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tv   New Day Cleveland  FOX  August 26, 2016 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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- welcome to new day cleveland. i'm natalie herbick. in this hour, we are taking you on a little tour of olmsted falls, specifically here in grand pacific junction. e. now i know what i've been missing out on. it is so authentic, and yet you have this revitalized district. you can park, walk around all day. there's shops, there's great little bites to eat. you know, it's actually a requirement on this show, right? places to eat that are absolutely delicious. that is gonna be one of our first stops. - [voiceover] that was white wine helping to deglaze some of that.
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en i sit down in front of some delicious meals. but i must say, tom, i think here at matteo's, you have outdone yourself. your chef, tony, he works wonders in the kitchen back there. he looks to be authentic italian, and it shows in the meals, i would say. - tony is definitely great. he's probably the main reason for our success. people come here and rave about the food. i'd like to take some credit for it, but unfortunately i can barely boil water. he's the reason. e theme here was a casual italian. so that's what we tried to incorporate with some casual italian dishes. but i have put a little spin on a few items. what we're gonna do is put it in the pan here. a little more color and i'll be flipping it over here. we're doing real well here. the neighborhood response has been great.
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f parsley, and that's that. - are you italian? - yeah, i'm a 100% pure bred. - you're 100%, i was gonna say, why italian? i didn't ask you that in advance, i should know then. matteo's, where does that matteo's come from? - that's actually my mother's maiden name. i grew up with my grandmother living with us for several years. she used to make all the homemade pastas, homemade sauces. we had her traditions. every sunday have the family and a pot of sauce going when you woke up in the morning. - that's why i love being italian, i must say. can we dig in, i won't physically dig in yet. but the dish in front of you? - this is one of our signature dishes. this is the lemon chicken with linguine. this is all tony's homemade sauce. it's homemade pasta from ohio city pasta. this is our number one selling dish. - number one? - [tom] number one selling. - number one, folks, right there. the lasagna, have you ever seen a big enough portion like this, of lasagna? i can't get over this.
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ve had two people tell us it's the best lasagna they've ever had. we participated in the scene magazine, best of cleveland. our rep there told us that everybody was raving about the lasagna. it's all homemade, it's homemade noodles. - i hear there are little meatballs in here too like you would get in wedding soup? - yeah, there's tiny meatballs, there's sausage. i can't give you the entire recipe. good? - it's incredible. (laughs) i was excited about that, but this is amazing. tell me that doesn't look phenomenal? - that's angel hair pasta with calamari on top of it. it's sauteed calamari with some peppers and little tomatoes in it. - i wanna try a little bit of the calamari. these portions look huge. - well, it's an italian restaurant.
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when you have someone that's back in that kitchen there that just loves italian food, lives and breathes it. i'm guessing it really shows in the quality of their work. - it does. tony, i don't know how many hours he put in here, but it's amazing, and he makes everything himself. you go back there and he's making sauces. he's cutting chicken. everything we do here is fresh. - there are a lot of places that claim to be great italian cuisine restaurants. i don't think they all live up to that state you come here and this just seems so authentic to me. from the salads that i saw on someone else's table. the drinks, i mean talk about drinks here. it's a great place to come for cocktails too. - we have great bartenders. they make all our own drinks. they come up with new concoctions every week. we have special cocktails, and they really enjoy-- - that pineapple flip looks amazing. - did you try that yet or not? - i didn't try that yet. that's the absolut limeade, and then you have this italian paloma here too.
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week are you open? - we're open seven, seven days a week. cheers. - that is delicious. i really am in love with this place. i'm telling you, i will be back. we're right here at matteo's. we're gonna be full after this, let me tell you. - i think so. - tom, thank you so much for having us in. - my pleasure, thanks for coming out. - you do not wanna miss this stop. i think we're full now. at least i am, just by looking at this. i'm gonna send you off to do a little bit of shopping next at a place where you can find hidden treasures, let's just say. - second thyme around is an antique store, ohio handmade store, vintage. we also have a kitchen with amish jams and jellies, chocolates, cookies. instead of having all antiques, we decided to open it up to everybody, an interest in anything. you can find toys, antique toys,
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what i usually do is i rent space in here. there's 42 vendors. we have a lot of different things, but i also am very picky about what's in here. when you walk into the shop, we have a check-out room. we have a counter with vintage jewelry, and other little items. as you walk down the hall, we have names above each doorway. the first room is the kitchen cupboard which has the amish jams and jellies, cookies, candies, nt vintage kitchenware. in this room here is the ohio handmade room. everything is made in ohio. most of the people in this room are local. we have chenille pillows made out of bedspreads. we have some clothing with lace. this is all up-cycled, re-purposed items. we also have some handmade jewelry, candles.
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one of the great things we have in this shop is the mason jars, which is a real hot item with pinterest. a lot of weddings, people are using mason jars. we have the different lids. for a coin bank, we have a lid for the pump, and a flower frog. a couple other accessories. we also have these wonderful license plate dustpans. this is ohio, we have a lot of ohio. aw, who is 92, makes these. he's been doing it probably for about five or six years. we have the ohio, and in the other bin, we have all kinds of different states. you can pretty much find any state you want. back behind the building, we have the garden shed. we use it seasonally. we have a boutique, b-o-o, bootique, for halloween. we have a christmas cottage.
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we have a sitting area. we put all kinds of items throughout the gardens. we have a little shed called the garden cottage shed. we have all kinds of outdoor and garden items in the outdoor shed. i love this area only because of the atmosphere, and of course, my favorite part is back here because it's real quiet and it's really cute back here. we get to use the umbrella tables, and it's very serene. with all the garden items, it's just a great place to be. i always tell everybody, they need to walk around twice because you walk around, and there's so much to look at, that you walk around once, and you always miss something. - a little advice to make your shopping trip at second thyme around even better. if you see something you like, buy it then. the prices are so good, those items fly off the shelves.
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- i realized that people need travel kits for their dogs,
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- welcome back, hope you're enjoying our show so far. this next stop is for the dogs, literally. we are talking about anything you need for traveling,
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it's all inside of the train depot. - nifty dog shop is a longtime vision of ours. i realized that people need travel kits for their dogs. so we came up with our line of travel kits. what it includes is a tote bag for all the things you need when you're traveling with your dog. water or food. we have a bag that you can put up to 20 cups of dog food in. then we have other accessories, a little carabiner, and a bed, a blanket, and a luggage tag if you're boarding your dog, or taking your dog to daycare. we just opened here last year.
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. but we try to emphasize eco-friendliness. we have a lot of toys that are made from recycled materials, recycled leather, and tougher toys. because so many people tell me that their dogs just tear up the toys, so we try to carry things that'll last. if you're out with your dog at the dog park or just on a walk, in the house or the car because their feet are all muddy, you can just use that suds n toss cloth which is infused with shampoo. when you wet it just a little bit, it suds up with oatmeal shampoo, and you can clean your dog on the go. we started a little gallery with art and other gifts too.
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when we found this building, we said, "how perfect is that to have a travel shop "for dogs in a train depot?" this building was originally built in 1892 over in middleburg heights, and it was the train station. on this side, the passengers waited, and on the other side was the luggage and baggage area. it was moved here, to this location, in 2008. good girl. she's a whippet that we rescued about a year ago. this has been the greatest thing for her to socialize because she was so shy when we first got her. she loves to greet everybody and make friends with everyone who comes in. take some time to browse around because we do carry some things that are harder to find.
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most of our treats are really good for sensitive and even allergic dogs. we really just try to emphasize a healthy lifestyle and carry healthy products that help make it fun and easy to take your dog with you. - nifty dog is open seven days a week. you can also shop online. i'm told she ships all over the world. my next stop is a place where you can find a gift for just about any occasion. there are, as i have quickly found here, so many amazing little shops and restaurants here in historic grand pacific junction one of them being the artists' colony. this is patty's place. patty, i think that you have just about everything for any milestone in someone's life as far as gifts go here in your store.
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we're a kind of an old-fashioned department store, a little bit of something for everyone. - speaking of department stores. purses, i think, are one of the biggest things people buy, women, in department stores. you have a great line that's right behind us right now. this is a local one, an ohio one? - yes, it's called stephanie dawn. they are manufactured in van wert, ohio. they were the original manufacturer for a very famous brand of quilted handbags. when that brand moved its manufacturing overseas, to make purses right here in ohio. the original quality, all machine washable, and more affordable, and we think, beautiful colors and patterns. - they're absolutely gorgeous. when you talk about more things for the ladies, i know i see a lot of scarves. i see jewelry around. what was your whole idea when you put the store together that you wanted people to feel like when they came in here?
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mainly because we like to listen to our customers. if they suggest things, we try to find it. - going back to the milestone gifts that you have. you have something for when babies are born, for weddings. - weddings, birthdays, anniversaries. we do a lot for weddings, anniversaries. babies, a whole baby and kids' section upstairs. we also have thoughtful, inspirational gifts. or you just want something thoughtful. - what about the pictures that you have that you've framed over in the corner there? - we have framed prints from a local framer in rocky river. she has a very big following. her prints go in and out. she's here three, four times a week. - i saw the doll clothes too. big hit? - they are.
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they also fit the 15" bitty baby doll. they are mostly all original designs of hers. each one is exquisite. - those candles. not only when i walked by did they smell unbelievable, but they're very unique candles. i've never seen wicks like that in the middle of a candle before. how does it work? - it is very unusual, but they work very well. they're called spiral candles. they are made in north dakota. and then it will spiral around, and as the wax folds in, you light the wood wick in the middle. a small candle will burn a total of 30 hours, and a large candle up to 50 hours. - the neatest looking thing, i tell you. there's so many different things that you can buy as gifts for people here. then, to top it off, if you need a one-stop shop and you're running a little behind, you also have cards, depending on the occasion too. - yes, we have greeting cards
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cards to humorous cards. if anybody ever is looking for a card, we're always here to help. i think that's what stands us apart from bigger stores. if you need help, you just ask. - you have, is it true, people that come from really all over the world to visit you? - we do, we have customers that can walk here right down the street that live local right here in olmsted falls. they bring their families. we get people that come from all over the world. speaking a different language, and getting to know the area. - we are just continuing to explore. we're just getting started here. - this used to be the jail for olmsted falls. there's something that's very, very calming, for me anyways, about being with bees. - still to come, something's buzzing inside of the former jailhouse.
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trip here in olmsted falls. hope you're enjoying yourself, i know i am. our next stop is taking us to jail. inside of the former jailhouse, you'll find a lot of reasons to love bees. ("flight of the bumblebee") - grand pacific junction. there's a bunch of historically restored buildings.
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there's a lot of curiosity shops. this used to be the jail for olmsted falls, enough room for a potbelly stove, a desk, a chair, and one cell, and a cop. linda and i were at the lorain county fair. we walked into the bee barn one day. both of us, at the same time, said, "i've always wanted to do this." we got two beehives, and at one time, we had like 68 because you have to take your bees de them each year. this was before colony collapse. right now, we have 37. with that colony collapse and the bees dying off, a beehive that you establish this year will not give you honey til next year. the problem is the bees don't make it til next year. it will flavor itself with according to what's blooming. in the spring, you'll get an almost water white honey
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but then as those flowers die off and the summer flowers bloom, it changes. then it changes all again come fall to thicker, more richer. it stays in your mouth longer, and it has a creamy taste to it. that's the goldenrod. the infused ones, i've taken the honey, and infused it with flowers from the garden, or hot peppers, or any other herb, or even flavoring. no heat's been added to it. all the health benefits are there. it's a healthy honey and it is local. people will start taking honey for their allergies. more people are turning away from the pills and the doctors. you can collect from your bees' pollen. pollen is taken as a vitamin supplement.
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of course, the first thing you do is you make your candles, which i've got quite a few of those here. then i pour them into little one ounce blocks and give them to linda, and she does hand creams, face creams, lip balms, beauty aids with them. soaps and everything else. my wife makes all these jams, jellies, and relishes. hot pepper jellies, fig jam, a fig and tangerine, strawberry, serrano, hot pepper jellies. we make it the old-fashioned way, one batch at a time, and using cane sugar, no high fructose corn syrup. no butter is used in it, no dairy, and no preservatives. i sell out of here and we also have a place out at west side market. there's something that's very, very calming, opening up a beehive, and having bees fill the air,
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t-shirt, and just have them crawling all over you. they're not aggressive, you're not being stung. - if you wanna see that bee beard in person, walter does it every year right around the 4th of july holiday. beside their location right here in olmsted falls, they also have one at the west side market. check out jorgensen's apiary there as well. up next, we are taking a stop
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it's not about how pretty you are it's about what you're saying and how you're saying it. and being able to be confident and happy, that's what truly shines through. be true to who you are. i'm so happy right now. i'm the happiest i've ever been. i think it just comes with the fact that i'm accepting who i am. everybody deserves love and kindness, don't they? they do. to the women who know what real values are,
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welcome back, you better come hungry when you visit grand pacific junction here in olmsted falls. there are so many great restaurants to come and enjoy, including our next stop, which just so happens to be an old fire station. - moosehead hoof and ladder is a sister restaurant to moosehead saloon, the original one, we were asked by clint williams to come here. it's a restored firehouse, hence, all the fire memorabilia. we're just family-owned and operated, and trying to make every customer a regular customer with good, consistent food. it's a diverse menu. we're known for our burgers and ribs.
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but take them a notch up. we prepare everything, no frozen foods, nothing like that. - [nadine] everything is made fresh, in-house. that's our porky sandwich. the pulled pork is made fresh here, every day, with our secret barbecue sauce, and our homemade hand-cut chips, fries fresh here every day as well. next, we have our blackened tuna salad, which you can have it lightly or more well-blackened. it's served on a bed of lettuce with tomato-basil relish, and some dried cranberries. our melwood burger was actually made by one of our regular customers from westlake. it was her favorite,
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barbecue sauce, and the crispy onion straws. that has been on our regular menu for the last few years. - [geoff] it being the original fire station, built in 1940 during the wpa. it had a great history, so we followed on that theme. it was really two small buildings. this was a small building up front where they would pull in a fire engine in the back on the river. we saw a real chance here, the river being the big draw. patio overlooking rocky river, looking down 70 feet. that is the old hose tower. that's original, that was here. i added a few things to it, but when a truck backed in, they would grab the hoses, and pull them way up into the tower there,
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- we have two outdoor patios. a front patio faces columbia road, and then back patio is what overlooks the rocky river, which is very popular. people will wait one or two hours to sit back there. - moosehead hoof and ladder is open seven days a week for lunch and dinner. it's also a great place to host your next party. just in case someone forgets to bring a gift, all they have to do is walk across the street. our next stop says it all in the name, dolls and minis. dawn, i must tell you, when i walked into your store, it was another moment after another one of me going, "oh my gosh, really, are you kidding me? "you have that?" do you get that reaction when people come in here? - all the time. it doesn't matter what part of the store they go into,
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there's over 20,000 miniatures in here for the dollhouse. the scale, one inch equals one foot, most of them. the idea is when you put a room together, it looks just like a real room if you show a photo to someone. - you take a picture of it and send it and think, "this is my new living room. "nope, it's just in my miniature house, my dollhouse." - you can make it anything you want. it doesn't have to be a dollhouse. we do room boxes that are just one room. we do just little settings, little dioramas. - you must get all different types some just wanting to play, and then others who might be using it for their jobs even. - yes, we get architects that come in here, if they're doing something. we have people that their sons and daughters are still in school, and they've got to do a diorama for social studies. - well, that's look at some of these here. this is just one of the many aisles in this store. you look at this, and you can't believe how much detail goes into these miniature pieces.
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everything you could possibly imagine for a house? - pretty much, everything you can think of is in here that you would find in a real house, a school. - the desks, the books. - anything that you can think of. - you also have the dollhouses downstairs too. - i do, they're mainly for people to look at. - just kind of see, get an idea of what they might wanna do. - yeah, and some of them are kits. they're built up and they can see how big they are because most people think they're not gonna be - sure. what is over on this side here? this is something totally different. - well, this is fairy gardens. it's pretty much the same thing because they're miniatures except they're done outside in the garden. - you can put together, kind of construct a different settings. - they're meant to go outside. - like little chairs, and then you have the little fairies. what else do people come in and they think-- - they like the little houses.
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you've got a little barn down there. if you're doing just a little village, you've got little village type houses or a log cabin. - i just love how beautiful they are. - unlike with the miniatures, the regular miniatures, these aren't a certain scale. they can be anything, any size. if someone says, "well, how does that fairy get in there?" "they're magic." - they're magic. that happens to be any easy explanation. they're magic, so they can shrink themselves down to fit in anywhere. you don't need a certain scale for these ones. - you have people come in, they purchase things. but you also have people come in, and they play dates, so to speak. - they do, we have a miniature club that has between 30 and 40 members. it's adults. they will come in and learn a little project every month, once a month.
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when you walk downstairs are all of the doll clothes. i know those are a big seller for you. - they are. we have clothes from four inches up to 39. i've been making porcelain dolls and repairing dolls for nearly 30 years since 1989. you can bring in a broken doll that was a treasure maybe when you were younger, and we can put her back together, and make her new, find a new outfit. i try them on all the 18" dolls that i know exist, so it doesn't matter which doll they have, - there's really something in here for everybody. i know there's games over there. you have stuffed animals on the wall. bring the family in, the kids will go nuts. i just saw a couple kids come in here now. they're already rifling through things. - they're probably playing on the play tables over there. - everybody loves this store. - they do, they do. - so it's dolls and minis right here on the main drag. - yeah, you can't miss us. - you can't miss it, and you don't want to. that's for sure.
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- do you like chocolate syrup or caramel? - i like caramel, but i like chocolate too. - okay, i'll fix you right up. - this is not something you wanna eat if you're trying to lose weight, huh? - guarantee you will be back. (laughs)
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back. a trip to olmsted falls would not be complete without a stop at one of the busiest locations here. it's time for a sweet, cold treat. this is the best kept secret when it comes to ice cream. am i right, bob? - yes, you are. - we're here at falls ice cream. this door's been going open, shut, open, shut - they can't. - you've been around for 11 years, is it? - going on our 11th year, yes. - when it comes to ice cream, there's all different flavors. - yes, we deal with roughly 80 flavors. - i'm guessing seasonally you change some out. - there's about 15 to 20 that we keep constantly in the case. the rest we switch out. - which is one that you keep constantly in the case
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ink it's your favorite, the salty caramel truffle. - did you know that was my favorite? - yes, i did. - [natalie] how? - because i was a little sneak. - oh. (laughs) i am telling you, you have just made my day. let's not waste any time, let's get to it. - let's get a bowl here. - show me how this is done. you've been here 11 years. this building that you're in, i know a lot of these are historic buildings, but some have been brought in. has this always been here? - it's been here because it used to be the hotel's stable and carriage house. - this used to be all open, but they revamped the building, put walls in, made stores out of them. - it's so beautiful here, i just love this town. i'm gonna love it that much more after i get this in there. - we're gonna get you salty caramel truffle here. - that's step one. - that's step one, that's the big one. - i saw on the front here that you have some nondairy ice cream as well.
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and sherbets, and we also carry a line of sorbets. - oh wow. - a sorbet is a citrus form of ice. we sell a lot of it to people that can't have dairy products. we have a little variety of everything for everybody. - oh, that looks so good. you're putting more on? - well, let me tell you. - whatever you put on there, i'm gonna eat. - i know you are. (laughs) or i'm gonna be in trouble with a stomachache today. - well, i'm gonna make you smile as you exit. - i'm already smiling, i'm very happy. - one thing about us here, we have one size scoop, and everybody will leave here with the same amount of weight of ice cream depending on the ingredients. we weigh everything. - so you weigh that out. once it's weighed. - you see there, you're right
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what's the next step? you could tell how excited i am. - now we're gonna go with the chocolate syrup. do you like chocolate syrup or caramel? - i like caramel, but i like chocolate too. - okay, i'll fix you right up. - did you see how much is on there? this is not something that you wanna eat if you're trying to lose weight, huh? - guarantee you will be back. - (laughs) i have a feeling i will. ing the kids to come here and shop for the day, this is their sweet treat. this is their little reward. - we do not skimp on anything. - you clearly do not. - well, i'm not done yet. - you're not done? - i'm not done yet. - whipped cream. - you wanna put it on there, do you? - it is a sundae, so you gotta have whipped cream. oh my gosh. this is one of the favorites of a lot of people when they come in? - yes.
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, no. we've gotta keep up to our standards. - this is the cherry on top, which i'm guessing you're putting a cherry on top of this too. - yes. - you and your daughter have teamed up to make this happen. - yes, i've always wanted an ice cream store. so when i retired... we took this. - now i feel like you're far from retirement now. that's all you do is work. (laughs) bon appetit? (laughs) in trouble is what it is. i'm gonna try to sift through this, and get to the bottom of this. while i do that, i'm gonna send you over to a place where you can find something old, something new, and something re-purposed as well. - that sounds like a winner to me.
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and they have leased spaces. they choose the amount of space they would like to have. they come in, they have the opportunity to use artistic abilities. they have done this place wonderful. it's just beautiful here, and i'm so proud of every one of them. we have 18 of us here. each one has their own little shop that's in a shop. ave shops in a shop. this building was built in 1895. it was a family home. it was in 1895, isn't it amazing? it's so beautiful, well taken care of. we have 14 rooms. as we walk around, you'll be able to see
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we have just a selection of beautiful linens. almost anything you would want for a home. we have painted furniture, which is the highlight. that's the highlight of this place is painted furniture. right now the painted furniture is a french thing. people are into paris big time right now, so the painted furniture goes over very well here. but also they buy all dishes. they buy linens, they buy pictures. everything for a home. this is two of our vendors. they are friends, and they have split a room. everything in here, they have hand-done. they have hand-painted.
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they bought that buffet from me, and that was just an oak finish, and they did that to it. isn't that amazing, what they've done to it? the one behind over here. this one is just amazing how they've taken an old piece that was really what some people would say was done-in, and they made it beautiful. timeless treasures is just so nice because we've got new and old together. es who love the old things, we display those. for the ones that love the new, we also display those. this gives people an avenue to decorate their home with old and new, or all new, or all old. it's wonderful to be able to come to a place where you can see things your mother had
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i love it because i've always done this. i did flea markets. i've done this nearly all my life, and my mother did. we've just always loved it. i remember when i was a young child, we'd go to, at that time they called them, rummage sales. we'd carry big bags home. my brother and i, we'd just have so much with toys. we would look at all the old toys. we'd have so much fun with toys. it's just come together. so much because it's just what i love. not only do i love it, but the gals that are in here, they love it. we have one man, his name is robert. he's here also, he's a floral designer. we just love what we do. we have our garden furniture. this is called the picket bench and a picket chairs. they're wonderful to display flowers on or to sit on.
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a vendor in here makes those. we have the box there. that's a beautiful flower box, tool box. you could put anything in there you would like. herb box, herbs. the ladders here, these are wonderful to hold our linens, if you have things in your kitchen. you would like towels, dish towels, or in a bathroom. you'd like hand towels on. these are just wonderfully made, and they are homemade. the price points are wonderful. everyone comes and tells us our prices, things are wonderfully priced. people are very happy with us here, i think. we're told that. when they come through that door, they go, "wow." that's a wow factor. i think the gals have done such a good job.
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with mr. clint williams, it was any empty house, and i was like, "wow. "what are we going to do with this?" to have all those vendors together, they just did it. they just did it. i'm so proud of every one of them. - timeless treasures is closed on monday, so keep that in mind. they do have inventory that's constantly changing, so it is gonna be a place you wanna stop by often. up next, it's tea time. - clementine's is a victorian tea room. on't only specialize in our teas,
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i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. there's a race going on right now. the world's clean energy super power's either going to be germany, china, or us. and i'm going to make sure it's us. from 500 million solar panels installed by the end of my first term, to precision manufacturing. we'll beat the competition and create new high wage jobs.
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- welcome back, we have time for one more stop here in grand pacific junction. we are taking you back in time, and sitting down for a victorian tea. - clementine's is a victorian tea room. we don't only specialize in our teas,
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we have a lot of our soups that are made from scratch. our salads, we make all of our own dressings here. we have quiches, we have our beef burgundy. we make a meatloaf, which was my business partner's mom's recipe from many years ago. it's very, very good. we have our green teas, our black teas, and we have some fruity teas. our fruity teas, which are decaf, and then some of our loose teas also come in decaffeinated as well. we serve all day long, as long as we have a 24 hour notice because our pastries come from our bakery, which is in hinckley. we specialize in our own chicken salad, our own roast beef. we do have a turkey wrap, and our fresh desserts. high tea is very, very popular around here, not only for baby showers, wedding showers, rehearsal dinners, but friends that come in here for a long, long time with their daughters,
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o do their traditional high tea here. i just think it's just the environment itself. it's a beautiful place that's very quiet. our room upstairs holds 45 to 50 comfortably. when they come here, they don't have to rent the room, they just come and they usually have it between three and three and a half hours. it's great, they love it. when doris opened many years ago, there are several girls that are still here with doris. they don't want to leave. they loved doris, doris is a great boss to them. they're good employees, they're honest employees. i wouldn't want it any other way. - we're a good team, we've been doing it for a long time. - right, about 19 to 20 years. - and we haven't killed each other yet. - no. (laughs) we're making a pear apple salad.
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pecans, and also blue cheese with marinated chicken on it. this starts off in fall, and we thought we wouldn't be doing it anymore. but people have demanded it, so we continued the pears with it. - our customers, i just enjoy their company. i could stand or sit and talk to them for hours. i do, i'm a people person, so i like that. well, that does it, we're wrapping up here. isn't this just adorable? i absolutely love it, and i think that this is a great place that if you maybe have some out-of-town guests that are coming in, you can bring them to. we're very close to the airport here. come enjoy the day, sit back, relax. eat a little bit, shop, and just enjoy. i'm natalie herbick,
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you did great. - alright. - three, two, one. hi guys! got the birthday girl a drum set. drum set? oh you guys must have time warner cable. this is gonna be some party. yeah, their free home wifi lets us connect all our devices at the same time. and there's no data cap, so... the kids must love that, huh?! hey, there's the birthday girl! let's get this party started!
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