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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  May 3, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the death of osama bin laden. >> will the white house release
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photos of the dead terrorist. >> hello again. i'm jessica kartalija. >> i'm don scott. >> here's what people are talking about today, the raid on osama bin laden's compound. details are still emerge. there's a surprising amount of information about al qaeda. danielle nottingham has the latest. >> reporter: we are now getting a look inside the compound where osama bin laden lived and died. at the compound special forces found computer hard drives, dvds and documents. analysts are studying for clues for retaliation. >> one of the concerns is al qaeda may accelerate attacks. >> reporter: the white house is still considering whether to release photographs of bin laden's dead body. >> any type of photographic or video material we have, we're looking at it carefully to put it out, make sure it's in the right condition and to understand what the implications
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are. >> reporter: u.s. lawmakers are asking how the terrorist leader could live in ab affluent pakistan suburb undetected for years. >> we need to understand what the pakistanis knew and didn't know as far as the situation that unfolded this weekend and the years leading up to that. >> reporter: but pakistan's president denies the security force sheltered bin laden. the pakistani government was not told about sunday's raid and the obama administration said it is looking at whether bin laden had a support system. there on thursday the president will travel to ground zero in new york to meet with families and on north 3,000 people who died on september 11th. at the white house, danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> today we're getting a look at the photos of the president and his national security team watching it unfold. good afternoon. >> from halfway around the world president obama was monitoring
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the strike on osama bin laden. we're going to look at pictures inside the president's situation room. for 40 minutes he and his national security team watched and listened to that firefight that killed the leader. each of those minutes, they said, felt more like a day. ones it was over, president obama was heard saying we got him. jessica? >> mary, thank you. please stay with wjz for the complete coverage of the killing of osama bin laden. we'll have more on this still developing story tonight at 4, 5 and 6. today marks one year since the murder of university of virginia student yeardley love from cockeysville. derek valcourt has the report. good afternoon. >> reporter: students at notre dame preparatory school were encouraged to wear special t shirts in honor of yeardley
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love. it started with a prayer. yeardley love was just 22 when her roommate found her body. her on again off again boyfriend george huguely was charged with the murder. when she broke up their relationship, he went to her off campus apartment and beat her. he said he had no intention of killing her and didn't know she was dead until police told him. >> we hold on to our faith and the belief that this is not the end for her but truly the beginning of a new life in heaven. >> reporter: the various sigh la crosse players will wear her name in their honor during a match this afternoon. also today notre dame preparatory school awarded the first ever yeardley love scholarship toth grader amber waynewright who will receive full tuition to the school. back to you.
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>> also in her honor, the first ever scholarship was given. this noon one person remains in critical condition after a melee at a carnival. it was caught on tape showing people pushing, screaming. two people were stabbed. one was released from shock trauma. one is in critical condition. no one has been charged with the stabbing. investigators are trying to figure out what triggered the stabbing. a 15-year-old girl will be tried for first-degree-murder. arteesha holt is charged with killing jose gonzalez-coreas. he died from his injuries a week earlier. holt requested to be tried as a juvenile. you're being asked to slow
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down in school zones. speed cameras are coming to the area. the council voted to install the ultimate speed traps on approaches to schools. a maximum of eight have been approved and should be operating in time for the next school year. it's a lot closer to being picture perfect outside. the sun is continuing to burn off our morning clouds. this is humid. we've got marty bass in the outback and meteorologist bernadette woods. yes. mixed clouds and sunshine. it's really warming up. we want to show you temperatures. at this hour already we're up to 77 in baltimore, 79 in easton and 73 along the water in ocean city. taking it a little closer we're ranging in the immediate area from 72 in westminster and bell hair to 77 in -- bel air.
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it's a strong storm. it is moving our way. for more on that we'll send it out to marty in the outback. good afternoon. let's go back to radar. that's a big cold front moving our way. today 83. there will be a little cause and effect. these two air masses start shearing in. we've got a graphic for you. it's going to be a west to east gradation. once you get across the bay, there will not be difficulties at paul unless the dynamic changes later on. a slight risk means you need to be on your toes. meteorologist bernadette woods and, watching the weather. 22-degree difference between today and tomorrow. so when do we get back to
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spring? bern has those details coming up. change is coming to two of the biggest air carriers. southwest airlines has been approvalled for its purchase of air tran and should soon begin painting air tran planes. for right now the two companies will continue to operate separately while heldinging to the at the corporate level. the teacher of the year is being honored at the white house. live video of michelle shearer arriving at the ceremony with president barack obama. michelle shearer is the second teacher in maryland to win the award. she teaches chemistry at urbana high school. denise koch is there. we'll have much more on this special honor today at 5:00 and 6:00. mrs. in washington, d.c. today a royal visit. prince charles will visit common
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foods city farm. tomorrow the prince of wales will be a keynote speaker before visiting the supreme court. still to come on wjz eyewitness news at noon, scouts found after lost in arkansas. waiting for osama. one teacher breaks out the razor. >> storms are headed in our drefntle the complete forecast is coming up. i'm done with all these lists.
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and dring all over town. i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store.
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[ female announcer ] plus we have great club card specials like refreshe water, 24 packs are only $2.99 each. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life.
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the tornadoes that tore through the southeast are continuing to make history. 312 touched down, double the record in 1974. 340 people are dead. most of them were in alabama where hundreds are still missing. in new zealand a tore nay doe -- tornado was caught on
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camera. in february a tornado kills 169 people. six by scouts and two troop leaders from louisiana are safe and sound after missing for days. they went missing sunday when rising water cut off their exit from their campground. a helicopter spotted them last night and headed out this morning for the rescue. we now know who mr. replace katie couric. it will be scott pelley. an interesting repercussion to the death of osama bin laden. it made one man break out his razor. right after 9/11 this man vowed not to shave until osama was captured. nearly 10 years later, he's clean shaven. okay. still ahead on wjz create --
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eyewitness news at noon, bernadette woods will take a look at weather. first a look at midday stocks to be followed by last night's multimatch numbers.
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welcome back. the sun has made its way back. we'll see a mex of clouds and sunshine. these temperatures going up. it's already 77 degrees in baltimore. 79 in easton. out in the mountains, 72 in cumberland. 69 in oakland. the winds have turned around. that's bringing out more moisture. at the same time a new storm system is moving our way. here it is out to the west. you see a lot of rain and strong thunderstorms with it. as this moves into hour current air situation, we head through the afternoon. there will be a lot of fuel. we'll see more thunderstorms firing along this span. as we head through the late day hours a chance for strong or severe thunderstorms are possible. this is what the storm prediction center has highlighted for the highest risk area today. you're going to see a that start to develop. overnight this change tools a rain. that rain is going to continue into tomorrow.
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as it does, we really cool down. this is a very cool air mass moving our direction. we're in the 80s. we'll struggle to make it to 60 tomorrow. the ups and downs continue. for today a mix of clouds and sunshine. the thunderstorms will be late in the day. 83 for the high. tonight the strong thunderstorms coming to an end but the rain will continue into tomorrow. rain and drizzle ending. much cooler, 60 for our highs compared to 80 today. then we get a break thursday before another storm comes our way friday. we'll have the entire five-day forecast. this is when you break out that hair straightener. >> i have it in my bag. our lifeline here and the antifrizz. >> even i goat a little -- get a little wave when its humid. >> we can fix it. still to come, middle age
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weight gain. how it can affect your brain. here are the top stories on at this hour. for instant updates, please log on to we'll be right back. medicare. it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. all medicare supplement insurance plans can help pay... some of what medicare doesn't, so you could save... thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit and medicare guide.
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turns out gaining weight during middle age could lead to demen sha. researcherses in sweden followed people 65 and old are and found those who are overweight at mid-life increased their chances by 80%. more than half of the u.s. population is either fat or obese. heart disease patients who have a beer belly may want to hit the gym. those with exoarnary artery disease double their risk of dying. research believes believe fat accumulated in the ab dlom nal area is more harmful to your body. 69% of those surveyed didn't know acetaminophen was an active ingredient in tylenol. experts say people should be more informed about the drugs
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they take to prevent an overdose. you'll want to check in today at 4, 5 and 6 for titanium jewelry. allowing deer hunting in public parks. we'll give you the restrictions on how, when and where. join us for those stories today at 4:00. please stay with us. the five-day forecast is coming up.
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warm air is coming with a price. there's a strong front out to the west. at this point a lot of it is rain on our edge, but the thing is it moves into our area. these are going to billow up into some thunderstorms. they could become strong to severe. if any watches or warnings come out, we'll let you know about it. for the rest of the five-day forecast we send it out to marty. >> thank you, bern. let's take a look at the five-day forecast. let's go right to the week's end and the weekend. let's be honest about it. thursday 68, almost 70. friday maybe an instability of thundershower later on.
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65, but all things considered really not a bad day. saturday and sunday looking okay. partly sunny with 70 degrees both days. saturday, that's the day of the kentucky derby, that big prep race three weeks from this weekend. we'll go ahead and throw it back inside. >> how about that. don't miss the cbs lineup starting with "the good wife" followed by eyewitness news at 11. the derby is known as a horse race, but some are breaking out their mattresses. take a look. you're looking at the derby festival event and the great bed races at the louisville race ground. >> i hope more than one person
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took part. >> they need a whole week of events. it started with a huge fireworks show. marty's from there. >> thank
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