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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  December 5, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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deliberations for the night but when they resume those deliberations tomorrow it will all come down to whether or not they believe the defenses reverse psychology explanation for those robo calls. when phones rang on election night before the polls even closed, some 112,000 registered democrats in prince george's county heard this. >> i'm calling to let everyone know that governor o'malley and president obama have been successful. relax, everything is fine. all there is to do is sit back and watch on tv. >> reporter: if prosecutor told jurors, there's only one meaning there, it's deceptive, it's tricky, he knew what he did wrong. but the defense says he was not
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being deceptive. pettitte insisted the call was supposed to be reverse psychologist. he called it a political misjudgment. in hindsight he says it all seemed stupid now not he argued illegal. >> there was no conspiracy on the second of november. i think they established that. i think the witnesses they produced testified more favorably for the defense. >> reporter: the jury did have one question. they wanted to know the difference between the violating the election charge. sort of the difference of carrying the murder and carrying out the murder. the jury will resume their deliberation tomorrow night. all right, thank you very much derek. if convicted of all the
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charges, sherick could face nine years in prison. the officer charged while serving a warrant in anne arundel county. adam may has the latest on this case of friendly fire. >> reporter: right now the crime lab is still out here on the scene. detectives have been in the house for a couple of hours now sorting through all the evidence, trying to figure out how one officer apparently shot the other on accident. a baltimore city police officer shot in the arm by another officer during a narcotics investigation in odemton. police order the incident an accidental discharge. >> we're going to try to ascertain the details. all of the specifics in terms of what took place. >> reporter: witnesses saw the chaotic scene. >> we saw all of the officers with their guns drawn. that's when i heard the gunfire. >> reporter: police arrested a 30-year-old man outside the resident prior the to the shooting.
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investigators say they found 38 pounds of marijuana and $900 cash. the discovery shocking to neighbors. >> very surprising, nothing we see around here ever. >> it's always really quiet around here, i'm kind of shocked. >> reporter: that police officer who was shot with baltimore city was taken to shock trauma with nonlife threatening injuries. police have not released his name or the name of the officer who did the shooting. he works for baltimore county police. and we're told he's going to be on a routine leave while they sort out all the details. >> we'll have more from the scene at 11:00. we want to update another breaking story. an unusual accident causing traffic slow downs. >> i95 in the roseville area just south of 695, a large
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piece of steel has fallen off of the back of the tractor trailer. on to the roadway. it's causing police to scramble. they had to shut down two lanes of northbound i95. what you're seeing going by on the right is traffic that's exiting. the rest of this stuff that's waiting is nearly 4 miles long. it extends to 695 -- correction it extends to 695 and to the harbor tunnel and the fort mckenly tunnel. so expect major delays. the good news is they have heavy equipment on the scene. they have just lifted a piece of steel on to the roll back truck. it appears they'll have this cleared within the next 15 to 20 minutes. but it is causing major problems along northbound 95. you can use route 40 as an alternate but that is also backed down. it looks like patience is going to be the virtue here. you can get on to 695 which
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will get you around this incident quicker but it appears that state police are making progress here but expect delays back to you on tv hill. >> thank you very much, captain mike perry. a desperate search under way for a missing baltimore county man who disappeared in an area reservoir. mary bubala is in the newsroom. >> reporter: after three days of searching teams have found no sign of charles duckett. duckett disappeared in the tridelphia area. his boat eventually washed ashore without him in it. duckett works for the sanitation commission which runs the reservoir. montgomery county officials have coordinated the search along with several other agencies, back to you denise. >> duckett has worked for the
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wscc for 12 years. there's questions about the capture of an american by al- qaida. why would they capture him? >> reporter: winstein is a prisoner and it terrifies those who know the marylander. >> it's gun wretching. i can't -- it's gut wrenching. i can't imagine if it was my husband or family. >> oh my goodness, especially since he was coming home. this was his last assignment. >> reporter: the terrorist group which has weakened in influence is using winstein to make big demands. >> including the end of all air strikes in afghanistan and pakistan and all other muslim countries as well as the
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release of all muslims from guantanamo bay. >> reporter: al-qaida's new leader says just as they have -- as americans detain all who are believed to be pakistan, they are detaining winstein. jerry van dyke knows the terror very well. he was detained three years ago. >> right now he's completely terrified. he's lost all sense of masculinity, all sense of being in control. >> reporter: the odds are growing longer for his safe return. >> reporter: at this point it is not clear whether al-qaida bought winstein from other captors or organized his abduction themselves. >> he's in his 70s and has
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several medical problems. a violent altercation inside the occupy baltimore site lands a woman in jail. a woman stabbed another woman several times after two got into an argument over nicoles cat. >> reporter: if you want to drive on maryland's newest highway it's going to cost you. the inner connector has been free but starting today drivers will have to pay a toll to driver it. the tolls vary depending on when you drive on the icc and will be charged to your easy pass. well the ravens are flying high after a big win against the divisional rival. wjz is live in owins mills. mark-- >> how are you doing vic. the coach says his guys are focused but lose as they are aware of the pressures that come with their play off push.
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but at the same time, he feels his guys are prime to play their best this time of the year. and if that's so that certainly showed in that win in cleveland. the ravens have already established themselves as one of the best teams in the conference. cleveland is far from it. the ravens victory in ohio was never in doubt. dominating in defense and with an offense dominated by ray rice who rushed for more than 136 yards. the ravens build momentum and a play off resume toward a run at the super bowl. >> it'll be great to have a play off game in baltimore. we know what our fans bring and we just got to win football games from here on out. it's clear cut, you know play offs started today we know where we would be at. but i mean we have games left. >> the pressure is to stack those wins over the course of the whole month. because what you're saying you're going for that number one spot. ultimately you're playing for a division championship against
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two teams that are right there with you. so there's pressure to win every week. >> reporter: four games to go and the ravens are favored to win them all. so we ask you with our fan cam, what is the team's biggest challenge ahead? >> i think the biggest challenge is for the ravens to stay consistent. i know that they can do it. i don't think we have challenges, i think we will be able to go all the way. >> the biggest challenge is consistency. we just have to be consistent. >> isn't it ironic that we might be in indianapolis for the super bowl. the ravens from baltimore. >> as we take over the town of indianapolis. >> yeah fans can look forward to february in a possible super bowl. the focus on sunday that's when the indianapolis colts come to town. more from john harbaugh including an injury update as the ravens keep ongoing. >> let's hope it's a short injury list, mark thank you very much. >> after the big win the ravens
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gave a special gift to ron smith. he was awarded with the ravens game ball. smith is at home hospice. smith calls the honor iconic and says for a moment it made his feel better. the game is sunday live right here. it may be cloudy outside but the mild temperatures are just right considering it's december. let's take a live look outside all the clouds filled with rain. that's a beautiful house decorated. wow, somebody has been hard at work. bob is in the weather center. >> the clouds are filled with lights at least. we have clouds but they're not filmed with precipitation. right now no precept rotation around here. you have to go out to ohio, kentucky, that's where the rain activity is. it's going to take a while to get here but we do expect to
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see some rain here tomorrow. the bulk of the rain late tomorrow night and on wednesday. and then it began to get colder. it may get cold enough in some areas north and west of the city. for thursday morning a few snow flakes before the rain and precept moves out of here in a cold but dry end to the week, vic. >> fighting for votes with herman cain out republican representatives are swarming their sporters. many say newt gingrich will benefit the most. >> reporter: newt gingrich drew cameras and crowds in new york monday. after a morning meeting with real estate mogul donald trump, gingrich says he's confident. the political veteran has recaptured the media spotlight and surged to the top of the
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polls. he's getting traction with voters like linda brock. >> i just like all of his positions as far as they're conservative and i trust him. >> reporter: gingrich is a favorite to pick up herman's supporters and endorsements. now that he's the front runner, gingrich faces more scrutiny. asked about ethics charges from his time at house speaker he said he had nothing to hide. >> 83 charges were reputeuated as false. the one mistake he made was a letter written by an attorney that i did not read carefully. >> reporter: two new polls have his leading in iowa. gingrich's campaign rolled out a new ad there on monday. >> we can and will rebuild the america we love. >> reporter: with a month until the iowa caucuses, campaign watchers say gingrichs momentum shows voters are still not sold on mitt romney or any other gop
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candidate just yet. at the white house, danielle nottingham. still to come tonight on wjz, if you thought the postoffice was slow before just wait until you hear about the new changes they're suggesting. degrees tails ahead. why dozens of protesters were taken to jail. technology on tap. new important information for homeowners about how the city will charge for water usage. that story just ahead on eyewitness news. and it's another cool autumn evening out there. you're complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,
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[ dog ] i am a rockstar. my coat? solid gold. my insides? pure platinum. [ female announcer ] a healthy outside starts inside. new iams simple & natural has chicken as its number one ingredient and zero fillers. it works inside for health you can see on the outside. [ dog ] i can't be a rockstar on the outside if i'm not one on the inside. [ female announcer ] new iams naturals. you'll like what's in them and love what's not. [ dog ] i am an iams dog.
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[ girls ] he's so cute! [ dog ] groupies! dozens of occupy protesters in dc are taken away in handcuffs after a violent clash with police. the arrest came after police ordered them to leave a structure they had built and protesters refused. >> reporter: in all 31 occupy dc protesters were arrested sunday morning after they refused to leave a structure that sprung up overnight. >> let america know that police come out to take down the structures. >> reporter: park officials and police came to shut down the area. >> we're a peaceful movement and we don't intend to put up any -- we're just going to sit
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and they're going to do what they want to do. >> reporter: earlier sunday morning police had to remove occupiers who refused to leave using a cherry picker to take them down. >> you don't represent us. >> not all in the square are supporters of the protesters especially the homeless. >> they just want to be on tv. they ain't homeless, they have a place to stay. they don't represent us. >> andrea fujihi. until this incident, occupy dc protesters and police had maintained a peaceful coexistance. it was similar with occupy protesters in the west coast. riot police once again clashed with occupiers who had gathered in a park over the weekend. several people were arrested when they refused to leave. the way that water usage in the city of baltimore is
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measured is anger some people. >> reporter: people around the area are getting new water meters. the outcome should be a better take of how much water is being used from taps. the big news in all of this from homeowners is that their meters will be read remotely and workers no longer have to estimate it'll be much more accurate. right now 12,000 homes are hooked up to a system that requires the city to estimate their bill based on past usage. >> most of these are not functioning properly anymore. so unless we can get into your home or there's someone to let us in, most of these customers will be getting estimated bills. still not an accurate read. >> reporter: complaints from homeowners have been rolling in for years. >> one time i had rentals, it could have been four people in the house and they use a lot more water. now i have two people, they are disabled, they don't use a lot
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of water at all. so they're getting a big bill. this will make it much better. >> reporter: and in the next three to five years the entire water meeting -- meter system will be automated. vic back to you. >> mary, thank you. residents will be notified of the change. they will lose water for an hour or less. and water is in the weather. >> we do some rain in the way and it's going to get cold by the end of the week. no wind at all. the humidity is coming up 86%. the prompter is holding steady. we will take a look at the possibility of midweek rain, back here in just a few minutes. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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another mild mile day. mild temperatures running 10 degrees above normal this afternoon. upper 50s rather than the upper 40s. right now it's still pretty mild, not going to get that chilly tonight so we're heading out, you need a wrap. but certainly not a heavy winter coat. 53, the due point is 59. which typically means a lighter night would be in the mid-40s. we will see drizzle, fog may form. 63 at pax river. and a very mild 55 cumberland
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and 52 out of nocum with the clouds. low to mid-50s still. it'll stay mild tonight and again tomorrow. another day, probably as warm maybe even warmer than today. right now very light winds, most places. we have a general southeast in the easterly component building and that will bring in moisture tonight. maybe a shower in some areas, we will see some fog forming. the bulk of the rain out to the west of us. from new york state all the way through the midwest down into texas. in the colder air west of the low pressure. you see low pressure spins like this, warm air ahead of it. cold air behind it. that is coming right down from canada. tucson not too far from tucson the mountains saw snow. albequerque. that chilly air will get here but we have to get some rain
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through the region first. that will be later tomorrow into wednesday. late wednesday afternoon and wednesday night it'll start turning chilly and early thursday, maybe just enough residual cold air. a little bit of moisture. could see wet snow flakes early thursday. then it clears out and dries up for the end of the week. south winds keep the warm air, 10 to 15 knots in the bay. cloudy skies, maybe a little cloud or drizzle. 54 tomorrow, maybe some sun but a lot of clouds. a little rain, fog and scattered showers. real rain coming tomorrow night and again on wednesday. and then it turns chilly again. >> okay, thank you bob. well the stars aligned last night for the kennedy center honors, where every was a little star struck. >> i'm a big star struck. i'm about to see mr. robert deniro.
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he thought elmo how to act on sesame street. >> politicians and artists came together to honor those in the arts. >> reporter: for washington d.c. this is as hollywood as it gets. where the powerful meet the popular. among the five kennedy center honorees, meryll streep. >> reporter: song writer and performer neil diamond. >> when it comes to neil diamond, i am a believer. we're all believers. >> reporter: cellist, yoyo ma.
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>> tonight we honor the best cello player. tonight we cellobrete you can say. yoyo doesn't just play the cello he rocks it. >> and barbara cook who made her broadway debut in 1939. >> barbara cook belongs on that very short list of beloved new york treasures. >> reporter: the annual award ceremony brings together the greats in music, stage and screen. recognizing their distinguished careers and commitment to their craft. earlier in the day, president obama praised them for sharing their gift. >> by expressing themselves they helped us learn something about ourselves. they make us laugh, they move us to tears. they bring us together and they push the boundaries of what we think is possible. celebrating talents which are distinct but carried the
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power to unify. >> ♪ cbs will broadcast the evening tributes and performances december 27th. >> smoky robinson and lionel richie never look like they age. >> must be the music. a place of prayer goes up in flames. we know -- when it happened and the latest on the people inside. we're going to show you the latest projects that are opening up and tell you what they mean for the community. people already call it snail mail. but the u.s. postal service could be getting even slower if some people get their way. the details just ahead. ,,,,,,, -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no.
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is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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it is 6:31, 54 degrees, partly cloudy outside as we look out over the inner harbor. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. mail make over. hoping to save billions, postal officials announce hundreds of closures and changes to mail. the changes hope to get the u.s. postal service afloat. >> reporter: it's going to take longer for your mail to get to its destination. for the first time in 40 years
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the u.s. postal service says it will slow down first class mail starting this spring. >> it's not fair. >> i think it's ridiculous. >> reporter: right now nearly half of all first class mail arrive it is next day. but the postal service promises to close half of its processing center. the result, it'll take at least two days to deliver magazines, medications and that card to mom. as more people move from snail mail to e-mail, the postoffice has been in the red since 2006. >> we have more capacity in our network than we can afford. >> reporter: the postal service already announced the price of a first class stamp is also going up to 35-cents. 7,500 postoffices are said to be shut down. nationwide 100,000 postal workers could lose their jobs.
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>> everything in the world is more efficient, and the postoffice is less efficient now. so it makes no sense whatsoever. >> reporter: in new york, alysson harmalin. >> postal officials say today's cuts will save $3 billion annually but the agency is still expected to lose $14 billion next year. u.s. military tech knowledge may no but in the hands of an enemy of america. iran says it is in possession of a spy drone that was supposedly shut down after crossing iran's border. mary bubala is in the newsroom. >> the iranians have confirmed they have the drone. the aircraft had been flying a mission when it went missing. the u.s. officials will not say whether it was shot down or not. only saying there was a loss of flight controls. sources say the plane was
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designed for surveillance not attack, vic. >> reporter: iran is currently locked in a dispute with the u.s. and its allies. senior citizens strip searched. that's what two women say happened to them at an airport. one of those women is speaking out against the tsa. >> mortified, outraged. angry, do i look like a terrorist. >> reporter: lenore zimmerman says humiliation came at the hands of the tsa. there she was on a wheelchair. when she travels she avoids the full body scanners, opting for pat downs instead but this time she claims it went too far. >> after they patted me down. they took me into a private room and strip searched me. she says will you pull your pants down please. and then she pulled my
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understand wear down. -- underwear down. i said why is this happening. she did not respond. >> reporter: she say she is was allowed to keep her top on. the tsa released this statement. the tsa does not allow strip searches, and in this case one was not conducted. >> i had to wait 2-1/2 hours for the next flight. >> reporter: zimmerman made it to her winter home in florida. she called her son who tells us the family plans to sue the tsa. >> i think the two agents that escorted her or initiated the strip search should be terminated. and their supervisor should be terminated. and the rest should get a severe retraining course. zimmerman's story inspired another elderly woman to come forward with similar claims, 88- year-old ruth sherman of florida says she was also forced to pull her pants down at jfk airport. the tsa is also looking into
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her case. a new study confirms that millions of people surf the web for absolutely no reason. american life project looked at young adults between the ages of 18 and 29. they found that 53% of them on any given day go online to just pass time or have fun. 89% have killed that time at least on occasion. time to look at the stories you will find on the baltimore sun. as she prepared for tomorrow's inauguration, blake talks about her plans for her term as major. and reports from major league baseball's winter meetings in dallas. for these stories and much more, read the baltimore sun. remember to look for the forecast from the wjz weather team. in just a few years mchenry row and locust point has risen to life. >> it's come a long way and it's great for the convenience, for all the residents. >> reporter: kevin wall says
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this is a big part of that convenience. a harris teeter grocery store opening up on the row this week. >> we saw this as a really great opportunity for us to come into an area where we didn't see the need being filled. there's a lot of development, a lot of growth out here. >> reporter: katlyn row says that they're filling shelfs. besides the convenience the store will bring, the store also brought jobs. >> i think it's a great thing putting jobs back into this city. >> reporter: ab e rosenthal says it's just one of the
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stores to open in the area. >> everyone is looking forward to having the services that we have here. >> it's fantastic, i can't wait for all of them to open. >> reporter: monigue griego. >> harris teeter opens to shoppers on wednesday. but tomorrow the community is invited to sample the food for free. >> bob said he is going to be there when the doors open. still to come on wjz, final investigators take a closer look at the side effects of popular forms of birth control. what they're looking for. and that's go to hurt. some very expensive cars are involved in a very huge pile up. some rain on the way and then it's going to get cold again. i have the exclusive five day warning forecast. and wjz is always on. here are the top stories at this hour. for all the updates on today's news and the forecast log on to ,,
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a separate building went up in flames. a monk woke up to find flames in the middle of temple. firefighters rushed to the
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scene, the monk was taken to the hospital. it is being called one of the most expensive car crashers ever. it happened when a small fleet of luxury super cars crashed into each other. in all the cars are worth about $3 million. in tonight's wjz health watch. newer birth control pills may come with more risks. the fda will hold a two day meeting to take a closer look at the risk of blood clots from using new pills including bayer's new pill yaz. the meeting could result in new warning labels. scott pelley has a preview of what's coming up on the cbs evening news. coming up the images the syrian dictatorship doesn't want you to see. cbs news correspondent clarissa ward teams up with coalition forces trying to free her
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country. tonight on the cbs news. here's a look at tonight's closing numbers from wall street. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,
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another unseasonal unseasonably warm day comes to a close. >> take a look at the forecast tomorrow. maybe a little drizzle or fog during the morning hours, maybe a few showers as well. the real rain probably won't come until later tonight. low 60s again tomorrow. then it cools down with rain on wednesday. 50 ending down at 36 by thursday morning. maybe enough cool air for some wet snow flakes northwest of the city. before it clears out. 46 on thursday. 48 on friday, it's normal. and a cold saturday at 42 down to a chilly 24 on saturday night. vic. >> okay, bob. thank you. she's sporting the latest baby bump in hollywood and now jessica simpson speaks out about her pregnancy. >> jessica simpson is eating for two and she reveals her
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diet. >> french fries, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, tater tots. i like going back to my childhood and eating pop tarts and random stuff and ate when i was a kid. >> reporter: quite the menu, jessica heads to dillan's candy bar. part of the collection which their sisters designed together. >> it's both of our input, it's both of our styles. >> reporter: the roots of their clothing line dates back to their childhood. >> growing up i looked at ashley like, she has the schoolest style. there's no way i could look like her. >> it was more like what are you putting on. tom cruise, hagel and the power of angelina jolie. that and much more coming up later. and you can see entertainment tonight at 7:30. the ravens are on a roll looking to position themselves
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for the play offs. >> mark is on the road at ravens camp, next in sports. ,,
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well, if there ever was a jinx it's gone. wjz the fan sports report, hello mark. >> are we doing, the ravens have reason to feel good about their place in the play off race and physically they're feeling good too. no new injuries to report coming off the win in cleveland yesterday. the ravens have managed to win three straight games without their starting middle linebacker star ray lewis who has been out with a toe injury. coach john harbaugh hoping that lewis can be back with the team but they are being cautious. as well as the ravens have been playing, ravens say the focus is not on the play offs it's on opponents and improving where there have been mistakes. certainly there were mistakes in cleveland. it was a joe flacco fumble and two field goals.
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no excuses says the coach. but over all, more reason for the ravens to be pleased than concerned. the defense continued to be dominant. and on offense the ravens running game looking as good as ever with ray rice leading the way. a 9-3 record with four games to go. that's a good spot. especially for a team that prides itself on getting hot as the weather turns cold. >> we would like to believe that we're built, every we do is built for december. we're trying to be our best in december and january. the whole program is organized that way. i think our players understand that and they begin to think that way. and so we try to improve throughout the course of the season in every area and be at our best this time of year. >> and the ravens will be heavily favored to kick the colts when indy comes to town on sunday. it's a game you can see here on wjz. coverage comes your way at 1:00. with peyton manning out with a neck -- the dirty dozen. that is a record of 0-12.
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tom brady and the patriots put the latest loss on indy yesterday. got some points late but it was brady in the past who had piled you have enough to win this game. 31-34 new england win. yes the colts did score three times in the fourth quarter. that made the score look better but it doesn't cover up the fact that this is a pretty bad looking bunch. >> yeah, i mean still. i mean it guys play well and did some things well but we still, we're measured by wins and that's the key. and you know i think like a lot of things that have happened out there for us, out there offensively, defensively we scrambled a little bit. >> now orloski is expected to be the colt's starting qb when they come to baltimore on sunday. that's a big break for the ravens and the rest of the league. the ravens have been
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dominating. indy has beaten baltimore at least eight times. baseball's winter meetings are under way in dallas. orioles general manager dan duquet has indicated that the orioles have interest in prince fielder. but don't get your hopes up, duquet has said they are monitoring the market on that. the next big name big money free agent signing looks like it's going to be shortstop jose reyes agreeing to a six year contract. total value of that deal about $106 million. reyes was with the mets for nine seasons. this past year he hit 337 on his first ever batting title. they are reportedly in the running to get free agent slugger albert pujols. former cubs third baseman ron
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santo elected to baseball's hall of fame by the golden era committee. santo passed away two years ago. >> thank you mark, we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,
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[ male announcer ] it's a rule of nature. you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant fantastic! pro-gresso ] they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old
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okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less.
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don't miss tonight's cbs prime time line up. hawaii five-0 at 10 and the news at 11:00. that's it for now. we'll be back at 11:00. >> i'm denise koch, thanks for watching wjz maryland's news station. don't go away, much more is ahead with cbs evening news with scott pelley. and a rare look from inside syria as victims of the regime's brutal crack down speak out to the news. we hope to >> pelley: tonight, what the dictator doesn't want you to s see. clarissa ward gives us a rare
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first-hand look at the revolution aimed at syria's bashar al assad. the protesters have a message for him. >> leave now. you've got enough of our blood. >> pelley: the postmaster general delivers a bundle of bad news. nancy cordes reports it includes slower mail and thousands of jobs lost. a woman is raped and then forced to marry her attacker. mandy clark on a case raising calls for justice. and byron pitts with the story of the u.s. versus haiti. opponents on the soccer field with an astounding bond of brotherhood. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. their voices are not heard; their funerals are not seen. a revolution is under way to end one of the world's


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