this year meant to you. >> it's been really special. i just put out my second album and, you know, the fans were so warm and amazing and receiving it and i'm on my "hopeless fountain kingdom" tour and i get to play barclays center tomorrow which is crazy. it's the biggest tour i've ever done and i designed it so lovingly with so much care and attention to make sure it's an intimate and mind-blowing experience for everyone who comes so i'm hoping everyone is having the time of their lives on the tour because i am. >> we are because of you and congratulations, everything, well deserved. the talent. the beauty, all of it. love it. she's going to perform the latest song off "hopeless fountain kingdom," oh, i love this song. you're not bad at love. halsey, "bad at love."
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♪ got a boy back home in michigan and it tastes like jack when i'm kissing him ♪ ♪ so i told him that i never really liked his friends now he's gone and he's calling me again ♪ ♪ there's a guy that lives in a garden state and he told me that we'd make it till we graduate ♪ ♪ so i told him that the music would be worth the wait but he wants me in the kitchen with a dinner plate ♪ ♪ i believe i believe i believe i believe that we're meant to be ♪ ♪ but jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, jealousy get the best of me ♪ ♪ look i don't mean to frustrate but i always make the same mistakes yeah ♪ ♪ always make the same mistakes 'cause ♪ ♪ i'm bad at love ooh ooh but you can't blame me for trying ♪ ♪ you know i'd be lying saying you were the one ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ that could finally fix me lookin' at my history i'm bad at love ♪
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♪ got a girl in caifornia eyes and i thought that she could really be the one this time ♪ ♪ but i never got the chance to make hermine because she fell in love with little thin white lines ♪ ♪ london girl with an altitude we never told no one but we look so cute ♪ ♪ both got way better things to do but i always think about it when i'm riding through ♪ ♪ i believe i believe i believe i believe that i'm in too deep ♪ ♪ and jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, jealousy get the best of me ♪ ♪ look i don't mean to frustrate but i always make the same mistakes yeah ♪ ♪ always make the same mistakes 'cause ♪ ♪ i'm bad at love ooh ooh but you can't blame me for tryin' ♪ ♪ you know i'd be lyin' sayin' you were the one ooh ooh ♪ ♪ that could finally fix me lookin' at my history i'm bad at love ooh ooh ♪ ♪ oh, you know, you know, you know, you know i'm bad at love ooh ooh i'm bad at love ooh ooh ♪
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♪ hey ♪ i know that you're afraid i'm gonna walk away ♪ ♪ each time the feeling fades each time the feeling fades ♪ ♪ i know that you're afraid i'm gonna walk away each time the feeling fades ♪ ♪ you know i'm bad at love ooh ooh but you can't blame me for tryin' ♪ ♪ you know i'd be lyin' sayin' you were the one ooh ooh ♪ ♪ that could finally fix me looking at my history ♪ ♪ i'm bad at love ooh ooh ♪ oh, you know, you know, you know, you know i'm bad at love ooh, ooh, oh, oh ♪ [ applause ] >> thank you.
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>> announcer: how does this sound, fly to new york, stay in a hotel. get $500 spending cash and see one of music's biggest acts performing live on "gma." well, just go to to find out how to enter "gma's" fall concert sweepstakes. >> "good morning america" is brought to you by cigna. together all the way. >> she is good. congratulations, halsey. we're making it club "gma" in he
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washington! i'm melanie hastings. here is a check of your stop stories. a grand slam seals the deal, the nats force a game 5 against the cubs. washington now returning home for a winner take all matchup at nats park, first pitch, 8:08. if they win they will face the dodgers in the championship series. happening, the grand opening in dc, phase 1. you will still work in progress. but you'll also see new restaurants and new theater, already sold out for the foo fighters concert tonight. coming up on our sister station news channel 8 we have live team coverage on what you can expect at the newest water front destination. and if you're headed down, there you may want to grab an umbrella , isn't that right? >> reporter: certainly right about that. tracking cloud cover and drizzle not heavy rainfall. that is the case for tonight if you're head ed to nationals park. take the rain gear to play it safe. temperatures staying in the 60s
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going to be pretty much the same tomorrow with cloud core and our temperatures in the upper 60s. but then pie sunday, family, sunshine set to return to the area and those daytime highs well above average. here is angela with your traffic update. >> reporter: as we continue to track a lot of accidents, fender benders around the capital beltway, inside the beltway, drive times very significant. on the north side of the beltway itself, 98 minutes from i95, headed over to i270. as we step outside and get a look at the traffic land cameras you can see the gridlock trying to get into the district. got south capital street, douglas bridge problems with a fuel leak and a lot of delays. melanie. >> reporter: all right. thanks. you can get more news traffic and weather on "good morning washington" on news channel 8. we hope you have a great day.
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love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from the action thriller "geostorm," gerard butler. and from the new comedy series "the mayor," lea michele. plus internet stars rhett and link electrifying meals and serving them to the cohosts. all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> ryan: hello!
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