tv The Early Show CBS October 3, 2011 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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lue deep cleansing. good morning. italian court decides if amanda nox should be set free after she makes one final appeal. >> translator: i don't want to be punished or not to leave my life with something i have not done. >> we have much more from you today from the courtroom finale and look back at this four-year ordeal. texas governor rick perry faces tough questions off a family hunting camp named with a racial slur. herman cain calls perry insensitive. as perry insists the words were
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removed decades ago. andy rooney says good-bye after 33 years on "60 minutes" saying the one thing he can't complain about is his life. >> and all this time i've been paid to say what is on my mind on television. you don't get any luckier in life than that. >> at age 92 rooney says he will keep on writing and we have more from his last essay for you "early" this monday morning, october 3rd, 2011. captioning funded by cbs good monday morning. to you. a chill in new york city for a lot of folks too, feeling like it is fall. i'm erica hill. >> i'm jeff glor. chris wragge is off this morning. indeed fallesque outside. >> it is october, isn't it? >> very good point. nice to have you here by the way. final day of amanda nox's
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appeal. it is a day she, of course hopes will end with her release from an italian prison after nearly four years in custody. this morning the jury is deliberating after knox and her co-defendant pleaded in court for their personal freedom, personal pleas they each both made. peter van sant is italy this morning. this is a much different amanda knox addressing the court than in the past. >> reporter: this is the day of days for amanda knox. in this courthouse behind me there was high drama today and a lot of tears as amanda spoke from the heart. with her future her life on the line a clearly terrified amanda knox. the former student from seattle rose in a courtroom in perugia, italy, this morning, to proclaim her innocence.
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>> translator: i'm afraid. anywhere i am i am afraid. >> reporter: amanda gathered her strength and asked the six judges and two jurors for justice. >> translator: i insist i'm innocent and that must be defended. i just want to go home go back to my life. i don't want to be punished and deprived of life because i am innocent. raffaele is innocent. >> reporter: amanda said she lost a friend and was shocked when her british roommate meredith kercher was murdered on november 2nd, 2007 in the house where the two were roommates. >> translator: i can't explain how i felt when meredith was killed. >> reporter: she saved her sharpest criticism for the police, who she tried to help by answering all their questions. >> translator: my trust in the police and authorities have been betrayed. they were unjust and unfounded
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accusations and i am paying with my life. >> reporter: amanda described the brutal interrogation over two days that led to what her family says was a false confession. >> translator: i was betrayed the night between november 5th and 6th, stressed pressured, and manipulated. i am not a person of perversion and violence and i did not kill sexually assault, and i did not steal. >> reporter: it's a unique part of italian justice where the defendant can just stand and address the jury. in this case would the two judges. i've never seen seen anything like it. three of the jurors openly wept as were the reporters who were around me. is an extraordinary scene and extraordinary time and we are all waiting for a verdict. >> do we have any idea on when that verdict could come and will it be today? >> reporter: this is another unusual part of the system here. we do.
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we believe it will be at about 8:00 perugian time tonight and 2:00 in the afternoon and 11:00 in the morning in amanda's hometown in seattle. we know that because the judges and jury they actually deliberate throughout the course of the trial so when they go for this final meeting, most of it has been settled. >> we have talked a lot over the last few weeks and years how things work differently in the italian justice system and we have heard amanda may have a better chance at an appeal there than in the united states. give us an idea. what are people saying who are following this closely and i've been following it, what is the prediction on the outcome here? >> reporter: it's very interesting. italian journalists who, for so many years reported that amanda knox was a she devil, now tell me that they believe she will be acquitted. there is almost a sense of embarrassment here because the case has completely fallen away. there was never any real dna evidence no reliable
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eyewitnesses. one of the chief witnesses was a homeless heroin addict. this case is a national obsession. here in italy, it was broadcast on national television today and with the sensational claims of a satanic sex orgy gone wrong, this case has consumed everyone here ever since it began four years ago. it's september 2007 and 20-year-old seattleite amanda knox travels to perugia, italy, a city known for welcoming foreigners. on november 2nd, the body of amanda's british roommate 20-year-old meredith kercher is discovered behind a locked door. her throat has been slashed. image ofs amanda with her boyfriend sollecito taken just outside the murder scene and the next day at a lingerie store were used to define and condemn
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her. during 50 hours of questioning over four days including an all-night interrogation involving 36 officers amanda finally implicated herself, signing a statement saying she was in the house when her boss local bar owner patrick mumba killed meredith kercher. knox sollecito and guede were rasted. arrested. damming photographers of amanda and raffaele on the internet. then ammanandamanda's smoois myspace foxy.
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after patrick is released he had an air-tight allah buy and arrests to the arrests of rudy guede who once confronted a man with a knife. guede's fingerprints was found in the murder room. he is tried and convicted of murder in 2008. in january of 2009 on the eve of her trial for murder and sexual assault, amanda is oddly voted woman of the year by italian television. italians are outraged. when amanda appears in court smiling and wearing an all you need is love t-shirt on valentine's day. dna evidence is presented that the prosecution claims proves amanda is a killer. she and raffaele are convicted of murder. amanda is sentenced to 26 years in prison. this past summer during her appeal trial, a scientific panel
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appointed by the court finds that the dna used to convict ammananda is unreliable. key witnesses, including this homeless heroin addict are discredited. later today, after four years, amanda knox a woman portrayed as a she devil, will learn her fate. and you can't make this stuff up. if she is found not guilty we are told by her family they will get her out of italy as quickly as possible. exactly how is a well-kept secret. >> not surprised at that one i must say. peter van sant in perugia will continue to follow it. "48 hours" catch this saturday night at 8:00 central on cbs with more on the case. italian system working on its own time today. >> yes. >> later this afternoon, we hope to get that word. now to the republican race
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for president where the speculation continues to grow over new jersey governor chris christie, while texas governor rick perry is facing a race-related firestorm. jan crawford is in washington with the latest on both of these stories. >> reporter: the story that everyone was talking about was in "the washington post" this weekend. there was a hunting camp that was leased by governor perry and his family and it was known at one time by a racial slur and the name of that camp which is a variation of the "n" word was, again, at one time painted on a rock by the entrance. facing questions about the name of the camp rick perry denied he used it when the racial slur was on the rock. saying his father painted it over in the mid 1980s after they leased the land. but several visitors to the camp insists they saw the word on the rock as late as the 1990s and one rival slammed perry for it. >> i'm going to say that the word was on the rock.
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the name of the place was called [ bleep ] that is very insensitive. since governor perry has been going there for years to hunt i think it shows a lack of sensitivity. >> reporter: meanwhile new jersey governor chris christie refused to answer reporters questions about his political future and whether he will run for president. this comes as some conservatives are raising questions about his candidacy and whether christie is conservative enough. on cbs's "face the nation" former senator john mccain, the 2008 republican nominee" said this. >> the swimming pool looks better until you jump in. the water may not be as warm as you might think. >> reporter: it wasn't advice but a reprimand that president obama delivered saturday night to the gop presidential contenders. at a debate last month, none of the candidates spoke out when audience members booed a gay soldier. >> we don't believe in them being silenced since. you want to be commander in
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chief? you can start by standing up for the men and women who wear the uniform of the united states even when it's not politically convenient! >> reporter: now out of all of these developments the question is which of these stories is going to keep going? which is going to make news for the next weeks to come in this race. perry quickly hopes to put that story about the hunting camp behind him and i got to tell you, jeff if chris christie gets in the race this week that bombshell is going to take over all of the political news. >> no lack of news here. jan, hold on one second. we bring in cbs political analyst john dickerson. how big is this perry controversy and how quickly does the campaign think they can put this behind them? >> if the perry campaign was running smoothly and going this might have been the kind of thing he could weather. also if he had been in the race earlier if the candidates have been in the race they can kind of take care of them but he is in a rough spot dealing with a
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number of troubled issues. one of the problems with late starting candidates are these explosions in their backgrounds? so this is a problem he has to deal with. it distracts from his effort to get back on track. the best they can hope for in the perry campaign is somehow switch the subject under some kind of ground where he has more strength to talk about, but right now, it's a real problem. >> jan, chris christie last week, they were saying he was 50/50 on getting in. is the campaign up to 55/45b or 60/40 at this point? >> reporter: i was hearing over the weekend he was starting to see the real hurdles to him getting into this race and it all comes down to timing. when if you think about what chris christie would have to do if he announces his candidacy, i'm told if he gets in we will know probably early this week, he has three months to put a campaign together and raise tens of millions of dollars and still campaign, do the debates and all of the other things that these candidates have to do. that is a huge huge bar to him
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getting in. i think he got a little reality check over the weekend. that's why you saw some of the gop establishment yesterday saying, this is not going to be so easy for him if he does get in. >> john does chris christie given some of his moderate views, does he have a realistic path to the nomination if he decides to get in? >> there is a path. the question is does that path exist with such a short amount of time. in the states he has to campaign in, they are not a lot of the activists and voters when you talk to them about christie fine, sounds interesting, just another candidate. they are not in this frenzy that some in the republican establishment have tried to whip up around christie candidacy. in fact, you detect a little bit of frostiness which is to say don't tell us who the super hero candidate is coming in we will take care of vetting him ourselves. that is is something to get over with a short period of time. >> jan as a keen legal observers, the supreme court
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comes back from recess talking about the president's health care law. what happens then? >> reporter: big day today at the skorpt. the first monday in october is the justices come back to decide the cases that will occupy them the rest of this term. one of the ones that could be absolutely huge and i think that is an understatement is whether or not the justices take up that challenge, to president obama's health care reform law. it's headed straight to supreme court. every single person in this country think the justices have to take it up. in addition to all of the other cases they are considering, it's a big term, is whether or not that health care law president obama's signature achievement is unconstitutional, whether states and people in the states can be ordered to buy health insurance. that could be ended by the end of june. intersection of political and legal will be right in the middle of the presidential election. >> thanks to both of you on this
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monday morning. >> i think no shortage of political headlines. >> i would say so yeah. >> they will be keeping us busy for some time. betty nguyen is at the news desk with other headlines keeping us busy on this monday morning. overseas markets in the case of the jitters fueled by new worries over europe's debt crisis as greece admitted it will not meet its deficit deficit target. markets in britain and germany and france also saw steep losses in early trading by more than 2%. here in new york though, anti-wall street protesters are staying put. they are camped near the financial district. demonstrations have entered a third week and over the weekend 700 protesters were rasted as they crossed the brooklyn bridge. the groups plan to continue their demonstrations indefinitely. it turns out that al qaeda bomb maker al siree was not
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killed over the weekend. it will kill anwar al awlaki. a travel warning to americans as awlaki supporters may try to retaliate. leon panetta is visiting israel this morning and urging leaders there to restart peace talks with the palestinians. an american is among this morning's winner of the nobel prize for medicine. the prize is worth about $1.5 million.
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still ahead this morning, the latest cbs news poll on the war in afghanistan as we approach the 10-year anniversary, much of the public tell us at cbs it's time to go. >> ten years. a message from andy rooney. it's a wonderful life. we will show you his "60 minutes" farewell. this is "the early show" on cbs. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help
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the four years of this case. we will take a closer look ahead at how amanda knox has changed during this experience. again, we are waiting on those judges in perugia to decide whether amanda knox can go home. stay with us. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms... keeping my airways open... ...a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free. spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens,... ...your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain,... ...or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better.
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picturesque day's start as we pan to the east and see the sun coming up behind the cloud bank. we want to look at first morning doppler, there is going to be shower activity rotating from the south and east. lot not a lot of shower activity. 55 the high temperature. tonight, partly cloudy, a five day run of sun, finally.
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we cleared up a lot of accidents, now we have delays kicking in. one accident left route 1, blocking track road and deer creek bridge. one more in essex, between the beltway ramp. 795 southbound, slow, 6 minutes owings mills to the beltway. west side 25 miles an hour as your average. a life look outside at 95, stop and go to 895. topside delay, harford road. police made an arrest following a three alarm blaze at a tire shop in baltimore. monique griego is life live on story. >> reporter: police say the man arrested was an employee at the
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shop. jason hicks is facing arson charges afa 3-alarm fire. the flames injured one person and september motor vehicle to the county reaching parts of pikesville. -- sent smoke to the county reaching parts of makes pikesville. hicks is facing a long list of criminal charges. investigation underway after police shoot a man. last night responding to reports of a armed person on st. victor when the man aimed his gun at home. a officer told him to drop and when he didn't and opened fire. i he is listed in critical condition. speed cameras in baltimore are working today. three cameras in baltimore relocated. today howard county will begin using two mobile speed cameras
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in school zones. drivers will be cited if they are going over 12 miles per hour over the speed limit. hey, what are you drinkin'? i'm drinkin' dunkin'. coffee -- black, straight up. extra cream, three sugars. french vanilla. iced coffee for me. iced coffee with a turbo shot. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. drinkin' dunkin'. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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♪ welcome back to "the early show" on this monday morning. i'm erica hill along with jeff glor. chris wragge is off morning. we will take a look at andy rooney rooney's last weekly essay for "60 minutes." >> we look back on his regular final appearance. he said what is on his mind. >> i tends to do that doesn't he? >> every once in a while. every sunday for a while in fact. amanda knox stood up in a italian courtroom hours ago asking for her freedom, after
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nearly four years behind bars. >> translator: i am the same person that i was four years ago. the same person. the only thing that distinguishes me from four years ago is what i have suffered. >> family and friends say this though, is in fact a very different amanda knox than the one we saw when she was first charged with the murder her roommate. "48 hours" correspondent peter van sant has more with us from perugia, italy. >> reporter: good morning. a case where perception is everything, especially as beautiful as amanda. when this trial began, amanda was often seen as smiling and appearing carefree. her critics said she was sensitive and arrogant and her supporters said she was naive. either way, the amanda knox we see today is far more serious. her father says she has had to
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mature very quickly. weeks before her roommate was brutally murdered in 2007 20-year-old amanda knox the honor student from seattle, was having the time of her life. >> classes were going great. she felt like she was, you know, learning the language really, you know, picking up things really quickly. >> reporter: prior to arriving in perugia for her semester of study abroad, knox visited relatives in germany where this now infamous photo was taken. italian and british tabloids would later say it showed her delight in violence. amanda's sister took this picture on a train as the two road to italy. once in perugia, home for the university of foreigners knox appeared relaxed and confident, the all-american girl. then came november 2nd, 2011. 2007. >> she called me back and she said we can't find meredith and her door is locked. >> reporter: gone were the
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smiles. days later, after her interrogation and arrest her face was obscured. amanda knox was still a fresh-faced kid in a beatles t-shirt who had no idea what was happening. knox's beauty was actually used against her. she was described as the dark angel of seattle. throughout that first trial, amanda appeared healthy. then in december 2009 she is convicted of meredith kercher's murder. during her long appeal trial, which began in november of last year, the physical toll of nearly four years behind bars is obvious for all to see. andrew seliber has been a friend of amanda knox for years. >> i know she is a very courageous person by i can still say she is scared of what could happen here. >> reporter: amanda knox has become the face of worry and fear.
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and as you know the verdict is expected sometime around 2:00 eastern time today and the big question is will we continue to see that face of fear and concern or one of joy. erica? >> peter, what did you think you? were in the courtroom this morning. what was the face of amanda knox this morning? was it concern? was it still fear? >> reporter: it's part of what all of this emotion poured out today was taking a look at her. she was terrifyiedterrified, gaunt. her hair seemed thin and she has lost weight. enormous pressure of the most important speech of her life weighed on her and it was very powerful and very sad. >> peter van sant thanks. it is extraordinary to see how she has changed over the four years. >> it's interesting to see, too, what is now being said and written about her. there was so much more during the last trial. >> it has shifted. >> painted in a much different way. now you hear who she was before she even left for italy, much
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different girl than a lot of people had imagined. very studious, so we will see here is betty nguyen at the news desk with a check of today's other headlines for us. >> good morning. presidential republican presidential candidate rick perry is facing criticism over a racially sensitive controversy. "the washington post" reports that perry and his family one leased a west texas hunting camp northwest of austin named after a racial slur "n" head with the "n" being the word. perry released a statement, quote. testimony is scheduled to resume today in the manslaughter trial of conrad murray michael jackson's personal doctor. prosecutors are expected to continue questioning richelle cooper. she is the emergency room doctor who announced jackson dead at his home. murray is accused of giving jackson a lethal dose of a
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powerful anesthetic. flight from puerto rico landed at logan airport after met by extreme turbulence. fo beautiful sunrise. replaced by gray clouds moving in from the south and east. looks like a little bit of shower activity pressing our way, southwest to eventually north and east. the returns will end up around westminster and parkton harford. forecast calls for a high of 55 degrees today. by tomorrow, sun come out and stays out through the five day. up next here after a decade of war in afghanistan, we find out what americans think. the results of a new cbs news poll. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. mcdonald's? monopoly? eeeehhhhh!!!
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news poll shows public support is falling. national security correspondent david martin it he is pentagon this morning with more. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the war in afghanistan has been through many peaks and valleys but this new poll taken by cbs news shows that after ten years exactly half of all americans, that's 50%, think it has not been a success. it seems so quick and easy. a handful of special forces on horseback calling in air strikes against the taliban and al qaeda. five weeks after the bombing began, the taliban had been chased from power and osama bin laden was cornered in the mountains of tora bora. but then secretary of defense drummed told cbs news sunday morning he was already warning president bush afghanistan risks becoming a swamp for the united states. ten years later, 62% of americans say they want the
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number of u.s. troops in afghanistan decreased. that is up from april of 2009 when only 29% of those polled said that. bin laden got away and the taliban lived to fight another day. taking advantage of america's preoccupation with the war in iraq. by 2007 there were 165,000 troops in eric iraq and only 25,000 in afghanistan. joint chiefs chairman admiral mike mullen met with soldiers in afghanistan and notes taken by an aide record a sergeant saying he was seeing his men crumble under the stress of too much fighting with too little equipment. one commander said he needed 34 more helicopters. mullen had to tell them there was nothing on the shelf for afghanistan. >> we were just limited on what we could send to afghanistan, based on the priority that the iraq war had at the time. >> reporter: friday, when mullen retired, the number of troops was down to 40,000 in iraq and
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up to 98,000 in afghanistan. and the poll shows an overwhelming majority of americans, 69%, say the war has gone on longer than expected. jeff? >> david martin at the pentagon this morning, thank you. just a reminder a programming note for you. scott pelley is reporting from afghanistan this week. you can see that coverage tonight on the "cbs evening news." up next, andy rooney shared his opinions with us every night for 33 years. we will show you his final weekly essay for "60 minutes." you're watching "the early show" on cbs. i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious sometimes
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announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. i thought it was crazy feeding in the fall. i always feed in the fall. but, it's the best time. feed your lawn in the fall. the fall feeding makes all the difference in the world. what the fall feeding does is build the roots. that's when the roots sort of want nutrition. [ man ] i give my lawn scotts winterguard. [ man #2 ] it's like a root building machine. [ man #3 ] it builds your lawn from the roots up. [ man #2 ] next year you get this! the stronger the roots the stronger the lawn. all year long. the best time to feed is when it will do the most good. there's no substitute for the fall feeding, trust me. it is the best thing you can do for your lawn. i use scotts winterguard. last night "60 minutes" broadcast ended with andy rooney but the difference is that it was andy's final regular essay. at age 2e9ed he is giving up his weekly spot although he may still appear from time to time. and he signed off with his usual charm and wit. in case you missed it we
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thought you might like to see what he had to say. >> not many people in this world are as lucky as i have been. when i was in high school i had an english teacher who told me i was a good writer so i set out to become a writer myself. i've made my living as a writer for 70 years now. been pretty good. during world war ii i wrote for the army newspaper "the stars and stripes." after the war, went to work in radio and television. because i didn't think anyone was paying enough attention to the written word. i worked with a lot of great people who had the voice for radio or they looked good on television. but someone had to write what they said and that was me. when i went on television it was as a writer. i don't think of myself as a television personality. i'm a writer who reads what he has written. people have often told me i said the things they are thinking
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themselves. i probably haven't said anything here that you didn't already know or have already thought. that's what a writer does. there aren't too many original thoughts in the world. a writer's job is to tell the truth. i believe that if all of the truth were known about everything in the world, it would be a better place to live. i know i've been terribly wrong sometimes, but i think i've been right more often than i've been wrong. i may have given the impression that i don't care what anyone else thinks, but i do care. i care a lot. i have always hoped that people will like what i've written. being liked is nice. but it's not my intent. i spent my first 50 years trying to become well known as a writer. and the next 30, trying to avoid being famous. i walk down the street now or go to a football game and people shout, "hey, andy," and i hate that.
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i've done a lot of complaining here, but of all the things i've complained about, i can't complain about my life. my wife margie and i had four good kids. now there are grandchildren. i have two great grandchildren. although they are a little young for me to know how great they are. and all this time, i've been paid to say what is on my mind on television. you don't get any luckier in life than that. this is a moment i've dreaded. i wish i could do this forever. i can't, though. but i'm not retiring. writers don't retire and i'll always be a writer. a lot of you have sent me wonderful letters and said good things to me when you meet me in the street. i wasn't always gracious about it. it's hard to accept being liked. i don't say this often, but thank you. although, if you do see me in a restaurant, please, just let me eat my dinner.
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>> i saw andy walk into a restaurant in our neighborhood just a few weeks ago. i'm glad i didn't say anything! so i didn't get pummeled! >> i remember you telling me that story and when i heard him say that last night, i thought a good thing glor kept quiet. >> signature andy, clear language, blunt language right? >> i love the line about the great grandkids. >> good stuff. >> appearedy, thank you. still to come people risking their lives to rock out in afghanistan. >> we will check out a music festival interesting music festival in the capital there. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] did you know that the sources of bad breath are hidden in the contours of your teeth & tongue. introducing a breakthrough for aquafresh. new extreme clean pure breath action. its micro active foam penetrates those hard to reach places. and it now contains a mineral compound that captures and neutralizes bad breath odors giving you 80% cleaner, purer breath. for all the confidence
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of pure breath try new extreme clean pure breath action from aquafresh. we all want our candy in october. our turkeys in november. and want to pick up our gifts in december. that's why sears layaway lets you reserve any item you want, whenever you want, and with no finance charges. that's real convenience for real people. sears.
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is waiting longer for shots than doctors recommend. >> bottom line 2 million kids may not be protected from serious diseases. we will take a look at the numbers ahead. coffee doesn't have vitamins... unless you want it to. new splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener with b vitamins the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart new ways to sweeten. same great taste. new splenda® essentials™.
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+ life discount. now when you protect your family with allstate life insurance you can save even more on allstate car insurance. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. ♪ ♪ it's five minutes before 8:00. sharon has traffic after the weather. looking at first warning doppler. area of low pressure moving directly south of the area from the great lakes. about right here. see the moisture banding around it. that shower activity that's on radar, going to end up near the harford zone. looking at the forecast, spotty shower activity today with a high of 55. tonight, clearing it out. patchy clouds, 45, tomorrow a five day run of sun.
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temperatures back in to the 60s. over to sharon gibala, traffic control. good morning, if you are about to head out. accidents, this one on the inner loop, ramp to southbound 95. crash on 295. that's the second crash in the same area. accident coming in, bel air, route 22. there is a life look outside, delays 295, 175, delays on the beltway. traffic report brought by home paramount pest control. offering professional wildlife and -- control services. police are charging someone with setting the 3 alarm blaze that ripped through a tire shop in baltimore. monique griego stays on the story. >> reporter: good morning,
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police say the man arrested was an employee at the tire shop. jason hicks is facing arson charges, one week after a 3- alarm fire destroyed the belvedere tire store. it injured one person and sent smoke in to the county. ruben maxwell who owns the shop next door wasn't surprised to hear of the arrest and called police several times to deal with hicks. hicks is facing a list of criminal charges this morning. weighing in on the presidential campaign, o'malley dismissed the chances of new jersey governor chris christy on face the nation o'malley said he would provide entertainment value if he runs but little in the way of affective government should he be e legislated. a surprise, the rain and wind postpone work on the inspection of the damage yesterday. created a beautiful rainbow. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news
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♪ top of the hour on this first monday of october. i have no idea how we got to october, by the way. >> seriously. >> glad you're with us on the journey, though. i'm erica hill along with jeff glor. chris is off this morning. it is october 3rd. i better find the halloween costume. a new study claims more than 2 million children may be at risk for major diseases because they have not had the right vaccination nations. dr. jennifer ashton is here to
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take a look at the new survey which shows 1 out of 5 parents have skipped shots and delayed them and we will take a risk what is the child to doing that and the other kids that they come in contact with. >> scary story potentially put their kids or other kids in danger. the ten-year anniversary of the war in afghanistan is coming up this week on friday. you may not think of kabul, afghanistan, as a hub of rock 'n' roll. a group of musicians who usually perform behind closed doors, they held a festival in downtown kabul over the weekend and a risky place to play this kind of music. we will meet some of the players who say they have to express who they are, even if it puts their lives in danger. the latest on amanda knox's appeal of her murder conviction. jury likely to announce a verdict later today, could be as early as 2:00 p.m. eastern time. knox and her boyfriend sollecito made their pleas personally this
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morning asking the court to release them. >> translator: i never did the things they say that i did. we deserve freedom. because we have never done anything, not to deserve this. >> "48 hours" correspondent peter van sant is in perugia, italy, with more. what it like in the courtroom this morning? >> reporter: it was extraordinary. like you were on a movie set. probably a hundred people standing room only. you couldn't sit down. pressed up against the tables and listening to every word. i had an interpreter telling me what what was being said because amanda knox having spent four years in an italian prison is fluent in italian. there was a romeo and juliet quality to it because sollecito also spoke. he talked about when he met
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amanda how sweet and loving she was. the nightmare dij kercher was a night they spent together and they wanted an eveningness of tenderness and cuddling. he had a bracelet that said free amanda and raffaele. he hadn't taken it off and said i'm offering it to you, the jurors. at that point, two of the jurors openly wept. it was a very powerful moment. >> we know you will continue to follow it throughout the day. thanks. no mystery to the people following amanda knox's case, italy's legal system is a lot different than ours. joining us tu about that is author doug preston who writes about the italian court system in his book "the monster of florence." good morning. >> good morning. >> base theed on the legal system and your knowledge of
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this system, will amanda knox be acquitted? >> i believe she will be acquitted or convicted on much lesser charges so time served and sent home. >> reporter: talk about the italian system. a lot of differences between our system. one of them i want to ask you about in particular is the sequestering system. they are not sequestered and can read newspapers. how does that affect a case like this? >> in this case the prosecutor spent a year poisoning public opinion in italy for that very reason since the jurors were not sequestered, they read the newspapers and talk to their friends, so public opinion plays a major role in jury decisions. and that is why this prosecutor spent a year, you know leaking information that was damaging to knox, a lot of it was false. it was manipulated. i mean, this girl was unjustly convicted in her original trial. now the appeals trial, this has been a much fairer process. >> you mentioned the prosecutor
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in this case. he was convicted of corruption. how is it he was able to handle this as well? >> you're not really convicted in italy until you're convicted on appeal. and they have been delaying his spaels trial so he can finish up with amanda knox. they don't want italy humiliated in the whole world to see their chief prosecutor to go to jail in prosecuting one of the most famous countries in the entire country. >> reporter: we talk about the prosecutor a little bit. there had to be more involved? >> well, this prosecutor i was a victim of him as well. in my book "the monster of florence." i called me into his office he interrogated me and accused me of being an accessor of murder and suggest i leave the country. he has been convicted of abusive office so i can say he's an abusive prosecutor and the case
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against amanda knox was ginned up, it was manipulated and all this has come out during the appeals trial. so she will be acquitted, unless there is some kind of fix in the works which unfortunately does happen in italy. >> in the 15 seconds we have left, doug if amanda is not acquitted, what happens? >> well, i think that there will be an international uproar and i also think there will have to be finally an investigation by the state department because this appeals trial has shown that all of the evidence, all of it, the important evidence used to convict her was not just erroneous or mistaken but was -- may have been manipulated. it looks like the scientific fraud was committed. there really needs to be an investigation. >> doug preston, author of "the monster of florence," thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. such fascinating stuff. we are also marking world bullying prevention day.
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parents of a 14-year-old suicide victim are calling for schools in their state to change the way they handle chronic harassment. randall pinkston is live with more, outside a school in buffalo. >> reporter: good morning. despite the attention that jamey death there was an incident that involved his sister that sort of demonstrate that some kids haven't learned the devastating effects of bullying. >> you just don't understand how kids you know, at this young age how they can be heartless. >> reporter: jamey rodemeyer's family barely grieving his suicide when school bullies had an insult at jamey's sister at a school dance. >> bullies just started yelling back, they were glad he was dead and they were so happy he killed himself. >> reporter: williamsville, new york school district is saying the incident is being investigated and one student suspended. the event bullying was the cause
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of jamey rodemeyer's death, parents say he had been taunted since fifth grade. last month he entered high school telling everyone he was fine and making friends but the web sites his parents didn't know about told a different story with suicidal references concerns about bullying and lots of pictures and quotes from his idol lady gaga and her anthem "born this way." >> he has a lot of friends that he would talk to. even all of those kids came to us the day of the funeral. they said he was so happy, i don't understand. >> reporter: your minister probably has told you this. the truth of the matter is probably nothing either one of you could have done that you didn't do. >> that is sometimes what finally gets me to sleep and i try to say that to myself but, still, i'm sitting here without my boy. >> reporter: in his memory they have dedicated themselves to preaching tolerance so that other parents can avoid their pain.
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later today, there will be peaceful protests outside the high school for the community and let's toted tonight a question and answer sessions for parents and teachers and the community as they try to understand what happened and why. >> as we heard from jamey's mom, it's amazing some of the kids still don't get it especially when we see what happened to his sister. how did all of that taunting that bullying essentially that she encountered come about? >> reporter: almost unbelievable. erica, it happened at homecoming dance. a song by lady gaga jamey's favorite came on and his sister and his friends began chanting his name. they had just attended a wake and the bullies responded by saying they were glad he was dead. unbelievable. >> unbelievable it is. horrible, horrible event. we can only hope something good comes out of it and there are some lessons learned. randall pinkston thanks. here is betty nguyen at the news desk with a check of today's other headlines for us.
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>> good morning. the only suspect convicted in the 1989 pan am bombing is promising the truth will come out one day. from his bed in tripoli, he said the head of the lockerbie committee told him they were not convinced his conviction. 270 people killed in the bombing of the pan am jet over lockerbie, scotland. supreme court starts its new term this morning. six of the justices attended a red mass in washington yesterday. the court could decide several major cases this term whether the nation's health care law is constitutional constitutional. a new study suggests americans seem to want it both ways when they think food. they think skin-by-yu eat fat. 47% of restaurants offering salads and low fat meals, but only 23% tend to order those items. . good morning. it's commute on dry roads if you are in the city and north.
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arundel county, getting shower activity. here is doppler weather radar. rotating in around a low to the south and west. that low is getting ready to get out of here. normal 71. high of 55. tomorrow sun comes >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by prudential. every challenge is an opportunity. prudential. bring your challenges. up next you're hearing more about parents who are concerned about vaccine safety for their kids. now they are worried about those kids and other kids. more parents are holding off on vaccinations. what does it mean in terms of risk for your child? we will take a look. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. rement. it's the first of more than
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in this morning's "healthwatch," vaccines and children. gnaw survey out shows how many parents are letting their kids go unvaccinated because concerns about the safety of the shots. >> more than 2 million children could be at risk. medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton is here with more on this. jen, good morning. >> good morning. >> increasing trend? >> yeah. i mean, we have heard a lot of about this in the news and i see a lot in my practice with teenage patients. it is a trend. we are seeing more and more of it. to look at the numbers this small study about 750 parents published in the journal of pediatrics found 10%, 1 in 10 parents choose to follow what is called an alternative vaccination schedule which means they space out the doses and timing of these recommended feed at trick vaccines. we are talking about children under 6.
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obviously, this has significant individual health consequences as well as public health consequences. >> interesting thing is the findings mimic a much larger study that was published earlier this year or late last year i'm sorry. more than half of these people are coming up with alternative schedule either on their own or from a friend, not from a doctor, and they are doing it because they believe it's safer to space them out. >> exactly. majority of them over a quarter of them have concerns about whether the vaccines themselves are safe or whether the timing or dosing schedules are safe. you're right. they are not going to reputable sources. this is a discussion that could be made between the parents and their health care providers. we have to remember consequences to this. we know historically and scientifically before vaccines were so widespread people died and severely debilitated by polio, measles, whooping cough. people who are unvaccinated 22
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times more likely to get mesles and six times more to get whooping cough. we have seen these in the news making a comeback. >> no one is trying to damage or hurt their child. everyone is doing what they think is best for their children. >> correct. >> when you're actively disregarding medical advice is when stories like this bring alarm. what do you say about it? >> counseling and education is key. tht no, sir parents don't feel like they have the time to have this discussion with their child's pete electrician. if you have questions, consider making a special appointment just to discuss these pros and cons risks and benefits. >> because nobody wants anything to happen to their child. >> absolutely not. >> you bet. >> jen, thanks. up next here, what could be a historic concert in kabul, afghanistan. we will take you to this music festival that got our attention. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪ helping strengthen our bones. caltrate delivers 1200 milligrams of calcium
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very unusual moment in afghanistan's capital over the weekend. a music festival. >> yeah, you don't see this a lot. mandy clark was there. has a little bit more on the effort to bring some harmony to this area of the world. >> reporter: in a quiet kabul neighborhood, a conspiracy is afoot. >> you got a color coded system right. >> reporter: that night, shadowy figures come and go from a lock safe house basement. this is rock 'n' roll afghan style. underground gigs in hidden locations all around kabul. ♪ >> reporter: but the secrecy isn't about street crud. it's about security. the taliban prohibited all nonislamic music and there are still religious conservatives bent on disrupting the shows. ♪ >> reporter: kabul band district unknown shielded their identities after a series of threats. now they have decided to put it all on the line. >> if anyone is going to
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[ bleep ] just say it to my face. >> reporter: you're willing to put your life at risk for this freedom of expression? >> yeah, well, if you're not talking about who we are and if we are not expressing ourselves, then we're dead. >> reporter: it's been nearly 40 years since mick jagger first sang "it's only rock 'n' roll." but in a place like kabul that is isolated and oppressed for nearly as long it means so much more. >> it's really interesting. i think it's one of the times i see gathering and being happy and celebrating. >> rock star. i love to see. i really like it. >> people want to hear this p.m. i mean, the afghans are saying to us when is the next concert? >> reporter: this weekend australian musksician travis beard staged a bona fide rock music festival and featuring ten bands
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from central asia and four afghan groups and from other surrounding areas. the crowd was passionate. this rocking unveiled muslim singer was a big hit. but organizers deliberately limited promotion, given the security threat. the fest included a week of workshops to help local bands elevate their games. the drummer from nine inch nails dropped in on skype to lend support. >> i want to basically find out what your situation is over there and what ways i can get help. >> reporter: organizers pledged next year's festival will be even bigger and they hope more open. but, for now they say it's musical, mission accomplished. mandy clark, cbs news, kabul. >> great to see a different perspective there. >> the horror from rock music! >> right. exactly. earlier scott pelley is reporting from afghanistan this week. here is a preview. as we mark ten years in
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afghanistan, where does the war stand today? and what is america's path out? scott pelley reports from the front lines. >> so let me ask you what is your plan to get us out of here? >> spoke coverage i will awaken you with a song. i will present your world, at a glance. i will remain untangled and uncomplicated. and let nothing or no one go unnoticed. all from one. all for you. i am the new rhyme by htc. only from verizon.
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it remain as pretty day's start. sharon will wrap up the rush after the weather. we are looking at somehow -- shower activity. rotating around the low. it's moving through the great lakes, south of dc. as a matter of fact, arundel has been getting shower activity. moving in to the metro, immediate beltway metro. high of 55, normal 71. by tomorrow sun comes out and stays out. sharon gibala traffic control. good morning.
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more accidents on major roadways to report. one on the harrisburg, through the southbound direction. the accident on the inner loop beltway on the ramp to southbound 95, crash 295 northbound, route 32. watch for a new one in pikesville. city on south glenndon near boston. 795 six minutes from owings mills to the beltway. topside at harford road. if you suffered a personal jury, call the cochran firm. last week a huge fire destroyed a tire shop in northwest baltimore. police are charging someone who worked there with setting it. monique griego has the story. >> reporter: good morning, the man arrested was a employee of the tire shop. 35-year-old jason hicks is facing arson charges after a
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flee alarm fire destroyed the store where he worked. the flames injured one person and sent smoke to the county reaching pikesville. ruben who owns the repair shop next door wasn't surprised and called police several times to be deal with hicks. hicks is facing criminal charges this morning. five people injured after a crash in baltimore county. two cars collided in the 6400 block of liberty road. it's not clear yet what happened. all the injuries should be considered life threatening. one of the people went in to cardiac arrest. police are investigating a double shooting this morning it happened saturday in a apartment complex in annapolis. one man was shot in the chest. she listed in critical condition in shock trauma. the other person took a bull tote the leg. no arrests have been made. block party took over rush field yesterday. the event aim to show parent
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how important play time can be for developing children. children lost 8 hours of free play time a week. @póo i am a face unclogger. i am a nose coach. i am a throat untickler. i am a human cough suppressant. and i am the sniffles worst nightmare. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about cold and flu remedies.
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save my life. hair salons that do just one thing, no trims here. just a simple blowout. and, ladies, you know. >> why we had to wait so long! >> it is amazing how a good hair day can completely change your outlook on the day, on life how you feel about yourself. throw caution to the wind. toss the tress. >> betty is fixing her hair over there right now. >> her her looks fantastic. >> i need a blowout bar. >> they were started by a woman great story about the woman who started them. she had a couple of kids and said i need to do something else. i was a hairdresser. bam. >> your hair looks lovely this morning. >> we get a lot of help. >> i readily admit that. >> exactly. also ahead this morning, time to blow out all of those e-mails you don't need. you like that? >> yeah. >> nice writing. digital clutter can be as disruptive as being surrounded by piles and piles of needless papers and junk and other stuff. so if you need to put a place --
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if you need a place to put those important photos and documents, put them in your hair. no. we are going to show you what to do this morning and how to store them and also to keep out the stuff that you don't want. >> just manage the stuff you get every day. i need this help and looking forward to that. >> junk e-mail. aassupporters in amanda knox's hometown are on standby. hattie kauffman is in seattle right now and spent the night with most of those friends. >> reporter: it is literally sleepless in seattle because of the time difference when the court proceedings began in italy it was after midnight here. this is the hotel where a dozen of supporters are still camped out waiting for a verdict. they packed into a room at this hotel. these are people who knew amanda from high school and college at the university of washington. they listened intently when she gave her statement to the judge.
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>> translator: i am the same person that i was four years ago. the same person. the only thing that distinguishes me from four years ago is what i have suffered. i want to go home. i want to go back to my life. >> it was just right from the depth of her soul. that at least they are humanized now. they are not the tabloid. they just now totally wiped away the tabloids. i really have some good -- good good solid feelings that it will be a positive outcome. >> reporter: positive. but her supporters also thought there would be a positive outcome two years ago and in that case when the original trial ended, she wasn't coming back home she was convicted.
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yes, they hopeful but also quite nervous. >> hattie kauffman in seattle, thanks. amanda knox case has put a real spotlight on perugia, italy. historic city that many americans know nothing about so let's go back to "48 hours" peter van sant. >> reporter: the story of perugia is rich in an thentcient milling mythology. they hope it will be consigned to history. the walled italian city of perugia had first historical mention in 30 b.c. but didn't enter folklore until 2007. they play host to american students for decades and drawn in by its reputation for night life, arts, and bohemian.
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located in a valley 120 miles north of rome perugia is the capital of the central italian region of umbria. the city also featured in the early life of the francis can monk st. francis who in 1202 joined the war between perugia and his nearby hometown. he was imprisoned and spent a whole year in captivity. the dark mystical art of free masonry has also been prevalent in perugia for hundreds of years. reflected in its striking gothic architecture architecture. they are home to centuries of secrets and mysteries. symbols and supertirks. for chief trial prosecutor mignini, a native perugian. >> he was seeing symbols on the crime scene, i think, right from
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the start. i think he saw this young woman in a symbolic way. >> reporter: this bloodied handprint on the wall of meredith kercher's bedroom was seen as a satanic marker. the ritualistic nature of the assault convinced mignini a violent sex orgy had taken place and amanda knox came the satanic she devil who killed her. but it is the symbols of a more modern age that will document this latest chapter in perugia's history. its residents, though fascinated as the rest of the world by the trial of amanda knox, feel a growing concern in their new, unwanted notoriety, and hope for a swift return to obscurity. >> people from perugia are a little bit sick of this because of too much, you know -- too much about the ct and it's not a very good thing for the city.
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>> reporter: now that perugia has lived through the amanda knox story, the challenge for its universities and tourism is to survive the amanda knox story. >> from what you've seen peter, over there has amanda knox than successful at changing peru sha's perception of her? >> reporter: i think so. that she devil today was vulnerable, she was sweet and she was scared. they realize the case against her was a fraud so she really helped herself with that statement. >> peter van sant thank you. "48 hours mystery" will have a special on the knox case including the verdict, this saturday night at 9:00 8:00 central here on cbs. >> thelast four years the longest stretch of wind they have ever lived through. here is betty nguyen with a final check on the latest
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headlines. a massachusetts man accused in a terror plot is expected in federal court today. ferdaus allegedly planned to fly remote airplanes packed with sploch explosives into the pentagon and u.s. capital. he was arrested last week. gas surprises at a seven-month low this morning. c be a-- aaa reports $3.42 for a gallon of leaded gas. if you there awe way your music cassettes you might be kicking yourself now. tapes are making a comeback. cassette album sales are up 46% from last year. a lot of small bands find it less expensive to put their music on them as oppose to do cds and vinyls. the question is do you have a cassette player? because i don't think i good morning, shower activity pressing in to the metro from the south and east.
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rain arundel county. been calm day's start. let me widen this out. not talking about a ton of moisture. what we will call spotty showers for the day. mid-40s, high of 55 degrees this afternoon. by tomorrow, sun comes bank deposits are on the rise right now, even though interest rates are at rock bottom. americans have nearly $10 trillion in their bank accounts. all-time record but it might be a big mistake. here to tell us where is carmen wong ulrich. why are people putting so much into kachcash right now? >> look at the volatileity. six times the volatility we have
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had the last couple of decades and losses since 2008 that many haven't seen in their lifetime. >> reporter: before we get to the rates do you see that volatility ending any time soon? >> not really. i wish i could. that is actually going to be pretty much the new normal. we are going to see this amount of volatility. it's too easy to be volatile and easy access to trade than and not to say you can't use it for your benefit but fox who can't stomach it, they are fleeing into cash. >> let's look at the average rates. one-year cd is yielding 0.4%. >> 0 upon.4%. you look at money market mutual funds and talking pennies, 0.04%. when it comes to treasuries as well, 10-year treasuries yielding about 2%. when it comes to treasury notes and cds you don't get that interest unless you hold it until maturity. >> hold it ten years and still
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only getting 2% and you may lose money here. let's talk about that part of it. when you're getting that kind of a miserable rate on a money market account you're technically losing money. >> talk about the flight to safety and people think cash as safe. even if you put it under the mattress it decreases and shrinks every year even if you person 1% to 2% you will lose that much. inflation is 2% to 3% a year. you're not preserving the principal that you have, the money you have. >> but it looks nice under the mattress. >> but if it makes you feel good. you need emergency fund and folks close to retirement need to have more in cash. >> the recommendations are what? >> a couple of places you can go. first of all, online checking accounts. actually have no fee and earn a little bit of interest. we are talking 0.4% to 0.9%. >> 0.9? >> yeah. exactly. less than 1% but it's something,
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okay? anything is better than nothing. online banks. we know they have been good at this game looking at less than 1%. a new player in the game credit card companies have taken to banking and offering you savings rate. this is to lure you in to of course, use the card but they have the highest savings rate. american express bank 1% no fees and discover bank 1.1% with a 500 dollar minimum. if you're looking at a five-year cd lock up your money for five years. you can right now earn 2%. three years, 1.5. one year i know the average is 0.4 but you can find 1% out there. >> stunning the low numbers of return rate. >> in 2007 we were earning 5% on savings accounts and those days are over for now, at least through 2013. >> or sooner. >> we can dream. >> carmen thanks. >> thank you. in today's super connected world, get this. we actually send and receive an estimated 155 billion e-mails every single day.
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that could certainly clog. your inbox and digital clutter can be as overwhelming as physical clutter. so we want to help you deal with that and brought in yahoo! heather cabot to get our e-clutter under control. i'm guilty of that so i'm happy you're here this morning! >> i'm with you on that. >> there is so much that comes in. break it down by different areas of our digital life. starting, first, e-mail. you say get rid of the bacon. what is that? >> the opposite of spam. spam is unsolicited e-mail you didn't sign up for it. bacon e-mail is coupons promotion promotional offers and newsletters, you signed up for and they pile up. you can't just delate them. if you do you will still get them. you have to unsubscribe yourself from the mailing list. a couple of different ways to do that. one, just open the e-mail take a little time go down to the bottom and click the link and
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unsubscribe yourself. takes a little bit of time but now there are some other options you can use as well. you can go to a site call and download their tool and gives you an automatic button take take you off the list and click unsubscribe button on yahoo!.com and it does it for you. >> you have mail you want to see and need to deal with. >> right. there is another great tool out there called other inbox. what this does is it actually sorts through e-mail scans your inbox and figures out which things you do want to see and creates folders for you. you can have an entertainment folder, travel folder et cetera. this way when you open your inbox you're reading e-mail from people rather than reading e-mail from marketers. >> when you read that e-mail you say you should put yourself on a schedule. this is where i'm terrible. . i read it and never follow up except in my head. >> me too, exactly.
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i just think it's just like digital housekeeping is the way i think of it. like your bills. you will not let the real mail you get pile up on your desk and fall onto the floor. think of your e-mail the same way. get into a habit. maybe once a day, once a week depending on whether you're doing personal or work e-mail. open, respond, file and then get rid of it. delete. >> looking at texting now. you say delete our text regularly and don't give out your cell phone number? >> you may have noticed this. retailers are reaching out to us via text. in some cases they are using geo location services on our phone so if you're within -- if you're close to a store they are texting you and letting you know about a sale. you can prevent that by being discerning who you give your cell phone number out to. when you checking out and they ask for your cell phone number ask them. if you don't want to receive
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information from that store don't give your cell phone number out. >> you say clear out your smart phone. >> get rid of the apps you don't use. most of us have an average 1 apps on our smart phones and frankly i don't think most of us use all of them. there are great ones you download and maybe use it once or twice and you forget about. i think it's good grooming essentially to once a month, maybe once a week, if you're crazy with apps, just get rid of the ones you don't use and clear out that screen. makes it much cleaner and easier to use. >> you also say it's important to download your pictures, file them label them and back them up which great advice for all of us. heather cabot, nice to have you with us. >> thank you. ahead a new option for a bad hair day. say good-bye to your bad hair day, in fact. take you to a blowout bar. a little more info on that
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ladies i hope you are not starting this week off with a bad hair day because we know what that can do to your mood. but good news. there could be a simple affordable solution to all of that. "the early show" contributore katrina szish is here to tell us about blow dry bars. >> good morning. >> thank goodness! >> not a beep from jeff glor. i must admit how horrible a bad day makes me feel. it makes me grumpy so i eagerly checked out a dry bar in new york city. i found all women getting their hair blow dried in fast and friendly way. walk into any hair salon and you'll likely hear this sound. walk into one of these specialty shops and it's practically all you hear. blow dry bars like this one are the latest trend in beauty. these bars and shops offer only
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one service, blowouts. >> you're in and out. very straightforward just drying your hair. >> alli webb was a stay at home mom. >> what happened? >> i had two amazing boys. as much as i loved being with my boys all the time i kind of yes or noed that entrepreneurial spirit kept coming out so i started a blow dry business and i was going to people's homes and it caught on and women were loving it so i thought i had to open a place. >> webb opened her first shop in los angeles in february 2010 and it quickly became a hit. just 19 months later, drybar now has ten locations across the country. including this one in new york city. >> dah, dah, dah! >> oh, my gosh! >> starting at a young age, a fresh blowout can help us both look good and feel good. >> i've heard women say i might
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be having a fat day. but if my hair looks amazing, it's okay. >> we hear that all the time. i've even had women tell me that, you know, when they come to diebar they feel better than after they leave a therapy session. >> reporter: what is it about having great hair that makes you feel so good? >> it's just a luxury you snow it's changing the whole texture and look of your hair. it's having somebody else do it for you so you don't have to sweat it. it's just amazing. >> reporter: at $40 a visit, women here say a blowout is an affordable luxury. well worth the price. >> your hair everybody sees that and you always want it to look good. i plan on coming maybe once or twice a week here because i hate to do my own hair. >> reporter: most people go to get their hair styled away from the kids but you're here with the kids. >> yeah. it's just -- it's such a quick and easy place to go. >> reporter: quick and easy. two very important factors for a busy mom like suzanne fine.
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>> do you think this is the wave of the future for the modern mom? >> i think so. i think it's also kind of a throwback to our grandparents. my grandmother used to get her hair done all the time. i think once again there is just like looking good every day. >> reporter: webb's business is making millions, but the stay at home mom, turned entrepreneur says the experience is about so much more. >> we are not selling blowouts. we feel like we are selling happiness and what they are coming here for, whether they know it or not, we feel that is what they come here for. to feel and look so much better. >> i love it i love it. thanks. >> have a great time! bye. >> reporter: the drybar location i visited hasn't even been opened for a month and it is constantly packed as you can see there. the owner webb says by the end of the year, she plans to have 14 salons across the country. >> like my grandmother, every saturday we went and got her hair done. >> it's a throwback. very chic.
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>> i might have to pick that one up. i love it. katrina, thanks. >> jeff, i know you're totally into it. >> i'm going to go without question. >> i'll call your wife and we can go together. have a great day, ♪ ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i?
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let's look at first warning doppler weather radar. showers up the outer harbor. this is going to rotate to the north westerly direction. let me widen this out. area of low pressure, running the show past couple of weeks, is now southwest of dc. this stuff is rotating up towards the har forward and mason dixon line.
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showerses 55 degrees. tonight showers end, clouds and 45. tomorrow, here comes a five day run of the sun. partly sunny skies, 67. city police arrest a man in connection with the three awill remember fire at a tire shop. monique griego stays on the story. >> reporter: good morning, everyone, the man aired was an employee at the tire shop. 35-year-old jason hicks is facing arson charges, one week after a 3-alarm fire destroyed the tire store where he worked. the flames injured a person and sent smoke in to the county. ruben maxwell who owns the shop next door, says he wasn't surprised, he called police several times toel deal with hicks. hicks is facing criminal charges this morning. thank you very much. investigation is underway after police shoot a man responding to reports of a armed person on
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st. victor when the man aimed his gun at police, an officer fired shots aftelling him to drop his weapon and he did not. the man was taken to the medical center and listed in critical condition. five people injured in a car crash in baltimore. it happened when two vehicles collided in the lock hern section. all the injuries are considered life threatening. speed cameras in baltimore county and howard cointies are working. three have been relocated. drivers caught going 12 miles per hour or more over the salespeople will be given a warn for the first 30 days and cited. josh charles cheering on the home team. he is dedicated to the ravens than some people think and
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