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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  October 5, 2009 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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ring take in noafghanistan. and flu ring fight. as some no carrier ring no car health care workers receive the first ring no carrier h1n1 vaccine, others protest mandatory shots. ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no c this is ring the no carrier "cbs morning news" for monday, october 5th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring good morning and no carri thanks for joining no c us. i'm michelle > ring gielan. firefighters in southern california say they're starting to get a handle ring no carrier ring on a wind-driven wildfire no carrier that's ring threatening no car a popular resort ring community. it's no burned more than 11 square ri miles and moving toward no carrier > ring no carrier the ring no carri community of ring no carrier wrightwood. david ring no carrier brian has more. >> reporter: it is a no ghost town. northly bustling this time of are year no carrier making the transition to no car wintertime > gateway to ll ski no carrier resorts, the fire has ring changed all that and fire no c officials say ring no c
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the evacuation here is a ring job well done. no c richard was one of the few residents who ring chose not to leave and instead remain at home in ring no carrier the empty town. you must have been no carrier > lonely here today. >> well, i guess so ring no carrier ring no carrier ringyeah. you're right. no carrier all the wise ring no carrier people left town. >> reporter: only remnantses of the angry fire that no carrier surrounded the town of wrightwood > continued to burn. fire ri officials say the fierce no c wents eased up ring allowing them to set ring no carrier backfires and sdri destroy the dry brush fueling the flames. that was the break they ring needed. >> we put a lot of fire on the ground came made up a lot of leg work ring cut off one of the large no c flanks of the fire and basically got the pir do what we wanted no it > ring to do. no carri >> this operation was supported by the ring helicopters that were able to to get the water out of the mountain high ring ski resort all this coordinated so well and the firefighters were able ring no carrier ring to save the town of wrightwood tonight. >> reporter: but the good news came too late for those who lived in this home and at least
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two others which were ri destroyed when the flaps came roaring through no carrier this canyon. others no carrier > stared down the fire and won. residents ring of the no c pacific crest estates on ring the southeast no car side of ring no carrier wrightwood, some of whom ri refused to evacuate watched with no carrier binoculars as ring heavy smoke no c clouds hung over the neighborhood and some worried with p. what might come next. >> i'm > definitely worried about tonight because when the ring aircraft all leave and then the winds are supposed no carrier to continue to blow we could have more problems nocoming. >> reporter: but fire ring officials no carrier ring no carri who were burned by a mistake in evaluation that the huge station fire was no no carrier longer a serious threat now warn ri it would be a big mistake no carrier to assume this fire has been beaten and the danger has passed. for now, the no carrier ring mandatory evacuation no carrier continues here in ri no car wrightwood affecting thousands of people most of ri whom feel it's better to be safe than sorry, and fire officials have their fingers no carrier ring crossed hoping the favorable weather condition no carrier conditions continue. in no carrier > wrightwood, dave ring
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no carrier bryan, for cbs news about gloop following saturday's deadly attack u.s. xhnders say they'll ring no carrier ring move troops in to positions that are easier to defend. mean time the obama administration continues it no car internal debate on strategy this week. wlit johnson is in washington with the ri latest. whitt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, no car michelle. many have put pressure on president obama > to quickly decide on a strategy for afghanistan. but the no carrier administration says it will carefully no carrier ri explore every option. president obama's top advisers will ring meet twice this week in hopes of settling on a new ring game plan for afghanistan. options include scaling back > staying put, and ring sending no carrier in more ri troops. >> no carrier ri it would be, i think, unfor if we let the no carrier ring discussion just no carrier ring no carrier be about troop strength. this thereis it a mip mum level that you have to have but there's's unfortunately ring no carrier no ceiling to it. >> reporter: the top commander says he needs more no carrier forces to get the job > done. he's asked the ring president for another 40,000 no carrier ring no troops to focus on protecting afghan ring civilians
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and taking on the taliban. >> give the idea what he needs. you no carrier see you have ring to have security in afghanistan, you have to have governance in afghanistan. >> reporter: in eastern afghanistan, over the weekend, hundreds of insurgents stormed two outposts killing eight american no carrier > ring soldiers. it was the bloodiest no car assault on on u.s. troops in ring no car more than a year. the rising death toll is expected to add even more fire ri to an already heated no carrier debate. >> i would not ring commit to more no carri combat ring no car troops at this time. what we need is surge of is afghan troops. >> reporter: it isn't just law make others capitol hill who can't come to an > agreement. the american public also no carrier remains ring no c divided over afghanistan. >> quhaefr the general recommends i no carrierguess, would be my -- i'd be in favor of. >> totally opposed. totally had no carrier ring no carrier opposed. >> reporter: a recent cbs news poll shows about a third want more troop a third want the statute tuesday company, and a ring third want troops out. with that kind of ring split, it will probably be difficult for the president to reach a decision everyone is happy with.
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even so, it's a choice he's ring expected to make in a ring no carrier ring no carrier matter of no c week. 238 > ring no carrier u.s. troopses have been killed in afghanistan this year p. it's the ring highest annual death toll since the war began. ring michelle? >> wlit johnson in no carrier washington. ring wlit no c thanks. iran ring says it will allow u.n. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier experts to > inspect its ring just no carrier closed uranium site on ring october 25th. no carrier the head of the agency met with iranian ring no car officials yesterday. he says he ri sees signs of no cooperation from iran but that more is critical. the u.s. ring ambassador to the u.n. says negotiations will not ring no carrier no carrier go on > forever. >> ring no carrier the onus is now squarely on iran no carrier ring to adhere it to the commitments it has made. if it doesn't, time is no carrier short. we're not interested in talking for talking sake. we're ring not no carrier interested ring no carrier ring in in-termable no carrier negotiations. they have to no carrier demonstrate > conclusively ring that their program is for peaceful purpose ringps. >> a tlnd are
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conflicting no carrier intelligence reports concerning their ability to produce a no carrier ring nuclear weapon. this morning in earthquake ravaged indonesia, the search for buried ri survivors has been no carrier called off .the quake struck last wednesday. it's estimated that hundreds remain buried in the rubble and hud no slides. the > indonesian health ring minister says the death toll could reach no 3,000. officials say they will now focus on bringing aid to those who no carrier survived the quake. the supreme court no carrier begins ring no carrier ring its new term this morning. the first hispanic one no carrier on the court, sonia ring sotomayor, will hear her first no carrier no carrier > ring cases. court watchers are closely keeping an eye on two ri high profile case a challenge no carrier to limits on corporate spending on political campaigns afrnt a case no carrier involving hand gum bans some ri chicago. just ahead no carrier on the "morning news," a check on the ring overseas market in no carrier "moneywatch," plus the plan ring no car accused of stalking no carrier espn > reporter erin ring andrews has a court date. first, indicate tir securery has a preview of tonight's cbs evening news oig. and no c in-depth ring and important look at the situation in no car afghanistan, viv are eting ring
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reports from the battlefield and no carrier insight from key decision ring makers. our special series fg a the road ahead, no carri begins tonight, only on the "cbs evening news." ring no carrier no carrier > i'm semi retired and i'm here to tell a story. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring my parents all smoked. my grandparents smoked. no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier i've been a long-time smoker. ring no carrier no carrier > you know, discouragement is a big thing ri no carrier in quitting smoking. ring no carrier i'm a guy who had given up quitting. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring what caused me to be interested was, ring no carrier ring no carrier chantix is not a nicotine product ring no carrier ring no and that intrigued me. ring no carri the doctor said while you're taking it no you can continue to smoke during the first week. > ring no carrier ring (announcer) chantix is proven to reduce the urge to smoke. no carrier ring no carrier in studies, 44% of chantix users were quit ring no carrier during weeks 9 to 12 of treatment, ri compared to 18% on sugar pill. no carrier ring today i see myself as a jolly old man, no carrier
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no carrier > ring no carrier ring no c ring no carrier (laughing) ring no carrier who doesn't have to smoke. ring no carrier ...who doesn't have to sneak out to take a couple puffs of a cigarette anymore. ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier (announcer) herb quit smoking with chantix and support. ring no carrier talk to your doctor about chantix ring and a support plan that's right for you. no carrier some people have had changes in behavior, ring no carrier ring hostility, agitation depressed mood no carrier ring and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. no carrier if you notice agitation, hostility, depression ring or changes in behavior thinking or mood ring that are not typical for you or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, ring stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. no ring no carrier talk to your doctor about any history of depression ri no carrier or other mental health problems, which can get worse while taking chantix. no carrier some people can have allergic or serious skin reactions to chantix > some of which can be life threatening. no if you notice swelling of face mouth, throat or a rash stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away. no carrier ring tell your doctor which medicines you are taking as they may work differently when you quit smoking. no car ring
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no carrier chantix dosing may be different ring if you have kidney problems. the most common side effect is nausea. patients also reported trouble sleeping ring and vivid, unusual or strange dreams. no carrier > until you know how chantix may affect you use caution when driving or operating machinery. no carrier ring no carrier chantix should not be taken with other quit smoking products. no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring the urges weren't like they used to be no ring and that help me quit. no carrier ring no carrier (announcer) talk to your doctor to find out if prescription chantix is right for you. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ñ ring
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no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier on the ring "cbs morning news," here's a look at today's weather. no carrier ring heavy rain will drench much no carri of the deep south. the lower midwest sees ring some sunshine. a cold rain no carrier will soak ring no carrier the northern plains and snow will cover the northern rockies. no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring here's another look another this morning's top stories. no carri firefighters say they're making no c progress in their > battle against a wind-blown wildfire in southern california. no carrier ring up to 6,000 no carrier san bernardino residents were forceded to ri evacuate. and the no carri obama ring no carrier administration is reevaluateing ring its strategy in afghanistan. the top u.s. commander says he wants more troops. eight americans were killed over ring no car the no carrier
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weekend. president obama banned text ring messaging by federal wokkers no carrier driving on official business and ring wants states to pass their own laws. but the government may be ri sending some mixed no carrier messages. terrell ring brown no carrier reports. >> it was probably the worst moment of my entire life. >> reporter: jennifer smith ring calls her no carrier mother's loss death no car by cell phone. last september 61-year-old linda doyle was no killed by a ring driver who no ran a red light. ri police say the 20-year-old in no the other vehicle was ring talking no c on his cell ring phone. >> sinceless. no phone call ring no carrier could be worth someone's life. >> reporter: distracted no carrier > motorists like the ring no carrier san antonio van driver are involved in 25% of all police ring reported no carrier crashes. >> distracted ring driving is a growing and serious no carrier ring no carrier problem. >> reporter: jackie gillen of ring advocates for highway and auto no carrier safety says the message is simple drivers no need to keep their eyes on the road not the key pad. but ring gillen is concerned drivers may be getting a mixed ring message. >> stuck in traffic, call 212 -- >> i think that there is a
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no carrier mixed message if ring governments no car are putting ring out real time no carrier information and ring using the technology that in order for no carrier the no carrier > ring no carri driver to access puts them in danger. ring >> reporter: 27 states no and washington, d.c. have some type of ban on ring texting while no c driving. yet the district of ring columbia no carrier and 33 ring no carrier state transportation departments offer travel ring alerts via text messaging or like the no carrier > ring michigan no department of transportation, the social messaging service ri twitter. >> our focus using ring twitter is to no carrier get people the information ring when they immediate it. >> reporter: that was no c the case in july after this ring fiery no carri tanker crash near detroit. the ring state no carrier department of transportation posted tweets alerting no car driverses of a major road closure. ri >> we're expecting people no carrier ring to look before they get behind the wheel ring no carrier ring of their car. >> reporter: smith is lobby no caring ring no carrier ring to end no carrier distracted driving, if for nothing else to protect her own family about. >> i don't want to get another ri again call that this has no carrier
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happened again. ring the national highway and traffic saferity administration reports no carrier nearly 6,000 people lost that i have lives last year in a crash ring involving a distracted driver. more than a half no c million people were injured and by far ring drivers understand the age of 20 are the worst ring no carrier offenders. terrell brown, ring no carrier cbs news, new york. and in waupg state > interstate 90 ring has reopened no carrier this morning after a different ring kind of distraction. take a look at this. no carrier a blinding dust storm ring reduced visibility to no near zero yesterday. winds gusted ring near 55 plrn. about a dozen people were ring hospitalized no carrier after several ring pile-ups. many drivers were no carri forced to pull over until it all cleared. morning > on "the early show," an update on the california no car wildfires. i'm michelle gielan and this is the "cbs morning news." ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring announcer: right now no carrier all over the country ri discover card customers are getting 5% cashback bonus no carrier at grocery stores. > now, more than ever no carrier it pays to discover. ring no carrier ring ocean spray cranberry juice cocktail tastes real good.
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ring it's packed with powerful nutrients that help strengthen your immune system. no carrier i'll be your immune system on cranberry juice. ring no carrier okay, bring it on, bad stuff. no carrier > ring no carrier still healthy? ring no carrier mm-hmm. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier
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number 71. at the same time. here's a different a.
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almost midway through the end zone. carr's coming out with a quick patriots. -- i mean, the ravens. perfect season dropped on the opening season kickoff to a dropped pass to end the game. the perfect season slips away. and we'll take a live look throughout the morning and take a look at the ravens and we'll face the bengals next sunday. first we have marty over at first warning weather. >> more importantly it's the two-1 in the division beb gals. that isn't going to last too long because they're playing us next week. first off, let's go ahead and jump into the weather. first warning doppler weather radar shows a clear scan in the area. it's fall like out there this morning.


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