tv Fox 8 News at 10PM FOX November 22, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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found tketd in a vacant cleveland home. >> meantime. family and friends are remembering the life of a teen. whound climfe they say would ho before himself. >>tt . live with how they are tonight. >> a good kid with a big heart. and a shaggy head of hair. that's how family remembers 16 year-old alex mullens. this family is devastated. they tell me because they haveha to plan his funeral for this sunday. while the person that did thisd is still free. and not behind bar. >> one by one. candles were lit tuesday night in honor of 16 year-old alex
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around 50 family and friends. gathered for a vigil at the vacant house. where his body was discovered.d on. east 54th street. int cleveland. >> i miss that i always told him to get a haircut. that blond hair. >> he was a great kid. such a huge hard. >> heart. >> . his aunt. au says he was more like a son to her. >> he was such a beautiful person. signs flowers and stuffed animals. mark the spot where his body was discovered. he was last seen back on november 9. at washington park high school.. eleven days later. he was found dead.d shot in the chest.
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>> we show love.lov we don't hate. he spread that.ha to everyone. >> . while police search for the person. who did this. his family is left with the family his family is left to to planla the funeral.u for sunday. >>ne . his family put up a go fund meme account. to help pay for the funeral expenses. you can find that link on our web t site. >> . thoughts are with the family. >> . two year since 12 year-old rice
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police. thatfamily and supporters spents day holding s a sit in. at the first district police headquarters. >> . details at a message from hishis mother. >> . she out lined several demandsma this saying her family has still not received justice. j for her son's death. tonight. she repeated her call for the two officers involved to beto fired from the force. fo and to be charged with murder. >>wi . >> a few dozen blocked traffic. in front ofbl clevelands first district police headquarters tuesdaycce evening. as they mark the second anniversary. of the fatal police involved shooting. of 12 year-old rice. . two years. too long. i have no justice. many sleepless nights.
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there's no reason we should have dead babies in the state ofte ohio. or america. >> . i'm disgusted with america. >> .wi exactly two years rice was by cleveland police. at the reck center. tph-fgt tph*flgt tors he was handling an air soft pistol. which the officers thought was a real gun.. officers involved were not although they could face disciplinary action. >> . . my fi immediate firing.ri of the officers.o which isf still working in this building. behind us. >>il . she also wants incoming prosecutor to reconsider criminal charges against the officers. she wants a meeting with out going attorney general. >> .ing my sons murder. m was able to happen. under the obama administration. and i expect the obama administration to give me
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on that day.hat at that time. >>th . the duty report show. one officer following up on a violent robbery. another responding to a mana threatening with an gun.g another at au hospital.o others onsp a suspicious vehicle call. a stolen car case. and alarm. >a . still. others assign to the police precinct lobby. another to others onn break when this reports and police recordings show. it took police more than half an hour. to get a car to the shots firedf five bullets even hit this school. with teachers.he
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here now. n with some of the big news. that came out of this meetinge today. >>e . a little back and forth. this a morning. whether this meeting was goingw to takeas place. trump tweeting out.ut he canceled the because the times changed the t terms and conditions on him.hi not long after that initial tweet.
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behind closed doors. reporters did live tweet the proceedings. and this was something a lot of people were paying attention to. seeing as the president electnte had no held a news conference. since he won the election. reporters say trump started off the meeting bys saying he hadad great respect for the new york times. but felt he had been treatedre very rough. and unfairly. in today's meeting he touched on everything. dis-avowing the movement.e to climaten change.han to cabinet picks. he talked about his decision too not pursue cri against clinton. it's a move members of his transition team feel he not to divide the country even
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object on the transition. >> . a. cleveland aattorney isis possible being vetted to be to president elects labor secretary. attorney peter.r. is a ur commission. on civil rights. in theci national labor relatios board. strong beliefs illegal immigration takes jobs from inskilled americans.s particularly black. men. he says he was surprised by trumps about labor. and employment. >
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all right. we're at 30 degrees. we're falling now. that is the lowest temperaturet that we havee seen. in the last 24 hours.ho since midnight began last night. notice that it is progressivelyv warmer. to thee west. w as we take a look to at what's coming in. that's rain.'s not when you take a look far enoughg north. it is snow. wisconsin. up to minnesota.ot thert as the system goes by. but that will not be an issue for it will be in the form of rain.a even though we have chilly temperatures here. right now. that will change during the day tomorrow. thirty-nine and 30. were thety extremes today. we'll go below normal. as we market the record book. twenty-five tonight. clouding over. and tomorrow. if we see a spotty rain shower. it may mix in with a few soggy o snow early. to the west.t.
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really get going here.he until tomorrow. afternoon. and tomorrow evening. so initially should be okay for travel.tra it will get increasingly wet. as we go into the afternoon and evening. for those of you planning on doing traveling. >> a complete look at the forecast. coming up. >>t. . from the dick goddard weather
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many more are seriously hurt. the 24 year-old driver is under arrest. investigators say he may have been speeding. when the bus s crashed. c the bus was a few blocks from the elementary school.l. when the accident happened. >> . the most unnatural thick in the world. is for a parent to mourn the loss of a child. there are no words. that can bring comfort. to ac mother. or a father. and so
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families. >> . twelve students remain hospitalized. six of them are in intensive care. >> . attention toyota owners. the company is recalling more than 700,000 mini vans in the unitedns states.s effects models between 2011 and 2016. there's a problem with the latch. and the vehicle sliding doors could open.. while the vehicle is moving. company hasn't said when the malfunction has caused injuries. owners will be notified soon. >> .ed>> whaot house of well known names today. president obama handed out the presidential medal of freedom. to a diverse group of celebrities. >> . and nba legends. >> . . these are folks who have helped h
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weather almanacs. much more on his final forecaste coming up. later o a great day here. >> d . . nice message. >>ni . would you pay to park at west sides market. you may have to soon. if the city officials give a new proposal to green lights. >>gr . big change could be coming to a cleveland land landmark.a soon you may have ton pay to pap at thea west side market. >> . the city is proposing to contract with a consultant. to help them hire a company.o th parkingana lot. it's a decision some peopleeop finds hard to get behind. >> . nearby business owners say therh is a flip side. of the argument. >> . >> we look at parking lot as an economic development tool.too people are parking in here ande leave the t for weeks at a time. and never move it. >> m .
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city. he and other business owners have signed ass petition. urging for potential parkingark charges to stay the same. whether you visit.v day ori night. >> keep the fee as low as possible. >> . a window of free parking for the people who go through the market. if you don't have a free window. they're not going to go to theo market. >> he . new park spaces were added early november. during construction. marketc vendorson reported a 60% drop in customers. something councilman is trying s to make sure doesn't happenen again. if market customers have to pay to park. >> .>> whatever takes place at the market.
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tonight he's share ago story.o only with fox eight. >> . with spoke with the young man. who endured so much in his life. >> . eighteen skwraoerld says his his first memory of a child is being kept in a cage. along with other special needsed children. in the home of their tpo*s foster parn i don't know. i don't know what's going on. is this right. >> he and his brother and sister were placed in the home. after their mother abandoned them. and their father was sent to s prison. >> . do i have atoris mom. do i have a dad. are these really my parents. >> they told the children they werehi holding them in the cages to prevent them from hurtinga themselves. or each other. >> this is for our protection.
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would be living in. >>vi the senior in high school.h says he has flash backs to the dark days. >> . i think it was really twisted. because. they're showing us how to pray. but putting us through hell. >> .ugh the nightmare ended in 2005. after a caseworker demanded to whenhi they refused. she returned with the police. >> i remember them putting me ig the van. >> they were convicted in 2007. of charges that include child endangering and child abuse.bus they each served two years in
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access to his share of thehe funds. >> a lawyer says the money must be used for any of his special needs. not covered by governmentnme benefits and must be approved bd a judge.jud bell says as ab adult. he should have the right to choose how he spends the money. he wantshe to enroll at the the university of akron next fall. >> kwro*eur just not a human being. you're an animal. >> police are working to track down the person who shot andngnd killed a father of six. at the victims convenience store. >> we have new information. >> we do.e
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piece of video. that captures the exact moment. when the deadly shot was fired.r hope the video will yield valuable about the shooting.ho at cleveland east side. on monday night. >> they think the victim may have known the shooter. because he tries to push the gun aside. when it discharges. a bullet hitting him in the chest. friends and customers met outside the store to grieve and build a memorial. generous who made many close friends. in a community. >> police have been study -lg that video. they only have a vague
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hard to believe thanksgiving a couple days away. a lot of people will be hitting the road tomorrow. the questionro is.a will mother nature cooperate. skpwhr. >> well. yes. yes and no. and i will explain. in just a bit. but. today started off with a lot of lake effect clouds. still dogging us. this starts at 8:30:00 a.m. to sunset.s right upup we'll stop the frame.fra at just a beautiful moment.t. in the time lapse. but by afternoon. the atmosphere began to clear out. we have high clouds from the next h system. watch as the sunlights up the atmosphere. just right. it was brief. as it usually is. but. it was a certainly beautifully colorful. lake waters at 54. with skies that are still mostly clear. waoer seeing temperatures.
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day. we do have those systems coming through. out of the west. and it will still be kind of dogging us on the thursday morning. and another quick system.yste as we push into and saturday. >> none of the systems will be significant. beyond the rain that we see. tomorrow afternoon.f tomorrowte evening. into early thanks tkw* morning. >> still to come.e. college cheer leaders in hot
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three members of the cheer squad posing with k sweaters. representing on their chest. however the caption on the photograph read. kkk go trump. female student who owns the snap chat account says her phone was stolen. and she would never post the photograph like that. th the school describes the photograph of course as unacceptable. >> pickup truck. with headlights on. you canghts see people run. after the man. adds as he pulls away. a he falls out.
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with theve truck. the vehicle crashed into a housh across the street.e the woman inside was slightly hurt. a 28 year-old william robert edwards ran after the crash. but turned himself in daysda later. >> . request for a personalized license plate denied by the state of kentucky. heer of wanted a plate that reai am god. he had the same plate for a duds dozen years in ohio. and never had an issue. but the state of kentucky says and could distract other drivers. >> .>> he simply wants to show the impossibility. of disproving anyone's claim to being god. he filed a federal on grounds of free speech. >> . still to come. a bittersweet send off.. for a cleveland tv legend. >> .a celebrating our one and onlyly dick god card a very emotional day.ay. here at fox eight.
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michigan is number three. with tigers holding onto the number four spot. >> . here's the entire top ten. >> the last time big blue won in columbus. was more than 5,800 days ago. a who's counting.i skpwhr a man of few words in news conferences. >> they're great football team. >> noter dame has to vacate wins. because a student trainer wasne found to be in violation. ofio ethical conduct rules.
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meteorologist dick goddard preparing to deliver the finalte forecast. >> . are you ready to do this. >> . do what. > . . that rye sense of clearly in tact. while his mood.oo as always. >> the rest of us however. were feeling a mixture of emotions. happy. and proud to io celebrate his legacy. but with a lot of precipitation. toipi us. dick goddard isn't just a but family. >> skw and friend. stkphr. (and friend. >> . . . familiar face familiar faces returned for the send off.f. sharing fond memories of so many good times. >> ?uhis impact on the stations
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protect >> i really admire what he's done. with the animals. and his advocacy for animals. >> additional accolades, praise and proclamation were sent from ohio governor. cleveland mayor. as well as renaming the weather center. and something else. >> . fox eight has contacted theed folks at guinness world record. >> honor which brought a chucklu and a t toa mr. goddard. who tkwapbmr began his career 55 years ago. >> . who does this for 55 years. >> . i came upon which former and current bossess say never really mattered muche tor dick. his focus has been on delivering a great forecast for the people. at any price.
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end of an era. that wrapped up with one last forecast. >> for the next three months m it's going to be cold. >> his heart will remain warmedr because of all of you. y and the love and support. he's received. in cleveland. >> be good to the had 4-foots.4 i- don't handle this very well. >>y . . we thank you dick. which is why we're not saying good-bye. just. od say.sad alwaysys
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>> good night, dick. >> . it really was a beautiful day. >>ti . he also announced formation of the dickfo goddard foundation. nonprofit. that will aid local rescue groups and fund animal clinics. >> . for more information on that. head over to fox eight .com. >> . you can check out all the information there. > . the clouds come back just when we started seeing the sun. and that cloudud cover will gett productive tomorrow.rr at least we're talking about rain here. t and not snow. . most of pre-sip. if notp all. will be in the form ofno a rain shower. wednesday night.
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sheldon, it's not a great time! what do you want? hello to you, too. i'm sorry, but this is important. what is it? back to the future ii was in the back to the future iii case... and back to the future iii was-- get this-- in the back to the future ii case. so? so, did you do that, or am i in the house with an intruder? sheldon, i got to go inside. it's getting rough out here. you're dodging the question; i knew it was you. (deep rumbling growl) what was that? what was what?
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