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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  December 13, 2009 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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second time-out. for those of you expecting to see "60 minutes," you're watching the nfl on cbs. the chargers and the cowboys in front of us here. jim nantz, phil simms. "60 minutes" will be seen in its entirety immediately after the game, except on the west coast, where it will be seen at its regularly scheduled time. second down and 9. and down to the 13, just another yard for l.t. i'd like to welcome some of you just joining us here at cowboys stadium. jim nantz and phil simms on the scene here. san diego very effectively running down the clock and marching down the field. with a seven-point lead.
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the cowboys have just used their last time-out. phil: it's a terrific drive, jim. we've seen a few of them today. the cowboys going 99 yards. but the chargers just -- jim: they've had it for six minutes and 36 seconds. phil: i think what surprised me about the chargers, i've said it a few times, on both sides of the ball, they hung in there. the defensive line hung in there and didn't get totally run over and dominated. they only gave up 10 points. but the chargers have been so consistent and determined to run the football right at the cowboys. ladainian tomlinson told us, we can wear them down. kind of shocked me when he said it, but they've done it. jim: on third down, cowboys make the stuff. olshansky, the former charger takes a bow. as now they'll bring out nate kaeding, forcing kaeding and the chargers with the field goal that would be huge. kaeding has a streak going
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inside the 40. this will be another inside the 40 kick. going to run all the way down to the two-minute warning. and coming out of it, kaeding will be trying one from about 35 yards. a little while to think about it. big field goal coming out of the break. [ female announcer ] now you can get the latest name-brand hdtvs where you already save. well, actually, just a few rows over... in walmart's expanded electronics department. get unbeatable prices on today's latest hdtvs, from sony, vizio, philips, sharp, and samsung. they're a lot closer than you think. now, shopping for electronics is even easier with the new walmart app for iphone. save money. live better. walmart.
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jim: the cowboys tied the game at 10-10 on the final play of the third quarter, a touchdown play to miles austin. but in this quarter, the chargers have out-gained them 153 to 21 yards. now they're looking for the two-score advantage. kaeding has made 64 consecutive inside of 40. phil: that's an incredible number. it is. one bad snap, a bad hold knocks it off. jim: david binn will snap it back to mike scifres. this will be a 34-yard try. the kick by kaeding hooks it
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home. it's good. 10 points in the final quarter by san diego. 65 straight inside the 40. dean spanos loving that action. jerry jones knowing now. phil: well, yeah, it's upsetting. high hopes for a football team. jim: tonight on cbs, a special interview with president obama on "60 minutes." followed by "the mentalist" on a special night. a new episode of "cold case" and "criminal minds," only on
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cbs. phil: so many things could have changed. but opportunities were there today for the dallas cowboys. they had the chargers' offense in some situation, didn't stop them. also, of course, we saw it and talked about not scoring from the one-yard line. that was a huge turning point in the game. the chargers overall, they've come out here and just took it. jim: felix jones will try to make a play. he flips it over to miles austin. and the chargers were downfield covering in a hurry. cason making the hit. brandon siler. how big did he come up a few times today? a tackle for a loss early, and a sack. he was there on the goal line defense, including the fourth and goal from the 1 play. phil: football is about being
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coached and having talent. brandon siler was one of them. just how tough they are. jim: his grandfather herbert was a professional boxer. in -- was defeated by ali. here's romo out of bounds. phil: if you want to go to cowboys, yes, tough schedule. at new york this week. san diego here today. but you've got to breet the good -- beat the good teams. where do they go next week? down in new orleans against an offense -- it's an saturday, short week against an offense that can push it as good as anybody. jim: romo gets it away in time to a slashing roy williams. knocked down to the ground.
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up top against the giants, he had a record 41 completions, cowboy record 41. witten. look for austin maybe, down at the 39. when we talked to tony about the big numbers, the prolific numbers last week, he didn't care at all. the only thing he wants is the win. a minute to go, no time-outs. as barber smartly goes out of bounds. picks up eight. chargers 57 seconds away from taking a two-game lead in the a.f.c. west. phil: let's just look at this. i think a lot of times when you get in this, don't just think about the score. first, try to get into the field goal position. look at the clock, see how you can manage it, and kick that
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field goal first if that's what it takes. then try the onside kick. just make sure you give your team every chance that you can to tie it up. jim: lobs it to barber. now comes inside. unable to get where he wanted to go. clock keeps on running. 14 yards picked up. crayton. will he get out of bounds? he will at the 18. now maybe you want to bring out a kicker at this point? phil: i think where i am right now, i would definitely take one shot at the end zone. but don't waste the time. because if you waste too much time, even if you get the onside kick, the game could be over.
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jim: when ware was taken off the field on a cart, there was a penalty on the first snap, followed up shortly by the touchdown to gates, and then a long drive that killed the clock. you wonder how deflating that was for the dallas side. phil: but physically to lose maybe your best defender. jim: miles austin to the 10 to, the four. phil: going to kill the clock. jim: lob it away. there's not enough time to pull off all the miracles you need to be able to come up with two scores. [the captioning on this program is provided as an independent service of the national captioning institute, inc., which is solely responsible for the accurate and complete transcription of program content. cbs, its parent and affiliated companies, and their respective
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agents and divisions are not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any transcription or for any errors in transcription.] [closed captioning provided by [closed captioning provided by cbs sports division.] phil: the record says you -- the you are what the record says you are. jim: you look at the cowboys, about to drop back now to 8-5. giants and philadelphia tonight. green bay with a win today. 9-4. phil: green bay, they turned it around, fought through injuries. at times, i thought playing bad. that's the only way to say it. bad football. and they fix it up, get some different guys in the lineup. it's worked out very well. the san diego chargers absolutely gone through just as much, probably more with the injury front. you know, in the nfl, it's
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about adversity, so you got to fight through it. not to be at full strength or not playing their best and still finding ways to win games. jim: on its way to an eighth straight win, very possibly finding its way as the two lined up behind indianapolis in the playoffs. which could mean down the road an a.f.c. championship game in indianapolis, and they're not scared to go there. referee: false start, offense, number 82. five-yard penalty. second down. jim: actually, that will back them up to the 9-yard line. cincinnati next week, regional action. many of you are going to see that game. then at tennessee on christmas night, hosting washington. phil: three tough games. go look at those records.
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jim: romo gets a touchdown pass to crayton with two seconds. phil: a nice little play. the bunch formation. crayton fakes like he's going outside. good job by tony romo. looks it off and creates that little lane so when patrick crayton catches it, he can get in the end zone. tony romo is looking up because he was looking at the time on the clock, at least hoping if they recovered the onside kick, he could throw one pass to the end zone. jim: extra point is inside the right up right. but only two seconds to go. and we remind you, tonight on cbs begins with a special interview with president obama on "60 minutes," followed by "the mentalist," and a new episode of "cold case," and "criminal minds." only cbs. the cowboys schedule, it's
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brutal. games at new orleans and at washington. phil: that will be washington's super bowl this year, so you know that will be tough. especially if the cowboys have found a way to win next week, or if they're still in the playoff hunt. jim: washington with a win in oakland. they'll be 4-9. phil: oh, it's going to be a rough week here in dallas. but also, tony romo, jim. another solid game. played well. when the opportunity was there, he made the throws, made the plays. jim: a real statement too about what the chargers are up to right now. really hitting a stride, it seems. we brought the players in yesterday for the meetings, whether it was vincent jackson or philip rivers, ladainian tomlinson, they all said the same thing. this is the best team we've ever had here. phil: i think it's the way they feel about themselves, the way
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they're being coached. which we've said a few times. and i think all players -- you always hear defensive players say we want to be aggressive. but offensive players are the same. they want to be aggressive. that means throwing it down the field and running the football, and san diego did both. jim: recovered by the chargers. antonio gates. last week tomlinson recovered an onside kick. a second away from 16 straight in december. phil: i was wondering if you could recover the onside kick and still have one second left. the answer is, yeah, you could have done it. jim: now you know.
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norv turner coming back to dallas. phil: coached here, great success. like he said, i was calling plays for emmitt smith, troy aikman, and michael irvin during the great run. jim: a team that leads the nfl in fewest giveaways, fewest penalty yards. longest december win streak in league history, now extended to 16. they've won eight in a row overall. they're 10-3 on the season. they take care of business here in dallas. 20-17 final. "60 minutes" coming up. for phil simms and all the crew, jim nantz saying so long. you're watching the nfl on cbs. ♪ ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪ (announcer) it's right here, it's easy... ♪ always feel like mebody's watching me. ♪'s the money you could be saving with geico.
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captioning funded by cbs and ford-- built for the road ahead. >> this is really hard. and there's not a question you ask that i haven't asked. >> kroft: you'll hear those hard questions about afghanistan, and on a range of issues from the economy to the white house gate crasher. and you'll see a president who is intensely focused and occasionally angry. >> i did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of, you know, fat cat bankers on wall street. you guys are drawing down $10 million, $20 million bonuses after america went through the worst economic year it's gone through in decades and you guys caused the problem? why do you think people might be a little frustrated? >> safer: i would imagine that when people ask you what you do for a living, it's not the easiest thing in the world to explain. >> i just say i make body parts.
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>> safer: he's not joking. by manipulating cells in the human body to regrow tissue, researchers have created ears and bladders and even heart valves. it's beating. the u.s. government and biotech companies are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into regenerative medicine, hoping to profoundly change human lives. >> there's good news and bad news. the bad news is some of you will lose your jobs, yeah, yeah. the good news is i've been promoted. >> stahl: ricky gervais has come up with a formula for what's funny that seems to have people laughing all over the world. >> dawn tinsley, receptionist. >> stahl: "the office" airs in more than 100 countries. now, he and his partner make money from all the reruns and spin-offs... >> what's up!? >> stahl:... including $50,000 an episode from the american
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version alone. >> what's up!? >> what's up!? >> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm bob simon. >> i'm morley safer. >> i'm byron pitts. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories and andy rooney tonight on "60 minutes." discover gives you a cash back bonus on every single purchase. what you do with it is up to you. what will you get back with your cash back? it pays to discover. thank you. what do you really want to give for christmas this year? come to your hallmark gold crown store, stocked with lots of new ways... to help you find meaning inside.
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stocked with lots of new ways... as having to decide to go for it?
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at the hartford, we help businesses of all kinds... feel confident doing what they do best. by protecting your business, your property, your people. you've counted on us for 200 years. let's embrace tomorrow. and with the hartford behind you, achieve what's ahead of you. ♪ >> kroft: as president obama approaches his first anniversary in the white house, some of the public's enthusiasm for his ambitious agenda at home and abroad is on the wane.
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while he helped avert a worldwide financial collapse, and may well achieve his goal of health care reform during his first year in office, the u.s. economy is still very weak, with double-digit unemployment, and his approval ratings are at the lowest point of his presidency. this past week, before he left for europe to accept the nobel peace prize, we sat down with the president in the map room at the white house for a wide ranging discussion, much of it focused on his decision to send an additional 30,000 troops to afghanistan. was that the most difficult decision of your presidency so far? >> president barack obama: absolutely. >> kroft: why? >> obama: because when you go to walter reed and you travel to dover and you visit arlington and you see the sacrifices that young men and women and their families are making-- there is nothing more profound. and it is a solemn obligation on the part of me as commander in chief to get those decisions right. i do not make this decision
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lightly... >> kroft: in your west point speech, you seemed very analytical, detached, not emotional. the tone seemed to be, "i've studied this situation very hard. it's a real mess. the options aren't very good, but we need to go ahead and do this." there were no exhortations or promises of victory. why? why... why that tone? >> obama: you know, that was actually probably the most emotional speech that i've made, in terms of how i felt about it. because i was looking out over a group of cadets, some of whom were going to be deployed in afghanistan. and potentially, some might not come back. there is not a speech that i've made that hit me in the gut as much as that speech. and one of the mistakes that was made over the last eight years is for us to have a triumphant sense about war.
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there was a tendency to say, "we can go in, we can kick some tail. this is some glorious exercise." when in fact, this is a tough business. >> kroft: most americans right now don't believe this war is worth fighting, and most of the people in your party don't believe this is a war worth fighting. >> obama: right. >> kroft: why did you go ahead? >> obama: because i think it's the right thing to do. and that's my job. if i was worried about what polled well, there are a whole bunch of things we wouldn't have done this year. >> kroft: do you feel like you've staked your presidency on it? >> obama: there are a whole bunch of things that i've staked my presidency on, right, that are tough and entail some risks. there's no guarantees. but that i'm confident we have addressed in the best possible way. >> kroft: the west point speech was greeted... it was greeted with a great deal of confusion... >> obama: i disagree with that statement. >> kroft: you do? >> obama: i absolutely do. 40 million people watched it, and i think a whole bunch of people understood what we intend to do. >> kroft: but it raised a lot of questions.
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>> obama: now, it... >> kroft: some people thought it was contradictory. that's a fair criticism. >> obama: i don't think it's a fair criticism. i think that what you may be referring to is the fact that, on the one hand, i said, "we're going to be sending in additional troops now." on the other hand, "by july 2011, we're going to move into a transition phase where we're drawing our troops down." >> kroft: right. >> obama: there shouldn't be anything confusing about that. that's... >> kroft: well... >> obama: first of all, that's something that we executed over the last two years in iraq. so i think the american people are familiar with the idea of a surge. in terms of the rationale for doing it, we don't have an afghan military right now, security force, that can stabilize the country. if we are effective over the next two years, that then frees us up to transition into a place where we can start drawing down. now, the other point of confusion, i think, that at least the press has identified is this notion of, "well, what happens on july 2011?"
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>> kroft: right. what does happen? >> obama: and what i've said is... is that we then start transitioning into a drawdown phase. how many u.s. troops are coming out how quickly will be determined by conditions on the ground. >> kroft: so, if the situation is not going well in july of 2011, you can decide-- and i'm not making light of this-- to send home the band and a couple of civil affairs units and non- essential units, and keep as many combat people on the ground as are necessary to perform the du... the mission. >> obama: well, look, as commander in chief, obviously, i reserve the option to do what i think is going to be best for the american people at that point in time, and our national security. but we will know, i think, by the end of december 2010 whether or not the approach that general mcchrystal has discussed in terms of securing population centers is meeting its objectives. and if the approach that's been recommended doesn't work, then yes, we're going to be changing approaches.
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>> kroft: "why set a deadline?"- - i mean, senator mccain, most prominent. >> obama: right. and... and the answer is that, in the absence of a deadline, the message we are sending to the afghans is, "it's business as usual. this is an open-ended commitment." and very frankly, there are, i think, elements in afghanistan who would be perfectly satisfied to make afghanistan a permanent protectorate of the united states in which they carry no burden, in which we're paying for a military in afghanistan that preserves their security and their prerogatives. that's not what the american people signed off for when they went into afghanistan in 2001. they signed up to go after al qaeda. >> kroft: the... the main reason we're doing this is al qaeda. why send 30,000 troops to afghanistan, because, according to your government's own estimates, there may be fewer than 100 al qaeda fighters in... in afghanistan; that the rest
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are in pakistan and the tribal territories. >> obama: what you have here between the borders of afghanistan and pakistan is the epicenter of violent extremism directed against the west and directed against the united states. this is the heart of it. this is where bin laden is. this is where its allies are. it's from here that you see attacks launched not just against the united states, but against london, against bali, against a whole host of countries. >> kroft: and half of this territory is in afghanistan... >> obama: half... half of this territory is in afghanistan, half of it is in pakistan. ultimately, in order for us to eradicate the problem, to really go after al qaeda in an effective way, we are going to need more cooperation from pakistan. there is no doubt about that. >> kroft: you're a student of history. the british lost the revolutionary war and the americans lost the vietnam war in spite of the fact that they won almost all the major battles. they lost it because it got to be too expensive, it was too far
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away, and not enough people cared about it. aren't you facing some of those same problems right now? >> obama: i think what is true is that, if we have an open- ended commitment in a place like afghanistan with no clear benchmarks for what success means, that the american people, who have just gone through the worst financial crisis since the great depression, who've already endured eight years of war, at some point are going to say "enough." and rightly so. >> kroft: in afghanistan, you can make the argument that it's not really even a country, that it is a collection of tribes, that... and it is run really by a very corrupt government, some of whose major figures are alleged to be involved in the drug business, including the brother of... of the president. how are you going to deal with this? >> obama: ( laughs ) look, i... i... >> kroft: i mean, how... how are you going to do this? >> obama: look... look, steve, i
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mean, the... the reason i laugh is because this is really hard. and there's not a question that you asked that i haven't asked in meetings, and that i don't ask myself. i don't have the luxury of choosing between the ideal and what exists on the ground. i have to make decisions based on how, given where we are right now, how do we get to the best possible place? >> kroft: okay. let's change the subject. >> obama: okay, why not? >> kroft: jobs. >> obama: we can talk about afghanistan some more. ( laughter ) >> kroft: the president's frustration is understandable. while the economy is showing signs of growth and job losses may finally be bottoming out, the unemployment rate is still at 10%. this past week, he outlined a new jobs program built around tax breaks for small businesses, more infrastructure projects for local and state governments, and
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cash rebates for people to make their homes more energy efficient. >> obama: what i'm interested in is a targeted jobs package that can help to boost what's already taking place. companies are already starting to hire again. is there a way to boost their confidence? and i think there is. >> kroft: the president hopes to subsidize the jobs program and pay down some of the deficit with the billions of dollars being returned to the government under the tarp program. some wall street banks have now recovered to the point where they can not only afford to pay back the loans, but once again hand out huge bonuses to their employees. at three of the biggest banks, they are expected to total $30 billion. that's roughly what it will cost the government to finance the surge in afghanistan, and president obama is furious. >> obama: i did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of, you know, fat cat bankers on wall street. the only ones that are going to be paying out these fat bonuses are the ones that have now paid
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back that tarp money and aren't using taxpayer loans. >> kroft: do you think that's why they paid it back so quickly? >> obama: i think, in some cases, that was a motivation. which i think tells me that the people on wall street still don't get it. they don't get it. they're still puzzled why is it that people are mad at the banks. well, let's see-- you guys are drawing down $10 million, $20 million bonuses after america went through the worst economic year that it's gone through in... in decades, and you guys caused the problem. and we've got 10% unemployment. why do you think people might be a little frustrated? >> kroft: do you think that they've made some of these bonuses based in part on the generosity and policies of the united states government to help put the financial system back on its feet? >> obama: i think there is no doubt about it. and what's most frustrating me right now is you've got these same banks who benefited from taxpayer assistance who are fighting tooth and nail with their lobbyists up on capitol hill fighting against financial regulatory reform.
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>> kroft: why is it taking so long? >> obama: well, everything appears to take long in congress. we can talk about health care if you want. ( laughs ) this is democracy in action. >> kroft: you mentioned congress and health care. you ran for office based on... on the fact that you were going to try and reform the system. you wanted to change the status quo in washington. then, you came in and you turned over your top priority, health care, to the congress. >> obama: that's not true. >> kroft: 535... well, you laid out what you wanted, and what... you... you set the guidelines. >> obama: right, exactly. >> kroft: and then... and then stood back and turned it over to 535 people who produced a 2,000- page bill that is... >> obama: what? >> kroft: well, i, i haven't read it, so... >> obama: finish your thought, steve. >> kroft: i can't really. i'd say some people think is incomprehensible. not very many people have read it. i've not... not met anybody who's read it. >> obama: steve, let... look, let... let's be clear here. seven presidents have tried to reform a health care system that everyone acknowledges is broken.
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seven presidents have failed up until this point. we are now that close to having a bill that does all the things that i said and most experts said needed to be done when we started this process. it is not only deficit neutral, but will actually bring down the deficit according to the congressional budget office. >> kroft: you think it's going to pass? >> obama: yes. >> kroft: do you... do you think it's going to pass before christmas? >> obama: i think it's... >> kroft: in the senate? >> obama: i think it's going to pass out of the senate before christmas. >> kroft: are you going to be involved in that process? >> obama: i've been involved the whole time. >> kroft: at that point, we thought the interview was over, and then our executive producer suggested one more question. the gate crashers. >> obama: yeah. >> kroft: by now, you must know... >> obama: it's really a shame that i had to go through a whole "60 minutes" interview without talking about the gate crashers. ( laughter ) good catch. >> kroft: you must know... you must know what happened. can you share that with us? >> obama: i... i think that what
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i know is what everybody knows, which is that these people should not have gotten through the gate. >> kroft: were you unhappy with your social secretary? >> obama: i was unhappy with everybody who was involved in the process. and so, it was a screw up. now, i don't think that, from a policy perspective, this was the most important thing or even the fifth or sixth most important thing that happened this week, although it got the most news. >> kroft: were you angry when you found out about it? >> obama: yes. that's why... >> kroft: seriously angry? right. >> obama: yes. that's why it won't happen again. >> cbs money watch update. >> good evening. the senate today passed a massive spending bill that funds most federal agencies. the consulting firm acsenture
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says it ended its corporate sponsorship of tiger woods. and the princess and the frog was the top movie of the weekend, bringing in $25 million. i'm russ mitchell, cbs news. wn . fishing at the shore. wn . i'm breathing better... with spiriva. announcer: spiriva is the only once-daily tenance treatment r both forms of copd, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. i take it every day. it keeps my airways open... to help me breathe better all day long. and it's not a steroid. announcer: spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, or have vision changes or eye pain. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate, as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take, even eye drops. side effects may include dry mouth, constipation and trouble passing urine. my doctor said i could be doing more to breathe better and now i am.
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use your debit card for everyday purchases and automatically build your savings. with keep the change®. only from bank of america. >> safer: it sounds like science fiction, but the fact is, biotech companies and the government are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into research they hope will one day make it possible for us to grow new body parts. it's called regenerative medicine, and the goal is to help the 100,000 people waiting for organ transplants, and the thousands of veterans who return from iraq and afghanistan horribly maimed. so far, researchers have created beating hearts, ears, and bladders by manipulating cells in the human body into regrowing tissue. the hope is to one day profoundly change human lives.
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dr. anthony atala runs the wake forest institute for regenerative medicine in north carolina. you name the body part, chances are dr. atala is trying to grow one. >> dr. anthony atala: currently at the institute, we're working on over 22 different tissues and organs. >> safer: so, bladder? >> atala: yes. >> safer: heart? liver? >> atala: yes, kidneys, lungs. the possibilities really are endless. >> safer: are you suggesting a remarkable future of, when organs fail, we simply replace them and live to 120, 150? >> atala: well, the hope for the future is that if you do have a patient who has organ failure, you don't want that patient to die because you're waiting for an organ. people are dying every day on the transplant wait list. so the hope of the field is we can provide replacement tissues and organs that can be used to help them survive. >> safer: dr. atala presides
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over the world's largest lab devoted to bioengineering body parts. he has made everything from components of fingers to kidneys. it's enough to make dr. frankenstein jealous. slightly spooky, isn't it? dr. atala says every organ in our body contains special stem cells that are unique to each body part. the key to regeneration, he says, is to isolate and then multiply those cells until there are enough to cover a mold of that particular body part. what is growing here? >> atala: that is actually a bladder. and you can see here that we actually create the three- dimensional mold first. this is actually coated with cells, and it's done one layer at a time. it's very much like baking a layer cake. >> safer: it's sort of surgery as pastry making. but how do those cells know... ( laughs ) it's a really stupid question, i understand, but how do the bladder cells know they should
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be functioning as bladder cells? >> atala: every single cell in your body has all the genetic information to create a whole new you. so, if you place that cell in the right environment, it'll be programmed to do what it's supposed to do. >> safer: dr. atala says some body parts are more simple to make than others. >> atala: this is actually an ear mold. and you can see here the mold shaped like an ear. and then what we do is we start seeding these with cells, and then this is actually the fully engineered ear. the molds are designed to degrade over time, so as the tissue forms, the mold goes away. >> safer: if that was for a child, would that grow with the child? >> atala: yes. the body does recognize them as their own and it does grow with the child. >> safer: depending on the body part, atala says, the whole process can take six to eight weeks. >> atala: this is actually an engineered heart valve. >> safer: it's beating. >> atala: this is actually where they get matured right before
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they get implanted. >> safer: he says that human testing of heart valves and blood vessels will begin within five years. he's has already grown and transplanted livers in mice, and has successfully transplanted human bladders grown outside the body from the patient's own cells. kaitlyne mcnamara is one of the recipients. >> kaitlyne mcnamara: i never even knew i could get this far. i'm just living a normal adult life. >> safer: meanwhile, in pittsburgh, researchers are taking a different approach. at the mcgowan institute for regenerative medicine, they are trying to trick the body into actually repairing and regenerating itself. dr. steven badylak is the institute's deputy director. i would imagine, when people ask you what you do for a living, it's not the easiest thing in the world to explain. >> dr. steven badylak: i just say i make body parts. it gets their attention. >> safer: he and his team are convinced that the key to regeneration is finding the switch in our bodies that tells
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our cells to grow when we are still in the womb. >> safer: the accepted wisdom is that we're born with what we have and that's it. you know, the body doesn't grow new parts. >> badylak: well, the human body... because there certainly are examples of species that regrow their arms and legs, like a newt or a salamander. but as a human, early enough in gestation, we can do the same things. we can regrow major body parts. >> safer: in essence, is what you're doing trying to find the key to turning that process back on? >> badylak: yeah, if we could make the body, or at least the part of the body that's missing or injured, think that it's an early fetus again, that's game, set, and match. >> safer: dr. badylak says he now has the material that might be a step towards that. its called e.c.m.-- extra cellular matrix, which he gets from, of all places, pig bladders. >> badylak: extra cellular matrix exists in all of us, it exists in all species. it's loaded with signals that instruct cells to do things.
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>> safer: and where do pig bladders come into it? >> badylak: they are a convenient source, because it's a throwaway product for the agricultural community. and so, we can get rid of the cells, and the remaining extra- cellular matrix is proven to be very instructive to the body. >> safer: we're very closely... closely related to pigs, yes? ( laughter ) >> badylak: probably closer than we'd like to admit, yeah. >> safer: he says that e.c.m. could regrow virtually every tissue in the body. it looks like flour. >> badylak: yeah, it does. yeah. yeah, just taking this through airports can be tricky sometimes. ( laughter ) >> safer: when doctors at the university of pittsburgh were treating a patient with cancer of the esophagus who was too weak to face complicated surgery, they turned to dr. badylak and his e.c.m. >> badylak: our therapy of choice right now is to remove the esophagus and pull the remaining stomach up through the chest and attach it to what's left in the throat. so, the treatment's as bad as the disease. so what we have done is said, "can we take a regenerative medicine approach to allow surgeons to go in and just
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resect the cancer, and instruct the remaining esophagus to regrow itself?" >> safer: dr. blair jobe operated on 76-year-old erwin schmidt last april. jobe removed the cancerous lining of the esophagus and inserted a sleeve of e.c.m. instead of forming a scar that would block his esophagus, doctors believe the e.c.m. instructed his cells to regrow a new lining. today, schmidt is cancer-free. >> erwin schmidt: i'm eating real good, i feel terrific, and i'm starting to put weight on. no pain, no nothing. >> dr. blair jobe: that's great. >> safer: so, essentially, you gave him a new esophagus. >> jobe: we're very excited by this. and i think, you know, in my heart, i feel that this will change the way we do things, ultimately. but i think, right now, it's... it's too early to claim victory. >> safer: you look like you're claiming victory already, though. >> schmidt: i feel fantastically
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good. >> safer: based on that success, dr. jobe and his colleagues hope to start a full clinical trial soon. and then there's the military. the pentagon has invested $250 million in regenerative research aimed at helping soldiers with severe battle injuries, regrowing muscle and skin for burn injuries, as well as transplant technology for lost limbs. dr. steven wolf is the chief of clinical trials at the army's institute for surgical research. i would imagine that the patient group that you're dealing with are a particularly positive one. they're young, eager men who suffer these horrible losses and want to get as much of their lives together as they can. >> dr. steven wolf: absolutely. they want to go back, most of these guys do. they say, "hey, fix me up so i can go back." >> safer: beginning this month, dr. wolf is leading a clinical trial that could one day make that possible.
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army surgeons will implant e.c.m. in the limbs of severely injured soldiers in hopes of restoring muscle lost to roadside bombs. >> wolf: what we're doing with this project is putting this e.c.m. in there, and then hoping that it populates and then it becomes muscle. >> safer: it also, in a place like this, goes by the name of "pixie dust," correct? >> wolf: right. well, it is somewhat magical, isn't it? the whole notion of, well, we're going to put this powder in there and it's going to make a new thing. and there is a lot of biological support of that whole notion, so it's not magic, you know. but it certainly seems that way. >> safer: what do you hope to achieve here? >> wolf: well, we're not going to, you know, just show up and go, "hey, okay, here's your leg. we'll stick it on." what we hope is that we can replace certain tissues that can make them function as well as possible. >> safer: which is what isais hernandez says e.c.m. did for him. hernandez was so severely
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wounded by a mortar round that amputation of his leg seemed likely. dr. wolf operated on hernandez last year as a first test of e.c.m. in this type of injury. he placed e.c.m. in hernandez' thigh, which grew entirely new muscle in a wound that had once exposed the bone. >> johnny owens: okay, give me another five. >> safer: his physical therapist johnny owens says the muscle growth is clear. >> owens: and relax. >> safer: it has grown? >> owens: yeah, on... on imaging and... and to what we see and to what he feels, it feels like it's grown. >> safer: do you feel the difference? >> isais hernandez: yeah, i mean, it doesn't feel... it doesn't get as tired as quickly, or shaky before. after doing some other workouts, i'd have to break, and now i don't have to break anymore. >> safer: that's remarkable. it's amazing. must be giving you a lot of pleasure to see that kind of progress? >> owens: it does, yeah. i think there's a lot of potential to see bigger and better things. >> safer: when you saw that this, to some extent, worked,
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were you surprised? >> wolf: did it fail miserably? no. in fact, it seemed to work. eureka! >> safer: if this works, it could really change trauma medicine, yes? >> wolf: in terms of muscle loss. now, all right, what happens if we put that by a nerve? what happens if we put that by bone? what happens if we put that by your heart? what happens... ( laughter ) by so, you see, it... it opens a lot of doors, if it actually works. >> safer: the military is also using regenerative techniques in hand replacements for amputees. doctors at the university of pittsburgh have successfully transplanted a hand taken from a cadaver onto the arm of marine josh maloney, who lost his right hand working with dynamite. >> how's the hand feeling today? >> safer: using cell therapy and a bone marrow transplant from the donor, doctors were able to get josh's body to accept the new hand without many of the anti-rejection drugs that are
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almost always toxic. maloney says the surgery has given him his life back. to dr. wolf, it's the least medicine can do. >> wolf: these guys, they were protecting us. they took the hit for us, and they deserve our respect for that reason. and... and from my perspective, they deserve our very best effort to do the best we know how to do, and then further, to do the best that we don't even know yet how to do. "o" is for objectivity. one of the basic principles of td ameritrade. it means you help investors... you don't just sell them. it means no hidden agenda. td ameritrade always has...always will... put the investor-- you--first. that's how they work. that's how they deliver objective investing help. that's what td ameritrade stands for. what does your investment firm stand for?
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>> stahl: the british comedian ricky gervais, known to his fans as "the funny little fat man," created the original version of the tv sitcom "the office" for the bbc. he based the series on his own experiences doing drudge work in cubicle jobs. the show was such a huge success that gervais became a celebrity, and now, at 48, he's all over the place: in movies, starring in comedy specials on hbo, a frequent guest on letterman and jon stewart. and the golden globes announced


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