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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  March 8, 2012 3:05am-4:30am EST

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clean, safe water for 40 kids in need. ♪
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yes, it was. service was fovery moving, wasn't it? i'm so glad we could be here for larry. i was surprised to hear there was no life insurance. funerals are so expensive. i hope larry can afford it. i know. that's why i'm glad i got a policy through the colonial penn program. do you think they have coverage for me... something that'll fit into my budget? yes. you can get permanent coverage for less than 35 cents a day. if you're between 50 and 85, your acceptance is guaranteed. you won't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. plus, your costs will never go up, and your coverage will never go down. i'm going to give them a call. if you're between 50 and 85,
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then you should call about the colonial penn program now. for less than 35 cents a day, you can get affordable life insurance with guaranteed acceptance. there are no health questions or medical exam. you cannot be turned down because of your health. so, whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing coverage you already have, call about the colonial penn program, and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. i've put this off long enough. i'm definitely gonna call about the colonial penn program.
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] your glass of tap water can go farther than you think.
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just $1 for tap water can help unicef provide clean, safe water for 40 kids in need. ♪
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for my type 2 diabetes. me... thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir flexpen. flexpen is prefilled. doesn't need refrigeration for up to 42 days. no drawing from a vial. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. flexpen is insulin delivery my way. levemir is long acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not take if your blood sugar is too low. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take
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and all of your medical conditions, including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat or sweating. with flexpen, say good night to vial and syringe. ask your doctor about levemir flexpen. covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay at get two miracles in one product. new tone rehab 2-in-1 foundation. covers spots, lines... and wrinkles. and helps improve skin tone over time. new tone rehab from easy... breezy... beautiful... covergirl! covergirl! hey, it's me -- water. i've got a great set of pipes. but your pipes might contain lead that i can pick up. luckily pur filters remove 99% of lead, ♪ which is something to sing ab-- ♪ [ crack ] ooo, sorry...
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[ crack ]
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it's about inner strength. so i push myself. that's why i serve in the united states coast guard. i train with the best, a team that shares my drive and commitment. we collect intelligence, guard our shores against drug smugglers, and keep our waterways safe. because our nation expects more. if you expect more, maybe you were born ready. find out at ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] your glass of tap water can go farther than you think.
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just $1 for tap water can help unicef provide clean, safe water for 40 kids in need. ♪
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clean, safe water for 40 kids in need. try resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just 3 easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. time out. sweet. [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft, you can get that cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra soft is designed with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ♪ ah. [ female announcer ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. then lead a double life! with new blast flipstick from covergirl. it's the lipstick with a flip side.
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you call this a flip side? creamy color on one end, shimmery color on the other. expertly matched so you can flip your look. from demure, to daring. you be demure! day to night, naughty to nice. get gorgeous lips not once, but twice! now your lips can lead a double life. new blast flipstick from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. new blast flipstick oh dear... oh dear! ohh dear... i'm not sure exactly what happened here last night. i was out helping people save money on their car insurance. 2 more! you're doing it! aren't they doing great?! hiiiiiii!! come sweat with me! keep going richard. keep sweating!! geico. fifteen minutes could save you sweat! sweat! fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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so they realize how much they move. that's why we created degree with motionsense technology. the more you move, the more it works. degree. it won't let you down. it's like so crunchy. it has crunchy stuff all over it. i can't get over how crunchy it is. it's like chicken and crunchy stuff got married and it's amazing! what they mean is, it's french's french fried onions in my crunchy onion chicken. just minutes to make, then bake! french's french fried onions. the difference is indescribable. available in the french's stay-fresh can.
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yes, it was. service was very moving, wasn't it? i'm so glad we could be here for larry. i was surprised to hear there was no life insurance. funerals are so expensive. i hope larry can afford it. i know. that's why i'm glad i got a policy through the colonial penn program. do you think they have coverage for me... something that'll fit into my budget? yes. you can get permanent coverage for less than 35 cents a day. if you're between 50 and 85, your acceptance is guaranteed. you won't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. plus, your costs will never go up,
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and your coverage will never go down. i'm going to give them a call. if you're between 50 and 85, then you should call about the colonial penn program now. for less than 35 cents a day, you can get affordable life insurance with guaranteed acceptance. there are no health questions or medical exam. you cannot be turned down because of your health. so, whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing coverage you already have, call about the colonial penn program, and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. i've put this off long enough. i'm definitely gonna call about the colonial penn program.
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pssst! don't go in there! it's your surprise party and we want this hair color to be party ready. let's get some dimensional color. now!? what if it comes out wrong? [ gigi ] nice 'n easy gets your right color every time. guaranteed. in one step get tones and highlights for a gorgeous result. now, go party! surprise! surprise! surprise! surprise! i had no idea. [ gigi ] nice 'n easy. available in original or award winning foam from the color experts at clairol. so they realize how much they move. that's why we created degree with motionsense technology. the more you move, the more it works. degree. it won't let you down.
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have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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yes, it was. service was very moving, wasn't it? i'm so glad we could be here for larry. i was surprised to hear there was no life insurance. funerals are so expensive. i hope larry can afford it. i know. that's why i'm glad i got a policy through the colonial penn program. do you think they have coverage for me... something that'll fit into my budget? yes. you can get permanent coverage for less than 35 cents a day. if you're between 50 and 85, your acceptance is guaranteed. you won't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. plus, your costs will never go up, and your coverage will never go down. i'm going to give them a call. if you're between 50 and 85, then you should call about the colonial penn program now. for less than 35 cents a day, you can get affordable life insurance
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with guaranteed acceptance. there are no health questions or medical exam. you cannot be turned down because of your health. so, whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing coverage you already have, call about the colonial penn program, and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. i've put this off long enough. i'm definitely gonna call about the colonial penn program.
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