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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  June 6, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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bears all about his steamy online relationship. >> this was a very dumb thing to do. >> reporter: his emotional confession and his future in washington. >> reporter: hello everybody i'm denise koch. >> and i'm vic carter. here is what people are talking about tonight. >> a confession from congressman anthony weiner. he admits he sent lewd pictures to several women online. weiner broke down as he made his admission. >> reporter: weiner admitted he twitted a lewd photo to a college student. the congressman admits to a long history of communication with women, some during the time he was married. >> i'm apologetic for doing it. it was deeply hurtful to the people i care about the most.
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>> reporter: weiner says he apologizes first and formost to his wife of only a year. >> my wife is a remarkable woman. not responsible for any of this. this was visited upon her. she is getting back to work. >> reporter: weiner also apologized to his con constituents but he says he's not resigning from congress. alexis christoforous. back here at home, the race for baltimore mayor gets more crowded today. katherine pew added her name to the list of candidates. gigi barnett has the story.
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>> reporter: congresswoman katherine pews has been building the platform for this announcement for weeks. >> it's about getting people involved, this is going to be a community driven campaign and we're going to win. >> reporter: senator pew is one of four mayoral candidates with stints as the city council under her belt. she ran for council in 2003. pew increases the field of democrats to six. not unusual in baltimore. >> baltimore doesn't have a centralized political process like chicago. it's quite common that you get several candidates. >> reporter: the front runner is mayor blake who's endorsements include u.s. senator and governor martin o' malley. but others believe that since she was appointed mayor and not voted in, she can be taken.
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on the list planning director otis roley. expect a lot of campaigning in a very short time. >> let me just say this i'm used to working hard, people who know me know i work hard 24/7. i'm willing to work hard for baltimore. i'm willing to work hard for the future of this city. so i'm just looking forward to it. >> reporter: will state senator katherine pew be the final candidate to run for mayor? where he don't know yet. there's still plenty of time for other candidates to file. i'm pat warren,wjz news. >> only one republican has filed to run for mayor. a vicious attack as 78-year- old greek woman fighting for her life tonight after getting mauled by a pit bull. >> reporter: family members say they are worried particularly because of her age and because of the severity of her
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injuries. they are worried about her recovery. inside bay view medical center, 78-year-old atina mianitu remains in intensative intensive care after she was mauled by this pit bull named blue. it happened where her dog lived with henrietta browser and her family. she disputes claims that the dog drug the woman down a flight of stairs. but admits he did bite her in the face. after six hours of jaw reconstruction surgery, athena is still in icu. she's hooked up to a breathing machine in a medically induced coma and she could be on a feeding tube for two to three months.
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>> i feel terrible. i really do. >> reporter: browser feels so bad she has written a letter for her family. they everyone had a copy translated into greek. for now the dog is being held in quarantine until an administrative hearing determines its fate. >> the family you might imagine wants to have this dog put down. how do you feel about that. will you contest to that. >> no, to be truthful. i love my dog. but for her i would not contest it. because i mean, if -- i know how she feels. if she would want to have the dog put down to make her feel better, to make her comfortable in her house and in her neighborhood, i will do that. >> the dog's owners have already been hit with three citations from the city totaling $550. the city says that's the limit of the sanctions that they'll be able to place on this case. meanwhile the victim's family already says they've consulted with a lawyer.
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animal control has responded to 260 incidents of dogs biting people. a frightening sight, an anne arundel girl witnesses a man shooting her family dog. >> reporter: the two pit bulls started fighting. that's when one of the dogs owners grabbed a gun and shot the other dog. the family rushed their dog to the vet but he died there. now they want the other owner to pay for killing their pet. >> right now i want to seek justice in this case because he has to be locked up or something. i don't know what the plan is or whatever. but something needs to actually be done. >> reporter: right now police are trying to figure out if the man accused of shooting the dog is legally allowed to have the gun. vic. >> reporter: so far police have not filed any charges. more troubling accusations against the baltimore police officer charged with killing a
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man. wjz is live at courthouse east. mile hellgren tells -- mike hellgren tells us what another officer noticed after the shooting. >> we have never before seen photos. the prosecution rested but not before calling a powerful witness. >> was it difficult for you to testify, ma'am? >> no comment. >> reporter: baltimore city police officer tashambe opened fire on brown. she says brown begged for his life saying he was a marine with children and had his hands in the air. shab is a close friend of brown's sister. she says they were out drinking, and that brown patted tashambe's female friend in the
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buttock. >> it wasn't about poking poles it was about an extreme lack of consistency in her testimony. >> the woman who would be closest to the incident in my estimation and probably least favorable to the defense. >> reporter: a police sergeant took the stand too and he told the judge that officer teshambe appeared under the influence of alcohol and was slurring his words. he also testified that teshambe asked if they had seen how hot his female friend was. but never asked about brown who's body was was riddled with
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bullets. the defense will start presenting their case tomorrow morning at 9:30. reporting live at courthouse east, mike hellgren wjz news. mike, the officer faces life in prison if he is convicted of first degree murder -- mike, thank you. the officer faces life in prison if he is convicted of first degree murder. richmond phillips is facing charges for the death of his daughter. he is already been charged for the death of the girl's mother. for women it's a common nightmare. baltimore county police are looking for a man who snuck into a woman's bedroom while she slept. take a look at the picture of ronald preston. police say he broke into a rosedale home and tried to attack a sleeping woman. when she woke up, he ran away. police think he might be hiding on the east side of baltimore. police in anne arundel county are looking for this man. they say he was involved in a
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hit and run accident with a baby in his car. police say juan perez crashed into another car. he fled leaving the baby in the car. crews crews went back into the tridelphia waters looking for a man. crews called off the search late this afternoon but they will be back in the water tomorrow, vic. >> kai, thank you. it is illegal to swim in the tridelphia reservoir. bracing for another heat wave. after a break from the extreme heat the mercury will be
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climbing again. wjz has the forecast. >> reporter: we have the same thing maybe four days coming up this week. take a look at radar. nothing around here. very, very quiet, very close in the afternoon temperatures only in the low to mid-80s this afternoon. it's still pretty dry out there. humidity only 40%. south winds at three. to the west of us it'll begin heating up and slowly but surely that heat will be moving into the mountains. any relief will be sometime on friday with scattered showers and thunder showers then we will cool down some what. but three very hot and humid days headed our way this week. bernadette has a look at the rainfall so far this month. >> reporter: we have had thunderstorms but not for everyone. and because of that this is where we sit officially in the rainfall department. remember these numbers are taken at vwi marshal. it's a really short month
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already but we are down minus .54 inches. we do have a chance for some rain later this week. but so far this year we're down 1.5. and those numbers are going to go up in the next couple of days. back inside. >> thank you, bernadette and bob. the miracle has arrived in maryland. the u.s. airways plane that made a splash landing on the hudson river arriving in baltimore. the plain is on its way to its destination. >> reporter: it's not every day that you see a 747 on the highway. >> i was very lucky to see this fortunately to see all this going on. >> reporter: the u.s. airways air bus 8320 struck a flock of birds just after take off from new york laguardia's airport. the pilot made an emergency landing into the hudson river.
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all 254 passengers and crew on board survived. now sky high chopper 14 catches the plan in route to north carolina, its original, final destination. >> most of its crew lives in charlotte, the passengers almost all lived in charlotte, charlotte was its destination. it's a close connection for us. >> on the highway we're doing 55. >> reporter: a crew of photographers document every move, some a little slower than others. >> when we were in newark we were getting a few bad luck because we were holding up traffic. >> reporter: the plane is expected to arrive in charlotte on friday. due to regulations on maryland highway the plane must keep up with the flow of traffic. that's why they stopped here in perryville. it's unclear if they will resume tonight or early tuesday
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morning. i'm jessica cartalia, wjz news. >> captain sullenberger will take part of a dedication ceremony? >> wouldn't it be funny if you didn't know that plane was on its way to north carolina and you pulled up beside it. >> i bet it's happened to some people. turning up the heat. the scorching summer like temperatures return to maryland. how hot it will get this week in your forewarn weather forecast.
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a disgusting discovery on the shore. mary is here to tell us where all those fish are coming from -- mary. >> reporter: officials say more than 100,000 dead fish have washed up on both maryland and delaware beaches. the fish have their heads and tails chopped off and many are decomposing. the dead fish started washing ashore on delaware beaches this weekend. they are often processed on board ships. why they are ending up headless and tailless back in the water and now on shore remains a mystery. thousands of these small, partially processed fish can now be seen near ocean city. >> they are floating right on
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the surface of the water. they are really bright white in color so it just looks like you took a white paint brush and made a white stripe down the ocean where they are. there's pods of them where they seem to have accumulated in a group where there might be you know a thousand of them together. >> reporter: crews are cleaning up the dead smelly fish as quickly as they can and beachgoers are being warned not to touch the fish. >> kind of gross because the kids that -- when they went down by the edge of the water they said it was smelly from the fish. it was really quick from the time we got here to the time the guys cleaned it up. it was 10 to 15 minutes. >> reporter: the sight of the decomposing fish is startling. the fish have probably been dead about a week and were likely dumped or spilled from a commercial fishing vessel. >> and no one is trying to send a message to anybody with the fish. they are not wrapped in paper.
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okay, thank you. crews are cleaning up the fish as they come in so no beaches are being closed. getting in and out of downtown is a little tougher as workers get ready for the baltimore grand prix. sky chopper 13 is over conway street. crews shut down that road for road work. it appears like traffic is moving all right. they are getting the road ready for the race in september. construction is expected to last for about two weeks, you can plan your detour around the road work by going to and then click on news. paying the price to drive. maryland roads, the state is planning to raise tolls on roadways and bridges. people who depend on tatum bridge are fighting the toll hike. >> reporter: not everyone pays the same toll. for the occasional driver, it's $5. but for locals $10 buys a decall for one year. that may be about to change
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with the proposed toll increase. >> when it only cost you $10 for a year now it's going up to $90. i don't think that's a good idea. >> reporter: neither do those gathered along route 40 on perryville. they're here -- >> to see about stopping this such an increase on this toll here. >> reporter: an increase that will eventually do away with decals and replace them with transmitters. you can try to beat the toll but it's a bit of a haul. >> that's another gas factor. if you have a car like me that's 23 years old, you're babying it and you don't want all the extra mileage. >> reporter: toll hikes have been proposed for most of baltimore bridges. but there are people who depend on them for family visits and
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doctors visits. >> if they don't back down on this we're going to be filing suit against the state of maryland for what they are doing. >> reporter: welcomed words for this crowd. especially if it means not paying more here. alex demetric, wjz eyewitness muse. nine public hearings on the toll hike are scheduled across the state. the first one in the baltimore area is monday in federal hill. by next monday we will have seen the heat wave and maybe it'll be gone. >> prepare for 90s tomorrow, maybe 90 then gets even hotter. look at the temps now. not that bad. 83, you won't see that ,,,,,,,,,
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all right, pretty quiet, pretty nice out there. it'll be a pleasant night tonight. so you might want to a little later on open the windows then close them in the morning. put the shades down, that will keep the cool air inside. because you will need it in the next few days. 83, only 77 ocean city. with the winds off the water
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there. 80 up in oakland, the warm spot dc coming in 86. the dewpoint once again is in the mid-60s. that is pretty dry. tomorrow may get just a little bit higher. 83 here, 81 in kent. 83 up in westminster and columbia as well. 86-62 today. our average now is 80 and 58 which means the next couple of days with temperatures from 90 to the mid-upper 90s by wednesday and thursday. once again, 10 to 15 or more degrees above average. 99-46 are the records on this date in june. right now very light winds, really no major factor. we can use the winds. that's going to cause some problems with the air quality. air quality is not going to be in the good range the next couple of days. if you have lung issues or breathing issues you might want
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to stay inside especially in the afternoon hours. sunny, hot conditions are going to be increasing the next couple of days as a big dome of high pressure sitting over us slowly moves offshore. we're down to the south. that means the winds go back to the west-southwest. and all this heat building up into the 90s, that is headed our general direction. so wednesday mid-upper 90s, same thing for thursday. tomorrow shouldn't be all that humid but the humidity will be increasing for wednesday and thursday. southwest winds. here comes the heat at five to 10 knots. clear tonight, very pleasant night. mid-upper 60s in the city. then tomorrow sunshine for the most part. and temperatures getting up four to 15 degrees warmer today. probably touching 90s in a lot of spots, warmer on wednesday and thursday. first break coming sometime friday with some thunderstorms. then it begins to cool down for the weekend. >> well that's good.
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confronted outside court. >> shame on you, shame on you. >> the key decision that could decide if one of the world's most powerful bankers goes to jail. i'm ready to lead. i'm ready. a new contender in the race for the white house. the big obstacle he'll have to overcome. and a new era began today and a new era began today on cbs[ female announcer ] keurig brews more than just hot coffee.
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now you can brew over ice for delicious iced coffee or tea. hot or cold, keurig is the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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it is 6:30, 83 degrees and sunny in central maryland. good evening, thanks for staying with wjz. back in court, one of the world east most powerful bankers is headed to trial for charges that he tried to rape a hotel maid. >> reporter: dominique kahn and his wife walked out of a courthouse to shouts of shame
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on you. the chants came from dozens of hotel maids that came out to support the maid she's accused of attacking. the 63-year-old pleaded not guilty to multiple criminal counts including attempted rape. kahn's dna was found on the maid's uniform. but his defense may be that any sex was consensual. >> reporter: it >> it will become clear that there was no sexual assault whatsoever. >> she is going to come into this courthouse, get on that witness stand and tell the world what kahn did to her. >> reporter: since the news broke last month, labor leaders say more hotel workers have come forward to report problems with guests. >> i'm astounded at how many of
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them tell me about incidents they've had with customers who behave inappropriately when they're trying to clean the room. >> reporter: these maids all told me they felt unsafe with guests in hotel rooms more than once. >> yes, you have to be very careful these days. >> reporter: kahn could face 25 years in prison if convicted. manuel gallegus. a confess, a congressman admits to sending lewd pictures online. >> reporter: congressman anthony weiner broke down this afternoon as he admitted to sending this steamy picture. >> i hurt the people who i cared the most and for that i'm
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deeply sorry. >> reporter: weiner admitted sending the explicit pictures to six people. one picture included his underwear, the other his bare chest. he insists he never met any of the women in person. at first weiner says someone hacked into his account and sent his picture, but he admitted today he lied because he was ashamed about the situation. former pennsylvania senator rick santorum made his presidential run official in front of a hometown crowd. following the footsteps of his republican rival, he immediately attacked president obama. >> who are you mr. president to say that you and your
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administration should take 40- cents out of every dollar and borrow it from future generations. >> reporter: santorum is considered a favorite among conservatives. he strongly opposes gay marriage, embryonic research and same-sex marriage. >> they want to hook you, they don't want to free you. >> reporter: but santorum has to take more than president obama's policies. he's been out of the political spotlight since 2007 and lacks the star power and fund raising operations of his gop opponents. santorum was the number three republican in the senate before he lost his seat in 2006. he's hoping to build on his resume. >> there's a lot of excitement already out there but if you get palin in or bachmann in,
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the one who's going to suffer the most is rick santorum. >> the republican race for the white house still looks wide open. >> daniel notingham, wjz eyewitness news -- danielle notingham. and more confuse over the massive e.coli outbreak. researchers thought sprouts had made people sick. but testings came back negative. -- the roommate came at him
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with a knife and his instincts took over. consumers love them but see why many baltimore restaurants aren't big fans about restaurant groupons. remember to look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. in just a matter of minutes, a new era for the most represented news operation in history. the cbs evening news will welcome scott pelley to the news desk. scott and i had a long conversation about his historic aappointment appointment and what you will see when he takes charge. >> pelley comes to the anchor chair with 22 years with cbs and 35 years as a reporter. his career began before he was old enough to drive. >> you see wonderful stories on
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60 minutes and your appearances on the evening news, but now we get to spend a little more time with you. what would you want the viewers of baltimore know about scott pelley. >> i hope they don't hold it against me but i'm from texas. and i've had a job in journalism all my life. i've been a reporter all my life. i haven't been an anchor man, you have more experience than i do at being an anchor man. >> the anchor chair for him will be a natural progression. >> i have to admit, being a reporter was very exciting for me. how are you going to make a balance. >> we're going to take the broadcast on the road quite a
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bit. when there are breaking stories, cbs evening news is going to go there. we're going to put the best stories as we can on the air. >> reporter: the most amazing story that you've covered. >> well, 9/11. i was at the twin towers when they came down. having been there, and being hit by the blast and debris when the buildings collapsed. when i finally saw that osama bin laden had been killed. it just closed that chapter for me. >> i'll be saying and now we take you to the cbs evening news scott pelley. >> and i will be grateful to say that, thank you. >> are you ready? >> absolutely. david letterman asked me if i was nervous. i said, dave my daughter turned 16 years old a week ago. i'm teaching her how to drive. anchoring the cbs news does not worry me in the least.
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>> reporter: we'll expect to hear from you in baltimore. >> baltimore is a city where the cbs evening news does very well. we want to pay a lot of attention to this great, classic american city. >> reporter: one thing that scott promised is he will be back here in baltimore and although he may be from texas he loves maryland crab. the first cbs evening news with scott pelley is only 20 minutes away. you can watch it right here right after eyewitness news. >> looking forward to it. every body in this newsroom will be watching. frightening cliff jumping accident. and the reason the injured girl is in trouble with police. >> i felt like i had been hit by a big truck. it was horrible. i will have the exclusive
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five day forecast. and wjz eyewitness news is always on. here are the top stories at this hour. for updates on any brea,,
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my wife the dentist allows only one mouthwash in our home -- act. [ male announcer ] act mouthwash for kids has maximum fluoride for up to 40% fewer cavities and stronger teeth.
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strong winds and low humidity are not helping in arizona where dozens of firefighters are battling a wildfire. many communities are under strict evacuation orders leaving homeowners stranded and helpless. >> a person does not realize how hard it is to face something like that. you think you're prepared for it. you think you're mentally prepared for it. physically prepared for it. you're not. >> officials have not pinpointed the cause for the fire but they suspect a person caused it. the 5.5 magnitude quake was centered just outside christchurch, it was followed 2.5 hours later by another jolt. the quake only caused minor damage however. a woman is in critical condition after several bounce houses fly away in new york. >> oh my god, oh my god.
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>> reporter: police say 13 people were sent to hospitals after several bounce houses flew into the air. most minor injuries but we're learning one woman suffered head and spine injuries. a 17-year-old girl is recovering after surviving a 100-foot jump off of a popular north carolina quarry creek. home video shows her hitting a tree and landing feet first on to a rocky area just short of the water. amazingly she was taken to the hospital with only minor injuries. police charged ball and several others with trespassing. >> and there should be a charge for stupidity. come on that's not sport. scott pelley has the preview of what's coming up on the cbs evening news. >> tonight we'll have manty clark with u.s. forces fighting in afghanistan. plus fresh information on how the president is planning to withdraw troops from there and iraq on the cbs evening news. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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well a great start to the workweek. not a bad night to eat outside if you have a place to do it. but get ready for much hotter weather later this week.
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and bob turk and meteorologist bernadette woods will show us what's coming our way. bern has a look at tomorrow's forecast. >> enjoy today because tomorrow the warm up begins. we start out very comfortable in the morning, if you're going to head out for a run that is the time to do it. as you head into the afternoon those temperatures start going up close to 90 degrees. the humidity will start to build. however it really kicks in after tomorrow. so for the rest of the five day here's bob. >> it won't be all that humid tomorrow. but by wednesday and thursday it will feel probably close to 100. the temperatures in the upper 90s. chance of a thunderstorms yes with friday the front coming through. it'll drop a little bit back to 66 and only 86. with the chance of a thunderstorms again on saturday. so some relief but two very hot unconfidentable days headed our way. >> we'll get ready for it, bob. >> we'll get ready for it, bob. still to come, a tough ,,
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mark is live at camden yards with the fan sports report. >> losing games, losing players is the way it's been. a six game losing streak for oakland. the last time they won a game was more than a week ago when they beat the orioles, swept them three straight in a series played out west in o akland, as far as those injuries, luke scott is out of the line up tonight. he continues to deal with soreness in his right shoulder. he's been sitting on the sidelines for the past couple of days, had a cortizon shot. luke scott is available to pinch hit. scott was the orioles most valuable player. led the team in home runs last season. he tells us it's tough not to be at full strength as he struggles this year. >> it's not like it was last year. you know in the past it's just
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to say less it's a challenge. but happens in this game, happens in life. so what are you going to do with it, i can complain. i can try and make excuses that hey, i have a torn labrum that's why i'm not hitting, i'm not making any excuses. >> orioles starting pitcher brian matusz is back after he threw well? his season debut last week at seattle. orioles hitters are going to face gio gonzalez. the birds have struggles against lefties this year. you can see it on masn. the o's have lost seven of their last nine games. for the orioles and the rest of major league baseball welcome the future tonight. it is the annual june amateur draft as the top high school and college players will be selected. first round in prime time tonight. it'll be six days to follow. in football, a guy who certainly happy to be looking
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forward to his future. after spending two years in a new york prison, wide receiver plaxico burress gets a big hug from his agent. burress is just happy to be free. >> i would like to thank everybody for their prayer, prayers and words of encouragement. thanks to all of my fans for the thousands of letters and unwaiverring support. and as far as football is concerned, if and when everything gets settled, i will
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be ready. >> to basketball, lebron james and the miami heat take the lead over dirk nowitzki and the dallas mavericks in the nba finals. game three in dallas last night. saw lebron and the heat rise to the occasion. miami got the biggest left from dwayne wade. clutch here three pointer, part of his 29 point effort for dwayne wade. and the heat will get the biggest bucket from chris bosh. 88-86 the final. miami now up two games to one in the best of seven. game four in dallas coming up tomorrow night. orioles and the a's, the start of a three game series the continuation of a home stand highlight tonight at 11:00, we will ,,,,,,,,
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♪ [ sponge ] okay, team. time to tackle these greasy dishes. we're facing some tough opposition today. i'm gonna need my biggest player. a change in the lineup? that little squirt? [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] one bottle of ultra dawn has the grease-cleaning power of two of the leading non-concentrated brand,
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giving you double the cleaning ingredients in every drop. [ sponge ] way to go, kid. you really knocked the grease out of them. [ female announcer ] dawn does more... [ sponge ] so it's not a chore.
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programming note tonight at 10:00, tune in for hawaii five- 0 and evening news at 11:00. >> that's it for us tonight. we'll be back at 11:00. i'm vic carter. >> and i'm denise koch. there's much more coming up on the evening
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>> pelley: tonight, the u.s. shows its firepower along parkinson's border. mandy clark is with the 101 sz airborne, fighting a surprisingly aggressive taliban offensive. in iraq, today has been the worst day for u.s. troops in two years. is this man the future of cancer therapy? dr. jon lapook on the excitement around a new approach that is extending lives. and 67 years ago, ted morgan was faced with a decision: save himself or help a wounded buddy. we go to normandy on this anniversary of d-day to hear about his choice. >> he kept saying "get out of here, morgan, they're gonna kill us." captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. we start tonight with the wars in afghanistan and iraq. this has been a day of u.s. casualties in iraq at


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