tv Eyewitness News at 5 CBS September 18, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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logan village shopping center area that are affected. there's at least three streets. and it looks to me, by just eye -- eyeballing it, maybe 100 houses or more could be affected by this rising water. the police say the water at this point, still is rising. so they have called rescue crews from the cockeysville area. swift water rescue teams are en route to the team. they have divers, both police and fire, en route to the scene. at this point, we know of no significant injuries, although we have had several people that had to be rescued from this deep water. this water is more than three or four feet deep, waist deep, according to the police officers. throughout several streets in the logan village area. again, no reports of injuries. but we've got police helicopters here. we've got boats here. we have -- they continue to bring more equipment to the scene. again, no reports of injuries. thank god. but this is a very, very
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significant water break. water main break. and potential flooding to several homes in the area. we'll stay on top of this situation and keep you updated as we continue to gather information. back to you. >> fair enough. complete coverage continues now with sharon gibala, live at wjz traffic control. sharon? >> reporter: good afternoon, everyone. obviously following this issue as well. a very serious problem there in dundalk. let's take another live picture from sky eye chopper 13. that pretty much says it all. all of the streets are completely flooded in the dundalk area. that's going to be in the area of dun haven. the area of groping highway-- groaning highway at maryland. some other areas affected are dundalk, logan view. courtly road, with waist-deep water there. the logan view shopping center is completely flooded. as far as the neighborhood south. this is one of those things that you want to remind people, you don't want to drive in any high water. you could get stuck.
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could ruin your car. it's definitely an area to be avoided completely. police are, as captain mike perry said, evacuating the neighborhood. we're going to keep you updated on this. unfortunately, we can't really give you alternates at this point. it is a residential neighborhood. and most of these streets are completely flooded. we'll give you complete updates every 15 minutes, probably. back to you guys. all right, sharon. thank you. complete coverage continues with captain mike perry. mike? >> reporter: yeah, i want to reiterate, to help sharon out a bit. i was spitting these streets out quickly that we make sure we have them. burning highway is the main source of where this water main break has occurred. maryland transportation authority police have burned a highway between 695 and the dundalk marine terminal. nothing can move north or south from that area. dundalk avenue is closed from just north of logan village shopping center. all the way down to near turners station. or near sowers point road. police have that road closed.
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we do have dun haven road closed. mcshane way, the lower end of mcshane way closed. logan view drive. and a -- and not cordially, it's court way. now, court way is where this is escaping from the logan village shopping center. and literally running down the street in anker -- an easterly direction. this water is coming quickly that the sewer lines or where the storm water overflow is, cannot handle this. and that's why it's backing into people's yards, into their houses. and submerging their vehicles at this point. they do have rescue equipment, like we said, en route to the scene. but at the same at this point, there are no injuries reported. this is going to last well into the evening. we just did get confirmation from a source here locally. that some of the power and gas has been shut off behind the logan village shopping center. we don't know that everyone's power and gas has been shut off.
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if you are affected by water coming into your home, you want to stay aplay, away from electrical -- stay away from electrical appliances. and use a cell phone to get assistance. they do not want you to wade out in this water. they do not want to have to rescue you. >> captain mike perry reporting live. we will obviously check in with mike momentarily. wjz is always on. check in with eyewitness news for complete coverage of the massive water main break. for instant updates, go to the samurai sword incident. wjz has learned the decision on charges could take months, in fact. police were back at the scene today. mike hellgren has the latest. >> reporter: investigators say it started when a neighbor reported suspicious activity. johns hopkins security responded to an off-campus rental house. and left when they found nothing.
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police say 20-year-old john pontalillo and his friends were not satisfied when security didn't find anyone. so they went searching and found the suspect. >> the student struck the suspect after the suspect lunged at him, kind of forced him against the wall of the garage. >> reporter: police say pontalillo raised his sword, asked rice to stay, told his roommates to call police. >> spoke to homicide detectives yesterday. and they do not believe there was criminal incident here. -- intent here. but again, that's up to the state's attorney to decide. >> it takes about 30 days for the papers to make its way through the office for a thorough review. >> reporter: for spokeswoman margaret burns says every year, the office gets an average of 12 similar cases. wjz investigated, finding most of the deaths are ruled justified. the medical examiner's report alone, critical to the case,
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will take a month to complete. >> this is just me and the deputies as well as the chief of homicide, need to review the important details. >> reporter: rice's sister told wjz, charges should be filed. >> the police was there on the scene. so there was no need for this young man to kill him. so my family is definitely devastated. >> reporter: that was mike hellgren, reporting. coming up at 6:00, the new fundraising efforts to pay for the student's legal bills. it is fundraising friday. and fans are revved up. right now, the team is on its way to san diego. wjz is live in federal hill. jessica kartalija has more on the ravens' pep rally, with fans that will be rooting from afar. jess? >> reporter: that's exactly right, sally. we are just outside of severna corvino. it means black raven. it is a new hot spot here in federal hill. of course, all the talk about the ravens and their road trip to san diego.
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>> reporter: all eyes on the ravens this weekend. in columbia, fans snap photos with cheerleaders. >> defense! >> reporter: a pregame pep rally. >> it's pep friday. everyone comes excited. >> i'm a big fan. and guess who is my quarterback. >> reporter: as the team prepares to head west to san diego. >> i'm really, really excited. i really hope we pull out another win this week. >> reporter: the bottom line is the focus on what we do. and do what we do best. and that's what we'll do. and as long as we do, i think we'll be successful. >> reporter: in baltimore. >> go, ravens. >> reporter: ravens fans make final pregame prep. >> prior to game day, we always get a ravens block. we're in maryland. we all paint our face, get geared up, have our clothes on, have our extra clothes on. come to every ravens rally. every purple friday. and we're always ready to start. let's go, ravens. >> first, i have a bunch of munchies for your game.
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and all of my family comes over to my house to turn on the tv. and we're set for a couple of hours. >> reporter: chargers are a slight favorite at 3 points. but no question, the birds can beat those bolts. >> i just think the world, you always got your advantages for playing at home. but there's a lot of advantages to playing at home as well. >> reporter: now, there are still about 2500 tickets left in san diego. sally, you still have time to hop on a plane and head on out to california. if you want to see the ravens beat the chargers, or, of course, you can just always head out here to federal hill, where no doubt, it will be packed with ravens fans. live in federal hill, i'm jessica kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> thanks, jez. right now -- jess. right now, the ravens are on their way to san diego. you did see them take -- can see them take on the chargers, exclusively sunday at 4:00.
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let's go back to the breaking news out of dundalk. and the big water main break. let's go to captain mike perry with more. mike? >> reporter: hello, kai. you're hooking at -- looking at the main source of this water main break. this large volume water main broke underneath a burning highway. and has run out, collapsed burning highway. and run out onto dundalk avenue, in front of the logan village shopping center. it quickly flooded dundalk avenue. flooded the logan village shopping center. and has moved into the nearby neighborhood. again we'll go through the roads. we have dun haven road. which is closed. the lower end. mcshane way is closed. the lower end of mcshane way. and logan view drive is closed. police are considering this a life-threatening situation. they are concerned about not only the rising water, but the possibility of electric accusation
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-- electrocution of the water running into these rinszs -- residences. they're concerned if the water continues to rise. they say the water along court way, which is the little road that runs out of the back of logan village shopping center is waist deep at this point. they have law enforcement officers down there. several police cars, we understand, have been disabled. because officers trying to assist residents. their cars have been overcome by water. they have -- baltimore county has activated its emergency management system. they are trying to desebrate -- desperately get someone from the water department to shut this water off. because the supervisor that was flying around was reiterating to try to commute to the water -- communicate to the water department of how serious an issue this really is. this, i would consider, a life- threatening water main break, similar in nature to the one we covered down in washington, d.c., when the water was
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rushing down the road and sweeping people off the highway. in this situation, it's not sweeping cars off the road. but as you see, water intrusion into these houses, that some have electricity. some do not. it's a potentially life- threatening situation. police are concerned. they have rescue personnel from the swift water rescue team in the cockeysville area that are en route here. they have police divers on the scene. they have police although -- they have fire divers also on the scene. so far, we have no reports of any significant injury. but we do have significant property damage. and the water appears, if it's not rising, it's at least staying the same at this point. and it's affecting at least 100 houses or so in the dundalk area. we'll stay on top of the story, keep you updated as we gather information. back to you. >> thank you, captain mike perry. report being live. we're going to go live now to weijia jiang, who is more on the road. weijia, what do you see from
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your vantage point? >> reporter: well, kai, we just got here, really about two minutes ago. and everything is blacked out. i am looking at everything on the ground. it is absolutely unbelievable. we have covered several significant water main breaks, of course the most significant being river road in mont gomry county. this looks just like that. there is white water, rushing down the road. the community is completely impacted. right now, we know that the logan village shopping center is completely flooded. we cannot see any cars right now, because police again have everything brocked you -- blocked off. but from what we can see, this has been just unbelievable for people. they are here. and again, we are keeping a very close eye on the water. we will go right now to try to get as close as we can, and bring you live pictures as close as we can. but kai, this really is incredible. as i'm sure you've seen from the chopper. >> sally here. it's 13 minutes after 5:00 on a friday. normally a rush hour. how did you get there so
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quickly? and how much is the traffic around there. just come to a grinding halt. in terms of being able to get through the neighborhood now? >> reporter: right. as far as we see right now, because police have so much blocked up. we have access. they let us through. but there is certainly a backup close by. and with all of the emergency lights and different crews, i think people are aware that something major is going on. and so police are very careful. they keep them as far away as possible. lots of detours going on. as police said when we arrived, it is absolutely chaotic. they are urging everybody to stay away from this area. because they, themselves, are trying to get it under control. weijia, looking at this situation, when we saw this video from mike perry's live shot, this is still more of it. but we didn't see a lot of people outside. and that might speak to people heeding the warning to stay indoors. have you encountered anyone so far? and any comments from those who live in that area? >> well, just walking toward the road, a lot of people who
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do live here say, oh, my goodness, i can't believe it. but do you see the water? because they have never seen anything like this. just like we haven't. and again, because we can't really get to the main portion of the road, we're still on the edge here, we don't really know what is going on. all i can tell you is that the water is gushing, very fast. it almost looks like white water that you would see if you were to go white water rafting. this water is just incredible. on a main street. so again, it's just taking everybody by surprise. and people -- i think find it hard to believe when they do look at this road. >> interesting. weijia, you know what, you mentioned the montgomery county situation, river road. i know you covered that story. and in that instance, it was really deadly, because each people in their car were in danger of serious things happening. and for people here, mike got some folks wading through the water. which is extremely dangerous. because you never know what is beneath your feet. >> or the power lines. >> or the power lines.
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and in this situation, weijia, i guess the water is shut off. but i guess the other big problem is, they have to wait for the water to recede, right? >> reporter: absolutely. they're going to of to -- to have to first determine where the break came from. and turn off the valves and make sure they can get to the problem and wait for everything to clear up. it's going to be a long road ahead, kai. when that happened in mont montgomery county, it took at least a week to clear everything up. so they could trigger what happened. for now, of course their top priority is making sure everyone is safe. and i don't think it is as drastic as it was. because those pictures from montgomery county were unbelievable. because there were water rescues. right now, we are hearing that some cars are trapped in the water rising. of course, we don't know the details about how serious that is. but i don't think it is as serious as it was then. because that was, you know, extremely dangerous. a few months ago in december. >> did you get any sense at all that the water levels are diminishing.
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or is it the same? or getting worse? >> as we're looking at it, it's looking like it's at least staying the same. i do know when we got here, the officer on scene said please, do not try to park anywhere close to the roads. because we feel like the water is rising. so i think that all of the officials here and there are so many of them, are still trying to understand how serious this is, if the water is rising. if there is any chance of it going down. but from what we're seeing right here, it doesn't seem like it's going down right now. it seems like it's just growing speed. because it really is gushing toward us. so right now, there are a lot of unanswered questions. as more and more crews get to the scene and try to get a look at what happened. >> all right, weijia. thank you. weijia jiang reporting. and folks, i have something here that needs to be said. because mike is going to say this. please, do not go out in this water. we do not want to put you on the news because you have been injured or even worse yet, a fatality. this is nothing to play around
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with, it's not funny, nothing to sightsee with. if you are in your home, stay in your house. if you need to be rescued, get word to a neighbor, some kind of way. we cannot emphasize enough, this is a dangerous situation. the water main looks still. but you could come in contact with a power line, anything under your feet. it is not worth taking a risk. >> as weijia said, there are emergency personnel on scene. they are equiped to deal with it. wait for them. >> we're going to go to sharon gibala in traffic control. because obviously traffic is another big part of this story. >> reporter: obviously you don't want to wade in the water. you also don't want to drive in the water. you could very easily get stuck and have to be rescued. you can see from the picture, it is just an incredible situation on the traffic end as well. traffic obviously stopped. nobody can get in or out of this neighborhood. as far as alternates, you don't really have alternates. but police are detouring traffic. from northbound groaning to avon beach.
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now, let's go over some of the roads that are affected. some of the roads blocked are going to be groaning highway at maryland. as well as dundalk. logan view, dun haven. portly road, where it has waist- deep water. and all of the neighborhoods to the south of there, they are all completely affected. obviously a continuing situation. you're not going to be able to get through any of these roads any time soon. you're not going to be able to get home to your house at this point. you are going to ? fact, if you live in that neighborhood, probably have to be evacuated. police are making efforts to evacuate people at this time. we will see in fact, how they are doing that. my guess is probably it's going to be by boat. because obviously you can't get by in the cars right now. we'll keep you updated on the situation as we get more informitation. -- information. still ahead at 5:00. more news on this massive water main break. we continue to follow this live breaking story. this is live video of emergency crews on the scene. flooded community here.
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breaking news out of dundalk in baltimore county. a water main has broken. you would think a river has pretty much rolled through dundalk. that's not the case. it's a water main. it's massive and a lot of water has gone through this community already. let's go to captain mike perry already. >> you can see the water continues to flow from this. you can imagine, it's got to be a couple feet around. and it runs along. actually, it was running underneath a burning highway. and it broke. and caused burning highway to collapse on itself causing maryland transportation authority police to close that road between the dundalk marine terminal and 695. now, the water began flowing just shortly after 4:00. down dundalk avenue. that is the entrance to logan village shopping center.
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the water at this point is probably a foot or so deep. but the large volume of water continued to concentrate on the south end of the parking lot of the logan village shopping center. and then began to run downhill, overcoming the storm drains. that road right there is called court way. it is a road that runs between three main roads south of the shopping center. dun haven road, mcshane way, and logan view drive. those three views are the primary roads and primary homes and cars and people that are affected by this massive water main break, which continues to flow. now, we have learned that baltimore county emergency management is on scene. police and fire have been here since inception, just shortly after 4:00. some police and fire personnel actually conducting water rescues of personnel or people who were just happy to be driving down the street and drove into this mess. so we don't know of any injuries at this point. but they did call their police helicopter to the scene.
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they did call swift water rescue personnel in the event that they were necessary. but at this point, baltimore county appears to be getting a pretty good handle on this situation. police have cordoned off the entire area, not allowing traffic in. not allowing people to come in and just kind of look at the situation. allowing only essential people in and helping those who needed to get out of the area away from the area. now, we do know that bge at this point is on the scene. they are starting to shut off power. my photographer, bill paplavski lives in this area. and fortunately, he is not affected by this. he is just north of the scene. but we have received confirmation from sources in his family that the residence is right behind the logan village shopping center. power is off at this point. we do not know about the gas mains. but power and electric to at least those homes, i believe, that is on dun ranch, near dun haven road, the power has been shut off.
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we do have a fire and police command post, at dunran and dunhaven road. at this point, police are not issuing any information or any public statements, other than to tell persons that live in this affected area, if -- right now, the water flow has not increased, nor has it diminished, if you are safe, sheltered in place, stay where you are and don't force the police fire personnel to have to rescue you. don't walk through this water. because on court way, which runs between the shopping center itself, and mcshane way, the other main affected road, is about chest deep at this point. we saw several cars, with water over top of the roofs. again, no personal injury at this point. or no significant personal injury that we know of. and that is -- that says a lot for baltimore county's emergency management at this point. they are getting a handle on this. they have plenty of personnel on the scene. they -- if you do have an
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issue, call 911. if you have an emergency issue, you feel endangered, call 911. and police and fire will figure out a way to get to you. they have boats on the scene. they have divers on the scene. the situation is now starting to calm down a little bit. we're also told that a representative from the water department has arrived. he was with the fire personnel. and they are looking to figure out how to start getting this water shut off. as you know, with most of the water main issues, water main breaks that we cover, when they shut the water off, they can't just turn it off like we turn a faucet off very quickly. because by turning it off very quickly, what it will do is rupture water mains. they must slowly bring this water pressure down, slowly close these valves down. so the water that you see that is inundating this neighborhood, is going to continue to inundate this neighborhood, until they continue to cut this water volume back. and in some areas, it is above chest level. and over top of cars. and rushing down the street at
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a very high rate. so don't wander into it. stay out of it. don't become -- don't become a factor. and don't become a rescue, have to be a rescued person. it's not worth it. back to you on tv hill. >> thank you, captain mike perry, reporting live. on the phone with us is lynn morland in the logan village shopping center. lynn, are you okay? >> fine, thank you. >> tell us about the water main break. >> i'm sorry. i didn't hear what question. >> can you take us back to 4:00? you are at the logan village shopping center, where i think was the first location of the problem. can you tell us how you were aware of the problem. >> we weren't aware. and i got a call from my church, which has a day care. and they said all of their electricity and phones had gone out. and then i got a call from a friend in fallston. and she had seen a bulletin on tv. so then i came on down to get
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more information. i'm right about four houses north of the shopping center. >> so you are without power right now? are you talking to us on a cell phone? >> i'm on a cell phone. my house at home has power. but i'm not at home right now. i walked down to the shopping center. >> can you tell us what -- we're looking at live -- and this is from sky eye chopper 13. you're on the ground. tell us what you see right now. >> when you get terribly close to the water. people have gotten here. and they are in the process of opening up the water main. i guess to get a location on how to stop this thing. they're also helping from the arbutus fire department here. in addition to baltimore county. also, i seize little river rescue. the shopping center itself, logan village, which is quite old and has a long history here, has been evacuated. and all of the electricity has
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been turned off. nothing there is on. and there's maybe two cars left in the parking lot. it's a strip mall, an older strip mall. >> have you liched in this area a long time, lynn? >> yes. since i was like 5. >> and have you seen water main problems in the past? >> no. >> and -- >> i'm sorry. >> i didn't mean to interrupt you. i wondered who else is with you. and is everybody being pretty smart about saying out -- staying out of, what some areas is chest-deep water? >> right. there are a lot of people out and observing. nobody is trying to go place where is they shouldn't. they've got barriers set up. the entrance to key bridge is closed. looks like we may have evacuated part of the marine terminal, which is down a little east of us. because there's a tremendous amount of traffic coming from that direction. so they are getting out of that
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area. that would be vernon highway. and they certainly evacuated the shopping center. and our understanding is that they're doing evacuations and water rescues on the other side of the shopping center, which would be the roads you talked about, dunhaven and mcshane, in that area, which is called logan village. it's a town home, basically. and there are individuals homes down on further down toward the water. do you feel safe where you are? >> yes. absolutely. the water is kind of creeping up dundalk avenue. slowly. but it is mostly going south and east. which is away from where i am. because effectively, the land goes down to the part of the bay. and the creek down there. >> well, lynn moreland, lives a few houses down from the logan village shopping center. thank you so much for lending
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us your perspective. and stay safe. >> you're welcome. we'll be fine. thank you. >> and thank you for talking with us during a pretty chaotic situation out there. coming up after the break, wjz has continuing coverage, live from dundalk. an entire community is under water, after a massive water main break. when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day.
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we continue to follow breaking news in baltimore county. water main floods an entire community in dundalk. we'll to go captain mike perry. mike, you heard a water main break. how is this comparing with that, at least where this area is concerned? >> well, it's not nearly of the magnitude that that was. that was a natural disaster of epic proportions. that was a 100-year flood. this is a very significant flood. when i flew over this, the news desk told me that they taught -- thought it was significant. calling for emergency personnel throughout the county, rescue divers and this and that. when they came up on the scene, i frankly, couldn't believe my eyes. what billy was showing you a few minutes ago, or just as i was talking to you, was one of the storm drains here, which was actually accepting large
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volumes of water, and actually conducting ailing whirlpool. you can see it -- a little whirlpool. you can see it just sucking it down. that is one of the many storm drains that has been basically overcome by this large volume of water coming from this water main. i don't know how many thousands or millions of gallons a minute. but i will tell you it has caused a flooding over about, i'm going to guess, about a two- square-mile area of dundalk. bim is going -- bill is going to pan and show you the lower end of dundalk, where police have it closed at main street before it goes down into turner station. it's about a three-quarter mile stretch before you get over to sowers point. you see that is significantly flooded. and if bill eases a little to the left here, that is mcshane way. that's the lower end of mcshane. now, if you go on out to about another block or so, you see it's dry. but if you move back here into the lower area on mcshane way,
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as bill pans down and comes back into the neighborhood, the water is at least 2 1/2 to 3 foot deep. and deeper in some areas. fortunately, a lot of the houses appear to be kind of high and dry down in this area. but a lot of the cars flooded. a lot of significant damage there. now, as we continue to move up mcshane way towards that court way i was telling you, which is the road that comes. or the little alley that comes out of the back of the shopping center, there is more significant flooding there. there is a high-volume of fast- moving water. water at least chest deep. police are describing it. baltimore county appears now that they're starting to get a handle on it, as far as police and fire personnel that are on the scene. their command post, notifying people, assuring people are rescued. assuring that people are safe and staying in place, that obviously are not in any significant danger. they got bge on the scene. they are taking down power, we are told, as time goes on here. i don't think they can shut it
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off at once. but through the affected area. and as much as they can, they're getting it shut off as quickly as possible. gas mains could be involved. you see police here standing kind of at bay. there's not really much. if bill pans to the left, there's about three police officers standing here at the yard. they can't do much. we saw them trying to work to free a boat that was on a trailer, perhaps to use that to rescue people. but fortunately, only several people we were told initially, needed to be rescued. those are folks that actually drove, kind of unknowingly into this situation. and while they were not injured, they just found themselves stranded in this high water. now, the water rose, we are told, really quickly. large volume of water came out of this main. it didn't rise until it started to overtake the storm drains. then it began to rise rapidly. and as it rose, that's when the human cry went out to police and fire personnel, hey, my
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house is flooded, hey, my car is flooding, come down here and help us. and that's when this kind of turned from a minor water main break into a huge, huge deal. baltimore county is getting a good grasp on it at this time. water personnel are on the scene. they're assessing this water main, which i can't imagine how big it is. but if bill pans a little to the right, you'll look and see. that is bruining highway. that is a two-lane highway, built for dump trucks to drive on. it is the main frontage road going in and out of the dundalk terminal. and it is completely collapsed. so this water is very, very powerful. you should not take it for granted. if you are in a safe place, stay in a safe place. i think a lot of the folks that are in this area aren't seeing our broadcast because the power is out. but if you have -- if you can talk on cell phone to some of the folks that live in this area, tell them to shelter in place. baltimore county has this in hand. they're going to get personnel to shut this water off. but this water is going to be here for a while, folks.
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and probably well into the evening. back to you. >> i know this is not the most important issue. but bears some discussion. because you and billy had a lot of the video. if billy can go back to some of the video we saw, cars, pickup trucks, suvs under water. we heard from like mechanics. upon the ones that are deep in the water, that might be a different story. but the ones sitting in water, we have heard, well leave -- leave them,ag lone, -- leave them alone, don't try to start them at all. >> i don't know a lot about that. but i do know that many, many years ago, when i worked at the cockeysville district of baltimore police, western run used to flood up there all the time. and we had about 50 police cars that were parked on a rear parking lot of the school lot next to the police station. and every single -- one of them was flooded up to about tao two or three -- about two or three feet in depth.
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they were sold wholesale. i think baltimore county took a huge loss on those. i don't know what the situation is going to be with these cars. but i guarantee you, anything that has water up to the roof is going to have serious problems. and you definitely don't want to rye to -- try to do anything with until it dries out. captain mike perry reporting live, an ongoing situation here in dundalk. now, back to sharon gibala, at wjz traffic control. >> we're obviously following the situation very closely. we're starting to get some parameters on some of the road closures. let's take a live look. obviously many roads under water. some of the roads include burning highway. that's the main one. that is going to be blocked at least between breckenridge and down gawk avenue. -- dundalk avenue. some others affected will be logan view and courtly road. logan view shopping center under water. as is the neighborhood completely to the south of that. obviously, we cannot get into
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that area right now. getting out is hard. you don't want drive your car through the water. we've talked about this before. you are going to not only mess up your car. you are putting yourself in danger. and possibly putting other people in danger if they have to come and rescue you. at this point, the neighbors are -- neighborhoods are being evacuated. traffic trying to get into that area is being detoured on northbound groaning highway. over to avon beach. then to merit boulevard. as far as people being evacuated. a shelter has been set up. that's at the east senior center. so i'm sure a lot of people are going to be over there. and if you're looking for potentially a loved one, they could be take -- taken over there by police. if you're looking for someone that you have been separated from, definitely do not go in the water at this point. and all the roads in the area are blocked. you are not going to get through if you head over into that direction. the best you're going to get is in the outlying areas. we'll keep you updated on this situation.
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back over to you guys. >> thank you so much. our complete coverage of this breaking news continues now with denise, who is at well, sally, i and you and everyone else have been watching the phenomenal images of the flooding. and captain mike perry is doing a terrific job. but we're only seeing it from the sky. if you are someone who is in that area right now and you are able to hear me and you have coverage, we would love to see your images. because those people standing on the hill is getting a view of that that is much more dramatic than what we're seeing. if you have access to a computer, you can send them to us at wjz web alert again, that's we would love to see the images that show how dramatic this is from the ground. although from the air, you can see that this is a very, very significant water breakage. back to you, sally and kai. >> okay. denise. thank you.
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let's go back to captain mike perry, live over the scene where a water main has flooded out a large portion of this community. right now, mike has video up of emergency personnel in baltimore county. mike, have you heard any word of any officials getting down there to the scene at all? >> no, i have not. i haven't had a great deal of time to monitor emergency communications at this point. because we have been communicating so much with the desk. but that, what billy was showing you a moment ago, was dunran and dunhaven road. that is where the police and fire command post is set up. if necessary, the divers, if necessary. but so far, none of that has been needed. they didn't want to overreact to this. but on the other hand, they didn't want to underreact. they had no idea this water volume came in so quickly and rose so quickly, they weren't sure how far it was going to
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go. or if was it going to get any worse. right now, i believe that they have a pretty good handle on it. what you're looking at now is court way. that's the road -- billy tells me, an alley that comes out of the south of the logan village shopping center. and runs down to the three main affected road, which are dun haven, mcshane way. and i'm looking for it. logan view drive. mcshane way, by far, is the deep -- road with the deepest water in it. but court way is the road with the swift -- the water that is running most swiftly. and police describe that as still chest deep, very swift, telling people to stay out of it. in fact, we saw kids playing in it earlier. police ordered them out of there. and they complied, fortunately. at this point, it appears we're not dealing so much with life- threatening issue, as we are with just serious, serious
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property damage. and trying to get this water volume shut off so that the police can begin opening some roads and restoring some normalcy. we do have a significant situation with the water volume appears that it has not really diminished significantly. but they do have -- we're going to have problems for weeks and months with burning highway being shut down. the burning highway completely collapsed, as this water main, the large volume of water, caused it to collapse. and that's one of the main routes in and out of the dundalk terminal and the segert terminal. but the damage in the neighborhood, i'm sure is going to be well into the millions. at this point, power is shut off. bge is working to get the gas shut off also. that also is a major concern. most folks are just crossing their fingers at this point, hoping that the water department, the city of public works can get this water main shut off quickly. back to you. >> thank you, captain mike perry, we'll keep our fingers crossed for them as well.
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complete coverage continues now with jim smith. thank you, mr. smith for joining us. >> yeah, sure. it's a difficult situation. but we've got both the city and the county working together. i'm on my way to the scene. and what we really need is cooperation from the people in the community to make certain that they don't go out in the water. it's knee deep, to chest deep. there has been no injuries to date. we have swift water rescue boats on the scene. as well as police and fire rescue teams. but they haven't been called for. and we don't want them called for. we want the people to use their head. stay in their homes if there is water around their property. as soon as the city can locate the best place to turn it off, we'll turn it -- then it's going to be the aftermath of that, and the cleanup. but it's really important to
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have the cooperation of the people in the community. >> mr. smith, are you hearing from your people that were any closer to getting things under control? any chance of the water volume diminishing at this point? >> i have not had an update on the location. the best place to turn the water off. so i really can't answer that question. i'm on my way. i'm going down dundalk avenue right now. and the last briefing i had, about five minutes ago, they had not yet determined where to turn the water off. but -- obviously they're working on that. and everybody is working together. >> and so you are on dundalk avenue right now. but you have not yet reached the water. >> i have not yet reached the water. that's right. i'm just -- actually, i'm just going into baltimore county. on dundalk avenue, from baltimore city. >> all right. >> so i'm on my way to the scene. >> reporter: baltimore county executive jim smith. thanks for taking the time to
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speak with us. >> that's a live picture from the air. but complete coverage of this water main break continues now from the ground. weema -- weijia jiang is on the ground. we have heard from her and see her. quite a dramatic picture. >> as you can see, right behind me, that water is still gushing. looks like it had actually picked up a little speed here. since we've gotten here. and it certainly has impacted the entire community. right now, officials do not know much about the logistics of what happened. or even about the type itself. initial reports are that it is as big as 70 inches in diameter. and they say you can tell that because of the force of the water. the way that it's rushing right now. we do know that there are no cars stranded on the road right now, which is their top operator, making -- top operator, making sure that doesn't happen. although it has impacted the community. each, people are running out to
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see it. and officials say they shouldn't. we were able to speak to someone earlier today, who said this would have been a -- could have been a lot worse. because initially, the call came in for a person trapped in a car. this is what he had to say. >> a person trapped in their car, surrounded by moving water. and fire crews arrived to find an empty car. but a significant water main break. so you can see, the department of public works, water department on the scene. the first goal is to isolate the break and shut down the water. and we're asking residents to please stay in your house. the water is throughout the community. but it's not a hazard unless you get into the community itself. >> reporter: right now, we are hear being 100 homes are impacted. and officials say people should expect to be without water for several hours. they have to wait for the water to stop before they can go underground and see what happened and clean up this mess. again, they cannot stress this enough. they urge everyone to stay away from this area, if you're driving. and if you live in this area,
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stir you are watching live coverage of this massive water main break in dundalk, baltimore county. we're joined now live with rob ghoul from bge. thank you for joining us. >> sure, no problem. >> reporter: okay. what message do you need us to get out right now? >> i think there are a lot of questions as to whether we're affected. we have our gas on the scene. that's the main concern right now. many may remember, a couple of years ago, we had an issue in the overly area, with a similar situation. and the water pipe break had affected our gas system. and certainly, that's the concern right now. we don't have any reports of outages affecting our gas main. i think the biggest concern, obviously, is people that are inside their home. and where they have issues, where they may have water in their basement, or things of that nature, they really should pay heed, listen to the fire department.
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get out. it's never a safe situation, when you have water around. electricity. of course, the gas side of the house. the pilot light and things of that nature. best to get out, let the professionals do what they're doing. and then we can deal with the other parts of it later. but right now, we have no outages to speak of. nothing that's major. but that could change. >> and you have crews at the ready. what will be the first job they do tonight. >> well, they're doing it now. they are actually out there, you know, obviously anything like this, they're working closely with the fire department. they'll take their lead from them. make sure there are no issues with respect to the gas system or electrical system. but at this point, we're mostly concerned about the gas side of the house. and like i said, right now, not a problem. but look, there's a lot of water out there. a lot of damage. the gas lines run underneath the ground like the water pipe system. so we're not going to say we're out of it completely. but at this point, we don't see anything. but certainly, that could change. >> let's hope it doesn't.
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