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tv   The Early Show  CBS  September 22, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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obama's troubles as another top economic adviser steps down, an explosive new book claims the president's team was torn apart over the u.s. strategy in afghanistan. so, is this a white house divided? sexting outrage, three women accuse a wisconsin district attorney sending them sexually charged text messages yet he remains in office. we'll speak with one of the women at the center of the growing controversy. and gearing up. mel gibson's former girlfriend hires a dream team of attorneys in her fight against embattled star. but new e-mails reveal a bizarre new twist, early this wednesday but new e-mails reveal a bizarre new twist, early this wednesday morning, september 22nd, 2010. captioning funded by cbs
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good wednesday morning, everybody. enjoy your last few hours of summer before fall officially begins tonight. i'm maggie rodriguez. >> i'm harry smith. i guess we'll also have paris, at least paris to talk about anyway. she famously pled her cocaine charges in las vegas recently, gets on a plane, decided to go to japan and she's met by the authorities in japan with sort of a maybe not. maybe you should go home. we'll have that story coming up in a bit. we begin this morning with politics. the president marks the six-months anniversary of his vining of the landmark health care bill today and then head to the united nations but two other issues could overshadow his message. cbs news senior correspondent bill plante has the details this morning. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, harry. the two other issuess, the same have shadowed him since the beginning of his presidency, controversy over the war in afghanistan and on economic policy.
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the blunt-spoken summers often called the architect of president obama's economic policy steps down to return to harvard university. he's the third top-level adviser to depart since july. he follows budget director peter or zeroing and chief economic forecaster christina romer. the white house says his departure had been expected but comes as americans show little confidence in the president's economic agenda. the latest of our polls shows 51% of americans disapprove of the president's handling of the economy. many washington insiders see his departure as an important opportunity for president obama. >> -- can't help but give president obama a chance to make a better impression on his efforts to right the economy. >> reporter: meanwhile as the president looks to rebuild his economic team there, are new details about his relationship with his national security team. today's "washington post" reports on an explosive new book by reporter bob woodward, which
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detail as deep division between mr. obama and his military advisers on afghan war sfraj gee. the president constantmy pressed for an exit plan, the book says, while the pentagon want ad troop build-up. i'm not doing ten years, i'm not doing long-termination building. i am not spending a trillion dollars mr. obama told secretaries gates and clinton in october 2009. the book says the president never received the withdrawal plan from commanders and eventually dictated his own strategy in a six-page, single-spaced type sheet of terms. now, this white house like other white houses cooperated with would ward on the book but nonetheless they scrambled this morning to get ahead of the story. a senior administration official told cbs news, the debates with the book are well known and went on to say the president comes across, in his words, as analyst cal and decisive. harry? >> bill plante at the white house, thank you. magg maggie? not the book they want coming out with the
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all-important midterms only six weeks away now both sides pulling out their big guns. the republicans of course have sarah palin and the democrats the ever popular former president clinton and now also first lady michelle obama. our congressional correspondent nancy cordes is in washington this morning. good morning, nancy. >> reporter: good morning. the first lady said she likes to leave politics to her husband but with democrats trailing in the polls she has agreed to make nine campaign appearances and that number is expected to grow. the white house is calling out its biggest weapon, the first lady will be stumping for women candidates like senator barbara boxer of california, house speaker nancy pelosi of san francisco, and senator patty murray of washington state. she'll also head to her home town, chicago, to lend a hand to the democratic candidate from her husband's old illinois senate seat. it's her first time on the campaign trail since she was stumping for her husband back in 2008. >> yes, we can sglorlt the white house says a number of
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candidates requested campaign help from mrs. obama. according to recent polling her favorable ratings are at 62%, better than her husband's 53%. >> she should be deployed as much as possible and as much as she's willing and able to to help the cause. >> reporter: democrats hope she'll be able to counteract the influence of another powerful woman, sarah palin, who has been fund-raising and campaigning for conservatives for months. >> the tea party is the future of politics. >> reporter: she released a new video tuesday explaining the tea party's aims. >> the tea party movement is not a top/down operation. it's a ground-up call to action encouraging both parties to change the way they are doing business. >> reporter: and former president bill clinton is also hitting the trail coming to the aid of embattled democrats. in an interview with katie cour couric, he said predictions his party will lose big in november are premature. >> it depends whether it is a choice or referendum.
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if is a choice, i think we'll surprise everybody and do quite well. >> reporter: the white house says it arranged the first lady's travel schedule with her children in mind. she likes to be back home at nights and on the weekends and won't be an attack dog they say talking about health care, rebuilding the middle class and how the country is turning the corner. harry. thank you. also in washington this morning our political analyst john dickerson. john, good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> talk about larry summers decided to go back to harvard, always part of the plan he would go back so he could retain tenure there. at the end of the day, here's this guy, this big economic adviser, does this white house look at him as an asset or liability, if you will' excuse the phrase. >> i think they look at him as an asset, for sure. i mean, he has a reputation of being prickly. there were certainly internal battles within the white house but the white house thinks the program, particularly the stimulus package the president
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put forward he helped put together and all emergency response to the economic downturn have been a success, maybe not a great success the public doesn't think so but they think he did a good job. >> interesting. talk about the woodward book, a reporter from the "washington post" reporting for decades and has phenomenal sources inside every white house, better than anybody's, really reports sort of the dirty back-fighting that goes on among people at high levels of power. it's sort of like high school madness, almost. should we be surprised it took place even in a discussion as serious as the afghanistan war? >> we shouldn't be surprised there was a heated debate. but, what we maybe should be surprised a little bit about the motivation questioning of all the players. it wasn't just a debate over policy but who was motivated to do what and who had what sort of other problems in this negotiation. the afghanistan review is a scab on the administration that just
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keeps getting picked time and time again. the white house said these debates were well known. they are still being fought in this book a little bit and in the reaction to it between the administration and the pentagon. >> the question always continues to come up, is this middle of the next summer date certain as a time to start withdrawing troops, it kind of never, ever goes away. let's change subjects to michelle obama, how happy is the white house to be unleashing her during this campaign season. >> well, they are happy to the extent she's an asset and she placed well with important democratic constituencies, women, of course, but african-americans and young voters. they like having her out there. on the other hand the fact she has to go out there is a sign of the difficult position democrats are in but that, of course, doesn't surprise anybody. but, they hope to get whatever kind of boost they can out of here in what looks like a difficult year. >> and finally, last but not least on our list this morning, christine o'donnell has said she will not do any national interviews. i know that disappoints you,
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person naelg. but in real life, does this matter? >> well, no, it doesn't matter, although, as you say, i'm disappointed and all of us should be. but, she's smart to do this. you know, the national media is not doing her any favors and, basically, a lot of people want her own so she can have a car crash on air. she needs to focus on delaware. she's got a tough run there, to reach out to independents and get outside of the narrow conservative constituency. that helped her win, i should say, the primary there and smart to keep to her kniting and hope voters don't penalize trying to stay away from the national media which may look like staying away from difficult or probing questions. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thanks, harry. >> in case miss o'donnell, the offer stands. now at 7:10, a look what's going on in the news with erica hill.
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good morning, erica. >> good morning. it is called corruption on steroids, the california city officials who sparked nationwide outrage with inflated salaries will be in court this morning. they were acoupsd of stealing millions from the people of bell, california. our correspondent bill whitaker reports. >> reporter: after months of outrage, the citizens of bell, california finally had something to cheer about. >> this is the greatest victory in bell. >> reporter: the city manager of bell, the mayor, eight city officials in all arrested on criminal charges of whisappropriating more than $5.5 million. >> this was calculated greed and theft accomplished by deceit and secrecy. >> reporter: bell is a working class suburb of l.a. with 36,000 residents. the median household earnings, about $39,000 a year. yet, four of five city council members took home more than $100,000 a year for part-time work. >> do you have anything to say
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to the people of bell? >> reporter: but the salary that raised the most eyebrows, the former city manager, robert rizzo's, almost $788,000 a year, double president obama's salary. add in benefits and secret loans and the d.a. claims rizzo bilked bell for $3.2 million, as city taxes kept going up and anger reached a fevered pitch. >> shame on you! all of you! >> you are a piece of [ bleep ]. >> they used the tax dollars collected from the hard-working citizens of bell as their own piggybank. >> reporter: now residents are jubilant. but the fact is the disgraced city council still runs bell until members either resign, are re-called by voters, or are convicted. bill whitaker, cbs news, los angeles. elements of health care reform take effect tomorrow but some big insurance companies are responding by no longer offering policies for children.
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the lasts times reporting that is because health reform bars them rejecting children with pre-existing conditions. among the companies, blue cross, aetna, cigna and others operating in 32 states. that could affect half a million children nationwide. harry reid says he will try again to end the policy on gays openly serving in the military after the election. democrats tried to bring the issue to the floor but lost a procedural vote. -- the owner of the iowa egg factory the source of this summer's salmonella outbreak will apologize today when he testifies before congress. the "des moines register" quotes prepared testimony from he and his son saying, quote, while we always believed we are doing the right thing, it is now very clear that we must do more. payback time for the reverend terry jones at the center of the koran-burning controversy. now the city of gainesville is sending him a bill for $200,000,
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the cost of security for that now canceled koran burning event. jones is calling the bill ridiculous. a new report this morning on home prices in the u.s. cold well banker says the average listing price was $353,000. the most expensive city, newport beach, california, where a four-bedroom, two-bath home will set you back $1.8 million. the most affordable city, detroit. that same house would cost just $68,000 in the motor city. finally we want to introduce you to puggy the peek niece. forget the pedigree. his real claim to fame, puggy holds the guinness world record for the longest tongue of any dog, it is four and a half inches. if that doesn't arm you for something for your next event or water cooler talk this morning i frankly don't know what will. >> seeing puggy and gene simmons in concert together. how do you like that for a reunion tour. >> our summer concert series continues.
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>> absolutely. be on the plaza. you never know what will happen. nice to see you, good morning to you. a lot going on, severe weather rolling through the northern plains, storms pushing through
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>> summer ends, autumn begins tonight, 11:09, equal sunshine north and south of the equator. whoa. that's a look at our weather picture. sorry about that graphical error. maggie. >> no problem. thank you, dave at 7:15, more troubles for paris hilton now that she pleaded guilty to drug charges, japanese officials refused to let her into their country sending her packing. our correspondent has the story. >> how do you plead? >> guilty, your honor. >> when paris hilton pled guilty to cocaine possession in las vegas monday, she likely had no idea it might cause her to be detained some 5500 miles away. >> paris! >> reporter: shortly after leaving a las vegas courtroom, the 29-year-old hotel heiress
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boarded a flight to japan to promote her fashion and fragrance line. >> what's up, snrve i'm excited to be in tokyo. >> reporter: soon after her arrival, immigration officials held her up in an airport hotel for two days. it's not a hilton hotel. her conviction earlier this week included a fine of $2,000, 200 hours of community service and a year of probation. while the judge did not restrict travel, japanese authorities reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone convicted of drug-related offenses. hilton, who rose to fame in the reality show called "the simple life" has proven her life has been anything but. and afears attract as many problems as she does paparazzi. in july, she was held by immigration officials in south africa upon suspicion of marijuana possession. hilton was released after a fellow traveler copped to carrying the drug. in 2007, she spent nearly a
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month in a los angeles prison after violating parole for an alcohol-related offense. upon her release then, hilton assured her followers she'd make amends. >> it gave me, you know, a time-out in life just to really find out what was important. >> reporter: but after her latest offense and 48 hours of deliberation, japanese immigration decided it was time to send paris back to hollywood. >> i'm going back home but look forward to coming back to japan in the future and i love everyone. we'll see if she's ever invited back. not so sure. coming up, we'll speak with a woman who says a district attorney harassed her with sexually suggestive text messages. also new developments in the ongoing battle between mel gibson and his former girlfriend, the explosive e-mails that appear to show her forgiving him. and the four very important things you don't know about your
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credit card but you should. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪ i love my grandma. i love you grandma. grandma just makes me happy. ♪ to know, know, know you grandma is the bestest. the total package. grandpa's cooooooooool. way cool. ♪ grandpa spoils me rotten. ♪ to know, know, know you ♪ is to love... some people call us frick and frack. we do finger painting. this is how grandpa and i roll. ♪ and i do [ pins fall ] grandma's my best friend. my best friend ever. my best friend ever. ♪ [ laughing ] [ boy laughs ] ♪ to know, know, know you after this we're gonna get ice cream. can we go get some ice cream? yeah. ♪ and i do
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you may have heard about a district attorney in wisconsin accused of sending text messages sexually charged messages to women. a third woman is coming forward. it took her a while to speak up but now that she is she is telling the whole story and it will surprise you. >> remember the crazy phone calls from mel gibson and the ranting and everything else? now there are e-mails that tell a bit of a different story. we'll have that for you, too. this portion of "the early show" sponsored by the home depot, more saving, more doing. that's the power of the home depot. e get the look we want, the softness we need, and an unbeatable lifetime stain warranty for whatever life throws at it. then let's save big on the installation. ♪
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good morning, we're on the way to a really warm day. good morning, temperatures are already higherer than they were yesterday. as we go into the afternoon, we'll continue to rise. 62 in easton and as you take a closer look, 59 in westminster and 68 in annapolis. this afternoon, 88 for the high and there's a chance for a late day shower and thunderstorm. that will die overnight and we're getting a check of the roads with sharon gibala. hi, there, well, it continues to be a busy morning on the roads. take a look outside. we have this jam working on the
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eastside of the beltway. that's blocking the right lane and watch for a delay there. and also, 95 southbound, still there past aberdeen. that accident a approaching mount airy and another wreck in the city on bel air and frankfort and 11 minute drive between whitemarsh and the beltway. also, a live look at the beltway, everything's slow there and running smoothly. and this is brought to you by bill's. call for more information. back to you. a glen burnie man is charged with child prostitution. andrea fujii has more downtown. >> reporter: good morning, don, the prosecutors say that the
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suspect lured the girl into prostitution. they claimed he took her from maryland to atlantic city and sold her services eight times and brought her back to a laurel hotel. he refused to take her home and he threatened to shoot her. she called her mother and he's now charged with sex trafficking of a minor. don, back to you. >> the high school freshman struck and killed last week will be laid to rest today. family and friends will gather in joppa for joey d'entremont's funeral. he was crossing a busy intersection and he was hit by a car. the 19-year-old driver did have the right of way and probably didn't even see him. stay with wjz-13, up next, mel gibson. and the truth about credit cards. what you don't know could cost you.
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and again, the sun is up and we're on ,,,,,,,,
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ma'am, can you identify the other airline that charged you bag fees? that's it. that one...right there. exactly how much did the other airlines make off with? ♪ it was like $25. was that one-way? or roundtrip? roundtrip. $50? did you have a second bag? yes. mm! it was $35. that's $120 roundtrip. [ gasps ] oh! ah! ♪ [ ding ] if they have their way, we're facing a mountain of debt and a massive tax increase. employers will continue to leave our state, taking their jobs with them. the next four years will impact the next decade, so we've put together a road map to 2020. a plan that brings jobs back to maryland by reducing spending and lowering taxes. let's make the maryland we love not just good, but great.
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now let's get down to work. nice crowd outside on the plaza. last day of summer. >> last hurrah. >> uh-huh. welcome back, everybody. coming up, what do you really know about your credit card? sure you know it buys stuff and you know you are paying interest like you can't even comprehend. did you know using it the wrong way could lower your credit score? we'll tell you what that's all about and reveal four important secrets how to use your credit cards correctly. >> also ahead, surprising new developments in the ongoing battle between mel gibson and his former girlfriend. after the vicious tear raids, it looks like she sent e-mails afterwards forgiving him. we'll explain why that could jeopardize her case against him and tell you about her brand new legal dream team. but first, it has gone from bad to worse for the d.a. who admits
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to sending sexually harassing text messages. at tlooesley women have come forward now the governor of wisconsin may want him out. wisconsin district attorney ken kratz accused of sending lewd, suggestive text messages, offering to trade legal favors for sex. 26-year-old stephanie van grol came forward first. she was the victim of a domestic abuse attack last october, badly beaten by her ex-boyfriend. she says the d.a., who was prosecuting that man, sentence her 30 text messages, many sexually explicit n. one he wrote, are you the kind of girl that likes secret contact with an older married elected d.a., the riskier the better? despite her claims, no charges were brought against him. then last week, a second, unidentified woman came forward, claiming she, too, had been harassed by him. she says, in january, he revealed details of an ongoing murder case to her and that invited her to witness the victim's autopsy with one particular requirement, that she
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act as his girlfriend and wear high heels and a skirt on the bizarre date. tuesday, a third woman, maria ruskiewicz, a wisconsin native and oklahoma city university law student, brought even more charges against him. she says he asked for sexual favors in exchange for supporting her request for have a teen-aged drug charge removed from her record n. one text, he wrote, what are you going to do to please me in between the sheets? >> i was freaked out. he had his hand in the success of my going to law school and the success of being able to apply as a non-felon in the future. >> this obviously is an embarrass -- serious embarrassment for us. >> reporter: the wisconsin governor called the charges unimaginable and mind boggling and promised, if proved true, he would remove him from office. joining us from oklahoma city is maria ruskiewicz. good morning, maria. >> good morning. >> you are the third woman to make similar allegations against mr. kratz.
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were you surprised other women are saying they went through the same thing you did? >> you know, actually, i wasn't surprised, even when this happened to me in 2008, there's no way that i could be the only woman in this position. especially with ken kratz, a man with that much power. >> you dealt with him over a previous drug case. you needed his help getting clemency. at first, you say that things were professional. when did they start to take an inappropriate turn? >> they started to take an inappropriate turn soon after i met in his office to say, you know, thank you for your support. do you have any future advice for a soon-to-be
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89 for the high tomorrow, 92 friday. today, a chance of a late day thunderstorm. we'll have a cold front saturday and we'll have a chance of rains. temperatures dropping sunday and up next, a new twist in the already twisted mel gibson saga. could newly releelsed e-mails
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protect the movie star from legal charges? you'll see what they say ahead here on "the early show" here on cbs. ♪
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welcome back, everyone. it is 7:40. new developments this morning in the bitter battle between mel gibson and his former girlfriend. e-mails surfaced this morning that could put his vicious rants in a whole new light, at least legally. tara mergener has the latest. >> reporter: oksana grigorieva is gearing up for her battle in court with him, now hired a high-powered p.r. firm and assemble ad dream team of attorneys in her domestic abuse case. >> i think the fact acsan na has changed her legal team, overhauled it, brought in new lawyers seems to suggest she knows something's coming. >> reporter: a series of explosive odd yop recordings released by radar on line over the summer allegedly revealed gibson's explosive rage towards griggs griggs. but now, a surprising e-mail exchange has surfaced on
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from just after one of the couple's infamous fights. it features and apologetic gibson and forgiving grigorieva. i really am losing my grip, i'm stuck. i try to be okay but it overpowers me and i'm something i don't want to be. in reply, grigorieva states, please don't torcher yourself like that, please. you didn't do anything to be so hard on yourself. how this new information affects a pending legal case remains to be seen. >> it really throws a fly in the ointment and i think somehow or another the prosecution will have to try to reconcile whether or not this e-mail fits within this whole equation as to whether or not charges ought to be filed against mel gibson. >> reporter: according to tmz, there is mounting evidence that gibson was having problems and had been writing rambling letters to oksana up to a year before his alleged blow-up was caught on tape n. one undated letter he writes, i am so ragged, i could drink or commit a crime. the anger seems to be out of my
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control. i need to do something about it lasting, not just a band aid. in a handwritten letter he says, i don't know why i'm so wacky and depressed but i need to get well and re-enter life. please don't be upset i'm gone. i'm just not myself. i don't want to inflict this unhealthy version of myself on you. and in in what appears to be a fragile gibson he tells oksana, i love you. this isn't who i was meant to be, i know it. i'm scared i can't get back. formal charges have yet to be filed. tara mergener, cbs news. a new development a short time ago radaronline posted something else that might help mel gibson, a text message that grigorieva sentence to him t. says you keep saying you'll take care us in the most generous way. i wouldn't have played your messages if had kept your word. which seems to bolster the claim she was trying to extort money
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from him when she made the charges. the saga continues and we'll keep you updated. up next the four secrets you need to know about your credit card. this is "the early show" on cbs. when you have osteoporosis, like me, it helps to eat calcium-rich foods like yogurt, spinach, and cheese. but calcium, vitamin d and exercise may not be enough to keep your bones strong. so ask your doctor about once-monthly boniva. boniva works with your body to help stop and reverse bone loss. studies show, after one year on boniva
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[ both ] ♪ soft to the touch... [ female announcer ] using less never felt so good. new charmin ultra soft. enjoy the go. in this morning's money watch, your credit card. do you really know how to use your credit card in the right way? cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to separate fact from fiction about your credit card. good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> one of the big reasons we're doing this is because your use of your credit card is very tightly connected to your credit score. correct? >> it is tightly connected to your credit score and just the mere application for a new credit card or a new line of credit in any way, whether it's for your home, your car, is going to impact that score and that's the number one thing merchants look at, you know, employers look at, all of these
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people look at it to determine whether you can get paid. >> number one misconception about credit cards. >> number one misconception is that you don't need to activate your card n. many cases, you do need to activate your card in order to get that money back but the issue that a lot of people go into with credit cards is they think if they apply for a card, they don't activate it, it won't impact their credit score. >> oh, okay. >> that's not the case. every single time you make an application for a new credit card your credit score can get dinged by five points, just the mere application. >> even if you don't activate it. >> even if you don't activate it. of course, you need to activate to use the card but don't think by getting it in the mail and putting it in the drawer your credit score isn't impacted. >> wow. the other misconception or myth or piece of confusion out there, can merchants or anyone -- if you are going to use your credit card, does a merchant, can he legally ask for your
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identification? >> in some cases, merchants are forbidden. there is a reason for that. we are so accustomed to, at least i am, thinking i'm going to hand over my i.d., my driver's license with my credit card. the fact of the matter is identity theft is such a major concern nowadays, the fear among a number of credit card companies, if merchants ask you for that identification, they could take your identification, have your -- all of your personal information, along with your credit card and can steal your identity of. >> okay. also, if you pay your credit card bills on time, does that mean it will be reflected positively in your credit score? >> yeah. the important thing to remember here is that so many credit reports, 80% of them, have at least one error. and you want to make sure that you're checking your credit report., great resource for checking for more information how to find free credit reports for yourself. but one of the important things, you want to check that report to make sure. even if you are paying on time there can be erroneous things on
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your report. >> last but not least, can you boost your credit score by overpayinging, paying more than a minimum? >> it can have a temporary impact but the main thing to think about here you want to maintain a good credit history. even if you overpay on one kkt it doesn't necessarily mean you are up to date on all of your accounts. >> thank you very much, as always. we'll be right back. you are watching "the early show" bs. new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science.
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,, for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage.
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made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side.
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a question for all parents if you could do something very simple starting right now that is now proven according to a new study to lower the likelihood your kids will smoke and drink and do drugs, would you? >> of course. >> no-brainer. >> right. >> ahead, we'll have the details, what the new study says and how you can start doing it this ink. so, don't miss it. we'll be right back. >> good tease. >> thanks, harry.
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and sign all of the paper work i needed to take care of. and it didn't have to be between 9 and 5 -- which doesn't always work for me. the people at quicken loans really care. it was nice to being able to call them whenever i needed to answer questions. they were on it. they were on top of everything. quicken loans made everything super convenient and easy. so the fact that they could work with my schedule was just wonderful. that's why i love quicken loans! ♪ with the best decongestant. my choice is clear. claritin-d. nothing works stronger, faster or longer for allergy congestion relief without drowsiness. get claritin-d at the pharmacy counter. live claritin clear.
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eseseseseses tax on everything you buy? that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea.
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we're going up to 88 degrees this afternoon. we're starting out warmer than yesterday. 62 in baltimore and eve ranged from 59 to 68 in annapolis. 88 is what we're looking for tonight. and there's the chance of a late day thunderstorm. it will come to an end overnight and 65 degrees for the low and we'll go back up again tomorrow. now, we're going over to sharon gibala with wjz traffic control. hi, there, still problems on the road.
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there's an overturned traffic control on 70 westbound. still blocking two right lanes behind it. the new one, that's on route 100 another on 32 at cedar lane and watch for a crash at greenspring valley road. and 795 southbound, starting out at ocean boulevard to the beltway. and that's from whitemarsh to 28 miles per hour. and the earlier delay we head is gone. and this is brought to you by i hop. and the maryland man indicted on sex trafficking of a minor is in the news. >> reporter: the man lured the 12-year-old into prostitution. he took her from maryland to atlantic city. sold her services eight times
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and brought her back to a laurel hotel. he refused to take her home and threatened to shoot her. when she was left alone, he called her mother. >> the victim is with her family and may testify at trial. yesterday, the detectives searched through the home of a man who shot a doctor last week at johns hopkins. and stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station. up next, how your gender affects your brain. and why old-fashioned family meals could keep your children out of trouble. ,,,,,,,,,,
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today these factories are full of dot com businesses. and now my job is helping maryland create new economy jobs. training new math and science teachers investing in our institutions of excellence pioneering new cyber security jobs and giving an old gm plant a jump start building electric motors. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know i'm fighting for you.
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welcome back to "the early show" on this beautiful wednesday morning. i'm maggie rodriguez with julie chen, harry smith and a wonderful crowd. i would like to ask you to be honest and tell me, do you sit down every night with your family to have dinner in. >> no. >> together. >> no. >> no. >> i should, but i don't. >> we should and all of us should because it is now scientifically proven it can benefit your children. thee will smoke less, drink less, won't do drugs as frequently but it is not as simple as it seems not just about sitting down together. we'll explain what that's all about this morning. >> also ahead this morning, an old question, does size matter? >> i beg your pardon, harry smith! >> we're talking about brains.
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>> ohh. >> the size of a person's brain. men and women do have different sized brains. there's new research indicating that could be a reason why men and women are so different. and our doctor jennifer ashton will be along to explain, julie. >> sorry. >> also coming up. >> -- you took the leap. >> -- he is closing in on 80 years of age but william shatner has just become captain of a new "enterprise". >> ahh. >> very clever. >> i didn't write it but i'll take credit, a very funny sitcom called "bleep my dad says" and will tell us all about that in a bit. >> first, 8:01, time to go back inside to erica hill at the news desk. good morning, erica. >> good morning. a new book by reporter bob woodward paints a searing conflict in the white house over strategy for the war in afghanistan.
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according to the washz post the book quotes the plan demanding an exit plan how we'll hand it off and get out of afghanistan. he never got one. finally decided on a short-term escalation involving 30,000 american troops saying, quote, i'm not doing ten years. i'm not doing long-termination building. i am not spending a trillion dollars. court resumes in connecticut in the brutal home invasion triple murder case. our been tee nguyen has covered it for us and joins us this morning from new haven with the latest. betty, good morning. >> good morning. when testimony resumes prosecutors will map out how they say the defendants committed the crimes. they will also use details from a never-released confession. jurors have already seen where three members of the petit family were tortured and murdered inside the charred remains of their home. this week, the medical examiner is expected to testify that jennifer hawke-petit was sexually assaulted and strangled while daughters hayley and mika
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were tied up and died in the fire sept by steven hayes and joshua koermz koermz. hayes has already offered to plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence. prosecutors rejected his offer. they want him put to death. >> a prosecutor might think about a discount from the death aen alt to life behind bars if there are any mitigating factors at all. this isn't that case. >> reporter: william petit the sole survivor of the 2007 home invasion is an outspoken supporter of the death penalty giving the state more reason to pursue it. >> even the most liberal people i talk to say there are three categories of murderers who should be executed. there are cop killers. people who kill someone while they're already in prison for life. and these two guys. >> reporter: now, connecticut has only executed two people since 1960. erica? >> betty, thanks. two young men filed a lawsuit against a popular, very well-known georgia pastor, eddie
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long. the suit filed yesterday alleges the bishop coerced them into sexual relationships when they were 17 and 18 years old while members of his congregation. it claims he seduced them with cars, money, clothes, and jewelry. long's church has more than 25,000 members. the pastor denies the allegations. here's katie couric with a preview of tonight's cbs evening news. >> good morning. as questions about the safety of what we eat continue, we'll look at a food safety system full of gaps and redundancies, why haven't t
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for us, it's going to continue. we're in the 60s and this jump to 64-degree and we're going up to 88 this afternoon. and there's a chance of a late day thunderstorm and 88 tomorrow, 92 friday and saturday, a cold front comes through. we're in the 8080 >> this weather report sponsored by farmers insurance. we are farmers. we are insurance. >> and that's a look at your weather picture on behalf of the dirt road divas, we send it back to you, maggie. >> at 8:06 time for health watch. this morning good news for parents. something as simple as sitting down together for dinner with your children may keep them away from smoking, drinking, and
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drugs. a new survey out this morning finds teens who have dinner with the family, fewer than three times a week, are twice as likely to use tobacco and alcohol and one and a half times more likely to smoke marijuana. early show contradictor dr. jennifer heart stooen is here with more. good morning. >> good morning. >> we should points out it seems like a no-brainer but i think it is important to clarify, you can't just sit down and eat with your kids you actually have to talk to them about their lives. >> absolutely. it is important to sit down, open conversation, ask what's going on, share with them what's going on for you, really make it a dialogue at the dinnertable, i think is really important and lost in our very busy lives. >> because we are all so, so busy. >> yes. >> this study by the national center on addiction and substance abuse, very reputable, shows they drink less, smoke less, won't turn to drugs. >> right. >> but other things, as well, have been proven to go down as a result of family dinners. >> it shows it is a protective factor for so many risky
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behaviors, less mental illness, be more open. it's going to help them in school and promote positive behaves and decrease a lot of the negative behaviors we talk so much about. anyway you look it is a protective factor to sit and have dinner together. >> that's because the more you know the likely you are to raise a healthier kid. >> absolutely. the more the kids feel connected to you the more likely they are to come to talk to you. >> when something is wrong. >> when something is wrong, they need help, something is going wrong. how great to have open dialogue back and forth to have that in your house. >> that, leelisticly, is easier said than done. how do we make time in our crazy lives to do this. >> it is really, really hard. there are a couple things to talk, about we schedule our lives so much. the first we can schedule it inasmuch as we can. two or three times is better than none at all. try to find the time to do na your life. >> the first thing to go when other things come up. if you do schedule it in, you
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should stick it to, not a schedule you can cancel. >> a non-negotiable. make it happen every time, if you say tuesday, thursday, sunday we are having dinner. tuesday, thursday, sunday it has to happen and if you have to cancel reschedule another night. >> at my house sometimes the tv is on in the background and my husband or i have a blackberry. >> yes. you are not setting a great example for your kids. you want a tech-free zone, no technology on the table, tv is off. . interaction and communication with one another is key in all of this. >> what else, do you want to be prointed in your conversations or have a free-flowing conversation? >> open-ended questions, think it through and make it open. also make it a group effort. try and do this together, maybe sunday everybody works together in the kitchen to plan the meals for the week so you run in and can just make it happen. >> and not just about dinner. just find quality time, anytime during the day you can squeeze it in. >> any time there is a teachable
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moment is very important. >> thank you. up next, some of us will also think of us as captain kirk but his new tv character has a lot more to say than "beam me up, scotttie. not all which of we can put on tv. he's going to tell us all about that and his horses when we return. you are watching "the early show" on cbs. "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by restaiz. talk to your doctor about it.
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introducing quattron quadpixel technology, it adds a fourth color, yellow, to the standard rgb color system, creating a vast array of colors you can't see with your tv's 3 color technology. but, you can see this... wow! oh my. [ male announcer ] quattron from sharp. you have to see it, to see it. [ takei laughs ] started as a twitter feed a son tweeting about his colorful father's off-color views t. became a best selling book and now blooep my dad is a new cbs sitcom starring william shatner. our >> reporter: after 50 years in show bns william shatner is a cultural icon.
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in his latest roll, he plays a father prone to sharing his politically incorrect observations and the new cbs sitcom "bleep my dad says." >> i'm sorry i was rude to you. didn't desieve it. you seem like a perfectly nice homosexual. >> what it means is wise and unwise stuff my father said and it's a relationship show. >> reporter: the 79-year-old actor is still traveling at warp speed as i learned when i caught up with him at the l.a. equestrian center. he juggles a busy career with his life's other passions, showing passions. i feel like i'm getting apprecihere. showtime. is this an award you won. >> an award i won this year. >> congratulations. >> i don't think an oscar or
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emmy would mean as much. >> really. >> after all these years. >> reporter: with multiple emmys and golden globe to his credit, shatner doesn't have much left to approve but he was drawn to the premise of "bleep my dad says" based on a popular twitter feed and found a kin dread spirit in his character. >> why would i want to live here? you a pain in my [ bleep ] who only wants to live here. >> someone who doesn't have a filter between his brain and mouth. was that refreshing to play that? >> it struck me that's the key to the character. he's just saying whatever comes into his head. >> would you like to be able to do that in real life? >> i pretty much do. >> reporter: do you? adding to the excitement the veteran actor is shooting in front of a live audience for the first time. >> i would imagine when you walk out they go crazy. >> they see it happening and there's an explosion when they see the perfection and the growns when they see you screw up. >> reporter: when you screw up,
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you can say i'm a little too busy. >> exactly, i've got to go ride a house. >> involved in a minor traffic collision, a -- >> what part of town am i in. [ laughter ] >> i don't know. downtown. it's not that important. >> i don't like downtown. it smells of motor oil and hummus. [ laughter ] >> reporter: more difficult, learning those patterns or learning your lines. >> there is difficulty in learning lines and the difficulty remembering a pattern have the same basis in hysteria. when you forget something you think oh, my god have i gotten too old to remember? >> reporter: with the energy of a man half his age he remains timeless. he even has his own twitter page. >> if twitter had been around when your kids were growing up and they were allowed to blog about you, what kinds of things do you think we would have been reading? >> aim under the illusion i'm a grat dad and we have a lot of fun. >> reporter: i bet they would
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say. >> that i would like to think so, but do they really mean it? william shatner says he hopes the show runs for at least five years, when he'll be 84. be sure to catch "bleep my dad says" thursdays on 8:30 eastern and 7:30 central here on cbs. up next, who has a bigger brain, men or women? we'll tell you why size does matter. this is "the early show" on cbs. i'm ahmed mady and i'm a homebuilder. my father brought me up to give back to society... felicia jackson promised her late sister that she would take care of her children. but she needed help. i used my american express open card to get half a million points to buy building materials to help build the jackson family a new home. well, i know if my dad was still around, he would have told me, with no doubt... he would have told me it's a no brainer and i knew that from the start. it was an honor. booming is moving forward by giving back.
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we have heard men are from mars and women from venues. now there is evidence when it comes to brains, size does matter. our dr. jennifer ashton has details. good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> so, there really is a difference? >> there appears to be a difference in the size of the brain when you compare men versus women talking about the anatomy here. obviously male brains tends to
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be larger because men tend to be but within the brain certain structures and parts of the anatomy, some are bigger in women, some are bigger in men. so, for example, in male brains, men have six and a half times more gray matter than women do. gray matter is partly responsible for information processing and may explain in general men tend to be better in math. >> don't tell larry summers, you'll lose your jobs. >> i know. women has ten times as much white matter, part of the brain partially responsible for connecting these centers. >> which is why they are such good multi-taskers. >> they did not find anything about parts controlling the remote or whining center. >> who whines more, men or women. >> not me. >> not you, certainly. there really is a difference a.
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man's brain is bigger? it is just plain bigger. >> it's about 2% larger. however, when we are just talking about size, harry, we are not talking about quality. >> right. >> we are not saying just because certain parts of the male brain is larger or in general larger, doesn't mean they are smarter, not talking about intelligence or talking about the fact things can be done better in one sex than the other even if that part of the brain is -- >> it is interesting the whole white matter versus gray matter business, isn't it? >> absolutely. >> it kinds of does fit in with the stereotype. >> a little bit but other things like hormones and genetic differences. you know, this is one piece of the puzzle. it's one piece of the puzzle, not the whole picture. >> okay. if we are sitting there looking at our brain size and white matter and gray matter, are things we can do to actually help us grow our brains or, perhaps, nurture our brains? >> you can always mur tour and you can always grow. but, there's a lot of research,
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harry, in recent past that have shown that the brain is what we call plastic, which means it's able to be developed, even after certain connections have been laid down. so, for example, if you don't feel you're particularly good at math, by doing math games or things like sadukko, you can actually stimulate and grow that part of your brain very much like you can grow your bicep with exercise. we've done things like functional mris, the scans that light up when used, that can increase those areas in the brain. >> interestingly, we don't have a lot of time but do different diseases affect male and female brains? >> they do, we know that. for example women are more prone for depression, men tend to be more affected by things like add and schizophrenia. this field is just in its infancy. we'll be learning a lot more about it. >> very interesting. d. jennifer ash to, do appreciate it. >> you bet. >> still ahead, it's all about the jeans. we'll show you how to find the
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perfect pair of discount ,,,,,,, well-being.
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we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life.
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hello again, it's 8:25. someone's cleaning the fountain, cleaning up on the bank now. they're cleaning it with a net, that's a job. >> sharon has the way to work and bernadette woods is in the first warning weather center. good morning, we're heating up this afternoon. temperatures look like this and starting out in the 60s. 64 in baltimore and taking it in close. everything from 61 in west minutesser and 61 in baltimore. there's a chance for a late day thunderstorm and anything that warms will come to an end. 65 for the low. now, over to sharon gibala. well, it started out busy and it stays busy.
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we had an accident blocking two right lanes. and two accidents on route 100 a second on 295 southbound at the beltway energy watch for a crash on 32. that's at cedar lane and one at owings mills boulevard. a crash on greens springs avenue and another on the city at north broadway and east lafayette. there's a look at the speeds around the area. and you can see the delays on 83 and 95. that's at spaghetti junction. this is brought to you by loyola maryland, school of education. move your education forward. a federal grand jury indicted a man with prostituting a child. andrea fujii has the story. >> reporter: don, prosecutors say that he lured the 12-year-
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old into prostitution. he took her from maryland to atlantic city and sold her eight times and brought her to a hotel. he threatened to shoot her. when she was left alone, she called her mother and he's chargeed with sex trafficking of a minor and she's with her family and may testify at trial. thank you, and five maryland detention school counselors could face charges. the state ruled they could be prosecuted for wreckless endangerment in a student's death. they didn't call 911 after a student was restrained and he died. . >> the next lacrosse championship will be played in town. baltimore will host the city again. and stay with wjz-13, and stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station.
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bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side.
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welcome back to "the early show" on this last day of summer. the time 18:30. this half hour, most graduate students aren't pulling down a salary yet but one named roger craig made $77,000 in about 30 minutes last week that's because he was on jep aerd and he set a new record for one-day winnings and is here to tell us what that was like and to play our own version of the famous game show. >> the buzzer, right, harry? we had a whole conversation about this last week. >> it is. i did celebrity "jeopardy!" it almost killed me because i was having so much trouble with the clicker. i saw him in the studio and thought, why does he look so familiar.
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>> now you know. quite a few high-profile divorces in the news of late from al and tipper gore to tiger and elin woods. like all, they face the question, should i stay or go? we'll ask some experts, when do you know whether to stick it out or when do you know it's time to call it quits? >> no when to fold them. also the best jeans for every body type and every budget. this is discount denim, no pair of jeans you will see cost more than $60 and all fit great all thanks to our contributor editor katrina
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perhaps we're in the process of warming it up. we're at 64 degrees and we'll keep on rising to 88 degrees. now, there's the chance for a
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late day shower or thunderstorm. that's getting out of here thursday and friday, 92 degrees. by saturday, a we'll have a cold front and a slight chance of a shower and that will knock us down. i want to tell you, this is a great organization, rocking the boat, they actually do boat building and on-water education in the bronx, a burr rogue of new york, rowing around manhattan 28.5 miles this weekend. good luck. a great program to teach young people about the outdoors. that's quickly your weather picture. now inside to you. >> thank you. jeans are a staple in most of our wardrobes but with so many brands and sizes and washes, finding the perfect pair requires a lot of work so katrina szish is here with the right denim not only for the right body type but the right budget, right. >> that's the best part. shopping for jeans there, are so
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many options. i recommends trying as many pairs you can but don't have to go in the high numbers. every pair we have cost $60 or less. we brought in more than two hundred pair of jeans to find our best models. >> you have to have a fine lunch. >> not too much because you won't close the waist. >> a light lunch. >> but stamina is important. >> this is mizol. we'll show a photograph to show her body shape. what is it? >> it is a pear. pears tend to wear a very wide leg here. we don't want to do that. instead, you want something that's slim and really hugs your curves very care flea and you don't want to wear anything that's too low cut because that will accentuate the width. here we have here in a wonderful pair of skinny jeans. in this look, she looks fantastic. she can take off that coat, even though we love a red pea coat
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because they jeans fit her perfectly. one of levi's straight skinny jeans, based on a woman's shape, not her size and stretch and fit all those conserves. she proves she's a 10/12 in jeans on the bottom, you don't have to be a size zero to wear skinny jeans and shows this looks great on a pear shape. the slim top continues the long, lean proportion. >> thank you so much. >> our next model is blare. blare is very tall. >> she's very tall. >> i was standing next to her and it was not pretty. >> you always look up to blare. >> does she only have to worry about the right length? >> shall is very tall and has these very long legs. we think, poor blair, what a bummer. you can see even with her leggings, they so short evening at her ankles and we don't want
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women to wear high-waters. you want to buy jeans that go all the way to your ankle sgoos are they easy to find. >> they are. once you have the sexy skinny jeans, you can wear anything on top as we'll see. >> in her skinny jeans. >> she looks fantastic. we went for a long deep type. as we see hit her down at that ankle much better the leggings and to balance it out we added a boxy jacket from gap. these are $30. more of a legging, some people call them a jegging. >> not everyone can wear them but you look great in them. >> great for the long legs. >> andy has the opposite problem, my issue. and she's petite. >> a lot of women think i'll buy regular jeans and hem them. but then you throw off the proporti proportion. a lot of women think i'll get really long jeans with wide legs
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with high heels. you don't want to do that. you want something that really hugs the conserves, shows the skinnyness and of the knees and your body type and, of course, hits you at the perfect length at the bottom. petite jeans are what you should look for. >> petite sizes. >> there are plenty. >> andy has a great pair of boot-cut jeans on, they are from mandy and are $25. andy rae is 37 years old but showing you can really rock this look. these fit her perfectly. we gave her extra height, not too much and the look of the sew of faux fur vest to balance the look. >> styling. thank you so much. finally, let's bring out sarah. >> we have sayer ramplts she says she is too curve v and doesn't know the best jeans to flatter her. >> a lot of women who are covey
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try to hide behind the fabric. you don't want to do this or wear something too much of a low-rise because that will cut you off and not add length. look for something, again, that hugs your curves, that's lean, long. a wider boot cut again is a perfect option for someone who is curvier. we have sarah in a great pair, a darker denim. again, they are slim, they go along her curves but are not too tight. these are about $39 from newport news jeanology and great because they don't have seams, not all the lumps and bumps sometimes you get with regular jeans. you can wear a fitted top. we paired it with a feminine, flattering top to draw attention to her face, as well. >> may not be expensive but you look like a million bucks. katrina, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> we'll put ul all the looks and information katrina has given us on our website.
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harry, back to you. >> thanks, maggie. we all know falling in love is easy. it's staying together that is sometimes the hard part. one high-profile couple decided to call it quits then suddenly found love again in divorce court. for the past 18 months the former super model and billionaire husband have been engaged in a very public and bitter divorce. headlines have detailed their accusations of adultery, drug use, even theft. but tuesday, with over 100,000 court documents filed and millions of dollars spent in legal fees, the couple shockingly decided to call off their divorce to try to make their marriage work. but, as we've seen in countless headlines recently, a happy ending isn't always the case. this summer, oscar winner san dran bullock's heart was broken by her philandering husband, jesse james. former vice president al gore ended his 40-year marriage to wife tipper and tiger woods and wife elin divorced when word of
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his numerous infidelitys became public and counseling couldn't solve their problems marital sfrug struggles are of course, not exclusive to the rich and famous. nearly one in two marriages in the united states ends in vorps. the good news is overall divorce rates are down 16% in the last decade. >> marriage is oonz consistent. it's togetherness and it's -- it's tougher. but, you're there for each other. you are a team. >> i think that people call it quits too early sometimes. there's maybe something better on the other side if they just stick it out a little bit longer. >> looking at your wife or your husband and you're just -- don't see it anymore, then quit, by all means, get out quick and run fast. >> all the talk of marriage and divorce begs the question, how does a married couple of know? joining us our relationship experts cooper lawrence and
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heidi banks, good morning, ladies. >> good morning, harry. >> do you think with stephanie seymour and her husband they look at each other and say it is easier to say married, is that possible. >> i think a lot of people do do that. i don't know if that's the case here. we have $50000 million reasons they might make that choice. the census bureau found 14% of couples that separate do get back together, there are reconciliation rates and some studies depending on a first or second marriage, financial status, up to 27% of people reconcile. >> but a big "but" here but such a con tempious couple of years, we'll all heard the stories. >> lots of stories. >> let's not put down the greatest aphrodisiac of all, make-up sex, you know. >> you know, that's really rapd, that's really the story behind the story. >> really? i mean, that's an awful long build-up. >> harry, think about it, you
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put all that stuff on the table and finally say he these nasty things and go, did you really feel that way? all this communication dhent have for years and is finally there. >> you think it is cath ra tick. >> i do think it is cathartic. a lot of couples don't communicate and this forces them to deal with each other. >> the research says once you are in a contemptuous relationship it is nearly impossible to erase it. i think you have to look at money. money really pays -- plays -- "pays" exactly the word -- >> an aphrodisiac -- >> whether you have it or don't. a lot of marriages stay together because they don't have the money to separate, right now that is truer than ever. >> i wondered about the statistic as we said 16% down over the last couple of years and wonder if it has to do with the recession. >> that's exactly right. >> you have to have money to walk away with something. >> especially with children involved. that's my fear by the way, harry there, are three kids in this relationship. look, i'm for love.
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>> right. >> no romantic love, there is a big difference. romantic love when you show up and it's like, oh, honey, i know you're just going to be perfect. real love is, hey, i could build a life with this person. >> i think after 15 years they are done with romantic love. i think staying together for the children is always a mistake. >> really. >> always a mistake. think about the environment that the child has to come home to every day when it's -- >> well, if you are fighting but if you say, okay, listen, maybe we're not destined to be together, you know, to the grave, but you just say -- >> i love this movie. i love this movie. because it's got to not have a happy ending. >> really? you just decide we'll stay together because you see this all the time. kids get out of high school. >> he -- the guilt those kids have they kept their parents together just for them? >> you think? >> there's tons of research on this, harry, how these children grow up unbelievable anxious and depressed. >> maybe you don't have to fight. maybe you don't have to fift --
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>> if there's been a yo-yo in it, the worst things is, kids under 12, we're always impressionable, even at 40, mom and dad are back together, yea, yea. mom and dad aren't together. >> always about expectations, going in versus what happens and the reality on the other side. how big, if you are stephanie seymour and think this guy has done blah, blah, blah, or whatever, how big an issue is forgiveness. >> the latest shows if you are willing to take responsibility for why the relationship ended and say, you know, what i understand it's me and you and then, also, if you are willing to, what -- you looked like you were going to say -- >> you can forgive, but can you forget? >> that bell -- >> ding, ding, ding, ding. >> how much you ruminate is a factor. if you are willing to forgive and forget -- well, not forget but forget in a way of moving
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on. >> -- much like this, honey, i forgive you. i really forgive. >> drew: right. it's not pretty. >> not genuine. >> we have to go. coopers lawrence and heidi banks, we appreciate it. >> thanks a lot. they say records are meant to be broken, just what roger craig did last week on jep aerd, he won $77,000 in one episode giving him the highest one-day total in the history of the show. >> the inspiration for this title object in a novel and a 1957 movie actually spanned the maekhlung river, up to roger craig, could set a new one-day total if he said who is the bridge over the river kai. i hope he wagered a lot. he did. and a new on-day total. >> roger, welcome and congratulations. >> thank you.
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thanks for inviting me. >> how does it feel to break a record like this? >> it just -- it felt incredible. at the time, i really didn't even understand the magnitude of it. but, it was just amazing to break a record that ken jennings had set so many years ago. >> now, have you always been a trivia buff? >> yes, i've been a trivia buff ever since i was a kid and i was watching "jeapardy!" when i was 12 years old and ever since then always wanted to be on it and play all kinds of trivia games, yeah. >> so, when you finally got on it, did you prepare for the show, you did cram or did you just feel like, all right, i have so much knowledge from my life that i am ready for my close-up on "jep dee!" >> i felt had a lot of knowledge but i also did prepare. i tried to cram. they give you a call and you know for about a month you're going to head out. so, i did try to study the presidents and world capitals during that time. >> did anything that you studied
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pay off? >> uh, yes. like, for instance, i actually, i don't have kids but i looked at children's books because they might come up. >> yeah. yeah. >> there was a question about olivia, the pig by ian falkner, my first or second game. >> no kidding. >> yes. >> all that study and one question paid off. it was worth it, though. after you were on a winning streak for six days and at the end you are going home with how much money? >> $230,000. >> oh, my goodness. but after taxes, i'm sure you've worked it out, what are you going to take home. >> probably about $150,000. >> still, not bad. >> no, not at all. i can't complain. >> no. as a graduate student. not at all. what are you going to do with all this money? >> i'm going to pay off some debts, maybe buy a new car and -- >> what are you going to get. >> i haven't decided but i'm not going to get a ferrari. >> there would go your winnings. >> yeah. >> actually, i don't know if you would have enough for a ferrari
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at $150,000. we have to talk about the question you got wrong, it was final "jep die" here was the question february 8th, 2010, the headline in a hey junior newspaper in this city read, a-men after 43 years, our prayers are answered. you wrote down chicago. it's new orleans. how did you -- even i know that and i'm not a sports person. what went wrong? >> the short answer is i misread the question and i was focused on the year and the month just totally skipped my mind. and i saw 43 years and i knew the chicago blackhawks had just won the stanley cup and, for the first time since the '60s. so, it seemed like the question was which team had won, you know, back in the '60s and had won now. but, i should have seen february the 8th and i -- whenever i wrote down an answer in final "jeopardy!"
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in all my games i always tried to double check and triple check in my head and i did in my head and kept saying, oh, yeah, chicago, chicago, it's chicago. >> we'll let you redeem yourself. are you ready for our trivia question? >> yes. >> all right. the category is science. >> okay. >> here we go. atomic weight is one stat for each of these, a substance that can't be decomposed to a simpler substance. >> what is an element. >> ding, ding, ding, ding. do we have time for one more? we don't. totally don't. you know what that means? you get to go home with this "early show" one-of-a-kind mug and the water in it and i want to wish you a happy birthday. >> thank you. >> enjoy your wings. roger craig, thank you so much for playing. >> thanks for having me. >> you're welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> you're welcome. we'll be right back.
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just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our egg white breakfast sandwiches. hurry in and try one in delicious veggie or turkey sausage.
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we have one of the most fascinating and beautiful here this morning. >> perhaps you can see it. >> this is a necklace, diamond necklace worn by princess diana one of her last public appearances june 3rd, 1997 at the ballet went to see "swan lake" at royal albert hall. actually this necklace and that might was photographed a number of times on "people," as well. and, of course, she died not -- sadly, not long after tragically. this necklace is up for auction friday night along with earrings created to go with it. she never wore the eared rings because they weren't finished at the time could go for one and a half, two million. >> for the set. >> for the set. 164 diamonds on it. >> how heavy is it? >> it is actually quite light. it feels lovely. and the south sea pearls apparently was a big fan of so the crown juler put those in ,,,
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hello again, that's the sunshine glistening and the summer is ending the calendar season and doing much like itself, it's bernadette woods in for marty bass. >> good morning, it's going to heat up this afternoon. and we're starting out warmer than we did yesterday. we're ranging from 64 in baltimore and taking you in closer, forecast 72 degrees in rock hall and this afternoon, we're going up to 88 degrees and there's a chance of a late day thunderstorm. we don't think there's going to be a lot to thisful overall, dropping down to 65 degrees and friday, 92 degrees. it will cool down for the
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weekend. >> >> a maryland man indicted on charges of sex trafficking and andrea fujii stays on the story. >> reporter: the suspect lured the 12-year-old into prostitution. he took her from maryland to atlantic city and sold her services and brought her to a hotel. prosecutors say he refused and threatened to shoot her. when she was left alone, she called her mother. prosecutors say that the victim is with her family and may testify at trial. thank you, andrea. go the freshman struck and killed last friday will be laid to rest later on today. family and friends will gather today for the funeral of joey d'entremont. he was crossing a busy intersection and hit by a car friday night. the investigators say that the 19-year-old driver did have the
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right of way. the green party is mourning the loss of the senate candidate. she died tuesday after being hit by an suv while riding her bike. and the driver went home dragging the bike under her car the whole way. she thought she hit a deer. the harford county police department are trying to find a couple who assaulted a woman with a stun gun and a hammer. if you have information, call the sheriff's office. an unusual scene yesterday. a utility pole catches fire. and the truck eventually stopped after it crashed into a house. it's not clear why the driver lost control.
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stay with us for more news and weather. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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