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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  July 8, 2009 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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what went he wrong? two light rail operators are suspended as the investigation into the deaths of two teenagers intensifies. >> i want closure, i really do. these are my babies. >> tonight, questions from the families still unanswered. hello, i'm denise koch. >> i'm vic carter. here's what people are talking about tonight. the mystery surrounding the deaths of two teens killed on the light rail tracks takes another turn. tonight new agencies are getting involved in the investigation. eyewitness news is live along the light rail tracks and new tonight kelly mcpherson spoke with the victim's families. kelly. >> reporter: denise, the mta is now seeking a collision expert from the national transportation safety board. they've also suspended two operators but the family is still questioning the investigation.
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17-year-old connor peterson and kyle wonkmiller lived together like stepbrothers. their family says it's best they both died because neither would have copied without their best friend. >> i want closure, i really do. these were my babies. >> it appears the teens were walking northbound on the south track, though they should not have been on the tracks, connor's dad and kyle's mom are questioning how a train operator could not see their boys. >> we're getting really angry. we get one scenario, we get another, we get this, we get that, and none of it makes any sense. >> reporter: now the mta has stepped aside as lead investigators. >> we will work in partnership with the county, but we've asked them to take the lead, out of respect for their family. >> reporter: the mta confirms this basic time line. at 2:10, a northbound train hits debris, disabling it. at 2:17, all trains are switched to sang gal track.
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the family says the teens left the house between 2:00 and 2:30. mta video captured the train hitting the boys at 2:55. at 3:50, police call the family. >> we have tape of the boys in the track being hit. that's all we have. >> reporter: is it once or is it twice? >> again, that's all being explored and investigated, what actually happened, the whole sequence of events. >> reporter: the boys were hit just past this curve. mta says the train could have been going up to 50 miles per hour. but in the end the train that hit them, that's on video, that driver did not report the accident. >> i answered the phone like i always do when either one of the boys call, like, hi, sweetie, what's up. it was an officer, and he said, there's been an accident. and then everything just fell apart. >> i love him. >> reporter: investigators will look at cell phone records of the two suspended operators,
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the one whose train hit the boy and the one would was on the tracks before the accident. >> thank you very much, kelly. the state's attorney will sort through the evidence to determine if criminal charges should be filed. this is standard procedure whenever there is a death. >> there are also major developments tonight in the murder of a former ravens quarterback, steve mcnair. today investigators confirmed it was mcnair's girlfriend who pulled the trigger. just hours ago police released video of sahel kazemi getting pulled over for a dui two days before the mumpltd adam may has the chilling new information. >> reporter: former ravens quarterback steve mcnair killed by his girlfriend, sahel kazemi. that's the ruling by nashville police. >> mr. mcthayer was seated on the sofa, and likely was asleep, and we believe that kazemi shot him in the right temple, then shot him twice in the chest, and then shot him a final time in the left temple. kazemi then positioned herself
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next to mcnair on the sofa and shot herself once in the right temple and expired. >> reporter: police say kazemi bought the gun found at the 4th of july killings. kazemi had gunpowder residue on her hands. police found no evidence that anyone tampered with the scene or the bodies before a friend called 911. >> hello? >> what's going on, man this is 911? >> oh, my god. >> bob, tell me what's going on. >> someone's been shot. >> mcnair's wife, never considered a suspect, had no idea about the affair, according to one of her close friends. that conflicts with statements kazemi mad to relatives before the murder claiming mcnair was planning a divorce so they could marry but after six months of vacations and romance, it was apparently falling apart. over the last five to seven days of kazemi's life, our investigation is learning that she had become very distraught
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and on two occasions told friends and associates that her life was all messed up and that she was going to end it all. we also have reason to believe that kazemi recently learned before this day that she believed mcnair was involved with another woman, and that, too, participated in her state of mind. >> reporter: police say kazemi had mounting financial problems. the waitress was making two car payments and she was facing an increase in her rent. all of that stress on top of this dui arrest just days before the shooting. mcthayer was passenger, kazemi arrested, driving a cadillac police say she could barely afford. adam may, wjz, eyewitness news. >> according to police records, during the dui stop, kazemi told the officers she was not drunk but high. she was charged with dui. mcnair paid her bail. >> new at 11:00, a call for action. tonight mayor sheila dixon joined dozens of others in a citizen patrol walk just days after a five-year-old girl was shot. the mayor was joined by police
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commissioner fred bealefeld, the naacp as well as several community groups in southwest baltimore. tonight's event was partly held to bring attention to the issue of random violence after police say raven wyatt was accidentally caught in crossfire. raven's aunt spoke to eyewitness news about the growing problem. >> everybody have to look out for these kids. it's not no one person job, not just the parents' job. these kids are in our community, just like you try to take dare of the community, you take care of them kids. >> raven's aunt says the little girl is still unconscious in the hospital as family members continue to pray for her full recovery. 17-year-old lamonte davis is charged as an adult in the shooting. police say he was under home monitoring at that time time of the crime but somehow cut off his ankle bracelet. a serious headache tonight for travelers both on the roads and on the rails. a large gas leak and the threat of an explosion shut down roads and put the brakes on amtrak tonight. eyewitness news is live at penn
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station. kai jackson spoke with stranded travelers. >> that's right, those passengers have now gotten to their destination as bge crews have worked to repair that broken gas main. skyeye chopper 13 is high above the north point area in east baltimore near the county line. a large natural gas leak shuts down vehicle and train traffic. when the fire department arrived they heard hissing coming from a six-inch line, and the leaves you see are being blown around by the gas. >> we understand that crews were on the scene performing excavation work to repair a sidewalk when they accidentally struck a natural gas line. >> reporter: all passenger and freight rail service was stopped and a safety perimeter was established. the trains backed up, making for a railway traffic jam. once the trains were halted, because of the gas leak, that effect was felt immediately by passengers. here at baltimore's penn
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station. >> just with baltimore they told us the train was going to be stopping at penn indefinitely, and they didn't know for how long. >> reporter: eventually the trains were allowed to run but the damage was done. cars were bumping in baltimore as passengers looked for rids and relief from a long day. >> you always have to keep people's safety in your mind first and foremost. >> reporter: the fire department hazmat team and bge crews worked to reduce the gas load back at the scene of the break but shutting it off completely was not the goal. >> i don't know that they're going to shut the gas supply off because it supplies a major portion of the city. >> just want to be able to go home and cook and there's no food ready at all. >> reporter: you will be eating late tonight. >> yeah. >> there were no injuries reported. by the way, no residential customers had service affect, and bge expected that repairs would be cleat binow. >> certainly hope those folks
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got a chance to eat, kai. >> reporter: hope so. >> thank you. pressure on the gas line is estimated to be about 250 pounds per square inch. more sparring in the case against mayor sheila dixon. the state prosecutor wants to subpoena two more city employees before a grand jury. according to our media partner the baltimore sun, mayor dixon's attorney is out to quash those sups. he argues the state is just trying to find more evidence in an already weakened case. state prosecutor robert roybal is not commenting. you can read more in tomorrow's baltimore sun is. there are tears as a baltimore institution is destroyed by fire. eyewitness news was the first to show you the flames at the suburban house restaurant. patrons tell me about their memories of a place that played an important part in their lives. from skyeye chopper 13 you can see the smoke billowing from the suburban house. the flames were contained inside, but the smoke hurled into the afternoon sky and sent
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some 35 customers and employees running into the streets. >> the owner of the restaurant told us that one of his employees in the storage area smelled smoke and heard some kind of a pop and immediately evacuated. >> for 30 minutes multiple units battled the blaze. the aftermath, generations of patrons told of their love for this eatery. >> it's really sad to see that this place burned down like this. i hope that the owners get back on their feet quickly, because it's really a great place to bring children and families. >> it's a loss for the community, because when i do go in there, i see that people are in there, and they really enjoy themselves. >> while it's a problem for the suburban house, it's always problem for businesses along reisterstown road. roads are blocked and people can't get in. this is the suburban house in
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happier days. patrons come and sit for hours and much on delicatessen sandwiches for hours. for this rest riewpt, hat all stopped for now. >> there is no known cause for the fire. i talked with the owners of the suburban house. they were too distraught to talk on camera, but through their tears, they that i canned the fire department. i promised them that we would be there when they reopen. speed cameras may be coming to an intersection near you. >> reporter: i'm alex demetrick at bwi marshall where birds forced an emergency landing
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yesterday. how biologists work every day to reduce that risk. that story as eyewitness news continues. more great summer weather headed our way. i'm bob turk. i'll have the complete first warning forecast coming up next.
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it is 65 degrees. new developments in the stalking case against marion barry. prosecutors dropped the charges before tomorrow's court appearance. marion's former girlfriend donna watts made the complaint over the weekend. the two had just called off a trip to delaware. however, after review of the evidence, including conflicting statements from watts, the decision was made not to proceed with formal charges. >> from the very beginning mr. berry has spoken truthfully and has been accurate in his description of the evans that took place. we are thankful to the u.s. attorney's office for seeing through it and making the right decision. >> berry still has to deal with the controversy over award ago city contract to watts. also, audiotapes vehicles splice it conversations between the two have surfaced. they detail their relationship including fights and threats between them. global warming was the topic of leaders at the g-8
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summit in italy. president obama pledged to make dramatic cuts in greenhouse emissions. the president also toured earthquake ravaged parts of laquilla. protesters played off the president's campaign slogan of "yes we camp" the leaders of 25 to 30 nations will be invited to washington. last night we told you about an emergency landing at bwi thurgood marshall airport after a bird strike. right now the numbers in this area are very high. alex demetrick looks at what's being done to keep birds and planes on separate flight paths. >> reporter: jeremy smith is a wildlife biologist with the u.s. department of agriculture, and one of his jobs is to make noise at bwi marshall airport.
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>> it really keeps the birds on edge, uneasy, and it fright ebbs them. >> reporter: better to frighten birds than airline passengers, like yesterday's safe emergency landing at bwi that captain mike perry and skyeye chopper 13 witnessed. >> this is what we call in aviation a precautionary landing. because he struck so many birds the pilot decided to err on the side of safety and land this aircraft back at bwi. >> reporter: at least 40 european starlings collided with the aircraft. large flocks like these crows can make sudden,er it rattic turns difficult to predict. it's jeremy's job to continually move birds away from aircraft. >> the airport works very hard with the faa to help minimize the risk and the potential
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impact between aircraft and birds. >> reporter: primarily by firing off 12 stakessary propane cannons near runways as flocks move from one spot to another. but sometimes lethal measures are also used. >> the birds really get the picture if you do shoot some of the birds in the flock, particularly with starlings. if you remove some of the flock, the rest of the flock gets the picture. >> but with airports, perfect bird habitat, effective still isn't 100% guaranteed. >> and birds aren't the only animals being chased off of runways. deer, foxes, even ground hogs can be a hazard. police may soon have another weapon to catch speeders. a proposal to allow speed cameras past the first round of voting in the city council. if approved, the cameras could be in use by october. anyone caught speeding is subject to adds 40 ticket. a recent state law allows for speed cameras at construction
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sites in school zones. it may seem like you spend an incalculable number of hours waiting out traffic delays. however, one study has put a total on it. the average baltimore driver sat in traffic for 44 hours during 2007. that's the 18th worst rate in the country, according to a new study. los angeles area remained the traffic jam champion. >> that's an entire work week that you spend just sitting in a car. >> absolutely, yeah. >> wonder if you get paid for that? >> that's why they invented backs on tape. >> that you listen to, yes, bob. >> while you're sitting there, you learn something. we're learning that this weather has been really spectacular. take a look at temperatures right now. with 65 degrees, dew pint at 54, there's a good chance tomorrow morning many places will get down to about 54 or 55 degrees. light winds, humidity 61%, barometer on the way back up, 30.01 inches. just a delightful afternoon.
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81 today. now, yesterday people didn't believe it when i said it was 88 yesterday. it didn't feel like it because the humidity is so low. it's like phoenix, when it's 100 in the shade, it's kind of cool because it's so dry out there. 87/66 is average. the records, 100 and 53. now, tonight with light winds, very light conditions, with clearing skies, although we have some clouds right now, temperatures will be falling overnight. you see a few clouds pretty much from the city down across the southern portions of the region. north of us pretty clear, and that should be with us during most of the overnight into tomorrow. now, there is a system out to the west, some showers and storms, additional heat and humidity. heck, texas was in the 100's today. the warm air is surging north and running into cooler eight, causing these showers. some of this moisture and some warmer eight, but not like that, will get here for saturday, saturday night look for some scattered showers and thundershowers, and then behind that another shot of drier air.
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so we've got some really nice weather. to our north and northeast, still lots of showers, at least they're dying down tonight. south of us, see the clouds? this stuff in indiana is going to head down towards southern virginia, maybe tennessee, and will miss us tomorrow, but increasing clouds and perhaps some scattered showers and thundershowers. as warmer air moves in that front will trigger those showers late saturday night, early on sunday before things clear out. northeast winds 5 to 10 knots. bay temperature 77, sunrise 5:40. so tonight clear, cool, comfortable. 55 many places, downtown maybe 62 or so. then tomorrow 82, seasonally cool for this time of year with clouds and sunshine. next five days, the chance of scattered showers saturday night into sunday morning. 88/84, drying out again, 86, partly cloudy -- excuse me, partly sunny skies on monday, and drier conditions coming back. denise. >> thank you, bob. the orioles get a gift as
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they leave seattle. >> mark has the 9th inning comeback next in sports.
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well, it wasn't a sweep, but they won more than they lost. >> the team plane is in the air headed home as we speak, and it's a joyride for the orioles after another unlikely comeback win to wrap up that road trip in seattle. manager dave trembley was ejected from last night's game. stayed around for all this one. glad he did. 9th inning, the ball bounces the o's way, 3-1. nick markakis hits what could be a double play. jose lopez makes the first of two errors. the comeback is complete when ty wigginton steps up. in all the o's score five in the 9th. >> hung in there.
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melvin really start it off for with us a key at-bat, and the thing just kind of went from there. we took advantage of our opportunities, and you could feel the game turning. the game was turning in a hurry. >> george sherrill got ken griffey jr. to ground out. the birds are coming home. they have tomorrow off, then they play host to toronto in a series that starts on friday. another fantastic finish, this one up the road in philly where fan favorite shane victorino came to bat. victorino with a base hit to center field. in comes pedro feliz. the first-place phillies have won five of their last six. u.s. national swimming championships in indianapolis. michael phelps swam the fastest time in the event in the world this year but said wasn't happy because it wasn't his fastest time. phelps was back in the pool for the 200 butterfly.
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always first place finish. congrats to baltimore's elizabeth pelton. she gets second place in the back stroke. we finish overseas. a look at the picturesque tour de france. 122-mile stage through the french countryside. another positive performance for american lance armstrong. maintains his second place standing overall. seven-time champ armstrong gearing up for a weekend ahead that include some grueling mountain climbs.
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it comes by once every 100
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years but you may not have noticed since it lasted only a second. a rare number sequence happened at 12:54 on this july 8, to thou nine that made it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 day.
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letterman is next with queen latifah. >> thanks for watching wjz, eyewitness news, maryland's news station. hope you have a great night.


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