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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  September 14, 2009 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring tragic end. the apparent remains of a ring missing yale student discovered on what would have been her no carrier ring wedding no carrier ring no c day. >> we have ring been no carrier ring no car in contact with family members of annie le no car and our sympathies go out > it ring to the family at this time. no carrier lessons learned? president obama goes to ri wall street a year after the financial collapse that brought the economy to no the brink. ring no carrier and, oh, no, he didn't. kanye west ring no carrier ruins the m it tv no car awards for taylor swift. >> i'm really happy for you, i'll let you finish, but no carrier beyonce had one of the no car best videos > ring no carrier of all-time. no carrier >> this is the ring "cbs morning news" for monday, september 14th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier good morning and > ring no carrier thanks for joining us, i'm michelle gielan. the search for no car a missing yale graduate student is now a ring homicide
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investigation. on the day annie le was supposed to get ring married, a body no carri believed to be herself was discovered on ri the yale no carrier ring campus. susan raff of our hartford station has > ring no carrier details. >> ring state no carrier police western ring district, major crime squad, located the no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier remains of a human within a wall inside the building at number 10 no carrier no carrier amistad street. >> reporter: while the remains have not been positively ring identified police believe they are the no carri remains of 24 why would annie le who has been missing no carrier since last tuesday. over the ring weekend, police found no carrier bloody ring no carrier clothing inside a drop ceiling at ring a yale lab on no carrier ring amistad street in no carrier new no chaven. > ring le was a yale medical sfunt who worked at the ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring lab. yale president, rich no carrier ring no carrier and you had levin. >> and you are hearts go out to the family of annie no carrile to her > fiance, to her friends. >> reporter: no carrier surveillance cameras show le ring coming to woke and people saw her, but there
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were no pictures of her rileaving. the search even brought police and the fbi ring no carrier to hartford to a trash ring facility. here investigators sifted through garbage ring no carrier no carrier dumpsters that were taken from the lab and produce the here. > le was going to be ring married on sunday in new york. no her disappearance stunned the yale ring no carrier community. and many here were concerned about their no carrier own ring no carrier safety. ring >> there are serious no concerns. parents are calling in ring checking are you safe. frn's just no carrier no carrier making sure that not > alone late at night. >> reporter: perhaps the no carrier biggest question still not ri answered is who did this. and do no police have a risuspect. that is one no carrier question police are ring not no carrier answering and their ri investigation continues. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > susan ring no carrier raff, cbs news, new haven connecticut. osama bin laden says president obama is powerless to stop the war in ring no carrier ring afghanistan. the new message no carrier purportedly ri from the al queda leader is no carri directed to the american people. it was released on an ring islamic website yesterday.
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the voice blames the september 11th attacks on u.s. support for israel p. it also says the > war in afghanistan is ring not necessary no c for u.s. security and promises a ring war of no carrier ring attrition unless the u.s. no c withdraws. it was one ring year ago today that financial giant no carrier lehman brothers collapsed. part of a financial no carrier ring crisis that rocked this country and the trig foresweeping government intervention in the financial no carrier > markets. today president obama heads to on ring wall street to push his no c overhaul plans and whitt johnson is in ring washington with more. no carrier whitt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. government spending is the highest it's been since ring world war ii. that spending has been hotly ring debated, but president obama today is expected no carrier to lay out his plans ring no carrier no carrier to > scale back. ring president obama heads to wall street today no car to outline his strategy for ring no car preventing another financial meltdown. >> when ring i walked in the ring banking system the no carrier ring financial system was on the verge no carri of collapse. rfs it was one year ago this week the nation's fourth no carrier largest in-vement bank no carrier lehman brother, was on the brink of > failure. ring after
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rescues no carrier fannie mae and ring no carrier ring freddie mac and no carri bear stearns, the federal government decided it ring would not bail out no carrier ring lehman. the ring no carrier collapse set off a catastrophic chain of events. credit locked up the unemployment rate doubled to > nearly ring 10%, and financial no carrier markets tanked. >> frankly, people were no carrier frightened. we had never seen anything like ring no carrier ring that. >> reporter: the president is expected to use no carrier lehman brothers as a prime example of ring why no banks need tighter government ring regulations. he's urged congress to pass legislation for months. today he's expected to tell them stop stalling and ring get it no cdone. the president will also talk about the steps ri his no carrier administration has taken ring to stabilize the volatile economy. >> ri i've no carrier essentially taken the program that was ring voted on no carrier by ring the previous congress no carrier supported by the previous republican president, and we've made it work. >> reporter: but making it work has come > ring with a price. >> the no carrier structure ring no carrier ri of wall street itself has changed traumatic traumatically. merrill lynch no car doesn't exist as an independent company
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anymore. >> reporter: the white house hope it is can eventually scale back its role in the financial no carrier sector. >> president doesn't want to be somebody who runs auto companies ring no carrier ring or bails out banks. >> reporter: it won't just be up to the government to fend off another economic crisis. president obama is counting on on the financial sector ring to no car support his proposal and no carrier ring keep itself honest. and in our current no carrier recession, ring the federal government is now no c financing nine out of ten ring mortgages in the no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier u.s. ring on no c the cbs "moneywatch," stock ring markets took some big no carrier losses. ross pa lum bow is here no carrier with more. >> reporter: good morning. most asian markets restreeted with tokyo's benchmark nikkei sliding more than 2% as the dollar remained weak > against the yen. analysts say the market is no c jittery as ri investors a wait more no carrier clues about the ring global economy. china this morning says it's no carrier investigating complaints that ring subsidized american chicken products are being dumped in to its markets. the u.s. and china have recently no carrier
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traded allegations of no carrier > protectionism. friday president obama approved new taxes on no carrier chinese tires no carrier upsetting that country's financial leaders. wall street is hoping the president brings some much no carrier needed uplifting news with him as he no carri visits wall street today. this after ring the no carrier markets' ring five day winning streak ended on friday. the dow dropped 22 no carrier > riappointments the nasdaq dipped three. good news no car is expected from ring retailers this week. no carrier ring no carrier investors are awaiting new retail sales no carri reports and ring analysts are no carrier expecting ring a small bounce. you can no carri already feel more confident at the pumps, no c > ring though.lundberg survey says the achblg price no carri for a gallon of gas is down about a nickel from three weeks ago go to no carrier ring $2.59. st. louis has no carrier the ring cheapest gas, a anchorage has the ring no carrier highest. this ring no carrier no carrier home next to president obama's > ring no carrier ring chicago residence is up for no csale 6,000 ring no carrier ring square feet with 17 rooms and eight no carrier bedrooms and ring no
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you can see the bam home from the dining room. the provides, 1.5 nomld. far from that financial reality, no carrier disney has just announced a > ri major expansion of no disney world hoping no carrier ring to increase tourism, the theme park will undergo ring no carrier its biggest buildup in hits history. workers will no carrier ring double the size of fantasy no carrier land and include a > lavish new ride ring based on the little no carrier ring no carriermermaid. and today is national boss/employee ring no carrier ring exchange day in which boss and subordinates are supposed to change places. so the big question michelle is who going to be ring making a surprise appearance later in the show in anyone in your place? >> we'll no carrier ring have to ask our broadcast producer chris no carrier > ring no carrier ring russell, ring but i don't know if i can jump into his job. all right i think you could handle it. >> ross no carrier thanks. and just ahead ring on the "morning news," the battle over health care reform hits no c the ring no c streets. plus rude ring rapper. no carrier kanye west rains on no c taylor swift's parade at the mtv awards. first, katie no carri couric has a repru of tonight's cbs evening news.
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the market no carrier meltdown one year later after the ri most definite investigation say thing financial collapse in years. where do we stand in and are we ri doing enough to ensure it no carrier doesn't happen again? in an ring exclusive interview, i'll speak with no carri treasury secretary timothy geithner as our special ring no carrier series no carrier > ring no carrier ri begins tonight only on the cbs eefg"cbs evening news"." probably a lot like you. no carrier but i like what i found. i think you will too. ring no carrier ring car for car, when compared to the competition, no carrier ring no carrier ring we win. simple as that. no carrier no carri i just know if you get into one of our cars, > ring you're gonna like what you see. no carrier so we're putting our money where our mouth is. ring no carrier buy a new chevy, buick, gmc or cadillac ring no carrier ring no car and if you are not 100% happy ring return it. we'll take it back. no carrier that's our new 60-day satisfaction guarantee. ring no carrier no carrier > and as always you'll get our 100,000-mile, ring no carrier ring no carrier 5-year powertrain warranty on every vehicle. ring no carrier ring that's how strongly we feel about our cars. no carrier and how committed we are to you. no carrier ring so put us to the test-- no c put us
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up against anyone and may the best car win. no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring my name is chef michael. and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen... ring no carrier so she can watch me cook. ring you just love the aromas of beef tenderloin... no carrier ring no carrier and, ooh, rotisserie chicken. ring no carrier ring yes, you do. no carrier no carrier [ barks ] yeah. > you're so special, you deserve a very special dog food. ring no carrier ring [ woman ] introducing chef michael's canine creations. no carrier ring the deliciously different way to serve up your love at mealtime. no carrier ring no carrier ring chef-inspired. dog-desired. no carrier ring no chef michael's canine creations. no carrier > ring no carrier ring you look beautiful tonight. no carrier allow me. ring no carri ring no carrier ring it's tough to reach that five servings a day no carrier ring if you don't always like the taste of vegetables. no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ri i'll be right back. no carrier ok. ring good thing v8 v-fusion juice gives you a serving no carrier ring
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no carrier ring of vegetables hidden by a serving of fruit. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring v8. what's your number? no carrier get a $1.00 coupon for v8 v-fusion juice at ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring at last no c night's mtv ri video muz ib awards, everyone no was ring talking about the moment that no carrier overshadowed the honor for the best female ring video of the no year for 19-year-old country singer ring no carrier ring taylor swift. get this kanye west got up on stage, interrupting taylor's acceptance speech, to say > that ring beyonce really should have no carrier ring won the award. no car >> i'm really happy for you, i'll let you finish but beyonce had one of the best videos ring no carrier ring no carrier ring of no carrier all-time. one of the best no carrier videos > of ri all-time. >> how is this for irony in no carrier later ring no carrier
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beyonce beat ring no carrier ring kanye for best video of the year ring and brought taylor no carrier swift ring back up to no carrier complete her no acceptance speech. once called the > best poet of his generation no carrier writer and ring punk no carrier ring rocker jim carroll has no carrier ring no carrier died. he wrote the basketball diaries published in 1978 ring a memoir of carroll's youth in new york city that was made into a no carrier movie no carrier > ring no carrier starring lee nard dough di caprio. he died of a heart at that time tack. he was 06 years old about. >> the battle over no carri health care reform could be near an ring end. the so-called gang of six, three senators from each party are ring working on on a compromise plan that might be able to pass congress but protestors ring on both sides took to the streets this weekend to no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring have their say. no carrier >> reporter: americans ring gathered in washington to show their support for no carrier health care reform. >> i'm a nurse and i work in a hospital that serves the no carrier underserved. and ring i see every day, no carrier you know, the negative ri effects of no carrier people who don't have health care.
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>> reporter: the rally was no carrier a far cry from ring saturday's no anti-big ri government march at the capitol. no democrats have gone on the ri offensive, down playing the president's desire no c to ring no carrier have a ghoechlt-run health insurance ring plan, the so-called public option. >> the public option is a means to an end, but it is not all of health care. no c >> there is more than one way to skin that cat. no >> reporter: the obama > administration also made it clear the public option would not be no used to pay for ring no c abortions. regardless republicans ring insist the public option must be no carrier removed. >> there is no way ring to pass a plan that no carrier includes a public option, so i think ri it's no recognizing that because it is a road ring block. >> reporter: vice president joe biden says he believes there no c will be a health care reform bill by no carrier thanksgiving. > and says there is ri an emerging bipartisan ring consensus for change despite all the no fighting over ring no carri details. the president recognizes the ring debate has been exhausting and many americans still no car have a hard time ring believing the country can afford no carrier to provide for ring the $45 million no carri uninsured. >> the only no carrier > ring
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no carrier way i can get ring no carrier medium and long no carrier term federal no carrier spending under control is if ring we come something about no carrier health care. >> reporter: the president has vowed he will not sign anything that raises the national no carrier no carrier > deficit. man well guy and i gus, rbs no c news new york. straight ahead, your monday morning weather. and in sport, roger federer makes an amazing shot to advance to the finals at the u.s. open. ring chili's triple dipper dinner. no carrier choose your three dippable favorites ring like our chicken crisper bites no c big mouth bites, and classic southwestern egg rolls. ring no carrier nine craveable options to choose from. ring build your perfect meal, only $9.99. no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no c light & fit has 80 calories no carrier versus 100 in the other leading brand ring no carrier and a taste you'll find... ring no carrier ring [sluuurrrrpppp!] no carrier no carrier > ring irresistible. no carrier ring light & fit. no carrier great taste, fewer calories. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring whatcha doing, little bite? trying to be big like you, dad. you're so good at keeping everyone full and focused with your fiber. ring no carrier no carrier > ring but you already are great at doing that.
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no carrier ring - really? - sure! you're made with fiber just like me. but best of all, you're the perfect size for smaller kids ring no carrier ring and they love your chocolaty taste. kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats little bites™ cereal. ring an excellent source of fiber packed in a smaller size... no carrier to help keep your little ones full and focused. no carrier - now where you going? - to practice keeping 'em full and focused. no carrier > ring no carrier i have big shoes to fill. ring no carrier no carrier my digestive system didn't always behave. ring no carrier ring no car whatever i did my digestive upsets came back. ring no carrier no carrier > ring but then came align. no carrier ring only align contains bifantis no carrier a patented probiotic. it promotes a healthier digestive system ri helping to restore my natural balance no carrier with ongoing probiotic protection. ring no carrier align brings peace to my digestive system ring no carrier no carrier > and to me. ring try align and discover a world of digestive peace. no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring here's a look at the weather
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in some cities ring no car around the country. new york sunny and pleasant no carri 80. miami, 89. chicago, partly cloudy 81. > ring denver no82. los angeles, sunny ring no carrier ring no carrier ring and no carrier 74. time for a ring check on the national forecast. the no carrier ring no carri latest satellite picture shows that skies no carrier > ring are gray over much of the pacific coast and it's still cloudy over the southern plains and mississippi valley. later ring today, thunderstorms will dump more heavy rain over much of the south. many ring locations will receive another one to three inches. but it should be a pleasant an from the no c mid-atlantic to the ring upper midwest. in no carsports ri roger no carrier federer no carrier goes for a > ring sixth straight u.s. open ring no carrier title today. he beat djokovic ring in straight no carrier sets yesterday including a between the legs shot that he says is the best no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier he's ever made. no kim > clijsters ring won her no carrier second u.s. open ring title beating no carrier wozniacki and serena ring williams has been no carrier
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ring no carrier fined $10,000 for her ring angry without burst at an official which ended no c her match saturday. on the opening weekend of the nfl season a no carrier dramatic finish to the league's oldest > ri rooiflry .green bay's aaron no carrier ring no carrier rogers ri threw a sweet 50-yard no carrier ri touchdown pass to greg jennings and the no carrier packers beat the chicago bears ring no carri21-15. brett favre was a no carri winner in his first game for > ring minnesota. he threw one no car td pass and adrian pettersson ran for three more as the no carri vikings beat the cleveland browns no carrier ring 34-20. in golf no carrier tiger woods ring got his sixth no carrier tournament victory ring no carrier of the year winning the no cbmw > championship by eight ring shots. no carrier and in ring baseball no carrier seattle's ring suzuki became the first no player in major league ring history with at least 200 ring hits in in nine straight soaps. he passed no carrier ring no carrier hall of famer would he no carrier > willie ring dealer whose record stood for more than 100 no carrier ring no carrier years. when we return, another look at this
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ring morning's top stories and ballot bunk no car link. a ri closer look at the vote counting in afghanistan's presidential election. no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring wóogovwvovwwwv no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring noçñçñ no c > ring ñi no carrier ring no carri ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier so, what's the problem? these are hot. we're shipping 'em everywhere. ring but we can't predict our shipping costs. no carrier dallas. detroit. different rates. > ring well with us, it's the same flat rate. no carrier ring same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. no carrier alabama. alaska? ri with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. no carrier ring no carrier if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier dude's good. ring dude's real good. no carrier dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. ring
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no carrier ring a simpler way to ship. ring
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no carrier ring no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring on the cbs morning news here's a look at today's weather. periods of heavy ring rain will continue to swamp much of the deep south. tomorrow looks to be wet too. no car it will be nice across the ring no carrier midwest and plains and stormy around the rockies. no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ri here's another look no carri at this morning's top stories. police say ring they believe they found the body of ring missing yale graduate student annie l event. the body was ring no carrier discovered yesterday in the wauflt building where le worked ring and where she was last no carrier seen. and president obama discusses financial reform on > ring wall street this afternoon. it was one no carrier year ago today that no car lehman brothers collapsed. a missile apparently fired from an no carrier ri unmanned u.s. no carrier
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ring aircraft hit a car in pakistan no this morning. the drone attack near the border with afghanistan ri killed at least four people. according to no carrier pakistani intelligence officials. the u.s. has > ring launched more than 50 air strikes aimed no carrier at ring suspected terrorist targets in the area no carrier since last ringyear. the new no carrier u.s. strategy in afghanistan could be undermined by no carrier ring no c last month's presidential elections. there's still no ring resolution. a recount is under noway. and the no carrier > challenger is ring calling for no carrier a criminal investigation. mindy no carrier ri clarke reports. no carri >> reporter: the afghan elections were expected to ring no carrier be a battle between president hamid karzai no carrier ring and no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring the no carrier ring former foreign minute ter abu today abdullah. increasingly it's become a standoff between karzai and the international community. back on election day, u.s. ring officials called the afghan vote a success in the face of ring taliban no carrier intimidation. but ring no carrier now it's no carri becoming an > ring embarrassment as evidence no carrier of mass voter fraud melts. no carri international monitors are
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calling for ri a recount and no carrier have already asked for nearly 30,000 ring votes to no be examined with many ring more expected. we went no to see election officials ri counting the vote. they assured us no c they had already set aside no carrier thousands of questionable balance > hots putting them no car a locked ring quarantine room. but when we looked inside no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier we found ringnothing. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier how come ring it says quarantine boxes and no there's nothing there? did you ever have ring no carrier any in there? >> yeah, ring no but we submit them. >> reporter: we were taken to ring a warehouse full of ballot ring boxes yet when pressed, no carrier officialsed a meted these weren't the no carrier quarantine boxes either. then the story no carrier > changed ri entirely. suspect no carrier votes were not ring no carrier quarantined. we were told, but ring entered in a no carrier computer ringsystem. the election commission says a recount could take no months but in ring reality, that's no carrier availed threat because the longer they delay, the ring harder it will be to hold a second round no of voting no carrier
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> ring this fall. >> when we are talk building this political crisis in ri afghanistan, al queda and the taliban leadership no carrier are still ring active. they are probably planning more terrorist attacks not only in afghanistan, but ring probably in the united states. >> reporter: this is not the battle ring president obama wanted no carrier to fight in afghanistan. and it could threaten the no carri success of the new u.s. no carrier > strategy here. mandy clarke, cbs no carrier ring nonews can be bull. and do you remember that iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at president obama? he's expected to get on you of jail ring tomorrow. it was last december during a news conference this baghdad that the reporter ring hurled his no shoes and insults at the president. he served nine months of a three year sentence and plans no carrier to return > to work as a no carrier television reporter. this morning on ring no carrier "the early show," u.s. open women's champ kim no carrier ring clijsters. i'm michelle gielan and this is the "cbs morning news." no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring
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no carri light & fit has 80 calories ring versus 100 in the other leading brand no carrier no carrier and a taste you'll find... ring no carrier ring [sluuurrrrpppp!] no carrier ring no carrier irresistible. ring no carrier light & fit. great taste, fewer calories. no carrier ring no carrier no pollen. when i really liked to be outside, i did not like suffering from nasal allergy symptoms like congestion. ring no carrier ri but nasonex relief may i say... no carrier ring bee-utiful! no c ring prescription nasonex is proven no carrier to help relieve indoor and outdoor ring nasal allergy symptoms like congestion, runny no car and itchy nose and sneezing. ring (announcer) side effects were generally mild and included headache. viral infection, no carrier sore throat, nosebleeds and coughing. no c ask your doctor about symptom relief with nasonex. > ring and save up to $15 off your refills. ring no carrier go to for details, terms and conditions. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring
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no carrier
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in the news this morning: a perfect start. a new bomb shell: why constellation energy could scrap plans to build a third nuclear reactor. >> i'm really happy for you i'll let you finish, but beyonce had one of the west videos of all time. >> what kanye west is saying
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this morning. more news: first traffic report and news of the week in a couple minutes. [ woman ] ♪ early light breaks through ♪ [ sniffs ] ♪ music and dance ♪ ♪ calling you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ ♪ is folgers in your cup ♪
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hello again. in 25 seconds it'll be 5:00. m&t, the ravens got their season opening win yesterday. joe flacco had the best game of his career. sharon will have traffic marty's in first morning weather. >> flacco had the best game of any quarterback in the history of the ravens. if he didn't, it's


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