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tv   The Early Show  CBS  September 12, 2009 8:00am-10:00am EDT

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a shot in the arm. progress in the war on h1n1. one vaccine should do the trick and it's not a moment too soon a as a cornell university student loses his life to the virus. we'll hear from one of the nation's top docs. wanted ted are alive. so began the hunt no the world's most wanted terrorist, osama bin laden. now eight years later, are we any closer to finding him? we'll ask a man at the center of the hunt. where in the world is annie le? it's the mystery shaking the ivy league campus. is the 24-year-old doctoral student the victim of foul play or running from her wedding day? and only on our stage, he has 17 top ten hits and he's written every single one of them. he is nashville's golden voice.
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larry gat lynn live in our second cup cafe. all that and more early saturday morning september 12th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "the early show." you just saw the picture, a little gray, a little wet here in new york but i'm told it is going to get better. i'm chris wragge. >> and i'm debbye turner bell. nice to be here. i didn't bring the rain. >> it's so good to have you here. i wasn't going to blame you for that. a whole lot of great things coming up. one of the things we do want it talk about is how to dump your doctor. it's not so tough if you can't get an appointment, if you feel rushed when you're sitting with your doctor and if your diagnosis is usually incorrect. so we'll show you how to dump your doctor and then how to go
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find a doctor that is right for you. >> it is a hard thing because he's an authority figure. also even though we get older, we like to look like we're 20 for the rest of our lives. we'll talk about how to take care of your skin through your 30s, 40s and fiftd, what the big robs are and how to do it and not break the bank. >> easier said than done but great products to show you you. let's get to our top story and that is the h1n1 f outbreak. a cornell university student died yesterday of complications related to the virus. the death follow as new poll which suggests more than people are concerned about an outbreak than another terrorist attack. but there is good news this morning. it hooks like an anticipated h1n1 vaccine due out in october will only require one dose instead of two. for more we it turn to dr. anthony fouchi. good morning to you. >> good morning. if ir could get your reaction quickly to this faytal difference the cornell student
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last night. it seem as though with 7,000 cases around campuses already with the fall semester just starting campuses are really getting hit hard. >> the cam pugss and other schools are getting hit hard. any death is tragic particularly in a young person. this particular flu, this pandemic flu virus that is back in the schools is a virus that's generally a mild disease, but it preferentially inspects young individuals and then every once in a while rarely but it tragically happen you get someone who seriously isll and dies. and that's the reason why the whole idea of getting the vaccine to people who immediate it particularly young people and others at high resk like preg risk like pregnant women is very important. >> should parents be genuinely concerned if their kids are away at either boarding school or college because, again, from this standpoint, 7,000 cases like i mentioned, it this has to
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scare a lot of people. >> as i said, it is really generally a mild illness aunt the vast vast overwhelming of people but every once in a while, flu is a disease that you have to take seriously and every once in a while, a young person had get sick and will get seriously ill. i don't think parents should be concerned because in the big picture of things it is a very very rare event that happens. but it does happen unfortunately. >> want to talk about a story in the "new york times" this morning, a story that you're quoted in. even deem yol gis said friday that they expected peak of swine flu to come as early as next month and that is earlier than what they're predicting the actual vaccine to be available for people across the country. are we looking at a possible peak before the vaccine's readily available? >> i think we have to be careful when we talk about peak because if you look at the map of the country, each year with flu, there are peaks at different regions of the country. and certainly in certain situations there will be some
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places where you have an explosioning of infections that have not gotten the vaccine available to them. we saw that in washington state university where a couple of thousand students got infected and the vaccine was not available. so there will be some regions that will get hit before the vaccine becomes available, but we're hoping that the vast majority of people who will need the vaccine will get the vaccine in time. >> we just took a look at a map some of hot spots. the southeast is an area right now that's been hit spre pretty hard. any reason why in. >> no we don't know why that's the case. it may be that in the spring wave that area of the country did not get particularly hit hard whereas in other regions. country, for example, energy city got hit quite hard particularly in the schools. so it's the possibility that the people in the southeast part of the country are so naive, as it were to the virus in the sense that they've not had previous exposure, where others may have had it and, therefore, it
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doesn't sweep through them as readily. that's one of the explanations that generally we get when we see these kinds of blips. >> i have to let you know, but if i can get a a yes or no answer. are you more concerned now than you were a month ago go? >> no i'm less concerned because we have a vaccine that works with within dose, which is very good news. >> thank you for taking the time to join us. we appreciate it. president obama's speech to congress wednesday gave a needed shot in the arm to his ailing health care proposal. according to a new poll a majority of americans now favor his handling of health care reform. can he to the same for his stimulus package? on monday the president will speak on wall street and attempt to convince america the economy is on the mend. meanwhile, he continues his reform campaign at a rally in minneapolis today. cbs news correspondent kimberly
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doze zer. >> reporter: for the rales today's speech is trying to build positive momentum about. >> that's what this plan will do for you. >> reporter: on which is the prz convinced many americans to give his health care plan a chance when he laid out specifics to congress. a new cbs news poll shows that 52% of americans now approve his handling of health care up from 40% last week. that could help get reform through congress. >> he can hammer away at the themes that he he pursued in that speech and begin to turn the public climate enough that the swing democrats he needs and maybe some republicans who really don't want to be identified as the part difference no begin to move in his direction. >> reporter: the same goes for the economy. on monday he'll head to wall street for the anniversary of the collapse of lee man brother the idea to dwins the stimulus working slowly. >> the president will try to take credit for the good things
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that happen but caution that we're in the out of this yet. >> reporter: it if he can pin public trust, people may start spending again and that will keep the economy moving ahead. kimberly dozier cbs news, washington. p. >> joining us now is an assist assistant professor at george washington university. we heard the polls are up by 12%, which is huge. what did he say or what did he do, do you think, that caused such a big jump? >> well, it is in fact, a big jump, but i really think what happened was he had a chance to speak to the country. this was one of the most widely watched speeches he's given since he's been inaugurated as president. and he enabled people to see that the improvement he's
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talking about is not a a scary reform, but actually something that will be good for everyone who needs health insurance. so i think that's the big part of it. secondly i think it's also important to note that the outburst from representative joe wilson i think helps make the president looks more substantial on this issue and the president looks better by comparison to his opponents who appear to be simply trying to thwart what it is he wants to do as opposed to providing some viable alternatives. >> it's interesting that you say that because, of course, when south carolina joe wilson had this outburst he was roundly denounced by republicans and democrats, but since then his supporters and constituents and other conservative pundits have said he said the right thing. do you really think he helped the president in. >> i do, because i think the
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others on the fence conditions help but look at it as unnecessarily disrespectful to the president. it makes perfect sense that his constituents and people linked to him would be teenfine with what he said, but they were never going to be with the president. i'm more focused with those in the middle who might see him as someone who can't be taken seriously. and if you can't be taken seriously, then by extension the party owe posing the president may not be taken seriously. >> the president's going to make a speech about the economy here in new york city on monday. what does he have to do to convince the public that the economy is improving? >> i think that's some data to back him up on that. consumer confidence is up and i think that if he can continue to show take the steps the administration is taking are helping ease the pain and muft country in the right direction, he'll be fine. one speech can't fix it but it's part of a larger narrative that i think could be very helpful. >> all right, professor thank
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you so much for your time. and now for the rest of the morning's new, we have kate sullivan from wcbs tv. good morning. let's get you caught up on your headlines. a as part of his push for health care reform president obama is on "60 minutes" tomorrow night. he said the overhaul is not only important for the country, it is important for his presidency. >> i have no idea in having a bill get pass that had fails, that doesn't work. i intend to be president for a while and once this bill passes i own it. and if people look and say, you know what, this hasn't reduced my costs, my premiums are still going up 25%, insurance companies are still jerking me around, i'm the onewonone who's going
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to be held responsible. so i have every incentive to get this right. >> and you can see the entire interview tomorrow night on "60 minutes" about. meanwhile the coast guard is promising to look into its conduct of a training exercise in the potomac. the simulated attack involving speed boats friday came while president obama was near by at the pentagon ceremonies marking 9/11. the mock radio exercises prompted two radio networks to report an attack was underwear. police in new haven are doing a frame by frame study of security cameras at yale university hoping to find a clue into the disappearance of student annie lep she vanished without a trace just days before her wedding. robert gholston of our heart forward affiliate reports. >> reporter: police officers are handing out missing person posters. there is a nationwide search for annie le the 24-year-old graduate student who is supposed to be getting ready for her
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wedding day on sunday has not been seen since tuesday. police are getting all sorts of tips. michael was near the lab where she was last seen. >> i was walking with somebody up toward the bus stop. it was just a quick glance. >> reporter: yale police is leading the search with help from the fbi, state and local police. annie's fiance and family are also helping. in this video, you can siani walking into the lab around 10:00 in the morning. there was smoke alarm that went off that same day. >> yes, everybody just walk outside. >> reporter: yale says the alarm seems to be coincidental it was not intentionally pulled. between between all of the agencies investigating, there are at least 100 officials looking for the student. they have gone through her computer and continue to review surveillance video to see if there are anymore clues as to where she could be. before annie walked in to the lab, yale says she was in her office several blocks away where investigators found her purse, wallet and money.
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>> you did kind of think new haven is somewhat of a safe city. >> reporter: late friday yale offered a $10,000 reward for any information that will help find annie le. a suspect it in custody for the murder of a michigan anti-abortion rights activist. harlan james draek was arrestke was arrested friday. he took offense when a sign was held up with graphic images of a fetus fetus. after 70 year derek jeter has another piece of new york yankees history. in the third inning friday night with a single up the first baseline jeter broke lou gehrig's team record if most hits. rain soaked crowd roaring a and jeter's teammates poured out of
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dug out to congratulate him on his 2722 hit. and with all the rain yesterday, i wasn't s in. you either love them or hate them, but derrick jeet erk everybody seems to love. just a class act. let's talk about the weather because speaking of new york city there's a low pressure system basically sitting right in our area. it will be bringing wet weather from central new england all the way down to florida va have a. if you follow that front associated with that low down to the gulf coast states i see a wet day for you, as well frrks texas to florida, but the difference is temperatures in the 90s thashs will be possiy severe at time, wet weather around the the system that came through brought us the rain moving away. mostly cloudy with air quaffs
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fog late. 60 up tomorrow to 82 degrees with sunshine and warmer that low pressure system around new york also bringing in some cooler air. yesterday we were in the 60s temperature today we'll struggle to hit 70. and it's still summertime officially. not fall until the 22nd. >> you can't tell by feeling it. >> windy and wet. tomorrow is better. up next eight years after 9/11 will we ever findladen? the very latest from two former cia agents. and is it time to tell your doctor that you want to see other people? six warning signs you got the wrong fish. and how to find a better one.
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with all the technology manpower and intelligence available to the united states today, it's hard to imagine one single man can elude a worldwide drag for almost a decade, but
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yesterday marked eight years since the hunt for osama bin laden began. to give us insight, art keller who was based in pakistan while working on the hunt for bin laden, and from washington, a former cia senior officer who headed up the certainly hunt. good morning. i'll start with you, it's been eight years like we mentioned, are we any closer to capturing bin laden? >> i think we are, but not necessarily because of what we are doing here. but because there's been a significant shift in pakistani public opinion. and that has kind of empowered the pakistani army and our allies to be more proactive about cracking down on the taliban and the people that al queda depend on for this support. >> does this shift in public perception in pakistan help? i know the pakistani government has provided enough resistance.
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>> i think there has been a shift, but it's been complimented by a shift in a great deterioration in the receptivity of pakistanis to the united states. it may well be that efforts that by the pak army are being offset to a great deal by a really dislike for the united states at this point. >> michael, do you think the -- is this still a priority for the cia right now or is it on on the back burner are there other issues bigger at play. >> >> no, this is not a back burner issue in terms of where it ranks on the list of priority but it's certainly not getting enough manpower or attention simply because we're losing the insurgency in afghanistan and the primary responsibility of the cia right now along with the military is it try to make sure that president karzai's government survives survives. so you have to choose between duties and i think at the moment we're clearly focused more on fighting the taliban than
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chazing bin laden. >> so if the focus is on on the taliban, give people an idea how many people are focusing on trying to find bin laden? in what area -- where do you feel he is currently? >> i was more in the southern part of the tribal regions. he hadn't been suspected to be in that area for quite a while. current guesses or rumor, the last i heard, were that he was more in the northern part. and thighs are all vague at this point. as to how many people i can't tell because since 2006, i don't know if they've expanded the number up or down. but it's in the a large number.not a large number. you would think it would be hundreds and hundred, but last i heard, it would have been significantly below that. and it's not a bad idea as mike was saying.
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the focus vael on on fightinge reallycus is really fighting the taliban. and al queda depends on them for support. >> how much of an active role is he still playing in the leadership of what goes on? >> i'm not sure he has much of a role in taliban leadership. in terms of his own organization, he is perfectly twhel control. our last two presidents have told us that he's running from rock to rock and cave to cave. and clearly that is not the case. i think mr. keller would tell you if a terrorist is moving around a lot, they'll make a mistake and you'll get him. bin laden is safe wherever he is. he's certainly communicating with his organization given the availability of satellite communications. so i think he's in control. >> and obviously that reward has not done much good. thank you very much for taking
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the time. we do appreciate it. up next, we go under the radar. meet the bear
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welcome back, everybody. it is time to sit back relax and enjoy our weekly trip under the radar. first up the latest in wedding design and it could be called wear and flush. they're made of toilet paper. is that every girl's dream or what is this seven dineesigners were asked to address dresses out of tp as a publicity stunt. needless to say if the bride starts crying, she's all set. and next, the brown bear with a serious case of the munchies. getting in was's ziz. getting out was a little different story. you may notice the camera man felt he had to finish shooting this from inside the car. he tore open the lock to a walk-in freezer and helped
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himself out to ice cream, brown sugar, and cocoa puffs, which is why now he cannot get out of this window. did he eventually knock out the window frame and escape. here how is some fancy foot work for you. beat the king's firecrackers. fourth to eighth graders. stunning the crowd occurring the army/navy basketball game. they're jump raping gene just no accident. the girls practice two hours a day six days a week. look at them go. nice job. >> could you do that in. >> double dutch was my favorite. still ahead, listen up ladies we have tips an trick fossilky smooth skin at any age. our expert has the latest products from women in their 30s, 40s and fifth. you're 50s. you're watching the early show on cbs.
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good morning it's saturday september 12th and here's what we are talk about. firefighters sent scrambling in northwest baltimore. the two alarm blaze broke out early this morning on the 4200 block of springdale avenue. city fire officials tells us the fire started in the attic of the home and quickly spread to the entire second floor. unfortunately -- for the in fortunately rather everyone escaped without injury. cause is under investigation. a baltimore city police officer pleads guilty to sexually assaulting a young girl in his home. 34-year-old troy gee admits to fondling the juvenile while she was in his care. he is suspended from the force and is free on bond this morning and sentencing set for december 7th. and get ready. we are just a little more than 24 hours away from the 2009 ravens season purple passion is permeating the state from the eastern shore to the mountains out west.
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marylanders are getting fired up. and don't forget wjz is the only place to see the season opener. watch ravens take on the chiefs tomorrow at one exclusively here on wjz13. the bird are double digit favorites. and, speak of double digits. today exclusive first warning weather forecast we think you will like it. 37 partly sunny and may see some showers later on this afternoon. and tonight 60 and tomorrow, it's going to be a great day for tailgating and
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the heavens will open up any second. >> what did you say will haen? >> i will transform into shaka kahn. this morning, how to know when to dump your doc. it's a tough topic, but if you don't get along, it's time.
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>> and i'm a little afraid of my doctor. so you have to know how to do it. >> welcome back to "the early show." >> also ahead, the perfect sn care regimen for women in their 30s, 40s and 50s without spending a fortune. that's the key. plus they've been away for 16 years. isn't this great? now country legends, the gatlin brothers are back and they're here on the big show. >> ir all on on the but first, here's kate sullivan with a look at the headlines. the crew of the space shuttle discovery soig safely back on earth. it land md california friday after stormy weather kept it from returning home to florida. they'll reunite with their families today in houston. a million dollar reward is being offered for stolen andy
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warhol paintings. the 11 silk screen portraits were taken from a los angeles mansion earlier this month before ten feature famous athletes of the 1970s including mohammed alley, o.j. simpson and dorothy hammil. nothing else was taken from the home. a statue donated to a charity is going back to the dough nor because the dough nor didn't know just how valuable that statue was. a miami investment firm gave the bronze sculpture of a young dancer to goodwill industrics. the charity discovered that the statue was worth half a million dollars and notified the dough nor who said they will take the sculpture back. those are your headlines. we'll head back over to lonnie quinn with the et withweather. and the weather is improving. >> well, weather-wise that little shout you gave i couldn't hear anything she said.
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but the fact is we're doing okay out here right now. we do see some wet weather on the way. good folks here from south carolina and then over here look at all the art work we have on the plaza. new york city does have a lop system that will bring wet weather. then down around the gulf coast state, we see showers and storm, some could be severe. up around the dakotas, another area of wet weather. it will lift up in to canada later today. that's a quick look at the national picture. here now is a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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it is time for a big shout out to everyone in louisville, kentucky. attending today's original arts music festival. about 10,000 people will be expecting a dave art respect music and great food. thanks to all of our viewers who watch the saturday "early show" on wlky. that will do it for weather out here. chris, over to you. coming up next does this sound familiar? your doctor doesn't return your call you can't get an appointment when you want one. find out if it's finally time to send your fish packing. this is "the early show" on cbs. pollen. when i really liked to be outside, i did not like suffering from nasal allergy symptoms like congestion. but nasonex relief may i say... bee-utiful! prescription nasonex is proven to help relieve indoor and outdoor
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cation to lower your bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and triglycerides are still out of line? then you may not be seeing the whole picture. ask your doctor about trilipix. if you're at high risk of heart disease and taking a statin to lower bad cholesterol, along with diet, adding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerides and raise good cholesterol to help improve all three cholesterol numbers. trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. trilipix is not for everyone, including people with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. blood tests are needed before and during treatment to check for liver problems. contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as this can be a
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sign of a rare but serious side effect. this risk may be increased when trilipix is used with a statin. if you cannot afford your medication, call 1-866-4-trilipix for more information. trilipix. there's more to cholesterol. get the picture. welcome back. in relationship sometimes you have to know when to call it quits and that's especially true when it comes to the relationship with your doctor. as our lives change so do our medical needs and sometimes dumping your doctor could be the
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per pepgs prescription for your health. so how do you know when or if to find a new fish? here with some red flags, a surge oon at new york's columbia 3res bitearian medical center and automatic authorize of book how to survive your doctor's care. good morning. is this that big an issue? >> it's huge. if you don't have the right doctor for yourself it's harmful to you because you're not getting the right care and that is harm pl to you. >> and as far as people determining your doctor, we mentioned it's like a relationship, but are people hesitant like a boyfriend would be hesitant to break up with a girlfriend? >> even more important. people are tire filed. lea who was kind enough to do my make up said if i switch, how do i know i'll get somebody better. in my poll this morning, seven people did not like their doctor and four did. >> so you recommend to those accept people seven people move on possibly. let's go with some tips. you've come up with some warning
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signs that indicate it was time to make a change and let start with the first one. you can't get an appointment. >> if you're sick and they won't see you, however wonderful that doctor is, they're not taking care of you. if the answer is no, it'sime to move on. >> your doctor rushes through the exam. this does not sound good. >> in a perfect world, we'd have an extended time you but the reality is that we really -- most medical visits are 15 minutes or less. if your doctor is more rushed or very very rushed they're not attending to their examination of you and furthermore you're not interacting with them as is your obligation. >> they don't answer your questions. >> it's not one size fits all for on medicine. the best care for you is supposed to be discussed. if your doctor is not doing that they're not taking care of you, you're not getting the right care. >> and this surprised me. treatment choices are not discussed. what else are you talking about? >> a lot of people are very
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self-righteous and say this is the right answer but the answer is, again, it's not one size fits all it's what the best medication is for you. you might be on one where a specific drug is interactive and negative whereas for somebody else it's perfect. >> and this i love, if your doctor were to say we'll try something new called and x-ray, your doctor's not up-to-date. >> it happens all the time. medicine is complicated, and if your doctor doesn't know what you're asking about, then you need to consider a second opinion or changing doctors. >> and the last which is obvious, you're not getting any better. >> a lot of medications are chronic. for example in art right it is or did notity depressant sometimes a medication might work well for one person but not for you. trim to try a new medication. >> we have to go through these quickly. you decide to dump, now you need to find a better doctor. three tip, get referrals from doctors that you like. >> yes, a doctor will know and
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be able to evaluate another physician as well as whether the patients they've september have been cared for correctly. that's what you need to know and trade on it. >> and check his credentials. that's obvious. >> it's not so obvious. people have a great deal of difficulty checking credentials. people flung. it's nice to be able to give the test now but if you're certified, you're certified and if you're not you're not. >> and make sure your insurance applies. >> if you good ate list of a few doctors, see if your insurance covers the doctors. but the bottom line really is it's all about us as patients. >> just like a relationship. you really have to get along with the person. >> you come have to like them you have to trust them because fundamentally you're saying very embarrassing and personal things. >> doctor thank you very much. for more tips on finding the right fish for you, go on our partner in health coverage web
8:42 am up next skin cares dos and don'ts for women in their 30s 40s and fifth. our expert here as products that can knock years off your appearance and save and you pretty penny. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand and a taste you'll find... [sluuurrrrpppp!] irresistible. light & fit. great taste, fewer calories. something new is happening at ethan allen! with "special savings" on select
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with age comes wisdom and wrinkles. there are plenty of products designed specifically for beautiful skin at every age. here with the perfect regimen for women in their 30s, 40s and 50s is health magazine senior editor francis large did the. this is so important because if do you proper kin scareskin care early, then it's not as hard later. >> that's right. it's about prevention in your 30s because your skin is still
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in good shape. a few fine line, but the skin is in good shape. you can have redness and also in you're like me, you're up with the baby in the middle of the night, so understand eye circles can be a problem. >> so the products that we have here have what products in them that will help her in her 30s? >> so the sunscreen. eye cream has caffeine which will tighten and get rid of the darkness under the eyes. >> there's caffeine in it? >> yes. and then we're starting with a retinon night cream about. but if you're pregnant avoid it. and i'll just have you apply a little bit of this. you you want to start out with a pea size amount and then if you need more add more. but there's no reason to waste product. >> so the keyt this age, you want to have the things that
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will prevent later damage, so the retino nflt and the caffeine. >> and the sunscreen is really, really important. >> so we move to the 40s which you make 40s look really good. >> yes, she does. >> so now damage is being done. >> damage has been done, but it's into the too bad yet, but the fine lines are getting deeper the crow's feet are more pronounced so you're doing the same thing in the 30s, but adding another layer. so with your sunscreen, you're adding some antioxidants and then as far as the eye cream goes -- >> it bbs very important at this age, right some. >> super important. i'll apply some to you. and you always want to use your ring finger because that's the most gentle way. and just tap it on. this has retinol in it.
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>> thank you very much. and now we move to the 50s. >> she looks great. >> fantastic. of course these products that we have here are inexpensive. these are the most expensive. >> right. you're adding a little bit more to the heavy artillery because you're in menopause and you're losing moisture in your skin. so it's about adding moisture back to the skin. in this elizabeth arden cream, you have spf going on. and the eye cream has vitamin k which helps to get rid of that sort of hollow look under your eyes. and then again it's about ret retinol for the night cream and i'll apply a little bit of that.
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it has shae butter. this cream feels so nice on, i think. and then also it's only $20. and you can get it at the drug store, which i love. >> well, thank you so much to all of our models. these are good good tips. if you want more information, go to our website, coming up, our second cup cafe a pilgrim comings home. country superstar laterry gatlin is back with a new album after 16 years. [ announcer ] soy has been a part of healthy diets throughout history. in ancient china, soy was such an important food...
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that the emperor declared it sacred. in japan, buddhist monks believed eating soy... was healthier for the body and spirit. for thousands of years cultures around the world... have eaten soy for its health benefits. which is why today we take whole soybeans in their natural state and bake them with fruit into soyjoy. discover gives you a cash back bonus on every single purchase. what you do with it is up to you. what will you get back with your cash back? now more than ever it pays to discover. ♪♪ canopy performance towels are designed to dry a third faster than ordinary towels. so they spend less time in the dryer
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and more time where you really want them. canopy. easy to live with, easy to care for and surprisingly easy to afford. luci: i'm luci romberg. i'm a free runner... ...national champion gymnast... ...martial artist... and a stuntwoman. if you want to be incredible eat incredible. announcer: eggs. incredible energy for body and mind. (guitar music)
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most recording artists are happy to land one single in the top 40. our guests this week has over 30. yeah, 30. of a larry gatlin is back with a new cd harmonizing with brothers once again. the disk hits stores next week, but before we hear a song from that album, we have a classic for you. please welcome them purchasing all the gold in california. ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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>> so good to see you, but such a huge misif a to ask this crew to sipping oig. you have a better chance of beating the new york yankees. >> it was their big chance and they just laid there. >> so great to see you you. why such a long layoff? you sound so good still. >> what time is this? my lord. you know you haven't had enough sleep when your tooth brush is still wet when you get up in the morning. we had a wonderful career and about 17 years ago rudy had some small kids he wanted to stay home with, we were grateful for it, the records tapered off. there weren't as many people showing up for the show so i said let's go do something else. we got away from nashville, didn't tour for about ten years. five or six years ago, this old boy made us an offer we couldn't understand so we started back a little bit and part-time doesn't work so we're going to go full
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it time. >> we cannot wait good morning it's saturday september 12th and here's what we are talk about. firefighters sent scrambling in northwest baltimore. the two alarm blaze broke out early this morning on the 4200 block of springdale avenue. city fire officials tells us the fire started in the attic of the home and quickly spread to the entire second floor. unfortunately -- for the in fortunately rather everyone escaped without injury. cause is under investigation. a baltimore city police officer pleads guilty to sexually assaulting a young girl in his home. 34-year-old troy gee admits to fondling the juvenile while she was in his care. he is suspended from the force and is free on bond this morning and sentencing set for december 7th. and get ready. we are just a little more than 24 hours away from the 2009 ravens season purple passion is permeating the state from the eastern shore to the mountains out west. marylanders are getting fired
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up. and don't forget wjz is the only place to see the season opener. watch ravens take on the chiefs tomorrow at one exclusively here on wjz13. the bird are double digit favorites. and, speak of double digits. today exclusive first warning weather forecast we think you will like it. 37 partly sunny and may see some showers later on this afternoon. and tonight 60 and tomorrow, it's going to be a great day for tailgating and ravens win.
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the first shot in the flu war, the new h1n1 vaccine is stronger than expected but a college student's death raiseses new fears. we'll talk to the leader in the fight on swine. the yale hunt. a reward is offered for information on the whereabouts of the 24-year-old student who's been missing. police search for foul play or evidence she was running from sunday's wedding day. testing one two, three, four. how can politicians continue to make the most inappropriate statements in grant of open mikes? we'll look at the california lawmaker who's stupid comments embarrassed his family and ended his career. and drawing the line. remember the willy wonka tour of the chocolate factory? this morning we go on our owned a venture, a trip deep inside
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the crayon factory. early this saturday morning september 12th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs hi, everyone. welcome back to the early show. >> it is one of those mornings out here. >> it is. i'm telling you, the heavens will open up at any moment. my hair is getting bigger and bigger by the second. >> it doesn't look like a great day, but lonnie says it will get better. so we'll have to wait it out. but luckily we have great people. >> a wonderful crowd. >> one of the stories we want to talk about, you've heard about the track star from south africa. caster semenya. so good at what she does but then of course as soon as she was able to set some world
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records and to beat other defending champion the talk was is this a machine, had can't be a woman. the tests are out, we'll talk about that when we come back. it's really sad the way she's been treated. >> on a much lighter note, the gatlin brothers are back with a new album and they'll perform a piece from their newest album and, man, do they still sound good. >> it's been 16 years, a little too long. but first let's start with our top story. a $10,000 reward is being offered for information about the disappearance of a yale university student who vanished without a trace on tuesday just days before her wedding. kelly kelly wallace has this report. >> reporter: along a connecticut highway near yale university, an and he will for help in in tracking down 24-year-old annie le. >> she was a very nice lady and
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very yes very nurtured lady moving all the time. >> reporter: she and her fiance were supposed to be preparing for their wedding tomorrow. instead, cbs news has confirmed the wedding is canceled, leaving people wondering about her disappearance, is it foul play or the case of a runaway bride like jennifer wilbanks who vanished before her nuptials in 2005. yale's vice president told the yale daily news we are responding to this at this point as if it could be any kind of bad situation. you don't just not go home for a couple elf days. le was last seen entering a medical building tuesday morning shortly after she left her office without her belongings. professors and students say it's not unusual that le left her cell phone and purse in the other building because she
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routinely came here for a short time on to work on her experiments. earlier this this year in an article about crime in new haven, le wrote all cities have their peril tsz, but with a little street smart, one can avoid becoming yet another statistic. le's loved ones hope that's the case with le. kelly wallace, cbs new, new haven. >> joining us now is university of rochester professor steven manly. he worked with annie le and her boyfriend when they were under graduate students on the campus. professor, good morning to you. you worked very closely with both of them. if you,describe what kind of couple were they. how did they get along? >> it's been a couple of year but in my experience they're a beautiful young couple and they seem to get along very very well. both have great personalities and great students. and so my heart goes out to the
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family and to john and i hope that nothing bad has happened. >> when you first heard about this what were your original thoughts? >> i was working out in the gym and i was reading a book and i happened to glance up and sia my reaction was because i saw student missing on the tv my reaction was, god, i hope that's not the annie i though.eugh know. and when i googl it i realized it was. and so my reaction was i hope that there is a happy ending to this. i mean i'm very concerned. >> and what kind of guy was jonathan? >> well, he's a wonderful guy. great personality, very good student. good teacher. and he's in graduate school at columbia, which is a fine school. and of course they take into
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account all his characteristics and grades before admitting him, so he is on one of our stars as is annie. >> did she ever demonstrate any type of personality trait which would lead you to believe that in the days before her wedding she would just up and leave like this? she talked about street smarts in a report. is there anything there that would lead to you believe she'd be capable of doing something like this? >> i'm not one of annie's best friends or anything like that but in my experience she is a dynamo and very responsible and, no, i'd be very surprised if she was a runaway bride. >> did it surprise you when you heard her left her purse, wallet phone, keys all behind? >> not at all. she's working in a lab toerks she's walk to go another building to work over there. when you're in the setting at a university hend closed doors, locked door that's very common thing to do. >> you can just talk to how much
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in love these two were shall? >> i'm probably not the right one to ask. john was a physics major in the department and annie was his girlfriend and she was in one of my classes. so i knew them and they were a bit affixof a fixture around the department and i often saw them together and they always seemed very happy and conversations would always leave a smile on your face. >> professor thank you for taking the time this morning. we appreciate it. and now kate sullivan with more of this morning's headlines. good morning. let's get you caught up on your headlines. a cornell university student has died from complications related to the h1n1 swine flu virus. earlier this morning,hris wragge asked the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases if
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parents who have children away at school should worry. >> this particular flu, this pandemic flu virus that has been circulate management spren a now back in the schools is a virus that's generally a mild disease, but it inspects young individuals and then every once in a while, rarely but it tragically happen, you get someone who gets seriously ill and who dies like that student. and that's the reason why the whole idea of getting the vaccine to people who need it particularly young people and people and others at high risk like pregnant women is very important. >> if i can get a yes or no answer from you. are you more concerned now than you were a month ago? >> no, i'm less concerned because we have a vaccine that works with one dose, which is very good news. >> and some of 9the biggest outbreaks have been in the southwest u.s. president obama is traveling to minnesota for a rally on health care reform. minnesota is considered one of the nation's healthiest states
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and mr. obama will hold it up as an example in his weekly address this morning, the president said about half of all americans under 65 will lose their health coverage at some point over the next decade. the just plans to sit down with talks with iran even if the nation's nuclear program is not discussed. the state department says they see it as an opportunity for a direct dialogue iran's leader for the first time in 0 years. originally president mac mood ahmadinejad said iran wouldn't talk about his nuclear program with world power, but just this morning the foreign minister said the issue might koup after all. and it was another slam dunk for michael jordan. he is you now in basketball's hall of fame pep wiped away tears during friday's induction ceremony if springfield, massachusetts. jordan led the bulls to six nba championships and was named pro baseball's most 1r58able player five times.winner of two olympic
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gold medals and ten nba scoring titles is considered by many the greatest basketball player of all time. good to be meek and he will jorichael jordan, flight time right. >> time now for weather. i'm in one of the world's fastest boats. they can reach over 200 miles an hour. they will be racing on the hudson river this sunday. joining me now captain john heygan. what the fastest you've ever been in a boat? >> 213. it's euphoric. it's smooth. >> i would think it would be bumpy. >> you're netting on to which the waves. >> clearly iteming, but it has to have a danger element to it. have you ever crashed? >> i've crashed a few times, yes. >> is that why we're looking at -- >> braces and everything busted
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up my knee, m back. >> how many bones have you broken? >> 32. >> you can catch the race right here on cbs, it all start this is october. but let's talk about this weather situation right now. low pressure system around the northeast, sole it be a wet day in new york city. wet from southern new england all the way down into portion of the chesapeake bay, the virginia area. the system that came through brought us the rain moving away. mostly cloudy with air quaffs fog late. 60 up tomorrow to 82 degrees with sunshine and big boat race this sunday. good luck to you guys. coming up listen to this.
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>> when we come back a look at family us figures who should have kept their mouths shut when the red light was on on. you're watching "the early show" on cbs 37 ♪ yes, you're lovely... ♪ what do you think? hey, why don't we use our points from chase sapphire and take a break? we can't. sure, we can. the points don't expire... ♪ there is nothing for me... ♪ there's no travel restrictions... we could leave tomorrow. we can't use them for a vacation. you can use the points for just about anything. i know... ♪ the way you look tonight ♪ chase what matters. get your new chase sapphire card at
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cbs. the number one rule in politics is don't say anything even if you're whispering unless you want the entire world to know about it. the curse of the open meek crow phone has now cost a california lemgs late tore his job. and is he hardly the first to be caught saying something private that became oh, so public. hattie cause ofkauffman reports.
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>> reporter: it was during a break at a public hearing. california assemblyman mike duval, a married man known for his stance on family values -- was overheard bragging about an extramarital affair. really bragging. now he's frnler assemblyman mike duval. he resigned a day after the video surfaced. just the latest to learn the lesson. reverend jess is he jackson found out last year when he mutter this had about then kabtd dat bram. when former president ronald reagan was about to give a radio address, this sound check actually went over the rail wayses. >> my fellow american, i'm pleased to tell you today that our signed legislation arrest nomd schwarzenegger was in a speech writing session when
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he said this . even news anchors sometimes for forget the micro phone may not be on. kyra phillips was taking a bathroom when when former president bush was on the air. >> he's married, three kids and his wife is a control freak. >> reporter: the off the cuff marks often lead to an apology. >> i've said in a hot mike a statement and i offerle apology for that. >> reporter: in the assemblyman assemblyman's case it's led to searching for a new job. joining us now is a political blog forethe sacramento b newspaper in california who has been closely following the scandal. good morning. he offered if you would, a christmas gift to his detractors and his enemies there with saying these comments and then being caught on the microphone. what's his reputation like there in california and sacramento and
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are people surprised or not that he said these things? >> he definitely has a reputation for ak conservative, pro family values. at the same time some of the legislator, some of his colleagues we spoke to said that he was known for telling stories, for spinning a yarn and he has also said that his resignation is not an admission that he had an affair or affairs. he has said that his offense was inappropriate story telling. >> i see. and it really has created a ripple effect, not only has he resigned, but it also affected the representative -- assemblyman, i should say, jeff miller. >> yes. miller is the man who is shown in the video who mr. duval was speaking it. pretty soon after the story broke tuesday night, assembly leadership called for an investigation in to the tape and the conduct described on the
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tape because miller was part of that conversation, he's been removed from the ethics committee for the time being. miller has told us that he wasn't really listening at the time. he again said that mr. duval was always telling stories and that the comments at the time even though they were shocking to many people now, didn't really register with him, he was just getting ready for the committee hear to go resume. >> and what do you know about the woman that he was talking about? >> several media outlets have reported that one of the women he refers to in the tape he actually refers to sexual exploits with two women, but they've reported that one of the women was actually a will be biist with a utilities company that did a great deal of robbying on the capitol and also had business in front of the committee that duval sat on. her company has said that she's denied this affair. again, mr. duval has said that
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his resignation is not an admission of an affair. the company has also launched an ethics investigation into the allegations here. but this connection has caused several government reform and government watch dog groups to call for greater rule regular lating the conduct and interaction between lobbyists and lawmakers. >> thank you so much for taking time with us. we appreciate it. chris, you're up next. coming up next stick around as we delve deep into a modern day willy wonka fantasy, the kra crayola factory. we're there to bring all the colors to you. this is humiliating. stand still so we can get an accurate reading. pounds and a smidge.
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a smidge? y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages under 70 pounds. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. cool. you know this scale is off by a good 7, 8 pounds. maybe five. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. my name is chef michael. and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen... so she can watch me cook. you just love the aromas of beef tenderloin...
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and, ooh, rotisserie chicken. yes, you do. [ barks ] yeah. you're so special, you deserve a very special dog food. [ woman ] introducing chef michael's canine creations. the deliciously different way to serve up your love at mealtime. chef-inspired. dog-desired. chef michael's canine creations. town house toppers-- the only cracker with raised edges... to keep dip in its place. town house toppers-- part of the town house family. when it comes to toppings, we've got the edge. town house toppers-- the only cracker with raised edges... to keep dip in its place. town house toppers-- part of the town house family. when it comes to toppings, we've got the edge. [ announcer ] soy has been a part of healthy diets throughout history. in ancient china, soy was such an important food...
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that the emperor declared it sacred. in japan, buddhist monks believed eating soy... was healthier for the body and spirit. for thousands of years cultures around the world... have eaten soy for its health benefits. which is why today we take whole soybeans in their natural state and bake them with fruit into soyjoy. it's hard to imagine childhood without crayons. this fall the company will
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produce 6.6 billion crayons. how it is made it a closely guarded secret. we're talking very closely. so when offered a hichbd scenes tour of their factory, i jumped at the chance and they surprised me. >> we're in the building. it smells like crayons right now. exactly what are we about to see? we'll see molding and labeling and then the collating process and then packing them into our various components. it had is actually a blend of red and our processors will add to this various other dry ingredient, most specifically pigment. >> reporter: how much hundreds of thousands of crayons are we producing a day? >> anywhere up to 14.7 million
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kra on kay crayons per day. >> reporter: how hot is the wax is this. >> that's a proprietary secret but it's very hot. >> reporter: and you can't talk about the smell either. all these trade secrets. >> the robotic arm is dropping the crayo in to here and then it feeds through the labeling process. we wrap our label twice for purposes of strength. >> reporter: am i allowed it grab one shall sn. >> you may. go ahead. >> reporter: treasure off the presses. >> the employees are putting them in the collating process to go into the box. >> reporter: what happened to green blue why did it not end well for green blue? >> as we move through and launch new colors we need to make room for them because we don't increase our size count of our
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boxe we've just developed one called razzle dazzle wrag fwchlt evident and we have a box to present for you, you're in a 64 box with your own special crayon. >> reporter: you can ridding me? can i open this? >> you may. >> reporter: oh, wow. it's a whole box of colors. would you look at this? this is a total surprise. razzle dazzle wragge. i'm flattered. really. this is very very kind of you. look at that. a whole box. my own color. look out, we'll call this 64 pickup. this is great. thank you very much. >> i think this is the perfect color for you. >> look at it folks. everybody here in the crowd, what's your
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she's proven herself to be one of the fastest females so should she have to prove that she is a she? welcome back to the the early show oig. this story has been com naturedominating headlines. also this half hour portugal and spain take manhattan. our chef on a shoestring serves up some mediterranean cuisine and the gatlin brothers are back after 16 years and you can't tell it because they sound so good. >> right here live, second cup cafe action. but first, kate sullivan is at the news desk for us.
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let's get you caught up on on your headlines. president obama travels to wall street monday to talk about the economy. monday marks a year to the day since financial giant lee map brothers collapse lehman brothers collapsed. mr. obama will talk about the steps his economy is take to go try to on get the economy back on on its feet. ♪♪ if. >> remember the music. later gelbart has died. one of the most. uhe lar tv shows ever. he also helped write the movie toots. e and a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. he died of cancer, he was 81 years old. and tom brady going to an daddy again. he confirms he and his wife are expecting their first baby
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together. the baby is due in december just in time for the playoffs. brady also has a child with his ex-girlfriend. these are your headlines. now let's get a check on your forecast. good morning. lots of purple reasons. we have a choir from denmark. the weather, thought giving them a beautiful day here in new york city. low pressure sitting around our area crawling through new york city and the entire tri-state, even the northeast. so what aim talking about? rain from massachusetts stretching all the way down into virginia. a little bit of a break for portions of the southeast and then gulf coast showers and storms will be kicking in big time. some of those could be severe. i will say that the u.s. open here in new york city, that tennis tournament will have a tough time today. we are calling for hit or miss showers. here now an early "look at what's going on for your weaned. óñ(+
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g that's it for weather. let's get inside now. coming up next, the gender bender that's left a champion defending herself off the track. you're watching "the early show" here on cbs. ♪♪
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brother has nothing. but then just like that, caitlin helps him out. i don't need a wall and a piece of chalk to mark the growth of my kids. we can just play monopoly. family moments cost less at walmart. monopoly championship edition and other hasbro games at unbeatable prices. save money. live better. walmart. you look beautiful tonight. allow me. it's tough to reach that five servings a day if you don't always like the taste of vegetables. i'll be right back. ok. good thing v8 v-fusion juice gives you a serving of vegetables hidden by a serving of fruit. v8. what's your number? get a $1.00 coupon for v8 v-fusion juice at
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officials are gathering to try to figure out how to deal with the caster a men i can't controversy this after reports the runner has male and female characteristics. caster has gone into hiding and some fear for the 18-year-old's mental state. mark phillips has this report. >> reporter: caster semenya may be the second most well-known person in south africa these days after nelson mandela. the 18-year-old's emphatic if controversial victory in the women's 800 meter world championship race in berlin last month was accompanied pie the dramatic announcement that she was being tested to see if she really was a woman. now the sports ruling body says the test results are in but it won't release the findings until november. that hasn't stopped unconfirmed reports in the world press that a men kra was found to have both male and female characteristics
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which may explain her deep voice and muscular build. >> it's pretty good to win a gold medal. >> reporter: now the south african government has come to semenya's defense. >> if we were subjected to those test how many of you us would be successful? >> reporter: but it's not a laughing matter. a south african glamour magazine has run a spread showing a fem nized caster semenya claiming she is comfortable with the way she is. the sporting authorities now must decide if they're comfortable enough for semenya to compete in women's races. mark phillips cbs news, lon dan. >> joining us now to talk about these cases is professor emiles per hour tuesday at yale. david, i want to talk with the doctor first. how difficult is case is this?
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these reports that we haven't seen the official report and we're going by what we're hearing in newspaper, how difficult is this? >> from a fell point of view yes, it's difficult because there are a large range of disorders that can cause ambiguity in what we generally think of in a binary fashion. from a ports point of view it's pretty simple because the rules are quite clear. if you're born female raised as a female through puberty, you can compete as a woman athlete. so those are the published rules of both the iaaf and the ioc and i would say it's pretty simple. >> they're making such a huge controversy over this. so it seems like there's more to it. it doesn't seem to be dying down at all. >> well, unfortunately, this case has caught the attention of the worldwide media and
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sensationalized. there have been cases of this sort that have been handled very discreetly in the past. i would say the problem here is the way that this has been handled and is been handled, not necessarily you how the decision should be made or would be made from an athletic point of view. >> there are some using the term hermaphrodite which is no longer the correct term. how do you describe something like this? >> these are birth defects in an area that people are very uncomfortable talking about. it's no different than a child born with a hole in their heart. and there can be differences along a long pathway that leads from the chromosomes to the ultimate expression of what we regard as sex. >> does it give her an
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advantage? >> no more than being 6'2" give as woman an advantage playing volleyball or no more than having a higher percentage of fast twitch fibers in your muscles. so i suppose the ultimate thing we ought to do is do muscle biopsies on athletes and segregate them by those who have a higher percentage of fast twitch fibers. if you carry this on out to its ultimate extreme, you get a little bit ridiculous. >> david, let me bring you in had. you've covered track and field for years. how do you think she's been treated? >> i feel terrible for her. i think most people do. like the doctor said, this isn't an unprecedented case. other cases of sexual ambiguity intersects individuals have handled, but much more discreetly. so i don't think anybody's happy with that. now there are a lot of question
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ps how the south african federation dealt with this when they had questions. there's a coach from the south african federation who recently resigned saying they actually did subject caster to some tests but told her that they were anti-doping tests and didn't tell her anything about sex verification. so it's been handled dismally unfortunately. >> will she be able to keep running? >> nobody knows the answer to that question. at this point it's back as much political as anything else. you have the south african sports minister who said that he thinks disqualifying her would cause a third world war. that's not really i guess the kind of dialogue that seems conducive to helping her and to coming to a conclusion based on the facts. so i think there's a huge political component now that has to factor in the iaaf knows that, so it's really a tough spot and would have been nice to see it handled with more
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discretion. >> david, thank you very much for joining us from chicago. that's david epstein from sports illustrated. doctor thank you very much. we appreciate your time as well. you're going to be jealous, because rustic meets refine. our chef on a shoestring serves it up with a modern flare. don't go away you're watching the "early" on krks. [ woman ] dear cat. gentle cat. your hair mixes with pollen and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden. but now with zyrtec-d® i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec® plus a powerful decongestant. i can breathe freer with zyrtec-d®. so, i'll race you to our favorite chair. i might even let you win. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe easier so i can love the air™. zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed.
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ñfñç1@ get ready, spice is a way of life for this week's chef on a shoestring. his chic new restaurant takes traditional fare and serves it with a modern twist. we challenged him to prepare a
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three course meal for under $35. can he do it? we'll find out. chef george welcome. so glad to have you here. and it smells good already. so let's tell everybody what are we cooking? >> a tomato bread salad. and a chicken rice with musclessels and peas. and then summer peaches have vanilla yogurt. >> it sounds so godod. let's start off with the salad. >> we'll add some toasted country bread. red beef steak tomatoes. extra virgin olive oil. >> we're sort of at the end of the tomato season right? >> this is the best time of the
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year. full of flavor. and of course pepper. >> these look so red. do you want to be careful about how firm or how soft? >> you want a nice juicy red toe meat toe. >> how is my stirring? >> keep going. >> is this award winning stir something. >> nice action going. and then we have the olive ss. >> i'm going to let you plate it. >> you can do it. >> can i just pour it out? >> just future on the plate. >> all right. we'll do it like this. i don't know when i'm channeling. >> there you go. lovely. look how bright red and beautiful it is. >> that looks so good. as i'm tasting, let's move on to the main court. >> we a chicken golden broup on each side. we started it earlier. >> it's almostly politically incorrect to use chicken thighs
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because it's dark meat. >> they hold their tenderness and flavor and juiciness while they're in the oven cooking with the rice. so you have these golden brown on each side. some onions going in to the pan, garlic bay leaf and parsley. get that cook. >> if you're a lazy chef can you use dried some. >> no could being is fun, it's exciting. can't be lazy. so you get that cooking. we'll add smoked paprika.
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this is the soul of the dish. our chicken goes back in. and now we have nice chicken stock. >> is this a dish that your mom or your grandmother cooked? >> mom, dad, my sister we ate it almost every day. three times a week was arise dish with chicken or rabbit or fish. so we'll let that cook for about eight minutes. to that we'll add the rice. what i love about this this is hm like soul food, comfort food about. >> this is very comfortable, but it's also year-round. but definitely something teat in front of the fireplace. >> soness would the rice cooks -- >> that goes in to the oven. at the very end we add mussels, peas -- >> and then is what we have. >> look at that. >> so i always cook it without
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the cover because then you get a nice crispiness around the edges. they'll. open when they're done. >> a couple seconds, a beautiful peach desert, just tellsert. just tell us about it. >> summer peaches with vanilla yogurt. >> so we have all of our ingredients here. took is $32.49. way under your $35. >> look at that. >> number two on the leader board. congratulations. >> the question it, is it slap your mama good like you said? >> if you'd like the go to our,
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is it slap your mama good like you said? >> if you'd like the full recipe, go to our website., is it slap your mama good like you said? >> if you'd like the full recipe, go to our website. >> guess what? up next a super group salutes a legend. gatlin brothers salute johnny cash with their first single in 16 years. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] new swiffer wet mopping cloths clean so deep...'s like your old mop's worst nightmare. ♪ ♪ [ thunder crashes ] [ man ] love stinks. ♪ love stinks! ♪ ♪ yeah! yeah! ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer wet cloths clean better than a mop with new cleansers that attract dirt deep into the cloth and lock it away. new swiffer wet cloths clean better, or your money back. ♪ love stinks! ♪ goodwrench... we roll out the blue carpet for drivers of these great gm brands. we can do the small things
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the running joke was the humidity was going to take hold. >> my hair my hair? >> the only reason it isn't look like an afro is half a can of hairspray on it. >> tomorrow president obama talks about the next stage in his fight for health care reform. >> plus early next saturday, a fall fashion primer how to tell what colors are perfect for you. >> we leave you now, though with the gatlin brothers.
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so excited to have them here today. here is their latest single, general johnny cash is dead and his house burned down. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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