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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  July 21, 2009 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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hi everyone i'm mary bubala. the pressure is on big time as president obama faces increasing resistance to his health care reform package. polls show the public doesn't like the price tag. neither do many politicians.
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joel brown reports from the white house. >> reporter: president obama plans to hammer health care reform until lawmakers getet done. >> the need for reform is urgent and indisputable. >> reporter: against a push back against opposition and sliding public support the president is going for maximum exposure. >> if not now, when? >> reporter: he is making his case for a health care overhaul on all the networks, wednesday night he will talk to the american people in prime time. the democratic party is helping with the air wave battle. >> it's time for health care reform. republicans are firing back. but president bomb become's challenge isn't just the gop, today he summoned members to the white house who opposed the legislation. and it's more than trillion dollar price tag. >> develop a bill that can really result in the kind of
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savings that will cause health care to stop growing. >> reporter: the president set an august deadline to pass overall measures, republicans say it's too much too fast. >> the problem i have is the rush. >> reporter: president obama says the uninsured need coverage and facing downed politicians who say losing on this issue will break his presidency. >> this isn't about me, this isn't about politics it's a bout a health care system that's breaking america's families. >> reporter: at the white house, joel brown, wjz eye witness news. watch the president further discuss his health care plan wednesday night during a prime time presidential address it begins at 8:00 here on wjz13. governor o'malley revealing who will be affect bid a round of state budge teat cuts. the governor plans to hold a news conference this afternoon
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to outline $300 million in cuts. media partner the sun reports that the future cuts will most likely fall on state agencies and could include furloughs of state employees, the governor must slash $700 million total from the budge theet fiscal year. we are hearing more about the man accused of shooting two baltimore city police officers, shawn sinclair's family is speaking exclusively with wjz and providing insight in to the gunfight. >> reporter: a letter from the family apologizes to those he wounded during the gun battle. the officer was hit three times mc mill listen treated and released. he suffered from mental illness and taken dozens of ecstasy pills that day. >> we found out he consumed 30
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of them. had him to the point where he was irrational. >> until he started taking the drugs he was a family man they say, coaching the ball games and working at a foot locker. sinclair used a semi automatic handgun and ambushed the officers as they responded to domestic violence calls. police expected to charge sinclair with attempted murder. a maryland nanny faces charge that she showed pornography to children in her care. it happened in high atville where she showed the web sites to a 5-year-old boy, and two girls ages 10 and 12. she asked them to pose nude in front of a web camera, the woman is charged with child abuse and held on 350,000 dollars bond. mta put the brakes on a proposal to record passengers conversations while they ride on transportation, it would
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have put the equipment on trains and buses to stop crime. a acting transportation secretary has with drawn a let tore the attorney general's office which asked for guidance on the plan. mta siting privacy concerns and will now review whether the state can move forward with such a program. new york times report shows the government with held hundreds of pages of research about the hazards of drives using cell phones. the national highway traffic safety administration allegedly with held the findings because of the fear of angrying congress and losing financing for transit officials. among the findings is that driver distraction causes 25% of all traffic crashes. research found that even with hands free devices cell phone conversation takes the driver's focus off the road. maryland assessment task revealed whether schools in our state are making progress or lagging behind. eye witness news is live with the state department of
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education head quarters. adam may has the results. >> reporter: we got the results and started combing through the data. maryland students improved in 2009. elementary school students, grades 3, 4, and 5 showed improvement in reading and math except for fourth grade reading those were down 2%. middle schooner students did well in the testing this year, gains for 6th, 7th and 8 and reading and math. school is tracking schools state is tracking schools that do need improvement, this year they identified 158 schools across the state that do need improvement in categories that is down slightly from last year by 12 schools, more on this as we comb through the data coming up at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. the water gate hotel made famous is on the auction block.
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the bidding began a short time ago. a 30 day foreclosure notice last week. water tbeat complex was made famous by the 1972 burglary that led to richard nixson. resignation. overcast day. cloudy skies over baltimore, could we see rain or storms later on? eye witness news is live with first warning weather coverage, we will go to the answer and talk with bernadette woods in the first warning weather center. >> want to show you first warning, we are dealing with the same storm from yesterday, but it's scooting its way up the coast and a lot of us missed out on the rain out there. the bulk from the first round is to the north. new york city in to new england. this will move northward, there is the chance we could see a thunderstorm breakout through the afternoon. it's just a chance this is not
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a guarantee with this one. there is one on the way. we will have that forecast coming up. >> still to come at noon, caught on tape a woman steal as puppy, with the help of a innocent little girl, how it was all carried out. it's not a new horror movie it's real life for passengers aboard a southwest airlines flight, coming up. we'll be right back.
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the search sphr f ar soller continues as the military acknowledge as grim milestone. four americans died in a roadside bomb bringing the death toll to 30 for july. makes it the deadliest month for u.s. forces since the invasion back in 2001. with wars in afghanistan and iraq defense secretary robert investigates is asking to make the army bigger and recruit 22,000 soldiers over the next year. chris brown is finally speaking out. in an on line video he offers a publy apology to his fans.
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as i sit here today i can tell you i will do everything to make sure it never happens again and i promise that. >> he has apologized to rihanna several times and pleaded guilty to felony assault and slated to have probation and six months of community service. snatched from a pet store, a woman is caught on tape in sacramento california as she coach as child to steal a 1300- dollar puppy. the woman directs the girl in to a gated area and tells her to take a maltese puppy. the girl hands the dog to a woman who puts it under her shirt and walks out of the store. police hope the surveillance video will help someone recognize the thief. scary moments at a new
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jersey amusement park where children have to be be rescued from the top of a roller coaster. they were riding a wildcat when the car got stuck at the top of the ride. workers were able to reach them and pull them to safety where they reunited with families on the ground. the amusement park doesn't know what caused the ride to malfunction. it could be the title of a horror movie, scorpions on a plane but it wasn't make believe for a man flying from phoenix to indianapolis, he was bitten by a scorpion who managed to get op board. he saw something drop from above and felt severe pain in his finger. >> i thought it was seat belt or whatever. i felt something crawling up my leg and i went to go sweep it, i felt the sting. like 50 bees stinging you at one time in the same area. >> there were several scorpions
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in the overhead compartment sending other passengers in to a frenzy. experts say scorpions can crawl in to clothing and shoes as easily as spiders, now we know on to airplanes. bernadette woods will be back in 2.5 minutes with the first morning weather forecast. here is a look at the midday stocks.
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hi. number two, please. would you like that to hurt now or later? uh, what? sir, it's a simple question.
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do you want heartburn pain, now or later? these heartburn medicines make you choose... between hurting now or later. pepcid complete doesn't. it starts to neutralize acid in seconds... and keeps it under control all day or all night. sometimes you gotta make compromises, man. no, you don't... man. pepcid complete, works now and works later. now with a great new taste. now complete forecast, and
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a first warning of severe weather. >> take a look, few peeks of sunshine, more in the way of clouds. 76 degrees outin baltimore, it is much muggier than it has been. dew points in to the 60s from the 50s of yesterday. feels more thick outside for the air. 80 degrees in hagerstown. 82 ocean city. people in the 70s this afternoon, only going to top out close to 80 degrees, winds are out of the east, and that's because of the storm we are dealing with, that is what is keeping the cooler ocean air on top of us. showers in to the ocean and moved through, breaks in the sunshine farther west you go, we will be in and out of that, scattered showers and thunderstorms will fire up, it's going to come from the same storm system. some of it hanging off to the south, which will move to the
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north. not a guarantee with this one. another one follows. the next one is going to come our way on thursday. this one out here to the west, scattered showers and storms, once again with it as it moves in. before we get to thursday, in between today and thursday, since both storms are so close, there is a chance for showers and storms popping up during the day tomorrow. it's that our chances go up once again when we have the next storm, chance for a somehow i or thunderstorm is out there. 80 for the high. going down to 66 tonight. tomorrow up a little bit higher up to 85 degrees, sunshine returning to the area, chance for a shower or thunderstorm and then see the chances increase on thursday with the front coming but all of these are just chances. this is not a shield of rain coming our way. >> it will be short. >> they are going to come and go. pop up and die down. i know we got a big game friday
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night. >> 70,000 of us. >> there is a chance for a shower or thunderstorm. but mainly east of the city, we will keep an eye on that because some of us are going to that one. >> it's going to be fun i think. >> we will have more coverage as the week goes on. varicose veins can be unsightly and painful but can also pose a serious health risk. that's coming up with kellye lynn. here are the top stories right now. for updates, log on to
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in today's eye witness news health watch, supposedly harmless condition known as vain throm thrombosis. according the the latest studty, a quarter of patients with sct may be at risk for deep vain thrombosis, researchers recommend that people undergo ultra sound screening. the worlds population of older people is growing faster than ever and the elderly will outnumber young people for if first time. the number of people 65 and older hit 506 million people in
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the middle of 2008, that number expected to grow to 1.3 billion by 2040. researchers say aging pop lis will force pension and health care costs to rise which means a bigger bill for taxpayers. americans get ready to vaccinate for the next flu season. food and drug administration aproveed the vaccine for the 2009-2010 season. it will not protect you against swine flu, that vaccine is under development and about to undergo testing. >> this one should be available at doctor's office soon. >> absolutely. flu season is from october to may. >> make sure you are covered during this time period. check in with eye witness news today at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. >> which cars get top scores, crash tests for 2009, how did yours rate. disappointed children turned
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away from a swim club are smiling today. how a popular comedian is helping them out. join us at 4:00 after dr. phil. stay with us, five day forecast is coming up next.
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here is the five day forecast, topping out around 80 degrees, chance for a shower or thunderstorm, see our chances continue on and off in to
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friday. they vary each day with thursday being the highest of the next few here. it's going to get warmer and remain muggy through the next few days, 86, 87. below average, warmer than it has been lately. good for the weekend. coming up tonight on wjz13, don miss medium airs here at 10:00 followed by eye witness news at 11:00. this noon a new jersey man finds the way to turn a food craving in to crash ft wanted seafood so he went to get clams at a friend. house and inside one of those clams, it was a purple pearl. the odds of that happening are one in 2 million. smaller purple pearls have been wort up to 25,000 -- worth up to $25,000. did you know there with were pearls in clams? i didn't. thank you for joining us.
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