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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  April 21, 2012 8:00am-10:00am EDT

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morning, everyone. i'm jeff glor. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. this is "cbs this morning: saturday." >> the judge decided that zimmerman could go free on $150,000 bail. >> i wanted to say i am sorry for the loss of your son. >> trayvon martin's family is outraged. >> the pain that he has caused this family is going to be permanent. >> three members of the secret service have resigned tonight, bringing the number to six of those in the secret service who have lost their jobs. >> the scandal grows. >> a lot of people will just i guess, say that this is boys
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being boys and boys will be boys, but they shouldn't be in positions of authority. >> the police and the fbi hope for a break in the 33-year-old disappearance of 6-year-old etan patz. >> we're cautiously optimistic we'll find evidence. >> the first missing child to appear on a milk carton. >> a chance for closure for a family whose son has been missing for 33 years. and in london are a birthday fit for a queen, for the oldest monarch in the history of great britain. those stories -- >> us airways has struck a deal with american airlines pilots, flight attendants and groundworkers to win their support for a possible merger with bankrupt american airlines. >> we have an embarrassment of riches. >> and so much more. >> he scores! ♪ go like this ♪ >> on "cbs this morning: saturday," april 21, 2012. captioning funded by cbs
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that pizza kid is awesome. >> he has a good arm. i will give him that. >> he's so good. >> this morning we're also going to meet someone who is very good at turning tragedy into triumph. he was attacked by a shark, believe it or not, lost a hand and a leg, but then three months later he's back in the water, confronting his fears. he's back swimming with the sharks. >> incredible story. also this morning, the incredible julie andrews will be in studio talking about her career, what's next for her. we'll ask her what her favorite role is as well. you might be surprised. >> i loved her in "mary poppins". >> who didn't love her? coming up, the trayvon martin case, we begin with and the imminent release of murder suspect george zimmerman. mark strassmann is in sanford, florida, with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning.
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zimmerman is still behind bars at the jail here in sanford. while lawyers on both sides work out the conditions and security restrictions of that release. he's expected to post bond and leave the jail at some point this weekend. reopening the national debate about this shooting. george zimmerman was granted bond because judge lester was persuaded he was not a flight risk. despite zimmerman's killing of martin, thought he was of no threat to the community. >> i'm going to granted the motion of bond of $150,000. >> reporter: zimmerman surprised the courtroom, especially trayvon martin's stand, when he walked to the stand in shackles and apologized for shooting the unarmed teenager. >> i wanted to say i am sorry for the loss of your son. i did not know how old he was. i thought he was a little younger than i am. and i did not know if he was armed or not. >> reporter: zimmerman's lawyer mark o'mara grilled one state
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investigator under stand. he said many prosecutors about the shooting they could not answer. >> do you know who started the fight? >> do i know? no. >> do you have any evidence that supports who may have started the fight? >> no. >> any evidence that conflicts, any eyewitnesss, anything, that conflicts with the contentious that mr. martin assaulted first? >> as to who threw the first blow no. >> reporter: trayvon martin's parents left the hearing without comment, unhappy with zimmerman's bond and his apology apology. >> the most unsincere thing i've seen. the most unmeaningful apology we've seen. >> he had always wanted to acknowledge what happened that day. i was hopeful that would be accomplished in more private ways. we weren't afforded that opportunity.
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>> reporter: wherever he goes, zimmerman will have to meet certain restrictions. no alcohol, no drugs, no guns. he'll have a curfew and a gps ankle monitor and also allowed to have no contact with trayvon martin's family. >> mark strassmann in sanford, thank you. as mark reported, trayvon martin's parents, tracy martin and sybrina fulton are very unhappy. at the prospect of george zimmerman being released from jail, even with all the restrictions ordered by the judge. let's talk about that with their attorney benjamin crump, also in sanford this morning. good morning to you, ben. >> good morning, rebecca. >> so, i understand that trayvon martin's family are outraged by this decision to let zimmerman go free on bail. are they surprised by it? are you surprised by it given the law and the precedence for this? >> well, they are very disheartened this morning. we had prepared them for the real possibility the judge may
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give him jail. special prosecutor corey's office had also said. it's ee mowing alley hard. they were in the courtroom with the killer of their son yesterday. in a situation they would rather the killer of their child not be allowed to leave jail, but they understand the rule of law. they're just trying to deal with it as best they can. >> zimmerman's attorney has said is sybrina, trayvon's mother, asked to have a conversation with zimmerman himself. what did she want to talk about? >> well, she never asked that. >> she did not? >> yeah. a reporter asked her, do they think he should apologize? she said yes. when they contacted her, we said, this was not the appropriate time, but they disregarded the family's wishes and he got on the stand and grandstand for what we believe very self-serving reasons and offered a very insincere
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apology. if he really wanted to apologize apologize, he had 50 days. why does he wait until the day of his bail. george zimmerman, never once on that website did he say that i'm sorry for taking the life of trayvon martin. never did he show remorse in any of those police interviews. so, we just think his motives -- he had ulterior motives. >> would your client consider meeting with george zimmerman, not that this is going to happen, but would they take a meeting, accept an apology in person? >> you know, it's one of those things, jeff, that although thist this point they want the legal process to play out. she's a christian woman. what they want is the truth. they think george zimmerman has lied to the police. he's given different versions of why he had to kill their unarmed teenage son. before they can accept an apology, first he has to tell the truth.
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>> what do your clients want to see happen to george zimmerman? >> well, they want justice. as they said before they don't want anything more, anything less. they accept the rule of law. they are being very calm and keeping their composure better than most people would be in this situation. and now they just want to get all the truth out. and if he killed their son, they want to be held accountable, just as trayvon martin would have killed george zimmerman. they don't want anything more anything less. and the evidence everything that they know he shouldn't have killed their son. >> benjamin crump, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> yes, ma'am. scandal rocking the secret service, it is spreading. the u.s. military says 11 service members are being investigated. so far they have not been charged or placed in detention. more secret service agents have stepped down. bill plante is in washington with more on that this morning.
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good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. that's right, three more secret service agents have now resigned in the wake of that prostitution scandal in cartagena colombia, last weekend. an additional agent is under investigation and one more has been cleared of serious misconduct. these latest departures after several days of lie detector tests and interviews followed the dismissal earlier in the week of two supervisors. david cheney was a member of sarah palin's protective detail during the 2008 campaign. greg stokes was dismissed but has the option to appeal. a third agent resigned. agency officials briefed lawmakers on capitol hill friday as investigators in cartagena continued their attempt to contact all of the women who came to the hotel caribe last week before the president's arrival in colombia. new york post and new york daily news have identified this woman as the one whose dispute over
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payment ignited the incident. neighbors at this gated community told cbs news it was her luggage being loelded into two taxis friday. an additional member of the u.s. armed forces group, which was with the secret service, white house also now under investigation, bringing the number of the military to 11. none have yet been charged. now, the white house has tried to keep its distance from this scandal even as some republicans have tried to call this and the other embarrassments out there a failure of presidential leadership. but on friday afternoon, president obama did call in the director of the secret service for a face-to-face meeting their first. jeff? >> bill plante in washington, thank you. american airlines is fighting to stop a hostile takeover. us airways wants to merge with american and even has the support of three of american airlines' most powerful unions. but american airlines, currently in chapter 11 says it wants to come out of bankruptcy as a stand-alone company. joining us now with more on what
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this merger could mean for travelers, because that's important in all of this jason cochran, writer and new york post. thank you for joining us. seems like this deal may get done but possibly not overnight. >> no, it will take a long time. because the government has to get involved and make sure there are no trust issues, and americans also want wants its own go. they say right now they want to be an independent airline but maybe not going to happen that way because its own unions want to go with us airways. >> you bring up the unions. this was a very important part doug parker ceo of us airways, he's tried multiple times and failed to get other airlines to team up with him. he's tried to take them over. he said the key is getting the unions on board. >> and he's got the key. yesterday they signed an agreement that says they would like to work with us airways, go under american umbrella. and be one big airline. five years ago we had eight
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major airlines. if this goes through, it would take a year and a half or more to go through, we would have essentially four. and the reduction of competition is going to have some effect to consumers. >> what do you think it will be, those next? >> after the delta/northwest merger some scholars at university of california-irvine said smaller airports airfares went up a little bit. at larger hub airports, not so much, but smaller airports get hurt a lot more. it's simply free market 101. with fewer competitors, there's less to hold down the prices. an airline can raise prices without anyone else coming at them with competition. >> a lot of people are worried about what happens to their mileage here. what happens to their frequent flier programs. >> a big question mark because us airways is with star alliance and american is with one world. two different group and two different networks of airline. it remain to be seen what's going to happen and which airline will win out on the alliance front. also, there are going to be
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fewer seats flying because one airline goes away, a lot of routes can be reduced, at least some runs can be reduced, so fewer seats going. fewer seats going getting frequent flier miles redeemed is not as easy. >> much more difficult. jobs are important, clearly, to the economy overall. and certainly to the unions involved here. american originally said 13,000 job cuts would happen in its bankruptcy to union employees. are the union employees actually going to get a better deal will fewer jobs be lost if us airways does this? >> no america means no jobs that's 55,000 people among three unions who made this agreement. yes, it will save some jobs not all. again, sop of these flights will be reduced. it would be a good deal for them. they're so angry with american airlines and this one reason they're going with us airways but it does save their jobs if it goes through. >> as many -- >> many. not all.
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it's going to be a shakeout. they want to make profit. that's ultimately what it's about. they won't keep bloated. they want to scale up to be more nimble to compete against delta/northwest and other players continentally. scaling up will be better for business travelers because two-thirds of traveler are business travelers so it will help employees be a little happier and maybe your bags might get lost less frequently. >> we all like that. the race for the white house, right now it appears to be a neck and neck race between president obama and mitt romney. the poll this week by cbs news/"new york times" found each with support from 46% of registered voters. so a race this close will likely boil down to 11 battleground states. with us from washington is cbs news political director john dickerson. good morning. always good to see you sir. >> good morning, jeff. >> one of the reasons we're taking about these battleground states is because the economy is so tenuous in some of these
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states. which candidate right now is in better shape when it comes to the economy? >> well if you look at all of the polls, different ways you can look at that. if it's just a referendum on president obama, thumbs up or down, the president's in bad shape. people disapprove of his handling of the economy more than they approve of it. then if you look at which candidate is better to handle the question of the economy and jobs it's closer there across the polls. although romney-m has a bit of an edge. in our poll folks look at both candidates the same although when you ask them who will do -- who will hurt your economic situation more president obama comes out on the losing end of that. so, the sum here is that mitt romney has a bit of an edge on the economy question. >> when you look at this, what are the handful of states key to this election? >> well there are four or five states really very important. ohio and florida, nevada and colorado. and then there are -- and then you expand out from that
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virginia and north carolina are potentially important. it really depends on the kind of route each candidates want to take. pennsylvania is very important. new mexico. and that's pretty much the group there. but there are really four or five that will be important. >> i can pin you down to name one in particular that you'll be watching most closely? >> well you know we always have to want to watch florida. it's a big prize. there's so much history there of it being so tight and so close. the unemployment rate there is 9%. the president hit very hard by the housing crisis. it looks very tough for the president there. so so, if you had to look at a state, you would look at ohio, a traditional. bellwether. so goes ohio, so goes the nation. i'll say those two zot women's vote, a lot of talk about the women's vote recently. are there states where the women's vote more importantly?
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>> if you look at a state like florida, the women vote is -- women represent about 53% of the electorate. that's the case in florida and ohio. it's an older women's vote in florida. mitt romney does better with older voters than slightly younger one. you look at the older women's vote in florida to see where romney might have an advantage. in a state like kol, the vote -- women's vot ise is 50% in exit polls. >> after a bruising primary, he is ready for the general. john dickerson from washington, thank you very much. >> thanks jeff. now, here's ra fwek kaebecca. >> in afghanistan officials say they foiled a plot for a major attack by militants on kabul, the capital. they say five taliban fighters, afghans and pakistanis were arrested in connection with the plan. afghan security forces seized almost 11 tons of explosives, hidden in a truckload of
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potatoes. northern mexico, another round of deadly drug-related violence. gunmen burst into a bar late yesterday and killed at least 14 people. it happened in the city of chihuahua, just south of the texas border. mexican authorities believe the killings are part of the ongoing turf war between rival drug cartels. a united nations spokesman says a team of peace monitors have arrived in the battered city of homs. syria state news agency says the observers have met with the governor in homs at center of resistance to the government of bashar al assad. they are said to be touring the city, which endured weeks of pounding by syrian artillery. and there's finally some well, pretty good news for drivers this morning. gas prices are coming down, albeit by a bit. they've been climbing for months. lately hovering near $14 a gallon. in the last two weeks, prices have fallen get this, six cents a gallon. the national average of $3.88. experts predict they will fall
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another nickel or so in the next week. it is about 18 minutes past the hour. lonnie quinn is off this morning so john elliott from wcbs tv here in new york is here with our first check of the weather. at these prices, one can save about $1 to $2 per trip to the gas station. >> oh, boy. if you pay in cash, counted the savings. >> exactly. >> good morning. gas prices coming down so is some rain. we have showers in the northern plains, thunderstorms, too. going to feel like summer out west. big ridge of high pressure. numbers 15 to 20 degrees above normal. after a dry spring the northeast finally gets soaked. proof of that radar and satellite. to the north, active system for the northern plain. this front stretches from the lakes to the gulf. we are going to see that bring heavy rain into parts of the northeast. sunshine and blue skies,
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temperatures 77 degrees. a bit of rain moving in. a thunderstorm later tonight. 51 degrees the low. 20-degree drop in te tomorrow is earth day but today is husband appreciation day. so, husbands we appreciate you. look it up. now back to rebecca, who has a husband and jeff who is one. >> i appreciate him so much. matt, i appreciate you. i hope you're up early watching. >> i better be. >> i won't appreciate him -- kidding. in britain they're celebrating queen elizabeth's birthday turning 86. >> mark phillips is in london looking at ways people are wishing the queen happy birthday. good morning. >> >> reporter: good morning. it's a year of anniversaries for the queen, particularly the 60th anniversary of her reign but that isn't it. it's her birthday marked by a noisy gun salute but for the queen, this is the quiet celebration of all.
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queens aren't like you and me. including when it comes to birthdays. queens get two of them. their actual birthday and today is queen elizabeth's 86th. the queen normally celebrate this is one quietly. she also gets an official birthday celebrated in union with a military pageant, the color ceremony at which she does appear even riding in it in her younger days. she has made an appearance of sorts, her image made up of school children drawings portrayed on buckingham pal bass, part of the diamond jubilee counting her 60-year reign and counting. the launching this week with the royal barge that will lead a jubilee flotilla of 1,000 boats along the thames river through london the first weekend in june. the jubilee year has also produced a significant farming out of royal duties to younger members of the family as the
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queen begins to wind down the number of her appearances. her granddaughter-in-law the duchess of cambridge, has taken a more active role and prince harry toured south america on her behalf. >> she's a queen and, you know to kick off the jubilee tour was an honor. >> reporter: for mmany of us a birthday a day to go out and celebrate. for the queen, it may be an opportunity to have a quiet time before the yub lee party gets going. >> i hear you had a very special way of telling her happy birthday, is that true? >> reporter: i really wish i knew what you were talking about. what was that? >> i'm only kidding, mark. i just thought given the way you write, given the way you talk you would have a witty thing to say to the queen. >> reporter: sorry to disappoint you, rebecca -- >> you never disappoint us. >> reporter: help birthday to her majesty, nonetheless.
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an insider look aat a busy week for the royal family. she looks happy in that picture. >> she does. she probably heard happy birthday from mark phillips. >> exactly. we're talking to the editor of "majesty" magazine. coming up patrick swayze's wife talks about her husband's long battle with pancreatic cancer and her fight of the disease. one day, have place around the world all captured on the video. we'll take a look at an amazing new documentary that celebrates earth day. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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new york city police may be getting closer to finding the remains of etan patz the boy was 6 years old when he vanished 30 years ago. >> we'll be speaking with the reporter who wrote the bock on etan's disappearance. we'll ask her what the family going through, she knows them quite well as decades ago this mystery continues to unravel in this day. here in new york city, they're
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breaking ground. in fact, today on a building where they think his remains may
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good morning, here is what we are talking about. details surrounding arrest of a man who murdered his wife 21 years ago. neighbors feared robert jeret killed his wife back in 91 but police didn't have enough evidence to prove it. it wasn't until he moved out of his home, his second wife gave permission to search the home and shed where they found remains buried under concrete. a vandal torched a speed camera on friday. the camera was placed there a week ago. police do plan to replace it. testing their wits. local celebrities find out if they are smarter than a 5th grader. they were put to the test last night at hampstead hill academy
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and competed in the quiz show. money raise willed benefit charter schools in east baltimore. the first warning weather forecast looks like this. warm and sunny 77 degrees. afternoon showers possibly a thunderstorm later this afternoon. tonight, 51 degrees k on and off rain and drizzle. tomorrow looking breezy and cool we rain, sometimes heavy. 54 degrees, thank you for joining us, that's our report, have a
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welcome back to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm jeff dmroer. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. and patrick swayze died more than two years ago of pancreatic cancer. since then his wife has not quit in her effort to raise public awareness about the disease. we'll speak with her about patrick swayze and her very big fight. also, one day on earth, as seen through the eyes of people in every country in the world, a look at an extraordinary documentary that's coming out that celebrates earth day. they shot everything on one day. >> it's very cool. also the driver of a multimillion dollar car apparently has a lot of insurance. not because it's parked on the streets in paris, which it is
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but because his car is made of porcelain. we'll take you behind the headlines. that's one of them. >> wow. tough if you you get a chip there, huh? our top story, the seven for etan paths, the boy's disappearance on may 25 1979 in new york led to a national outcry for missing children. he was the first missing child whose picture was put on the side of a milk carton. president reagan declared national missing children's day. now, some 33 years later, police may be closer to finding his remains. john miller reports. >> reporter: on day two of a search for clues in the case of etan pathsz, the 6-year-old who disappeared in 1979 investigators carried armful of concrete and rubble from an excavation site in downtown manhattan. >> we along with nypd will be methodically going through the basement area, into the concrete and drywall and looking for evidence. we do have good probable cause to be here. >> reporter: the 33-year-old
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case was reopened after cadaver dogs detected the scent of human remains at the site. oth othneil miller used this space as a work shop. he knew etan and his family. he denies any involvement with the child's disappearance. >> after this case there became a much more protective environment around children generally. >> reporter: no suspect was ever charged in the case but the boy's disappearance parked a movement that put pictures of missing children on milk cartons and spawned national organizations to coordinate efforts to find them. this was the case that years ago made parents reassess places they once judged safe. like their very own street and neighborhood. investigators plan to continue digging in the basement through the beginning of next week. john miller, cbs news new york. joining us now is the author of "after etan: the missing
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child case that held america captain". >> lisa cohen is a former producer for abc and cbs news. good morning. >> good morning. >> good to see you. 33 years later, why does this case remain so fascinating? >> this was the first case in a long long time that just captured the imagination of, first this city, and then the rest of the country. ultimately the world. and i think that there was a time before etan when kids played in the street and you walked to the bus stop by yourself, two blocks and then an after-etan. after that people knew that it could happen. once you know that it can happen, then you think maybe it will happen. it changed everything. >> you've written that etan's case has come to mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. what do you mean by that? >> i think that out of this case, and then a few very few
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high-profile cases that followed, a whole movement began. and there were congressional hearing hearings all kinds of niche tichs for tracking children in a better way and things like the national center for missing and exploited children were created. so, now there's a new awareness. and there's some divisiveness about this. on the one hand people say, we know the risk now. on the other hand people say, weave taken away the freedom of our chirp. and people should be so nervous and worried and isolating. >> what are you hearing about what the family is finding and hoping to find? >> they're very reserved. they've been through this for 33 years. they have seen so many cases, so many moments where the hopes were up, they've got the guy, you know, they've got the break in the case. and then it doesn't happen. so, you know, i think that -- i
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spoke to sam patz he's grateful the new york city district attorney is willing to put resources into this, but he's going to wait and see. >> no charges have ever been filed. will there ever be charges filed? >> against jose ramos, the suspect in the case? >> yes. >> there's evidence that links him to the. boy. he said he took a boy who was 90% etan and took him to his apartment on that day and tried to molest him and let him go. he's linked him very clearly and other evidence as well. i don't think we should leap to conclusions that this means jose ramos is the person to look to. >> the focus now on othneil miller, the handyman may be based on circumstances not actual facts that link him to this crime? >> i wouldn't say that at all.
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at this point they haven't found anything. at this point they have no connection. they have not discussed publicly a connection between the two men, between the two sets of circumstances. it would be far to early to make that kind of speculation. >> we appreciate it. thank you for joining us this morning. move over to john elliott, who's in for lonnie quinn this morning. good morning to you. >> so many communities need rain and there is rain on the map. pressure bringing storms and rain to the northern plain and from the great lakes down to the ohio valley and into the gulf, we're dealing with dueling lows and a slow-moving front. the low pressure system to the south, troublesome in deed. dangerous lightning, talking about the possibility of gusty winds, maybe straight-line winds and isolated tornadoes. again, some of this energy works its way up the coast tomorrow. so, new england, new york, you need to be on the watch for that as heavy rain is headed your way during the course of your
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saturday night into sunday. that's a quick look at the nation's forecast. now here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. you can see the rain right there moving in. your earth day likely soggy for many. that's the latest weather. right now right back to rebecca and jeff. >> thank you very much. up next here patrick swayze's wife talks about his final days battling pancreatic cancer and her campaign to raise awareness about the disease. it's a very big day for her today. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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♪ in today's "healthwatch," fighting pancreatic cancer. it is one of the deadliest forms of the disease, killing 37,000 people a year. and in 2009 it took the life of patrick swayze. >> his wife lisa is chief ambassador of hope for pan pancreatic cancer network, which is holding a major fund-raiser right here in new york and her latest book is called "worth fighting for." lisa niemi swayze is here in studio 57. good morning. >> good morning. >> so glad you're here. you talk in very intimate ways in this book about how patrick was diagnosed and what you did then. by the way you knew before him. >> yes, i did. he had had a procedure and he
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was still a little woozy. i felt like i should wait until he was fully conscious before you told someone, hey, look you have cancer, not only cancer but a very deadly cancer. so, no, i waited until the next morning. and it was probably -- up to that point it was probably the worst night of my life because there's nothing like a diagnosis of cancer to turn everything on a dime. >> i wanted to call attention to a part of the book for me that was uplifting. you say the swayzes aren't pushovers, they don't take things lying down. >> no. >> that message in the context of all of this? >> listen, patrick got a diagnosis, pancreatic cancer first of all, it's an incredibly deadly difficult disease to treat. of the five major cancers, it's the most fatal. there's -- even though it's the tenth most diagnosed. it's the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths.
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average life expectancy is three to six months. so these were not great statistics to go into this, but are we going to take this lying down? no. of course, he's going to fight. i tell you what when you bring great attitude and, you know, optimistic hope to a situation, it's amazing what you can do. in fact, patrick did incredibly well, considering his diagnosis. >> you were married for 32 years. what else did you learn in those years? >> i learned what a tough guy he was. i always knew he was tough, but i had no idea. and what's interesting is that you know he's -- he's enormously talented, wonderful man, and he had a bit of an ego. he became very humble during his illness. where a lot of people get angry because it's a frightening, frightening thing, he became an even better person. he became more kind more
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loving. >> i have to say you're very outgoing as we meet you here in person, you smile a lot, but you also talk in the book about how you're still recovering. part of the book is called moving forward. more than two years later. how are you moving forward? >> every chance i get, you know moving forward is one foot in front of the other sometimes. as time has gone on what they say is really true. everything becomes more manageable. it's not that you get over it. and, you know, i just recently came out of a real three-week slump where it was just like -- it was hideous. it was hotellytotally hideous. i feel good now. >> the purple pride event. >> our goal is to raise $500,000. we're going to walk run, we're all going to be in purple. i'm going to cut the ribbon. i've always wanted to do that. now i get my chance. and raise awareness pore pancreatic cancer because it desperately needs it.
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i tell you what i want everyone out there that has -- is fighting this disease, both doctors and patients, i want them to have the kind of hope that my -- that my husband just desperately fought for. >> lisa, thank you so much. loes sa niemi swayze. for more information, go to and search pancreatic detection. we'll look at a new documentary that takes us to every current in the world. we're going to meet the people behind "one day on earth."
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sometimes life can be well a little uncomfortable. but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go, it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. hi, we're looking to save some money on our car insurance. great! at progressive, you can compare rates side by side so you get the same coverage often for less. wow! that is huge! [ disco playing ] and this is to remind you that you could save hundreds! yeah, that'll certainly stick with me.
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we'll take it. go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. tomorrowis earth day and audiences will see premiere of a special documentary. >> in 2010 film makers volunteers to capture one moment in their lives and the result is called "one day on earth." ♪
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♪ and kyle ruddick and brandon litman are the mean thind this film. good morning. >> good morning. >> what made you do this in the first place? >> well, kyle? >> i had this idea inspired from music, music is this universal language and cinema is a universal language as well. so, you know this idea hit me several years ago, what if we had as many people around the world film during one day and made a film from that -- from all that. >> the film looks beautiful, i have to say is. >> sounds beautiful, too. >> absolutely. what made you choose october 10
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2010. >> 10-10-10 is a day on the calendar -- >> you wake up. >> it's remarkable. you say, what am i going to do today? so, we bounced off that you know. >> we asked thousands of people film with us, film with the community. it was an amazing day. you realize that every day is amazing. >> how do you orchestrate something like that, to get literally thousands of people to collect video and get it to you. >> we joke around a crystal ball -- no. kyle had a genius idea, create a social network. this tool became available to do that as we progressed. and by having a network, we allowed people to connect with each other and be inspired by each other. >> there's an important message you talk about and we've been talking about here and that is it gets you to appreciate and look at things beyond your own backyard, which oftentimes we don't do. >> absolutely. the diversity of the human experience is absolutely incredible. >> yeah. i mean it's -- we have such an ability to see things we've never been able to see things before. and i believe that you know,
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that's what this project is about. >> it's interesting to me that social media was not necessarily a catalyst but something you used for this. and social media in general is connecting the world in ways that it never has been connected before. >> i mean absolutely. i mean this project wouldn't have been possible at all without, you know, the fact that we had that center hub online where people could just sign up and say, i'm part of this. >> what surprised you most about this project? >> the clip that's playing of north korea was absolutely -- i mean who would have guessed? we were concerned about not actually being able to film in north korea. >> the largest military parade in history occurred on 10-10-10 kim jung illong-il announced his successor, his son on that day. >> a lot happened on that day. >> what's the number one thing you want people to take away from it? >> hope and interconnectedness.
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awe and responsible to be alive. >> i mean, i think -- >> that's heavy. that's heavy. >> you know what it is, it's good. you know, we all face the same struggles. and we all enjoy the same things in life at different scales around the world, but if you could see it on -- from that 30,000-foot perspective, you can tart to appreciate and create empathy, which is the most important thing. >> i did an interview this week with a band called the civil wars. they didn't say because of the historical event but because everyone internally is going through their own civil war, be nice. everyone is fighting something. >> we are. hopefully we can fight it together to get to a better place. and i think this film can gavel niz that a little bit. >> great work. >> kyle ruddick and brandon litman, great stuff. thanks for being here. >> thank you. coming up, the multimillion
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dollar car could shatter like a teacup in a fender-bender, that and other stories "behind the headlines." ♪ i'm going to lunch. [ all gasp ] those days are gone now. think... about what you are doing. ♪ ♪ i'm going with her. ♪ ♪ i don't want to be chicken... i want to eat it. [ male announcer ] put an end to the working lunch and work on eating lunch. mcdonald's all-white meat premium chicken sandwich and the juicy 100% angus third pounder. it's your lunch. take it. the simple joy of lunch. ♪ ♪
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coffee doesn't have vitamins... unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™. sometimes, i feel like it's me against my hair. [ female announcer ] weak, damaged hair needs new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. active naturals wheat formulas restore strength for up to 90% less breakage in three washes. for strong, healthy hair with life, new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. pull on those gardening gloves. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar...
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...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. lay down a new look, with earthgro mulch, now three bags for just $10. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: slow ] [ sighs ] [ announcer ] all work and no play... will make brady miss his favorite part of the day. ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barking ] [ whines ] that's why there's beneful playful life made with energy-packed wholesome grains... and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day. beneful. play. it's good for you. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt.
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possibly the best yogurt in the world. when it comes to toilet paper, there's no such thing as too soft. i know what i like. i like feeling both clean and pampered. why should i compromise? quilted northern ultra plush® now with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back. ♪ headlines screaming everywhere i go ♪ yeah you know what it's time for -- >> your favorite part of show. >> going "beyond the headlines" these stories you might have missed this week. owner parks porcelain car on paris street. $2.5 million car. you have to have nerves of steel to park this considering it will crack, perhaps just break apart entirely, not dent. the super car cost $2.5 million. the first porcelain car ever. 225 miles an hour. >> and a penny sells for more
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than $1 million, good morning, here is what we are talking about. details surrounding arrest of a man who murdered his wife 21 years ago. neighbors feared robert jeret killed his wife back in 91 but police didn't have enough evidence to prove it. it wasn't until he moved out of his home, his second wife gave permission to search the home and shed where they found remains buried under concrete. a vandal torched a speed camera on friday. the camera was placed there a week ago. police do plan to replace it. testing their wits. local celebrities find out if they are smarter than a 5th grader. they were put to the test last night at hampstead hill academy
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and competed in the quiz show. money raise willed benefit charter schools in east baltimore. the first warning weather forecast looks like this. warm and sunny 77 degrees. afternoon showers possibly a thunderstorm later this afternoon. tonight, 51 degrees k on and off rain and drizzle. tomorrow looking breezy and cool we rain, sometimes heavy. 54 degrees, thank you for joining us, that's our report, have a great saturday y
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welcome back to "cbs this morning: saturday", i'm jeff glor. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. >> we're talking about interesting issue. you may have seen the show "girls" on hbo, it's been brought out by "50 shade of grey," a lot of it, and that is the changing role of femininity female -- >> there's a conversation going on about what's happening in women's minds and why are these things becoming so popular, so we'll discuss that with the author of an article on the topic in "newsweek." >> a very controversial cover of "newsweek." we'll ask her about that. no reason to play nice when you are angry.
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all you need is a bat, some googles is an anger room. this is very appealing. i'm not going to lie. >> we're trying to install one of those. >> i have one in my apartment. and the jufl julie andrews is here on her favorite role. what is it? you might be surprised. and her latest book co-written with her daughter. the top story, the latest twist in the case of trayvon martin, the teenager shot and killed last month in sanford, florida. it appears the man accused of murdering him, george zimmerman, is about to be freed on bail. so, we'll get the latest from mark strassmann who's in sanford. good morning again to you, mark. when is it likely that zimmerman will be released from jail? >> well, good morning, rebecca. it's a matter of when, not if. he is going to be released at some point. we're hearing presumably some time this week. they have to get bail together make security arrangements get together different restrictions
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the judge placed upon his bond release at the hearing yesterday. once they get that together then of course they have the other matter, which is how to get him out of jail and to a safe house and presumably a safe secret house where he can spend his time while he waits for trial. zimmerman, of course has had death threats, a very well known figure, a divisive figure in this country. the idea, of course once you get him out, is to keep him safe so that he can get back to the courthouse for the trial that probably is going to be months away. >> do we have any sense for where that safety area may be can he go out of state under restrictions? >> that's part of the negotiation s where he's going to be. his lawyer wants him out of state because he's so well known, particularly here in florida. then it would be out of state, the lawyer -- mark o'mara was saying yesterday, the gps ankle monitor is a national device. so, my sense of it is, it will be out of state, it will be a
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secret location. the idea being, let's get him someplace where he can stay out of sight and be safe. >> and also that this is going to be something that is drawn out over a long period of time. that he may be out of jail in the near term be but in longer term a court case, all of the deliberations that follow will take months, even years. >> reporter: yes. and remember there's going to be a hearing in presumably three or four months where they'll go over the stand your ground the first chance for a judge by himself could dismiss this case all together. that will be the next watershed moment. there will be a public arraignment next month, but the stand your ground hearing will be a big event. >> mark strassmann in sanford, florida, we appreciate it. now here's jeff with a quick look at the rest of this morning's headlines. >> thanks. new report says u.s. army is investigating drug use by american soldiers in afghanistan. judicial watch, a conservative watch dog group says in the past
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two years, 56 soldiers were investigated on suspicion of distributing or using heroin. voters in france go to the polls to elect a president. nicolas sarkozy is fighting to hold his job. his opponents are blaming him for issues. he's expected to make it through the first round of voting. in politics at home jeb bush says he would consider running as mitt romney's vice president but he says he doubts he'd be asked. he also said marco rubio is likely the best choice even though rubio says he wants to stay in the senate. final flight of space shuttle "enterprise" was postponed because of bad weather. it was to be transported to new york where it will go on display but storms are closing in on the city so that flight will be put off for now.
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four minutes past the hour. time for a check of weather with john elliott, here from wcbs tv for lonnie quinn. >> you said it, it will be sloppy for much of the east. get ready for showers in the northern plain. could see thunderstorms as well. feeling like summer out west. and we are going to get soaked here in the northeast. show you what's going on. active area of low pressure to the north. storms possible there. some severe storms potential for severe storms in parts of the southeast. dueling lows with a slow moving front will push through and usher in that chance for significant 2 to 4 inches of rain for much of the east. out west oh it's a different story. we are baking in bakersfield, frying in fresno. really warm. 15 to 20 degrees above normal. that's a quk look at the nation's forecast. now here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. sunshine and blue skies,
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temperatures 77 degrees. a bit of rain moving in. a thunderstorm later tonight. 51 degrees the low. 20-degree drop in temperatures tomorrow. 54 degrees with ra fun fact. the queen of england shares her birthday with tony danza, but i believe we all know who's the boss. >> very nicely done. >> entire books have been dedicated to that question. >> who's the boss? today is queen elizabeth's 86th birthday oldest ruling monarch in the history of great britain. joining us from england, editor of "majesty" magazine. good morning to you, ingrid stewart. >> good morning. >> what are the plans today? >> the queen doesn't really do -- you know she only does big birthdays. like 50, 60, 70.
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she's at windsor castle and having a quiet family lunch and then putting her feet up in the afternoon. i mean not very exciting but for her that is a bit of a relief. >> so she has scaled back here a little bit as we talked about earlier sending other folks out on international trips. i assume that continues? >> yes. well, she's 86 and prince philip is 90. doing those overseas tours the change in climate and the actual exhaustion of flying. she can't do it anymore. so, the family are doing it for her. she's working really hard here. >> and yet she's really hit the high point of her career, at 86. she's hit her stride wouldn't you say? >> i don't think it's a career. i don't think he had she has any choice in it. she has to be queen. when she wakes up she's queen and the same at night. she can't get away from it. yes, i think she has hit her high point. and i think she's really happy
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with -- she's dedicated her life to the monarchy. i think she sees the future of wills and kate and i think at last she can feel -- obviously her own child will take over but wills and kate are the future. and i think she feels that they are cured what she's done. >> how big of a thorn in her side is this whole pippa scandal, partying in paris and wild ways? obviously, the queen has tried to distance herself from pippa very publicly. but privately, isn't this becoming a big issue? >> it might be if it was you and me, but it really isn't with her. she doesn't do this moral confrontation. she reads the papers. she knows exactly what's going on. she'll know that pippa, you know is in a spot of bother but she will -- she will really -- she just won't deal with it. nor will anyone at buckingham palace, so pippa is really on her own. the only person she's got on the inside to help her is her
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sister. >> but even if they're not publicly showing disapproval but there is some way the queen can or will communicate she doesn't like this. >> she would commute through her adviser, through her household, if you like. but she's not in the habit of telling people off that aren't actually members of the royal family. she's got enough family members to tell off without outsiders as well. she really will want have anything to do with this pippa scandal, if you like. >> on a happier note, are the rumors true about kate being with child? >> i read that in "people" magazine. no, i don't think so. >> you don't think so? >> i mean, would you want to be pregnant when you have to work so hard this year and all those things they have the jubilee, and then as they're going on a tour in september to the congo. you don't know how pregnancy is
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going to grab you. it might make her really ill. i don't think she's pregnant one moment. i think she'll be pregnant by the end of the year but i don't think so now. >> how is philip doing? >> great. the operation he had has given him a new lease on life. he's on an up. let's just hope he stays there. >> glad to hear it. >> always good to speak with you. up next here women and sex from hbo, the lifetime to "50 shades of grey" we'll take a look at how getting busy is getting ratings. >> that's what it says on the teleprompter. >> wow.
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♪ a story about wiffs and a blushing virgin is on top of the new york best times selling and "the 50 shades of grey" also made the cover of "newsweek." >> "girls" and lifetime tv is devoting three new series to what happens between the sheets. joining us to discuss all this is katie roiphe who wrote the cover of "newsweek." good morning. >> good morning. >> i open "newsweek" and the cover story is about spanking. >> you don't even have to open it to see that. >> what is one to make of this? >> well we just thought it was a kind of interesting irony that right now at a moment when women are in the workplace and male dominance is shakier than ever
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there's still this enormous pop popularity of this domination, the old fashion the idea of women being swept away and overcome in the bedroom. >> surprise it made the cover? >> i'm not surprise the. it sorted out as a quiet book review but it's an important and kind of interesting issue, i think. >> what do you think is drooifgsiving this dichotomy? >> well i think a couple things. one is that feminist idea in the '70s as soon as we had political equality it would transform the sexual imagination was not true. i think in the end our fantasies and our fundamental kind of feelings about these things are not affected by these external things like equal pay for equal work and opportunity, et cetera, et cetera. >> there's been a lot of time dedicated to the "50 shades of grey" phenomenon and i say, how is this any different from harry potter or "the hunger games"
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where get equally big amounts of attention, equal amount of people are buying them and stories with wizards and things like that that wouldn't in normal vd life be paying attention to such things. >> that's true. what strange about this -- it is sort of a harlequin romance, a badly written book which i point out. writing is very painful. the fact these women are willing to plod through it is interesting just on that level. why are we willing to tolerate such bad writing to get to these pretty watered down you know soft core sort of slightly pornographic scenes. >> what are the ages of folks talking about this stuff right now? what are the ages of folks willing to talk about this snuff. >> there's a stereotype it was mommy porn and older suburban midwestern demographics, but in fact it's women in their 20s and 30s reading and buying it as much as older women.
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it's urban women as much as other kinds of women. so, really it's kind of across the board, which is one of the interesting things about it. >> do you see it any different from cosmo or "section and the city"? >> it's not that different, but there's something different about this fantasy of being dominated that's coming up now. and i think in a way -- and you see it in girls as well, which she talks about, which is a kind of release from the pressure to succeed, to be ambitious, to be -- to achieve to make money in the workplace. this idea of just being swept away to this really old fashioned kind of sexual scenario is appealing for interesting reasons. >> katie roiphe we appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up next get ready to gear up and grab a bat. we're going to look at the latest rage, anger rooms. >> in case you have something pent up after the last segment. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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rebecca how many times have you gotten so angry you wish you could just break something that you had to keep all that anger bottled up? >> how many times during a show or how many times -- i'm only kidding, jeff. never. i don't get angry. as anna werner tells us, there's a place to release those frustrations and it's just smashing. >> reporter: this is the anger room. a new dallas business where people pay to turn their frustration into destruction. one swing at a time. for $25, customers are given five minutes and a baseball bat to demolish everything in sight. the premise? allow people to pummel away their problem, pay more money and get more time in the room, and more objects to destroy. he came to the anger room with a lot of stress. >> i've had a hard time dealing deem growing up, a lot of
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racism, a lot of exclusion. >> reporter: so, the 26-year-old mba student from ft. worth started swinging. five minutes and a room of debris later -- >> i think it was therapeutic. hey, i feel better than when i came in here. >> you put on your coveralls -- >> reporter: that's what donna likes to hear. she opened the anger room last december as a way to help people with life's frustrations. she came up with the idea when she was a teenager surrounded by violence. >> when guys get into it with their girlfriends and stuff like that, they would literally punch holes in walls. it's just something that i felt there was a need for. and i just wanted to supply a solution for the need. >> reporter: her solution does come with risks. all of that debris can be dangerous. the shattered tvs and computers, potentially toxic. >> we give them masks and they wear full coveralls. >> reporter: do they have to wear that stuff? >> yes they have to.
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>> reporter: customers also sign liability waives. skyler is an insurance adjuster and signed up for an appointment for next week. where do you think that comes from, the desire to break stuff. >> i don't know. just letting out anger, frustration in a healthy way, of course. >> reporter: providing a place to let it out is bringing in customers. the anger room already plans on expanding. for "cbs this morning: saturday," anna werner, dallas. >> so is an anger room really a smart way to deal with your frustration? dr. jennifer hartstein is here with insight on that. great to see you. i've been trying to discourage jarvis from breaking out the bat. we spent a lot of money on this new studio. >> i'm going to make my anger room elsewhere. >> a good idea? >> no. -- yes and no. we would like it to be a good idea. sounds good in theory, oh i want to bash something, break something. but for some people, this can increase their aggression, increase their sense of anger so they leave there, where do they
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put it then? and it doesn't actually solve the problem. so, you walk in there with a problem. you have this release and then what do you do with it? >> some people feel i have a problem i can't solve talking through multiple times over it why not resort to this if you just know talking isn't going to fix it? >> you need to build in something a more long-term solution. this is a quick stop and also expensive expensive. for five minutes, $25, that's not cheap. >> you maxed out your credit card on the anger room. >> exactly. you need to find something else to do, might that be talking to someone, going to the gym, boxing for the release but in a controlled way. find a way to release the feelings. >> the gym is always a great idea, isn't it? >> uh-huh. >> and sometimes it's tough to get there or go for the run you feel better? >> totally. there's a healthy way. this isn't a healthy way. find the gym. if you can't get to the gym, do
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something in your house. you can do jumping jacks, take a walk, walk up and down the stairs in your house. find a way to get some sort of exercise. if you can't, breathing is your first step to everything. if you can stop and take deep breaths, you can actually make a different choice after that. we don't -- we don't stop. anything can wait two seconds, five minutes. >> you said for some people, this is almost a snow ball effect, the problem gets bigger the anger gets bigger. is there a particular personality type you're looking at that in an anger room would be in a bad place? >> there are definitely people that have anger management problems. that we just know they have a very short fuse, they snap easily, maybe they bottle it in. these are the people i'm not going to recommend go to someplace like that because it's going to fuel that more. >> you talk to kids who have issues. what would you recommend for parents who are watching right now whose kids may be angry, may be acting out?
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do they do things differently than adults? >>thy they don't. kids want to punch the pillow or the bed, so get your kids active. teach them breathing techniques. a lot of research is showing how much yoga can do for stress management, not just adults kids and teenagers, get them involved in things and teach them how to communicate instead of react it out. >> i wonder how much this is the result of inactivity and people sitting at their desks or computers all the time and looking for an outlet where they can be active. >> and feeling helpless and feeling like i don't have any control in my life. but if you can control your feelings, you have some control. >> i learned this week that sitting is one of the worst things you can do for your health, sitting all day long. get up and get active. >> and fuel that stress and anger, so make sure do you something else. we're going to go smash some things. thank you. ahead, turning tragedy into triumph. the man who refused to give up even after he was attacked by a shar
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♪ ♪ i'm glad you came i'm glad you came ♪ we're glad you joined. welcome back to "cbs this morning: saturday," everyone. i'm jeff glor. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. >> coming up, julie andrews from "mary poppins" and her children's book. we talk about her career and she reveals her favorite role. >> she's such a joy. also this morning you'll meet a man who truly has no time for fear. not only did he survive a shark attack, he is now back in the water after losing an arm and a leg. is he an inspiration. >> incredible. also select chef marc murphy will dish about his ultimate dish spaghetti ala car
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carbonara. but first john upstairs from wcbs tv. >> good morning to you too. let's talk weather. we have active weather to talk about. area of low pressure wet weather, snow and storms too. high and dry, way above normal out west. this is what we're concerned about. you have a front, area of low pressure. that low will ride into the east. so, yeah, some drought relief. timing not the best but we're looking at the possibility of 2 to 4 inches of rain. very dry. so, there will be a lot of good absorption and some local flooding during the course of your overnight into sunday. that's a quick look at the nation's forecast. now here's a closer look at the weather in your area.
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a big earth day shout out to nashville, tennessee, cool and wet today but they're hosting the 11th annual earth day festival this weekend at centennial park in the shadow of the parthenon fund educational day, packed with learning and music. thanks to everyone including mom and brothers phil and james at belmont university for watching us on news channel 5. right now, though, we're going to watch rebecca and jeff. ♪ silver white winters that melt into spring ♪ ♪ these are a few of my favorite things ♪ >> julie andrews has been a star on stage and screen for 60 years now from "mary poppins" and "the sound of music" to "the principle des diaries". >> a princess? shut up! >> i beg your pardon? shut up? >> and that's not all. for 40 years, she's been writing
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children's book. her new book with her daughter emma is called "the very fairy princess" and we're pleased to have julie andrews join us. good morning. >> good morning. >> so wonderful to have you here. >> thank you. >> i love the story behind your writing, how you came to write is so sweet. your children begged you. >> yes. they knew that i loved scribble. and about 40-something years ago we were all traveling together on a movie. they were bored and we were playing a game together. and it was one of those games where you had to pay a forfeit if you lost and i was the first to lose and they said, write a story. my eldest daughter said write me aer to. since she was a new stepdaughter at the time i was just going to write a couple pages and i thought, maybe this is a way to
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bond with her a little bit and try to write more as a small gift. >> and you never stopped. >> i enjoyed that so much and had the pleasure of having that little book published and i never stopped after that. i loved it. >> that was "manneddy" 1971? >> the first book i published. the latest one is "the very fairy princess: the flower girl". >> this is a franchise my daughter emma and i started writing 15 years ago. it's a story -- it's the third in a series at the moment of a little girl who's convinced she's a very fairy princess. despite evidence to the contrary, she has grubby fingernails and tears around but somewhere her inner knowledge is that she's got some sparkle that tells her so. she says you can be whatever you want to be. you just have to let your sparkle out.
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>> that's something that throughout your career has been the case. i remember "mary. op poppins poppins" was the first and only video in the jarvis home. >> only video? >> we loved it. something that's been true for your entire career is making children happy. and bringing messages like that to kids. >> yeah. a number of the films i've been fortunate enough to be a part of have been for children. i think i'm lucky because every seven years there's a new generation that wants to see them thank heavens. they've had longevity which is not true of a lot of movies. i'm very grateful. >> that they're so long lasting and now "the princess diaries". >> this is an interesting point. this sort of book-ended my
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career in a way. i began with "mary poppins" and "the sound of music" and then "the princess diaries." >> how is the voice? >> the voice is pretty nonexistent except in my lovely emma with whom i work on these books. i was moaning and carrying on about missing singing and she says, mom you found a different way of using your voice through these books. indeed, we package as many of our books as possible with dvds and cds. and, indeed, some of the projects that we've written together have been developed for stage, orchestra arrangements and beautiful music. so, in a way i don't know i would have had this opportunity to create and help produce and times direct if i hadn't had problems with my voice. >> one door closes another one opens. >> that's exactly right.
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>> do you have a favorite role? >> in terms of my work no. every role is -- you either love it because of your location or your script or your director or how much you learn from something. but in general, i love being a grand mom, i have to tell you that. and i have eight grandchildren. >> julie andrews, thank you very much. >> thank you for inviting me. a pleasure to see you in your lovely studio. >> it is isn't it? >> yes. >> julie's latest book "the very fairy princess" is available in target in hon i of princess week. a diver survived a shark attack and now he's heading back in the water. we'll tell you why he has no time for fear. you would be fearful? >> terrified. >> you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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more doing. that's the power of the home depot. the number one brand of paint just got better. starting at $23.98. [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] you're about to meet a man who barely survived a shark attack and is now an inspiration to all of us. three years ago paul de gelder was part of the australian navy on a dive to test counterterrorism hardware and then was attacked by a shark. >> he lost his forearm and leg and his recovery is nothing short of amazing. three months later, paul was back in the water. he's written about his experience in "no time for fear."
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paul de gelder joins us this morning. good to see you. >> great to see you. >> nice to be here. >> thanks for being here. take us back to that day and tell me what happened. >> it was a february day, in australia just the end of summer. wasn't a hot day. a bit overcast. sydney harbour is quite murky in the water. i was just basically swimming on my back, kicking my legs in a wet suit. i looked over my left shoulder to make sure i was going in the right direction and before i even looked back i just felt this big whack in my leg and didn't think too much of it. i looked down staring into the eyes of a big bull shark attached to me. >> you knew it was a shark five seconds into it? >> pretty much. didn't strike me as a shark attack instantly because it didn't hurt. i didn't think -- >> it didn't hurt? >> it didn't hurt. i didn't feel the teeth go in. it was a bit of a shock. i felt the whack in the leg and i looked around thinking the guys in the boat got a little too close.
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then i looked down and was shocked to see this massive shark attached to me. >> and you saw your hand was gone? >> actually i didn't initially. my panic system kicked in and i went to jab the shark in the eyeball with my hand. >> that wouldn't be most people's reaction, by the way. >> well, we've seen discovery channel, we've got "crocodile hunter," but when i went for the eyeball i couldn't see the hand. i had teeth marks down my wrist and i thought, okay, that's not going to work and decided to go with my left hand. i couldn't reach the eyeball so i decided to push it off. that did nothing. i punched him in the nose. that did nothing also. >> how long was he locked onto you for? >> for me it felt like five minutes but there is video footage of the shark attack. i think it only went for five to ten seconds. >> did you ever think i'm not going to make it through this? >> probably three instances that day where i definitely did not think i was going to live. the first one being under water with the shark, shaking me
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around. i couldn't breathe. i'd run out of air from yelling. and i thought that i was going to die just then and there. and then the swim back to the safety boat, i figured that's it, i'm never going to make it to the boat. and on the way to the hospital in the ambulance when i started having respiratory problems once again i thought that was it. >> looking at that video. unbelievable to watch that what was happening to you at that moment. talk about the recovery then. what happened in the next few months ahead? >> well the first major instant that happened was the doctor came to me and said look, it's up to you, but we think you may are to lose your leg. so, that was a huge, a huge impact for me, thinking -- i've kept my leg for a week and now i'll see it taken off. >> and you have to make the choice, by the way. >> yeah. the doctor came to me gave me all the information involved and said, its up to you. you can keep it and your life will suffer or remove it and we can probably have you walking and running on a prosthetic leg. my first instinct being high on morphine was take it turn me
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into a terminator. probably not too far off. >> wow. >> yeah, that was the first of many major decisions i had to make to improve my quality of life. >> and what allows you to get back in the water three months later? what is it from inside of you that lets you do it? >> it's a big love of being in the water. for me i don't think you can get any closer of being part of nature than being submerged in the ocean. it's relaxing, alleviates stresses and fears and you feel relaxed. a lot of the stresses that are impacted on you throughout your life. >> paul de gelder, incredible story. thank you for sharing it with us. we really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> emotional story, as i'm choked up. >> are you okay? >> it was my cold. up next, celebrity chef -- this is incredible. thank you for being here. marc murphy will dish about falling in love with the culinary world at a very early age. and his ultimate dish spaghetti
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alla car bower in ra. >> he might have a drink for jeff. >> we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] lactaid milk is easy to digest. it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d. and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk. get showered with the lowest home appliance prices of the season at sears. right now, get up to 20% off kenmore appliances. plus, an extra 15% off all appliance brands with your sears card. or get 50% off all kenmore wall ovens with your sears card. thinking of going somewhere else? think again. sears. [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away.
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♪ surfing now with no sharks. this morning on "the dish," marc murphy guest of the hit show "chopped" and part of landmarc and ditch plains. >> he traveled with his father a diplomat which might explain his love of food. chef joins us with his favorite dish spaghetti alla carbonara. what else did you bring? >> we brought a little ratatouille and brussel sprouts, one of my favorite vegetables, and raw zucchini shall ladalad where you shave them into olive oil, lemon juice, and peculiarorino.
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>> we talked about that you would travel. >> we were one place and another. i was born in milan, italy, moved to paris, south of france and then we did a stint -- >> lovely accent. >> and did a stint in virginia and then rome, back to rome again. i ended up cooking in paris for a while. i worked in a restaurant there later on in life when i decided to start cooking. >> your favorite food spot? >> i would think my favorite food spot is probably italy. it's more me. it's more the relaxed, the comfortable -- it's very -- you go to any italian restaurant in italy, you know it's going to be good and really relaxed. >> yep. >> when it comes to great italian cooking and something like spaghetti car bow nar raew car
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carbonara, is it difficult to do it right? >> i don't know if it's difficult to do it right. i grew up in rome and it's a dish that everybody makes right. it's the most simple dish to make. it's basically eggs, cheese and bacon. there's nothing else. and then black pepper. >> how does it all come together? >> it's simple but complicated. >> it's not that complicated. i used to do it -- i ended up going to a school up in new hampshire for a while. there was a little stove in the dormitory. i used to make carbonara for everybody. >> lucky dorm. >> the cafeteria, i'm going to make it for everybody in the dorm and they loved it. >> were you surfing back then? >> no i started surfing six years ago. my wife for father's day bought a surfboard. she thought it would look good leaned up against the house. i said, i'm going to try this thing. i called the local surf shop in montauk and i met corey and the
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first day it was pouring and come on, let's go out. it was the hardest thing in my life. i wanted to keep challenging and i keep trying. >> is that your personality, you see something insurmountable you want it. >> not in all ways but out on the beach. i get bored at the beach. i just don't like -- >> you get bored at the beach? >> i need to have -- i need something to do. >> i'm with you. i don't like to just sit there. >> after you know five minutes i'm like, all right, now what? that's the way i am. i need to do things. i thought, surfing, then i'll be doing something. getting out in the water, i mean -- not to make fun of people that go play golf but i'd rather instead of chasing a white ball around a green field in the hot sun, i'd much rather be floating in the ocean and chasing a wave. >> so you like golf. what are we drinking here? >> this is a chateau, just -- i'm a big fan of old world wines. i'm not saying -- i love american wines as well but, you know, to me to bring me back to
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my childhood, not that i was drinking too much wine as a child, we were always to put a little flash in our water. >> you were in europe. >> wow. >> you know my grandfather always put a little red wine in our water to give it a little color. that's sort of the way you start. but i just love the depth of french wines and italian wines as well. it brings back memories of where i grew up. >> my son is not sleeping well. are you making recommendation? >> give him a little of this. you brought your number one ingredient along today. >> it's one of those ingredients that's always in the fridge. my wife loves chicken with mustard, i do, too. mustard is the base of almost all the vinaigrettes i like to make and it's always needed. you always need mustard. one of my favorite ingredients. >> as you sign this dib -- second chef in the last four weeks to bring dijon mustard. it's a big ingredient. >> it's a big ingredient. >> i love it. i'm a big fan as well. it just goes well with everything. i like it with chicken. >> if you take a big spoonful,
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it might clear out that cold you've got. >> or the wine, or a combination of both. >> i say mix the two. >> chef, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> for more on marc murphy head to our website [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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>> announcer: the dish sponsored by v-8 fusion smoothies. could have had a v-8. >> erica hill as a look at what's happening monday on "cbs this morning." >> good morning. on monday journalist and best selling author anna quinnly is here talking about her new memoir and the lives of women today and dan marino on turning 50 and the hottest prospect on the field next son. monday, on "cbs this morning." >> next week on "cbs this morning: saturday," joel osteen will address a huge audience. before he does guess who he's talking to? >> wild guess us? >> yeah, you got it right. >> i'm glad to hear
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