tv Eyewitness 11PM News CBS March 25, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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(chuckles) (laughing) (three gunshots) (shutter clicks) (footsteps approaching) owens: hey, so we ended up pulling five nine-millimeter shell casings from the pavement behind the club. that's not enough to charge cassell in the reshooting. you know? i need something that puts him at the scene. yeah, i'm still looking. so, are you coming over tonight? (chuckles): yeah, of course. you're the asa on this? that's right. that okay with you? yeah, it's fine. but i think you should know that we think councilman stafford helped cassell cover up this murder. why would one
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of miami's highest-ranking public officials help one of its dirtiest scumbags? avery: cassell's a thug. that's a good question-- i think we need to ask cassell that. what makes you think he'll talk? maybe a nail in his coffin. i got a print. (laughs quietly) you know what this is, delonte? it's a shell casing with your fingerprints on it. and you know what it proves? it proves that you killed jimmy ruiz two weeks ago. so you say. is my lawyer here yet? yeah, your lawyer can come here. but i'll tell you what, we got asa avery over here, and he's ready to make you a pretty sweet deal. really? what kind of deal we talking about? well, that depends-- tell us about your relationship with councilman stafford. councilman? do i look like the type who hangs with a councilman, suit? no, you don't, but, uh, we got a work order request for the city here to repave the street that you shot ruiz on,
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and, uh... it's signed by councilman stafford. two hours after ruiz died. that's not a coincidence. i can make your life a whole lot easier if you just talk to us, delonte. shut your mouth, delonte. your words are attracting a lot of flies. what the hell are you doing here? we represent mr. cassell. vogel: well, we're allowed to have more than one client. i mean, it helps with the very pricey overhead. (chuckles) uh, now, could i see the evidence against mr. cassell? thanks, sir. well, this just looks like a bunch of, uh, nine-millimeter shell casings. so? they have cassell's prints on them. oh. better put the glasses on, then, huh? hmm. (chuckles softly) uh, ruiz, he was killed with a nine-millimeter, correct? yeah, you and your client would know about that. wait... wait a minute, there's a .45 casing here on your lab table.
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is that a .45 ca... what do you think? well, look at that. huh. hm. that's a .45 right there. vogel: yeah. huh? i mean, did you recover a .45 shell casing from behind mr. cassell's club? no, we didn't. oh. really? that wasn't there before. vogel: oh, yes, it was there. i mean, uh, that is your photo, sweetheart, yes? well, now, if... you didn't find a .45 casing in the alley, where did it come from? oh! unless it came from another case. that's impossible. i don't think so. that's called cross-contamination. thus, the casings and the prints would be deemed inadmissible. (quietly): how the hell did this happen, sam? vogel (chuckles): you see? even asa avery, despite his lack of experience and cheap suits, (chuckling): he knows your case just flatlined.
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delko: so, i've been scanning through our database, looking at all of vogel's other clients that we've arrested. anything jump out? you tell me-- am i crazy, or do you see a pattern here? (laughing): yeah! vogel's clients are all felons, got hit with light slaps on the wrist when they should've gotten serious time. thank you. hung juries, acquittals, insufficient evidence-- all thanks to vogel. wait, hang on. go back. that guy. that's the guy from the hallway at denise's apartment today. that's the one that was having the fight with the woman that smacked me in the face. the domestic you broke up this morning? yeah. yeah, this guy, clyde novak, huh? booked last year on assault and battery. charges were dropped. so, clyde owed vogel big-time. charges were dropped. this guy staged the fight with the woman, so that i'd break our chain of custody. okay, okay, he's coming. so, do-do you want me to draw blood?
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just make it sound real. what'd you say, bitch?! i said touch me again with those grimy hands, and you'll regret it. (screams) louder. louder. come on, louder. vogel's blackmailing his clients to do his dirty work. vogel was blackmailing his clients, wasn't he, councilman? and denise found out about it, didn't she? (sighs) she came to me about it. so, i confronted vogel. and that's how he found out about denise, because you outed her, didn't you? i never wanted her to get hurt. but she did get hurt. she got killed right over there. because of you, he killed her before she could publish what she uncovered about him: how he used his clients to get other clients out of trouble.
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what do you want from me, horatio? i need your testimony, councilman. i can't testify against vogel. look what he does to people who cross him. i-i have a family. you don't have a choice. you do have a family, and they're gonna be next. you need to think about that. (phone ringing) (phone beeps) you need to think about it. yes, natalia? you won't believe who just showed up. i'm on my way. ♪ you won't believe who just showed up. ♪
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chevy malibu eco. from conserving fuel, to the technology that makes it happen. chevy runs deep. and i've got to pick someone. tough decision. [ thinking ] okay, you can be a rising star, or... but you just ordered a crispy mcchicken and a fresh-brewed sweet tea for only a buck each off mcdonald's dollar menu, so you're smart, right? nah, i got nothing. smart man. two 7s. oh, oh, ho! oh, wow. the fox strikes again! the fox strikes again! he's always striking! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of being smart. a cup of johan is a gorgeous perennial garden, blooming with ox-eye daisies where every petal says...
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vogel: ah, horatio, thank goodness you're here. i've been trying to get ahold of you for hours. actually, i'm fresh off a conversation with councilman stafford. well, that must have been a bit one-sided. not a great conversationalist, is he? well, come to think of it, neither are you. (chuckles) till now. all right, come on, what is it? what is it? the suspense is killing me here. for starters, we know you had two of your clients go over and stage a fight at denise baines' house today so you could compromise evidence. it seems, mr. vogel, that she found out the truth about you and lost her life for it. really? well, do tell me, what is this truth exactly? blackmail. because we know you're blackmailing your clients like councilman stafford. my dear, those are some wild, wild allegations. really?
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listen, i can't speak to the blackmail part of this, but i can speak to the other allegations. that won't be necessary at this time. well, excuse me, i beg to differ there, horatio. miss wade has something that she wants to tell you. i hired clyde novak and another client to stage the fight at denise baines'. i also hired that contract killer to poison her. i acted alone. i perceived a threat to my clients and acted independently. there. feels better now, doesn't it, just to get that off your chest, gabby. now, listen, i'm gonna make sure you get the best representation. hell, i may even do it myself. thank you, horatio.
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without you, miss wade here would continue to be a blight miss wade? on my firm. have you ever actually been to prison? no. well, then, i commend you on your blind sense of loyalty. you know you don't have to be the scapegoat, right? this is your only opportunity to tell us what he has on you. horatio: miss wade? i'd like to give my official statement now. without the councilman's testimony, we have nothing. this whole thing falls on gabrielle wade. yeah, vogel played us real good. he was a step ahead of us the whole time. vogel: the judge agreed to this... what's going on? because we discovered that... son of a bitch. the miami-dade crime lab mishandled evidence in a recent case. what? are you kidding me? vogel: the csi samantha owens used improper procedures,
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which puts into question not only her work oh, my god. on this particular case, but every single case that she's worked on including our client's, esteban navarro's. now, i can't say any more at this stage. i will be making a statement later, but thank you so much. it's a beautiful day; enjoy it. i am going for lunch. thank you, thank you, thank you. (sighs) i'm guessing you heard? esteban navarro's getting out, and all the cases that i processed evidence on are falling apart. (wry laugh) god, i guess i really screwed this up. no, i don't think you did, sam. well, what are you talking about? vogel: sorry to keep you waiting. i've had another busy, busy, busy day. (chuckles) well, of course, you'd know that, wouldn't you? somebody compromised the evidence when they planted this casing; someone close to us who is working for vogel.
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ryan, you don't think that i would even... sam, let me ask you something. what? where did you meet your boyfriend? josh? at the gym, why? did he approach you? yeah, he did. wh-what's the point? sam, he had access. he was there. you've been very loyal, my boy. very loyal. what do you want me to do now, darren? (shutter clicking)
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wha... you think that he planted the casing? he's the assistant state attorney. he would never.... he had access to our trace lab. well, i think the first order of business is to make sure that lieutenant caine and his csis never bother this law firm or any of its clients ever again. (sighs) if this is true, then i'm done. i'm finished. not if i have anything to say about it. captioning sponsored by cbs c.s.i. productions and toyota.
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11:20 pm baltimore. >> from the city to the counties to your neighborhood. now it's complete coverage, it's wjz, maryland's news station. >> ready to rally, activist take the martin case to baltimore. tonight, calls for action in the teen's shooting intensifies. >> good evening. adam is off. here's what people are talking about, justice for a florida teenager. it sparked activism here in baltimore. meghan has more on a rally planned for tomorrow. >> reporter: tomorrow marks the one month anniversary of the killing of martin now called for justice is growing louder across the country. activist prepare signs calling
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for justice. >> every time we think about what happen we look at our own children. >> reporter: the unarmed teen was walking through a community wearing a hood did. he was gunned down by a neighborhood watch teen, zimmerman. enter we have -- >> we have to stand together. >> reporter: monday they will stand together. the march will begin here and head to city police headquarterrers. >> it could have been my son. >> reporter: sharon will march with her son, one of them the same age as martin: she says her heart aches for the family. >> as much as we do across the nation, it still would not take the pain completely away. the pain will never be taken away. >> reporter: in many area
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churches, sunday's services were filled with hoods for martin. >> it could have been me, your friend, family members. it could have been anybody involved, black, white,. >> reporter: a large rally is planned for tomorrow. reporting live, me -- wjz news. >> a grand jury will decide if zimmerman will face challenges. an 18 year old is shot and killed in front of his baltimore home. police say that he was shot just after 11:00 last night outside his home. police say he was hit in the head and torso. he later died. police have no suspects or a motive for the shooting.
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a firefighter is burned badly in a raging house fire. flames and smoke poured out of a home this afternoon. three people inside escaped without injuries but a 20 year old firefighter suffered burns to his ears and neck. he is recovering tonight. the fire is under investigation but officials believe it may have been accidental. a biker loses control and ends up in a howard county creek. police say a motor cyclist and his passenger landed in the water there and both were flown to the hospital for injuries. obama says united states will stop food aid to north korea if they launch a missal. the president made the comments in south korea today.
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>> reporter: president barack obama stood for the first time in the zone, in the noman's land. it includes nearly 30,000 american troops in south korea. the president told some of the americans they stand at freedom's frontier. >> the contrast between south korea and north korea could not be clear. both in terms of freedom but also in terms of prosperity. >> reporter: president obama is more than one of 50 heads of state in south korea. the intent is to keep the nuclear weapons out of the hands of threats. >> they will not achieve nothing by threats. >> reporter: speaking at a joint news conference with
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south korean president, he called for the north to abandon the launch or a new deal were america to resume food aid. >> bad behavior will not be rewarded. >> reporter: the president said this would be a big missed opportunity for the country's leaders to help their own people. >> and concerns about iran's nuclear program will be discussed in meetings between leaders. starting tomorrow the supreme court will hear arguments over the health care reform law. people are already camped out in washington d.c. hoping to get a seat in the courtroom tomorrow. arguments over the constitutionality over the law are expected to begin tomorrow and last through wednesday. the patient protection and affordable care act known as obama care was signed into law two years ago. jury selection could begin tomorrow for two brothers
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accused of setting a pit bull on fire in 2009. it was later nicknamed phoenix and euthanized due to her injuries. 11 jurors favored a guilty verdict. maryland's presidential primary is nine days away but hundreds of people have cast their ballots thanks to early voting. >> it's the first time maryland has offered early voting for a presidential primary and so far voters say it's a success. >> people can't get off work to vote. on saturday and sunday if you're off, you can vote. >> reporter: while mitt romney is leading, he visited last week hoping to guarantee a win here. newt gingrich and rick santorum are also wanting attention with visits scheduled tuesday. with early voting starting on
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saturday, maryland will have more time to have their say. >> it does give people more of a choice to come out for six additional days plus you have the absentee process and primary election day. >> reporter: early voting continues this monday through thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 8 p.m. since the race is far from over, they hope maryland can make a difference. >> i hope this will help. >> and to find an early voting center near you, log on to clashes erupt in greece during independence day celebrations there. protesters tried to disrupt today's parade by firing yogurt and other bottled objects.
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they were rallying against economic reforms. the events were cut short. it was a much different scene here in baltimore today as hundreds came out to celebrate greek independence. people marched through downtown baltimore to honor greece. fighting childhood cancer one buzz at a time. more than 400 people shaved their heads today. they were cheered on by crowds of families, friends, doctors, nurses and even children. the chief of the baltimore county fire department opted for a buzz cut. while it was a fun event, the cause is always front and center. >> nobody likes to see sick kids anywhere. it's just not fair and anything we can do to help out with finding a cure and helping them
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out. >> more than $150,000 was raised tonight which all goes towards childhood cancer research. >> coming up on wjz eyewitness news, trespassing protesters. find out where they were arrested. >> i was just wondering why. they heard me crying. >> kidnapped at gun point. a teen is bruised and beaten. tonight, her church says it was all just a lesson. deep sea dive, film director james cameron begins his journey to the bottom of the ocean. >> reporter: on the market, parts of baltimore's history may be up for sale. coming up, i'll tell you which historic land mark may fall into the hands of private investors. >> i'm meteorologist, the rain is moving away but the winds will bring in colder air.
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at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call baltimore home. from funding to help a local business expand their operations... to financing for an organization which provides affordable housing for artists... and partnering with a local hospital to help expand patient care. because the more we do in baltimore, the more we help make opportunity possible.
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>> tour occupied protesters are taken into custody for trespassing outside the united nations in new york city. their goal is to show how they believe corporations influence environmental policy in a negative way. the occupied wall street movement has heated up in new york with protesters calling union scare park their new location. the pope is on the first leg of his two nation tour to reenergize the catholic faith. his stop in mexico is an effort to strengthen ties. pope benedict turns 85 next month. no pope before him has traveled so far from rome at that age. he heads to cuba tomorrow. a fake kidnapping to teach
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a lesson goes too far. police are now investigating. the pastor says they planned to surprise raid to teach teens about religious persecution. a 14 year old girl was kidnapped at gun point and thrown in the back of a van. she believed it was all real. >> i was terrified. they put a pillow case over my head and my hands on my back and told me, i said what's going on. they said just do what we say and you won't be hurt. >> police and the district attorney are now investigating. the d.a. says false imprisonment on anyone under 18 is a felony. church officials said they never had any indication the girl was in such distress. an arena in florida is blown to bits and it's all
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