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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 5, 2018 7:00am-8:59am EST

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good morning, america. digging out from the deadly storm. more than a foot of snow slamming the east coast. ferocious waves flooding cities trapping drivers. entire streets of cars stuck in freezing water. a family scooped from the roof of their home. now a dangerous antarctic blast moving in. windchills plunging to 50 below zero. all that snow and water turning into treacherous ice. a new storm brewing in the white house over the russia investigation. reports president trump tried to stop jeff sessions from recusing himself as special counsel robert mueller investigates obstruction of justice. this as fallout grows over that bombshell book. the president calls his former
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steve as the book released hours ago clients to number one on the best-seller's list. former press secretary sean spicer here this morning. an abc news exclusive. former miss america, gretchen carlson, taking the reins of the organization in crisis now revealing for the first time how she's going to change it. >> i plan to make this organization 100% about empowering women. >> what she's saying about the infamous swimsuit competition and who she may allow to compete. look at a skier stuck on this lift. gusts topped 75 miles an hour as resort staff race to rescue them. >> that person really wanted to go skiing. hope you are safe and warm wherever you are because millions are waking up to the dangerous cold this friday morning. temperatures in the east
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through. some could face windchills of 50 degrees below zero. >> look at the impact. firefighters in newark, new jersey, battling a blaze overnight in this icy cold. 80 on the scene and you just see them covered in ice working very hard this morning. let's look at long island in new york. there are the roads. at least they're clear and moving pretty well but a lot of snow has come down and there is a lot of concern about black ice this morning. >> yeah, don't go out if you don't have to. our team is out there spreading out across the storm zone. let's start with ginger who is outside our studio here in times square and, ginger, we're just starting to see the worst of these frigid temps. >> yes, and this is the coldest air for a place like pittsburgh or cleveland that they've had since february 2015 so it's been a little while. it's 10. a balmy 10 out in times square. the windchill 4 below and i know if you're in south dakota or minnesota you're saying that's no big deal but watch what happened in boston. frozen, socked in, more than 13 inches of snow and the ocean
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fire truck trying to get through. that coastal flooding, the wind was such a huge part of the storm and now it's the cold. those are actual air temperatures. 3 in cincinnati. windchill advisories all the way to the deep south and right there in boston this morning. eva pilgrim, it's 2 degrees for you. feels like, eva, how are you doing? >> reporter: oh, it is bitterly cold out here this morning. ginger, this car right here abandoned. it was caught in the flooding here at the boston harbor and you can see it is encased in ice. it is not going anywhere any time soon, the driver of this car, we saw this driver rescued by firefighters yesterday, one of many trapped in those icy flooding waters. ferocious waves, flooded cities and frozen streets creating chaos in boston. >> unquestionably the worst i've seen it down here. >> reporter: oh, my god, i kept seeing it come closer and closer. it's like, oh, no. >> it was pounding. it was hitting the seawall and going above the telephone poles.
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>> reporter: homes and businesses flooded by several feet of water, that water freezing in place trapping entire streets of cars. >> this happened all in a matter of 45 minutes. >> reporter: lifeboats deployed in the roads pulling loads of pedestrians to safety and just south a family trapped in their home was rescued by a tractor climbing into the bucket so they could escape. plus, treacherous driving conditions leaving many without a paddle. one person trying to brave the weather steering straight into frigid floodwaters only making it a short way before the headlights flicker and the engine goes dead. the driver then forced to get out of the car and walk to dry land. dozens taken to the hospital and the bitter bomb's death toll keeps climbing. >> we immediately knew there was some sort of toxin taking everyone over. >> a teenage girl killed and three dozen others hospitalized after an entire building filled
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hallway floors. you can't stay here another minute. >> reporter: here in boston just to show you how frigid these temperatures are and how encased this car is, you can see this ice going nowhere. the tire completely encased. the wind blowing so hard right now i'm having to brace myself a little against the car to keep from getting knocked over and that is the major concern here. these subzero temperatures, feels like temperatures we will be experiencing in the next few days like making this road turn into ice. guys. >> brutal. >> it sure is brutal. also in long island, more than a foot of snow there. gio benitez is there. >> reporter: hey, george, good morning. yeah, you said it. more than a foot of snow and i got to tell you for much of long island this place was just paralyzed by all of the snow. i want to turn to our drone camera and show you what's going on. in other snowstormses what we've seen it warms up after the snow and starts to melt. not the case here because we're talking about frigid temperatures. where i'm standing right
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degrees. with that windchill, negative 15 degrees. how cold is it? you see that back there, it looks like a bunch of snow. that's actually a lake that's just totally frozen over, george. >> and that windchill is going to get worse. >> it is going to get worse, george, in fact, there is a windchill advisory in effect right now. that's in effect through 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. >> thanks very much. george, we saw in eva's report that coastal flooding in boston. a lot of concern about rivers freezing over in this extreme cold. coast guard ice cutters are out there freeing trapped vessels. abc's adrienne bankert is on one of them in the hudson river. good morning, adrienne. >> reporter: whoo, good morning to you too, robin. minus 23 windchill here where we're standing. look behind me. this looks like the road but it is the river. this is the hudson. that expansive ice coating this body of water. we're here on u.s. coast guard cutter
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40-foot vessel is here to try to break a path in this ice. we're just about to take off here and just see exactly what this crew does on a daily basis, in fact, their trip extended because these temperatures have been so low. they've been out here since monday and they're going to be freeing some other tugs and barges along the river that are stuck that cannot traverse this kind of ice, in fact, a vessel like this one can actually move right through 20 inches of ice without even messing around. they can cut through three feet of ice using a ramming technique, robin, back to you. > sounds like they've been mighty busy responding to call, adrienne. >> reporter: they absolutely have. and we'll be actually with them as they try to free up a couple of tugs and barges this morning. >> we heard that whoo, how you started. you stay safe out there. >> reporter: yes. down south and road conditions there getting worse as well as plummeting
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ice. drivers don't have a lot of experience with conditions like this and sometimes salt doesn't even work. >> reporter: that's right, george. you know, what happened here last night much of this ice melted and now there are patches of black ice on the road and then, of course, salt, it doesn't work the colder it gets, the closer it gets to 10 degrees and down here people have trouble finding it because they don't sell it. essentially the important thing to note anything that melts in water that melts in water, dissolves in water will melt salt and actually used a couple things to try to show you. one is coffee grinds, this is baking soda which wasn't as successful but our winner with a bullet is common table sugar. this is sugar that we laid out about an hour ago and is working and anyone looking for a bag of salt and can't find one can use. much like salt, has the same limitations
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to 10 degrees it won't work either. >> steve, thank you very much. >> got to get creative down south. to that new storm in the white house. reports president trump attempted to stop his attorney general, jeff sessions, were recusing himself in the russia investigation. this as fallout grows from that bombshell book, "fire and fury," our senior white house correspondent cecilia vega has the latest on all of this. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: hey, robin, good morning. that book hit the stands earlier than expected this morning actually but it is that old controversy that's back in the headlines. overnight "the new york times" reporting president trump gave firm instructions to the white house's top lawyer to stop his attorney general from recusing himself in the russia investigation saying the president believed it was jeff sessions job to protect him. the paper says after the appointment of special counsel robert mueller the president erupted at mr. sessions for recusing himself and when sessions sent his resignation lett t
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it. and president trump's determination to fire former fbi director james comey led one white house lawyer to take the extraordinary step of misleading the president about whether he had the authority to remove him. that fallout from the russia probe featured in the explosive new book, "fire and fury," out today. despite the president's lawyers demanding author michael wolff and his publisher, they moved up the release date. we see "fire and fury" as an extraordinary contribution to our national discourse. that is not how the white house sees it. >> it's completely a tabloid gossip full of false and fraudulent claims. >> reporter: in the book former chief strategist steve bannon is quoted attacking the president and his children. saying of daughter ivanka, people suddenly realized she's dumb as a brick and calling that now infamous trump tower meeting between donald junior, jared kune
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they thought had dirt on hillary clinton treasonous and unpatriotic. we asked the president about his old friend. >> did steve bannon betray you, mr. president? any words about steve bannon? >> i don't know. he called me a great man last night so, you know, obviously changed his tune pretty quick. that's just a misnomer. >> reporter: also facing the threat of a lawsuit from the president's legal team, bannon is playing nice. >> the president of the united states is a great man, you know i support him day in and day out. >> reporter: but this morning the book has the white house facing questions about the president's mental stability. wolff doesn't name names but he claims advisers had concerns writing, the worry among staffers trump's rambling and his alarming repetitions had significantly increased and that his ability to stay focused never great had notably declined. press secretary sarah sanders firing back. >> it's disgraceful and laughable. if he was unfit he probably wouldn't be sitting
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feels the same way. he is furious tweeting the book is full of lie, misrepresentations and of the author he says look at this guy's past and watch what happens to him and sloppy steve so a new nickname for steve bannon, now hoping to stop these leaks that have plagued this administration from the start, a new rule. aides can no longer bring their personal cell phones into the white house. >> we're here with sean spicer. thanks for coming in. >> happy new year. >> happy new year to you. the president said he authorized no access to michael wolff but he did have pretty wide access to the west wing. >> i think there is a question about what the president authorized and whether or not michael wolff set up individual meetings with staffers. i met with him and several authors. as you know, you've been in the white house before, i had never met him. he was writing a book on the president an wanted to introduce himself to me and i afforded him the courtesy and spoke to him several types about questions that
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clear from what i understand that he met with steve bannon on multiple occasions. >> and others in the west wing. >> as far as i'm aware, yeah, but those are individual meetings set up with those staffers. steve is the only one that i'm aware of right now that's actually admitted to meeting with him. >> he says quite a bit about you in the book. says your personal mantra was you can't make this blank up. something i can't say on morning television. is that true. >> he asked a question about whether or not some of these instances were -- i said, you can't make this up but, again, i think one of the problems that we're seeing with this book and it's not just trump staffers and white house officials pushing back but seeing a lot of mainstream media members calling into question the sourcing and even the author's note at the beginning of the book notes that in many cases he took anecdotes and sort of rephrased them. the sourcing as -- >> basically the story he writes a story you think is
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true. >> no, i think there's some anecdotes that may be true but the problem i have, george, with this book as with many stories is if you can't -- if it's 10% or 20% or 50% that isn't true, the reader is not left to know which is true and which is not. >> the stuff he wrote about you is true. >> some of the quotes he has but the context in which they're given aren't and i think that's the problem. i can say something to you right now and you could weave it into a story in three weeks. is the quote accurate. sure. is the con affect in which i'm giving it in, no. >> you were one of the sources. is it smart for the president to try to stop publication of this book? doesn't that run against the first amendment? >> i think there is a difference between defamation and reporting and in some cases where you're making wild accusations about the president and his family he has a right to defend himself. >> a lot of focus on the possibility of obstruction of justice. we learned from "the new york times" again this morning that special counsel robert mueller is investigating that in the white house. >> i don't think that's a
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think that's been previously reported that that was being looked at so that's not some kind of shocker. >> thought shocker but there were new details where we see the president asking his counsel to try to stop jeff sessions from resigning, from recusing himself from the russia investigation. were you aware that have. >> i wasn't at the time but i think it's no secret the president's made it very clear that he didn't want -- he didn't feel as though attorney general sessions need to recuse himself from this matter. and that he wanted a robust defense of something he doesn't think that he's been wrongly accused of. >> did he really say according to "the new york times" where is my roy cohen? >> i don't know what he said. that's "the new york times" according to anonymous sources not that i'm aware of. >> what you do know? you know a fair amount about the firing of james comey. you had to go out the night that happened. you laid it all on the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein at that time. >> correct. >> that turned out no the to be true. >> i went with the information i had at the time. >> who gave you that information. >> i think the counsel's office laid it out very clear how the
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authority to fire rod rosen or the fbi director laid solely with the deputy attorney general as far as organizationally how that worked out that there was a letter that the deputy attorney general had written to the president, to the attorney general laying out the case for the firing of jim comey as fbi director. the attorney general concurred and brought it to the president. that was the information that i was given and that was the information -- >> we know now for several days at least the president had been talking about firing james comey, had talked to reince priebus your direct boss about that as well. you weren't aware of that at all. >> no. >> this article says brooeb priebus turned over notebooks to the special counsel and also been reported that you had several notebooks as well from your time in the rnc and white house. did you turn those over to the special counsel. >> all i'll say is that as a press person, it shouldn't come as any surprise you write down this reporter called, this is the time they called. this is the questions they had and sometimes the response that you're going to give. beyond that i'm not going to comment on the special counsel
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respect to that. >> it gets into the episode when you were still at the white house where the president was working on a false statement about don junior's meeting at trump tower and it talks about you being out of the loop on that and you being happy to be out of the loop so you knew nothing about that false statement when it was written? >> correct and, again, all i'll say is that i'm not even going to get into the merits of the statement or not but just say i was not aware of the drafting of that statement. >> it taste mark corolla resigned because he thought it could be seen as obstruction of justice. are you confident the president did not wrong? >> as far as what aspect? as far as the campaign and collusion, absolutely. i was there for most of the end part of the campaign. i know that didn't happen. there were several folks in the media that didn't give us credit for colluding with ourselves never mind with any kind of foreign government. so to suggest that happened and the underlying premise of this whole thing i think is pretty clear that there was no collusion. >> but y'r
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president did nothing wrong with respect to his actions in the white house, the firing of james comey, the putting out of this -- >> i think as far as the firing of james comey, it's been pretty clear the president has the authority to fire anyone within the federal government that he sees fit isn't doing the duty that is appropriate for that job. so, i don't think there's any question about his ability to fire jim comey or anyone else in the federal government. >> do you think he did anything wrong. >> i don't but, again, it's not my job. there is an investigation. i'm not going to get in the way of it but as far as i know and from what i saw, no, there was nothing done that i thought was inwrote or illegal. >> thanks. back to ginger. even colder windchills tomorrow anticipate yes on this map you'll see it, philadelphia beating out business mark.
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for the entire area. wind chills will be 5-10 below zero. - dangerous cold today and tomorrow; wind gusts 30+ mph - frostbite type of weather -- please be safe outside & bring in pets! - near record lows this weekend - 40s return next week - watching potential for a wintry mix monday & friday today: sunny and dangerously cold. blustery. highs: 17-22 winds: nw 15-20 g 30+ mph tonight: clear, very cold, and blustery. lows: 3-9 winds: nw 10-15 g 25 mph saturday: sunny and dangerously cold. blustery. highs: 17-22 winds: nw 15-20 g 25+ dangerous cold is the main weather story today and tomorrow. an arctic airmass settling in will bring us several hours of sub zero wind chills. coming up that abc news exclusive. former miss america gretchen carlson now taking over the organization. the changes that could come to the competition and who competes in miss ame
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the oats feed your body fiber. fiber helps keep things moving through your system. which is great. because when you're good to your system, it'll be good to you. ♪ >> 7's on your side with live, local news from "good morning washington." larry: happening today a federal judge in alexandria is scheduled to hear arguments in a lawsuit challenging the results of a virginia house of delegates race. some democrats are asking the judge to prevent the seating of 28th district g.o.p. winner bob thomas. he beat democrat josh coal -- cole in 73 coats. this happened where dozens of voters cast ballots in the wrong place. this happened after david yancy won a different seat. a bombshell new book about the white house, "fire and fury" inside the trump white house. it sold out at
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northwest in about 15 minutes. the release date was moved up after president trump's lawyers tried to block its publication. we'll have a check on weather and traffic. locally-owned novec keeps the power delivery system in tip-top shape throughout the year. that ensures novec customers enjoy dependable power. novec holds the record for the most reliable electric service in the region... and has for almost two decades. novec also uses proven technology and round-the-clock response to maintain one of the highest utility customer satisfaction ratings in the nation. novec. keeping you connected.
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veronica: brutally cold conditions this morning. the wind chill advisory issued until noon today. five to 10 degrees below zero, single digits will be the warmest it will feel today. just as cold for saturday. the high 18. we'll hit 25 on sunday. dry through the weekend. next week we'll start tracking rain, maybe even a few possibilities of freezing rain that could come overnight. 40's, could not wait for the 40's. julie: neither can i. right now we still have our hands full with a couple of things out here. for one, another water main. along southbound 27th street. at i street. no access from the rock creek parkway being diverted to et
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no access from i street to west bound 66. that's our traffic watch. larry: thanks. stay with us here get traffic, weather, and news updates.
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after cli need vitamins. inhale... i'm out of yogurt! i need protein powder. i'll drive. i need ice cream! get low prices, today and every day. target run & done. welcome back to "gma." you're looking live right now at a coast guard ice cutter that is moving through the hudson river trying to clear a path through the ice so ships can go through. of course, so much snow and ice blanketing the east coast, temperatures plunge, coldest air of the season is moving in and windchills could drop to 50 below in some areas. >> you know who is staying tough in this cold weather, the patriots. yeah, the super bowl winning team not getting a day off despite all the snow there in boston. look at them practicing in blizzard conditions. wow. that is dedication. >> some are moving faster than
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that's something to see. also right now there are new questions about the russia investigation following a report that president trump tried to stop his attorney general, jeff sessions, from recusing himself. this as fallout grows over that new book about the president's white house, "fire and fury." it was released just hours ago and it's already topping amazon's best-seller's list. and another record broken on wall street for the first time, the dow closed above $25,000 points on thursday, just five weeks after it first closed above 24,000. >> it is on a tear. we'll get back to the weather right now. beach towns all along the east coast hit hard by the blizzard. victor oquendo is in asbury park. it got so bad you were stuck. >> reporter: that's right, george. good morning and what we're dealing with this morning, the relentless winds once again, let's tart by taking a look at the thermometer. it is right around 10 degrees already bone-chilling cold but with the wind it feels like we're at about negative 5 degrees
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going anywhere any time soon. there is a windchill advisory in effect here until saturday at noon. all that wind just blowing all this know across the beach that accumulated yesterday. looking at about 16 1/2 inches. nearly a into the and a half of snow that fell on the beach. crews had to work very hard to clear all the roadways here but the story this morning, george, the cold and the wind. send it back to you. >> they are feeling it everywhere. >> he really did get stuck there. couldn't get back. now to that abc news exclusive, gretchen carlson, the former miss america who took on sexual harassment at fox news is now taking the reins of the miss america organization after its own scandal. she's on a mission to modernize it and, amy, you had a chance to sit down with her in this is amazing. this is the first time a former miss america has led the nearly 100-year-old organization and gretchen carlson says there are big changes coming. >> miss america is gretchen carlson. >> reporter: in 1
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taking home the crown at the miss america pageant and now almost three decades later she's at the helm. >> gretchen carlson, i had to check this, chairwoman of the miss america organization. that's your official title. >> that is my official title right now. >> how does that feel? >> feels incredibly empowering but, listen, i'm looking at this as a call of duty, i had no intention of ever having this position. it's a volunteer job and huge undertaking but for me in being a former miss america i felt compelled to come back to help the program. >> reporter: compelled to help because the organization is reeling from a crisis. former ceo sam haskell and other top executives recently resigning after leaked e-mails were given to "the huffington post" revealing alleged sexist and lewd comments. haskell saying the many e-mails are conveniently ed
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were you surprised. >> i was shocked. it was appalling. part of me knows after my life over the last 18 months that this behavior is prevalent, unfortunately. >> on twitter you called out then pageant ceo sam haskell and some of his associates for making those vulgar and inappropriate comments about former winners and former contestants. yourself included and you said the only solution to save miss america was that all boards members resign who were aware of these e-mails. now that you're in charge are you satisfied with who is on that board. >> we are a work in progress on this board. so right now the board is very small. we need to add people to it but currently the board is made up, the majority of us are all former miss americas. and, you know, i find that incredibly empowering in this me too movement. that some of the women who were allegedly maligned in those appalling e-mails are now running the place.
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well. >> yeah, it's a form of justice. when i jumped off my cliff on the whole sexual harassment story 18 months ago, that was a lonely experience. but look at what happened when that gift of courage kept being passed on to one woman to another to another, we formed a collective voice and look where we are today in a tsunami. the same thing will happen with the miss america organization. >> full disclosure, i too was in the miss america pageant system. didn't get quite as far as you did. i was a runner-up to miss georgia. >> police gwi netnet county, miss amy robach. is the idea of a successful young woman parading around in a swimsuit on stage to be judged by her physical appearance which you and i both subjected ourselves to, is that outdated? >> amy, i have so many great ideas for this organization and i will be talking about all of those with all the other board members and
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and staff of miss america, so what i would love to say about that is please stay tuned because i plan to make this organization 100% about empowering women. >> changes are coming. >> changes are comeing. >> big changes. >> potentially big changes. >> it was 18 months ago that carlson sued then fox news chairman roger ailes for sexual harassment. ailes stepped down and carlson settled with fox for $20 million. your book "be fierce" obviously tackles the issues of sexual harassment in the workplace, helped so many women find their own personal courage to stand up and tell of their stories. are you the voice of the voiceless? >> well, i guess i am. i never intended to be. but i feel overwhelmed that i have been able to help so many other women. >> i couldn't help but ask carlson about a potential future in politics and she told me with
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ruling out a run for office. but right now -- that's right. she is focused on the big tank and it is a big tank of modernizing miss america and i think all of us are looking forward to see what she does. >> you buried one of the ledes miss gwinnet. >> i tried my entire career to live that down. >> we were talking before. you had changes in your pageant. >> right. >> when we did the swimsuit competition we had to be in one pieces without heels and now everyone is in high heels and bekinys. we'll see what she does with it. if she doesn't get rid of it maybe alter it like in my day. >> 18 months ago, i mean, how she said she jumped off a cliff and went out there to see what has happened in those 18 months. >> and describing it as a tsunami, dead on. how to the keep the smallest members of your families safe in this col
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the protection that they need and the whiter teeth that they want. ♪ really digging your sweater vest. >> we need it today. >> i know. what is the best way to dress in this bitter cold? children and pets can be especially vulnerable. >> ginger is outside with help. augustus elam and caesar are
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to do it. i have my trustee thermal cam which shows where the heat is escaping so we can learn and as you can see faren is losing body heat in her face. it's always armpits and then hands because those gloves are not good enough. obviously not good enough and right down there she's only got her denim on and no layers underneath, i assume. it is not doing well for you, my friend. that's what we've learned there. according to the american academy of pediatrics keeping warm especially important for children because they're less able to regulate their body temperatures and more susceptible to hypothermia. augustus elam is all bundled up. just a couple of tips when you're dressing, the first child should always have on one more layer than an adult so you need, augustus more than we do. when it comes to hands you have to do
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you have your mittens on. looks like they're working but you still said it feels good, right, augustus. >> yeah. >> and the pets, please remipdz everyone about the pets. he has nice long fur to keep him warm but that's not enough. you may want to add a sweater especially if your dog has shorter fur and have to think about booties which caesar has on to protect her paws from the salt and chemicals which can be irritating so you want to clean any ice, salt or chemicals from their stomachs because they lick that when they come in. one more tip for dogs wash them less in winter. they don't need to be as clean. that avoiding stripping their skins of essential oils and drying out their skin so thank you, guys. let's all get inside and get warm. robin, in to you. >> how is brody with the booties? >> i know, it's very hard. we have a sweater with a little -- he has a little cowl neck sweater that he was shivering in the cold and you
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>> our little one doesn't even go out, the dachshund. >> you got the wee-wee pad. >> oh. i forgot about that. oh, but there's nothing worse when you go out in jeans in the cold weather. we saw that in that demonstration trying to get away from the wee-wee pads. coming up those double lottery jackpots are closing in on a billion dollars and the big drawing and why you may not want to sign your ticket right away. >> hmm. rds in our basement. what's cool is, today, we have 400 people working across the globe. with office 365, we can all stay connected, from vietnam, to boston, to new york. now with whiteboard, we can all work together at the same time. and 3d in powerpoint shows clients exactly what our cards look like. yeah, having everyone working together on the new teams app is really awesome. seeing all these people react to our cards? that's what makes it all worth it.
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hter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. we know that when you're spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why we show you exactly when we'll be there. saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ and sometimes, i don't eat the way i should. so, i drink boost. boost high protein nutritional drink has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle and 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d. save seven dollars. look in sunday's paper.
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going somewhere? whoooo. here's some advice. tripadvisor now searches more... ...than 200 booking sites - to find the hotel you want and save you up to 30%. trust this bird's words. tripadvisor. mom'#stuffynosecold #nosleep #mouthbreather just put on a breathe right strip it instantly opens your nose... up to 38% more than cold medicine alone go to today to request a free sample. making a target run after cli need vitamins. inhale... i'm out of yogurt! i need protein powder. i'll drive. i need ice cream! get low prices, today and every day. target run & done.
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this is the soap i grew up with i use this every day i feel clean, there is no film like there's nothing left on my skin but are their soaps as clean rinsing as dove? i'm not sure what this is for. this is my soap something is left behind and i don't like that. dove is clean,... ...very clean. my soap,... ...dove. clearly dove is cleaner rinsing i'm convinced. i'm absolutely gonna be switching to dove. dove cleans beautifully
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it is a big weekend for the lottery. let's take a look at atlanta. that's the mega millions headquarters and the machines are going to pick tonight's $445 million numbers. tomorrow night the powerball, 550 million so more than a billion dollars up for -- it'll be more than a billion tomorrow. diana macedo with the details. >> the odds are against us but somebody has to win and while most of us dream of the possibility we spoke to the experts about what to do if it actually happens. this morning, the dream of wealth is driving people to gas stations and convenience stores hoping they have the lucky numbers. it's been more than two months since anyone has won the mega millions or powerball jackpots. now those jackpots are some of the largest ever. but what if you're lucky enough to win both, your haul would be a whopping $995 million, the second biggest payout in lotto history.
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kurt advised a florida couple who won part of the largest jackpot ever. >> we just kept quiet. >> absolutely quiet. >> reporter: he says if you hope to remain anonymous don't sign the ticket right away. but be sure to put it in a safe place. >> whoever signs the back of the ticket is the individual that has to claim the ticket and proceeds. >> reporter: take your time before making any huge decisions like quitting your job. >> don't give up because as you can see miracles do happen. >> reporter: in 2016 a group of factory workers won $420 million. now over a year later two of them are still working while another amy o'neal tells abc news she's been able to pay it forward to people in need including her own family. >> to see my family in better shape is a blessing. >> a blessing indeed. the mega millions drawing is tonight and powerball drawing saturday. the odds of winning both are 1 in 88 quadrillion, but a good way to boost your chances is to
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robin, we can do this. >> there is no way to boost your chances. >> i mean, listen, i'm trying here. >> win some money. >> people forget when you hear no one wins the jackpot some people want to toss their tickets, there are many lower prizes available talking millions of dollars. check those numbers even if no one wins the jackpot and still think we hud do the poll. they changed the odds. one change in october 2015 and the other this past october so harder to win big jackpots which is why you're seeing them accrue like this but easier in some cases to win the smaller prizes so can work in our favor. >> silver lining. >> i tried to find it. >> thank you. coming up we have a health alert. "consumer reports" warning about a deadly new e. coli outbreak possibly linked to lettuce. did all your holiday spending send you
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making a target run after cli need vitamins. inhale... i'm out of yogurt! i need protein powder. i'll drive. i need ice cream! get low prices, today and every day. target run & done. so we know how to cover almost almoanything.hing even a swing set standoff. and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ a shift without a disaster. to get through my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. it was mostly water. so, i switched to tide pods.
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so i get a better clean. i mean, i give away water for free. i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. #1 trusted. #1 awarded it's got to be tide. and for a plant-based clean, try tide purclean back here on "gma" my new friends from -- >> from florida in from florida. you know you're not missing that much because it's cold down there too after lake city, florida, had this freezing rain on thain plant, windshields this morning, go all the way down to say homestead where there is a frost advisory. 43% of our nation till including right along the florida/georgia line has snow. thanks for shivering with me.
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"good morning america" is brought to you by farmers' insurance.
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>> 7's on your side right now with live, local news from "good morning washington." autria: good friday morning to you. at 7:55, firefighters think an extension cord and power strip caused a fire in a shed in aspen hill. they put out some pictures a few hours ago showing crews battling these flames. this happened in the 4,000 block of south bend road around 9:30. we know there is about $5,000 worth of damage. a virginia man won $1 million on the power ball after thinking he had won a lot less. lottery officials say tom of ashburn originally believed that he had only won about 600 bucks. after taking his ticket to a customer service certainty this week, he discovered, no, no, he won one million. he was one nbe
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not a bad payday. veronica, far lower numbers this morning. veronica: we have air temperatures in the lower teens. windy conditions. doesn't help we're starting to see power outages reported in alexandria. your wind chill temperatures this morning, subzero, single digits later. this weekend we'll do a bit better on sunday. saturday will be just as cold as today. running at 18, 19 degrees near record cold. next week, highs in the lower 40's. a new system, monday, tuesday time period, maybe again on friday, might bring a little freezing rain. julie: we're still monitoring a huge water main break which has tied up a portion of 27th street southbound before you reach virginia avenue. traffic on rock creek parkway diverted to virginia east bound. 395 from the beltway to the 14th street bridge. 14 minutes.
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d.c. waterfront. traffic on rock creek autria: thank you. 7:57. you can get your traffic, weather, and news updates any time with the abc 7 app. good morning is back here in just two minutes.
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. major arctic blast. temperatures plugging even further. a frost advisory outside miami. as so many people up and down the east coast dig out of the deadly storm. entire streets of cars submerged in freezing water. we have the latest from the storm zones. new storm brewing in the white house. did the president try to stop his attorney general from recusing himself in the russia investigation as the fallout grows from that bombshell book, released four days early already number one on the best-seller's list and sean spicer reacts here on "gma." consumer
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so many warnings about romaine lettuce and e. coli. what to watch out for. is it safe to eat your salad? dr. ashton here with a reality check. dating sunday. just 48 hours away from the bigiest online dating day of the year. what you should know before logging on for love. how to make your chances of getting a date four types higher and the key to 90% of online dating success. ♪ and everyone is cold. we've got the drugstore solutions you need to know to take care of your skin, lips and eyes at a bargain as we say, good morning, america. ♪ all of my dreams ♪ >> i'm not sure what barry white has to do with that but i'm not complaining. >> welcome back. this friday morning, first friday of 2018. it is a cold one here. >> it certainly is and something to brighten up our morning, though. we have a big surprise.
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football fan behind the newspaper. manasa is her name from minnesota there in our green room. she can't hear us. she can't hear us at all. one of three finalists to be our "gma" kid correspondent. she's a natural, isn't she? is she going to be one of those ones who go to the super bowl? we have big news for her coming up. she has no idea, again, she can't hear what we're saying about her. >> she already has a big smile. >> yes, she does. also we'll get into the holidays and those who got in debt. rebecca jarvis will be here with tips on how to tack i will it. this is asbury park, new jersey, beautiful sunrise. we want to go outside to ginger for the latest on what's happening next. >> i have my it's way too cold bounce going on. you want to do it with me. this is what we have to do. it's 9 now, degrees, windchill, 8 below. that's just in new york city. you know it is so much colder in so many other places including boston where this is what it
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the ocean water into the streets of boston. that fire truck struggling to get through there. and, guys, even colder air is on the way. we were just with folks from st. petersburg, florida, and said it is really cold at home. it is. windchill advisories, freeze warnings as deep south as homestead, florida, this morning. and it's going to get colder. i want to show you some of the numbers by saturday morning. look at philadelphia. will feel like 18 below, toledo, 9 below. chicago still 20 below. nobody is getting away with it here. atlanta will even feel like. i have to tell you i have to keep the dance going but there is some warmth on the way coming by monday and tuesday. until then, can i come in now? guys! >> oh, look at the little girl in the window. come on in and bring the camera crew in as well. >> notice she's out there all by herself this time. it is brutal and this storm is having a huge impact on air travel.
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see. that's laguardia airport. barely a soul in sight. hundreds of flights have already been canceled and our senior transportation correspondent david kerley is at reagan national airport outside of d.c. and the airlines are doing their best to get back on track, aren't they, david. >> they really are. the rush is on to resume operations. the good news those two big new york airports overnight did resume operations, re-open for flights. that's the good news, crews have been busy trying to clear the runways and tarmacs but already today a thousand flights, more than a thousand flights have been canceled. here's the reason why. if you look at the flight aware misery map as it was over the northeast, red is bad. all of new york is red and that filtered and rippled through the rest of the country. you know, a lot of flies up to 70 international flights were diverted. one big double decker tuck on a runway for hours waiting for the passengers to get off. they had to be bused to new yo
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passengers spent the night in arounds around the country hoping to get a flight today, robin. but there is a chance maybe tomorrow before they get to where they want to go it's still the cold and the wind that is causing problems for flight operations. >> heart goes out to them, trying to travel during this time. all right, david. thanks very much. we'll stay in washington and bombshell book hitting the white house. the president is fighting back against the claims in "fire and fury" by michael wolff. cecilia vega back at the white house with the latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: hey, george, good morning. that book goes on sale today despite the threat of a lawsuit from the president's lawyers and the push accomplishers moved up the publication date to today so it is now on sale. the allegations inside this book about the president and his family are sending shock waves through washington, just a few minutes ago former press secretary sean spicer sat down with george. here's what he had to say. >> no, well, some of the quotes he has but the context in which they're given aren't and i think that's the problem is that i can say some
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and you can weave it into a story in three weeks. is the quote accurate, sure. is the context in which i'm giving it in accurate, no. >> reporter: the president is outraged tweeting overnight saying the book is full of lies and misrepresentations and has a new nickname for his former chief strategist now calling him sloppy steve. just a few minutes ago that author spoke out and says he stands by everything in the book and he says that, quote, 100% of the people around president trump question his fitness for office, george. >> he says he's lost it, okay, thank you, cecilia. >> coming up, a health alert. deadly e. coli outbreak possibly linked to romaine lettuce in multiple states. dr. ashton is here. the biggest online dating day all year coming up this weekend. we have tips on what not to do when you're looking for love. what's happening upstairs. >> we want you to look at this. a young lady doing her best touchdown dance about to have even more reason to celebrate. wait, there it is. there it is. there's the touchdown dance. so she'll be doi
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dancing coming up. we'll explain why coming up on "gma." she's so cute. come on back, everybody. a great crowd. you come in when it's convenient i know this because i'm from seven days in the future. now don't be frightened, seven days in the future is a glorious place. after all you had two good hair days in a row... perfect. right out of bed. and this car you reserved on is still being held for you, for free. pretty sweet. or as we like to say from seven days in the future... ah...we still say pretty sweet. it's basically the same. and the golden retriever er are very different. they eat, digest, and process energy differently. at royal canin, we developed over 200 precise formulas to transform every cat and dog into a magnificent animal. royal canin
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making a target run after cli need vitamins. inhale... i'm out of yogurt! i need protein powder. i'll drive. i need ice cream! get low prices, today and every day. target run & done. but on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread most people. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision.
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whoo! oh. warm your spirit coming up here. thank you, wonderful friday. it's friday, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> fri-yay. >> braving cold temperatures but red hot as always, lara spenceer. >> i did have a blazer on just to verify. it's warm in the studio. or maybe i'm having a moment.
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>> you still got to get -- >> i have on flannel pants. let's do "pop news." we'll start with new music. spinning us into the weekend, yeah, you can clap. bring it on, people. [ applause ] as predicted, i feel like i'm a soothsayer. as predicted earlier this week, justin timberlake did drop his new song 12:00 a.m. called -- it's a little diddy called "filthy." but the video is really interesting. you're seeing it here. justin seems to be channeling steve jobs in the video. it's the lead single off of his upcoming album called "man of the woods" that drops february 2nd. he is so excited about it. so are we and more music on this friday, bruno mars and cardib.'s new music video. ♪ >> it's bringing us back. just premiered and in the remix to his song "finesse" they're
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color." ♪ in living color >> such a great show? >> right. >> ali wentworth. >> did you know george's beautiful wife was on the show and the video shows them painting the set, recreating the opening credits. bruno says it was one of his favorite shows of all time and jennifer lopez approve, she was a dancer and instagramed this video of her writing, hey, bruno, once a flygirl, always a flygirl. a little flashback friday for you. yeah. and 2017 was quite a year for serena williams. an incredible year in tennis, plus giving birth. getting married. but 2018 is starting out a little bit different. on her terms. the superstar announcing thursday night just last night she will not compete at the australian open this month. she tells her fans on snapchat, quote, although i am super close, i'm not where
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my coach and team always say, only go to tournaments when you are prepared to go all the way. which she often is. you may remember serena won last year's australian open when she was nine weeks pregnant. i say, serena, take your time. [ applause ] love it. yeah. >> plenty of time. >> she'll be back and better than ever. and finally, oh, shoot, i don't have the exercise but i'll try to wing it. how about a little facial yoga to turn back the clock? we've been talking about getting healthy, all these wonderful things, i see dr. jen, she's giving up drinking for the month. all of these wonderful things in a new year. well, now the doctors at northwestern university, they've taught women 32 facial exercises, they're calling it facial yoga and say you can do it on your couch without breaking a sweat and have them do them for 20 weeks and checked before and after pictures and these doctors at northwestern determined that the ladies look roughly three years younger this. is
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yeah. [ applause ] as you can tell i've been doing them. researchers say the exercises build up muscles that tend to droop as we get older. you can find all of those online for free. northwestern university, there's a move called happy cheeks that i suggest we all try together. you smile without showing your teeth. like this and then you take your two fingers and push your cheeblgs up. and that is supposed to lift and -- i don't know lift and separate or something but it's supposed to work. one of the member. there's one called blowfish that is not attractive. look it up, everybody. they're quick, simple and work. >> for men too. >> for men too. >> that's it. that's all i have for you today. >> thank you, lara. [ applause ] okay, now i want to throw it over to amy. >> all right, guys, we are turpining now to a network exclusive on the incredible story of gypsy rose blanchard she was convicted of murdering her mother, a woman who from the
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outside looking in seemed like the perfect mother. nursing her daughter who she told everyone was seriously ill and in a wheelchair since childhood. i sat down with gypsy for a revealing conversation about her life and circumstances surround her mother's death. >> are we still on? >> reporter: home movies capture the vibrant spirit of a young teenage girl. >> where are you going today? >> i'm going to children's mercy hospital to see my dentist. for my tooth. >> reporter: full of enthusiasm and effervescence but behind the smiles life for gypsy blanchard and her mother is replete with challenges and hardships. gypsy is in a wheelchair. >> they were known in the community. people knew gypsy and dee dee. they were always holding hands. they just had that image of what a great and sweet mother/daughter duo. >> reporter: in between hospital st
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including stomach surgeries, gypsy frequently jet sets across the country concert, gala, the most magical place on earth, disney world. >> make a wish were taking her down to orlando all expenses paid and everything. >> royal mashed potatoes. mm-mm. >> reporter: in a horrible twist of fate shortly after dee dee and gypsy drop out of sight, the 48-year-old mother is found stabbed to death. we begin with breaking news tonight, police need your help in trying to find a missing mother and daughter. >> huge police presence, the crime tape was up around the house. you just can't forget that pink house with the wheelchair ramp. >> reporter: it turns out that little pink house where the two lived was actually the nerve center from which the so-called doting mother perpetrated an elaborate scam preying on the sympathies of countless good samaritans. >> we have unearthed the appearance of a long financial fraud scheme along with this tragic event. >> reporter: but who killed dee dee?
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perhaps the most unlikely suspect ever, gypsy rose. when i meet with her she's undergone a remarkable transition, now behind bars, convicted of murdering her mother. >> how did you go from this to this? >> a fall from grace. i thought back then that i was a good person and now i just see it as it was a fraud and i made a horrible mistake. >> what medical conditions did you believe you suffered from? >> leukemia, asthma, both vision and hearing impaired. muscular dystrophy and seizures. >> reporter: but there's so much more to gypsy's story. this morning she now says behind prison walls she feels free. >> over here i feel like i'm
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living with my mom because now i'm allowed to just live like a normal woman. >> prison isn't normal. >> no, not for most. but for me it is. >> and we will have so much more on gypsy rose blanchard on "20/20" at 10:00, 9:00 central including more on that astoni astonishing transformation and exclusive with her ex-boyfriend nick who pled not guilty in dee dee's death. people will want to -- >> i can't imagine another twist. boy, that transformation takes your breath away. >> so many twist and turns you actually are on the edge of your seat waiting to see what will happen next. >> thanks, amy. over to ginger. >> yes, george, amy, thank you so much. it is time for your "gma" moment and this morning, we had to do it with the snow. we start in morehead city, north carolina, where they don't have sleds that often so they have being guy boards and those work,
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just enjoying themself there. thanks to the national weather service for sending that video in. and then i wanted to show you oliver. yep. oliver enjoying the snow in charleston, south carolina, isn't that so sweet? we saw so many great videos of puppies seeing snow for the first time and being out there and then oliver saying i've never seen anything like this. i'm going to eat it. i'm going to roll in it. anyway, it's beenadvisory until for the entire area. wind chills will be 5-10 below zero. - dangerous cold today and tomorrow; wind gusts 30+ mph - frostbite type of weather -- please be safe outside & bring in pets! - near record lows this weekend - 40s return next week - watching potential for a wintry mix monday & friday today: sunny and dangerously cold. blustery. highs: 17-22 winds: nw 15-20 g 30+ mph tonight: clear, very cold, and blustery. lows: 3-9 winds: nw 10-15 g 25 mph saturday: sunny and dangerously cold. blustery. highs: 17-22 winds: nw 15-20 g 25+ dangerous cold is the main weather story today and tomorrow. an arctic airmass settling in will bring us several hours of sub zero wind chills.
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now a health alert about romaine lettuce. "consumer reports" warns it could be linked to e. coli cases in 13 states and dr. jennifer ashton will talk about it. what do we know. >> key word is possibly or could but i want you to take a look at these numbers so far because in the u.s. and canada, they are tracking some cases of an e. coli outbreak so far resulting in two dead, one in the u.s. five in the united states hospitalized. and 58 people in both canada and the united states ill from this. we have to put this into context. every year in this country there are 48 million cases of foodborne illness and 3,000 deaths so right now this is being followed closely by officials both in canada and the sflus are there any official recommendations right now? >> well, this is where not everyone is totally on the same page. last night we reached out to the cdc. they gave us this statement that at this time there is not enough epidemiologic or traceback evidence to indicate a specific source of illness in the united states.
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recommend that u.s. residents avoid a particular food. however, officials in canada and "consumer reports" feel that it's enough evidence to say it's probable romaine lettuce so for the time being avoid it. >> so remind everyone why e. coli is so dangerous. >> we have to remember e. coli doesn't always cause disease. it's in our intestines. it's in the soil. it's in animals but this particular strain e. coli 0157 can be a bad actor. it can cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections, upper respiratory illness, pneumonia and in some cases death. something we need to keep an eye on, not panic but -- >> in general what can we do? >> the key is prevention. this is why we say hand washing, it's not just to prevent the flu but when changing diapers or preparing food after you use the bathroom. wash your hands. in terms of preparation, the core four, clean it well, separate your produce interest your meats, cook it to a good
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of being out, put it in the bridge rater and keep it chilled. that's the most important thing. >> wonderful. >> we'll be following this. >> we're following you. your month of -- >> yes, thank you. >> -- abstaining from alcohol. >> wellness tweak. >> wellness tweak. >> going into the first weekend with hockey tailgating. >> i know. >> i mean, are you a little concerned being in a social atmosphere. >> we'll see how it goes. last night i had a business dinner, it went fine, seltzer with orange and so many viewers doing it with me that that group support has been amazing. >> we'll check with you monday after the weekend. >> thank you. >> all right, jen. [ applause ] george. thank you, guys. all right, a little surprise by that as we wrap up the first week of the new year, many americans dealing with debt from holiday shopping. one stud day say shoppers average a thousand dhars this debt you were 5% from last year. tips on how to pay those off. >> good morning, yeah, so what we found out from the study is that
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more than a thousand dollars in debt over the holidays, it is a surprise -- it's a large number. even more surprising are the 44% of americans who took on even more, more than a thousand dollars and 5% who went into debt more than $5,000 in debt over the holidays. >> the danger is when you don't pay it back right way. >> if you don't pay it back right away it gets bigger and bigger. 19% of the people in this survey say they'll pay it back within a month. 0% say they'll pay it back over five months but here's the big concern, 10% of those people say they are only making the minimum payment on those credit cards. >> explain what happens then over the long term. >> if you look over the long term, if you're only making those minimum payments, george, on that $1,000 in debt you assumed this christmas, you're going to be paying back that debt for many, many christmases to come. in fact, if you're only making that minimum payment of $25 a month you will have the balance paid off
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you'll rack up additional fees of $500 because you're not paying it off. credit cards, when you take on credit card debt, it is some of the worst debt in terms of getting more into debt because of how high that apr is. >> you is to be disciplined. >> you have to be very disciplined. there are some things meme can do. one thing people can do is negotiate with a credit card company so if you are up to date. if you're paying your bills on time talk to your credit card company about giving you a lower interest rate and what's really important this time of year is to look at that budget and finally a number of great financial apps. we have one called debt free and costs 99 cents to download it but you see here we entered in a number of different debts here so you can see exactly what you owe on all of your different credit cards, these are reports that will show you exactly how much debt you have on each card and finally how long it'll take to you pay it down. >> if you track it more likely you'll pay it back. >> you better. >> rebecca, thanks very much. coming up
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of the year for dating. which are best and the qualities you should look for. share the warmth with families and children in need. >> warm hearts, warm coats, just bring them to your local burlington store. >> donate. >> go to any burlington tore to donate a coat and join our annual coat drive.
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>> 7's on your side right now with live local news from "good morning washington." larry: tourist town to ghost town. ocean city maryland battered by a blizzard. autria: ryan hughes has finally arrived. it certainly took a long time. the roads just a mess? ryan: you can really tell the difference once we crossed over the bay bridge on to the eastern shore. those roads slick. we were slipping and sliding all over the place. surprisingly guys, behind me, there are a couple people venturing out on to the boardwalk taking their usual morning walk. you're finding, we're not going to see the boardwalk for a long time, there are snow drifts four, five feet in some spots by the inlet, about six feet of
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there was blizzard-like conditions. ocean city buried in a lot of snow. back to you guys. autria: there's a little progress where they hadn't plowed anything. baby steps. larry: if you want to get bundled up and walk, you can. why would you want to walk out right now? autria: how good are we talking there? >> same temperatures we're dealing with right here. eileen: it feels like 4 degrees downtown. it still feels like the single digits in ocean city as well. full sunshine expected today t will look pretty. 19 with the chinds we're going to have the wind chills subzero through lunch time today. then we do it again later tonight at 6:00. a wind chill advisory back into effect and lasts through noon. 40's have never looked so good. julie: on the roads right now, what you will find is the blue line headed towards largo offloading at rosalyn due to equipment problems. southbound kindle worth aven
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kenilworth avenue. that's our traffic watch.
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♪ we do welcome you back to "gma" and happen to have our audience here on this frigid friday. >> yes, but what we're talking about is not frigid at all. >> not at all. >> so a lot of people are starting the new year looking for love. if you're one of the 107 million sickle americans, this sunday could be your lucky day. all right. so according to match it's online dating's busiest day of the year. for some unknown reason it's called their super bowl sunday for love. diane macedo has ideas with how to stand out from the crowd. what is it about this sunday. >> i guess they're kicking offer the new year as hopeful romantics.
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if sign-ups but registering for a dating site is just the beginning. so we set out to find out how to make the most of your online search for love. >> i'm christie. i'm 31 and i'm looking for love. >> celebrity stylist christie spent her 20s focused on her work but now she's ready to ring in 2018 with romance. >> i would love to find someone that is independent, self-motivated. >> reporter: her chances of getting a date four times more if she joins a site or app. >> 1 million dates generated. >> reporter: she enlists the help of bella. think of her as a fairy godmother for hire. >> date something a marathon. it's not a sprint so you've got to get up and do something on a daily basis. >> reporter: she says join only one or two sites and make sure they're age appropriate. >> if you're in your 20s, bumble is my favorite at this point. when you're in your 30
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match is one of our favorite sites. our time is dedicated to singles over 50 in e-harmony is great for those age brackets. >> reporter: 90% of online dating success is based on photos. >> i think that replacing these three photos is going to make a big difference. show you doing things you like to do. those all make for great photos. >> reporter: don't move too fast. she suggests speaking by phone before you meet in person and keep your number private with google voice. it creates an alternative phone number that can be erased at any time. >> you can tell so much about someone. you can tell -- you can separate their cyberpersonality from their real personality. >> reporter: don't be too much of a skeptic. bela says look at online love with what she calls psychotic optimism. >> it means love will come to me. it's a when. it's not an if. i am in it to win it. >> reporter: with that advice kristie is finally putting herself out there in she helped me come out of
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and get back into dating. [ applause ] >> psychotic optimism. other things she says we should keep in mind don't have a next day delivery mind-set. just because you get online doesn't mean the perfect person will arrive in 48 hours. be patient. don't date someone would gives you butterflies. surprising but says butterflies are usually your gut telling you it's something wrong. your fear and anxiety, not your excitement. >> no. >> no. >> just the messenger. i'm just the messenger here. and i think we can all agree with this, do find a high ghq man. high in good husband qualities. kindness, reliability, loyalty, integrity and supportiveness and my own suggestion, embrace the mishaps. they make for really funny stories. >> embrace the butterflies. it's okay. >> i don't know. >> just get them all to fly if
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>> right kind of butterflies. >> now we have to differentiate. >> i will go back and get a full report. >> 8:55 p.m. they have it down to the exact time. >> you guys in? [ cheers and applause ] >> who's in? [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm out. >> diane, thanks so much. we appreciate it. okay, we have a special guest that we'll bring to our studio. manasa is an amazing seventh grader from rochester, minnesota, one of our finalists waiting to find out -- >> what is she doing? >> she can't hear us but waiting to find out if she's going to the super bowl. she does know she's on camera but she can't hear -- you get it, girl. get it. so we got to tell you her story again. she thinks she's a finalist and we'll tell her story and bring her out. >> you're the winner. >> oh, my god.
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>> you've won. >> reporter: for two years "good morning america" has teamed up with the nfl to select and send a kid correspondent to the super bowl. >> best week ever. >> reporter: the week jam packed with interviews with the players. >> how do you train to be a great quarterback? >> reporter: vip access on the red carpet. >> what kind do we have on now. >> my fancy nfl exclusive wristband. >> reporter: this year the competition was tougher than ever. ending with three finalists, but only one heading to the super bowl. >> hi, my name is manasa. i'm physically active and very important. >> reporter: she's from rochester, minnesota and loves tennis, football, badminton and basketball and is the leader in the fuel up to play 60 program at her school. and plans healthy eating and physical fitness events for all her classmates. >> i can't wait to be on "good morning america" tomorrow. >> reporter: manasa thinks s
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does she know she's about to score big. >> i still can't believe i'm one of the three finalists. so excited. >> would you please welcome manasa. [ applause ] >> i want this. >> whoa! >> sit down. whoo. 13 years old. you're a big minnesota vikings fan. >> i'm actually a green bay packers fan. >> i got some bad information because you're from minnesota. >> but my second favorite is the minnesota -- sorry, the minnesota vikings. they're great. they're great but i've just fallen in love with the green bay packers. >> being from minnesota are you excited that the super bowl is going to be there. >> oh, yeah, hometown, yes. >> it's going to be chilly but it's going to be great. so let's get the stats. se
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school. how do you encourage classmates to get involved. >> well, i'm on a team and usually organize me and my director organize like events and usually urge my peers to get active every day for 60 minutes and to try different stuff. >> smart. >> yeah. >> we have a special message from your second favorite team. >> hi, manasa. it's kyle rudolph, tight end for the minnesota vikings. i heard you're in new york as a finalist for the nfl play 60 super bowl contest presented by dan malls and i wanted to congratulate you for your commitment to living a healthy and active lifestyle. we're hosting super bowl lii here in your home state of minnesota. pretty cool, right? i wanted to be the first to tell you that you will be attending the big game here in minneapolis as the nfl play 60 super kid. yep. you heard it right. congratulations, manasa. you are the winner of this year's contest and are headed
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super bowl lii. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] >> you thought you were just a finalist. didn't you? >> yeah. >> we brought you here because you're the big winner. >> oh, my gosh. >> so what are your emotions? what are you feeling. >> i have no words. i can't express how happy and excited i am. >> we're so excited for you. it's a big job, though. you have to think about. do you have any idea of what you might ask the players. >> well, a lot of players -- they obviously play football but i want to know if they try any unique ways of staying active other than just playing football. >> that's smart. >> that's great. >> that would be interesting to learn. >> you're going to be asking questions so this is going to come in handy. this is your special microphone. >> oh, my gosh. [ applause ] all right. so we're going to give you a little test run. so read the prompter there. >>ka
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sunday as the nfl -- new nfl kid correspondent. thanks, "good morning america." >> are you ready for some football. >> oh, yeah, i am. [ applause ] >> we'll be right back. [ applause ]
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back now on "good morning america." the storm we've been talking about has been raising all sorts of questions. i got a lot on twitter and answered some of them on facebook live. but i wanted to talk about a couple of the questions i've been getting about this storm so megan morgan tweeted is there meteorologist summer camp where you sit around and come up with these terpsy is it you that did this? >> no, it's not me. the bomb term that you've been hearing has been around for almost 40 year, you guys. there it is from the ams glossary. yeah, i know. it drops 24 millibars in 24 hours. that storm, though, we went 59 millibars in 24 hours so more than doubled that and the last time we did something like that was in 1989. just so you know. also from maggie donahue she asked since the storm has a defined eye could it actually be called a hurricane and i know it gets confusing because people say there's hurricane-force wind, the answer is, no, these storms are totally different. a hurricane, the origin of where
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storms in a hurricane is all warm core that feeds off the warmth. in this it fees off the warmth and cold and extreme dynamic and make it extra tropical instead of tropical. hopefully you learned a little something. ask me more oadvisory until noo for the entire area. wind chills will be 5-10 below zero. - dangerous cold today and tomorrow; wind gusts 30+ mph - frostbite type of weather -- please be safe outside & bring in pets! - near record lows this weekend - 40s return next week - watching potential for [ applause ] this is great, guys. we're celebrating our 11th annual warm coats and warm heart coat drive and partnered with burlington delivering good to everyone. brett eldredge, love him and "dancing with the stars" victoria arlen and val chmerkovskiy. you got to bring your gently e used coats to our local burlington store to keep wa
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latest total, right? 123,631 coats donated so far. go to our website to learn more about how you can get involved. lara, my lips are chapped and i know you got dr. whitney bowe there to help us out. >> here for you, my friend. as ginger just alluded to as the bitter cold weather done a number on your skin, if yes, board certified dermatologist dr. whitney bowe is here for you. [ applause ] >> with some products you can get this your local drugstore and kept everything under $10 which we appreciate it. >> right. >> you say there are lots of great products out there. you don't need to spend a lot of money. >> so true and the winter condition, it's just so harsh on the skin because not only outside do we have cold whipping winds but then you walk inside and you have that just dry heat, right? >> drink enough water. >> where you go, literally the dry heat is stealing moisture right out of your skin and people think you have to spend a for tune on skin care. you don't so these are some of my favorite skin care
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drugstore for under $10. >> start with cleansers and moisture risers. >> so cleansers, when people use harsh cleansers it lives you with that squeaky clean feeling. the opposite of the way you want it to feel. if it feels tight or dry after you cleanse. you're using the wrong products. these are some favorite, dove makes amazing foam, body wash, beauty bars, cetaphil. within five minutes of cleansing you want to pat dry and apply a moisturizer. >> one-two punch always. >> got to trap the moisture in. these are two of my favorites when it comes to the face because aveeno and cetaphil don't clog the pores and have broad spectrum sunscreen. for the body. pumps are great for the day but look for the jars at night because these are filled with rich heavy creams that really get in there and really nourish the skin
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>> if you're super dry, why not, right? >> these are more greasy so hard to put on clothes on top of them which is why we go with locates but if you can, yeah. >> special request from me i want to talk about the eyes. this skin is so sensitive. >> very thin delicate fragile prone to dry patches. used to only use creams but new gels are hydrating. what's great about it it absorbs quickly and can literally put your makeup on top and not miss a beat. this one is by olay, $10 which is like unheard of for eye products. usually very expensive. >> i'm taking mental notes and chapped lips. who has them? it is what it is. >> all day long. our lips are prone to dryness. we don't have sebaceous glands, the oil glands that keep it moist and protected but when they get dry you lick them. >> which is -- >> the saliva amaking it worse so have a table of audience members over there testing out two of my favorite products. so
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chapstick has been shown to trap moisture for up to eight hours and burt's bees' is made with bebb beewax. >> they're protected. any tips. >> don't lick them. use these products and honestly if you can get a cool mist humidifier your skin will thank you in the morning. >> we're thanking you as always. great tip, great prices. so helpful. coming up, a first look at a brand-new david bowie documentary you don't want to miss coming u
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[ applause ] we are back with the first look at a brand-new documentary about david bowie, the superstar was so creative in the last years of his life he produced two groundbreaking albums and a musical and now "david bowie: the last five years" takes a
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extraordinary career and deborah roberts has that. >> hey, george, it's hard to believe it's been two years since the world lost this iconic genius. he spent more than 50 years creating, shocking and entertaining with his unforgettable music. music he worked on until the very end of his life. well, now this documentary opens a window into those final five years. ♪ rebel rebel >> reporter: on "rebel rebel" and "fame". ♪ what you need you have to borrow. >> reporter: to "space oddity ♪ ♪ ground control to major tom >> reporter: and "let's dance." ♪ wild color lights up your face ♪ >> reporter: david bowie was a transformative figure in contemporary music. now a new documentary "david bowie: the last five years" takes an intimate look at the artist's final contributions, the albums "the next day" and "blacktar" and his musical "l
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and they reveal a lot about this man, their deep affection for him, his humor. >> they genuinely loved him. they genuinely loved him and i think they admired him hugely and they still do. >> he was always funny. he always had a funny sense of humor. he was always joking about things. >> what about "lazarus." they say in the documentary we understand that that was on his bucket list. he wanted to do a musical. >> assume it's a weapon. >> reporter: inspired by the character he played in the 1976 film "the man who fell to earth," bowie had been wanting to create a musical since t the '60s. >> so when he started "lazarus: the musical" my understanding he didn't know he was ill. >> he was undergoing treatment when he was finishing it. >> reporter: he passed away a month after the show's opening night. ♪ i was looking for you >> reporter: when you look at "lazarus," the video, a lot say it
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bed and he's bandaged up but originally when they conceived of that idea, certainly the video director had no knowledge that david was ill and i'm not even sure that david knew how ihl he was or whether it would be terminal. there were two lazaruss in the bible. one comes back to life after all. he doesn't die, he comes back to life when jesus brings him back to life so could be a sign this is hopeful, so when he at the end of that video he goes back into the closet which is a joke and i remember the video director saying that david had said to him, you know, i should go back into the closet at the end because that will get him thinking. he came out of the closet in the '70s and now going back into the closet. >> reporter: when he passed away at age of 69 he left behind his wife the model iman and a son
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>> i don't think anything will be quite as beguiling and that's why we till care. >> the end of an era. >> the end of an era, absolutely right. >> and who can forget him? the documentary premieres monday january 8th on hbo on what would have been bowie's 71st birthday and, george, sadly he passed away two days after his birthday. >> i cannot wait to see that. >> really cool. very, very cool. >> thanks, deborah. we'll be right back. [ applause ]
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"good morning america" is brought to you by publishers clearinghouse. >> we're taking pictures earlier with the audience during commercials this young woman came up. said she's a second grade teacher, miss rutherford. >> yes, ma'am. >> she said she promised her students she would make it on tv. so from eaglesville. >> tennessee. >> so what do you want to say? >> i'll see you guys on monday. >> get your homework done. >> the dog didn't eat the homework. >> have a great friday and a great weekend.
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>> 7 is on your side right now with live, local news from "good morning washington." the cold weather making it tough for police investigating a shooting. larry: the wind was blowing evidence markers away from the scene. police found a man shot inside .f the damaged dodge suv victim was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. police are trying to track down the person who pulled the trigger. autria: starting the weekend with some dangerous cold out there. larry: that's right. here's rhonda johnson with an update. or eileen whelan. eileen: good morning. it is cold. 15 at reagan national. as you mentioned earlier, the wind is still going to be gusting 30 miles per hour plus today. our wind-chill numbers are still below zero. wind chill advisory in effect until noon. our high is only 19. same deal tomorrow. it is going to be another windy day with a wind-ch
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sunday, lighter wind, still cold. you will want to wake up with us on "good morning washington" monday. julie: after all, i'm sure they still -- kidd: traffic? julie: hi. we are still looking at this problem along the water main break. 27th street before you reach virginia avenue. northbound rock creek parkway diverted eastbound on to virginia avenue with the southbound lanes still open. there is no access from i street over to westbound 66. again, the crews are telling us that this will take anywhere from 10 to 12 hours to make those repairs. that is our traffic watch. back to you. larry: ok. autria: thanks. larry: get updates anytime. autria: live tv, people. life, tv. that's it for "good morning america." come over to news channel 8
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want some inspirational stories for a change? you gotta check out the american dream. saturdays, 1pm, newschannel8 >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan"! today, big-screen star blake lively, and from "this is us," milo ventimiglia, plus actress uzo aduba. and ryan takes us back to his hometown of atlanta, georgia. all next on "live"! [upbeat music] ♪ now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! >> ♪ you got me like ah ♪ and ooh ♪ with all the things you do >> ryan: good morning. >> kelly: whoo! >> ryan: good morning. y'all, what's up? [cheers and applause] ♪


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