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tv   ABC7 News at 4  ABC  October 24, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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down in 20 minutes but simply not soon enough. maryland bureau chief brazille has the latest from hagerstown -- maryland bureau chief brad bell has the latest from hagerstown. brad: by the time they saw what was going on it was too late. >> a big ball of fire. it was just flames. we just kept looking and waiting, hoping. braked -- brad: they and the dogs were trapped up stairs by the fire which seemingly started on the floor of the duplex on snyder avenue. firefighters braved the flames and fought their way upstairs but it was too late. the victims were already deceased. the cause is still under investigation but the chief does not suspect fo
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plea that he has been making for years. >> please make sure you have a working smoke detector. that you check to make sure it's working every month and plan two ways out of every room in your home. jonathan: so sad. that is brad bell reporting. also at 4:00, a car slams in a packed tavern in prince george's county. several people were hurt. sam ford in marlboro pike in upper marlboro with breaking news for us. sam? sam: yes, jonathan. according to police it was around 1:15. if you look behind me, you see the people? that car went in the restaurant here, top of the hill, during the busy lunchtime when a crowd of 30 people were inside. it laterally came through flinging cinder block and brick through inner walls scattering patrons in disbelief.
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nichols who came there for lunch in the recess of a trial. >> a car comes through the wall at a high rate of speed and crashed through. i was at the center table. there is a table to the side. there is a wall inside separates the bar from the restaurant part. that came down. i had everybody on top of me before it was over with. the wall, the second wall, people. the police were kind enough to help me get out. >> you are sitting there making conversation -- >> conversation. happened in a second. sam: of course, we looked at the judge. his one sleeve had blood on it and the other had been ripped to shreds. according to the prince george's fire authorities, nine people were injured, seven taken to hospitals. two of those are in serious but non-life
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wounds. judge nichols says the man on top of him was unconscious and removed by police. clearly, a lot of concern about what is happening there. we will hear more coming up at "abc7 news at 5:00". reporting live from prince george's county, i'm sam ford, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. this just in from the hill, republican arizona senator jeff flake announcing on the senate floor a short time ago he will not run for re-election. but it's the way he did it that is unlike anything we have seen. a blistering critique of the political climate, president trump and his own party on such a grand stage. flake saying it is his obligation to be critical of the president, adding it's duty and conscious. >> reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has been excused as telling it like it is when it's actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified. michelle: he w
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the remainder of his term through 2018. it's important to note that flake has been outspoken critic of trump so no loved lost here. that is now two republican senators if you are keeping track not running for re-election. we are monitoring twitter for a response from the president. michelle marsh from the "live desk." back to you. alison: thank you. new at 4:00, surveillance video from inside a wing shop in prince george's county in a deadly shooting. late last week, rasheed edwards pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and three counts of attempted murder. he will spend the next several decades behind bars. darryl hairston was killed. >> there is nothing about this that makes any sense. when you watch the video, you can see that this defendant is walking around. he is talking. he has a phone. all of a sudden the violence erupts that is just unacceptable. it's unnecessary. it's inexcusable. we are glad he does not have a second opportunity to commit this violence. alison: police
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problem. edwards said no and left. and then looked back in there and started shooting. this just in. volunteer fire chief in prince george's county faces nearly two dozen charges. investigators say matthew fowler threatened to slash his girlfriend's tires and fled from police in charles county not once but twice. he was off-duty at the time. but the investigators say he was driving a fire department vehicle. nancy: police in bowie looking for a man who sexually assaulted a woman in a run. the man attacked her around 4:30 monday afternoon. this was near jennings mill drive and jennings lane. anyone with any information is asked to call police. jonathan: let's switch here's. if you got to get outside i hope you enjoyed it. what a beautiful day it was. fall will be returning. a chilly and more seasonable stretch coming our
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has the forecast. we need jackets to be handy. what are those? bill: we have only had a handful of days that the temperature is below normal for the month of october. good evening. it's beautiful. nats park to the west. you see a few of the low-level clouds but we are still in the 70's now. 73 specifically. when you look at the other numbers here, you go to the west. it's cooler. i tell you that because that is headed our direction. 53 in columbus right now. 46 in indianapolis. chicago just 47. currently that is not the low for tonight. that is what it is now. planning the rest of the evening, you may want the coat tonight. 71 degrees. at 5:00 we'll say. by 9:00, if you are running in the high heel race you need heels and a sweatshirt as well. not the nicest wardrobe i suppose but that is what it will be. we talk about how cool it will get tonight and look ahead at the stretch coming up. jonathan: look forward to it, bill. thanks. despite massive effort to overcome electrical problems plaguing metro one iss
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arcing incidents. metro chalked this up to a wet summer. stephen tschida is here to explain this to us. stephen: arcing incidents are serious. these are the situations which can fill the metro tunnels with smoke. we saw a spike in the quarter of the year but metro is crediting that, or blaming that on the very wet summer we had. despite safetrack, a major undertaking to make metro safer, statistics just released sparked concern about electrical arcing. the problem which filled a tunnel with smoke and cost a passenger her life in january 2015. the statistics indicate an increase in arcing despite a major safety push in the past two years. >> that is ridiculous.
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metro saw 19 arcing incidents. during the same period last year, it had nine. but a key factor may play a role. arcing occurs when dirt, mud or water interfere with the electrical current from the third rail. this july we saw some of the heaviest rain in recent history. a rep from metro says if you look at the entire year the incidents of arcing is down dramatically from 2016. >> we had a really wet july. that could make sense. i would love to get metro the benefit of the doubt. i really do think they are trying. i have seen improvements. stephen: if you look at the year, january through september, in 2016, there were 110 arcing incidents. so far this year, 2017, 82. so,
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he believes the system is on the right track as far as safety. reporting live, stephen tschida, abc7 news. alison: thank you. reminder to go to to sign up for metro text alerts. you will get updates sent from the newsroom to your phone. well, today marks 15 years since the end of the d.c. sniper shooting. john allen muhammad and lee boyd malvo were arrested 15 years to the day ending three weeks of terror across the d.c. area. they were picked up asleep in their car in the middle of the night at a restaurant in myersville, maryland. muhammad was execute and malvo is spending the rest of his life behind bars. nancy: president trump's ban of refugees has come to an end. the four-month hiatus was put in place to develop new tougher screening procedures. more stringent background
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policy instead to take place. refugee admissions are capped at 45,000 for the fiscal year that started at the beginning of the month. jonathan: not everyone welcomed president trump to capitol hill today. as he arrived with lunch for republican senators. watch. did you see the flags there? yep. protesters tossing a handful of skinny russian flags at president as he was passing by. they took that man away. the man identified himself as ryan clayton. he tried to get jared kushner, the president's son-in-law to sign a russian flag after a congressional hearing. nancy: on the hill, more of a protest. we have more. >> greeted by a mcof reporters and lone pro -- mob of reporters and lone protester, he
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he had work to do after sparring with several senators. but the republicans in the white house are determined to get tax legislation into law this year. >> our tax cuts will restore america's competitive edge and lower the crushing tax burden on the people. >> it calls center steep cuts for corporation and for individuals and double the standard deduction used by most americans, shrink the tax brackets from seven to three or four and repeal inheritance taxes on multimillion dollar estates. >> anything that will unify republicans is tax reform. >> but details have yet to be worked out and democrats is urging the president to pay attention to the details no more tweeting. no more soup fishality. read the bill -- superficiality. >> senator corker accused president tru
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overpromising. the president said it would not affect 401k plans, mortgage or charitable deductions. >> leave the effort to the tax writing committee and let them do their work and not take things off the table. >> meanwhile, republican leaders say at this point they are not worried about the ongoing corker-trump fight on taxeses and other issues. not worried that it will delay the push for tax reform. jonathan: coming up next at "abc7 news at 4:00" -- a burglary suspect was caught on camera. how he was able to break in will have you thinking twice about just what you are leaving in your parked car. alison: neighborhoods on edge. the search for what police and residents believe is a serial killer on the loose in florida. the measure is taken right now in hopes of stopping the next shooting. nancy: no fear. the take-down inside a bank and all caught on tape. what happens moments after this brawl is next. jonathan: still ahead at
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4:30 -- capital bike share, is it popular for its own good? the advancement that is eating
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alison: home break-ins in two counties but are they connected? a recent case now caught on camera. our q mccray is here to explain this. q mccray
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q: i spoke to the police and they confirmed two such incidents happened early monday morning. this is a look at the person they are looking for. surveillance video of the crime in progress. it was recorded after 2:00 a.m. on monday. the man you see here did not make it in the home you are looking at, at the moment. but he did make it to the neighbor's home. that family had just had a party that sunday night. they didn't lock up the home properly. they left the garage door open. the suspect makes his way into the house and is confronted by the son who scares the man off. the good news is no one was hurt and nothing was taken but man of the house michael mcgrady says he knows it could have been worse for his family that night. >> when you just dodge a bullet, the overwhelming feeling is you were lucky. we're grateful. somebody was looking out for
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us. >> last week we told you about a string of burglaries in sterling, virginia, loudoun county that isn't far away from here. i found out the loudoun county detectives and the herndon county police are working together to figure out if the crimes are related. if they are, the same person could be wanted for at least 13 crimes in the last week and a half. getting into homes using everything including garage door openers. i will talk more about that coming up in the 6:00 hour. until then, that is the latest from herndon. i'm q mccray. alison: you can review the surveillance video and this story by downloading the wjla abc7 news app available on google play and at the app store. nancy: too frighteninged to step outside. that is a feeling in florida where they believe a serial killer is on the loose. three people shot and killed in two weeks and abc's victor oquendo is in
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are tracking down every potential lead. victor: they are reaching out to the community for help. the authorities are breaking the rules in this case, they admit. >> normally as police departments we don't like to give information out to people. we are tight-lipped when it comes to crimes but we have told more information in these cases than we normally do because this is about public safety, public awareness. >> at this point all the police have to go on is a grainy surveillance video showing a person wearing a hoodie on the night of the first murder. >> everybody at this point is a suspect. if you are out there walking alone, you are a suspect or a potential victim. >> even with the more visible police presence in the neighborhood, authorities want the residents to be extra cautious. >> we need you to turn lights on and be visible. we need you to tell us what you see. every little bit makes a difference. >> the mayor isn't ready to say they are dealing with a serial killer.
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murders is crime frame and proximity. victims were killed less than half a mile apart. two were killed three bus stops and the third victim was walking to a friend's home. her body discovered in an empty lot. >> they are being ambushed. is this person on the bus? is he following them? million-dollar questions now. hopefully law enforcement is all over this and has answers to the questions. right now they are chasing a ghost. >> none of the victims were robbed. none of the three knew each other. jonathan: how is this for crime fighting? more crime tackling. watch this. the guy with the gun and the mask. i'm going to get a bank robbery. whoa! out of the corner someone does a perfect midfield takedown. another, that is a wrestling move by the way. they tear the guy's mask off. he had a gun, right? he is holding them and then he is on the way out the door. police made an arrest short t
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nancy: you saw the women run out the door. jonathan: if you see men tackling each other, that is a cue to get out. alison: i wonder if he's an athlete. jonathan: couple of moves there. alison: look at the severe weather outbreak. this is last night across the southeast. this is serious damage. spartanburg county in south carolina. just this afternoon the national weather service confirmed that some of the damage done was from an ef-2 tornado. bill: there were 11 tornadoes by the way. it's an active night. nancy: is that late in the season? bill: in the spring you have a lot picking up. if you are in the transition season, you get the changes so not completely out of the ordinary. but it's never fun to be part of it. jonathan: we had a beautiful morning today. bill: hello, by the way. you guys, let me look at the shot here. the capital wheel at the national harbor. a beautiful
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the low clouds going down when the sun goes down tonight. that will allow the temperatures to drop on in to the 50's. we will see some spots in the 30's tomorrow morning. we will talk about that in a moment. we are 73 now with the winds out of the southwest at 15. beautiful. don't get used to this. we are changing it. the morning low 61 this morning. widespread temperatures. as we look at the big picture, 70's. you don't need a coat at this time. you go to the west, things cool down. that is where the weather is coming in from. the cool air from the west. working on it. winds are less than they were this morning. overnight, you may have been woken up with the trees swinging around and hitting the house. we have wind gusts today this morning that were in the 25 to 35 miles per hour range. so this is nothing like we saw down south like the video but a windy
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15-mile-per-hour winds or so. live doppler is sweeping the area. looking for storms. it's a quiet everything. if you are heading out and you don't need the umbrella, leave it at home. a few showers to the west. they will stay there. the weather is dry as we get into the night tonight and tomorrow. a lot of the showers back here will calm down. they will die down. kind of the heating of the day type of thing. for us, man, looks nice. the skies clear out and we have a few more clouds as we get into tomorrow morning. planning it out, 61 by 8:00. sun goes down at 6:17. you want the coat or maybe a light sweatshirt. "coat" may be overdone. but overnight, to the west, higher terrain 40 to 52. 52 closer to the city center. mostly cloudy skies for tomorrow morning. the day is 64 degrees. by thursday we will drop the temperature to 60 for the high. it will feel like fall as the cooler air moving in. it felt like late summer for
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we will rebound. it's not cool for all that long. we will bounce it back up to the upper 60's and 70 and the next cold front coming in sunday. if you have a tee time or something planned rab the clubs up. -- wrap the clubs up. or bring mittens. jonathan: james comey unmasked himself. the rumors proving true about his twitter habits. nancy: up next, a car accident leaving a local virginian severely injured. now he is on the football field and cheered on by quarterback kirk cousins. his
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jonathan: a virginia teen had the scare of his life. lucky to be alive after a car crash. his football future in doubt. through hard work and a great support system, he is back on the field with the teammates. scott abraham introduces us to our rising star. scott: that moment when life flashes before your eyes. >> i hit a tree. there was nothing i could do about it. i thought i was going to die. scott: a serious car accident before mother's day leaving him fighting for his life. >> severe head trauma. so my body was basically useless. >> the langely senior wide receiver in a hospital bed. a long way from a football field. >> started work
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had p.t. and all that to be able to play this season. >> the sweat, the tears paid off. hans back on the field contributing. >> to have him face something so severe and be able to get back is nice to be able to show the kids like this, this is what we are talking about. scott: thanks to his teammates thinking outside the box, the news of the accident even got to the redskins quarterback kirk cousins who took the time to personally record a get well video message to hans. >> hey, hans, this is kirk cousins from the redskins. got news of your accident. my heart goes out to you. we'll pray for you. stay tough. reporter: the 18-year-old proving tough times don't last. tough people do. >> you can push yourself through anything. you can work hard. >> embracing life's journey to
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i'm scott abraham with the rising star. jonathan: a great story. good job. we want to see him win a championship now. abc7 is on your side with a phone bank this afternoon. ask the mechanic volunteers. they are getting set up right now in the abc7 help center to answer all your questions that you have with your car. is it making a noise it didn't before? no problem. call 703-236-9220 to have the questions answered. we'll open up the lines in a couple of minutes and check in with the help center after the break. nancy: see them soon. also ahead, the civil rights group casa demanding they stop working with the immigrations and the customs enforcement. is that really possible? we take a closer look next. >> did you ever wonder how capital bike share works, where the bikes go when they are broken or why there isn't always a bike in your neighborhood? i'm sam sweeney. on the on abc7 news we take you inside the capital bike share to answer all of your questions. alison: new at:00 tonight, what mar
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calling for after they ruled the bladensburg peace cross unconstitutional. answer
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we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. we also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. cigna. together, all the way.
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ralcandidate for'm governor,rtham, and i sponsored this ad. rrator: they call him enron ed.rtham, because washington, dc lobbyist ed gillespie represented the worst of the worst. lenders trying to keep student loan rates high. corporations sending jobs overseas. and of course the enron scandal. now, enron ed is lobbying for donald trump's agenda. like cuts to virginia school funding, and taking away healthcare from thousands of virginians. enron ed gillespie. he's not lobbying for you. announcer: you're watching "abc7 news at 4:00". on your side. jonathan: tonight there is a new effort to protect immigrants. michelle: the group
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demanding fairfax county stop cooperating and working with immigration and customs enforcement. nancy: they explained what they are asking for at a news conference. new at 4:00, nathan baca with that. nathan: i'm live right here in the middle of a group of activists and the residents here that are here to come to the fairfax county board of supervisors to demand that the county police department stop holding undocumented immigrants in jails when they are detained. also stop going on police raids. casa and other organizations took it to the board of supervisors. in august we highlighted the risk that local governments run into when they call themselves "sanctuary cities." they had said that grants could be canceled if they don't enforce with the immigrations and customs enforcement but some like rockville are taking that chance, telling the community they are taking
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community. we talked to fairfax county. they say $of -- $61 million comes from the federal grant. >> we want to make sure that the community is not discriminated against. and we feel safe in our community. county of fairfax. nathan: i talked to the fairfax police chief. he says not only do his agents, his officers not go on i.c.e. but he wants to get the message out to the immigrant community they want their cooperation when it comes to crimes, especially crimes of domestic violence. the activists and the residents are planning to go to the board of supervisors hearing to let the board of supervisors know what they think at 6:00 tonight. reporting live from the fairfax county government center, nathan baca, abc7 news. >> thank you. we are in the weather center with chief meteorologist bill kelly. bill: hello. nancy: what a pleasant october
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this? this is beautiful. hagerstown, a few clouds hanging out in the area. what we will happen is the clouds earlier will disappear and then we see the temperatures dropping. do you have a jacket ready? you will want it for sure. maybe not for the early evening hours. 68 at 7:00. 64 by 9:00. the big high heel race going on and a lot of you running in that. sweatshirt tonight. but you don't need an umbrella tonight. looking for the overnight hours partly cloudy skies. noticeably cooler. drop to 61. if you went out this morning for the comparison sake, low 50's. tomorrow we'll be 40 to 52 depending where you are. a 52 is closer to the city. thursday we have 60er if the high. friday we have 68 degrees but we have the next weather maker in sight. it could affect the plans. we will
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few minutes. >> see you then. thank you. abc7 on the side with a phone bank and mechanic experts. horace holmes in the center now. everybody has a question about therca. especially some noise that just popped up. they want to know if it's expensive noise or a cheap one. horace: so we will open up the lines now. 703-236-9220. boom! there they go. people are calling in now. if you have a problem with the car, we are here until now until of:30. sert -- until 6:30. certified mechanics from a.a.a. jim is here. we are getting ready to move in the cold weather, what should we do with the car now? >> look for battery problems. if you stop in a a.a.a. location they will check it in free of charge. the temperature drops, it starts to attack the system. typically also if your car is equipped with a center to monitor the tire pressure you will start to see those go off and the lights come on, on the dash. firs
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when it's really cold. we can check those to make sure the tire pressure are okay. horace: we'll pick up other things later on. 703-236-9220. give them a call. this is free. give them a call and they will answer questions. back to you. michelle: we love free. thank you. capital bike share is one of the most popular forms of transportation in the area. so popular it reduced d.c. congestion by 4%. sam sweeney shows us that it's at the crossroad of expansion and technology. >> wherever you go, there they are. the 30 red bikes. capital bike average moves 13,000 riders a day. many wonder what does the future hold? can they compete with the bikes popping up all over town? >> people like the capital bike share and the six stations. >> we know they have the technology and they are you are suing it. as soon as something, a viable option is there we will cosi
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a capital bike share eight vans that moves bikes from of:00 a.m. to midnight to keep the docks full. there is one question every driver gets. >> how come there isn't a bike at a station where live at? or why isn't there a station near my house? >> the answer is really that we are a victim of our own success. the system is so popular it's a struggle to keep up with the demand. >> there are 450 docks across the area and 4,000 bikes which means plenty of flat tires. the average life of a capital bike share is 10,000 trips. but you can imagine it needs constant maintenance over the life. this is where it comes to have it done. >> every single month, every single bike of over 4,000 bikes get looked at. >> coming up at 5:00, we will tell you the most popular stations and how many more years until capital bike share will begin replacing the current fleet. in northwest i'm sam sweeney, abc7 news. nancy: we are
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breaking news in the newsroom from southeast d.c. where two men have been shot in a car that happened in the last two hours at stanton road and douglass place. d.c. councilman white telling us that a group was driving in a car and another car heard shooting. no word at the condition at this hour. the police are still looking for the shooter. seven people have been shot in the last 24 hours in d.c. meantime tonight chance for those impacted by the crisis to share their story. people in prince william county are invited to attend a community meeting in manassas. it starts at 6:00 and it includes information on addiction. panel discussion as well as a moment of remembrance. jonathan: former f.b.i. director james comey revealed his twitter alias. for many they speculated the
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belonged to him. he confirmed it to him. he posted a message "goodbye, iowa. got to get home and back to writing." he has a book due out next spring. remember this scene, the chainsaw nun going at it? a southern brewing company wants you to raise a pint for her. how they are honoring the nun coming up next. michelle: the new study identifies new risk for breast cancer. what researchers found that could lead to better and faster diagnosis coming up at 7:00 in a "7 on your side" alert.
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nancy: we love her around here, fionna, the hippo. she has a lot of big fans and apparently is inspiring love. look here, one man proposed. guess who showed up? fionna! [laughter] she photo bombed the whole thing. it looks like she is ready to preside over the wedding. i love it. hey, guys, this is the most exciting thing that happens here. jonathan: she stayed for the photo op. congratulations. that's a good omen. another sign of life for the florida keys
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wild scene. it is every year. the annual zombie bike ride through key west. part of atantsy fest that includes masked parades, and theme -- masquerades and theme parties. michelle: great to see the folks celebrating. this is no costume. remember the chainsawing nun clearing down trees after hurricane irma in florida? now she has her own beer. aptly named "nun with the chainsaw." the i.p.a. is on tap and is available in cans. the brewing company wants customers to raise a glass for the famous none. next at "abc7 news at 4:00" -- tina faye. she brings mean girls to d.c. and kidd o'shea goes one-on-one. >> it reminds me of a saturday at s.n.l.
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mean. she esplains why it's like -- explains why it's like working at s.n.l. all over again. >> i'm mike carter-conneen. burgundy and gold hosted a special party for cool kids. how
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sweet 4k tv, mr. peterson. thanks. i'm pretty psyched. did you get fios too? no, was i supposed to get fios? mr. peterson. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network. it's like it was invented to stream 4k movies and shows. how do you know so much about tv and internet? the internet. right. streaming is only as good as your internet. so get the best internet - with the 100% fiber-optic network - get fios - now just $79.99 per month for fios gigabit connection plus tv and phone.
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horace: welcome back to the "7 on your side" help center. 703-236-9220 is the number to call. phone bank today with certified mechanics from a.a.a. you are having a problem with your car or perhaps you want to buy a new car. they can help you out. give them a call. we'll be here from now until 6:30. 703-236-9220. if it's busy, keep trying. back to you. nancy: thank you. michelle: health alert. researchers giving new insight in the genetic causes of breast cancer. 72 previously unknown gene mutations that can lead to the development have been identified. one of the study's offer says a woman with the newly discovered mutation faces 5-10% higher risk of developing breast cancer. nancy: splitting up afe
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will no longer sell whirlpool appliances including maytag, kitchen aid and genair. they say whirlpool's demands would have made it impossible to offer competitive prices. sears will sell the remaining appliances it has in stock. jonathan: if you don't like to fly, you might not want to hear the story. air canada pilots missed several calls to abort a landing in san francisco. they were telling them don't do it and they didn't get back to them. they are investigating close call from sunday night. flight from montréal seeking permission to land but air traffic control believed there might be a plane on the runway and radioed back. listen. >> 781, tower. >> [inaudible] >> that is evident. jonathan: telling him go around, go and, go around. five times. no response. this is a big plane coming in. the f.a.a. is looking into
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nancy: mega millions becoming more expensive and harder to win? starting with next week's draw it will cost $20 to play instead of $1. the jackpot increasing from $15 to $40 million. it decreases from 75 to 70 so the chance to win slightly gets better. but the odds of winning this all decreases from 1 in 259 million to 1 in 303 million. michelle: i'm exhausted by the numbers. jonathan: she is exhausted. she ran around the studio reading that. nicely done! there is a chance, that's what you are saying. go to the "live desk." larry smith with a look at what to expect at "abc7 news at 5:00". larry: you are right. so you are saying there's a chance. just a chance. what a mother of ten is charged with doing to her kids in the middle of
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up. plus, it's 17.5 centimeters wide, but find out why it's becoming a big deal. east coast helping west coast after the devastating wildfires in california. how a virginia company is coming to the rescue when alison and i join you at 5:00. see you in a few. michelle: thank you. the third annual high heel race this morning took place. the grand marshal counted them down. for the third year in a row, see it again in slow motion -- jonathan: three-time champion. nancy: that is brianne brian vae graaff out in front. three years in a row. for tonight's race kidd o'shea is there. it should be a good night for a run. kidd, do you have your heels? or are you a spectator tonight? kidd: i forgot my heels again. i covered
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my heels every year. you see 17th street where the traffic is still moving. that will change around 6:30. they will start moving the cars out of here. if you car is here at of:30, it will be towed because they shut the road down at 7:00. dave has been organizing this since i have been born. that young. it will be a big night tonight. >> it will be great. we have the mayor's office here. we have a ton of people. a lot of melania trump running around. 10,000 spectators. having a good time. >> a video from last year. this starts and it ends at j.r. it's only a couple of blocks. not a long race. >> the winning time is a minute and 60 seconds or 60 seconds. it's a ridiculous time. kidd: pretty quick. coming up after 5:00 you will introduce us to drinks. they have the special drinks here at level one. earlier today i caught up with tina fey who is in town promoting the new show "mean
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next year. before it hits broadway the preview in washington, d.c. i talk to her about the experience. you have done everything. tv, broadway. >> professional weightlifting. kidd: i almost left that out. out of all of them where does it fall into place? how does it work? >> this is very exciting. i love the stage we are at now. where you are up on our feet with actors seeing what helps the actor succeed moment to moment and getting the feedback. this reminds me of saturday at s.n.l. of okay, now we're really doing it. now it's moved out of the serious part to the practical. it's incredibly exciting. kidd: much more with tina fey tomorrow morning on "good morning washington" in the 6:00 hour. much more from the high heel race. i found some high heels. coming up after 5:00 on a
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to chief meteorologist bill kelly with a look at the forecast for the race tonight. bill: i will tell you what. i came in the weather center in afternoon. the heel you are holding right there, i saw them. there were a few of them. i don't know what size they were. but those are not small. those are not small right there that you are holding. >> no, not at all. bill: that is interesting. let's talk about the race. tonight. no weather related problems other than being on the cool side. this time of year 65. right around the normal high temperature on the day. that is at 9:00 at night. cooling off for the race. but man, it should be nice for this time of year. we are looking to the east. rehoboth beach. you can see the clouds. no ez are the lingering -- those are the lingering clouds from the front. the day today is nice. 73 now. look behind this. we have 40's and 50's. the cooler air is what is heading to the region. the showers that are out there over ohio,
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down tonight. i do not expect them in the area. but i do expect clouds on the increase later tonight. breaking it down, drop it to the 60's or. so jackets needed in the morning. 58 for recess. 64 when the kids get out of school. we should be fine. decreasing clouds throughout the day. we will talk about the cooler conditions in a little bit. jonathan: thank you, bill. hours after arriving home in philadelphia, redskins are back at work. but not out on the field. they are in community. we will show you
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alex: when i was 11 years old, a man broke into the house and he sexually assaulted me. thankfully, in my case, the police caught him,
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that their attacker is still out there. ♪ thank you mark herring, for taking this seriously, and for making this a priority, for all of the victims out there. mark: i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. from scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. (gasping) son? dad! we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so we're partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. doctor poses! dad! cigna. together, all the way.
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jonathan: everyone after a tough loss last night the skins players were back in the jerseys on the day off doing something good. mike carter-conneen reports they hosted a special party for children from under served communities at the macy's store in dulles town center. mike: the d.c. area school kids were treated to a big surprise today. >> they were so excited. they got on the bus and kind of had an idea of what was going onment when we told them what would happen it was so much better. mike: the party hosted by the burgundy and gold had crafts and choice of a new coach courtesy of macy's. >> it means the world to them to know someone cares. mike: 300 children from seven area schools got new winter
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players. >> it's good. you could make an impact on kids' lives. >> samaje perine and ryan grant left some kids speechless. >> wait, he's real? i was surprised. i was too shy to talk to him. mike: glen ridge elementary school second grader ja manypar perry loves the skins. >> what i like about them, they keep trying and they never give up. and i like this coat. it fits me. >> the 7-year-old also likes dancing. he and the classmates showed off their moves, some working up a new sweat in the coat. >> i'm a little hot. >> they each left with a skins hat and big smiles. >> it made me so happy. thank you, redskins. mike: at dulles town center, mike carter-conneen, abc7 news. larry: right now at 5:00, they are picking up the pieces after a car crashed the lunch hour. the first responders arrived before the waywar
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did. a local winery feeling pain of wildfires thousands of miles away stepped up to help the friends in golden state. scrambling to keep up. how many more years before capital bike share begins repliesing the bikes? announcer: now "abc7 news at 5:00". on your side. larry: neighbors say they could hear the mother and the son screaming for help but there is nothing they could do to get to them as the duplex burned in hagerstown. brad bell is live on the scene after an emotional conversation with a neighbor today. brad? brad: yeah, i just had another very emotional conversation with the woman who lost her husband in this fire. the person we referred to and she tells me that he stays here three days a week to look after his mother and he just arrived here yesterday. today was his birthday. even hours after the fire, lenny morrell is haunted by what hap
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brad: with tears streaming down his cheeks he told us about the overnight fire that claimed the lives of his neighbors for more than 20 years. the elderly mother and her adult son. >> by the time anybody was awake, you couldn't get in. you couldn't get close. there was flames everywhere. the car was on fire. house was on fire. brad: it started at 3:00 a.m. on the first floor in the left half of the big duplex on snyder avenue. the flames trapped occupants upstairs. even though the fire department got water flowing quickly, there is nothing they could do. >> we went to work right away. we did everything to get up and try to make a recovery. brought a person out. a few minutes later brought the other person down. they expired before the fire department was alerted. brad: this afternoon, investigators combed the scene searching for the cause and origin as the neighbors cope with their grief. >> just


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