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tv   The Early Show  CBS  October 11, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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exit plan. officials in chile finish reinforcing the escape shaft as final preparations are made to bring 33 trapped miners to the surface. we're live at the scene with the latest on when they expect to bring them out. campaign frenzy. with just weeks to go until the midterm elections, president obama hits the trail trying to ignite his base, while new york reb can gubernatorial candidate carl paladino ignites yet another firestorm of controversy. >> i don't want them to be brain-washed into thinking that homosexuality is an e wally valid or successful option. it isn't. >> carl paladino joins us in the
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studio to talk about the uproar. and cartel connection. police in mexico say two brothers with associations to a drug cartel are now suspects in the murder of david hartley, the american jet skier allegedly killed near the texas-mexico border. we'll talk with his wife, tiffany, about this new development and the desperate search for her husband early this monday morning, october search for her husband early this monday morning, october 11th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs good looking columbus day here. good morning, everybody i'm harry smith. >> happy monday, everyone. i'm maggie rodriguez. a busy news day around here so we'll get to the top story. after being trapped underground longer than anyone else in history the 33 miners in chile are a couple days away from seeing the sun for the first time in months. cbs news correspondent seth doane is at the san jose mine
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this morning to bring us up to date. good morning, seth. >> reporter: good morning, maggie. an exciting an emotional weekend as rescue workers finally punched through to the area where the 33 men are trapped. but, this rescue operation, one of the most complex ever attempted, is far from over. deep underground, the miners' schedule is starting to change as they prepare to see sunlight for the first time in more than 68 days. they've now started a special diet, which includes a high-calorie chocolate drink to boost nutrition and they're also on a regimen of aspirin to prevent blood clots while lifted to the surface. watching out for each other, they are even said to be volunteering to go up last. on the roughly 20-minute, 2000-foot journey, the rescue capsule could spend. so, to try to keep them from getting dizzy or sick they will start fasting six hours before. video cameras are monitoring
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them so rescuers can look for signs of panic attacks. above ground, workers plan to finish inserting these giant tubes into the rescue shaft early today. the casing is welded together and designed to reinforce the tunnel. >> but, at the beginning surface, you can see some small fractures. >> reporter: so, here's how it'll work. rescuers are inserting 16 metal tubes, each about the length of a school bus, into the first 315 feet of the tunnel, because that part of the rock is most jagged and unstable. and the miners' families are getting ready, too. this is a picture of your son here behind you. how are you preparing for the next couple of days for the rescue? i'm anxious, anxious antonio told me. she spoke with him yesterday via videoconference. the truth is i walked around in my tent thinking about what i'm
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going to do when my son comes out, she told me. i know i'm going to hug him but probably when that moment comes i won't do anything, i'll just cry and scream. we're told workers installing the protective casing should wrap up their work around 8:30 or 9:00 this morning and then the next step is to add a winch system to raise and lower that rescue capsule. that, we're told, should take about a day and a half. so, we should expect a wednesday rescue. maggie? >> seth doane at the san jose mine in chile, thank you very much. harry? now to politics, with the midterm elections just three weeks away, new york republican gubernatorial candidate carl paladino ignite ad firestorm of controversy over some anti-gay remarks. our senior white house correspondent bill plante has details on that. good morning, bill. >> reporter: good morning, harry a year politicians of all kinds are saying what's on their minds but carl paladino stands out. when carl paladino speaks --
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controversy often follows. the latest case in point meeting with orthodox jewish leaders criticized his opponent for marching in a gay pride parade. >> don't misquote me as wanting to hurt homosexual people in any way. it would be as today starredly lie. my approach is live and let live. i just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family. and i don't want them to be brain-washed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid or successful option. it isn't. >> reporter: paladino, with a 10-year-old daughter through an admitted extra-marital affair accused him of having affairs and the media of ignoring that. >> does the media ask andrew such questions. andrew's prowess is legendary. >> reporter: that came after a heated exchange with a reporter
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who skood for proof of allegations against cuomo. >> do you have any proof of the claims you've made it? >> you'll get it. >> you send another goon to my daughter's house and i'll take you out, buddy. >> you are going to take me out? >> yeah. >> how are you going to do that, buddy. >> reporter: this may be paladino's last chance, running behind by about 18 points at this time. harry? >> bill plante, thank you very much. joining carl paladino republican candidate for governor of new york. good morning. >> good morning. >> i know there was a lot of this speech that you didn't give that was in a text that was given to the press but at least one of the things that you did say for sure and correct me if i'm wrong is that you don't want children brain-washed into thinking that homosexuality is acceptable. you did say that. >> yes. >> does it seem to you that you are an unlikely candidate to be
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on some sort of morality crusade? >> oh, i don't think so. yes, i know what you're referring to and i did apologize for that emission in my life and that recklessness. >> we are talking about a daughter out of wedlock. >> here, i want to clearly define myself. i have of no reservations about gay people at all, none, except for one thing, their desire to get married. i just feel -- i'm a catholic, and i feel -- there are 7.5 million catholics in new york state. i feel that marriage is only between a man and a woman. very clearly, i wanted to state that. now, in addition, i have a nephew and i have worked -- i have people working for me who are gay, never had a problem with any of them, never had a problem in any sense with their lifestyle and we've talked about it often. i talk about -- i talk to them
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about the discrimination that they suffer and i'm sensitive to it. >> is being gay -- >> that's why a -- that's why a statement of that nature, for me to clearly define that, yes, it's not an easy life. it's a very, very difficult life. most of them don't choose it. >> but by making a statement like that, brain-washing into thinking homosexuality is acceptable. you must think -- >> i don't think it should be taught in our schools. >> do you think it's normal? do you think that people are gay by choice or by birth. >> oh, i think -- i think it's a matter of birth. i really do. i feel that -- i feel that they're born that way and that's just fine. >> but, you clearly say brain-washed into thinking that homosexuality is acceptable. so, you think, basically, it's unacceptable. >> it's a very, very difficult -- no i'm saying it's a very, very difficult life. the discrimination that they suffer is very, very difficult
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and i'm totally sensitive to it. you know, andrew wanted to come out and accuse me of. >> we're only going to talk about what you are talking about. the other thing that where this statement comes from, at a time when new yorkers just learn about this horrendous attack by this gang on these young gay men in the bronx, where they were tortured and sodomized. >> it's terrible. >> -- it's terrible. >> it's terrible. horrible. >> you don't feel like you've added any fuel to the fire of gay hatred by saying -- >> it wasn't my intention. this thing was highlighted only because of the words that were on a written statement that i did not speak. i crossed them out. they were unacceptable to me and that's the only reason we are talking about it today because those words were given by someone to the press and the press, in their own pa rea way, needed to write something, okay, so that's why this thing gets like this. >> do you feel like you owe
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anybody an apology? >> no. i think i made a very, very clear statement. and as -- the people at "the daily news" and "the post" that continue this pariah attitude that they've got to come and chase me for every darn thing, i think they owe me an apology at some point. >> carl paladino, thank you for being here this morning. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. maggie? simplsts president obama will be back on the stump today trying to fire up the democratic base. sunday he was in philadelphia hoping to get voters excited about the democrat trailing the republican. only about 18,000 supporters turned out, which is about half the number who attended an obama rally two years ago. >> on november 2nd, i need you as fired up as you were in 2008. because -- because, we've got a lot of work ahead of us. >> joining us now from
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washington, pennsylvania governor and former democratic party chairman ed rendell. governor, good morning to you. >> good morning, maggie. >> your party has this opportunity to have the president of the united states come to your state to try to convince the voters to go democratic in three weeks and he spends a good chunk of the time accusing the republicans of trying to steal the election with money from foreign companies. don't you think, governor, voters would rather hear how democrats are going to create jobs and grow the economy? >> well, sure. but, the president does that pretty much every day, in fact the reason i'm in washington, maggie, we're having a press conference about the president's plan on infrastructure, which i think is the single-best job creator we can do right now. >> but, why did he spend so much time talking about the republicans trying to steal the election, offering no evidence of that? isn't it a bit undignified for the president to resort to that? >> well, the president's got dual roles, commander in chief and sets policy like the infra
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strauk tour conference today but also the campaigner in chief. his goal in this campaign is to get democrats off their duff and to the polls. sometimes you do that talking only about the good things democrats have done in the congress and he sure as heck spends plenty of time talking about those but also what's to be afraid of and the influence of outside money, the unreported money coming into this campaign through groups that we'll never know who contributed to something our citizens should be worried about. >> if you gave them evidence to support that claim, it would be one thing. but, to make claims like this without backing them up seems not right. >> well, but, i think, maggie, you know, for example, that crossroads and groups like that are putting billions of dollars into this campaign and under the citizens united decision, they don't have to report who gave the money. so, money's coming into the campaign, mostly on the republican side that's unreported and that goes against everything we've always held in
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this country. you can give money to a campaign, but the public's got a right to know who's supporting each candidate. >> okay. let's say that that's happening. it can't all be the republicans' fault that the numbers are so bad for the democrats in the polls. where do you think that your party and the president are failing to get out the message? >> well, i think from the very beginning, we got out-spun on things like stimulus and health care reform, which have done great things for the citizens. for example, on health care reform, there have been seven things that have happened since september 23rd, all of them very popular, like you can't deny children health care because of pre-existing condition anymore, seniors getting a $250 check to fill that doughnut hole in prescription drug coverage, those things are enormously popular but we got out-spun. the message at the beginning was bad and once you lose that message war, it's tough to make up ground. >> governor ed rendell, we thank you for your time, sir. >> my pleasure. >> erica hill is off this morning.
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jeff glor is at the news desk. what's going on, jeff. >> good morning, everyone. big social security news this morning. no cost of living increase for 2011. cost of living increases have been tied to the inflation rate since 1975. this is the second year in a row without an increase and only the second time since the automatic inflation adjustments were adopted. sosht officials project a small increase for 2012. meanwhile the dow jones industrials start the morning above 11,000 for the first time since may. cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis has more from the stock exchange this morning. rebecca, good morning. >> good morning, jeff. stocks are now back above where they stood after the flash crash of may. if you'll recall that day where stocks plummeted multiple points, hundreds of points, in a matter of minutes. now, they are back above that level but still well below the all-time highs hit in october of 2007, three years ago. they are still 22% below those
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levels, with the unemployment rate in this country stuck at 9.6%, also housing weighing on the problems, here we have foreclosures throughout the country being halted by bank of america, the largest bank in the country and a number of other banks have followed suit it a certain extent -- they have faulted foreclosures in 23 states and a number of attorneys general are calling for a foreclosure moratorium throughout the country. jeff? >> rebecca jarvis at the stock exchange. thank you. the nobel prize for economics handed out to three men including two americans. the prize went to peter diamond, dale mortonson of northwestern and christopher pissarides, winning for their, quote, analysis of markets with search frictions. some bizarre event at president obama's rally at philadelphia yesterday. on stage after his speech, a book was thrown towards the
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president. you see it there sailing right past him? it is not clear who threw the book or what kind it was. also at that event a streaker was arrested apparently a nude man trying to win a million dollars in a publicity stunt for a website. all right, just about 16 minutes past the hour. thankfully dave price made it back in time for the show this morning. >> absolutely. a great day for a jog, i might add. good morning, got to earn extra cash any way you can, jeff, that's all i have to say. nice to see you, everyone. talk about a streak, we have a streak of really rough weather rolling into the southern plains right now. let's head there and see what's happening. this morning over sections of kansas but the jet is going to bring this storm system, the same one, by the way that brought all that messy weather to the four corners, now is going to roll in with big hail, strong gusts, maybe tornadoes, too, severe weather tulsa, oklahoma city, dallas and austin moving into sections of arkansas by tomorrow. just keep that in mind. in the meantime, look at these record-breaking temperatures rolling into sections of the
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southeast. let's see if we can get it to pop there, we can't. keep in mind, 15 to 20 degrees above the norm there. we go. 90 today in louisville, 87 in places like atlanta and 92 as you head to memphis. it's going to be a hot one out there. that's a quick look at our national maps. here's an early look at what's going on in your area. >> it's 7:17. that's our first look at the weather this morning. harry, maggie? >> thanks very much. coming up more news on the search for the missing american murdered on a jet ski near the mexican border.
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we'll speak with his wife about the latest developments. >> plus, incredible survivor story. the man attacked by a bear and lived to tell about it may be finally going home today. he will join us with his wife from the hospital. this is "the early show" on cbs. [ liukin ] have you built your better breakfast? what are you waiting for? rush to subway. i'm all over it. [ male announcer ] a big day deserves a better breakfast. take your pick of a dee-licious lineup of our newest $5 footlong breakfast melts -- from the sunrise subway melt to the tasty steak, egg and cheese. they're all around delicious!
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finally, some suspects in the jet ski incident along the texas-mexico border. we'll talk to the wife of the missing man in minutes. we'll also be talking with the man who survived a bear attack in washington. he has had yet another surgery will tell us about his recovery and most vivid memories of that horrible day. we'll be right back. bet i could beat you there. sglorns this portion of "the early show" sponsored by chrysler. [ male announcer ] with its 43 safety features,
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instead of a clean, fresh one every time? ♪ your hands are only as clean as the towel used to dry them. that's why there's kleenex® brand hand towels. a clean, fresh towel every time. inherits a billion-dollar surplus, low unemployment. o'malley signs the biggest tax hike in maryland history. raids chesapeake bay fund to cover spending. gives raises to top aides. business climate ranks 45th worst in the nation. now 200,000 jobs lost. o'malley covers up jobs report that proved maryland's economy stalled. if re-elected, o'malley will raise taxes again. whether he does, is up to you. talk about somebody who has
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been through a lot, the wife of this man believed murdered on the texas-mexico border now there are suspects and seems to be mounting evidence that her story is,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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students, most women, were rushed to the hospital after this apparently overdosed. this morning, police are trying to figure out if someone slipped drugs into their drinks. we'll bring you the latest on that. also in washington the amazing story of a man who survived a bear attack. last month he was out walking his dogs when the bear mauled him. he and his wife managed to scare off the bear but not before the
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animal did significant damage. since then, he's had six surgeries including one to remove his eye. we'll speak to both of them about the horrendous attack. first, though, new developments in the search for the american reportedly gunned down near the mexican border while on a jet ski. over the weekend, mexican soldiers searching for the body of david hartley reportedly got into a gun battle with suspected members of a violent mexican drug gang and now police say two leaders of that gang are suspects. cbs news correspondent don teague has more. >> reporter: falcon lake and surrounding area has been called a hornet's nest of criminal activity for the zeta drug cartel. the powerful and fierce mexican gang that's not shy about letting its presence be known. >> it's happened before out here patrolling and see individuals coming across into the united states with machine guns. >> reporter: now, mexican police have named two brothers, believed members of that cartel, suspects in david hartley's
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murder. authorities didn't release photos of them. but, the two are, also, wanted for several other crimes, including homicide, kidnapping, and arson. >> i'm a little hopeful. i hope that it's going to, you know, bring david home. hopefully, they can tell us where he is. >> reporter: there had been doubts about tiffany hartley's account of what happened that, her husband had been shot and killed while the couple was jet skiing on the lake and taking pictures of this sunken church. where was david's body? where was his jet ski? but, there's other evidence supporting her story. this is video shot from a police dashcam. it shows the couple being pulled over shortly before getting to the lake, jet skis in tow. >> it proves that they were
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together, that they were en route to falcon lake to enjoy the day. >> reporter: but even if mexican authorities now believe tiffany, david's father doesn't believe in mexican law enforcement. >> i think that that lake will probably be david's headstone. >> reporter: mexican officials insist they will keep searching for david hartley's body. don teague, cbs news, dallas. >> joining us from mcallen, texas, tiffany hartley. tiffany, thaik thank you very much for taking the time to join us. now that mexican authorities have actually named two suspects, does it seem to you that they are now taking your story seriously? >> yeah, i think they finally took it serious once we started coming to the media. i think they finally decided that this story needed some action behind it. as if, you know, if these people are the right people, hopefully they can lead us to where
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david's at. >> they've named two suspects but have refused to show pictures of them. do you think, if you saw their pictures, you would recognize them? >> i -- i couldn't tell you. i don't remember, really, being able to describe or even kind of get an idea of what these guys looked like. possibly maybe it would come back to me, but just i was more focused on the gun and hoping, you know, they wouldn't shoot me. >> yeah. sure. one of the other questions that i'm curious about is have the mexican authorities contacted you? have they wanted to ask you any questions to at least even bring you to the site of the crime? >> we did have a meeting with them and that was mainly for them to kind of give us an idea of what they're going to do so we could ask questions, kind of get an idea of, you know, how they were going to' react to this, if they were going to bring in their navy and military to help do the search. we were encouraged that they
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were going to do what they can and i think they are doing what they can right now. >> i know that you went back to the scene recently. what was that like for you to go back to where this all happened? >> it was hard. um, i didn't know what to really expect, just the visions of what happened that day of us heading in towards the church and then us heading back from there, or me heading back from there. it was -- it was a rough day. i think it was hard on all the -- all of us, the whole family. >> right. from the beginning, these mexican authorities have put your story into question, which raised all kinds of doubts. there's now dashcam video from a police apparently stopped you and your husband just hours before this happened. do you feel like this gives credence to what you've been trying to express all along? >> yeah. yeah, i do. i mean, we -- we have points of
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being pulled over and being at subway with the border patrol seeing us there. it just, you know, shows my story that, yeah, david and i were there together, we were at the boat launch together, you know, we had got stopped and subway and that, you know, everything happened exactly the way i've been telling you guys. >> tiffany, we thank you very much for taking the time again to be with us today, we do appreciate it. >> of course. thank you. >> all right. be well.
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up next, it was a fight to the death and the man who survived a brutal bear attack will tell us how it happened and how he's doing, when we come back. know what gets me out of bed early? breakfast at subway! [ male announcer ] a big day deserves a better breakfast.
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we have more this morning on the incredible story of john chelminiak, a washington man viciously attacked by a bear as he walked his dogs near his vacation home in washington state. he described last week how he fought off of the bear but was left with devastating injuries. he has since undergone six surgeries including one for the loss of his eye. this morning he joins us with his wife lynn from harborview medical center. lynn and john, good morning to you both. >> good morning, maggie. >> good to see you doing so well, john.
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i know you had injure sixth surgery on friday. how is the recovery going? >> recovery is going really, really well. i'm feeling very strong and, actually, it looks like i'll be able to go home later today. >> oh, that is fantastic news. >> i'm looking forward to it. >> i bet. i'm sure the whole family is. i wanted to ask you about that fateful day, which was almost now a month ago. we heard you talk about it at that news conference last week and it was just chilling to hear your account. ka is the most vivid memory of that day? >> well, i've had a couple of really vivid memories of it. one, and this happened so quickly, it was just walking with the dogs down to the end of the driveway and literally i'd been out of the house for less than a minute. and what i heard was the russell by the side of the road of the bear coming up. and then i just heard this whoosh as the bear exhaled and began to run towards me and i could hear her claws on the road and just a moment saw her and
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she just launched into me. i think we were truly in a fight for my life at that point. >> you said you remember the bear biting down into your skull and the sound that that makes. >> it was -- that was something amazing. she was clawing and biting and i tried to keep -- i tried to keep up. and she was behind me and i can remember her getting her jaws over my head a couple of different times and biting and when you would hear that grind on the skull, it was, uh, that's a memory that doesn't go away. >> i'm sure, john. do you have nightmares? >> i haven't, no. not so far. yeah. >> lynn, you came out and saw your in what must have been an inimaginable state. can you describe the condition that john was in after you saw him after the attack? >> sure. i knew that he was hurt. his head was not like it normally is.
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he was pretty beat up. there was blood on the driveway. and he wanted to move and talk and i didn't want him to move. i wanted him just to stay calm and keep breathing. but, it was -- it was kind of scary. >> in that 911 call you sound like both you and he were convinced that he wasn't going to make it. are you amazed that he is sitting next to you today? >> pretty amazed. but, you know, he was really aware of what was going on. he was breathing. and that comforted me a great deal. >> and, john, will you go back? i know this is your cabin, you love the place, will you go back and will you do anything differently from now on? >> well, i'm sure we'll do some things differently and that'll be interesting but we're definitely going back. we love it there. it's really where we go to relax and unwind. we just love it in the mountains, and we'll be back there. this was really a very, very
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fluke accident. i think the game agents have told us there have been five of these in the last 100 years in washington state. it was just very much a fluke. >> and i'm glad you survived it. i have to say i'm in awe of you, just a lovely couple and i wish you both well. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. now here's harry. maggie, thank you. up next, the find that will make everyone on antiquing roadshow jealous, the family that found a painting behind their sofa that could be worth $300 million -- you heard that right -- when we come back. last year. (oof). i had a bum knee that needed surgery. but it got complicated, because i had an old injury. so i wanted a doctor who had done this before. and unitedhealthcare's database helped me find a surgeon. you know you can't have great legs, if you don't have good knees. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans.
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michael and lo. guess what it is worth. >> around 300 bucks. >> somewhere near $300 million. >> experts who visited from italy say everything points to it being the real mccoy. >> you know, my mother just moved to buffalo. she should check to make sure [ laughter ] >> basically trying to figure out how it was passed down been jags to generation and ended up in this family's hands. somebody in the family said, you know, it's the michael and lo. >> they referred to it as "the mike". >> at one point hung above the sofa in the living room but forever balls were being tossed in the living room. one more hit it and they took it down and stuck it behind the couch where it sat for years and years and years. >> wow. they have since learned it belonged orgly to a bar ronness from germany who gave it to her
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servant, a distant fam relative of this family, which is how it wound up in buffalo. >> good place to be. >> nothing wrong with buffalo. >> no. >> we'll be right back. you are watching "the early show" on cbs. stains, down to a science. nouncer ] we've got new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science. [ man ] ♪ today the world looks mighty fine ♪ [ women ] ♪ pop-tarts happy sunshine time! ♪ [ man ] ♪ grab a pop-tart and you might just start ♪ ♪ to sing songs like a meadow lark ♪ ♪ stretch and yawn ♪ blow a kiss to mom
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♪ cause pop-tarts mornings are the bomb ♪ ♪ so, rise and shiiiiine
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,,,,,,e pop-tarts mornings are the bomb ♪ two governors, two different approaches. even in good times bob ehrlich didn't make education a priority. he increased college tuition by 40%, cut school construction by $200 million, and ehrlich voted to eliminate the department of education while serving in congress. but in the toughest of times, martin o'malley has made record investments in public schools, new school construction, and o'malley froze college tuition four years in a row. with martin o'malley, our children always come first.
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welcome back this monday. do you guys remember the loveable panda born at the national zoo in washington? mplts i remember when they had a contest to name it. >> well, since moved to china doing very well. know this from some women from america who fell in love with her in america and devoted their lives to him and other pandas. they will join us live this morning to tell us about what they did in china and how he is doing. >> looks like he is doing all right. >> relaxing with breakfast
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bamboo, right. >> always good, right. >> bamboo for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. >> we'll be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer,
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go to take action. take advil®. go to is we're not on travelocity. the only place. what's the other one? we're not on expedia. what about orbitz? no! southwest isn't on orbitz. the only place! let me make this clear. the only place online to get southwest fares...
7:55 am! i know. we're only on one website. you want to fly all over. you don't want to browse all over. [ all ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ]
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[ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy... gives you a little slice of happy. and happiness comes in 25 delicious flavors. explore them all. yoplait. it is so good. the yoplait you can't get enough of. now in a four pack.
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great crowd on the plaza this morning. a lot of people up columbus day. >> i know. this is the way it should be every monday, huh, walk out a little slow after the weekend and people are cheering. i have to single handedly point out sharon vernon of kansas, i'm walking out and she's cheering ooh, maggie, ooh. >> an extra shout out. >> you made my morning. >> a lot of people from kansas and i'm concerned maybe there's no one left back there. welcome back to "the early show" i'm harry smith with maggie
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rodriguez. losing weight, never easy an whether it's metabolism or lack of time for exercise. >> or having a baby. >> i wonder about that. there are all kinds of excuses and our dr. jennifer ashton is here to help us overcome those excuses and show you how you can lose weight the right way. >> it's a commitment. also ahead imagine following the love of your life halfway around the world and imagine the object of your affection is a panda bear. we'll hear the colorful story about a group of women who share a fun obsession. >> first jeff glor at the news desk with another look at headlines. good morning, jeff. >> good morning, everyone. in new york anti-gay remarks from the republican candidate for governor causing quite a stir. he was speaking at a campaign stop yesterday eight hours after people were arraigned on an antioe anti-gay attack. >> i just think my children and
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your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family. and i don't want them to be brain-washed into thinking homosexuality is an e wally valid or successful option. it isn't. >> this morning he told harry he's sensitive to the discrimination gay people endure. >> i have no reservations about gay people at all. none. except for one thing. their desire to get married. i just feel -- i'm a catholic, and i feel -- there's 7.5 million catholics in new york state. i feel that marriage is only between a man and a woman. >> pal dino says he owes no one apology. rescuers in chile hoping to save the trapped miners by wednesday. crews are putting the finishing touches on the escape shaft completed this week, used to pull them up. north korea welcoming its new leader-in-waiting.
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the son of the president attended a gala performance last night following massive celebrations of the 65th anniversary of the founding of communist north korea. joining us from inside north korea cbs news national correspondents jim axelrod. jim, good evening in north korea. >> reporter: good evening, jeff. foreign reporters were invited here to north korea but the country's leader kim jong-il so he could showcase the man designated his future successor, his son. it was billed as the largest parade in north korea's history featuring weapons decorated with the words "defeat the u.s. military" taking it in 68-year-old kim jong-il and his youngest son kim jong-un, making official what's long been rom mored his son will succeed him one day, the third generation of the kim family to rule this nation. >> i think the family or ruling regime is trying to manage this
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transition over a period of a couple of years, so they are trying to slowly begin to give him a higher profile but taking their time. >> reporter: not much is known about him. he is thought to be in his late 20s, educated in switzerland, reportedly loves american professional basketball and made a general two weeks ago by his father. the kim jong-un's coming-out party was held at this military parade was no accidents. north korean experts say it is vitally important for him to staesh he has supported by this military in a country run by authoritarian rule. jeff. >> you have gotten pretty extraordinary access in normally a closed-off country. do you get the sense this propaganda campaign, roll-out campaign, is working for them right now? >> reporter: boy, i wasn't the only one to get the access. apparently more than 100 reporters from 18 countries took
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up the government's invitation to come to north korea, as you know, a rare occurrence. if they wanted to get wide exposure on this roll-out campaign, as you call it, they were successful. jeff. >> jim axelrod on the ground in pyongyang this morning. thank you very much. we are learning a british aid worker kidnapped in afghanistan may have been killed by u.s. forces during a rescue attempt. linda norgrove was abducted september 26th and died friday. initial reports indicated she was killed by her taliban captors but this morning the british prime minister david cameron said it is possible she was killed bay grenade used by the u.s. soldiers trying to save her. in washington state, a college party turned into a frightening situation after a dozen young students, most of them women, may have been drugged. cbs news correspondent ben tracy is in el lensberg, washington with the latest on that. ben, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. pretty much any parent's worst nightmare most were under age, just freshmen at central
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washington university. the students think somebody may have put the date rape drug in their drinks while partying overnight. that led to a mass overdose and 12 students rushed to a hospital. at this modest vacation home, the evidence of friday night's college party still litters the lawn. >> it was crazy. there was loud music, lots going on. >> reporter: more than more students knew until the party took a frightening turn, they say after only one or two drinks. >> all of a sudden all the girls were puking everywhere. >> they are falling down, their drinks going everywhere. >> girls were outside on their back and people were so drunk they didn't know what to do. >> reporter: one ended up at this nearby grocery store unconscious. someone called 911 and told police about the party. when the cops showed up at the house, they had to force their way through the door. inside and in the backyard they found about 50 college students, most of them drunk, many of the women incoherent.
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>> our immediate suspicion was that some sort of drug had been -- had been introduced into their systemss. >> reporter: 11 women and one man ended up in the hospital. police say they were drugged by someone who may have spiked their drinks but they don't think the host of the party was involved. one sunt was found having sex with a nearly unconscious woman who turned out to be his girlfriend. >> we know the majority of our victims were female. so, the assumption is that maybe these individuals were targeted for some nefarious reasons. >> reporter: witnesses say many of the women were drinking pre-made drinks from cups which seems the source of the drug. while the type is unknown a date rape drug can be lethal mixed with alcohol. >> girls were laying on the floor grabbing us, trying to help them up off the ground. >> almost like zombies passed out, they couldn't really function. >> reporter: the good news is that all the students have been released from the hospital but the police are sending their
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blood samples to the state crime lab to try to determine which drug was actually in their system. back here at the university, they are talking to the students about the alcohol policy, obviously, they prohibit underage drinking so, jeff, any students who were found drinking at this party who were underage face everything from alcohol counseling to being kicked out of school. jeff? >> ben tracy in washington this morning, thanks very much. back outside once again to dave price, another check of the weather on this beautiful monday morning. dave, good morning. >> nice to see you, jeff. fifth avenue, site of the columbus day parade in new york city. nice to see friends visiting, friends from i can kip. hold on. just in case you can't see this, there we go friends from -- hold on this sign says we love hawaii, this says we love new york, we love cincinnati. you're just -- you just love everything. nice to see you. friends from macon, georgia,
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hillsboro and great friends from lbda. in two seconds, what's this organization about and what is this disease all about? >> trying to raise awareness, symptoms that overlap parkinson's and alzheimer's but most physicians have not heard about it, it is important to get early diagnosis because families need a lot of information and should visit our website. >> there you go. let's check the weather and see what is happening all around the country, everybody. nice weather out west. keep in mind in the great lakes area into actually the ohio valley showers pushing into the northeast today. meantime, severe weather rolling into the southern plains and eastward. southeast will see record-setting warmth and the west coast looks nice. inland in the northwest ul see showers. that's a quick lookk,,
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>> announcer: this weather report sponsored by farmers insurance. we are farmers. we are insurance. >> that's a quick look at your weather. the cast of pinocchio. at 8:30 i'll give you my forecast and watch my nose grow. all that coming up in minutes. maggie, back to you. >> thank you. up next, what's your reason for not losing weight. we'll look at some common excuses and tell you how to overcome them here on "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] finally there's a new choice in high performance detergent.
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introducing wisk with stain spectrum technology. try new wisk. we upgraded the formula, but not the price. ♪ [ slap! slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums is the exposed dentin, the tissue beneath the enamel. the dentin contains these channels that lead directly to the nerve center.
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cold and heat travel through these channels and stimulate the nerve. that's when you get this ouch. dentists recommend sensodyne because the product works. the active ingredient within sensodyne travels into the nerve center. when it reaches the nerve, it forms a barrier blocking the sensation of pain and providing a soothing relief. sensodyne is a product most dentists rely on for sensitivity. but it's also rich in powerful nutrients that help cleanse and purify your body. cranberries are the ninja fruit. wh-wh-whoa! ocean spray -- tastes good, good for you. like the cranberry, the pomegranate is a superfruit, prized since ancient times. he would know. [ snickering ] also available in light and diet. ♪ and i feel like... [ female announcer ] kellogg's wants to make kids happy one tummy at a time.
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because 9 out of 10 kids don't get the fiber they need, that's why froot loops, apple jacks and corn pops have 3 grams of fiber in every yummy bowl. they're the cereals your kids love and the fiber their tummies love... which makes for a whole lotta happy. froot loops, apple jacks and corn pops, an oh-so-good source of fiber. kellogg's® makes fiber fun.
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overcoming weight loss, excuses. new research confirms what we've known for a long time, diet and exercise will help you lose weight and keep it off. but, many people have excuses for not following that advice and our dr. jennifer ashton is here to help you overcome your excuses. why is it so difficult to maintain a healthy weight? >> well, look, two-thirds of the american population are struggling with being overweight or obese. so, obviously if you're having trouble, you're not alone but the buck stops here, harry >> this morning. >> today. it stops here. i think the first myth is that people will say, i'm never going to be able to control my weight because i hate to exercise. >> right. >> okay. you have to learn to like it, number one, your body likes it. your body will feel good if you start to exercise. it is never too late to train those muscles to get back into shape. you need to lift weights, whether you are a male or a
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female, your body needs lean muscle mass and you need to do cardio, aerobic. it makes a huge difference. you will have more success controlling your weight if you exercise. >> i'm exhausted. you know what's interesting, though, people say, i hate to go to the gym, most people hate -- who go hate to good to the gym. i think that's one of those things. you see those people looking like rabbits and running around all over the place and happy. >> but you have to do an exercise that's fun for you, it might not be in the gym, walking your dog or playing with your kid or but do something. >> i don't like diet foods, another excuse. >> talking about calories in and calories out. the out part is the exercise, the in is what you put in your mouth. on a day-to-day, meal-to-meal, hour-to-hour basis if you know what is putting in your mouth is not good fuel for your body, don't eat it because those little habits really add up. >> a great new app on the ipad is calorie counter which you can
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track that. which is good. >> absolutely. >> some people myself included say it is too late. >> i have two words for that. bill clinton. we've seen the dramatic transformation that former president clinton -- >> this guy is like a yo-yo. >> this was the number one fast food-aholic now in the country, eating a plants-base sdthd drooit, fruits and vegetables, dropped over 20 pounds, it makes a huge difference, never to late to revamp what you eat. >> i've tried and failed dr. ashton. >> here is the struggle that starts here. it is absolutely frustrating when you constantly fall off the wagon so to speak but get a support group, do something with a friend or co-worker and remember every single day you have a brand new chance. >> every day. >> every day. >> that's what i feel. up next, a long-distance love affair with a panda bear. we'll speak exclusively with two women who share a passion for
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pandas, when we come back. ♪ turn the tub around ♪ talking about nutrition [ female announcer ] "i can't believe it's not butter" with no trans fat and 70% less saturated fat than butter. butter taste, better health.
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than butter. so who is "making stuff up"? the news media say it's bob ehrlich... with attacks that have been called "false" and "misleading." made up attacks bob ehrlich knows aren't true. but here's what's not made up. bob ehrlich's $3 billion in taxes and fees. the $2.5 million he got paid working at a lobbying firm.
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or the fact ehrlich worked for the casinos to put slots at arundel mills mall. now, bob...that's all true. it started five years ago when this bear was born at a zoo. this couple relatively visited. when he was taken to china earlier this year, they decided they would pay him a special visit. joining us exclusively two of the panda-razzi they call themselves karen willie and christy harper. good morning. >> good morning. >> gee, i can't tell you love pandas. a week back from china. >> yes. >> you must really love this bear to spen $5,000 each to visit him in china. why?
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>> when i saw him born on the panda-cam he came out and hit the wall and i thought this panda will be somebody incredibly special and he is. he just has this sparkle in his eyes that -- >> what was the moment for you, christy. >> the second i saw him on the panda-cam, too, i fell in love with him and for five years have fallen in love with him and all other giant pandas. >> this became your life. you would go every weekend and see him in washington, wouldn't you? >> yes, every weekend we would go. i went, the first time, by myself to see him when they first started letting him outside and after that i met the founder of our website and joined the group and then made friends after that, more and more friends, photographer friends. so, i took up photography, learned lots about pandas. >> when he left in february, you seemed so attached to him, you must have been heart broken. >> it was devastating when they
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made the announcements in december, we knew we were going to see him. >> you planned the trip, christy. >> yep. >> tell me your impressions of his new home in china. >> he looks fabulous, a great enclosure and a bunch of keepers who love him dearly and we are very happy, he looks fabulous. >> i understand you guys were almost a bigger attraction for the chinese than the bear themselves. they were taking pictures of these crazy americans who had flown halfway around the world to see the bear. how would you answer critics who say this is kind of a strange obsession. >> i would say people have their own passions. you know, people love football, people love cooking, whatever it is. we happen to love giant pandas. and the fact that it goes beyond that, because they're one of the most endangered species on the planet. so, besides the fact that we love them, we also are committed to trying to keep them around for a long time. >> and you use your money now to help this cause and have started
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a foundation so, this has become your life's work, correct. >> correct. >> how close were you able to get to him during your visit? >> we were right across from him. bars were between us but we were this close to him. >> how big is this bear, help us visualize it. >> 240 pounds. >> so, 240-pound bear is right here you with. >> face to face. >> is there any fear? >> not at all. >> no? >> no. and when he knows that he's going to get a treat, they've trained him and the staff at the washington national zoo did such a good job of bringing him and teaching him, he knows to put his hand out through the bars onto this metal tray and they do that for blood draws and blood pressure and he holds on the ring on the end. we were able to touch his arm, hold his paw tickle his feet. >> wonderful. welcome back, i know you are already planning the next trip. >> of course. >> thank you, ladies. we'll be right back this is "the early show" on cbs. ,,,, man: let me see the map.
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just drive, we'll get there!
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adventure runs on dunkin', with our maple cheddar breakfast sandwich. breakfast just got a whole lot sweeter. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. the real andy harris. his past attacks have been called deceptive, his new attack, false. harris voted for deregulation increasing our electric bills by 72% it's not surprising, harris always sides with the big guys. he opposes cracking down on wall street and supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. harris even opposed
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making big insurance cover cancer screenings. andy harris' extreme ideas will cost us.
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welcome back to "the early show." coming up, the legendary george carlin did a hilarious routine about stuff, did you see that? we collect stuff in our house, our basement, our garage, all this stuff. if you are sick and tired of stuff like the batteries or cans of paint lying around we'll tell you how to get rid of it the right way. >> plus telling us about her compelling new film based on a true-life story of betrayal on a grand scale, the story of cia agent valerie flame so much in the news during the clinton
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administration and she will tell us how she got sean penn to co-star. >> also, bobby flay is here. >> bobby flay. [ cheering ] >> talking about his favorite dishes from the just completed food & wine festival. we'll make this morning, very interesting flavorful burgers and tacos. >> flavorful? >> extraordinarily flavorful. >> is dr. jennifer ashton going to let us start our diet tomorrow instead. >> as long as we exercise. >> okay. but first, dave price with another check of the weather. calories in, calories out, the whole formula, folks. >> nobody knows better than you. >> good formula for life. >> this we government nice to see you. let's see what is happening across the country, shall we? mr. maps, please, as we take a look at the east coast, things look beautiful right now but we're going to see changes as showers roll through the ohio valley. bringing a different end to the afternoon versus what you see outside this morning. severe weather rolling through
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sections of texas into oklahoma, back through kansas. that will push eastward the next 24 hours. we're taking a look at some storms rolling through inland sections of the pacific northwest and high heat for sections of the southeast. record-setting temperatures, 15 to 20 degrees above the norm, places like atlanta and memphis, all the way up almost to the mid-atlantic states, you're going to see some high heat today as you roll through the afternoon hours. just keep that in mind. nice weather as you roll through southern california, into northern california. it's going to be beautiful, as well. with that, that is a look at our national maps. here's and
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here's a look at your weather picture. what's her name? >> julie. >> she looks just like you. did you just have your hair done? >> yes. >> what did that cost you in new york city, about 100 bucks for the blow-out? >> yes. >> nice to see you guys. that's a quick look at our weather picture. harry. inside to you. a ripped from the headlines true story of espionage and betrayal. naem watts plays former cia officer valley flame whose life was torn apart when her cover was blown -- >> i had no plan for this day. >> when did you join? >> '85, straight out of college. >> did they find you or -- >> no.
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i approached them. >> and did joe know? >> yes. >> your parents? >> yes, but that's all. >> so, you have like lovers all over the world? do you have a gun? and have you killed people? >> naem watts joins us this morning. >> good morning. >> in rel life she was married to joe wilson, sent to the cia to nay jeer to determine whether or not yellow-cake uranium was exported to iraq for prove once and for all whether iraq was making weapons of mass destruction, when joe wilson said no, the administration said something's got to pay and that was valerie flame and here you are. >> it stands alone, even without the truth involved, this -- it feels like something for the movies. >> could not have made it up almost. >> yeah. >> this is very -- the whole arc of this is very interesting
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to me, not the least of this, you had just had your second child. >> yes. >> somebody knocks on your door and says please read this screenplay. were you really looking to go back to work. >> absolutely not. it could have not have been the worst timing. basically december 13th, i gave birth and the e-mail came on the 26th and i said, look, i'm not reading anything right now. and i'm on a between-hour feeding schedule. and i know, obviously, the story, i'd followed it well at the time. so, i was instantly intrigued and he said just read ten pages, you know, have a look at ten pages. >> it was all over. >> there you go. you can't just read ten pages of this story. and -- what i was surprised is to how much more i learned. you know, following upfy it through the media, quite closely -- >> sure. >> -- and then, yeah, the details and what she went through. >> simultaneously, it is not only this very public story but it is also sort of the private
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anguish of this family. >> yes. >> that is almost torn asunder by this. >> yes. and that's what i loved about the script reading, was that you have a way in, set against these political events that we have to relive, which is disturbing. but, you have this -- you get to be inside the privacy of their own home and see how it affects them as -- as, you know, a couple. >> i'm sure you got to meet valerie flame, right? >> right. >> and so, you're, as an actress trying to plum the depths of her soul. was she penetrable? >> she's not someone that's easy to get things out of. she still has a secrecy agreement with the cia. so those questions you just saw in the clip, the temptation to ask those questions, is there. >> sure. >> but, you know, she's not going to answer those so you just kind of have to push all that stuff aside and the research was very extensive. what the writers came up with
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and so i went with the facts available. but then, wanting to just get into the mind-set of who she was and in dealing with this crisis and, as a mother, a professional, a wife, you know, all those things. >> she's almost like a soccer mom who happens to be a secret agent. >> exactly. >> that whole thing i think ends up being very relatable. >> if you met her in a social setting, you would never know that she could take you out in three seconds. [ laughter ] >> i have the feeling that way about you sometimes. >> oh, really? well, i had some paramilitary training, actually. >> i read that. >> yeah. >> a different you now. >> zen penn was not originally involved but you had done "21 grams" several years ago. >> correct. >> you called him up and said or somebody -- you did call him, what? >> yeah. i mean, we're friends from filming that and doug and jed -- >> the screenwriters. >> yes, and the director said,
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look, we'd love to have sean, you know, we have a small window of opportunity let's cut out all the other middlemen, can you just send the script to him right away? i said, okay, fine. knowing this content would really -- >> irresistible. >> would kind of be irresistible to him. immediately i got a message back from him saying great script, a necessary story to tell. >> great to see you. it opens in theaters friday november 5th. >> it may be fall but never too late for spring cleaning. while it can be kind of scary thinking about all the nasty stuff cluttering your basement and garage we have easy tips this morning how to get rid of all that stuff. renee lewis author of "easy green living" good morning. >> good morning. such an important topic because there is so much waste every day. >> so much waste. in fak fact we, on average, produce four and a half pounds a day of this waste. so, reducing that is ideal.
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recycling is the next best step. and figuring out what to do with the rest is where we're at today. >> because people by now know how to recycle glass and paper and plastic but things like batteries, for example, a lot of people have no clue what to do with their batteries. >> right. in fact, led acid batteries are actually illegal to dispose of, car batteries, cam-co cam-cord batteries but as far as single-use batteries about three billion sold a year, something we are thinking b. you don't want to throw them into the garbage because they contain heavy metals like mercury, led, cab me yum, more and more retailers will take them back. home depot is one place, whole foods markets also has a lot of take-back programs. i have to say rechargeable batteries, the next time anyone will buy, are great stuff and
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last longer. i hear from the sound guys they last longer for things like microphones. >> yeah, we use them. a lot of people don't even realize rechargeable batteries exist. you use them forever. >> not forever but really a long time. they last forever and are a great buy. in the long run you will save a lot of money and the convenience of having something to be recharged on hand can't be beat. >> there you go. let's go with electronics. i have about five or six cell phones in a drawer because i don't know what to do with them. >> you're not alone spaesh with technology changing so rapidly. on average we get a new cell phone about every 18 months. instead of letting them lie around or putting them in the garbage, you can put them to good lose. the batteries contain materials and a growing number of organizations can benefit. >> like. >> cellphonesfor soldiers is great one. they will even send you postage and will use them and buy
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calling cards for soldiers overseas to call him. everyone will feel good about that. >> light bulbs, fluorescent light bulbs. >> compact florescents have grown in popularity however disposing of them is something most people don't think b. they do contain a small amount of mercury so disposing of them properly very important. add kea and home depot will take them back. the epa suggests to put them in two bags and dispose of them wisely. >> the one we are looking at here -- the light bulb of the future? >> yes, an l.e.d., really coming onto the market. they are hugely efficient, don't contain any mercury and use a fraction of the energy. >> very g. medications. a lot of people flush them and that winds up in the water supply, doesn't it? >> the last thing you want to do with unused medication, indeed, flush them there. are more and more takeback
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programs for unused medication. if in doubt ask your pharmacy. if you are going to dispose of them, crush them and take off any personal information. >> what about packing things, this is very large and difficult to dispose of. >> in the age of more and more online retailing packaging is becoming a big issue. what i do and suggest, any kind of mailing, postage center will usually take it back, happily, to reuse. and, as far as, you know, things like cardboard boxes, corrugated boxes, easy to recycle, bring back. one thing when i'm ordering online in the comments box i ask them, please, as little packaging as possible and this is how we as consumers can start to change that tide. >> a lot of these tips require a lot of work on our part. we actually have to take the stuff back somewhere. besides it being good for the involvement and right thing to do is there any incentive like financial to take them back? >> certainly for rechargeable
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batteries, absolutely, you can end up saving money in the long run. some of this takes a bit of effort and it is well worth it. to me, i feel like i'm doing something that really matters. it is a matter of programming it into the day-to-day. >> that's true, putting it into your routine. what do you do with the oil and filters. >> car materials, maintenance, especially motor oil is something very easy to recycle. almost all facilities will recycle it, whether you get your service done there or do it yourself. and this is the kind of thing that makes a big difference. i mean, recycling just two gallons of motor oil is the equivalent of the amount of electricity it takes to power a home for almost 24 hours. so, these small efforts really add up to something significant. >> all right. lastly we've talked all morning how do you throw away paint? >> ah, paint is one of the more difficult ones so the first thing is to try to use it. give it to a friend, use it as a primer, donate it to a school theater program or organization like habitat for humanity.
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acrylic paints if you can't find anything to do with them, let them dry before disposing of them. oil-based paints do need to be disposed of at a hazardous facility. so, again, try to use them, reuse them, get something else to use them and until they are all done. >> renee, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> you can have more thieves tips on our website. harry? >> thanks. the big apple hosting one of the country's biggest food festivals the last few days and early show contributor bobbly flay is here with a behind-the-scenes look. >> thanks harry. just in its third year but pretty much took over the city with a party that lasted over four days. i'm actually feeling it right now. anyway, here's a look at some of the fun. here we are under the brooklyn bridge but new york city, wine & food festival at the burger bash. 27 chefs firing up their grills, i'm hungry.
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let's go see what they got. >> let's go, 2010 burger bash. >> this place is on fire! >> there are 2300 people here tonight that are going to vote on 6800 pounds of meat over 50,000 burgers. why burgers? >> because it's that acceptable factor, you can pick it up and heat it with your hands, friendly, everybody is welcome. >> what are you serving? >> pickle the carrots, mayonnaise and fresh herbs. >> can i get a bite? the king of burgers. >> you actually are the king of burgers. >> then, of course mine from bobby's burger palace, a santa fe burger. here you go, sweetheart
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as big as this bash was the weekend's wine & food festival was a whole lot more than burgers. 130 events were held all over new york city, where guests were served everything from meatballs with gia to milk and cookies with martha stewart. i invited 25 great chefs to put their spin on the mexican classic. that's what we have, tacos and tequila. >> we have octopus here soaked in tequila and pom graent. >> smoked paprika, lemon and cilantro. >> the new fusion taco. okay that's a nervous moment when chef bobby flay eats your food. >> 100% of the net proceeds from the four-day festival will benefit the food bank of new york city. >> we hope to raise a million three, a million four this year by the time we are done. >> back here at the burger bash,
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the crowd actually had me feeling like i was the fan favorite. you won last year. >> i did. >> how do you feel like being the defending champion. >> i'm just here to have a good time, right, bobby, that's what we do. >> this year's people choice award goes to bobby flay. [ cheering ] >> oh, wow. >> so, what do you think about your burgers that set it apart? >> you know, i think it's the queso and green chilis and great burger but who knows. i've actually come in second place in every new york city food food & wine festival and miami beach burger bar every year. i'm not comfortable with first place. i like second a lot. they called me the susan lucci of the burger bash you got a check. what are you going to do with the money? >> obviously we'll give it to charity, probably the new york city food bank. >> looked like a rockin' crazy time. was there a favorite thing of the whole weekend you liked more
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than anything. >> 130 events, big things like the burger bash and taco and tequila event i hosted but food demonstrations and wine seminars, goes on and on. almost too many things to go but a fantastic weekend. >> tell me more about the taco and tequila event. >> i made some with short-rib, monterey sauce and blue corn tortillas. i invited 25 chefs mostly in the new york area who don't actually make tacos very often to create their spin, so lobster tacos, liverwurst tacos, you made it they put it in a taco, lots of tequila and fun. it was actually the taco and tequila dance party. >> all this money goes to the new york food bank? over a million. >> a million three or four. really fantastic. >> we saw bloomberg on there eating red meat. >> no question about it.
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>> party on. nicely done. do you mind if i have one of these? >> i knew you would dig. >> the ingredients again. >> shortribs of beef and a queso sauce with monterey jack and parmesan. pickled red onions and roasted green chilis. >> are you into it? >> totally. >> that's good. >> om, my lord. >> now looking at my burger had some of the same ingredients but on different fights. i made a tequila dripg with fresh grapefutures and pom graent and a bit of lime juice. >> i'm trying to think through it. >> you would like it. >> no, no, i serve it with one of those crushed things. >> no, no not a blended drink. i don't like blended drinks. i want to taste the tequila in its pure form, not diluted with all that -- >> slush. >> there you go. a man after my own heart.
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bobby flay thank you very much. for more on these great recipes all you have to do is go to our website. of when we come back, you,,,,,,,
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chowing down on bobby's ,,,, award-winning burgers. awesome. >> it's a little lamy, is there some? >> no >> super taster maggie rodriguez. >> what's the meat. >> beef, 80%, 20% fat. >> 20% lamb. >> no lamb. >> a little lamb for maggie. >> gamey lamb. >> i know, it looks delicious and it does. i'm going to serve. harry. >> thank you very much, i had one. >> you can get these at bobby's burger palace, you know?
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>> in jersey. >> shall i name is little -- >> yeah, please. >> have a great columbus day, everybody. just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our maple cheddar breakfast sandwich. breakfast just got a whole lot sweeter.
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caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak.
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eaks to send jobs over seas.
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i think we need tax breaks to send kids to college. so i worked for a $2,500 tax credit to help pay for college. fought to get pell grants expanded and insisted that college loans go directly to kids instead of through banks. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message. because it's not about the next election, it's about the next generation. right? yeah!!!


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