tv New Day Cleveland FOX October 12, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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turn this over it smells terrific.ilil we tasted a lot around thanksgiving message dressing and not sort of thing a really unique flavor. we do that a couple more minutes. bacon will provide some of the fact for us. and this will take about well, six or seven minutes to cook at the way we want. so the paper. what we have done is flavored our oil.p and now what you do is put this bacon in there. you cook it six or seven minutes.s. and what it will lok like is something like this. you take it you can adda nice crispy bacon. then over heree you have the bacon fat.
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i did i not cook and reduce it r those who don't want to use pork and bacon you can use butter to produce the fat because it is you need that much shortening to make the rice. we have that in there now instead of the bacon. it's really not that confusing. and then it is therefore tablespoons of butter and then we will put on about a quarter cup of shalit it is like a reallyy garlic and onion. when you see a recipe a quarter cup you say how much do i buy a quarter cup is right there. it is about half of that all they start it is almost $3 a pound and we get back a little soft a little salt
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already made the and that is what makes it happened. the shalit is cooking nice. two cups. when you get this at the store it is hard as a rock. this thing here you have to peel it in cut it in basis. this is this is three or four cups really need to. you may want to buy it sliced up in a container they dota that is the grocery storeha it makes a difference it makes it easy to do this. we have a cup and a half of result
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butternut squash, and we will let that absorb some of those flavors forw a minute or so and that will be it. then it is white wine.e. all the alcohol burns off we put that in there about a half a cup.ha this bote is nine or $10 it has to be g if you can drinkt it is good enough to cook with and the way winds are now out of california at a california and that napa you hear a little hits init the city is talking to me, right? what happens now as you cook that into all the wind burns off so far pretty simple anyone can do this. you get such ae great dish with this you could make this was the main dish and do something on the side like thisd with the grilled shrimp and put it on hae
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at that. what happens is the wind burns off.ns we have the heat going. i have it already hot i told you why i did that we will put a little bit of the in there and keep doing this until we cook about four cups if you buy four cups you may come y a little short with 40 ounces it does not s the other thing that will flavor this when it comes out as it takes forla about 20 minutes wih a halfh a cup of parmesan cheese the king of cheese and it stirs about half of our afraid fried sage ha when we come back, we sw you the and of how you put together together butternut
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all ahead of time it is easy. i know john is back there to help say another don't say another it mayake another bitee be one of the most versatile items in the kitchen ?- david is is at all the time with all of oil.i all the sources of although sources of oils and vinegars it is called all of my heart. >> this is extra-virgin olive oil and then they have may have a flavoring and we alo have the diffused a blood orange fuse with an all of that they time of christ. we havey a multitude of flavors and you can taste about 60 different quality
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and there are spaces and pastas we have recipes all over the place we usually offer people ice cream u and we pour vinegar over the top of the ice cream but in the other room right now we could probably have goat cheese with lavender with a simple appetizer but you don't have to do very much. pastor using first fresh taste ofmu wht the basil and all of oil and it will lower your cholesterol which is very hard healthy. some tasting tomatoes some pick up eucalyptus or banana or apple in the air because of word's cross pollinating and the the grill.fc with other things sitting around in the air that god grows. we alsohe have them taste tuscan and traditional which is is aged up to 18 years because a lot of peopleu
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like some of his like the cranberry pear that local lovely with the will go public with the blood orange oil l all kinds of combinations to come up with whether it is fruit in the morningg i usually take my mom and all of oil and put greek yogurtrt because it is clean and not much sugar put cinnamon oil and withoi raspberry vinegar str it around and put fresh raspberries andan if you freeze the raspberrs never in the morningze i never y little containers of you ever anymore c we use us and a lot of other people they are not running out ohio but they put on a been solid int their fruit salad or anything you can think ofal my husband is marinated ris tonight we're using to aaa to the mapleto with the bourbon
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need at this us all of oil then you need vegetable or canola oil any other is a 30 plus they want is as much to get the job done. i want to give something back to the world that before my demise basically to say here is how to stay healthy. i want to stay with the young children and teach them that it is more of it takes tasting and teaching store than anything elseea >> all of my heart is located in and very close to style i did not burn my mouth run to your phone airs your here is your chance to win ticketsts frm thingsro to do for all ages not the scariest thing all day all you have to do right now is the caller number eight the tickets
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while. for months now. an amazing season you guys are kicking it off and then there's the show i think for those who might not knowse what it is that might be a it might be a little reluctant or hesitant but i have heard rave reviews. >> nearly everyone that said i don't know if that is my thing his comments in the show and walked out and said oh my gosh i am so i am so changed anyway. it is at very dramatic story. i think that is the best. to me, that is the best kind of theater where it makes you o laugh and cry. >> what is it? >> allison is this graphic artist who created?so this grapc novel with her father very complicated relationship with her father h. >> you play the father? >> as i play the father the complicated fatherer is in memoy she goes back when she was a
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actresses that play allison having to go through some of this terrible thing she has to go throughug in the very funny abby corrigan it is really a marvelous piece. >> it is a groundbreaking show plus your have the first musical to ever when best musical with all women remarkable season. >> and this is the first time as a leadad i don't know if it is e first time? >> it is one of the few we get to see former ms. miss america msl nra she is so good in this piece. one of those things wherei it does deal with her
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human story my favorite quote is someone had said you know, it will only make sense to you if you are either a mother, a father, a daughter, or assign, or you won't be able to follow it. >> so in that case tol we will l be able to follow is is something you would take the kids to go see?om >> i think they are r children under 13 it has adult language it is certainly not a kids show by any means. but it is wonderful to look out and see him people in the audience and exposed to such a dramatic story and really following ed and paying attention kids in the front row last week to was just riveted and i was gratified when i see children in the theater because that is the future. >> i know people think their
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much of its own father you know so much about his life he is a catalyst for everything going on for her a very complex man who lived this giant life with the giant why. and then when now i was sort of uncovered, he had a really hard time dealing with it was some great tragic circumstances. >> the show is right now at playhouse squaree and through the 22nd. we love having you for the three-week stay. if you want to get those tickets they started just $10 the number is on the screen there. go to playhouse square .-dot work and get your tickets heard you were phenomenal. our director simon saiden you we just unbelievable. >> yes, i am. >> very modest to know. you have a wonderful sense of humor thank you so much for being
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will come back to new day coming up in sfr, transforming your basement into a livable space. >> i like that idea plus it is time to focus on the rest of your life. t that is what we ae planning for with retirement in just a minute. if you don't want to retire that's fine but you have f to start planning. >> i struggle i don't know what happened. >> i poisoned i can't stop coughing for some reason so i apologize the food is delicious we even have guests coming here saying it was that good. >> i say you are enamoredh with the guy from fun home maybe the ex-wife took your breathth away. >> i really hurt she was phenomenal and that performance so i definitely think that is a must come toi tuesday at playhouse square. for sure. did you see the crew who posted
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>> tell me about that. >> they talk about the picture it's not even of cleveland these people don't know what the city is like and when they come here they will be born blown away. and then the city of cleveland with the burning river which is an oilanan so causing explosion was a long time ago. when people bring it up it really they apologized and all but once they come here they
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good with risotto on the side the burrito factory. this started with the food truck it snowballed f into a got somethig here for not doing a brick and mortarhi what are we doing? a cleveland twist we want to make our neighbors happy hour burritos are more like comfort food npp with less and flavors t we know.wi >> i have lived in texas for almost ten years. my business
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basisis on what makes good bite and flavor. i just got to thinking yout know, this is cry i can make a better burrito and i can make people have fine. that is fun. that is kind of where it came fromav you are a genius. the teacher you to get back? we will start with the cilantro lime riceil traditional carney is a slow cooked going to tell you what my secret recipe is you you'll have to find out.wh black bee ends and we beans and wait will put some cheese e because life is better with cheeseec sweet and spicy sr cream you roll it up and put it in like this we take this monster delicious burrito this
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top, and then the hot salsa. and you will be back again tomorrow for another one. nice people come back because of the way that we make them feel, but we really appreciate it. you're not just somebody else waiting in lineai here. we remember ye, and we want you to come back. they want you to bring your kids and family and we will remember them too. food tastes better when you're happy. spending extra money to not make it yourself for someone to clean after you is like a mini mini
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that's kind ofd what we are goig for.a >> come on. local local burrito factory's well worth the trip. they also have a food truck for their mobile exchange or something like that our main branches in hudson. think about retirement the most important thing to be thinking about is an individual decisionk
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a comprehensive plan that is necessary if you have a pension the pension decision if you retire early you will have to medicare.. the closer we are unfortunately to a whole two were to a whole thing that way cause us to go into a nursing homeun t or receive healthcare s getting your arms around everything. >> it sounds simple, but it is they can start collecting that is one of those individual things.
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elect to go but it gives up those discounts by electing their benefits before their full and tyree and analysis is needed. it is i got to be partf a comprehensive income plan that is the foundation. a retirement plan is your income flow. cash flowin is king it's not simply cash. it is cash flow for someonep >> say you've got a couple hundred thousand dollars saved c you should be doing something in conjunction
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that is the thing about when they are thinking about retiring without professional help. >> thereo too much to mention we do have classes. a nice essay great we are having some at the end ofe this month and early november. >> that is restaurants we will have that they're the 25th and 22nd. what time2n do you get there its about an hour in length and the dinner will come following they start at six registration is
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excellent. can you learn a lot despite the conversation it is complicatedat it is an individul thing where you needt action. >> very, very good. i think it is shopping. this is the house collarbone link here. a quick tip to center of the school in the morning and thanr the beginning i start with taking her hair down in the back. as we got midway through, i polled higher so pulled higher so there was no part but at the bottom i cut her hair in half. i am going to do a normal three
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will leave this out at the bottom line up banana at the bottom. e know now that we have thisn i will take one side and bring it up and secure it with a bobby pin. you will repeat the same thing on the other side. and then with the hear that what they hear that we rubber band. then you cannot see it and i will use another bobby pin to clear it out. and that is the great clips style of
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actually know there are two. places there. the same critique of art opening up the second location. check it out. >> if you've never been here before, we've been here going on nine years i was kind with kind of jumped around w great. it fits everybody's price.and that points and that is kind of howits i've tried to carry things i triede to have people come in and find something in their budget. i came back here becauseso it is such a beautiful neighborhood,
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so in for the upcoming season this one is a really cool plaid print it is so well maintained and beautiful. i really like this guy one of my favorites in the shop right now we have the cool bomber jacket what is in this season t very neutral you can wear it with with pretty much anythin location is kind of funky and not as prominent feminine as our other store when people come in here kind and kind of reflects the neighborhood.d. and we hava little bit of everything here, so which is what our shop antibodies and i try to
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come back in two days later a month later, and i really tryry and makes the store up and make it feel fresh and new on a weekly basis. we get new shipments in. >> i think the key to our successes we have watched akron go through this growth, and it has had its highs and lows, and we have kind of had kind of stuck it on unfollowedh started as a hobby and now it has become my career. >> she is such a sweetheart too if you are ready to shop, it is located on main street in akron her original stores downtown. >> this may be the easiest way to make more livable space in your home finally fix up the basement. this is ohio basement systems talking to a guy before ever getting ready about how you should invest your money i see
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should invest in making sure your basement is good so you have ain good piece of real estate. >> yes it o is the least expense way to do that is to fix up the basementdo. >> you come in there and you we dobig investment. everything basement was basically includes the basement and foundation repair walls i think the next picture we will see her as the basement finished off this is where want
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the homeowner can go downan painting the walls can be a moisture issue it willan bad wht are some of the signs other than the pictures at scream at got a problem with a a little problem? >> there is. one of the unique things are part of the largest birdst f a basement foundation repair group in their world. so, we he a lot of educational material we can provide people others just can't. and one is example of this will be goex through and sw people whatou those signs are bt moree importantly with the signs mean. what stages the basement in where will itha go from here, and what kind of damages exists down that. >> premierdo we can then determe
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what we call a low calculator. we have actual engineering software we use to determine whatatw we are going to do where areoi going to put everything hw many they need we don'tev just walk down and see you need one of those in these and those but we have software that determines all of that. >> it is amazing. this is a national warranty for example which again is another piecena f the large group we provide a
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>> and another range of what these can cost can be great so what is the deal on financing that kind of thing? >> we have just about anything you can think of famous cash financing and interest-free financing and many, many othernd kinds of financing we can make it affordablele on the market, then it is a rush situation where you havee to get it fixed. then you are rushing to make those kinds of decisions we will be happy to come out and show what you can do. >> little problems d can become big problems you mayan as well x the maya can. >> you cannot get away with it
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a usa today as call that one of the top ten haunted attractions, and it is right here in northeast ohio we are talking factory ofio hair with john and cindy. good to have you both here.n thinking about this is scares me already i i am one those who gets terrified of haunted attractionso what do you think makes it? the top ten one
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the guinness bookrm of world records we had the older manufacturer. h we provide a lt of entertainment they attack you from all angles people love to be scaredd i figured is kind of cool too. so last year ?- they are getting very popular to escape rooms in the sure way of six. located in the same facility but in a separate building a attached to it. it s not scary.ed six grams they are uniquely themedix they have different challenges we are pretty excited and happy. >> they are scaring you but i know it is open this weekend and you are doing something nice for people to. >> it is original type of holiday with. london with
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out your free chocolate bars and have some funn with the scary attraction exactly us. >> the big thing to happening now is that you are merging your ideas andr chose with cindy's like us. for 2017 this is cindy she asked has the akron haunted schoolhoused and next year will be under the same management i will be taking the lead but cindy that cindy has 43 years of experience 43 years yes. draws people to your attractios in? >> i think the same thing that draws people to john. we are passionate about all things calling, and that is also very passionate we believe in details and versionli and entertaining people whether they are scared
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just having a good time with her friends, that is always the goal. >> that is the the blow. bow. your places in your o locations are in akron. >> yeso they sit right next to each other in akron. >> which is better of force of people to team up to have you even more scared again that shows all combine at the same three attractions coming up. >> correctly well basically w much more fun today coming up n tomorrow's show fall treats for your pooch and four-legged friends a couple of ways to
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