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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  March 8, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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[ laughing ] [ sea ] what's it like there? brrrrr! how do you deal with that? a coat, a hat. gloves. scraping ice off a car. [ imitating scraping ] [ sea ] i don't want to rub it in, but where i am, it's 82 and sunny. get me outta here! [ sea laughing ] ♪ ♪
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this is wjz-tv, wjz-hd and, baltimore. from the city to the counties to your neighborhood, now is complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news station. >> hello, everyone. i'm vic carter. >> and i'm denise koch. investigators intensifying their probe into a police officer's possible involvement in the case. the weapon was found inside his personal car. there's new information about the suspended officer. >> reporter: a baltimore city police officer is under fire with a growing investigation into the possible conduct in the shooting of a 13 year old, monet turnip. the weapon was found inside his car. wjz learned high level talks are under way on the future and
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all active homicides investigating the death, even taking the officer into question. lawmakers are calling for action in the heartbroken community in northeast baltimore where this happened. >> what can we say to our children when gold charge harm them? whether it's parent or law enforcement. >> reporter: two boys have been charged with involuntary manslaughter. they accidentally charged turnip. >> i don't think it's enough because they tried to cover it up. >> reporter: but the stunning twist is the discovery of the weapon inside the officer's car. he was reportedly dating one of the suspect's relatives. homicide investigators want to know how much this officer knew and when he knew it. among their question, did he fail to report the shooting, did he advise the youth, and did he put the gun in the car?
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the commission told wjz earlier this year he has no tolerance for wrongdoing on the force. >> people are out here doing illegal things, we're going to hold them accountable in the most restrictive fashion possible. >> reporter: the officer has been suspended. he was off-duty at the time. wjz eyewitness news. >> monet's funeral scheduled for saturday. a baby's body has been found in the trunk of a car. there was a newborn inside parked in front of a home in prince frederick. they know who the baby belongs to. so far, no charges have been filed. a maryland man makes a public plea after his wife is kill maryland a crash caused by two other drivers street racing. montgomery police say a mini cooper were racing down the
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road when one sent garcia's car off the roadway. mother of three was killed. garcia's husband are calling for any witnesses to come forward. two people killed and seven injured in a pittsburgh psychiatric unit. we learned police exchanged gunfire with the shooter and tonight, he is among the dead. the gunman opened fire in the university of pittsburgh psychiatric clinic. authorities say the shooter walked into a public area on the floor just after 1:30 and began shooting. >> he entered the building with two firearms. it appears at this point that she acted alone. >> two people including the gunman were hurt. all the injured are expected to survive, but the mayor wouldn't confirm whether an officer shot and killed the gunman, but say police did shoot back. >> it's too early to say
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exactly what wound or what gun killed the deceased, but the police did act courageously. >> fbi and s.w.a.t. team swarmed the area immediately after. other buildings including two high schools were also cleared. >> it's a little too close to him. >> the lockdown has been lifted but avoid the clinic while the investigation continues. a controversial student group spreads a message of white power and denies hundreds of students who fight back. meghan mccorkell has more from the contentious meeting on campus. meghan? >> reporter: there were some accusations with the group say they support white pride and it all started with some messages started in sidewalk chalk.
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messages of white pride across the university started a fire storm of controversy. >> as a person of color and being a minority on campus, i think it is really threatening. >> reporter: many plan to speak out for youth for western civilization. they don't promote hate. they support traditional values. >> the students want to be proud of their heritage and they have a place to do that. they want to stand up for themselves. >> reporter: some of the messages on campus since they began have been fairly controversial. they are looking into the policy but want to make sure they're protecting free speech. but it's not just what's on the sidewalk, but online they call the queer union degenerates and a terrorist front organization. >> for them to call the muslim
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units a terrorist organization without having approached us for a decent mature conversation, it's ridiculous. >> reporter: they hope to have a dialogue to bring the campus back together. and members of the controversial group say they've received threats of violence, even death threats since the organization was started at the beginning of the semester. wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you so much, meghan. there are many chapters at colleges across the country. been striking baltimore city. this is the royal farms tuesday. agents believe the same man robbed and shot a customer at the baltimore county last month. there is a $2500 reward. >> shows hiv rates in baltimore are five time it is national
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average. newark, new jersey, raleigh, durham, north carolina, and washington, d.c. in baltimore, it's 24 per 10,000 women. students at a south baltimore school get an out of world visit from a nasa astronaut. >> we were in space. i could take this cup of water, tip it upside down like this, and nothing would happen. >> he shared his journey in space at the middle school as a nationwide push to expose kids to science. it took him four tries to get into the nasa program but paid off because he since made four missions to space. coming up, on a date while a woman was out with this guy. you won't believe what was going on at her house.
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a documentary going viral. but the questions tonight surrounding the invisible children charity. my daughter didn't talk to me for three days. >> a hockey day's use. what he has to say for himself. a cooler strike to the weekend. what's coming up next. complete coverage continues with denise koch, vic carter, guy jackson, and first warning with mark viviano and it's wjz, maryland's news station. ,,,,,,,
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it is 67 degrees and cloudy in maryland right now. the complete weather forecast is coming up. a tragedy ininvolving a speeding suv. caught on video. take a close look at a man is barely able to get out of the way. the vehicle also hit the side of a house before driving away. a mother came forward and said her 16 year old son was behind the wheel. police say no criminal charges will be filed. in columbus, ohio, shows the aftermath of a deadly accident responding to the reports of a wrong way driver that collided head on to a car of college students. the 69-year-old driver and three students died in the
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fiery crash. two other students are in critical condition. a charity organization's video about the plight of children in uganda has exploded on the internet and controversy. it focuses on the war lord joseph kony. the charity said the invisible only spends one-third of its donations in central africa. the rest goes to marketing. the leader of the san diego defended themselves said it's the only way they can spread the word. the fire union takes a no confidence vote kai jackson is live in the newsroom with more on the county's uncertain future. kai? >> reporter: this is another example of the future workers.
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what we call for change in leadership involving john leopold. >> he cannot function as the chief executive of this county any longer. >> reporter: they voted online for a no confidence vote with overwhelming results. 396-14. they don't have confidence in the chief's ability. firefighters call it a dangerous move that could cost lives. >> the membership overwhelming has no faith in his ability to keep guiding the fire department. >> reporter: the police union's vote of no confidence of john leopold appears to be an effort by some to restructure the leadership of analana county.
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there were channels of misduct in office. despite calls to step down, leopold said he's innocent and will remain in office. the firefighter's union said they'll take the results of the no confidence vote to the county executive and the fire chief, but again, it's not binding. they don't have any power themselves to remove them from office. denise? >> thank you. a father in massachusetts is facing criminal charges because of what he did with a laser pointer at a hockey game. joe was sitting by himself when started to shoot the beam of the opposing team. joe was kicked off the arena. what he did, he admits, was dumb and embarrassing to his family. >> my children are telling me, dad, you need to grow up. you don't want to hear them, but i listened to them because they have excellent heads on
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his shoulders. >> joe said his daughter finally forgave him and has a court date next week to face charges of disturbing the peace. looking for a so-called romeo burglar. he scopes out the house of a girl he was about to meet for the date. while he was at the restaurant, the accomplice is seen breaking into her home. $5000 worth of electronics were stolen. they're looking for another victims that they believe have been stolen from before. wjz is in downtown north of frederick. weijia jiang explains. >> reporter: people who live in the small town of thurmont take pride and now the leaders -- they call their town sleepy.
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>> it's a beautiful place. we usually have a population of 5000 people. >> reporter: the president is inviting g 8 leaders to camp david on may 18 through 19th, just two months out, the main street manager is getting ready. >> we want directions to walk around and visit with our businesses and have a special breakfast. >> reporter: the eight largest economies of g 8 was supposed to take place in the president's hometown of chicago. but the threat of chi-town occupiers may go against the laid back atmosphere. >> the mountains are a perfect place. we commend the decision. >> reporter: for both owners, it's an unexpected boost.
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members of the international core dressed up all the rims of the hotels. >> we're proud. everybody in town is not going to say they're not. it puts us in the limelight. >> reporter: weijia jiang, wjz eyewitness news. >> the townover that you month will add additional security. it's one of the most secure places on earth. lady gaga, beyonce, and nicky nicky minaj. it's an all-star. no word on the what the homework assignment will be. i cannot imagine. what are you taking this year? >> i think there will be a lot of as in that class. we have some shower
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activity finally moving into the area to the west of us. moving from thurmont. five or ten minutes, a brief little downpour. things will clear out rather quickly. don't expect a will lot of rain tonight. it will clear out rather quickly tomorrow. 67 degrees hitting that front with southwest winds this time of night. that is normal in july. now, granted, it's pretty dry out so it doesn't feel like july. the winds are with us all day long, but they're very warm. 43 now. there's the cool air now moving into oakland, 56 cumberland and ocean city by the water. 68 in washington and locally, upper 60s in the bay and 69
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degrees and 74 degrees today. d.c. was 74 as well. 53 the low so far. the record is 83 in 1960. the west, already turned northwest and that's where the cooler air starts moving in later tonight and basically, tomorrow it will be ten to fifteen degrees cooler than it was today. had a lot of rain earlier, but really weakened quite a bit with a little skinny line of showers to the west that will move through the area and then it clears up. sunny and then it will be cooler and particularly chilly. and then sunday, the high moves off with the winds going back to the southwest. jumping up 10 or 15 degrees on sunday. the cool weather is not going to last like it did all winter long, but 25 knots in the bay.
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shower activity for a little while. 46 by morning and back up in the mid 50s and then sunny by afternoon. back by morning, i think, and sunshine, it will be breezy and less cool than today. saturday it will be chilly with 48. 65 or better on monday and tuesday and then get to 70 again with a few clouds late in the day. the winter is just about finished around here. >> good riddance. thank you. check back tomorrow morning starting at 5:00 a.m. for the updated forecast. coming up, march madness with the best game of the year and another challenge awaits. mark has the ,,,,,,,,
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it's a cliche but it's not over until it's over.
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>> it's also a cliche, save the best until last. it's going to take a minor march miracle for maryland to get a ncaa bid. they need four days in the conference at atlanta. there's one down and three to go. victory over wake forest. it was close for a half. he's been pondering a possible jump to the nba. nick is playing in the tourny for the first time, scored a career high 19 points. all the way up 82-60. maryland's best game of the year. now they need that tomorrow when they face top c north carolina. >> i don't know. we'll be ready. i thought we guarded pretty well today. hopefully we'll be ready to play and share the ball and hopefully we'll execute better. they're good at their place. >> coach is hopeful. he said hopeful five times in
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twelve seconds. why? because carolina crushed them a week ago. the rematch is tomorrow at noon. at the big 12 tournament, a big night for baltimore basketballer. 21 21 points in the first half. english up with 27 points at mizzou. they move up to the big 12 final. the patterson boys advance to the title game. the girls from polly see their season end. spring training, another good pitching performance. they beat the braves. jason hammel's strong debut. o's pitcher allowed only one
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total. new outfielder jay miller here driving in a run. beat atlanta 2-1 the final. playoff push under way in washington. rocking the reds against tampa bay, skating in overtime. caps with the puck. find the sharp shooter. alex ovechkin on target. game winner in overtime lifting the caps to a much needed 2-1 victory. turks and tar heels coming up tomorrow. >> oh, boy. thank you, mark. the dorm room everybody wants to visit. >> he made his dorm feel more like a spa. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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and the cheese stands
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alone. the world championship cheese that is. it was crowned the grand prize winner in wisconsin. there were more than 2600 entries in the cheese madness. first time in four years that a swiss cheese didn't win. plus, it's a semisoft reduced fat cheese. an ohio university student went a little overboard when it came to access rising his dorm ride. decided to put in a hot tub and all of the sudden became the most popular man on campus. people just came wandering in. i hope he disinif he canned that hot tub. unfortunately, they told him to get rid of it for safety reasons. >> how did he get that much water ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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coming up next on the late show with


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