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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  April 12, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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>> >> we'll begin with breaking news happening in baltimore county, a broken gas main is in parksville. >> hello, i'm captain mike perry, we're over putty hill and old harford road where a gas main was struck. the firefighters responded and it's not sure how it ruptured if someone struck it or what. bge is on the scene and the fire department had the road closed. and it's been closed for about the last hour or so as the police stand by. bge arrived on the scene and they've started to work on the roadway in front of a house, the gas is shut off, the fire officials left the seen. it's not clear how long the avenue is closed east of markville high school. this is going to affect the traffic and parts of the high
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school traffic as they leave for the afternoon and here, they have the road shutdown and it will remain until bge affects the repairs. stay tuned to us throughout the afternoon for further information, baaing to you on -- back to you on tv hill. >> again, we al have the latest at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 and on the web at >> and mayor stephanie rawlings- blake announces a budget savings packages. mike hellgren has more. >> reporter: we'll start with the good news, the police department and fire departments are getting the money they're fighting for and 200 city jobs would be lost. they're not saying which ones and you would pay new taxes and fees from bottles to hospital beds.
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mayor stephanie rawlings-blake layed out a new package that would restore the funding to police and fire that was decimated by a $121 million budget gap. it must be approved by the city council. >> there's going to be a shared burden. they want to make sure it's equitable and they want to make sure in sharing the burden they're able to move forward. while the critical services would be restored, some of the fees include a 4-cent bottle tax that could hurt business. when you choose to go to the store because of a six pack of soda's cheaper, the merchants will lose the business. those are the regional issues >> there's also a utility tax and increases in parking rates and fines and a hotel tax and income tax increase and a fee on hospital beds.
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>> it's good, i have to restore my senior programs. that's first and i think that the police department and fire should always be held harmless, we have to do that. what bothers me is when i think about the nonprofits, about that tax, on the health care. we have to look at that carefully, i don't want all of that to be passed on to the patient. >> reporter: those fees only raise $50 million needed and the city would still cut tie jobs. no police officers would go, but they would lose contract positions. this is far from over, there's going to be a lot of wrangling at city hall. one thing we talked about a lot of piece and taxes going up, the property taxes won't go up under this proposal. reporting live from city hall,
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mike hellgren. the council must approve by june 25th. the general assembly is in annapolis and racing the beat the law for sex offenders. ron matz has more. good afternoon, rob. well, good afternoon, don. they're requiring 15 years to life for convicted child rapists and other tougher punishments. this morning, a group fathered at the -- gathered to rally for the changes which was sparked by the murder of an 11-year-old in december. she was kidnapped and killed by a registered sex offender. her mother is angry the key bills are still in limbo. >> i don't know why they won't pass it and sign it. it's to protect our children, you know, i mean, the children should be the first priority,
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you know? being a parent of a child that was murdered by a sex offender, i'm appalled this is an issue. >> right now, the minimum sentence is only five years. they still need to iron out bills. don, back to you. >> thank you, ron. the session ends attained might to tight -- at midnight tonight. a teen faces murder charges over a stabbing from the weekend. he stabbed an 18-year-old saturday. the man stabs was in critical condition at shock trauma and he's also facing weapons charges and they're looking for someone who fled the scene. the baltimore city police have extra patrols in waverly. the most recent happened where a 22-year-old was shot and killed saturday. last thursday, a robber gunned
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down a 72-year-old outside of a carry out. the police can't solve this problem alone, he's asking for residents for their help. >> i would encourage everyone else, stop your talking. find something to do. find something positive to do. that's how we'll change this city. >> the police urge anyone with information to give them a call. leaders are in washington, d.c. today. the goal is to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists. recover here's kathryn brown. >> reporter: president obama is ready to lead a two day summit meeting to address the biggest threat to the security. he'll press 47 leaders to do their part. >> fortunately, we have a situation in which there is a
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lot of loose nuclear material around the world. >> reporter: an estimated 3 1/2 million pounds of uranium is scattered around 40 countries and 55 pounds can create a small nuclear device. >> reporter: securing the uranium by 2016 is a top priority. the president campaigned on the issue. >> locking down the material in four years, it's a tough goal. but, if all of the states and some of them really do have nuclear security problems, if they commit to working on it, it's achievable. >> reporter: iran and north korea weren't invited because they're violating an agreement and syria was also left off the list. even so, this is the biggest gathering of world leaders hosted by an american president
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since 1945. the president's top aides say if they don't have the entire problem solved when it's over, they're hoping to take key steps to keep the material out of the hands of terrorists. at the white house, wjz, eyewitness news. and there are details about the serious threat against the united states. a fourth man has been arrested in his role in planning to bomb the subway station. they were planning on strapping explosives on their bodice and then blow up trains on four different lines. the investigators say that more arrests overseas are likely. back here, we're enjoying sunny and pleasant spring weather. taking a live look outside right now. you may notice clouds outside and things are warming up nicely. and don, thank you very much, we'll look at the numbers, they tell the story.
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clear skies in the area and we're in the mid-to mid-upper 60s. that's a mild day. jet stream stays north and we'll go for a high of 71 or so. a little cooler than today's 77. changes are coming our way and we'll have a front straddling the region and tomorrow, damp on the cooler side. getting indications of afternoon rain, we may not get out of the 50s. ouch! come on back here one second. it won't last too lock. by thursday, 73 degrees. and how warm we'll get? a redo of the 90s we had last week? i don't know, we'll find out together during the first warning weather segment. still to come on wjz-13 eyewitness news at noon, a plane crash report and what investigators are saying about the accident that killed
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poland's president and others. will ben roethlisberger being facing sexual assault charges? we'll find out later on today. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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investigators are released the findings of a plain crash -- plane crash. there was no technical problems when the plane crashed. the polish president was traveling with religious leaders. they were advised to land at a different airport because of fog, but they landed there any ways. federal investigators are determining what caused the coal mine explosion that killed 29 people in this country. authorities said that high levels of methane gas played a role in the disaster. and the mine also has a history of safety violations. ben roethlisberger will
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find out today if he'll face sexual assault charges in georgia. they wrapped up the investigation into the claim that he assaulted someone in a club. it's the second time in a year he's been 5:00 of sexual miscon -- been accused of sexual misconduct. well, phil mickelson took him his third master's title. it was an emotional year for his family. he's taken time off as his wife and mother battled breast cancer. they gave him a hug. >> and still ahead, as you take another look outside, stick around, the complete first warning weather forecast 2 1/2 minutes away. minutes away. first, the midday stocks. ,,,,,, @x
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you know, it's a pleasant spring day. i mean, it got hot on us. >> yeah, we're kind of back to spring. >> for get me, don't get me wrong, was anyone complaining. show of hands? anyone complaining of the 93 degrees. i don't see any. >> well, there was nothing like a refreshing spring day. we'll look at the temperatures around the state.
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well, we're taking it at oakland, that's a geographic thing. oakland, 55 out and statewide at about the mid-60s around we're looking at 63 there. that hasn't changed in westminster and 64 in minneapolis. all of the temperatures update. so between the times at the beginning of the show, there's been an update. i wanted to see what was going on. we're until the mid-60s and 22% humidity. look at how pleasant it is. and high pressure sits on top here. at 30.36. what we're looking at are a few passing fair weather clouds. however, there's going to be a back door front diving through the area. it will be more stationary and allowing the moisture to come into the region tomorrow. there's a warm front to the west and we'll change seasons and these fronts are followed by a push of midair. 71 and comfortable today and
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tonight, clouds and 44 for the low. tomorrow night, that's a shocker. well, it's not a shocker, but you know what i mean. we'll say, wow, when did we go back to fall. 57-degrees is the high and we'll watch for afternoon rain. the rays are in town at camden yards. there's another game tomorrow night. i can't say if it will be raining. i think it will be more of an afternoon and evening rain, but we'll watch for it. still to come on wjz's eyewitness news at noon. a new message for baby boomers, why you may out live your children and new details at health watch. , here are the stories we're following on the website. for more information, go to ,(announcer) the art of getting dirty
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the art of getting clean powerfully formulated wisk® is better on tough mud stains than tide total care. wisk®. powerfully clean. perfectly priced. but trying to grow grass from seed in tough areas like deep shade, along the driveway, and where the kids play can be a little intimidating... until now, with scotts ez seed. it's so revolutionary it's guaranteed to grow grass...anywhere. that's because ez seed is a high performance mix of scotts best grass seed, starter fertilizer and a super absorbent growing material that absorbs water and expands to surround and protect the seeds, so you can grow thick, beautiful grass in even the toughest areas. the scotts ez seed mix even lightens in color to tell you when it's time to water. it's so fool-proof you'll get a thick, green scotts lawn
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even if you've never been successful with other seed before. the revolutionary scotts ez seed. you're guaranteed to be able to grow grass anywhere. go online to get a coupon for $5 off the purchase of scotts ez seed. ♪
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in today's health watch report. if you're trying to stay slim, researchers say to make sure you're getting enough sleep. men who sleep four hours of night consume 560 extra calories the next day. given the finding, a lack of sleep could be a factor continue bought to the obesity epidemic. new research shows that rising obesity rates could be setting up for shorter lives
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and pourer health than their parents. 20% of the people born between '66 and '85 were obese by their 20s. and be sure to check in with us tonight, it's being called a monstrous deed, an american woman returning her russian adopted son alone. >> and 18 airlines are ranked in terms of quality. joins for these stories and more at 4:00 after "dr. phil." phil." stay with us, the e ,,,,
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allergies? chlor-trimeton. hey, one dose of this, six hour relief. chlor-trimeton relieves itchy, watery eyes and sneezing for 12 full hours with less drowsiness than benadryl. it does all that? chlor-trimeton. less drowsy relief that lasts 12 hours. laxatives? i've tried all these. this one's gritty. this one can make you bloated. clearly, miralax is the one for me. it relieves my constipation with no harsh side effects. miralax. restore your body's natural rhythm.
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>> >> welcome back, 71 degrees today, 57 tomorrow. >> okay, it's going to warm back up. we showed you the warm front to the west. that's kind of a breeze and thursday and friday, bang, right back to the low 70s and showers coming in friday and saturday, mid-60s. >> and tonight, that's the first of one of the csi nights and at 10:00, it's csi miami and followed by eyewitness news at 11:00 and we've all seen or heard about a house of cards. have you seen a house made up of beer coasters. ashier -- a german man made a house made of beer coasters.
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he pulled a string and the card board mass came tumbling down, one after the other. >> we'll run that as much as we can. we can say good-bye of this, ,,,
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