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tv   Good Morning Washington 6am  ABC  January 10, 2018 6:00am-7:00am EST

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>> now, "good morning washington" on your side. autria: breaking overnight. a dangerous joyride. a cup car that was stolen and the head-on collision. there he co-and the decision on .gov. with that decision means for thousands of immigrants. isria: eileen whelan tracking where some of us will be getting into the 40's today. anth
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the week. larry: glad you are here with us. the good news is that it will get even better. could we have flip-flops by friday? archery co it depends on eileen whelan. eileen: 60's on friday. i'm showing you a live look right now. guess what? you can see the washington monument unlike yesterday when we woke up with the really sick fog with a lot of ice. the door. cold. reagan national is at 28. 21 in manassas. bundle up getting up the door. it is dry. temperatures climb up to 37 degrees by 11:00 but high temperatures today will be seasonable.
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it felt like springtime so it will feel comfortable later this afternoon with a mixture of clouds and sunshine this has been getting better each and every day. week with the warm up comes a chance of rain. we tend that out for you coming tried at least we have groats this morning. julie: unfortunately, we have problems. peppered with incidents. ae outer loop, we have stalled bus. northbound out of silver spring. there is a crash on a rip from tonight if i've to the westbound freeway. delays are beginning to build from malcolm x. freeway. this crash blocking the left and it looks like vdot has blocked all rings to maneuver some of the accident vehicles out of the road but northbound, already on the road breaks.
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after the overlook, left lane, an incident on 123. cannot road is looking good. continues:ity work back with the traffic watch on 395 in 10 minutes. autria: breaking, two police officers in the hospital. larry: they put themselves in harms way stopping someone who stole a police cruiser. suzanne: this came to and where i am right now. this was around 2:30 and the video shows this cruiser after the crash. this it hit two parked cars. police took one man into custody. two police officers were taken to a hospital with
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takene suspect was also to hospital. they are investigating how and why this car was stolen. the suspects name and charges have not been released. autria: a federal judge in california temporarily blocked the trump administration's decision to end daca. it predicted 800,000 people brought to the u.s. illegally as children or who came with families who overstayed their visas. the administration has also been receiving renewal applications. larry: police confirming they have found a body of the 65-year-old who went missing january 2 in beltsville and was found dead in a wooded area 20 miles from where he was last seen. from dementia and was nonverbal. police d
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autria: we are trying to dig up more information about a late-night lockdown -- the hospital tells abc seven a man was shot within a block and walked himself to the emergency room. he is going to be ok. police are trying to find the shooter. back to work for the virginia and maryland general assembly's who have a lot on their plate. controlfocusing on gun and equal pay. larry: in maryland, lawmakers will try to override a veto of a paid sick leave bill. they will try to expand medical marijuana licenses. something remarkable is happening this weekend in virginia. adrianna: when
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sworn in, he will be the first governor in virginia's history to surround himself with more women than men. his secretary of commerce all caps off eighth woman on a 50 member cabinet, giving women the majority of the governors cabinet for the first time in the state's history. ralph northam get a statement to the washington post saying "our commonwealth's diversity is our strengths, which is why beta commitment to building a cabinet hat reflects that." we will be covering his swearing-in from start to finish. going under the knife today after last years shooting. the congressman says today's surgery is a routine follow-up after he was shot and wounded in june. he says he will continue to handle his leadership judy's as he recovers. larry: classes are canceled at george washito
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.ecause of pipes burst it is at least one of three alexandria schools dealing with heating problems. >> they are in there with their hats and gloves on. this is appalling. something should be done. larry: schools blame and protector that say they are working to fix the issues. we always have school updates around the clock on the abc 7 news app. new developments overnight as a massive earthquake sense of the threat of a tsunami. plus, the discovery disappearing. a city icon closes up shop.
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autria: this is a must-see video coming out of laurel. sky track 7 flew over the scene of a frozen water tower. luckily temperatures are on the rise and the frozen waterfall should start to saw but that looks so cool. we will be seeing melting going on today with temperatures seasonable in the low 40's. but for some people it will be pretty cold out there. ranging from the teams to the 30's. tomorrow, warmer. fridayt wave peaks on with 53 on saturday morning with temperatures falling and a colder air mass settling in for the rest of the weekend. tonight, 31-35. not as cold tomorrow morning. that fog will be developing.
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the drive. and you're not anticipating any rain for the first half of thursday. a chilly start at 11:00 but then up to 52 in the afternoon. light evening, a few showers but heavier rain moves in on friday. i will let you know how much rain we could see in 10 minutes and we will talk more about the cold temperatures. julie: we are looking at the commute that is taking place out of silver spring on the georgia avenue. this takes you back towards college park. sky track 7 is about the scene of this accident involving a bus . these have collided here on the ramp which is partially blocked at this point. do the connection at colesville road at the time. ramp from northbounge
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avenue, coming from downtown silver spring to the beltway, the ramp is closed. --k to the map to help they back to the map to update the ride elsewhere. vdot is in the process of moving accident vehicles out of the roadway. delays from malcolm x. avenue. a 43 minute ride to travel nine miles from the beltway to the 14th street ridge. southbound on the george w parkway, he just got off the phone with police. the accident there has pulled to the shoulder. and another water main break on van dorn street at the beltway tying up the right lane. that is the traffic watch. back in 10 minutes to take a look at the commute coming up in southeast. larry: a heartbreaking video. a teenager shoved into a trunk. a scramble to find survivors. the race
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it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the lowest prices of the season
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adjustable comfort on both sides. now only $1199, save $400. ends soon. visit for a store near you. >> you are watching good morning washington, on your side.
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>> tsunami sirens blasting after a massive earthquake hit off the coast of honduras. and a sigh of relief this morning, warnings were canceled three hours ago. puerto rico and the u.s. virgin islands were under the tsunami threat. in southern california, sorting through debris, searching for those missing after a massive mudslide struck yesterday. houses are torn from foundations. roads covered in mud. 25 people are injured. larry: what are the most famous buildings in silver spring and discovery communications is closing up shop. they are working on a $15 the company to buy that owns food network. they will move to new york
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community. cracks it is really sad. i almost believe you. are they actually leaving? wow. cracks disappointing. i always dreamed of working was in college. within a year or so, only a small operation will remain. happening today, officers in montgomery county will receive training on how to treat opioid overdoses. that is happening in gaithersburg at the of the training safety academy. they will train with narcan and the chief will talk about the current state of the epidemic in our area. autria: and ongoing turf for we have been following in the district. parents continue to speak out about artificial turf. last year, nine of the cities
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fields failed a test that looked at hardness. they have since been repaired but parents want to look at the bigger picture. >> it is very disappointing that the city hasn't done anything to remove the existing crumb rubber fields. >> it doesn't consider a lot of the effects. autria: last year, the city communications consulting firm that will help to conduct a public survey to draft a policy on how turf is handled by the city. larry: the powerball and mega millions jack talks have been won at another lottery can be today in virginia. high and bourbon. you can enter now until sunday and the winners get to buy
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at first you don't succeed, strip and try again. isn't that the motto? check it out. let's see if he thinks it. no. that had nothing to do with it. this guy misses the first half court shot. he might have gotten a little too into it because the next shot went over the back yard. talk about body confidence. eileen: i guess you could take
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wright. we are tracking and warming trend that we do want kids to have a warm coat out to the bus stop this morning. back to school on time. 26 in billy and ashburn at 28. good morning to you at swanson middle school. the wind is light. this set up at 7:20 six. overall, more clouds and sunshine. heading off the bus, temperatures will be seasonably cool into the mid 40's. tomorrow, 55 degrees. showers.. a lot of clouds on friday but for kids waiting at the bus stop friday morning, and getting out the door, temperatures will be in the upper 50's. you will want the umbrella. we will be tracking showers and a break midday. if you go out friday night, it will be warm.
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we will see a few showers with less than a 10th of an inch of rain. is late fridayte night. by the time this is done we .8 inches in d.c. and we could use it because the area is under a moderate drought. with the rain comes the cold front. and with colder temperatures through the upcoming weekend. slow out there and it isn't necessarily because of the water main breaks although we do have one of them. it back on the george washington -- a backup on the george washington parkway tow trucks have arrived on the scene. you may want to think about using the clara barton parkway as an alternate. a water main break tying up the far right lane and then a bus accident on the ramp from georgia avenue to the inner
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bus and a metro access ban. and blocks thee ramp to head east. spring,ntown silver stick with university boulevard. that in 10 minutes to update to on larry: we have four tickets to monster jam. the show is that capital arena on january 27-28. colin number seven wins. good luck. autria: get comfortable if you can. to airline giving the boot reclining seats. here is a sneak peek on what we are working on tonight. cracks good morning. tonight at 5:00, the inspiring woman who has broken racial and gender barriers. the achievement she didn't think she could accomplish and her words of wisdom to other young people.
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i thought i wouldn't be able to do. i didn't think i was smart "what if" more of the energy we used came from renewable resources?
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detect, fix and even prevent power outages? "what if" our grid were less vulnerable and more secure? "what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy.
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>> you are watching good morning washington, on your side. ♪ autria: british airways is making a major change to the seats. some passengers will no longer be able to recline. >> this morning, british airways just ordered 35 new airplanes with seats that don't recline at all. >> in the 1950's and 1960's we had 3-6 more inches between knees and the end of the seat in front of us. every year, that amount of space keeps shrinking as does the size of the seats. >> on reclining seats are lighter and could these savings
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cracks i can't see any way this will lead to lower fares for consumers. >> british airways says this will improve the flights for consumers. they will only be on short flights. will other airlines follow suit?
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>> now, "good morning washington" on your side. larry: breaking right now, in live look from montgomery county.
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other. and it is practically tropical out there today. ok, maybe not tropical but definitely a little baldly. breaking 40 and it isn't even the best news of the week. eileen whelan is here with the great news. eileen: who would have thought 40's would feel so good. yesterday felt amazing. friday, in the 60's. even though we are tracking the warm-up, don't befuddled. you do want to coat heading out the door. reagan national down to 28 degrees. most of the water from yesterday has melted. it was liquefied overnight but we could have had a maybe re-freeze but not too much of that this morning. have cloud cover for the morning drive but aside from that, it will be dry. sign up at 7:26.
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out today bite to eat around lunchtime. 40 degrees at noon. low 40's today. overnight to night, we could have more fog developing. we will talk more about that coming up. now over to this crash? julie: they collided blocking the ramp to the inner loop. sky track 7 is above the scene right now. headedmp is still closed northbound on georgia avenue. the ramp to do you want to the inner loop and take you towards college park is closed because of accident cleanup. -- wee heavy-duty records have heavy-duty records of the screen. ,f you come off the outer loop
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the ramp that would take you to college park. they are trying to maneuver that off of the ramp but it is still there at this time. backupave a three mile causing you travel time on the parkway. the crash occurred at donaldson run on the left side of the highway. we do get rid of the accident on the 11th street bridge. vdot is checking for another crash on the douglas bridge. that is the traffic watch and i will be back in the next 10 minutes. autria: a tragic end for a search in maryland. larry: a missing man found dead last night. john joins us with the details. john: what a tragic mystery. we may never know what happened to the 65-year-old. we know that his body was found here last night in the woods.
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a person walking by did spot the remains. he had missing for two weeks. friends and family conducted several search parties during one of the coldest spells we experience this year. the man's picture was plastered all over social media. he was last seen with his wife at the cosco dear -- at the near his home. police learned that he may have out picked up and dropped here on annapolis road. he did suffer from dementia is -- dementia and
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cosco where he was last seen by his wife and security cameras. adrianna: a wild story out of houston texas. a teenager caught being chased outsidef into a truck popeyes. he is grabbed and thrown into the trunk. we are not sure if it is a joke or a cruel kidnapping. police are trying to identify all of the people involved. >> you don't know how it feels to see my granddaughter at 4-year-old going to a cold school and have try to learn. autria: parents and grandparents are outraged. children out of school because building's been dangerously cold now four days.
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other repeated words. cracks you will have your time to be outspoken and to be angry. tocks we can't wait for you tell us what will happen any further. you don't have a sense of urgency for our children. pledgingarry hogan is millions of dollars in funding to get the heat back on. larry: a stark reminder of the dangers of falling ice. a car demolished after a giant slab of ice fell on it from 20 stories above. luckily the owner was not inside. starting today, from annapolis to the big apple on the cheap. mega bus starting the new route. they will run from the truman park and ride lot with two morning sources -- with two morning rights to get you
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city. autria: ♪
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these are our neighborhoods. and we love this place as much as you do. ♪
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autria: at 6:40 this morning, waking up to quieter weather conditions. you can see 270 from the headquarters near germantown, maryland. cloudsill be try with moving in now. sunshine later. friday, 63. we will be dea
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60 degrees in january you do hope it will be a sunny day. tomorrow morning, a good bit of fog across the area. start your day with us here tomorrow morning. folks driving home tomorrow evening could have showers but it is a rainy commute on friday. for the weekend, a different story. cold andalk about the how long it will stick around, coming up. julie: a bus and a metro axis van have collided. this is the scene traveling northbound on georgia avenue. you want allied at -- you are denied access to the inner loop and equipment is squeezing the
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motorists coming off the those way, this will cost you time. this ramp is still closed off because of the crash. update you with another water main break between whitehurst freeway and northwest. only the right lane is squeezing by. larry: this criminal to find survivors after a deadly mudslide destroyed parts of california. and eight. c crime. >> some might say gutsy but others might say down. i will have the story. immigrationer
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>> you are watching good morning washington, on your side. breaking
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officers are in the hospital. autria: police force to ram into one of their own cruisers. good morning. you can see the crime scene tape on the corner of third and g street where it all came to an end. we have pictures to show you for overnight from when the stolen cruiser crashed. hit two a vehicle it parked cars. police took one man into custody at the scene with two female who were taken to a local hospital where they were treated for nonlife threatening injuries. the suspect also taken to the hospital. they are investigating how and why this happened. suspects identity and charges he could face haven't been released.
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more about a late-night lockdown at george washington hospital. a man was shot blocks away in northwest and walked himself into the emergency room. he will be ok but police are finding the shooter. everything is now back to normal at the hospital. adrianna: a federal judge blocking trump. capitolhes is live on hill where this is center stage. >> good morning. upmany dreamers waking breathing a sigh of relief. been inect of daca has heated debates. this nationwide preliminary injunction blocks the residents plan to roll back
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the administration must continue receiving renewal applications. jeff sessions announced plans to plan ine the obama era september with plans for it to end in march. it protects immigrants who came to america illegally as children. this happening hours after immigration talks between republicans and democrats. democrats want daca to be a part of the must past spending bill. we are live in northwest. good morning washington. trumps oustednt strategist, steve bannon, is stepping
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autria: the book has been out for five days and amazon can't keep it in stock. the publisher says they initially had one edge of 50,000 copies rented but it is now rushing to fill orders for one million more copies of "fire and fury." back to work today for the virginia and maryland governors. larry: ralph northam will be sworn in on saturday. republicans will try to override the paid sick leave hill. and in virginia and maryland, there will be a focus on transfers -- on transportation.
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congress plan to wear all black. that is to show solidarity of the is of sexual misconduct. larry: new allegations against james franco, leading the new york times to cancel an event with him today. that thetephen colbert false. were breaking news in california. autria: deadly mudslides. adrianna: the destructive wave of mud came in the same area devastated by recent wildfires. the floods have killed 13 people and injured others.
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responders are in the area. the amount of debris is massive. ellen degeneres posted this picture on her social media of the 101 outside her neighborhood. picture. hope is this a rescue helicopter flying right over a rainbow. larry: the cold snap having an effect on schools. classes are canceled that george washington middle school in alexandria today because of a pipe burst. george washington is one of at least three schools dealing with heating problems. >> they were in there with hats and gloves on in classrooms. it is appalling and something should be done.
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larry: have school delays and up dates around the clock for you on the abc 7 mobile up. plowa: feeling after a truck is accused of driving drunk and banging three cars with the plow. he blew a .37 when he was pulled over. he has also been arrested before for a dui. no one was hurt. eileen: look, a beautiful sunrise. i have to talking about fog tomorrow morning but it will be as bad as yesterday. today, 44. we are warming up. don't be full. the cold is coming back for the weekend and will stick around for much of
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temperatures today will be seasonable. 50 with sprinkles tomorrow evening. this cold front will move through thursday night while you are sleeping. it will be warm and wet with heavy rain moving in friday night as low pressure moves in overnight. look at how what it is going to be across much of the mid-atlantic. travel friday could he disrupt it. do not be fooled, a few showers early in the morning. most of the weekend will be dry. cold. ,eading out to church or brunch it will be cold waiting at the bus stop. what is the latest on the roads?
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julie: busy ride on to 70. a40 six minute commute out of germantown towards the lane divide with lanes open. to the inner loop, sky track 7 is on the scene. this is above an accident with a metro access been. is blocked off northbound georgia avenue, approaching the beltway. stay to the left to get by. our to the map, updating ride here. is ok avenue and good hope road, one lane getting by. a water main break on whitehurst avenue with the right lane hitting by. that is the traffic watch. back in 10 minutes with an update on 395. let's say good morning to this cutie, our pet of the day is lucy.
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lucy, you see cute -- lucy, you are cute as a button. if you want to see your pet, use the mobile app and we could be talking about your dog tomorrow. a mobilen alert about app that is supposed to keep you safe. it is called wide. a wall street journal reports that the company inadvertently exposed customers addresses and lockbox codes online. is everywhere in today's age. it is hard to do anything without putting your information somewhere. autria: abc 7 reached out to see how many customers were affected that we have not heard back. said it was a technical
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to believe anyone's information was misused. larry: pellet gun is known for bikes but now they're getting into the treadmill business. this comes with an hd touchscreen to stream live and weightsses lifting exercises can also be incorporated. each unit cells for $4000. wow. the 62ndime for express. dead in the are mudslides happening. fast-moving mud destroyed everything in its path. >> we didn't know what to do. larry: overnight, a federal judge blocked trumps plan to roll back daca. this puts more pressure on the president and congress. >> what a tragic mystery. we may never know
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was found last night in the woods. >> of this came to an end where right now. two female officers were taken to a local hospital. i suspect was also taken to the hospital. larry: discovery is moving out and taking its employees with them. the caps had a 3-1 lead. winy: cap stick get the last night. a busy morning. autria: we are heading to newschannel 8. tieups on thefic roads. julie wright is tracking them. the latest coming up on newschannel 8.
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good morning, america. search for survivors. rescue crews desperately trying to find loved ones trapped in those deadly mudslides in california. knocking homes off their foundations, shutting down 30 miles of this highway and the moments of hope. a mother and her newborn found by this crew airlifted to safety. breaking overnight, a judge blocks president trump's plan to roll back protections for d.r.e.a.m.ers after that unprecedented meeting. the president with leaders from both parties on live tv trying to negotiate an immigration deal. >> i'll take all the heat you want to give me.


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