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tv   Fox 46 News  FOX  February 24, 2016 1:00am-2:00am EST

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. kayla: the highly decorated united states paralympic sled hockey team is practicing locally. you'll find out what goals are in the years ahead? >> i understand that people do it different. maybe mine wasn't the right way. bill: a video showing an
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son's hair in rather unique fashion goes viral. why she regrets uploading that video to facebook. kayla: arrests are made in a disturbing animal cruelty case in brock hill. who police have charged after this puppy was found shot with a bb gun. good evening, i'm kayla ayres. bill: i'm bill melugin. video of a mom disciplining son by cutting his hair has gone viral. they've gotten all sorts of criticism about the punishment. the mom telling us she regrets posting it on facebook but stands by her decision to do it. sam smith spoke with the family and joins us to tell us about the blowback this family is getting as a result. hi, sam. >> reporter: the video was uploaded a year ago and quickly spread. the family thought attention died down until the last few days when it started to pop up
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>> do you know what you just said? >> reporter: after repeated problems at school, shirley ward-rogers felt her son marcus needed to be punished so she shaved a bald spot on the top of his head. >> as a parent, i felt a simple hair cut since he's humiliating us as a family would be effective. >> reporter: she says she's reached out to social groups in the past for her son and felt this is the only option. >> he is intelligence, he decides peer pressure caused him to do what he did today. >> reporter: one version has 2.5 million views. a year after the recording, marcus said he was humiliateed. >> there is a video of me getting a hair cut like an old man. i don't like that. >> reporter: he's home schooled and doing well. >> i'm still in school. i didn't drop out.
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why the video is passed around online again, they thought attention was done. >> we received visitors, cops to our home sunday night about 11:30 about the video. >> reporter: someone was concerned about marcus. >> just hair. people blowing it all out of proportion. >> reporter: marcus was taken to school the day after the hair doubt meet with counselors and administrators and the hair cut was fixed when they got home. shirley stands by her decision to cut his hair, just regrets posting it online. >> i know it was wrong to put on social media and i apologized to my son for that. bill: overall, the family is taking the re-emergence of the video well. they wish the name-calling online would stop. sam smith, fox 46 wjzy. bill: sam, thank you, definitely an interesting tactic. glad my mom never posted discipline with me online. she used to wash my mouth out with tabasco if i said a bad word.
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and will graduate next june. people are commenting on our facebook page about this, we want to know what you think as well. head on over to fox 46 charlotte, we might use a comment and air it on tv. kayla: to a fox 46 exclusive. a charlotte man is upset what policy. joey flowers feels he's distributed against by a major pizza chain because he's blind and does not have access to the internet. joey called the papa john's on wilkinson to order, he was told he could get a pizza cheaper if he ordered online. the problem is he can't afford the proper software used to assist those who are blind. the pizza policy is not only unfair to him but to anyone who doesn't have access to the internet. >> even if it's a dollar cheaper or two dollars cheaper, i don't care, i should be able to get the same
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that's not fair. kayla: this just doesn't seem to be the case at other papa john's but other pizza places as well. dominos and pizza hut have online only deals. we took joey's story and they said we will take appropriate action end quote. brian: we've been tracking for the last couple of days severe weather pushing across the country. powerful storms hit the south and it is pushing our direction as we get into tomorrow, the area in yellow, that includes most of the region is under a slight risk for severe weather to hit the area, a marginal risk into the green area that affects northern portion and if you're traveling further to the east at enhanced level, one, two, three, in terms of potential for severe weather, and we do see the risk for tornadoes across the area tomorrow as well. now, it is quiet out there currently.
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throughout the day, nice and quiet in the area. we see a bit of moisture pushing up from the south around columbia. not a ton of rain, there waiting for the big storm system to roll in from the south and west. driving major storms across southern alabama right now. it's caused a lot of damage. now, we will track it, we'll show you when to expect it to move into here in about 10 minutes from right now. kayla: definitely something to be keeping a close eye on. thank you, brian. a fox 46 follow-up, rock hill police arrested two teenagers early today for animal abuse three days after a puppy was found stabbed and shot by a bb gun numerous times. as for the six-week-old dog, vets say he's doing tremendously considering what happened to him. fox 46's kevin maycheck has more on the story. >> bb's all throughout his body, above his spine, skull, eyes. >> reporter: this little guy
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veterinarian sunday after being stabbed and shot by a bb gun over and over again. >> he was stabile. not a whole lot of problems that we saw, just lots of little blood wounds that we shaved up and cleaned. >> reporter: 17-year-old and a 14-year-old whose name has not been released were arrested for the attack on the young pup which vets at ebenezer animal hospital named brody. >> a heinous crime, no excuse for it. a small defenseless animal. >> reporter: given the horrible conditions brody was put through, veterinarians say he's making remarkable progress. >> he's not lost any extensive blood and we started him on oral pain control and antibiotics. >> reporter: even taking kindly to humans. >> very surprising that a dog that was subjected to this type of torture would be so trusting of people, but in the
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he's been very, very sweet and affectionate and warm us to, i think he's going to make a great pet. >> reporter: works with ebenezer to help abused and find loving owners. >> people have been a little overwhelmed. >> reporter: she's happy to see justice for brody. >> people have to be held accountable or else it will continue. and children need to know that animals have to be protected and to speak out for animals and completely unacceptable. >> i think he's going to make a full recovery. hard to say at this point given how little time we've had him. there's nothing to make me think he's going to do poorly that the point. kayla: what a sweet little face. more good news for the dog. one of the receptionists at ebenezer animal hospital will be adopting brody. his vet hopes to have him ready to meet his forever days. bill: the heated debate
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council passed the highly controversial nondiscrimination ordinance, the north carolina gabelli funds and speaker of the house both had strong opinions after the historic vote. governor mccrory is promising to pass legislation that would block it. allowing those who identify as transgender men and women to use the rest rooms of their choice. >> really a win for all of north carolina in establishing basic protections that are really needed. >> we thought we were going to lose 9-2, ended up 7-4. that was encouraging point. for us as a church we know we failed. bill: we caught up with mayor jennifer roberts who refused to comment directly about the vote. the next strategy is to get people to go out and vote during the next election for candidates who represent their views. governor pat mccrory
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quote -- if you'd like to read his statement in its entirety, head on over to our website at the changes in the ordinance will go into effect april 1st. we did reach out to the city attorney but so far we have not heard back. >> turn on the policy, you turn on fear. kayla: utter crisis in a local community, distrust coming out of the tap is as deepsa the coal ash in the city nearby. bill: a bank is back open for business, we'll take you inside the grand reopening. >> i've been a part of two paralympic gold medal teams and three world championship teams and one silver, we don't
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kayla: hitting the rink in paralympic trail, their story later in the show. in the battle of the burgers, jack made a "declaration of delicious"... he took a stand for hand-leafed lettuce and fresh-sliced tomatoes. he formed a perfect union between 100% beef, cheese, and mouth... ...with buttery bakery buns for all and america ate it up. true story. we're making every burger better, like the new double jack.
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. brian: welcome back, we've got some potentially severe weather moving in tomorrow, but for tonight week have issues as well. this is a live look at uptown right now. and very difficult to see as
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widespread in the area. temperatures about 47 degrees, shouldn't get colder than this. as a matter of fact, we're going to see warmer air moving in the winds out of the east at 7 miles an hour, you'll see them switching to the south later on. and wake up tomorrow warmer than where we currently stand. visibility down across the board. charlotte has the best at 4 miles an hour, everybody else at 2 miles an hour or less. jefferson less than a fourth of a mile. now as we look at the headlines, several things in the area. one is strong winds. two are the potential for tornadoes and a lot of rain over areas, charlotte in particular, we've seen 2"+ in the last couple of days, flash flooding could be a concern as well. think about tomorrow as well. again, the likelihood that that we see tornados is fairly small. if we see, it we want to be
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think basement if you have it, lowest level of the home in the inside inner area hallway is good or room without windows. stay away from the windows, and keep in mind, you can't outrun a tornado, seek shelter immediately. okay? and as we get into tomorrow, i want to mention that we're under a flash flood watch through wednesday afternoon across most of the area. again, right now, things are pretty quiet, a few showers this evening across the area. we have the warm front that's been pushing up towards us, we're going to get the warm front tonight and the cold front tomorrow and that's going to bring us our chance of rain. show you quickly on the futurecast when that's going to happen. overnight showers, but really it begins in the morning hours in the mountain ranges, about 6:00, 7:00 a.m., the heavy rain starts to push in here. this is the potential, the time frame, severe weather right here, 8:00 to 10:00 in the morning across charlotte. could see straightline winds that could cause damage. i'll show you how much rain to
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are going to be over the next couple days 10 minutes from right now. kayla: thank you, brian. ten months in and many people living near belmont have big water. for starters what's in it and will it ever be okay to drink from private wells again? this arose last year during testing as duke energy prepares to close coal ash ponds, that's when chemicals were detected in the water. tonight we have a closer look at confusion, the complications and the search for answers. a couple of things stick out in this gaston county neighborhood. the boxes of water piled in driveways. flats of bottled water stashed alongside houses. in the distance the stacks of duke energy's steam station where it's operated for nearly 60 years. >> the plan is right there. >> reporter: amy brown and family lived in its shadow for a decade.
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much of it until december 2014. >> our water supply wells within a thousand feet of each facility be sampled. >> reporter: brown and neighbors were told private well water needed to be tested because of proximity to alan's coal ash ponds, that's where approximately 16 million tons of coal ash is stored. it has chemicals linked to cancer. she and many neighbors received do not drink notifications from the state's department of health and human services. >> as you can imagine, you know, as a mother, automatically, i start thinking about the meals i prepared for my children, the water that they've been exposed to bathe in, swimming in a pool, you know, the ice. everything just starts going through your mind. it's just fear. >> reporter: the browns have been living off of bottled water ten months now.
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brushing teeth with bottled water. having to cook with it. >> normally i would have filled my pot up using my own water, now it's opening a bottle. pouring it into the pot and boiling the water for oatmeal. it starts out that early. >> reporter: all of this bottled water is paid for by duke. every two weeks, the company has it delivered to homes that received the do not drink notifications. duke puts that number at more than 200 homes receiving deliveries. >> it tasted great and real good clear water, and had no idea it had the chromium in it and the other. >> reporter: johnteague lives across the street from the browns, the same home he raised his kids in. after 30 years here, he's worried he'll be stuck in the house for life because of the water. >> we thought about moving to the coast. you can't sell this coast.
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no, you couldn't sell it to anybody. >> reporter: where do the chemicals come from? the state says these are naturally occurring constituents in north carolina's ground water. the question is at what level? >> still working on where the constituents are coming from duke or not. we should have that information by late spring/early summer. a very complex process, deal be with ground water plumes and ground water. >> reporter: under state law, deq had until the end of 2015 to classify all coal ash ponds as high, medium or low risk. they will determine how and when the cole ash ponds will be closed. deq put allen at low to medium risk. >> we have the information to determine whether duke cole
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surrounding wells, and don't have that information, and so until we can make that clear, scientifically defensible determination, we can't rate that facility as low or intermediate. >> reporter: the linchpining classifying the responsibilities, the primary concern is the risk to ground water. erin is a spokesperson for duke energy. >> continue to see no evidence that ash basins around allen have impacted neighbors. >> reporter: according to duke, the coal ash ponds at allen pose, quote, no imminent hazard to the health and environment. ground water flows away from the nearest public or private water wells. colbert says duke is waiting on the state's final evaluation. in the meantime, they will keep providing bottled water to residents. >> i'm pleased with the fact that the company stepped up to
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peace of mind, but now we're in a different place. we have a lot of the data collected. we still continue to see no indication that ash basins at allen and buck have influenced the neighbors's wells. >> reporter: aside from where the chemicals come from, there's the question of risk. >> would you feel comfortable drinking the water from the private well? >> i would because i understand that i meet epa federal drinking water standards. >> reporter: both colbert and reader are quick to point out the water complies with well water standards. >> that water is perfectly safe to drink, it meets all federal drinking act standards. i would drink, it allow my family to drink the water. i would allow anybody to drink the water. >> reporter: a spokesperson says the do not drink notifications the department issued were recommendations based on health risks. they also said they'll update recommendations when deq
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still around the allen plant, suspicion of what's coming out of the tap runs high, and patience is running out. >> we don't want nothing with duke. we just want good water. and if it's their fault, they ought to be responsible for getting us good water. >> it's been a year, over a year since we received the first initial letter from the state, and, you know, sad to say, but we're really, we're really in the same situation that we were in a year ago. kayla: a public hearing is set for the allen site on march 22nd and public comment will be accepted in mid-april. the classification for the coal ash sites could change based on publiccomments. final decision for allen and the other sites should come out sometime this summer and that could have major financial implications for duke. bill: still to come tonight, could you imagine working for
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that's what's happening to
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we're going (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone...
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. bill: all right, welcome back, so imagine if you've been going to work but haven't been paid for that work since january? that's the reality people are facing at a local charlotte company called smartcore. the company admits it could not pay workers last week because it was waiting on money to come in from two big construction projectsast year. the company asked employees to still come in and work without being paid. an attorney says that's illegal. >> the owners are just like, well, we're sorry, good luck, but could you please still show up to work even though we're not going to pay you. >> people who come to work are entitled to a paycheck, not providing that paycheck is a violation of worker act in north carolina. bill: they have been paying health insurance premiums without receiving coverage
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the company could be criminally liable for taking money out of the employees' paychecks and not paying for health insurance. smartcore says it wasn't aware of the lapse until a week ago when it notified employees. local food bank is back open and ready to serve the community. grand reopening held for the second harvest food bank in dallas. brand will serve cherokee, lincoln and rutherford counties. 100,000 people are at risk of hunger in the areas. there is also a new warehouse that includes a new freezer for more meat and fresh produce for those in need. >> we'll have a larger variety of food for agencies to come and acquire including fresh produce, meat, eggs, dairy, those types of things. we want to use the branch to make sure there are no more hungry kids and no more hungry seniors and do that with friends from food lion who helped provide not just the
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other things that go along with it. bill: the second largest food bank serves they distributed 46 million pounds of food to people in need. kayla: an exclusive look
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we talked to the players .
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tonight, video of indian trail mom disciplining teenaged son viral. the video resurfaced. prompting police to visit the family's home to check on the teenager. family says they've received a lot of negative criticism over the punishment. the mom regrets posting it on facebook but stands by her actions. kayla: and the search for answers continues in gaston county for families living off of bottled water now for ten months. high levels of chemical were detected in several wells near duke energy's allen steam station outside of belmont. then dozens of families received do not drink notifications from the state. a duke spokesperson says the chemicals did not come from the company's site and occur naturally in north carolina. state agencies say the chemicals are seen in water across the area but yet to determine at what level. being paraplegic leaves many with a tough road ahead
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bill: with tonight's story, david sentendrey shows us some of them might not be walking, they are skating. take a look. >> reporter: at first glance, 23-year-old josh pauls may not seem like your typical hockey player. >> i was born without tibia bones, my leg were amputated at 10 months at the knee. >> reporter: josh says he and his teammates aren't all too different from other hockey players skating to the sport they love. the usa sled hockey team is in town practicing at extreme ice center. they won the gold medal at the 2010 and 2014 paralympics and looking to threepeat in 2018. as far as these sleds go, hockey blades are attached underneath so when the puck drops, they're ready to carve up the ice with the best of them.
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these athletes maybe riding in sleds but say once they get on the ice this is just as exciting if not more than typical hockey game. >> even sometimes more aggressive. have you metal flying around along with bodies on the ice. >> reporter: not having legs leaves people like josh without a lot of traditional athletic options. >> couldn't compete with the other kids that had legs and stuff like that, so it gave me a team, competitive and something i love to do. >> reporter: you might think off the ice, able-bodied people have a leg up on these guys but coach says on the ice, they're just hockey players. >> i think the biggest thing is you have to give these guys credit. no whoa is me attitude. i treat them like hockey players, i don't treat them like disabled athletes. >> my fault. >> reporter: hockey players
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certainly this team says look into their eyes, there is no way to question their toughness. it's a somewhat violent sport but players like josh half jokingly have a game plan for the pain. >> you know what's really nice, if i get hurt, i get ice on it right away. >> reporter: speaking like your typical hockey player. david sentendrey, fox 46 wjzy. bill: the usa sled hockey team is made up of players all across the country. they practice at different locations throughout the year. they just left extreme ice but plan to keep practicing here for two trips each year. brian: all right, everybody, and good evening to you, talk about the wind we're going to see tomorrow as we address the setup here. the low pressure system is driving wind, significant wind across the region already. several areas where we saw downed power lines, pictures coming in across the south here.
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move in here and across mountain ranges. could see 60+-mile-per-hour wind gusts, under a wind advisory beginning at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, that's going to take us through midnight and we'll see winds steadily between 20 and 25 miles an hour and gusts of 35 to 40 in the lowlands. within charlotte, a couple of inches of rain, that ground saturated. those trees, power lines are going to take a beating and could see several issues across the area as a result. hoping that's not case. look at winds 10:00 tomorrow morning. this is the time i expect the worst of the weather to be moving across the area from 9:00 to 10:00 in charlotte. 22-mile-per-hour wind speeds, popping up to 35, 36 during the afternoon hours. charlotte almost at 30. once the cold front comes through, we'll continue to see the strong winds thursday as well. we've got a couple days where we got significant wind blowing across the area, encourage you to be extremely
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about across the roads. high-profile vehicle especially on the freeways, very susceptible to issues. now let's address our rain here quickly. here's the good news, pulling back on the rain totals we're expecting heading into wednesday. looks like quick moving across the area and does look like our air, over charlotte, a little more stable than it looked like and more stable the air, the less likely we see the severe weather develop. the chance is there, slight risk for severe weather. not going to see as much rain as we head into tomorrow. a couple of exceptions, morganton and boone up around an inch each. we'll pick up a third to hatch inch in charlotte and reintensifies to the east of the area. raleigh, inch, inch and a half of rain as well. temperatures again we'll see a change again, cooler. a warm front pushing across the area tonight. the temperatures that you see,
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to happen at midnight. temperatures here are at midnight. temperatures gradually warm throughout the day. up near 70 in charlotte, and monroe, lancaster, temperatures up near 70 degrees, the mountain ranges 50s for the daytime highs. take a look quickly at the extended forecast. we get the weather system behind us, thursday a chance of snow. much cooler temperatures over the weekend. freezing temperatures and warm getting into monday and tuesday. by the way, if you have not picked up fox 46 weather app just yet. pick it up, free on google play and at the app store. you can track this storm system minute-by-minute as it moves through the area. bill: brian, thank you. cms leaders met to talk about key issues. at their march 8th meeting, they'll decide on a timeline to search for a new superintendent. the school board gave ann clark a one-year extension and
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assignment goals in leasing land to google for fiber hubs. 24 hours after completion of assignment survey. results are expected to be released sometime next month. kayla: the ciaa tournament tipped off in charlotte at time warner cable arena, small businesses talked about cashing in on the crowds. mayor jennifer roberts spoke at breakfast, a networking chance with small and minority business owners with the goal of bridging the gap between communities and corporate communities. with thousands flocking to the tournament, it's a great opportunity to market all that charlotte has to offer. >> there's a whole marketplace at the arena, with goods and services that people who are here, again, having a great time. may want to follow up on. photography, clothing, all those sorts of things. kayla: with plenty of business opportunities under the
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tournament will continue in the queen city until 2020. bill: speaking of the ciaa tournament, it has officially been declared an extraordinary event. city officials expect heavy traffic during this week's tournament. cabs will be running additional services on the blue line and solid waste services will have extra crew members in around and events. extraordinary event is a large-scale event that might attract a certain number of people to the city. kayla: two union county students are accused of having marijuana and a handgun on school property. they found a 17-year-old is and 16-year-old at piedmont high school saturday afternoon. they're charged with having a weapon on school property and other drug charges. >> early morning standoff in northwest charlotte at a house. cmpd says the suspect, the 20-year-old had outstanding
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when officers arrived to issue them, he bare indicated himself inside the house and refused to come out. the s.w.a.t. team and negotiators had to be called into set a perimeter while neighbors were evacuated from the area. the man living next door said several people are in and out of the house regularly and nothing but trouble ever since they moved in. >> i have seen fights over there, i have seen police over there, numerous of times. it's just been very inconvenienced because i just wish that whatever was going on, they stop and get it under control. bill: the sheriff's office says powell is accused of killing jimmy daniels junior. they say he was shot in his car january 26 where two other people were hurt as well. investigators are searching for another suspect in this case. the man responsible for bringing more than a ton of marijuana to charlotte is sentenced up to 25 years in prison.
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sentenced in court today. he launderred over $1.7 million in drug purchases. court documents say tucker brought 2,000 pounds of charlotte. kayla: this 51-year-old man raped an 11-year-old child. ronnie byrd is charged with defense. bond set at 30 million dollars. bill: 30 million dollars to help pay flint water bills. the bill now goes to republican governor rick snyder for his signature. too much led got into the flint water system when the city switched system in 2013. >> i der says additional federal dollars are needed to supply residents of flint with safe drinking water. kayla: can donald trump make it three in a row?
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the odds on favorite to win his party's nevada caucus tonight. meanwhile, senator marco rubio is hoping to get first win and ted cruz working to fix another campaign pr problem after he fired top spokesperson over a campaign ad that questioned rubio's faith. results are expected to start coming in, in the caucus around midnight earn time. justice antonin scalia suffered from coronary artery disease, obesity and diabetes. that's a letter from the supreme court's doctor. the doctor says health problems likely contributed to scalia's sudden death, due to the long list of health problems, doctors say autopsy was unnecessary. bill: a picture might be worth a thousand words. for mastercard, one password. they are rolling out a brand-new app that will let you skip keying in a password. giving the option to take a selfie or scan finger to process payments.
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have to take a new selfie and blink when you take the picture. mastercard is betting selfie authentication is predicting it's the next big thing. kayla: your phone could be your car key. volvo is experimenting with letting drivers use smartphone app as a key in the cars. proximity sensors can detect when the phone is near the car and allow the doors to open. the digital technology will be available next year in sweden. then it will make its way to the u.s. send to over to anthony flores for sports. >> the hornets prepare to
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of . anthony: the hottest team in the east will face the best team in the conference when the hornets put five-game winning streak on the line wednesday at cleveland. lebron james and the cavaliers have the best record. the hornets winning streak includes four straight victories on the road. adding to confidence, the hornets beat the kaf leans at the beginning of the month at time warner cable arena. >> it's a tough place to play, and obviously, they're an elite team, they have championship-level roster. you have to be able to do
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>> all the great energy at home. tough place to play. we have to play well tomorrow night. >> you're not going to win each and every night, you're not going to lose every night. you have to try to play well. if you get beat, you get ready for the next game. it will be a good test for us. anthony: the hornets will take on the cavaliers wednesday night. wildcats out to a fast start. aldridge buries a three-pointer from the corner. davidson working inside, nathan with the flush, davidson up 10, more wildcats, more aldridge, another threeball. davidson goes onto win it by a final of 65-54. north carolina returns to the court wednesday night against nc state. the tar heels lead the acc, the preseason number one in the country.
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that struggled to 4-10 league record but feature the acc leading scorer in anthony cat barber. it doesn't mean they expect an automatic w in this game. >> it's a tough game but i think it is because of the rivalry. they're all tough. they really are. you guys don't like to hear it like that. they really are. crowd really gets into it, and they want to make a huge run here at the end of the league and got an opportunity to do it with the schedule. they've got challenging teams and games that they know they want to win. anthony: the heels and the wolfpack tip it off wednesday at 8:00 p.m. in raleigh. >> about 20 seconds later, it was a long 20 seconds. i'm on the radio, did we win? and everybody is on the mic at the same time, i hear screaming. i'll take that as a yes. anthony: now it's my turn to
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denny hamlin on fox and friends on a four-day media tour after winning the daytona 500 for the first time on sunday. dillon will pilot the number 4 team stewart haase racing chevrolet for the quik trip 500. followed the car in las vegas. stewart is out indefinitely
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atv accident (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone...
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. kayla: carrey underwood performed at the wells fargo center in philadelphia. one lucky military family got upclose and personal with a celeb. shaunette wilson was there for the big surprise. >> we thought we were going to a concert. >> reporter: the martin family got an unexpected surprise waiting to attend the carrie underwood concert at wells fargo center. >> we appreciate you joining us. >> hi! . >> how are you guys doing? >> great. >> nice to meet you. >> reporter: they were caught offguard when the country music superstar herself walked into personally meet them. >> it is nice to be able to say thank you. your whole family, really,
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unit but what you do for us. >> reporter: the meet and greet was arranged by operation home front that helps military families and wounded warriors. they are working with carnival cruise line to give selected families a cruise to see underwood perform again. jonathan has served three tours in iraq and afghanistan. his wife caraalso in the army. >> i've been able to sing songs like see you again where people are like, man, my husband just left or just came back, and that song means a lot, just to kind of help get them through. >> reporter: the surprise comes just in time for the couple's tenth anniversary. >> we've been given an opportunity like that before. >> we never took a honeymoon. >> yeah, we never had a honeymoon. >> reporter: their daughters are fans. >> exciting. >> this is an incredible opportunity, and we are extremely thankful.
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could be making a comeback in the music industry. after the record, the cassette came followed by the cd and, of course, the ipod. there's been a renewed appreciation for the humble cassette tape. retail stores are stocking cassettes and tape players on shelves so cassettes are making a comeback. >> a lot these days of 20-year-olds and 25-year-olds coming in. there is this weird hipness about yesterday's future. bill: artists such as lana del ray, justin bieber and the weeknd released most recent albums on cassette. they make up a small portion
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we'll be right back. . kayla: all right, they are all boys performing, all ballet. british all-male contemporary dance company ballet boys kicks off an engagement in new york today. program includes a piece choreographed by christopher wielden. the work showcases complex gymnastics and lifts in a mix of classical and contemporary ballet. you can watch the ballet boys in chelsea through sunday.
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green sea turtles being rehabbed in the charlotte area are on their way back home to the atlantic ocean. bill: they've been at the charlotte concorde for more than a month now. they were rescued off the coast of north carolina this january. 4 of hundreds that were cold stunned when water temperatures suddenly dropped. they would have likely died in the wild. they are healthy enough survive. turtles will be taken to greensborough before they are released. >> coming up tomorrow on "good day, charlotte." >> it's the charlotte adventure map. whether you are new to town or lived here your whole life. we have ideas of things can you do. the creators on the show to talk with us about it. >> gentlemen, think about the prom. what to wear? tuxedo trends coming in tomorrow, you got to dress to impress the lovely lady tomorrow on "good day,
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brian: i have lessons to learn, i'll be watching tomorrow morning and recommend that you watch tomorrow morning as well for the weather pushing into the area. that's the time i expect if we see severe weather to happen, nick kosir will be up with you at 4:30, i'll join him later on in the show as that develops. moisture pushing up across the south right now coming up from columbia, a little bit of that is going to hit charlotte but we'll see scattered showers in the overnight hours across the region. we continue to wait on the bigger system lying to the south and west across the area. want to point out that we're going to be relatively warm tomorrow at 70 degrees. 90% chance for thunderstorms to hit the area. a chance they could turn severe as well. here's the good news to clear out later on in the day and by thursday, much better shape, albeit cooler, temperatures dipping in the low 50s for the weekend. freezing temperatures friday, saturday and sunday, and we
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get into the first of next week. bill: you're saying not a good morning for a morning jog. brian: not tomorrow. kayla: maybe on a treadmill.
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kayla: t >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for omega xl. >> my name's larry king. a few years ago, i had to have open-heart surgery. when i recovered, i established the larry king cardiac foundation to help people like me avoid heart problems with proper foods, medication, and a healthy lifestyle. well, i recently met ken meares, a man with similar goals. he's the founder and c.e.o. of great healthworks and, for 25 years, has been active in creating and promoting good health. well, ken has developed and tested a product called omega xl.
2:00 am
fish oil, but they tell me that omega xl takes a giant leap forward towards maintaining good health. now, we're also gonna speak to dr. sharon mcquillan, a board-certified in family practice, specializing in anti-aging and preventative medicines. when we return, the doctor and ken will explain how omega xl can help you. >> announcer: if you've been living in pain and you're tired of trying products that just don't work, you are not alone. today, 1.5 billion people worldwide are living in chronic pain. don't let pain deny you the life you deserve. join hundreds of thousands of omega xl users that have chosen to fight inflammation and get rid of pain. now they're living life to the fullest, thanks to omega xl -- the all-natural anti-inflammatory that has more available omega-3s than regular fish oil. >> someone introduced me to omega xl, and i have almost forgotten about the pain.


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