tv CBS Morning News CBS September 30, 2009 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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with ring afghanistan growing more violent, president obama and no carrier his national security team reassesses the war plan. no carrier > ring and no carrier massive ring recalls. toyota no recalls nearly 4 million of its most ring popular cars to fix a potentially deadly problem. ring ring captioning funded by cbs no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier good morning, and nanks for no car joining us. i'm michelle > ri gielan. we begin in the south pacific where a huge earthquake at the ring bottom of the sea no carrier sent ring monster tsunami waves surging into island no carrier communities. the quake struck tuesday about 125 ring miles no car southwest of american ring samoa which no carrier no carrier suffered some of the heaviest >damage. at least 82 ring people known dead. whit johnson has the no carrier latest from ri washington. whit good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. so many people are still missing. entire ri villages have been wiped no carrier out. and many government officials are saying that early death toll estimates will likely be much higher. no carrier
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ring no carrier ring devastation is just about everywhere along the no carrier coast of samoa and american samoa this morning. no carrier a powerful ring earthquake with a no carrier ring no carrier magnitude up to 8.3 ring sent no carrier walls of water 20 feet high gushing no car along the islands on ring tuesday. >> the tsunami came no carrier no carrier in fast really > ring fast. >> reporter: a total no carrier of four ri tsunamis roared noashore and reportedly swallowing ring no carrier up ring entire no carrier ring villages. dozens of people were killed no carrier including one ring american. many more are missing and possibly swept to sea by the ferocious waves. >> when i came to look at the front of the house, > the water ring was up coming so no carrier quickly, there was no warning. >> reporter: president obama has ring declared american no carrier samoa a major disaster area that paves no the way for federal aid funding to help local recovery efforts. ring no carrier ring officials are no carrier struggling to ring assess the extraordinary amount of nodamage. but power and phone lines are down no caracross the region and roads > are still flooded and littered with debris. ring no carrier
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ring no carrier closer ri to home the effects no c of the massive earthquake were felt as far away no carrier as the coastlines ring of no car hawaii california and oregon. all three states issued tsunami no carrier no car advisories but > fortunately ring have only seen strong no carri surf. but across the samoan no carrier islands, there's fear there could be more ri to come. at least three no carrier aftershocks have struck the ring no carrier region rattling already frayed nerves. ring no carrier fema is ringdeploying no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier teams to american snoweamoa the ring american red cross is already there on the ground. but no carrier assessing damage and getting supplies to those no car in need could take some time ring michelle. no car >> whit johnson in washington, whit ring thanks. the top u.s. general in iraq no carrier is delivering some good news to congress this morning. ring he's sending another 4,000 no carrier > soldiers home. in testimony prepared for a no carrier house ring committee, general ray no carrier ring odierno says violence no car in iraq is down sharply from two years ago. ring no carrier ring about 120,000 u.s. troops will remain. it's a much different story
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in afghanistan where another ring no carrier no carrier > ring american service member was killed this morning in a suicide car bombing. ring president obama meets later today with his inner no carrier circle to discuss the future of the war. this ring follows a no carrier sit-down yesterday with nato's top official. ring no carrier ring >> reporter: in the oval ring office president obama talks strategy in no car afghanistan with nato's new ring secretary general. >> listen, we both agree that no carrier ring it is absolutely critical that we no carrier ring no carrier ring are successful in no carrier ring no carrier ring dismantling, disrupting no carrier > , destroying the al qaeda network. ring no carrier ring no car >> reporter: the nato chief says that turning the tide in no c afghanistan requires a change in tactics. he wants to focus no carrier equally no carrier ri on winning support from no carrier afghan no carri civilians and > defeating al qaeda ring and taliban no carrier insurgents. he promised nato will standby the u.s. no carrier ring >> no carrier we will stay in afghanistan as long as it takes to finish our job. no carrier ring no carrier >> reporter: the top u.s.
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commander in afghanistan told the no carrier president he believes success can only be no carri achieved by adding more u.s. no carrier forces. in his report he ring says up to 40,000 troops ring are needed now or the mission will likely fail. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring 65,000 u.s. troops are no already in the war zone. the white house says the president wants to decide > on a ring new strategy before he makes a no car decision on ring no carrier sending more troops. >> this is the beginning of ring no carrier reassessing where we are. >> reporter: the president's top ri advisers don't all agree on strategy. some want more troops others want a new ring focus for the ones that no carrier are already there. no carrier but whatever the final decision the next step will be to convince congress where many democrats are reluctant to commit more no carri soldiers to an increasingly unpopular war. ring no carrier ring no carrier ri joel brown, cbs news the white house. turning now to the health care debate where the senate finance committee ring has dealt a sharp blow no carrier to the idea of creating a government-run insurance system. > yesterday, the ring committee no car voted down two proposals to add a
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no so-called public option to ring reform legislation. five no carrierdemocrats, ring including max baucus joined no carri republicans in ri rejecting the proposal offered by west virginia's jay rockefeller. no carrier ring no carri >> if you want no carrier competition, > you don't want the government running everything ring no carrier ring the government is not a fair competitor. no carrier it's not even a competitor. >> so no carrier you don't want medicare? >> it's a predator. ring no carrier ring >> the votes boost ring chances no carrier for no carrier baucus' health care proposal which does > not ring include a public option. in no c a much closer ringvote the same committee voted to restore no carri $50 million a year in federal ring funding for no carrier ring abstinence only sex education. no carrier but the committee also passed an ring alternative measure to pass no carrier > ring education on no carrier contraception. ri an 18-year-old high school student in jail in colorado this morning in what no car prosecutors call a ring no carrier profound ring ly no carrier ring disturbing no carrier plot to attack his school. it involved both guns and no
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explosives. the the suspect, robert ri johnson was arrested monday no carrier and ring is being held on no c ring no carrier $100,000 bail. just ring ahead no c on ri "morning no carrier ring no carrier news," toyota announces the biggest recall in the u.s. > ring the h1n1 vaccine is here but how do they get it to those who ring no carrier need it ring most? no carrier ring new no controversy over the h1n1 flu and pregnant ring women. why strict state no carrier guidelines may ring make no carrier it impossible for doctors to give the no carrier vaccine to their > patients. tonight on the cbs evening news. ring ing for a deal on car insurance. no carrier i think i might have a coupon in here. ring no carri there's an easier way. we've got the "name your price" option. you do? ring no carrier ring follow me. you tell us how much you want to pay, no carrier and we'll build you a policy that fits your budget. ring no carrier ring and i still get great coverage? uh-huh. no carrier go ahead. you're the boss. ring no carrier ring i'm the boss of savings. no carrier more like the c.e.o. ring no carrier ring oh, oh. no no glass ceiling. the freedom to name your price. ring now, that's progressive. call or click today. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier
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> ring (announcer) metamucil with psyllium fiber supports your health in 4 ways it helps your natural cleansing process helps lower cholesterol. no carrier promotes overall well being ring and provides a good source of natural fiber no carrier ring try metamucil, in powders, capsules and fiber singles. no carrier [ female announcer ] at night, no carrier prepare your mouth for a battle against germs. ring protect your mouth right with crest pro-health rinse at night. no carrier it kills 99% of germs that cause gingivitis, plaque, ring no carrier no carrier and bad breath without the burn of alcohol. > ring for a healthier mouth that's cleaner in the morning. ring no carrier ring no carri it was a horrible feeling, like i couldn't catch my breath. no carrier i couldn't believe i was actually ri having a heart attack. no carrier i remember being at the hospital, no carrier no carrier thinking about my wife. > ring no car i should have done more to take care of myself. ring no carrier ring now i'm exercising watching my diet no carrier ring and i trust my heart to lipitor. no carrier ring no carri (announcer) unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, ring lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke no carrier and certain kinds of heart surgeries no carrier in patients with several common risk factors ring no carrier or heart disease. lipitor is backed
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by over 17 years of research. no carrier ring no carrier lipitor is not for everyone no carrier including people with liver problems ri and women who are nursing, pregnant no carri or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. ring no carrier tell your doctor if you are taking other medications no carrier or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. > ring no carrier this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. ring no carrier ring i'll never forget what i went through. ring don't take your health for granted. no (announcer) have a heart to heart with your doctor about your risk. ring no carrier and about lipitor. no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier it could be the funniest space mission ever. > ring no carrier ring no carrier ri the rocket lifted up this ring morning no carrier ring no carrier ring carrying no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier space tourist ring no carrier ring laliberte. he's headed to no carrier the international space ring station. they all sang a no carrier pop song as they entered the capsule this morning. ring
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no carrier he paid ring get this, $35 million for the trip. no carrier > ring on the cbs money watch, a massive recall by toyota. no carrier ring and stocks in asia saw some losses this morning. ring no carrier ring no carrier ross colombo's here with more. >> good morning, michelle. asia markets were no carri lower this morning. ring japan's nikkei closed up no carrier no carrier 33 points. ring wall street looking no carrier to bounce ring no carrier back, tuesday the dow lost. ring no carrier toyota has ring announced the no c largest recall ever. it's recalling ring 3.8 million vehicles because of no carrier safety problems linked ring no carrier to no > ring removable floor no c mats. they could interfere ri with no accelerators and cause a crash. ring more than 100 possible incidents have been reported no carrier including ring a deadly wreck last month no carri in ring california. ri it affects several no carrier models from 2004 through no car2010. you can > get ri the no c whole list at ring new reforms are no carrier now on ring their way to credit card companies, 800 pages of them. ring no carrier the rules prohibit interest rate
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ring increases for one year on no c new accounts and existing balances. ring no carrier no car and prohibit > anyone 21 years old or younger no from getting a ring card unless they can prove they can pay for it. some in congress want the ring reforms in place by no carridecember but credit card companies say they need more time. ring no carrier one of the ring country's largest commercial lenders may have a new plan for survival. ring no carrier the no carrier > ring no carrier ring "wall street journal" reports this morning that no carricit group could hand over the control to bondholders. that would get rid more than 30% of ring its debts but might also mean that ring taxpayers would only recover just a fraction of their no carrier ring $2.3 billion bailout investment. no carrier no carrier > and further proof ring that volunteering pays. no carrier ring no carrier disney is offering ring free admission to 1 million guests no carrier who complete a day of volunteering next year. the give a day, get a ring disney day will include no carrier > ring no carrier disney world in orlando and disney land in anaheim, michelle. >> fun. ross thanks.
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the first doses of the h1n1 flu ring vaccine are on their way to doctors and clinics this morning. no carrier ring no h1n1 has already killed dozens of no carrier americans, no carrier including 49 children. some doctors say it's > important for people ri to get the vaccine. how that's going to happen though, is still up ring in the no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier air. >> reporter: you're looking at some of the ring first batches of h1n1 no carrier vaccine now being rushed out the door. but many ring states are far from no carrier no figuring out > ring how they'll no carri distribute the 251 ring million doses no c headed their way. >> we have let so many people ri go in the public health system. there really isn't a ready-made way to get it out to people quickly. >> reporter: take ring dekalb county georgia where there are only 44 school nurses ring in the county's 140 schools, which is complicating plans > ring for mass no carrier ring no car vaccinations of children. >> when schools came back ring into session and kids went to no carrier college, we saw ri large numbers of cases. >> reporter: the good news federal health officials told congress is there will
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ring eventually be enough vaccine for no car everyone who wants it. >> we believe the vaccine is no carrier likely to > be highly ring no careffective. we won't know until it's used ring but no carrier ring that's our belief based on the best science. >> reporter: but ring that hasn't quelled no carrier ring anxiety about the no carrier vaccine. in ring albany new york state health care workers no cprotested a new regulation no c requiring that > ring no carrier they all get ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier riaenochlated. this no carrier mother of two said she'll wait to no carrier get her children > ri vaccinated. >> my doctor recommended that we not get the h1n1 no carrier vaccine for the ring first no round because it's only ring been tested on 600 no c children and that's not a big enough test sample to know what the reaction is going to be. no carrier ring >> reporter: at the no carrier cdc in ri atlanta, the no emergency operation center staff no carrier > ri has no carrier ring swelled from 6 to no232. they're monitoring ring the flu no carrier and the vaccination process around the clock. officials there are no carrier scrambling
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to compile a ri data base of no vaccine side effects to track any adverse reactions to the shot. ring no carrier no >> > ring we are concerned any time something new comes out. and we understand that the public is concerned, as well. and the public has a right to a safe no carrier vaccine. >> reporter: the national institutes of health says initial safety tests have been very ringencouraging. and that the no h1n1 flu is ring likely no car far, far more hazardous to your health than the vaccine. ring no carrier cbs news, washington. no carrier > ring no carrier straight ahead, your no wednesday morning weather. and in ring sports no carrier adam ring lind and the blue jays go deep no car at fenway park early and often. ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier
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ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier for all the moments that make every day special. no carrier > ring fancy feast introduces no carrier an entirely new way to celebrate any moment. ring no carrier ring no fancy feast appetizers. ring no carrier simple high quality ingredients ring no car like wild alaskan salmon ring no carrier white meat chicken no carrier or seabass and shrimp in a delicate broth, > ring no carrier ring prepared without by-products
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or fillers. no carrier ring no car new fancy feast appetizers ring no carrier ring celebrate the moment. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier here's a look at the weather in some cities around the country. ring no carrier new york partly ring nocloudy no63. > miami, 89 chicago 64 ring no carrier denver thunderstorms 77, los angeles, sunny and 70. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring and it's time now for a check on the national forecast. no carrier ring no carrier the latest satellite picture shows clouds gathering over the > rockies and northeast while it no carrier remains clear throughout the plains. later today it'll turn windy and no carri sharply colder across the rockies with a ring mixture no carrier ring no c of rain and snow later in the day. the plains will enjoy ri one more no carrier summer-like day today before cold air sweeps in tomorrow and the south will be nice and warm. ring no carrier in no carrier > ring sports a detroit double header ring highlights baseball's last pennant race. no c minnesota won the first game ring
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3-2, taking the no carrier ring lead no carri for good on ring cabrera's tenth inning single. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > homered as detroit won ring 6-5, no the tigers lead the twins by two games with five to play. ring no carrier ring boston no carrier is ring stumbling towards the post season no carrier losing five in a ring row. no carrier toronto hit six home ri runs against the red sox no carrier no carrier on tuesday. adam > ring lind had three of them as the blue jays ring won 8-7. no but the red sox are officially in the ring no carrier playoffs after texas lost in anaheim. ring no carrier ring no car mike napoli drove in two ri runs as the angels won 5-2 knocking the no carrier rangers > out of the american league wild card east. and in the national league ring milwaukee's jason kendell no hit a ring no carrier ring three-run homer in the ninth forcing extra innings in no carrier chicago. but chris aye net ring that's home run gave the rockies a 7-5 no car victory. they lead the wild card race by three games. when we return another > look at this morning's ring top no carrier stories. and putting the brakes on no
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c driving while distracted. ring the government considers bans on texting. no car ring no carrier ring no carri if you have overactive bladder and you worry your pipes might leak no car (pipe doctor) ask your doctor about treating with vesicare. no carrier > ring no carrier (pipe woman) then you could treat yourself to a night out with fewer urges ring no c or a day with fewer leaks ring no carrier or a trip with fewer overactive bladder problems. ring no carrier (pipe doctor) once daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle ring no carrier ring d is proven to reduce no carrier frequent, sudden urges and leaks day and night. no carrier > ring if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems ring or trouble emptying your bladder ring do not take vesicare. no carrier tell your doctor right away if you have a serious allergic reaction, severe abdominal pain, or become constipated ring no carri for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. no carrier no carrier > ring common side effects are dry mouth, constipation and indigestion. ring (pipe woman) so, you could treat yourself to more time no carrier ring no carrier with friends and family ring no c or more of whatever you like to do ring no carrier with fewer urges and leaks. no carrier
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ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier on the cbs morning nonews, here's a look at today's weather. it'll be turning windy and sharply colder across the rockies with a no carri mixture of rain and snow tonight. the plains will be ring windy and no carrier warm and it'll stay chilly around the great lakes and new england. no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring here's another look at this morning's top stories. no carrier ring search and no rescue efforts ring no car are ring underway on america no carrier ri samoa and other no c south pacific islands hit by tsunami waves. scores of people were > killed and the death toll is likely to rise. ring no carrier and in denmark, the push is on for chicago's bid to ring host the summer no carrier olympics in ring 2016. first lady no carrier ring no car and native no carrier chicagoan michelle no carrier obama > arrived this
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morning and the president no carrier joins the party on friday. this morning, the u.s. department of transportation begins a no carritwo-day discussion of drivers using cell phones. the meeting could lead to new no carrier laws to restrict cell phone use behind the wheel. until then safety experts are trying to convince people not to do it one at a time. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no c >> reporter: on a ring makeshift test track no car in washington teenage drivers are about to learn a valuable lesson. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring >> no c how many of you have texted or used a cell phone while driving? raise your hand. >> my driving skills are no carrier no car -- > i don't want to say no above everyone ring no carrier else's, but -- >> reporter: no carrier ring no c17-year-old joseph james was confident about his ring no carrier abilities until his ring instructor drove him to distraction. no carrier >> how's the texting going? no carrier > ring no carrier >> was this ring harder than you expected it to be? no car >> it was challenging. i wasn't expecting. ring no carrier the ring texting, the cell phone call it was a lot to ring handle. >> reporter: teens may be no the
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ring no carrier worst offenders, but we're all at > risk. one prominent study no carrevealed that ring texting while no carri driving is as ring no c debilitating as having an alcohol level ring of no carrier ring .08%. and distracted drivers are no four times as likely to be in no c a serious crash. when it comes to no carrier calls, > some say hands free devices are a safer alternative. ring no carrier ring but no carrier researchers have long warned ring it's not just the physical act of using the no c phone, ri but the actual conversation that's the danger. no carrier ring in fact the brain ring reduces visual no carrier activity especially peripheral vision when engaged in a conversation. > ring no carrier as for ring no carrier texting, a cbs ri news no "new york times" poll ring shows 90% of those no carrier surveyed think ring texting while driving should be illegal. yet among younger people some 16% think it should be allowed. no carrier no carrier > the big question, ring though are no carrier americans changing their behavior? only 63% of those no carrier surveyed said they'd abide by no carri laws that regulate cell phone use in ri cars.
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this team got the message. no carrier >> i will not be no cdistracted when i drive. i will keep my ring eyes on no c the road notice other drivers. i want to avoid that accident. >> reporter: experts ring no cagree. the real solution lies in our own hands. ring no carrier ring cbs news, washington. no carrier ring no carrier and if this doesn't distract you, nothing will. no carrier ring no carrier a diamond the size of an egg. no carrier > ring no carrier officially this stone found in south ring no carrier ring africa last week no carrier is ring 507 1/2 ring carats. the owner no carrier says it's ri a near perfect stone. no c and after it's finished it could be one of no carrier the highest > quality diamonds ring no carri ever found. and i think it'd look great right there. ring no car all right. i'm michelle ring gielan and this is "the cbs morning news." ring no carrier n't tried activia? ring listen to this story. no carrier my problem was occasional irregularity. ring no carrier my commercials didn't convince you? no carrier > ring i am definitely a skeptic. no carrier actually my mom convinced me. ring no carrier and i have activia every morning for breakfast. ring no carrier activia definitely helped ring with my occasional irregularity.
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no carrier activia is clinically proven ring no carrier to help regulate ring your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. no chances are someone you trust can recommend activia. no carrier > ring no carrier take the activia challenge. ring no c it works or your money back! ring no carrier ♪ activia! ♪ ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carri ring no carrier ring (announcer) sinus pressure. you can blow your nose but nothing comes out! because the real problem isn't always mucus. ring it's often swelling from inflammation. no carrier ri advil cold & sinus relieves swelling and sinus pressure. no carrier the right medicine for the real problem. no carrier > ring advil cold & sinus no carrier ri
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day. we have clearly. we have moved into a new season that's for sure. 56 degrees now. 4 minutes before the hour. we'll be at 65 degrees at lunchtime. on its way to a high of maybe 66 or 67. i have to mention there is a chance of a shower in the forecast later on this day. take it away. in the news officials could be ready in days this is as the swine flu forces another life of another person. and a tsunami rolls ashore in the the government is looking to help the survivors. plus... good morning, along 95. we'll explain that there are two major bridges in the area that we have learned need major work. which ones coming up on the news. more news and weather coming up.
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