tv Fox 46 News 10pm FOX March 20, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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community growth is being stunted and development is starting to slowdown all because they cannot sell a certain like dy substance. details, coming up. >> and we got some wet and chilly weather org way. we'll let you know what you can pecks as you start the workweek in the full accuweath with forecast. >> good evening, thanks for joining us for "fox 46 news." i am bill melugin. first on fox tonight, friends are speaking out as they hope killer. jeff johnson shot several times when medics found his pod ty. those who say they were lucky huff to know him want him to be remembered as the guy who would give you the shirt off of his back. ashlee mcgee hanes joining us live to let us know what they say they are going to miss about him the most. hi, ashlee. hi, the realization has not set in yet but the most memorable moments with him were always spent laughing.
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i it won be real far few weeks. >> completely heartbroken. 49 year old area of ry jon was found dead. shot multiple times in the 4900 block of central avenue saturday morning. those with knew him say they are still in shock to learn he is gone. >> he was a godly servant. i mean, weaned to serve other people. he was very selfless. there is nothing bad i can say about the man. >> johnson met condition withson in 1999. and although, no longer work together, she said, he still always checked in on her and her family. >> give you the shirt off of his back. >> andrews met him while work at as dispatcher for cmpd says him.
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he was available whenever you needed. he would give you anything you asked for if he had. >> i friends say johnson always had everyone laughing, and know, there was not a person who met him w >> he was sweet. he was loving. family. >> he was fun to be around. >> there was never ever a dull moment. ever. >> a lover of old fashion classics of those who knew him say they will treasure memories of their friend forever. >> he loved. >> anything old. he was retro. retro. >> he was witty. wit is not something people practice any more. he was witty. always had joke or one with liner to cheer somebody up. >> friends say they are hopeful that whoever killed him will be caught and say they know their friend would want him to remember them with a smile. >> thank you. >> this is still ongoing
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so please anybody with any information out there please call cmpd or crime stop arers if you know anything about what may have happened. >> jon'sdates not the only murder investigation going on now. cmp dyslooking for whoever shot and killed davis. tavis was found on saturday afternoon outside of a store off west boulevard. medics pronounced him dead at the scene. police say this was not a random ask shrines. >> state troopers didn't fyked a wrong-way driver who caused a head-on collision on i-45 too killed him and another motorists. they say just after 2:00 this morning. he was traveling the wrong way on the i-45 outer loop near prove deps road in south charlotte before he slammed head on into another vehicle them other driver who was killed has not been identified, but troopers say, a third vehicle collided into the wrong way driver and though the person behind that wheel thankfully only suffered mainor injuries. now we are told alcohol would have been a taker in this wreck, but right now, investigators are
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several weeks before they are able to find out. >> nowen to a fox 46 update. the victim of a deadly crash has been identifieded as shelby high school student. the crash happened saturday morning at the intersection of oak grove. 16-year-old was killed when she and her boyfriend, parks were both hit baze two cars while they were walk down the street. they are not really sure why the couple was in the road. they tell us their cars were few feet away. the engine still running. parks did survive and was taken to the hospital. this video you are looking at now was sent to us by the photographer. >> as we start the workweek. it is going to be a whole lot different. expecting chilly weather where the pox of more rain. former on that, here is this the chief meteorologist. brian? >> well, rain already today. we got more rolling across the area as we speak. you can see, showers down to lancaster.
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south if you are thinking about heading out as we pull things in a little tighter inside that 485 a loop. you can see charlotte almost everybody is getting some rain and we may behaving a little bit of a break in a few spots, you about it il fill in and as the area continues to see the rain. now it has not been very heavy. that is thed good news, and that point on, we're going to see light showers before it finally moves out. a little bit later on tonight. now, the other story, of course, is the temperature, it is really cold out there. from the same time last night. we got temperatures from one to nine degrees cooler than it was and of course, right now, near freezing in a few spots that boone and jefferson at 34 and 5. we're seeing 40's down the lower elevations but we had wind going along with it. of course, that is giving us windchill. do want to mention, that tonight, we are going to see freeze warning for all of the
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the area but eessential lit is north of mecklenburg county and included in that in that in statesville. flays midnight tonight until 10:00 a.m. monday. that means upper 20's to low 30's out if there you have vegetation that you have outside and like to keep alive. you can bring it inside f. this may be a good night do so. now, we're not going to be done with these very cold temperatures. that few nights left of that. we will talk about that and when it will warm up again coming up in another ten minutes now. >> green, we're official lynn ving now, flight we are. it starts today. >> winter's last gasp. u got to kick off the within we're a hot streak and spring with a cold treak. >> all right. >> thank you. >> well, thank you. >> the department of defense has identified a united states' marine who was killed by isis rocket attack on saturday. officials say louis cardin died.
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second battalion sixth marine regiment 26th marine expeditionary unit at a base outside of mosul which with is controlled by see you sis. now cardin is from the mack could haw, california, had reffously served in iraq once before as well as afghanistan three separate times. he is the second american killed in direct combat with isis. a there is going to be more than just students a at johnson c. smith university tomorrow. the fbi will be holding rapid response training at the school monday and tuesday. they are sending out the alert ahead of training so the people out there won't be alarmed when they kickoff. the drills will focus on how to handle active shooter situations using a large portion of the campus to help out officers and a agents get the ex others they immediate. now campus police officers from unc char ho, davidson college and queens university charlotte will automobile talking part in the. >> president obama has become the first sitting president to travel to cuba in almost 90 years. the president and the family
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this afternoon. obama is expected to meet with cubanp president raul castro during the three-day trip and also going to be giving a very historic speech in that slan. >> this is an historic visit. it is an historic opportunity to engage directly with the cuban people and to have agreement and commercial deals to build new ties between the two people and for me, the layout in my vision for a future bright than our best. this trip comes as part of the effort to stall relagses between the united states and cuba after five decades of division steming the cold war. you may remember last summer, the u.s. and cuba decided to reopen up their embassies and earlier this year, the obama administration eased travel and trade restrictions between the two countries. gop front run arer donald trump has big-time meeting tomorrow. he is reportedly going to be meeting in washington with a number of influential republicans going to be speaking at the annual policy conference for the american-israel public
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major are pro israel group. the names have not been released, but this is going to be trump's first majoritiescussion with party leaders since last fall. that is when he was on capitol hill to protests president obama's iran nuclear deal. >> all right. when you think of the side effects of alcohol, economic development probably doesn't dom your mind, but that is no the case in union county after big day at the polls last week. davidson fills us in on what is going on. >> every one knows alcohol may lead to you a hangover bin yawn county. some hope it leads to more development. we have seen prein the douse growth in the time we have been here. families get in line to union county for the small town feel just outside of charlotte. >> that is one of the big reasons wore here with the family because we want the country experience for them. >> in fact, it has been one of the fastest-growing count countenance he country, but here
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growth. while some towns in the county sell alcohol, lands only in county lines has been dry. no alcohol. >> union counties fast growing but some say not enough. some stores have not been coming here because they couldn't sell alcohol which can be profitable. >> it is part of the, its part of the economic piece of the grocery store them prove fict and those products are higherment we know who that. union county commissioner richard helm says parts of the area need more grocery stores and restaurants. >> vul major differences. you have the west which is heavily developed. then you go down east, eastern and the northern part of the county t. there is limited economic development. >> so during last week's election. a referendum was voted on and passed to allow beer and wine sales through the in tire country. it's the area which has soon the share of development but still
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development has mixed reviews. a no i, it is not needed. you know? theiars growing. so i guess it would be eventually. >> i think it is great. you need a little bit of everything. you need little city. a little country. this area wilton grow. and alcohol is playing a role. in union county, davidson, fox 46, wjzy. >> they tell us this approved referendum is going to be going into effect immediately. >> well, an answer regarding a new costco could be am coming soon them board exeded to take up a zoning request for the new store and a at intoing tomorrow. the request for the intersection of talbot road and brawley school road. the shopping center with take up 41 acres of land, also include number of stores in. some residence throughout are now hoping the board will not give it a thumbs up. that is because they are afraid traffic is going to get pretty bad in that area. >> well, still to come tonight. the battle over south carolina's road continues in.
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millions to settle lawsuits filed by drivers in the palmetto state. plus the presidential campaigns are heading full steam ahead as candidates look forward to another round of voting tuesday. you will let you are know who are expected winners and losers. we (singing) i just can't wait to meet you, sweet child you're on the way, i'm filled with expectation, and you're growing everyday...
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41 million since back in 2010 to settle road claims and salutes. the paper reports there have been 2600 claims over the past two years and here than half of the claims against the d to have been for damage caused by potholes they say it will cost additional $1.2 billion every year for nearly three decades to try to bring the state's roads and bridges up to excellent condition. >> the charlotte-area transit system is looking for ways to boost the revenue. what that means for you is the cost of fares and some passes for city buses and trains could be going up. the proposed two options for fee increases and fares and passes. the higher fares are needed to meet operating costs. the public can comment this wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at the charlotte mecklenburg government center. if it gets approved, it would change in july. >> well, if you enjoyed all the warm weather we had. it is going to be quickly changing as we got cold weather
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here is chief meteorologist with the latest here is brian barbham. >> a little bit earlier t. the sun brother far little while. warmed us up to 70. then later in the night, it got cold and stayed that way today t. the official start of spring. and so, i hate to tell tau, we will spend a couple of days with this cooler weather especially in the morning hours here. z a we take a look at where wended today. 47. 47. keep in mind, bill. we were almost 40 warmer last week. yeah. it doesn't matter that long ago. we typically see this time of year. we will get closer to that in a few days time here. but as we lack ated that helines. we got near freezing monday, tuesday start to the day. we will get gusty tomorrow and stay that way through the midweek. then those temperatures will at least rebound by wednesday. so we won't camp out here for
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before this is all said and done. rain, we had some rained today. we have seen periods where it came down a little bit heavier. right now shall it slowed a little bit. we had 1300ths of an inch in charlotte over the last 24 hours here. we will add. not ale who lot more expected so that should the case across the area tonight. still rig over the top of charlotte and if you are stepping out make sure grab brum raes come hard enough to need umbrella. but again not coming down heavily so we will not get any flooding out of this as it move is a cos the area f. that is fad news. as it passes across the area. temperature right now, 43 and the wind is blowing north north east at 7 miles per hour. a little bit of a windchill in the upper 30's sond so grab the jacket as well. then, of course, we do want to track this weather here over the next couple of days. pretty good news.
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still expecting a little bit of rain to be lingering over this the top of us. as you get moving tomorrow morning. looking for sunshine out there. should be clear and cold when it clears out. we will see cold temperatures and see freezing across much of the area and take look at those temperatures late owner. here is good news. tuesdays sun think. dry as well. then by the time we get to the afternoon. we wail warm up to 50's but again see wind throughout which we talk about that tonight and lands at 34 degrees with winds out of the north northeast at 5 to 10 and show that you 7-day forecast. it is more fearful after what happened today. it gets good quickly f. already. sounds good to me, brian. will take up on that. >> i hope so. thanks. well, pat versus roy cooper. the battle for governor here in north carolina is going to be a close one. the primary victories are of incumbent governor and democratic attorney general roy cooper are setting up to be a race experts say is going to be
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it can be the most expensive in the end tire country. this the two have raised more than $13 million come bid with coop are ahead with the most so far. >> the candidates on the other hand are wrapping up another weekend of campaigning and are now turning that attention to tuesday. fox new's dan springer has the latest the campaign trail. >> a slotly more subsued sunday after a rock cuss weekend on the campaign trail. donald trump speaking today at the lincoln dinner in florida, but this event was downright tame after saturday's crowds coming to blows with trump holding a large delegate lead. he waps unite the party. i get a kick out of ted. he is a nice guy. >> it is so important we come together. >> mean wile, senator ded cruz is making the way through arizona and turning the sights on trump. >> donald trump has been supporting liberal democrat politicians for 40 years.
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getting a few jabs in on sunday morning talk shows. >> i also pointed out at times when i thought the garage with was inappropriate if i don't get nominated this am there is going to be riot. what kind of talk is that. on democratic side. hillary clinton took the weekend back off but had her husband on the trail. >> we are in position for the first time since i left office. to restore an era of broadly shared prosperity and to create the most inclusive society. >> and born ny sand's calm is sweeping through washington stops. >> we say to the billionaire class, we say to corporate america, we say to wall street. no this country is not going to become. we a dm sy. >> the focus turns to western states as arz ready, utah and idaho cast vote tunes day. dan springer, fox news. >> well, at least half dozen
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will in fact meet with the supreme court nominee despite mounting purchase pressure. majority leader mitch mcconnell is stang firm and saying today on fox news sunday that the supreme court and should stay vacant until 2017 after the next president is sworn in. >> we think the important principal in the middle of the election which is raging is that, that american people need to weigh in and decide who is going to make this decision. not this lamb duck president on the way out the door, and but the next president, next year. the obama administration says that are sticking by judge merrick garland no matter what. those republicans say they are going to do so in two weeks. >> so all splen to register for the draft by their 18th birthday but one college freshman is now you trying to change that. you will final out why she thinks women should have to
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we'l >> welcome back. there is one aspect that is for men. we are talking about the draft. buzz one college freshmap us now trying to change all of that. that is because she says it times for all women to step up a ang serve their country. fox talked about the lawsuit she say as she has now filed. >> elizabeth kyle labelle played softball, with went to home coming dance and made the mom so proud at graduation. now, she is all moved to the freshman dorm in bethlehem, a pretty typical teenager are, but this girl from new jersey is lass trail blazer. she thinks it is time women register nerd draft. >> and gain, i felt strongly about gern equality since was ril. >> so strongly, she is now the
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and suing to have women reg ter for see k willingive service like all young men when they turn 18. >> plane required to, so i feel like women should, too. >> from private benjamins. >> i will go through this. >> it has take and long time to prove that women have courage cunner fire. >> but if it is finally happened. 2016 is the game-changer year for the first time ever. now all military jobs are open to qualified women without exception. >> they will waib loid to drive tanks, fire mortars, leave infantry soldiers into combat. they will be able to serve as army rangers, navy s.e.a.l.s., marine corps infantry, and everything else that was previously opened only to men. >> right now, women are training for those roles. both the army and the marine corps chief say it is time for too. it is great how they actually
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should be registered another draft baits is a big deal. the military generals. elizabeth tried to reg ter for see lookive service twice and was rejected both times. last summer, that is when she brought her lawsuit well ahead of the changes and then again, more recently. her fight has brought criticism from friends if. they all give me support but some of them don't agree with me necessarily. they give me the full support. of course, there has not been a draft since 1973. we have a volunteer force. if's one else wants to serve they a go and try sign up. for elizabeth, i is about having true equality. she hopes registering will be become a rite of pass age for all americans regardless of gender. you need the positive and the negative side to equality. >> now as it stanes right now, all men have to reg ter for see
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their 18th birthday. now this is actually the first suit aimed at making requirement for women as well. back in 1980. several men call lengthed the law under gender discrimination. the supreme court upheld the male only registration law because they accepted to exclude women because they were excluded from direct combat. >> so straight ahead, president obama is spending the first night in cuba. well, the latest on the historic yet controversial fog is the island nation. plus, you may want to trade in the old apple products after tomorrow. you will final out what new products the tech giant expected to unveil. how is it looking, brian into we ton see precipitation fall tonight then after that. things get quiet. and cold. what happens later in the week?
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brea hi, guys! spring is almost here and you know what that means! easter is hopping along. so, if you're looking to stretch your dollar this easter holiday, just look at these savings at your local walmart. charlotte, in head-to-head shopping, the total amount saved at walmart vs. bi-lo was $15.47... that's 11% on this week's easter basket. why shop anywhere else? fill your basket with walmart's every day low prices and get big savings. start shopping with walmart's
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and see what you could save. >> friends of a man shot and killed on saturday hope they can help bring the killer to justice. 49-year-old was several times. medics pronounced him dead at the scene and if you saw anything or have any information about what may have happened you are asked to immediate local cmpd. a police investigate a separate homicide in charlotte. cm dysflashing whoever shot and killed. davis was found saturday afternoon outside of a store off of west boulevard. 2:00 police say this was not a random ask violence.
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heedly contact crimestoppers. >> and state troopers have identified the man they say drove the wrong way on i-46 causing a head-on collision. just after 2:00 a.m. this morning. he traveled the wrong way on i-45 near providence road. the other draffer who died have not been affined. a third vehicle collided into the wrong way driver and suffered minor injuries. now you alcohol could have played a role in the wreck with you investigators say it is going to take weeks before they are able to find that out. >> cmpd needs your help finding this man tonight. christopher faces several charges including attempted first degree murder. he was ordered to wear ankle bracelet as condition of the 2014. he cut of the electronic monitor this weekend and was last seen in the university area. call the police in know we are is at tonight. >> and a virginia man wanted in connection with a deadly shooting could be right here in
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they are looking for 52-year-old graying benny davis. officers say he may be in will bees county north of hickory. he is wanted in connection to a double shooting that left one person dead this morning in fairfield, virginia them suspect said to be driving a 2006 white chevy cobalt and should be considered armed and dangerous. hundreds of people attended for a man who was found dead. officials say darryl hunt died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. the police found his body in parking lot last weekend. prend says hunt was suffering from cancer and found a farewell note. hunt serviced 19-years, served 19 year force a murder he never conmimmed the funeral service held at a baptist church. >> so spring may have officially started but those chilly temperatures still hanging around. brian, i believe you will tell bus a freeze watch tonight. right? we have not had one in awile. that is right. under a freeze warping for part of the area tonight and tomorrow
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tuesday morning. we though mecklenburg into the mix under a freeze watch. a means conditions likely to fall between the upper 20's to low 30's close to freezing here in charlotte with the outlying areas hitting the freezing mark. vegetation will be vulnerable monday through tuesday morning. after this, we will begin to see a warm-up out there, obviously, we north quite there just yet. let's look at windchill by the way. a little bit of wind today. we have a lot more over the next few days. the windchill between 27-28 in the thines to the low 40's. now charlotte now. if you are thinking about stepping out. maybe you have to take the trash out. 39 degrees that is what it feel likes cur reasonably. we continue to see as well. a little bit of rain falling across the area. it has not been moving very quickly through. it is falling in statesville down to charlotte. through rockville, all the way to lancaster. not a heavy amount of rain. but it has been. hate witness weather consist ten.
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if you have do have to step out as well. make sure you take umbrella. we are starting to site clear out a little bit along the western edges of 4858 but still falling out around bellmon. mount holly so pushing into that area again here over the next 10 to 15 minutes now in terms of what we get over the next week. precipitation chance. they are low monday, tuesday, wednesday. thursday just 10 and the next chance for rain is going to come on friday. that is 40% chance. you can see thunderstorms out that. make sure you are tracking with us here. we continue to watch and maybe issue also. but again still several days out. we firm that up as we get closer to that time. i do want to talk quickly billion the winds over the next couple of days. they will start out slow on tuesday. tuesday morning. this then once we get to the afternoon hours. we see easily to the teens kind mine temperatures will be down. not as cold today. still down. with those winds blowing. will feel fairly cool out there.
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of 20 to 25 percent across the area and that il withable the case as well as we get to tuesday and wednesday. all right. guys. freezing temperatures tonight. in the northern half. then tomorrow across the area. check in on the 7-day forecast here are quickly. hires good news. bill, wednesday, we're back to the 70's and 73. still gusty though. allergies probably issue. then we see a cool offas we get to friday with that rain that comes with the cold front that will knock us back down. then again not too bad after tomorrow. >> thank you. >> well, they are eager to find out what kind of valuable information a key suspect in the paris terrorist attacks is holding in hess head as the suspect is trying to find extradition to france. fox reports. this capture its provek to viable for both investigators and the intelligence community a at large. on fro i day, belgium's seize core ty forces arrested salah
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so far, officials say he is cooperating with the investigation and earlier today, belgium's foreign minister said salah abdeslam said he was planning to restart something from brussels suggesting additional terror attacks could be in the works. investigators are hoping to gain more information on the islamic state terror sales across ur rep and how they operate. that kind of information could prove extremely valuable for western intelligence age gag screen ising the u.s. as they carry on the war against isis. something that white house chief of staff referred to earlier on fox news sunday. >> they say they intended to do this again. cycle so we take that seriously. we are trying to draw you lesson glass happened on that terrible night in paris. make sure that not only our friends ready but well-trained and sharing the training with them that we can and that is what we're doing. >> salah abdeslam have been
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terrorist murders and participating in the terrorist organization they are exed to be transferred to french custody at some point in the next few weeks. in washington, garrett report fox news. >> investigators have recovered debris at the side of a deadly plane crash in russia. they are hoping it is going to shed late why the plane came down. now officials say the plane originally in due by and went to a knows dye and exploded in a huge fireball after trying to land for a second time in some pretty strong winds. killed. most of the passengers were russian t. the ceo of fly dubai is asking those stay patient until a cause can determined. >> well, today, certainly some heist in there making. president he bama becoming the first president of to visit cuba since the 1920 and the president just land in cuba a few hours ago that is where fox's kevinky, joining with us the latest. >> a new type of global warming is now take place.
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melting points in the cold war. president obama is in cuba. a leader of the free worl lapping somebody day. the island nation 90 miles off the coast of florida has been a flash point between the supt and what was then the union and the early 19 60's the cuban missile crisis brought the world closer to a nuclear war than any time before or sense. >> heavy rain seems to wash away five decades of animosity as he traveled the old city. reopening the door to cuba is beneficial to both nations. >> that is historic visit. and it is historic opportunity to engage directly with the cuban people and to forge agreement and commercial deals to build new ties between the two people and for me, the layout and my vision for future that is brighter than the past. president he is the first sitting u.s. president to visit cuba since calvin coolidge did so nearly 90 years ago.
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cold war in the side of ten sum of presidents that is until the obama administration decided to normalize relations. embassies in that van inand washington are reopened her to first time in more than 50 years. so not everyone is thrilled with the president's trip to cube pa. >> every doll la dollar that is spent doesn't go to the average cuban. it ends up going to the regime because you can only go to dollar stores that are owned by evening em to use those to purchase anything worthwhile. >> on tuesday they will address the cuban people for the careful eye on the cuban-american population. >> during this trip be, the president is expected to meet with cuban leader raul castro but not with the more famous and certainly more confrom version brother. traveling the president. fox news. >> air b and b expansion to cube base to get a whole out bigger. they allowing air b and b to expan to include non-u.s.
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it is all pg thanks to improving relagses between cube band the united states. only americans visiting cuba had been allowed to use air b and b. the organization says pit already has 4,000 listing he is inch cuba served 13,000 people on the island in 2015. tourism is on i hi on the list of industries that would benefit the most between u.s. and cuba. >> $100,000 are rich fer you can hack the chrome books remotely. the technology giants doubling last year after failing to receive successful subpigs that says the goal is to reward researches who find and report securitysures now the one catch thatthat is the laptop has to be in guess mode at the time. google paid verns moreover than $2 million in 2015 for their work on reporting security bugs. >> well, tomorrow is going to be a big day for apple and the millions of in fas across the world. the high-tech giant will unva il the latest rodney, spring.
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everything hush hush but technology analyst are expecting a new iphone called the s that will have a four-inch screen and cost between 400 and are 500. and rum rumors it will a new thinner i pad. there are new styles for apple watch brands and the press conference begins a at 10:00 in this he morning at the campus. the theme it is let us loop in. time now to isn't over to josh sim force a check of sports tonight. how is march madness bracket look. >> a double overtime. killing me. i don't know what ising go on this weekend the bracket this. well what you think will happen won't happen.
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>> three laps to go. kyle busch. on the final lap. he blows a tire. so we go with a caution for debris on the track. after the restart. jimmie johnson boosts into first place. coming all the way from fourth to talk the checkered flag. the 77th one of his career moving to seventh place. all on the all-time victory list the victory. >> you go there at the end. you have good tires on the car. yo which there at the start. ir gat great run off turn two. i gat shot at this thing. i didn't to have. cleared him and got away. you fo he, we saved our best for last for sure. i told everybody super man
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happened. >> superman outtold you a batman in southern cal. the sixth win. kevin harvick finished second and rocky tent shows jr. round out the top five. fex up is the 500 in martinsville in two weeks. the college hoops here. the ac crist ending six teem teams to north carolina and duke two of the teams do that. the tar heels thatted a late tip last night against providence out in raleigh the heels battlele then close one in the first half. unc holding a four-po point lead at the break in the second half when north carolina pulls away. the flyers star duo of ben and chris combine for 50 points but no other player on the roster scoredded more than seven so the heel's bright shot continued the hot play recording 21 points and ten boards and 85 to 56 win. the tar heels now advancing to the round of 16 another record 33rd time.
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scored the first six points of the half. then we were really good. i tho thought bryce scoring inside, rebounding blocked some shots and i know he didn't have eight. you know, only had two. but thought he was effective. these guys sittingp here were tough mined the last 1800 mince of the second half. they were really good. >> north carolina will take on indiana friday in the sweet 16. >> how you about duke heading to the sweet 16 after surviving second half carriage frommial on saturday. allen going for 29 in the game. he went for 25. he hit two huge free throws in crunch time for the team. steal the 71-64 win. >> he hit two free those is magnificent play. there cannot be more pressure on him. it is a one-on-one. but brandon ingham on the hine.
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>> going back to practice. coach yesterday made me shoot about 100 free throws are the free-throw line. i know, i know it is there for reason. he put me in that position because i was going to be put in that position at in the of the game. i went back to my roots to try to knock the shots down. >> and duke will play the within we're of the oregon versus st. joe's game which is being played now. >> after about a month of hot play for the charlotte hor nots they cooled off since this past week. charlotte falling to dallas then bouncing back for wince against orlando and miami. this then they came out flat again dep ver saturday night. the nuggets outside out west but you they took it to charlotte early. building a 17-point lead by the half and the hornets able to pull within six of the fourth quarter but never closed the gap any further falling 101-93. >> oh, he watched film them we learned from are our mistakes yesterday. hopefully we don't do the same once but tomorrow night's game
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spurs and their team and had success over the years and are off to a great start now and the record is second best in the league, 1:00 i think it would be a got measuring stick for us to get out to compete against the guys to see not only offensively but defensively. >> the hornets will host the spurs tomorrow night at seven. all right. let's hit the link tors the final round of the arnold palmer i have tational. ac. the long putt for board dy the putt stays on-line. he has nothing but the bottom of the cup. he finished singser. tied for 27. 18th hole kevin chap bell thed lead he cannot hit the par. chapel would drop to 16 under after he putts in for bogey. ac's hold, jason day with the not have the bunker. he would put that within a couple of pete of the hole they then seng it for the victory.
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setting up to accommodate the hundreds of thousands ever fannings pecked at the event the stones are the first major international rock stars to play in cuba that free concert will take place on friday. >> he is known for the role as detective james gordon on the hit fox show gothham which has been renewed for third season. fox's adam housley has more from the actor and talking about his favorite villains and whats you can peck in the upcoming season. >> he says if she doesn't move to a. soon she could die. >> mckenzie plays detective on fox's hit series gothham and loves where the show is going as it reveals the dark side of the city in the wrath of the villain's chapter. >> let me thetell you. >> i know what we are trying to start with is a city that is boardingp anarchy rating. it is like new york and the 70's with the dial turned up to 11 4:00. the cities really falling apart. and into that kind can of chaos,
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bunch of kind of nutty people, people with mental health sures and, and things like that. and you can kind of believe they would actually turn into super villains. >> kill people before. >> his cracker hasvealed hea the hases a dark side, too. that will have consequent. >> that will have consequences. >> no i what i am capable of? you will see how it develops. it is quite shocking. to put think it way, everything in jim's life suffers for what he has done. not just the relationships with barns about you the personal relationship with tomkin. >> god versus man. >> with the much-hyped batman versus superman. hitting theaters march 24th and the third season of gothham just announced. it is clear the comic-book hero is a fan favorite. thiscase giving their actual make sure audiences are entertained. >> it is a wild ride.
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is we have all of this the tools at our disposal. we have beautiful sets and locations and we have amazing costumes and production design and the writing is good. complicated, complex,case terrific. it is doing this amazing over the top 2:00 comic saga story and having fun while doing it. it is a dream come true. >> i makes sense. >> in hollywood, adam house hi, fox news. >> adam housley, fox news. >> you can catch new episode at 8:00 testimony here on fox 46. we'll be back a final check of
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in 1934, steak 'n shake decided the world didn't need another hamburger. it needed a steakburger. so they used 100 percent beef. quick seared to seal in the flavor ... ... you'll only get from a steakburger. steak 'n shake, home of the original steakburger. >> a bib egging has a subling to blah. take look that. the second bald eaglele hatched today. the first one was born on friday. they set up a camera to catch the second birth around 3:00 in this morning and finally happened. take a look at the little chicks there. the proud eagle parents named mr. president and the first lady could be seen feeding. the newborns are named dc2 and 3. the public will soon be able to vote on permanent names. the they coolest looking birds. i have never seen one. they are awesome looking.
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not quite as majetteic when they are babies when they grow up. >> stunning bird. that is why they are national emblem. okay. take look. one more time here. we got a little little rain moving through. once this shoves through. well we'll be pine. we clear out and wake with up tomorrow morning, 8:00 in the morning, going to be nice and sunny you. you is cold. going to be 34 degrees. and near freezing. some spots around the area will be with freezing. gusting monday shall tuesday wednesday. warmer later in the week. feels look we should have win this studio tonight.
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we have a half hour. four minutes ago, you had a half hour. we have to be out the door at 20 to 8:00. we'll be ready. it takes two minutes to get dressed. i'd feel a lot better if you got dressed now. okay. okay. hey, hey! oh, look at you-- all sexy. really? oh! wow. mmm, hi. hi. how come you didn't come over earlier? 'cause i'm a stupid, stupid man. hey, ross, want some cider? no. so, uh, let's see. makeup's on, hair is done... i just have to get dressed. yay. and that takes, what? just six or seven minutes? yeah. once i figure out what i'm wearing. ( door shuts ) glass of fat?
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