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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 14, 2017 11:35pm-12:37am EST

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- will smith, pharrell williams, "this year in unnecessary censorship," and music from n.e.r.d. and now, you've been warned, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. hi, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. do you feel the holiday spirit
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right now? christmas is ten days away which means we only get to hear that mariah cara song 75,000 times. [ laughter ] it occurred to me last night as i was putting my daughter to bed that the little drummer boy, you know the little drummer boy, this kid brought drums into a baby's room. he just strolls in, shall i play my drums for you? completely unacceptable. where were this little drummer easiest boy's parents when this was going on? my daughter's 3. they had their holiday performance for preschool. her class is called the ladybugs. the ladybugs perform two songs. "here comes suzie snowflake," which is just a terrible song. [ laughter ] and a hanukkah song that was even -- no one has ever heard this song before or will ever hear it again, i don't know where it came from. we got there early in the morning. my mother-in-law drove an hour and a half to see her do these songs. not only didn't jane, my
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word of either song, she cried. the whole time. she didn't sing, she didn't dance, she didn't do any of the moves, she stood there and cried for six minutes. then i picked her up, i took her off stage. not two minutes later she's dancing and singing in the corner with her friends. but what i witnessed this morning was nothing compared to this. this is a church in white pine, tennessee, preschoolkids put on a nativity scene that turned into a scene. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a brawl over baby jesus. i don't remember that. give me that savior right now! this war on christmas is getting completely out of hand. it really is. meanwhile, roy moore, you know roy moore. the leather-vested loser in the race for senate in alabama? still hasn't conceded the election. even though he lost. not only has he hasn't conceded he released youtube video bemoaning the fact that immorality is sweeping the land. if immorality is sweeping the land, you my friend are a roomba. [ laughter ] he made a defiant and fire and
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referenced abortion, same-sex marriage, sodomy, transgenders, and even his wife kayla moore made an appearance. >> like most americans i'm concerned about the future of our country. both financially and morally. >> one of our attorneys is a jew. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now i understand. [ applause ] the reason that he's been too busy to concede is they've been wrapping hanukkah presents all night. the new "star wars" movie has finally arrived. [ cheers and applause ] "star wars: the last jedi" opened in theaters tonight. i feel we need more time between the "star wars." as soon as you come out of the theater you have to get in line for the next one. it's expected to be the number one movie with a colon in the title at the box office this weekend. if it does well there's talk they may make another one, so that's exciting. i hope this one has robots, i hate when they don't have robots. this is right outside our studio. this is one of the
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feet high. it was sent by emperor trump to destroy us. [ laughter ] i got a little nervous when i saw that coming to work. the big news in show business is that disney is buying fox. or most of fox. disney, the company that owns our network, abc, is buying 21st century fox for more than $60 billion. bad news, now we only have about $300 left to make the next "star wars" movie. [ laughter ] it's a major deal. disney will now own the rights to the x-help, fantastic four, avatar, and three "big mama's house" movies. [ cheers and applause ] i wonder, is it too late to add wolverine to "star wars"? that would be awesome. the fcc did something despicable today, they voted to put an end to net neutrality. this is the rule that says everyone gets equal access to the internet,
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somebody selling crocheted owls from their house in the midwest. as long as they tell us they're doing it, now internet service providers will be allowed to slow down or block web traffic to any website or streaming service they like, which benefits big telecon companies and does the opposite for all of us, even though 83% of americans support net neutrality and 2 million of the people who supposedly wrote to the fcc to oppose it were bogus, many of them turned out to be dead. someone stole the identities of dead people to push this through. now we have to hope congress agrees to vote on and reverse it. but i just want to say, thank you, president trump. thanks to you and this jackhole you appointed to run the fcc, big corporations are about to take full control of the internet. so merry christmas, everybody. and by the way, tomorrow is the last day maybe ever to enroll for health care under the affordable care act. if you do not have health insurance, you are required by law to get it, you wil
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go to to sign up. for a lot of people it's free. do it now. because once net neutrality's gone, we might not even have web m.d. anymore, so this is something that you need. i want to wish a happy hannah ka to those celebrating it. tonight is the third night of hanukkah. the third of eight nights. did you remember to light your menorah at home? >> guillermo: no, i forgot. >> jimmy: hanukkah lasts eight nights. eight is the number of ways you can spell hanukkah correctly. what's going on? >> excuse me, jimmy. >> jimmy: yes? someone in the audience has a question? >> which night of hanukkah are you going to bring out the chanucorn? >> jimmy: gary, stop it. all right? >> i'm not gary, i'm just a regular audience member who wants to see the beloved hanukkah unicorn make an appearance. >> jimmy: a regular audience member? what's your name, regular audience member? >> uh -- din. >> jimmy: your name is din?
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>> dinzell. >> jimmy: okay. this is one of our writers, gary. every year he interrupts our show -- [ applause ] don't encourage him. he interrupts dressed as this ridiculous character he made up called the chanucorn -- >> i did not make it up, god made the chanucorn. >> jimmy: it doesn't matter, we don't have time for this. >> do not treat me like matt damon. [ laughter ] the people want to see the chanucorn! right? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy:. the all right. i will give you 60 seconds. >> how about 80? >> jimmy: what a negotiator. all right, 80. all right, okay, all right. >> the song we worked on, we have to do it fast because i don't have must have time. ♪ i hope that you enjoy my song it's going to be a blast noits ♪ listen develop carefully i have to seeing it fast ♪ ♪ the
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favorite jewish words ♪ ♪ bagel pickle dairy rye ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> okay, guys, we've got to keep going! go faster, faster. just give me a beat! ♪ ♪ ♪ my time is up shalom good-bye ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, thank you. thank you,
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>> i thank you guys and hanukkah! number one the only dreidel dog! ♪ ♪ >> and his sidekick rob the lizard! ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: oh, look at that. all right. well, that's wonderful. thank you. the chanucorn, everybody! that's gary. and we look forward to his comments about this on social media. all right. one more thing. the year's winding down and so as is our tradition we went through all the bleeps and blurs of 2017 and whittled it to the best of the best. it is time for "this year in unnecessary censorship." >> we have a good relationship, i [ b
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every day, i [ bleep ]ed him several times a week, he calls me late at night on the weekends. >> now they're saying the real problem is not that trump might have blown an israeli spy -- meaning blew his [ bleep ], that is. >> i'm a [ bleep ]. i'm a big [ bleep ]. >> that was the first time i heard about the [ bleep ] inside of tommy lasorda. >> we love you! you've been with us all year. we're bringing this [ bleep ] home! >> i believe in [ bleep ]. >> what does my [ bleep ] have to do with this here? >> she wanted her [ bleep ] to be simply the best. >> came back, pushed me off my chair, and [ bleep ]ed me. >> where? >> in my [ bleep ]. >> fist or hand? >> fist. >> we've been able to [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. we did it in the [ bleep ]. let's call it start [ bleep ]ing it in the [ bleep ]. >> and
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>> yes, indeed, you got it. >> and then there were just -- maybe he's got the magic touch tonight. >> america's at her best when, against all odds, we come together and [ bleep ] each other. >> [ bleep ] you. >> [ bleep ] you. >> [ bleep ] you. >> [ bleep ] you. >> i knew i would [ bleep ] this show up, i really did. >> is there a problem with your sandwich, sir? >> yes, i feel like i could die! and go to heaven! >> oh, please, sir, don't, stop, you really can stop, sir. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: when we come back, guillermo and i will find out if kids have been naughty or nice, so stick around, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: hi, everyone. welcome back. will smith, pharell williams, and music from n.e.r.d. is coming. first, christmas is coming as well. it's ten days away. not only is christmas ten days away, next year's christmas just a little over a year away. every year around this time guillermo and i like to lend santa a hand. we dress up in our elf costumes and chat with kids to see who's been naughty and who's been nice and this is what we learned from a couple of adorable little brothers. come on in, hi guys, how are you? oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. have a seat right there. let's see, we got nick and
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oh, santa's name is nick. which one of you is nick? all right, very good. let's see. dear santa, i want a lego death star, please. i help clean up. love, ben. that's good. dear santa, i want a laser tag game because i've been nice to everybody at school and i've been nice to my parents. i thank you for being santa. well, that's nice, from nicholas. all right, that's good. have you been good this year? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: both of you? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you ever see the other one doing anything naughty? >> sometimes. >> jimmy: oh, sometimes. tell us about some of the things that your brother has done. and be honest. >> sometimes tackles me. >> yeah, we get in fights. >> jimmy: oh, okay. what kind of thin dozen you fight over? >> sometimes fight over toys. >> jimmy: you fight over toys, okay, all right. who starts these fights? >> usually you. >> yeah, probably. >> jimmy: you usually do start them, okay. do you ever use bad words? >> no. >>
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>> jimmy: never? >> never. >> no, never. >> jimmy: santa's mentioned that, ben, you've been maybe using the "s" word sometimes? >> no, i would not. >> jimmy: you're not, okay. we must have that wrong. maybe you said something that sounded like the "s" word? >> it's because i was going to sit down. >> jimmy: oh, it was "sit." oh, yeah, i could see how santa would get confused by that. you're like, "oh sit!" or look, the dog just sit! i just stepped in sit! >> yeah. >> jimmy: that kind of thing? yeah, i could see how that would be confusing. okay. would you like to give santa a message on camera? >> sure. >> jimmy: okay, go right in that little house and say whatever you want to say to him, make sure to tell him who you are though. he's got a lot of kids to keep track of and he's not a mind reader. >> hi.
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>> hi. >> my name is ben. and my brother's name is nick. we love you so much. >> and we hope that christmas comes soon. >> jimmy: and we've been so good -- >> and we've been so good this year. >> jimmy: and those times i said the "s" word i said "sit." >> i said "sit." >> jimmy: not the other thing. >> not the other thing. >> jimmy: what is the other thing again? >> the "s" word. >> jimmy: what is it? >> s [ bleep ] t. >> jimmy: what does that spell? >> the "s" word. >> jimmy: which "s" word? all right, come on out, guys. i got to tell you one thing, you guys are very good at spelling. you know? do you know how to spell any other bad words?
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: which ones? >> the f word is [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: what? >> [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: that's right. this is like a profane spelling bee. any others you can think of? >> someone in my classroom called me the "b" word. >> jimmy: what's that word? >> b-i-t-c-h. >> jimmy: what's that kid's name who called you that? >> david. >> jimmy: david will get nothing for christmas. tell that little b-word he's not getting anything. all right. thanks, guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show, pharrell williams, music from n.e.r.d., and we'll be right back with will smith. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by the new 2018 nissan rogue. innovation that excites.
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12:00 am
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back to the show. tonight, a man who wears many tall hats, pharrell williams, is here. he's getting his band back together. their new album is called "no one ever really dies." it comes out tomorrow. n.e.r.d. from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. it's a big weekend for nerds!
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with "star wars" and all of that. our first guest tonight is a worldwide motion picture superstar and the freshest of all princes ever. his new movie is called "bright." it premieres one week from tomorrow in theatres and on netflix. which i get at home. please say hello to will smith. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> he just left. he just -- >> jimmy: sorry, i just took a little nap. >> oh, geez, i'm sorry. >> jimmy: i figured while you were out there with them i'd get a little shut-eye. how are you? so good to see you. [ cheers and applause ] we've got little kids at home. by the way, i just want to ask about christmas in your house. i imagine -- is it a big deal, something that you guys are -- do you get very festive and excited about? >> you know, for jada -- my wife -- christmas is really serious. >> jimmy: really? >> we don't joke about christmas. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah. you know, because i -- our family, scattered to the four corners of the earth all year. but on
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serious. like she goes way too -- she got antlers. [ laughter ] you know, she's one of those moms where like christmas is -- you better be at home. >> jimmy: be there. >> be there on christmas and everybody does what mommy says. >> jimmy: i see. >> yeah. >> jimmy: jada was here a few months ago. she told me a story about you. i'm curious to get your side of the story. >> oh, man, she been putting my business in the street? laugh live. >> jimmy: she has. >> what'd she say? >> jimmy: she said you're putting your business in the street is basically what she said. she said that when you don't have money, she said off then you have no wash on you, i do wallet, you will panhandle. go up to people and say, can i have money? >> hold up. [ laughter ] all right, so this is -- this is -- this has been a real issue in our marriage. >> jimmy: it has? >> that's right. so we've been together 20 years this new year's. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a lot of years. >> right? we almost ain't make it. we almost ain't make
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right? so our family, we start a company, just water. right? so it's, you know, 81% paper bottle. we were excited, our family, first business outside of entertainment. and whole foods takes the company and they're going to have us in all 400 stores. it was the first day and we're walking down the street in new york. and i see the first pallet coming into the whole foods. i'm like, babe, look, look! that's our company! but i just -- i don't wear jewelry, i rarely have money, i don't carry money with me. so i was like, oh, man! it's 99 cents for each bottle, so $2, we could both get a bottle. she didn't have money, i didn't have money. she was like, let's walk back to the house. babe, it's four blocks to the house. i was like, let's ask those people. [ laughter ] she was like -- i was like,
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[ cheers and applause ] >> they're special, right? >> jimmy: right. >> she was like, what are you suggesting? i was like, it's $2, ask them for $2. and she was like, you want to walk up to perfect strangers and ask for money? i said, it's "fresh prince" fans. she was like, no. there's no way that we're going to walk up to strangers and ask for money. i was like, babe, they would like it. [ laughter ] it would be fun for them to say "will and jada borrowed $2." she said, they ain't going to be able to say will and jada did nothing. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: this is what will solo. >> she made us walk four blocks to go get $2. then four blocks back. to buy the water. at which point it was good because i was parched. [ laughter ] good walk. four blocks
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>> jimmy: this is exactly how she told this story also. [ laughter ] i mean, the transcripts are the same. but in her version she seemed right, in your version you seem right. >> she was like, i cannot believe you're so arrogant that you would think -- so you're suggesting that it would be a treat for strangers to give you money! [ cheers and applause ] it probably would be. "fresh prince" fans, man. >> jimmy: speaking of "fresh prince" fans. this is a guy that you should ask for money. >> whoa. >> jimmy: michael jordan. [ cheers and applause ] you and def and michael jordan -- do you remember where this happened? >> yeah that was in the arena in chicago. and that has to be 25 years ago. wow. >> jimmy: for sure. >> mike didn't have no hair back then. >> jimmy: you were at the game? or he was -- >> he came to the concert. we were at the concert. >> jimmy: are you guys friendly? close? >>
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we've hung out a few types. >> jimmy: what is it like to hang out socially with michael jordan? >> it's like -- just a competition. [ laughter ] it is. no let me tell you will. mike and tiger are the two most competitive people i've ever met. >> jimmy: woods or tony the? [ laughter ] >> woods, woods, woods, yeah. tony the is cool, you know. he's on top, he's great. everything's grrreat! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: like if you're having dinner or something -- >> my kids -- i love -- you know, being around people with that kind of competitive energy, but michael would compete with anything. if we're drinking water, mike would be, "race you." >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, we could just drink our water, mike. >> jimmy: you really try to beat him? if you were -- >> you can't beat mike at anything. mike's not going t
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if he can't beat you, he's not going to play. >> jimmy: oh. that's how i do it too, yeah. >> oh, yeah, no. >> jimmy: so he is genuinely like that all the time. which one of them is more competitive? tiger or michael? >> you know, it was -- because i considered myself competitive till i spent time with them. >> jimmy: right. >> it's another level. like another command of their minds. you see why they win. because that kind of mindset. >> jimmy: it seemed -- it's great when you're playing basketball or golf. >> yeah. >> jimmy: seems like when you're having dinner it's not something -- >> yeah, you just want to like -- just take a walk. mike, you don't have to be in the front, man. >> jimmy: when you go to dinner with michael jordan, is he like racing you to pick up the check? >> no, yeah -- he's not good at that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so there's where you're beating him. yeah, somehow you always g
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>> jimmy: even if you don't have a wallet on you. it's really remarkable. will smith is here. his movie is "bright." it's on netflix and theaters. we'll be right back. when kids get really excited about my children's books that's the best reaction. i know things about great white sharks! what's great about paint 3d, it's exciting to a shark come to life and come off the page. with the windows 10 pc, to be able to draw right on the screen and create something three dimensional, is amazing. it's exciting to turn it and light it and have these different effects. with my mac, i can't do that. when you see that the work creates a feeling in a kid, feels great. and it's addictive, you want to keep doing it, you know?
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let's give them the wine. >> what? >> look. we're going to get everybody in here killed. then he's going to take the damn wine anyway. >> i'm not giving that guy the wine. over my dead body. going to have to kill me first. >> you want to die in a gunfight, in a nasty-ass titty bar? i want to die. we're going to titty bar gun fight die. i wish your dumbass was a better shot. let's go. on three. one, two, three! >> jimmy: that's will smith in "bright." on netflix and in theaters december 22nd. i loved it, it was really good. >> thank you, man. >> jimmy: i'm going to try to describe it rather than let you describe it. it's an action movie and a buddy cop movie and a weird sci-fi movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: all mixed together. >> i been describing it as, if you think "training day," it's
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this gritty rated-r cop drama. meets "lord of the rings." right? >> jimmy: that's exactly right. >> so bizarre. that's what was interesting to me about like this crazy world, you know. cops and drama and all that, fairies and orcs and elves. it's just this really bizarre mashup that david ayers, he did "suicide squad," "end of watch," "fury." >> jimmy: this is a photograph, netflix put this together. tell us who all these people are. >> all right, so what happens is, because netflix is in 190 countries or something like that around the world, they wanted me to do promotion for the movie in 190 countries. which is difficult. so what they did is they -- we created this, well -- all of these people are people from around the world named will smith. >> jimmy: all those guys are named will smith?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> they're all named will smith. we got all of the world's will smiths together. and they're from all these different countries. and they promoted the movie in their countries. as me. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i can't imagine the poor hotel manager who had to check all these will smiths in. we brought one of the will smiths. this is a particularly interesting will smith. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: you're will smith? >> i am will smith. >> jimmy: is this something people ask you all the time? >> all the time. on the way over tonight. >> jimmy: you don't change to it bill or william? >> on the third, so there was a william, a willie, a billy, so i just -- >> jimmy: you're will. >> i was willie growing up. i dropped the "ie" when i got to college. >> jimmy: the reason this will has distinguished himself from the others is, introduce your wife to everyone. >> this is my wife jada. [ laughter ] [ applause ]
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>> jimmy: jada. does your husband ever go out on the street and ask people for money? [ laughter ] he doesn't do that? >> he always has cash. >> jimmy: always has cash. that's the will smith that has cash. >> he's the cash guy. go figure. >> jimmy: you find that this is a benefit to your lives, being will and jada? >> yeah, it's -- it's an ice breaker. it got us here. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there you go. that's going to be a nice double date. what are you going to do for your 20th anniversary? >> we've been talking about that. and jada was like, you know what? we're going to roll over, high five, and say, good job. it's like, you get to 20 years? it's like, hey, babe. good one, let's go get this next 20. >> jimmy: congratulations, it's great to see you. say hello to jada for will and jada smith. will smith, everybody! "bright" premieres on netflix and in theaters december 22nd.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the
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show. still to come n.e.r.d. will smith look lazy. he is freshly reunited with n.e.r.d with their first album in seven years, "no one ever really dies." it comes out tomorrow. please welcome pharrell williams. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how would you describe the hair color? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] i think it's called -- i forgot. >> jimmy: it looks like burnt orange to me. >> it could be burnt tennis ball. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, tennis balls are green but -- >> but burnt. >> jimmy: i see. i like burnt tennis ball. >> psychedel
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>> jimmy: is it really? >> i think. my wife is probably shaking her head going, no. >> jimmy: your song "happy," which is a great song -- [ cheers and applause ] is a song that is now a permanent part and daily part of my life because i have a 3-year-old. and she loves it. it makes her happy every time. do you as a parent, i know you have triplets at home -- >> 92 children. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you get tired of hearing that song ever? >> we don't play it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you don't play it? >> i don't know what introduced that into the equation. >> jimmy: i see. because you've already -- had to record and it heard it plenty of times. >> yeah. >> jimmy: how are the kids? almost a year old? >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: two boys, one girl. when you have triplets, baby triplets, is it hard to even like know which one -- does it even matter which one is which? >> it does matter which one is which. and it's beautifully intense. >> jimmy: it is. >> yeah. it's intensely beautiful. >> jimmy: are they very close to
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they like sleeping together and climbing on top of each other? >> well -- two of them are like buddyed up. and they kind of give one of them a hard time. >> jimmy: interesting. >> one doesn't care, he's just like, whatever, bro. >> jimmy: that's kind of interesting. by the way, i want to mention something, i hope you don't mind me bringing this up. we got your rider. it's something with bands they'll send it ahead, here's what we would like to have in our dressing room. and it's a very reasonable thing. it's like water, ginger ale, orange juice, peanut m&ms. >> wait for it. >> jimmy: tic-tacs. one thing that caught everyone's attention, zoom in. we did not make this up. right there. a framed picture of carl sagan. [ laughter ] the astronomer. the deceased astrn her and astrophysicist who
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show a long time -- the '80s, i think. >> here's the thing. i'm a huge carl sagan fan. "cosmos" was like -- is amazing, was amazing. [ applause ] it's great. carl had an incredible way of just like reminding us how insignificant we are, but how significant this opportunity to live this life on this planet could be. i know currently right now there's like -- i know that like climate change is not real. >> jimmy: the chinese made it up. >> yeah, it's a hoax. if we're going off of what our administration says. >> jimmy: right. >> right. so like for me, like you know, that guy just -- i like everything that he had to say. and so my team, they know that. and they also know that like when i make a request, as much as i could say i'm the boss, it's them that actually has to do it and deliver it. >> jimmy:
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doing that they just continue to do it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: just to bust your balls? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're running a tight ship there. that's what we did in your dressing room. [ laughter ] there's a photo of carl sagan along with the snacks. >> yes. [ applause ] >> jimmy: why did it take you and n.e.r.d. so long to make a new album? what is the reason? it was seven years, right? >> yeah. it's kind of like one of those things where you like -- it just hits you when it hits you. for me, i can't make things for myself. i'm so much better at working with other people and producing and writing songs for other people because they inspire me. i don't inspire myself. i'm more like, as a producer, i'm more like a mirror. like i'm the guy that's like showing you who you are, interesting sides of yourself we can put on a record. but in that same analogy, how does a mirror see itself in the mirror? >> jimmy: it sees a lot of
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collaborate. >> yeah, collaboration is so much better for me. >> jimmy: then of course we've got the album title n.e.r.d. right there, "no one ever really dies." did you go through other combinations of titles before you settled on this one? >> here's the thing. i mean, it was just so happy to like work with chad and shea again. we just -- i don't know. i think this whole entire thing we did with our eyes closed and not because we're that good by any means, but because we would have had our eyes open, we would have gotten distracted by all the trends and all stuff that was going on. so we made this music we're feeling. i think we wrote the with feeling. the visuals have feeling. >> jimmy: you guys have this performance we're going to see in just a minute. you guys have been working on this a couple of days now. everybody's saying it's spectacular. so i can't wait to see it. >> we're not playing around. >> jimmy: yeah, you don't. one thing about you, you don't play around. don't let the hair color fool you, this man does not play around. "no one ever
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jacksonville it co." it comes out tomorrow. pharell williams. be right back with n.e.r.d.! >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank will smith and the chanucorn. apologies to matt damon, we did not have time for him tonight. "nightline" is next, but first, their album is called "no one ever really dies." it is out now. here with the song "lemon," n.e.r.d! ♪ ♪ wanna be my bae hunt me down like the cia ♪ ♪ side of my car tryna see my face want me to beat it like the t.i. case ♪ ♪ oh and if it's heated i'ma feed my face and best believe it's gon' be outrageous ♪ ♪ hatin' -- can't believe my race -- hit you with the eli face oh ♪ ♪ bouncin' around bouncin' around bouncin' ♪ ♪ bouncin' around bouncin' around bouncin' ♪ ♪ scrunchin' their eyes with you
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♪ bouncin' around bouncin' around bouncin' ♪ ♪ you keep askin' me where i'm from about the borders and did i run ♪ ♪ keep askin' how i feel 'bout guns there's a light and dark army which side you choose oh ♪ ♪ if not now then when and if not me then who don't drink the kool-aid my friends ♪ ♪ i tried to tell y'all about this dude ♪ ♪ bouncin' around bouncin' around bouncin' ♪ ♪ bouncin' around bouncin' around bouncin' ♪ ♪ hate supplements are found right in their couches bouncin' around bouncin' around bouncin' ♪ ♪ shout-out to the people people people people people people people people people ♪ ♪ i get it how i live it i live it how i get it count the mother -- digits ♪ ♪ i pull up with a lemon not 'cause she ain't livin' it's just your eyes get acidic ♪ ♪ and this here ain't a scrimmage mother -- we ain't finished i told you we won't stop ♪ ♪ a -- 'bouta business like yours
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wave hello to the top ♪ ♪ -- the veyron glide tell the paparazzi get the lens right ♪ ♪ got the window down top blowin' live got the hazards on only doin' five ♪ ♪ you can catch me rih with a skateboard in the new la ferrar' ♪ ♪ and the truck behind me got arms yeah longer than lebron ♪ ♪ just waitin' for my thumb like the fonz woo this beat tastes like lunch ♪ ♪ but it's runnin' from veneers and it's runnin' from the fronts ♪ ♪ but every day hey wasn't lemonade i was afraid once a -- graduate ♪ ♪ would i be okay so i prayed and i played it's rihanna my constellation in space ♪ ♪ warp speed doctor spock couldn't chase bath salt bitin' speakers in the face ♪ ♪ bath salt bitin' speakers in the face bath bath salt bitin' speakers in the face ♪ ♪ bath bath salt bitin' speakers in the face bath bath salt bitin' speakers in the face ♪ ♪ bath bath salt bitin' speakers in the face bath bath salt bitin' speakers in the face ♪ ♪ bath bath salt
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bath bath salt bitin' speakers in the face ♪ ♪ i get it how i live it i live it how i get it count the mother -- digits ♪ ♪ i pull up with a lemon not 'cause she ain't livin' it's just your eyes get acidic ♪ ♪ and this here ain't a scrimmage mother -- we ain't finished i told you we won't stop ♪ ♪ a -- 'bouta business like yours but you rent it wave hello to the top ♪ ♪ -- the veyron glide tell the paparazzi get the lens right ♪ ♪ got the window down top blowin' live got the hazards on only doin' five ♪ ♪ bouncin' around bouncin' around bouncin' ♪ >> the album's out right now, go stream it! you can catch me. ♪ ♪ wait a minute wait wait a minute ♪ ♪ wait wait a minute ♪
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♪ yeah wait wait a minute this is "nightline." >> tonight, frat house nightmare. >> this shouldn't have happened. shouldn't happen to anybody. >> a college freshman dead with an astonishing blood alcohol level after an alleged hazing ritual. his parents speaking out. >> nobody can physically drink that much. you have to be forced to drink it. >> ten former brothers arrested. what this family says they wish they had known about the fraternity. plus amerosa out. the "apprentice" star turned senior staffer exiting her role in the white house. >> the white house is not my ceiling, deborah. it's just the beginning. >> the circumstances leading up


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