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tv   New Day Cleveland  FOX  December 1, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST

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we are right now in castle millwall where they have re-created on a lot of breath from running up those steps. they created a christmas story. this is wonderful. and you have basically done wonders that this is one of the main attractions everyone loves going down santa claus mountain. isn't it something we want to experience over and over and over again. don't ask them for a football. i don't want to get pushed down headfirst. take a ride down the site is a photo that's taken if he's going down the site. it's really thick caps off at castle no wealth the massive
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and a half works seven days a week to keep it more and more exciting. where do you acquire all of these things. a lot of these things you see in the movies. they made up for the movies and they use it. it's really cool. they've gone to hollywood actions can we head out there and check on some of these things.
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he's set like a bunch of stuff set that do you want to fight. i'm a brave, brave lion. you want to know what it feels like to go down the chimney? go down this 15 million times disco straightforward. you go straight through. are you a real santa that's what i want to know. here we go.
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there you go straight down the chimney. i almost want to say this. you can come back it was the most terrifying thing in the world. it's just one. for tickets and hours you can log on to their website. what a fun place. i'm nervous let's take a break you need to do that when you
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sharing a little laughter is the best medicine. what a treat. it's been a couple of years since you've been here. they should've gone with you to that grandmother is my dad. and then they have this thing that you can to send in your dna and so i scented and not good route since then the hillside
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i regret doing that have you done it. odd family. here's the rub. they're not cheapest and $3,000 on a drones and finally some video footage o house. i don't get the technology's death. for you have they go from.
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you should do that christmas has next year negative afraid. that's a very sad or get rid of the cellulite. while. are you asking for anything for christmas. i don't know. i would like a new card i made a mistake i bought a new car i brought a kia. i bought a kid i put it together myself it's an ikea. i have a wooden car your shop there. it is the weirdest place it's like the biggest building i've
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it's like a walmart and home depot read drunk and had a championship leaders kid. there's so much stuff you feel obligated you've got a buy something. i going to ikea and i bought bunk beds i live alone. what's sad about. and the things they have this you just won a bookshelf or coffee table do you have any more the course meatballs. they were accused of making force me bro that was way back in the day. now i think that al gore moves
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together right now i have a fish tank. upside down modest little stuff i moved you to cleveland to have that i had a pretty dry gave up on half of it it's complicated you don't use particular tools they give you this little al in key. i would like to find that our anger tonight at how laertes. just scratching the surface the entire joke about dinosaurs they aren't extinct. they were eaten by rocks that's for they went extinct. terry can affect there's a dinosaur. hello we didn't figure that out. she's figured it he's got great jokes go check him out there
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for a ride up on my bunk leaders and i was just going to suggest that this things for being here. price and look best for any occasion you look good with
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a shine and color and texture. that's it you can do side that one there just for a cocktail a phrasing. you don't want a picture each other over cocktail jacket.
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also special pit don't want to be all blanked out for evening so we can add color color does not necessarily be clean or right. adding the fuchsia shoe and they consider great. i can't do that. it's not summer or spring or fall. you can. if there is 8 inches is that maybe change your shoes for love that. still color going look great with my outfit what is the start
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hasslefree shopping one stop shopping all these different story from one place we get that in cleveland had northeast ohio. this is for a casual stuff above jeans instead of genes have another. a nice textured lace top with the both of those chic. i love this could couldn't sweater. that is awesome. if you're going to someone's house and neighborhood. i casual new year's eve party that the perfect great community give back program. monday's 10 percent of their sales go to a local charity. i think right now i think it's a cleveland food think. if you live on the westside and you don't get over to the east central obviously a reason to give you think of beachwood police said that while that
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cleveland fashionistas solid. and it's huge for cleveland to have that. where have to have you here thank happy holidays picture to save a little cash this holiday season it when your way to the movies they collide and collateral beauty as he had to pick check out a few holiday events going
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doctor fiction have a monthly budget or weekly
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you can make withdrawals out of that you use it like a savings here the onset of lifetime
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that gives me a feel for what they will retire and went and that's how we do that. answer to sort out all those facts. fact or fiction greater assurance in the stock market we call that fixable and laugh up
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thing you need some help. if you are someone that is blamed the retirement options
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is exploding right now. so many great things going on. jimmy ma
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it starts at $950 which i had trouble sleeping somethn spent a lot of money for that mattress. it doesn't do that. thread starts. that's for the. but it makes more sense it will be a nice stocking stuffer. how would that work out at the malone helpful. one cited above 50 degrees the
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are the cool guy. i like the people. that's which you are. thank you. this time of year they are really cool.
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they year is 1967 and it takes place is called love them because that was there last night and this is a story where she was sent to prison up in june that are allowed to be married interracial marriage was illegal this is 1967. shocking to know and learn. this is the story the texas couple all the way to the supreme court. they put the wife and she's the one who has pursued it and got the lawyers involved. they would all the way to this court. i think most of these so could be nominated for an oscar. they talk a little bit about the movie. ceric it was straightforward and a sense. i think the irony is that everyone lebron them was trying
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and i think that's what i think they could not understand is why would anybody want to legitimize is something as beautiful in on us as well as the treatment. i think it's very clear. is this a movie about love and marriage simple times are lawyers can be cake. maybe about a lot of things. it's very hard to separate the two is difficult to believe that of thinking 67. select doesn't feel he felt was going to go through those he our graduate. you almost feel embarrassed. that people can be like this.
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in the end it ends up being a feel-good movie. it's a great movie to see and she's a great actress. you've seen on purchase before it a lump in your. and you almost need a surgeon's
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a man who was married to michelle williams something happen to their family that caused that to happen now suddenly the brother dies and he becomes responsible to the young man and he doesn't know if he can really live up to that is the story of people rebuilding their lives children is the it's a terrific movie is going to be an award winning film. we talked to how being a parent affects you playing a character like this. midges did not think that you could love someone so much.
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does that make you better actor. thank you. not a feel-good movie was great
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to disconnect from the film that i've done. i think the same thing will be truth that five years now available to see it as a movie >> my mom is an actor them not talking about that were anything. they're going to hear a lot more
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lighter and we're going to cover up the brown line with a highlight. the color of thriller i just to top as well and would i want people to see how gorgeous her eyes look care. it just looks so beautiful. i shadow is one of the hardest things to put on.
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their eyebrows frame your face
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helpful. it's different than someone doing it for you. you're doing yourself and your showing it as you go which is apply make up the. so saturday from 10-5 you can also visit their website to get this look. it's easy to do is i did it she amazing this is that make your palette. it's amazing. so easy. it's like a kid in a candy store. there's so many great different
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prepares canal to make up. it's always a pleasure to have you on that show. we're taking a break from the mall at the shopping season with some gift ideas to the cleveland metropark you want to watch this. we will be right back after this
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that's a couple of doughnut holes or something. maybe on the side. of course the donuts are good too. it's $5.90 goes to rainbow baby and children's hospital.
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you could buy us and give it to someone. stick around we will have more new day cleveland right after
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attention smokes all experiments fresh basil is a must always one leaf per slice and then at real buffalo mozzarella. no rules here i even tried a little basil pesto along with great quality that's on the wrap for today's hollywood and dying. this is the time of the show and time of year when we have to bid farewell to another one of our amazing in turn people aren't as
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i told her not to be so nice. i'm not just saying this page is there's setting me up for my meds adventure. i don't know how they are going to be. what are you doing next. knock on the word we was se speak right now i don't want to
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i was really happy. the future looks really bright.
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ain that to me again alright, here's the deal. i'm gonna pretend i'm with the irs. i'm gonna say you owe back taxes and threaten you with jail time. that'll scare you into giving me a whole bunch of your money. i also need your social security number, too, because then i can really take you to the cleaners. unfortunately, it's never this obvious. that's why we're here. dedicated to protecting ohio families against frauds and scams.
11:00 am
dr. oz: today on "the dr. oz show" -- are you scared? for my life. dr. oz: when leah remini was last year, she was rocked by the scientology scandal. now the aftermath and see what happened next. and jillian michaels' body playbook. >> let's give people the most current honest information. dr. oz: how to get the body you want at he have stage of life coming up next! we'll save lives today! are you guys ready to get healthy?


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