tv 60 Minutes CBS December 18, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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"vicino a te" performed by andrea bocelli and the very talented ana maria martinez. nothing says "opera" like two lovers being led off to the guillotine together, don't you think? bryn terfel returns to the stage, but this time he and mr. bocelli will combine their powerful voices to the thrill of the thousands gathered here on the great lawn. buddies in real life, andrea bocelli and bryn terfel will now perform bizet's buddy song from his opera "the pearl fishers." ♪ c'etait le soir! ♪ ♪ dans l'air par la brise attiedi ♪ ♪ les brahmines ♪ ♪ au front inonde de lumiere ♪ ♪ appelaient lentement la foule ♪
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♪ mon regard ♪ ♪ helas ♪ ♪ la cherche en vain ♪ ♪ elle fuit ♪ ♪ elle fuit! ♪ ♪ mais dans mon ame soudain ♪ ♪ quelle etrange ardeur s'allume ♪ ♪ quel feu nouveau me consume ♪ ♪ ta main repousse ma main ♪ ♪ ta main repousse ma main! ♪ ♪ de nos coeurs l'amour s'empare ♪ ♪ et nous change en ennemis ♪ ♪ non, que rien ne nous separe ♪ ♪ non, rien! ♪
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♪ que rien ne nous separe ♪ ♪ non, rien ♪ ♪ jurons de rester amis ♪ ♪ jurons de rester amis ♪ ♪ jurons de rester amis ♪ ♪ ah, oui, jurons de rester amis ♪ ♪ oui, c'est elle, c'est la deesse ♪ ♪ en ce jour qui vient nous unir ♪ ♪ et fidele a ma promesse ♪ ♪ comme un frere je veux te cherir ♪ ♪ c'est elle, c'est la deesse ♪ ♪ qui vient en ce jour nous unir ♪ ♪ oui, partageons ♪ ♪ le meme sort ♪
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♪ soyons unis ♪ ♪ jusqu'a ♪ ♪ la mort ♪ [ cheers and applause ] zahn: a rousing reception for an equally rousing song of friendship, brilliantly performed by andrea bocelli and bryn terfel. up next, andrea bocelli returns, this time with a rising star of the opera world -- south african-born pretty yende. as a child, miss yende's first exposure to opera was hearing the flower duet from delibes' "lakme" in a british airways commercial and was immediately hooked. this summer she won placido domingo's prestigious operalia competition. she joins andre bocelli for one of puccini's most adored
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and romantic duets, from "la boheme." bocelli: thank you to be here. because, in spite of the rain and the cold, you are really heroes. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ o soave fanciulla ♪ ♪ o dolce viso ♪ ♪ di mite circonfuso ♪ ♪ alba lunar ♪ ♪ in te, ravviso ♪ ♪ il sogno ch'io vorrei ♪ ♪ sempre sognar ♪
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♪ libiamo ♪ ♪ libiamo ne' lieti calici ♪ ♪ che la bellezza infiora ♪ ♪ e la fuggevol ora ♪ ♪ s'innebrii a volutta ♪ ♪ libiam ne' dolci fremiti ♪ ♪ che suscita l'amore ♪ ♪ poiche quell'occhio al core ♪ ♪ onnipotente va ♪ ♪ libiamo amore ♪ ♪ amor fra i calici piu caldi baci avra ♪ chorus: ♪ ah! libiam, amor fra calici ♪ ♪ piu caldi baci avra ♪
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♪ tra voi, tra voi ♪ ♪ sapro dividere ♪ ♪ il tempo mio giocondo ♪ ♪ tutto e follia follia nel mondo ♪ ♪ cio che non e piacer ♪ ♪ godiam, fugace e rapido ♪ ♪ e il gaudio dell'amore ♪ ♪ e un fior che nasce e muore ♪ ♪ ne piu si puo goder ♪ ♪ godiam c'invita, c'invita ♪ ♪ un fervido accento lusighier! ♪ chorus: ♪ ah! godiamo ♪ ♪ la tazza, la tazza e il cantico ♪ ♪ la notte abbella e il riso ♪ ♪ in questo, in questo paradiso ♪ ♪ ne scopra il nuovo di ♪
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♪ la vita e nel tripudio ♪ ♪ quando non s'ami ancora ♪ ♪ nol dite a chi l'ignora ♪ ♪ e il mio destin cosi ♪ all: ♪ godiamo, la tazza, la tazza e il cantico ♪ ♪ la notte abbella e il riso ♪ ♪ in questo, in questo paradiso ♪ ♪ ne scopra il nuovo di ♪ ♪ ah, ah, ah, ne scopra il di ♪ ♪ ah, ah, ah, ne scopra il di ♪ ♪ ah! si! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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zahn: and with that ovation, we come to the end of the operatic portion of our concert here on the great lawn of new york's central park, but there's much more to come. as promised, andrea bocelli's "gift to new york" is a gift that will keep on giving, including more special guest stars, as well as some of andrea bocelli's biggest hits. but right now, in this short intermission, why not give a gift of your own to your public television station, without whom you wouldn't be enjoying this wonderful concert? pick up the phone, grab the nearest mobile device or fire up your computer and get in touch with your public television station to let them know this is the kind of programming you want to see. we'll be right back to new york city's great lawn after this short break.
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and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. major corporate support provided by... in the beginning, it was just a small dream -- we believed that if we gave people what we would give our own families, the dream would grow... grow to be the choice of italian families, and, someday, families everywhere. barilla, the choice of italy.
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paula zahn: welcome back to the great lawn of new york city's central park for more of tonight's "gift to new york" from the great andrea bocelli. i'm paula zahn. and as mr. bocelli and maestro gilbert take the stage, opera takes a back seat to contemporary music. bocelli: italy, it's the country where opera was born, but not only. recently we had also wonderful composers of music for movies, and tonight for the first time in my life, i will perform some beautiful melodies, music of riz ortolani and ennio morricone. thank you. [ applause ]
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♪ in my heart [ applause ] now, there's another big friend of us, friend of all of us. i'm sure you know, you know him very well. ladies and gentlemen, david foster. [ cheers and applause ] zahn: mr. foster has been called "the hit man," and for good reason, having not only composed a score of hit songs himself, but also having discovered and nurtured some huge stars along the way. [ cheers and applause ]
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good evening, andrea. hi, david. i was out there with the people, listening to the concert, and you are -- i don't know if you can say this on tv -- but, you are singing your ass off. [ laughter ] it is unbelievable! it sounds so great. i wanted to say that andrea and i have worked together a lot, and we have great fun together. and, as he mentioned, a couple of the composers -- morricone -- but there's a lot of italian -- popular italian songs that became big in america, and this one was from 1962. and it won a grammy for riz ortolani. and when i said to andrea that we should do this song, like, amore style, kind of sexy like andrea bocelli... he said... he said, "no, we must do it the way america knows it, the way new york knows it,
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because it was known as a swing song with frank sinatra." so, we're going to do it big band style. and we have a special treat. would you like to introduce our friend who's going to play trumpet with us? he's another big friend of ours, the greatest instrumentalist, chris botti. chris botti, everyone! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ my arms long to hold you so ♪ ♪ my life will be in your keeping ♪ ♪ waking, sleeping, laughing, weeping ♪ ♪ longer than always ♪ is a long, long time ♪ but far beyond forever ♪ you're gonna be mine ♪ i know i've never lived before ♪ ♪ and my heart is very sure ♪ ♪ no one else could love you ♪ more
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zahn: no stranger to public television himself, chris botti has thrilled more than a few huge crowds like this one, and has probably stolen a few hearts along the way. foster: nice one, chris. andrea, swinging like sinatra. amazing. incredible, there's nothing this man cannot do. and that leads us to this next song, which is another great italian pop song. do you want to talk about this song a little bit? i think that everyone can sing with us tonight. [ applause ] ♪ penso che un sogno cosi non ritorni mai piu ♪ [ applause ] ♪ mi dipingevo le mani e la faccia di blu ♪ ♪ poi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapito ♪
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♪ e incominciavo a volare ♪ ♪ nel cielo infinito ♪ ♪ volare ♪ ♪ oh, oh! ♪ ♪ cantare ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh! ♪ ♪ nel blu, dipinto di blu ♪ ♪ felice di stare lassu ♪ ♪ e volavo, volavo ♪ ♪ felice piu in alto del sole ed ancora piu su ♪ ♪ mentre il mondo pian piano spariva lontano laggiu ♪ ♪ una musica dolce suonava soltanto per me ♪ ♪ volare ♪
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♪ oh, oh! ♪ ♪ cantare ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh! ♪ ♪ nel blu, dipinto di blu ♪ ♪ felice di stare lassu ♪ ♪ ma tutti i sogni nell'alba svaniscon perche ♪ ♪ quando tramonta, la luna li porta con se ♪ ♪ ma io continuo ♪ ♪ a sognare negli occhi tuoi belli ♪ ♪ che sono blu come un cielo ♪ ♪ trapunto di stelle ♪ ♪ volare ♪
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foster: by the way, i don't know if it's been said tonight or not, but the new york philharmonic orchestra is absolutely stunning! [ cheers and applause ] alan, brilliant. incredible. andrea and i had the great pleasure of working with this next lady about 12 years ago, and my friend carole bayer sager and i wrote this song for them, and, andrea, maybe you'd like to talk a little bit about, before we introduce her, about both the song and elizabeth, who was your dear friend and you wanted to dedicate this. but your english is much better than my english so... but you're andrea bocelli and i'm not, so... well, andrea and elizabeth taylor had a great love affair together... not literally, but, um... although maybe they did, i don't know.
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but, elizabeth had such great love, as we all do here, for andrea, and he wanted to dedicate this song in her memory this evening. and i want to introduce to you my -- i guess -- my two favorite singers in the world. one of them standing beside me, and this next one singer, who, i don't know what else to say except she is the one -- i'm canadian -- the one, the only celine dion! [ applause ] andrea, hello, how are you? [ applause ] [ cheering ]
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♪ guide us with your grace ♪ to a place where we'll be safe ♪ ♪ la luce che tu dai ♪ ♪ i pray we'll find your light ♪ ♪ nel cuore restera ♪ ♪ and hold it in our hearts ♪ ♪ a ricordarci che ♪ ♪ when stars go out each night ♪ ♪ l'eterna stella sei ♪ ♪ oh ♪ nella mia preghiera ♪ ♪ let this be our prayer ♪ quanta fede c'e ♪ ♪ when shadows fill our day ♪ ♪ lead us to a place ♪ guide us with your grace
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♪ give us faith so we'll be safe ♪ ♪ sogniamo un mondo ♪ ♪ senza piu violenza ♪ ♪ un mondo di ♪ ♪ giustizia e di speranza ♪ ♪ ognuno dia la ♪ ♪ mano al suo vicino ♪ ♪ simbolo di pace ♪ ♪ e di fraternita ♪ ♪ la forza che ci dai ♪ ♪ we ask that life be kind ♪ ♪ e'il desiderio che ♪ ♪ and watch us from above ♪ ♪ ognuno trovi amor ♪
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♪ we hope each soul will find ♪ ♪ intorno e dentro a se ♪ ♪ another soul to love ♪ ♪ let this be our prayer ♪ let this be our prayer ♪ ♪ just like every child ♪ ♪ just like every child ♪ ♪ needs to find a place ♪ guide us with your grace ♪ give us faith so we'll be safe ♪ ♪ e la fede che ♪ ♪ hai acceso in noi ♪ ♪ sento che ci salvera ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] zahn: andrea bocelli and celine dion performing david foster's oscar-nominated song, "the prayer." thank you, celine! dion: thank you, everybody! thank you, new york! good night! [ cheers and applause ] bocelli: beautiful lady. wonderful friend. thank you, celine dion. thank you, david foster. zahn: this is a night new yorkers will remember for a very long time. and, thanks to public television, it's a night you won't soon forget, either. we'll be right back to new york city's great lawn
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