tv 60 Minutes CBS April 10, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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as well. >> i know at 21 years old you have a head a lot wiser than that on your shoulders and you are a quick learner. you learned from the british open. played beautifully. do you have any idea at the moment what you might learn from today? >> not at this point. if i reflect on it over the next few days i will be able to tell you a little bit better. i can't put my finger on it. i lost a lot of confidence in my putting around the turn. i was second guessing lines and speed. on these greens you can't do that. >> well, congratulations on your effort for the entire week. you will be back. >> thank you very much. i hope so. >> to 18. jim: thank you, peter. straight ahead the green jacket presentation. charl schwartzel with a closing
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masterpiece 66. birdies over the last four holes. got married last september, seven months ago. now he has a green jacket headed his way here at augusta. [ thomas ] my sophomore year, i was pretty confused, didn't really know what i wanted to do. didn't like high school. and then i met my teacher, mr. mccooey, and that click happened. i would never have even thought about going into the engineering field if it wasn't for these ap classes, these teachers and them helping me realize that this is a major calling in my life. ♪ i didn't always know that i would like math, but now i think it'll change my life. a living, breathing intelligence that's helping rethink healthcare. where's peter? ♪ i got him. [ male announcer ] in here, medical history follows you... by putting access into the cloud.
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so doctors can see a patient's history... even when they're far away from home. you're quite the little daredevil, huh? [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities, creating and integrating solutions, helping business, and the rethink possible. helping business, and the in the past, when we thought about computing, we thought about boxes. on a smarter planet, computing has left the box. generating 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. today everything computes. which means we need to think differently about computing. how we manage it. how we deliver it. how we design it to run a railroad spot a trend. spot a market change and act on it. a smarter planet is built with smarter computing. i'm an ibmer. let's build a smarter planet. jim: we are back at augusta. one time five were tied here in
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the final round. top 16 in ties. all will be back next year. woods and ogilvy and donald end up sharing fourth. bo van pelt will return next year with a top 10 finish as well ryan palmer. justin rose closed with a 68. and the rest of those in the top 16 included 51-year-old fred couples at 4-under par. it is that time to head down to butler cabin. >> good evening, i am billy payne, chairman of augusta national golf club and i am excited to be here with my good friend, jim nantz. jim: what a day. >> really thrilling. jim and i will repeat the long-standing tradition of the award of the masters green jacket to our champion. before we do i would like to take this opportunity to thank our television viewers across
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america and in over 200 countries around the world for your long-term and loyal support of the masters. i now welcome three very special gentleman all with wonderful smiles on their faces. this year's low amateur mr. hideki matsuyama. hideki, congratulations. i am very proud of you. last year's champion and a depood one it be mr. phil mickelson. and our new champion proud to introduce mr. charl schwartzel. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> have a seat. i know jim has a few questions. jim: thank you billy, i doed in. one of the great tradition citizen recognition of the amateur. hideki matsuyama at age 19 with so much on your mind coming here. we are joined by allen turner to interpret. first a statement please from
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hideki about how much this week meant to him. >> i was very happy to be here and to play four rounds here at augusta. also there are hard times right now in japan. hopefully my play brought some encouragement to those in need right now. jim: what are his plans right now? >> i am going to go back home and i want to do some volunteer work. i do want to finish my
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university and then i hope to turn pro. jim: please let hideki know that everyone back in japan are in our thoughts and prayers. >> thank you. jim: let me turn to charl schwartzel, the masters champion 2011 with birdies on the last four holes. this was a riveting day out there. how did you handle all that is going around the course? >> it is an exciting day. you know so many roars and the atmosphere out there was incredible. i think playing with k.j., he plays the same game as i do. we go about our business. i think that kept me calm, you know, as calm as i could. just a phenomenal day.
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adam scott was making birdies and jason day and i needed to do something. i hit some really good iron shots and putt. jim: you chip in at 1 and make eagle at 3. right now on your mind not only are you thinking of your folks back home, your dad, ernie els who considers you to be like a kid brother and gary player, who 50 years ago today became the first international player to win the masters. what is in your mind? >> it is so much right now. my dad is played such a big part in my life. he put so much time in my golf for me. i wouldn't be where i am right now if it wasn't for him. jim: magnificent performance. and billy it is that time. >> phil, if you would do the honors.
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congratulations, charl. we are very proud of you. jim: well, this was the 75th playing of the masters tournament. many will tell you it is hard to find one to match up with this. that many people had a shot to win it down the stretch. it will go down as one of the most suspenseful and dramatic final rounds we have seen. first masters belonged to horton smith in 1934 got engaged on the green there. 50 years ago again mr. player took the game global. 25 years back jack had his epic victory. but today it was all about charl schwartzel. he talked earlier this week about how jack gave him a
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captioning funded by cbs and ford-- built for the road ahead. >> the theory that sheriff jones killed louis allen has been in the public domain for quite some time. the f.b.i. would be remiss in our duties if we did not pursue that theory. >> kroft: she's talking about a mostly forgotten but historically significant civil rights killing that has never gone away. my name is steve kroft. we're from "60 minutes" in new york. 47 years later, we found the prime suspect in louis allen's murder very much alive in a mississippi town called liberty. well, you know, sheriff, you could clear this up with a lie detector test. >> well, then it ain't going to get cleared up. >> safer: we're about to visit a place few people have seen firsthand...
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>> there's about two million printed books. >> safer: two million printed books. ...the vatican library, a vast collection of historic treasures beyond compare. the library's most valued documents go back almost 2,000 years, nearly to the time of st. peter. >> ..."the name of god." >> safer: and from the same period, the gospel of luke and part of the gospel of john. >> "in the beginning, it was the word, and the word was god." >> simon: he's done things even babe ruth, joe dimaggio and ted williams never did. and in the baseball-crazy town of st. louis, he's as iconic as the arch. albert pujols is destined for the hall of fame, yet he still takes an estimated 20,000 practice swings every year to remain the game's most feared hitter. as you'll see, albert pujols showed us many things.
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being a great baseball player was just one of them. >> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm bob simon. >> i'm morley safer. >> i'm byron pitts. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories tonight on "60 minutes." this was me, best ribs in nelson county, but i wasn't winning any ribbons managing my diabetes. it was so complicated. there was a lot of information out there. but it was frustrating trying to get the answers i needed. then my company partnered with unitedhealthcare. they provided onsite screenings, healthy cooking tips. that's a recipe i'm keeping. ( announcer ) turning complex data into easy tools. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. just brewing up some dunkin' donuts coffee -- want some? [ whoosh! ]
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one of the nation's largest wealth managers -- makes all the difference. our goals-based investment strategies are tailored to your needs and overseen by experts who seek to maximize opportunities while minimizing risk. after all, you don't climb a mountain just to sit at the top. you lookround for other mountains to climb. ♪ expertise matters. find it at northern trust. >> kroft: five years ago, the f.b.i. announced that it was reopening more than 100 unsolved murder cases from the civil rights era of the 1950s and '60s.
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the goal of the cold case initiative was to try and mete out justice in what seemed to be racially motivated killings that were never prosecuted. not many 50-year-old cold cases ever get solved. memories fade, evidence is lost, witnesses and suspects die or disappear. but that's not the case in the death of louis allen, a mostly forgotten but historically significant murder that helped bring thousands of white college students to mississippi in the freedom summer of 1964. the murder is still unsolved, but the case has never quite gone away, because the chief suspect is very much alive and walking the streets of a town called liberty. liberty, mississippi, is a small rural logging town not far from the louisiana border. the fbi believes that some people here have been keeping a dark secret for nearly 50 years, from one of the ugliest periods in the state's history. >> you will not be allowed to proceed past this point today.
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>> kroft: it was a time when civil rights activists were beaten and arrested, when state and local politics were controlled by all-white citizens' councils, and when people like louis allen were murdered in cold blood, without redress. you keep a photo of louis allen on your desk? >> cynthia deitle: i do. >> kroft: why? >> deitle: the case bothers me. i feel like we failed, and not just the f.b.i., but law enforcement. >> kroft: cynthia deitle is a 15-year veteran of the f.b.i.'s civil rights division, and until a few weeks ago, was in charge of the cold case initiative. of the 100 unsolved racially- motivated murders she's been charged with investigating, none has been more promising or frustrating than louis allen's. >> deitle: somebody knows something. some husband came home with bloody clothing. someone got drunk in a bar and said what he was doing last night. someone knows something. >> kroft: but in the early 1960s, people in and around liberty knew to keep their mouths shut.
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a violent chapter of the ku klux klan used cross burnings, abductions and murder to enforce the doctrine of white supremacy and to intimidate the black population, most of which lived in shacks with no electricity or plumbing, and were not allowed to vote. civil rights leaders like robert moses, who came south to help them register, were frequently the target of violence. >> bob moses: liberty was not a place that i liked to go. >> kroft: why? >> moses: because it was a place where you weren't safe if you were doing voter registration work. >> kroft: it was in liberty that moses met louis allen, a rough- hewn world war ii veteran who walked proud and was not afraid to stand up for himself. he ran a small timber business, was one of the few blacks in liberty to own his own land, and always wore a hat, which he considered a sign of self- respect. he was not the type to seek out trouble; robert moses says it found him. >> moses: he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. he saw something that happened,
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and he was deeply disturbed and affected by that. and so, he had a basic life decision to make. >> kroft: on september 25, 1961, allen was walking past this old cotton gin when he saw something that likely got him killed. louis allen witnessed a powerful state legislator by the name of e.h. hurst shoot and kill an unarmed black man named herbert lee. allen told his friends and family that he and other eyewitnesses had been pressured into lying about the shooting, and to saying that it was self- defense. later, allen decided that he needed to tell the truth. one of the people louis allen told it to was julian bond, who was trying to register black voters in mississippi for the student non-violent coordinating committee. he would later become a legendary civil rights leader. >> julian bond: this was not a self-defense action by the state representative. this was out and out murder. that's all it was. but louis allen agreed to lie about that.
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>> kroft: why do you think he lied? >> bond: he lied because he was in fear of his life. if he had implicated a powerful white man in a murder of a black man, that he was risking his life. >> kroft: did you encourage him to tell the truth? >> bond: i tried to encourage him to tell the truth but, you know, it was like saying, "why don't you volunteer to be killed? >> kroft: but allen's wife would later testify that "his conscience was clipping him," and he decided to tell f.b.i. agents and the u.s. commission on civil rights what really happened at the cotton gin. this document from f.b.i. files says, "allen changed his story" and "expressed fear that he might be killed." he asked for protection, but none was provided. almost immediately, word began circulating in liberty that louis allen was prepared to change his testimony. >> deitle: he was threatened as a result of the fact that he was going to change his statement and that he did change his statement. >> kroft: and the f.b.i. was notified of those threats? >> deitle: yes.
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>> kroft: did the f.b.i. do anything? >> deitle: yes. we referred that to local law enforcement authorities. >> kroft: it's certainly possible to conclude that local law enforcement people were the ones behind the threats? >> deitle: there is a theory out there that that speaks to that, yes. >> kroft: in fact, it's been the prevailing theory for some time, although the f.b.i. cannot officially confirm it. there is a 1961 reference in the f.b.i. file to a report that "allen was to be killed, and the local sheriff was involved in the plot to kill him." and we found this 1962 letter from robert moses to assistant attorney general john doar alleging the same thing-- "they're after him in amite county," it says, and makes reference to "a plot by the sheriff and seven other men." he was afraid of the sheriff's department. >> deitle: i think he was, yes. >> kroft: and i think he was afraid of the klan, although they seemed to be sort of the same thing in liberty at this time. >> deitle: i'm not sure i can say that. >> kroft: julian bond was less circumspect. >> bond: the law enforcement, you suspected they were members. if you wanted to be a mayor, a city councilman, a county commissioner, the sheriff, if
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you wanted to be on the legislature, you had to have some connection with the klan. >> kroft: and in the amite county sheriff's department, the person with the best connection was deputy sheriff daniel jones. his father was the "exalted cyclops" of the local klan, and jones himself, according to this f.b.i. document we found, was suspected of being a klan member. jones, who is alive and still resides in liberty, was recently visited by fbi agents who wanted him to take a lie detector test. what was he like? >> hank allen: well, mean. >> kroft: hank allen was 17 years old when his father was killed, and he remembers daniel jones as his main tormentor. he says he watched jones harass and repeatedly arrest his father on trumped-up charges, and one night, beat him outside their home. >> allen: and he had handcuffed him, told him he was under arrest. so daddy asked for his hat. told daddy, "no, you can't go get your hat." daddy said, "well, my son is on the porch. can he bring me my hat?"
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he drawed back, he took a flashlight, and he struck my daddy and broke his jawbone, handcuffed. >> kroft: when he got out of jail, louis allen did something that was unheard of for a black man in mississippi-- he went to the f.b.i. and lodged a complaint against deputy sheriff jones and testified before a federal grand jury. the case was thrown out, and the situation in liberty continued to deteriorate. >> allen: they stopped selling daddy gas in the town. they stopped buying his logs. they just more or less just tried to blackball him. >> deitle: it got to the point, the harassment and just him not being able to survive in liberty, that he decided to leave and to go work in another state. and it's the night before he is due to leave that he is killed. >> kroft: louis allen was ambushed here on a cold night in january, 1964, after getting out of his truck to open the cattle gate that led to his property.
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his son, hank, was the one who found him. >> allen: i didn't know why he would park the truck in the middle of the driveway and leave it like that. and i climbed up in the truck. the headlights was real dim. and when i went to step down out the truck, i stepped on something. and that's when i stepped on my... my daddy's hand. he was lying up under the truck. >> kroft: he was killed with two blasts of deer shot to the head. the investigating officer was none other than the newly elected sheriff, daniel jones, who hank said made it clear to the family why his father had been murdered. >> allen: he told my mom that if louis had just shut his mouth that he wouldn't be laying there on the ground. he wouldn't be dead. >> kroft: you think sheriff jones did it? >> allen: yes, indeed. by all means. if he didn't do it, he was the entrepreneur of it. >> kroft: jones told the newspapers he was unable to find a single clue. how would you characterize the investigation that sheriff jones conducted? >> deitle: he did not develop any fingerprints, any physical evidence, and he never developed any suspects. >> kroft: not a great investigation. >> deitle: probably could have done more.
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>> kroft: and the same might be said about the fbi at the time. it had limited jurisdiction over civil rights murders and little inclination to investigate them. in fact, it's not clear that anyone investigated louis allen's murder until 1994, when plater robinson, a historian at the southern institute at tulane university, began digging into it. >> plater robinson: from day one in liberty, people told me that daniel jones and a colored man killed louis allen. >> kroft: robinson has spent 17 years combing through archives and tracking down people to interview. one of them was an elderly preacher named alfred knox. knox told robinson in a 1998 tape-recorded conversation that his son-in-law, archie weatherspoon, was with sheriff daniel jones when allen was murdered. >> alfred knox: my son-in-law went with him. >> robinson: to kill louis allen? >> knox: to kill louis allen. he didn't know where he was going till he got in the car. and he said, "would you pull
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the trigger? would you shoot him?" he said, "no, i ain't going to do it." that what my son-in-law said. "i ain't going to shoot him. you come out here to kill him, you kill him." so he killed him. >> kroft: both knox and his son- in-law took their stories to the grave. but plater robinson says the answer to who killed louis allen can still be found in liberty. >> robinson: a lot of people are dead. but there are still a number of significant people still alive. >> kroft: like who, besides sheriff jones? >> robinson: well, charles ravencraft, he lives down the road, and he's quite healthy. >> kroft: we found charles ravencraft at the liberty drug store presiding over a coffee klatch of old-timers, some of whom were around when louis allen was murdered. >> charles ravencraft: people in this area, they just don't do much talking. >> kroft: for years, ravencraft was sergeant-at-arms of the mississippi legislature, and at the time of louis allen's murder, vice president of the
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americans for the preservation of the white race in liberty, a front group for the ku klux klan. was it around, charles? >> ravencraft: what's that? >> kroft: the klan? >> ravencraft: sure. they were here. >> kroft: were any of you guys in it? >> ravencraft: it wouldn't have been a klan if you don't tell everybody what your business was. >> kroft: ravencraft indicated that he hadn't lost much sleep over louis allen's murder, and told us he had no idea who killed him. >> ravencraft: no, i don't. he lived a lot longer than i thought he'd have lived. that's the kind of fella he was. he was a little bit overbearing. i don't think that civil rights had anything to do with it. >> kroft: winbourne sullivan wasn't around when louis allen was killed, but he ran the liberty drug store for 36 years. >> winbourne sullivan: i think there are people who know what happened and who did it, but they're not willing to talk about it. and they won't talk about it. you'll never find out. >> kroft: they told us they don't see much of former sheriff daniel jones these days. he spends most of his time on his property, just off the state highway.
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we decided to approach him with our cameras concealed on the off-chance he might give something up. after waiting for a half an hour on the porch, he rolled up in an all-terrain vehicle with his wife. my name is steve kroft. how you doing? we're from "60 minutes" in new york. we're down here working on a story, on an old case of yours, and was wondering if you'd have some time to talk to us about. >> daniel jones: no, sir, i don't believe so. >> kroft: you don't think so? >> jones: no, sir. >> kroft: the louis allen case? >> jones: yeah, i know what you're talking about. >> kroft: he was polite and cordial. said he didn't want to talk, but he kept on talking. there was some bad blood between you and... and louis, right? >> jones: there was not no bad blood between us. apparently... i'm talking more than i need to, but the truth sometimes has a way of slipping out if you try to keep it covered up. >> kroft: were you in the klan? >> jones: well, i won't answer that. i take the fifth on that.
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>> kroft: jones confirmed that the f.b.i. had already been there asking some of the same questions. >> jones: i told you i don't care to discuss it, and you just keep coming with your educated approach. >> kroft: no, it's not my educated approach. look, you haven't told me to get off your property. i just... answer me one last question. >> jones: okay, be sure it's the last one. >> kroft: can you look me in the eye and say you weren't involved in it? >> jones: no, sir, i wasn't involved in it. >> kroft: well, you know, sheriff, you could clear this up with a lie detector test. >> jones: well, then it ain't going to get cleared up. >> deitle: the theory that sheriff jones killed louis allen has been in the public domain for quite some time. the f.b.i. would be remiss in our duties if we did not pursue that theory. >> kroft: and it's still just a theory, a circumstantial case based on motive, suspicions, hearsay, and the words of dead people. there's no forensic evidence, no murder weapon, no eyewitnesses, and only one fbi agent working
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the case, part-time. >> deitle: my name is cynthia deitle. >> kroft: at a town hall meeting in nearby baton rouge, deitle tried to shake out some new leads and enlist journalists, activists and students to help the f.b.i. solve the murder. but there were some in the audience who still mistrust the f.b.i. and think the cold case initiative is little more than public relations. >> allen: there's been nothing did. there's been not one arrest, there's been all kind of investigations made. and i hate to say things like this, because the f.b.i. is the only help i got. >> kroft: should the f.b.i. be doing more? >> bond: of course, they should be doing more. you know, thank god for these people who are doing it, but we can't turn law enforcement over to journalists. we can't turn it over to academics. we can't depend on some guy at tulane to tell us who's killing people in mississippi. come on. >> kroft: why are you relying on reporters and professors? this is the most powerful law enforcement agency in the country. you have subpoena power.
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>> deitle: we do. we have resources that we could bring to bear on any case. >> kroft: why don't you bring them? >> deitle: they have been. but i've learned, in these cases, that a witness, a family member may be more comfortable talking to you than she would be talking to me. >> kroft: for hank allen, the time to solve his father's killing was 47 years ago. he believes the people who know what happened, black and white, would rather forget it now, and that the wall of silence and the passage of time have granted immunity to those he thinks are responsible. >> allen: here's a guy, goes on living his normal life, enjoying life. but they feel as though we're doing something wrong by saying something about the murder. in other words, "you should be quiet about that. that was in the past." well, it's still in my present and in my future. i have to look at this every day.
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>> cbs money watch update sponsored by spiraiva. >> good evening, gas prices have shot up 19 cents to a nationwide average of 3.77 a gallon. president obama wednesday will lay out a new plan to reduce the deficit. he is considering cuts in military spending, medicare and medicaid. >> and at the box office, "hop" stayed on top. i'm russ mitchell for cbs news. i noticed i was having trouble. climbing the stairs, working in the garden, painting. my doctor suggested spiriva right then. announcer: spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for copd, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. i love what it does. it opens up the airways. announcer: spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, have vision changes or eye pain, or have problems passing urine.
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>> safer: we are about to visit a place few people have seen firsthand-- the vatican library, a vast collection of historic treasures beyond compare, founded over five centuries ago when europe was coming out of the dark ages, a period of so- called humanism when the catholic church was open to new ideas in philosophy, science, and the human spirit. it's the pope's library, but it contains much more than just
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church documents. there are manuscripts going back nearly 2,000 years on music and math, warfare and exploration, even cookbooks and love letters. the library is closed to the public; a place for scholars only. but the vatican agreed to let us in to see some of the priceless artifacts of our collective past. welcome to the 15th century. in rome, turn a corner and you bump into antiquity, a delicious mixed salad of present and past. we arrived at the vatican to find a medieval costume parade in progress. what better way to begin a trek through history. >> timothy janz: there's about two million printed books. >> safer: two million printed books. and inside the library, the past surrounded us again, as we were shown the magnificent building
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and its riches. >> janz: this is the urbino bible. >> safer: for instance, this spectacular bible, commissioned in 1476 by the duke of urbino... >> janz: ...who wanted to have a very fancy bible. >> safer: there you go. >> janz: and this is what he got. >> safer: library curator timothy janz tells us the bible took years to make by hand, letter by letter, picture by picture. >> janz: decorated with real gold. >> safer: it's just one of the library's 80,000 handwritten manuscripts from the ages before the printing press. add to that those two million or so printed books, christian and pagan, sacred and profane, in virtually every language known to man. there are thousands of prints and drawings, windows on the past. and a huge collection of ancient coins-- this was the money of
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palestine 2,000 years ago-- including the kind of silver coins judas was said to have been paid to betray christ. here is a map of the world, drawn 50 years before columbus; at its edge, the towers of paradise. and an immediate best seller, columbus' description of his voyage to the new world, published in 1493. in a certain way, the library is kind of the attic of western civilization. >> father michael collins: it's so true. and it's like many attics, you know? you put things up all the time. you keep on pushing over boxes to make space for more things. >> safer: father michael collins is an irish priest who's written extensively about the vatican, where the library's shelves, if you put them end to end, would stretch for 31 miles. is there anyone, any single person who really knows what the library holds? >> collins: nobody knows exactly
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what's there, because it will be impossible for the human brain to understand, to remember the titles, who wrote it, when they were written. >> monsignor cesare pasini: it is quite a treasure of humanity that you have here. >> safer: monsignor cesare pasini presides over the library. its great hall-- essentially unchanged over the centuries-- is a picture gallery of antiquity: saints, philosophers, and depictions of the great libraries of the pre-christian world-- babylon, athens, alexandria. a shrine to learning and to books. there's one person who can actually take a book out of the library, correct? >> pasini: yes, the pope can... can have every book in the library. ♪ ♪
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>> safer: if st. peter's basilica represents the splendor of the church writ large, the library nearby is a testament to the monks and scribes who made magnificent miniatures in times past. here, some devotional music commissioned by pope leo x, and the text of the christmas mass, used at the altar by alexander vi-- both manuscripts five centuries old, written on parchment, treated animal skin. >> christopher celenza: you will often see the skin of sheep being used, sometimes goats. >> safer: christopher celenza, director of the american academy in rome, is a scholar who's often used the library. he says that writing on parchment was not only tedious, but expensive. >> celenza: if a monastery wanted to produce a bible that perhaps had 400 pages, it might cost you 400 sheep. it's an investment. >> safer: beyond the academic work, did you ever just come
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here to hang out and flip through stuff and see what you might discover? >> celenza: i think all of us have come here, at one time or another, with the hope of discovering something, having a general direction in which we're going, but not quite knowing where we'll wind up. >> safer: you might find, as curator adalbert roth showed us, drawings of a german jousting tournament in 1481, or an old cookbook, telling us that roman foodies in the fourth century dined on chicken, veal, seafood, pancakes in milk, and whipped pear cake. >> janz: how to hack away at your enemy's wall... >> safer: or, from an 11th- century treatise on the art of war, a byzantine soldier brandishing a flame thrower, something the greeks invented 1,500 years earlier... or henry viii's love letters to anne boleyn. >> collins: the letters are certainly among the most bizarre and unusual that you'd expect to find in the pope's archives.
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>> safer: there are 17 of them, handwritten by the king of england to the woman he would make the second of his six wives, and later have beheaded. >> adalbert roth: there's the little heart... >> safer: henry signs his name with a heart, like a smitten schoolboy. he tells of his "fervents of love", his great loneliness without her. "wishing myself," he says, "in my sweetheart's arms, whose pretty dukkys i trust shortly to kiss," "dukkys" being a term in henry's day for... well, use your imagination. what is that doing in the vatican library? >> collins: we don't know how they ended up here in the vatican. it may be that some spy, maybe one of my priestly predecessors, may have stolen these letters and brought them to rome to present in the case if a trial was made for henry's request for a divorce. >> safer: but the church refused to let henry divorce catherine of aragon so he could marry anne.
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he married her anyway, broke with rome, and took control of the church of england. the country was largely converted to the protestant faith. >> celenza: this is one of the moments in the 16th century that leads to the fracturing of christianity, and to much of the bloodshed and the wars that, century was known for. especially, the later 16th century was known for. >> safer: as man explored the planet, a scientific revolution was also under way. by the mid-17th century, navigators had mapped much of the world in remarkable detail. >> roth: rio de janiero. cuzco. mexico city. >> safer: galileo turned his eyes and his telescope on the heavens. here, from 1612, are his drawings of sunspots. for his insistence that the sun is the center of the universe and the earth moves around it, the church branded him a
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heretic. >> collins: the pope at that time, pope urban viii, was a very good friend of galileo. said to him, "look, you know, i agree with you. you're right. but i can't approve of this because i'm the pope. and if i go against this, it looks as if i'm going against the bible. and i'm going to shake to the foundation the belief of the world, and the world's christians, not just catholics." >> safer: just 380 years later, in 1992, pope john paul ii apologized for the galileo affair. his successor, benedict xvi, has sought middle ground in the centuries-old skirmishes between the church and science. in a recent sermon, he said even the big bang theory of the creation of the universe is not in conflict with faith because god's mind was behind it. >> this is the tricky, the tricky part... >> safer: and backstage at the
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pope's library, science is brought to bear on crumbling books, as restoration workers deal with water damage, mold and the ravages of time. it seems endless, this work, yes? >> angela nunez gaetan: it's endless, yes, obviously. >> safer: angela gaetan and the others go inch by inch, patching and strengthening ancient pages, scratching off paste put on by well-meaning restorers centuries ago-- paste that's turning acid, eating away at the page. mario tiburzi seldom reads what he's repairing-- it's too distracting, especially if the writer happens to be michelangelo. >> mario tiburzi: when i work on the michelangelo papers, it was the same that i work on mickey mouse paper. ( laughs ) >> safer: mickey mouse, eh? a difficult job may take months or even years. but consider the result. >> gaetan: 1,000 years after us, i hope that they can read the
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same thing that we are reading now. >> safer: the library's most valued documents go back almost 2,000 years, nearly to the time of st. peter, the first pope, whose tomb lies beneath the basilica that bears his name. his letters to the faithful make up two books of the new testament. and here is a copy, written in greek on papyrus by one of peter's disciples around the year 200, a mere century or so after his death. >> pasini: "in the beginning, it was the word, and the word was god." >> safer: and from the same period, the gospel of luke and part of the gospel of john, also written on papyrus, venerated by early christians in egypt, preserved for centuries in a desert monastery. >> pasini: "the bread for today give us..." >> safer: they contain the
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oldest known copy of the lord's prayer, so fragile we were only allowed to see replicas. >> pasini: that great treasure of papyrus, i think, is the most important treasure of christianity. >> safer: with our tour nearly over, it seemed as if the library's collection had come to life in the streets of the eternal city: the centurions and crusaders, the centuries of faith and folly, time present and time past. leaving the library, we thought there's something, something almost magical to be immersed in this place, to breathe the air and touch the hand of history. welcome to the sports update presented by pfizer, here in the final round of the masters charl schwartzel shot 66 including
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blirdie-- birdies in the last four holes to win by 2 over australian jason day and-- am scott. tiger woods tied for fourth with jeff og imvey and luke donald. for more sports news and scores, log on to this is jim nance reporting from augusta, georgia. the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b,
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>> simon: tonight, we're going to tell you about one of the best baseball players who ever lived-- albert pujols, first baseman for the st. louis cardinals. this is what he's done in his first ten years in the major leagues: he's never hit below .300, he's never hit fewer than 30 home runs, and he's never knocked in fewer than a 100 runs. no one in the history of major league baseball has ever done that in their first ten seasons; not babe ruth, not joe dimaggio, not ted williams. pujols, a native of the dominican republic, is now the idol in the baseball-crazy city of st. louis. but what we found most impressive about albert can't be found between the lines of chalk on a baseball field, as we discovered one night in st.
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louis at an event where you would not expect to see the game's superstar. last october, they rolled out the red carpet for a gala. but the guest of honor was not albert pujols. ( applause ) this was a night for teenagers with down syndrome, here for an annual prom put on by the pujols family foundation. >> big smiles, and hold it. >> simon: these kids got the full prom treatment. and when albert and his wife deidre arrived, that's when the party really began. >> go albert pujols! ♪ ♪ >> simon: they're not only dancing. they're dressed to the hilt, aren't they? guys are in tuxedos. >> albert pujols: yeah. tuxedo; nice, nice dress. it's almost like they want to go all night long until the next day. they don't want the night to be over. >> simon: and neither did albert. ♪ ♪
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every kid wanted to dance with albert, and he never said no. by the end of the evening, he looked like he'd just finished a doubleheader in august. must be the highlight of the year for them. >> albert pujols: yeah, and for me, too. any time i'm around them, i enjoy them and have a great time. >> simon: this is isabella, and she's the reason albert got involved with down syndrome. albert emigrated to america from the dominican republic when he was 16. he met his wife deidre in kansas city two years later. right away, she told him she had an infant daughter, isabella, who had down syndrome. >> deidre pujols: i think he was, like, almost in tears. like, he just felt bad because, you know, when you look at a child who isn't quite what the rest of the world would expect, it can be heartbreaking or... but he didn't care. >> simon: when deidre first told you, you didn't... you didn't hesitate? >> albert pujols: no, never in my mind cross and say, "oh, man, i probably stay away," you know? no. >> simon: albert was still in
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high school. >> albert pujols: i was the babysitter. and i love to be around her, and those memories, you know, that you will never forget. >> simon: and you consider her, no question, she's your daughter now? >> albert pujols: she's my little girl... or my big girl right now. you know, she's 13 years old. and you know, she's... she's normal to us. she can do anything. >> simon: it was in high school in kansas city that albert realized he could do anything, too. he could bash baseballs like no one else. in high school, were pitchers already afraid to throw good balls at you? >> albert pujols: yeah. >> simon: albert is so proud of his school career, he wanted us to look at his scrapbook. here was a player who would expect to be picked in the first few rounds of the 1999 major league draft, but it didn't happen. >> deidre pujols: i mean, the rounds were going by and he still hadn't gotten picked. and when he got the call that... that he had gotten drafted in
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the 13th round, he was devastated, and he cried like a baby. and he... he was heartbroken. >> simon: 401 players were selected ahead of albert. >> albert pujols: i was crying and, you know, i wanted to quit baseball. >> simon: it was the st. louis cardinals who gave him a reluctant nod and a small signing bonus. they sent him to their franchise in peoria, illinois, a minor team in a minor league. >> albert pujols: when i was in peoria for four and a half months, i got paid $252 with 50 cents. >> simon: that was his paycheck every two weeks. deidre kept supporting him, but they were drowning in debt. >> deidre pujols: there were times, we'd have these conversations-- "i think i need to file for bankruptcy. i don't know how i'll ever get this paid off." and albert was like, "no, don't do it yet." his exact words were, "let's see what happens with my baseball." >> simon: what happened was this-- he went on a tear in peoria and, amazingly, after only one year in the minors, he made it to the st. louis
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cardinals. he was in the big leagues. it took him all of four games before he hit his first home run. >> it won't be the last. >> simon: he came out swinging and hasn't stopped since. >> if there is anybody better in the game today, i have no idea who that would be. >> simon: we asked his teammate lance berkman to explain something we did not understand. why would any pitcher pitch to him? >> lance berkman: in situations where the game is on the line, i would never pitch to him. >> simon: he must love it when the bases are loaded. >> berkman: ( laughs ) i still wouldn't pitch to him. i mean, i'd... i'd rather walk in a run than give up four. >> it's a grand slam by albert pujols. >> he is absolutely, unequivocally unbelievable. >> simon: albert will tell you it's not just talent, it's work. albert estimates he takes 15,000 to 20,000 practice swings a
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year. look... and listen. and pitching to him in a cage is a job you do not want. what drives albert? he says he's still seething about how he was snubbed in that '99 draft. you'll never get over it, huh? >> albert pujols: never. never. >> simon: people have told me that it's really a bad idea to get you angry. >> albert pujols: yeah, you don't want to do that. ( laughter ) yeah, you don't want me to go oh for four, either, because the next day, whoever's pitching is going to pay up, you know? >> simon: peter gammons, perhaps the dean of all baseball writers, has been covering the sport for 40 years. >> peter gammons: if you look at history, there is no doubt that he's in the top ten players of all time. >> simon: he's 31 years old, and he already belongs in the pantheon of the greatest. >> gammons: absolutely. i mean, he is... there's no question that he's going to be a hall of famer. >> simon: do you e
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