tv Eyewitness Noon News CBS December 13, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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downtown is what next. hello again here is what people are taking about today, a developing story we have been following since early this morning, the occupation has ended for protesters at the square. just before dawn police in riot gear cleared out the occupy baltimore campsite. wjz and mike schuh are live downtown right now. good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon, don, good afternoon, everyone. it has been more than two months since the square has looked this way. starting at 3:00 in the morning city police and work crews have cleared it out and cleaned it up. these are among the latest images of occupy baltimore before the square is cleared. at 3:00 a.m. police shut down a six to 8 block area, a police commander trailed by a photographer begins the eviction but backed up by 100 officer whose arrive in full riot gear. >> there was a lot of confusion. >> i was asleep and got woken up by people shouting the
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police had arrived. >> they in circled the encampment and built a perimeter around the park, one set of officers shoulder to shoulder, others going to tent to tent. >> those seemed friendly or polite. >> others without things leave quickly, the others are given time to get their things together. >> we were suiting up preparing for the best but expecting the worst. >> protesters praised police, most are here as a show of force and as a back up. once the protesters were again police search the tents collapsing them as they went, with the commissioner patrolling the perimeter, soon enough a police operation turned into a city works projects tossing tons of takes, tents and trash. for 10 weeks the mayor has
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allowed this. why now? >> we took a look at what happened in other parts of the country and wanted to make sure our removal of the in campment had no injuries and no arrest and while i am sure they had concerns about the numbers the fact that they are out, we had the right approach and tactics to make sure that happened. >> reporter: no injuries, no arrests, 18 homeless taken to shelters. some of the protesters told me remember occupy baltimore is not just a place, it is an idea. reporting live from the square, mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news, back to you on tv hill. >> thank you very much, mike. we will continue to follow the story and update you at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. breaking news right now, there has been a pepper spray incident at a high school in essex. officials say the school has been evacuated and half a dozen medics are on scene to treat people if necessary. we will bring you the latest on
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air and at former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky waived his right to a preliminary hearing this morning just before it was about to start. the surprise move means his sexual abuse case will go straight to trial. as manuel gallegos reports the decision keeps his accusers protelling their stories at least for now. >> reporter: jerry sandusky walked out of court after waiving his preliminary hearing vowing to stay the course and prove his innocence. >> a fight for 4 quarters, we will wait the opportunity to present our side. >> reporter: the lawyer for the former football coach says this is a fight to the death and there will be no plea negotiations. >> we are not in anyway conceding guilt. in fact jerry is more adamant than ever in his innocence and expressing that at trial. >> reporter: 10 men accuse him of sexually abusing him when they were boys, several were expected to testify today. the lawyer for victim number 1,
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now 18, says his client is relieved. >> testifying means recounting and reliving those horrific experiences that he had to endure. >> sandusky's lawyer says he held out until the last minute to waive the hearing because he was waiting for prosecutors to agree to share information that could be vital to his case. the deputy attorney general says the state has a strong case and is ready to proceed to trial. >> it will allow us to promptly advance the prosecution in this case to a just conclusion. >> penn state alumni was in court and wanted to see for himself the man he says has tarnished the university's reputation. >> i am mortified by what he has done and what he has done to the university. >> his next court date is january 11th but his attorney says he will not be there. his client's next appearance will be at the trial.
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in bell font, pennsylvania, manuel gallegos wjz eyewitness news. >> two others have been charged. their preliminary hearing is scheduled for friday in harass harrisburg. we are learning more about the man who robbed a bank yesterday. larry mcknight was arrested a short time later. police say he was charged with this crime and also a robbery at the bank of america branch in november. he ills he is held without bail. it damaged the underside of an overpass and tied up traffic. now a truck driver is facing charges in connection with the accident open the beltway. ron matz has more on this case. good afternoon. >> reporter: hi, don, it happened during yesterday's afternoon rush hour while a truck was moving construction equipment along southbound 695. the raised boom of a backhoe slammed into an overpass, bending one of the beams that support a raised section of i- 95. the impact damaged a highway sign, sent metal pieces flying
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into the road and nearly wrecked cars that were driving alongside the truck. witnesses say they could not believe it. >> i heard a loud noise, saw the backhoe lift up off of the trailer. >> there is no where to go in a car, either your reflexes are do i duck, do i try to get -- what can you do? you are in a seat belt. >> traffic was backed up for miles as crew shuts down lanes to see if the overpass suffered damage. don, back to you. >> thank you very much, ron. nobody was hurt. prince george's county may be ready to fight for slot machine gambling to pay for new projects. according to the post the county executive says he is open to adding a slots parlor to help pay for them. investors are trying to get approval to bring slots to the race track. he plans to bring it up when
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the legislative legislation starts next month. the sun is out and shining but you need your coat outside today. a clear seasonably cool day, and remember winter is only a week away i guess. >> thanks for reminding me don. your pal, that was nice. >> marty bass has been reminded over in the first warning weather center, marty. >> don, thank you very much. good afternoon, everybody. let's take a look at temperatures, 49 degrees, eight degrees warmer than yesterday. we mentioned to you that indeed a southerly flow was going to kick in and that was going to get us to some very mild conditions, given the time of the year. you see that big slug of moisture to the west. the question is is it going to make it here. it has got to run through that mild air. we will discuss the possibilities of midweek rain coming up shortly. now we will throw it back to you. >> thank you very much. still to come on wjz's eyewitness news at noon a possible solution to a growing problem, how one state delegate
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wants to combat flash mob robberies. what is wrong with this picture? more over the controversy of a building design in korea. as we said the sun is shining on a nice autumn day. your complete first weather forecast is still coming up. >> complete coverage continues with don scott, jessica kartalija and first warning weather with,,,,,,
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[ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years.
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in belgium police are investigating a grenade attack outside a bus station. police say four people are dead, 64 more are injured, after a man went on a rampage with firearms and threw at least four grenades. investigators say they do not believe it is connected to any sort of terrorist plot. they say the gunman is did but it is not clear to us how he died, a dutch arch architectural firm is underfire for its skyscrapers, many say it resembles the world trade center exploding. it is set to be built by 2016 but drawing criticism from all sides of the political spectrum. >> yeah, that is what they want to build. >> change it. you look like ghouls. >> this is the most offensive building i have ever seen.
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>> the architects say during the design process they did not see that and neither did anyone else and they have apologized. they are members of the marching band, they hazed several other members sending one women to the hospital. last month another band member collapse and died after he was hazed, the school suspended all band events pending the outcome of the investigation. a maryland lawmaker is trying to crack down on flash mob robberies. this one of them at a 7-11. dozens of teens walking out with hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise. under new legislation proposed by him. anyone caught would be responsible for the total amount stolen from the store. >> this is a growing phenomenon and each flash mob robbery seems to get bigger. we just want it to be another
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tool in the toolbox of law enforcement, primarily as a deterrent. >> it will be introduced during the next session, next month. a homeowner is accused of lacking holiday spirit. at issue the policy preventing people from using multicolored christmas lights, instead required to use white lights and lights that don't bling,. anyone caught breaking it is fined 10 dollars a day until it is removed. they are trying to set up a vote to change that rule. still ahead all things considered it is still a nice day outside although a tad chilly. your warn just two and a half minutes away but first a look at today's midday stocks to be followed by last night's multimatch numbers. ,,,,,,,,,,
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now, first warning weather, complete forecast and the first warning of severe weather. >> all righty, then. it is very nice out there. >> yeah. >> jacquie hand me that piece of paper over there on the set quickly will you please. it was beautiful. >> beautiful sunrise. >> yeah, and it is going to remain clear and i point that out because the meteor shower peaks tonight and tomorrow.
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>> oh. >> the moon it looks like we have had a full moon for the past 9 days, it is an exceptional moon in the sky and still bright and will obscure a lot of smaller meteorites but if you go outside, you are going to want to look up you may see shooting stars. >> always cool. do you make a wish on them. >> no. >> come on. take a look at the current conditions 49 degrees, 38% humidity, a breeze out of the west-northwest but that is not going to be a steady breeze out of the west-northwest. we discussed yesterday we are into a rather mild flow, actually more out of the west and south. barometer high at 30.43. again it is eight degrees warmer right now than at this time yesterday. on tv hill, again 49. 44 elkton, 48 easton, upper 40s dc, pax river and ocean city,
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37 and 34 though chilly in western maryland, 40 degrees in haggerstown, westminster, belaire, columbia, that range of temperatures, 41, 44, 49. 45 degrees annapolis, kent eye land kent island and rock hall. i showed you this fog of moisture trying to move our way. believe it or not this dominant influence and this big dome of high pressure is literally going to force it in a southeasterly direction. the upper air support is not straight west-east. it is going to kind of dive down to our south but it is going to spread a couple of clouds over the area tonight and tomorrow. we will go partly sunny to partly cloudy. by thursday this frontal boundary moves into the area, that is going to be our shot of shower activity. sunny day with a high of 53. tonight here come a couple of clouds but still, i would look up to see a shooting star and
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make a wish. three is your overnight low. 54 degrees mixture of clouds and sun, tomorrow, we will take a look at that five-day- forecast here coming up shortly. >> all right. still to come on wjz's eyewitness news at noon, when they are feeling down more teens are turning to food for comfort. are they? the answer ahead in health watch. wjz is always on, for constant updates of all the day's news and that first warning weather forecast go to ,,,,,,,
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in today's wjz health watch, a new study finds binge eating and depression are intertwined. they found girls who reported feeling depress are twice as likely to overeat. the study says it may be a way for them to cope with negative emotions. scientists have identified 9 gems that fuel a common like of leukemia. half the time the blood cancer is aggressive while others don't seem to have symptoms for years, researchers say these genes could help doctors identify which form the patient has and how they should be treated. you want to be sure to check back in with wjz today at
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4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. where will the protesters go now. a new development, jerry sandusky's attorneys make a surprise move in court. join is for these stories and all the day's breaking news today at 4:00 right after dr. phil. stick around, your five-day- medicare. it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. all medicare supplement insurance plans can help pay... some of what medicare doesn't, so you could save... thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare... you should know about this card -- it's the only one of its kind endorsed by aarp; see if it's right for you. all medicare supplement plans let you keep your own doctor, or hospital that accepts medicare. there are no networks and no referrals needed. help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't pay...
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45, 46. >> okay. >> 54. 61, 53, that is not a bad thing. >> not at all. >> we are going to have this cool front move through thursday night with light shower activity and everything, now friday a bit breezy, that is the day of change. we are settling back into very normal and very seasonably beautiful conditions for the weekend. saturday and sunday 44 degrees both days, but again, that is a great five-day-forecast for doing holiday running around, a great 5 day. >> a lot of running around still has to be done. >> that's right. >> as far as the line up, remember at 10:00 unforgettable and eyewitness news at 11:00. you may think you had a rough day at work yesterday but one guy probably has you beat. a man was washing windows when he took a wrong step and dangled six stories above the pavement. he was wearing his safety harness but could not climb up. the firefighters pulled him to safety. that man is suspected to be just fine. maybe thinking of another occupation but just fine.
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thanks for watching eyewitness news at wjz 13, maryland's news station, for jessica, [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online --
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