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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  July 10, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> if the pay raise is passed, it would amount to about $61 extra a week for the fire chief. but it comes just after the controversial closure of two fire companies. and it has some folks smoking mad. >> it's infuriating. operating truck 10 in her neighborhood. slated. which is why news that the board of estimates would consider giving fire chief james clack a $3200 raise next year has her so upset. >> people's lives are in danger. >> you talk about giving someone a pay raise. please, come on. >> reporter: mayor stephanie rawlings-blake wants a contract extension for clack until 2018, with incremental pay raises. chief clack released a statement to wjz, saying, i'm very happy that the mayor has asked me to continue to serve as fire chief for the next several years. we've made great progress. we have more work to do. >> reporter: the mayor's office
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also issued a statement, praising the fire chief. and touting his accomplishments. >> reporter: the mayor's office points to a record low of 17 fire fatalities last year. and only three so far this year. in a statement, they say the mayor believes that extending clack's contract will alow him to continue to implement meaningful changes to the department and the company. but the pay increase also outrages firefighters and their union representative. >> if there's no money, there's no money. we should all feel the pain. it's my opinion, you should just turn to raise him. again, it's a slap in the face to people. >> you don't give yourself a raise. you don't accept a raise. when your men are doing more with less. that's just a disgusting, disgusting proposal. >> union representatives say they will personally be on hand at tomorrow's board of estimates meeting. tell the mayor and board members what they think about this propose alt. and why they think the fire chief doesn't deserve that raise.
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wjz eyewitness news. board of estimates. >> a fire department, a firefighter is arrested during a federal raid. >> company police tells us. >> reporter: they have been running this prostitution ring for years. >> reporter: this giant warehouse on south pulaski street. >> we found a handgun. a small amount of marijuana. in various ledgers and documents that would suggest that an online prostitution and human trafficking operation was being conducted from the location. >> reporter: at 12-- a 12-year veteran with the baltimore fire department was arrested monday.
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wjz has learned he had been arrested for human trafficking and prostitution back in 2010. but was never charged. >> as of this moment, he has never been suspended without pay. and we will begin our preliminary investigation into the situation. >> reporter: chief kevin cartwright tells wjz, simmons was a park paramedic. out of rowland park. >> that's a little unnerving. you don't want to think of the people who are protecting are doing things they aren't supposed to be doing. but i guess you find out we're all human and do things we shouldn't do at times. >> reporter: police seized several flash drives, computers, sex toys inside the warehouse. >> i can't think of anything of this magnitude taking place, not here. >> reporter: franklin coit is charged with running a prostitution ring and after- hours club. he, too, was charged with the
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same thing if in 2010. >> reporter: simmons was taken. he faces a host of criminal charges, including trafficking and prostitution. i'm jessica cartal yeah wjz -- kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> federal charges are still pending. >> he believed america is evil. and plotted terror against it. mary is in the newsroom with the man's plea deal with the government. >> vic, the massachusetts is charged with plotting to plow model planes packed with explosives. he was arrested after agents posing as al qaeda members delivered explosives, machine guns and other things to him. he pleaded guilty to two charges. four other charges, though, were dismissed. under the plea agreement, prosecutors have agreed to request a 17-year sentence for him. vic? >> authorities say the public was never in danger from the explosives, which they said were always under the control of federal officials during the sting operation.
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>> reporter: . >> new development tonight in the murder of a 12-year-old in east baltimore. the 12-year-old faces life in prison. and together, they faced a judge just hours ago. mike hellgren is live with their plea. >> reporter: they told the judge they were not guilty. a jury will decide their fate at a trial in late august. >> reporter: sean johnson loves football. was close to his mom and did well in class. and like a typical 12-year-old, he was hanging out with friends on a porch in east baltimore last may. then, tragedy struck. police say antoine mosely, derek brown, and danye robinson shot him four times, believing he was someone else. the three just pleaded not guilty. and those who showed up in court to support them had little to say as emotions ran high. >> i said, kiss my [ bleep ]. don't be quoting me. >> reporter: witnesses reluctant to come forward and cops used phone record toss crack the case which went unsolved for a year. >> reporter: police say the young men opened fire and left johnson for dead on the
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pavement. he was hospitalized for two days before he passed. >> i can't imagine somebody just going on his porch to watch basketball with friends and getting killed like this. i mean, it's just so sad. >> no parent should feel the pain that i'm feeling right now. >> reporter: city councilwoman mary pat clark was in court for the flea. she -- plea. she said it is critic to stay on the court to move through the criminal justice system. >> we are trying to compensate. but you can't compensate for a life lost, especially sean's promising life. >> reporter: and one of the defendants, antoine mosely, said his family was trying to get together enough cash for a private defense attorney. the judge warned him, though, he could be without counsel for the trial. he said he was willing to take the risk. reporting live, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you, mike. this is one of the first cases for the city state's attorney's year-old investigation unit,
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which targets repeat violent offenders. 17-year-old alec seguerra worked out of his owings mills basement, creating duct tape clothing and accessories. he built up a successful business on the internet. last night, alec lost control of his car, skidded out of control and died. police say speeding is to blame. grading baltimore city schools. new numbers show a slight improvement in education. but there is still a long way to go. wjz is live. rochelle ritchie is at city school headquarters in east baltimore with the results. rochelle? >> reporter: well, denise, the results are mixed and show the challenges ahead. >> reporter: superintendent dr. andres alonzo reveals the results for the 2012 assessment test. the results not wad but -- not bad but not good. >> reporter: the numbers matter. and they matter tremendously. >> reporter: baltimore city school's numbers remain fairly dorm ant to last year. math scores in grades 3 through
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8 are up two percentage points in 2011, where 62% of students scored a proficient or advanced. this year, an increase of just 63%. >> summer school last year was all about math. because we knew that math was the subject that we needed to make the progress. >> reporter: focusing solely on math. the scores for reading was decreased nearly 2% from 69% to just under 68%. >> for new entrants into the system, what we're seeing is a far worse performance in terms of reading than we're seeing in math. >> reporter: across the state, nearly 90% of elementary students passed the reading and math test. and more than 80% are meeting state standards. gilmore elementary school principal says his school was on the lowest-performing elementary schools in the city last year. improvement in teaching strategies helps to boost the scores. >> we had the largest growth in reading, about 16%.
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-- 16 points, that is. and in math, about 20 points. >> reporter: while the numbers are improving, dr. alonzo says increasing suspensions and increasing attendance, will help the scores. >> reporter: dr. alonzo says those are gaining on tests. it's a test that is insufficient for the future. >> there is no writing for the msas. and if you have a test that doesn't include writing, school will not teach writing. >> reporter: and in three years, baltimore city school students will take a different test that will focus not only on math and reading but also writing. we'll send it back to you. >> thank you, rochelle. in anne arundel county, 90% of students passed reading and math. in howard county, 95% passed. after last week's punishing weather, take a look. take a look outside from sky eye chopper 13. skies are a little cloudy here and there. but at least the sun isn't baking us like it was. meteorologist bernadette woods has a look at what can could be a wet forecast for some.
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>> we have a couple of thunderstorms out there. and biggest is out over the bay bridge. let's get to it and show you that this thunderstorm made its way, bubbling up, just around queenstown. and it's drifting off to the west. and it's right over the bay bridge. anyone heading in that direction is going to have issues. elsewhere, just a spotty shower around severna park. and a couple off to the northwest. you can see it scattered about and drifting. they're all going to rain themselves out in the next couple of hours here. temperature-wise, it's 84 degrees outside. very typical for this time of year. we'll have your forecast coming up. denise? >> thank you, bernadette. the same day the supreme court upheld president obama's healthcare reform law, republican lawmakers vowed to repeal it. in today's campaign 2012 report, republicans now say they're trying to make good on their promise. danielle nottingham reports for washington for wjz. >> reporter: president obama's healthcare reform law is once again center stage on the house floor. >> obama care eliminates millions of american jobs.
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>> reporter: this is the 33rd time house republicans have tried to scrap all or parts was law. the renewed effort to repeal it follows the supreme court ruling that the law is constitutional. >> what a waste of america's time. 30 times that we haven't voteed on jobs bills. 30 times we haven't focused on extending tax cuts for the middle clas. >> reporter: the house is expected to vote for repeal wednesday. but like previous attempts, this will die in the democratically-controlled senate. >> reporter: still, it could help the gop fire up the base and put vulnerable democrats on the defensive come election day. >> it puts political leaders, political gains ahead of the health of the nation's citizens. >> reporter: but where republicans insist it is a sincere effort. >> the vote we the take tomorrow is not a symbolic vote. it is the will of the american people. >> reporter: and they say they won't give up until they get rid of the law. in washington, danielle notingham, wjz eyewitness news.
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>> now, the last time a full repeal came up for a vote in the house, three democrats cited -- sided with the republicans. you can check in for complete coverage of campaign 2012. for updates, logon -- log onto disappointment for tourists. no one is going to be visiting the washington monument any time soon. we'll tell you why, coming up. the boot still up the back side. governor o'malley tops storm, restoration and energy innovation. i'm pat warren. we'll have that story coming up next. i'm andrea fujii. at the maryland food bank, where there's a big need for donations this summer. but it's not for food. till -- i'll tell you what it is just ahead. and sky eye chopper 13 is flying over a cloudy maryland tonight. first warning weather checks out what's coming our way. just ahead. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it is 84 degrees and partly cloudy in central maryland now. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. summer storms make a case for alternative power sources. governor o'malley is promoting green energy at the same time he's looking for ways to improve the existing power grid. >> reporter: governor o'malley toured the company dedicated to green energy with power blackouts fresh in mind. >> i'm sure that all people want to know, is your boot still up the back side of the
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utilities? and will you fix this and will you make sure this never happens to me again? >> reporter: while maryland continues to recover from the not a hurricane. >> it was almost like a violent windshield wiper just swept across this swath of the country. >> clean air country is busy supplying wind and solar. >> peej people feel more helpless and unempowerred than throwing out their refrigerator food. >> reporter: the administration's goal is to increase renewable generation by 2022. but that won't fix today's problem. >> i think what people want to hear us doing and working on right now is making our grid much more resilient and much more reliable. >> reporter: that may include moving power stations underground to prevent damage from trees, in addition to a bigger, greener picture. expect to hear a lot more about wind energy coming up in
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annapolis next year. i'm pat warren, reporting from silver spring. now, back to you on t hill -- tv hill. >> and clean current spry supplies homes and businesses through the mid-atlantic. the baltimore green may end up in the red again this year. but organizers promise everyone will get the money they're due. the group hopes to become profitable after running a second race in baltimore in 2013. tickets went on sale in may. and organizers say sales are on track. not even halfway through the summer. and the maryland food bank is in dire need of the hot weather essential. but it's not food. andrea fujii explains how you can help. >> reporter: after eight days of nearly back-to-back code red heat advisories. and no air conditioning. after the june 29th storm. thousands of marylanders sought relief at cooling centers. but the water that helped cool them off, is now in short supply. >> when it's an unusually hot
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spell for a long period of time, then that inventory depletes very quickly. >> reporter: the maryland food bank provides water for dozens of cooling centers across the state. and has so far, distributed 70,000 bottles. twice as many as last year. so now, it's not food donations they need. >> no, we need water. >> four weeks ago, this storage room was filled with water. now, it's only about a quarter full. >> we have to again figure out how we're going to get our inventories back to where we need them. >> reporter: as volunteers continue to help families who lost power. >> the agencies that we serve out in the communities are helping people to become whole again after the storm. >> reporter: hope rests in donors, to replenish their empty shelves. with more than two months left of summer. >> and the food bank says water donations always decrease in the summer. but they're hoping for 16-ounce bottles like this, as they
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expect many more hot days ahead. vic? >> andrea, thank you. the maryland food bank serves nearly 500,000 people across the state. >> but today, we are normal. >> yes, we are. >> feels so nice to be normal. >> it's normal outside. very typical summer day out there. 84 degrees. a couple of thunderstorms scattered around the region. nothing extreme, though. neither temperatures nor the thunderstorms. we'll have that forecast when we return. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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here's a live look outside now. it's cloudy but feels good out there. the feels good temperature feels good. bernadette? >> we're liking this a little better, aren't we? okay. we have thunderstorms helping to cool things down a little more. we'll show you doppler radar. couple died down into showers. this is what we're seeing with less of the thunderstorms that built up over southern parts of pennsylvania. died down to showers. drifting off to mainly the east. slightly to southeast. now, south of that, we have seen a couple more thunderstorms starting to fire. and we'll take you on a tour of those. some of those still hanging around. just over the gray bridge. this one right here hasn't moved much in the last 10 minutes. we also have this southwest of glen burnie. and the thunderstorm building up now over severna park. also, a couple out toward the western parts of the montgomery county, and howard county, and also in the southern parts of
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carroll county. we've seen a couple of thunderstorms around there, too. switch it around and show you. that they're pretty much scattered around. we had sunshine. front nearby. just a smattering of showers and thunderstorms out there this afternoon. and these will die down overnight. there is a bit of a breeze out of the east. and nothing all that extreme, temperature-wise. 84 degrees is where we sit right now. 82 in hagerstown. we'll show you today, we topped out with a high of 90 degrees. so back up to nathat 90 mark. the thing is, the all-time record in baltimore was on this date. and we are not talking about numbers at all today. that extreme heat is back over to the west. and the east, which was baking for nearly two weeks is back close to averages. we also have that front stalled out. it's not going to go much of anywhere the next couple of days. so just a slight chance for shower and thunderstorms tomorrow and even wednesday. or excuse me, even thursday. but as we head into thursday night, a new low is going to ride along this front. it will change it back over to a warm front. and then it comes back off to
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the north. more so thursday night into friday and saturday. we'll see more widespread scattered showers and thunderstorms during that time frame. here's how it looks on the forecast. out on the waters, bay temps up to 84 degrees. east winds at 5 to 10 knots. thunderstorms dying down overnight. 68 degrees. tomorrow, mixed clouds and sunshine. just a slight chance for a shower and thunderstorm. 88 degrees for our high. and we'll see those chances increase once again as we head towards the weekend. >> okay. that's good. we love it. thank you, bernadette. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. >> he said, my arm is gone. and he was freaked out, obviously. >> dangerous encounter. a teenager in a life-and-death fight with a 10-foot alligator. hear what happened. a controversial plan to put missiles on top of a building in london. why some are so upset about it. closed to visitors. why the repairs to the earthquake-damaged monument are,
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do you see it ? there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it.
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any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is.
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it is 6:28. 84 degrees and partly cloudy in central maryland. good evening. thanks for staying with wjz.
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here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. it may have stood up to last summer's big east coast earthquake. but the washington monument still needs a lot of help. alex demetrick reports, it needs $15 million and a year and a half in repairs. you can see the tourists look up. but that's about all they can do at the washington monument. it's been closed to visitors, ever since it was seriously rattled in a 5.8 earthquake last august. but not everyone from out of town knows that. >> coming all the way from georgia, we were looking forward to visiting it. then we looked at the news this morning and found out it was going to be closed. >> i would love to take the kids up to see all of washington, d.c. from the top of the monument. great experience for them. >> reporter: but the structural engineers who inspected the monument from the inside out, found cracks, missing stones and mortar and panels of marble. to fix it -- >> the work itself is difficult. getting there is even more difficult. >> reporter: according to the national park service, that means extensive preparation. >> reporter: the main thing is
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the scoffalding -- scaffolding. it's very difficult to get to. five 50 feet. we have to put scaffolding around the whole thing. scaffold the inside. >> reporter: with the effect looking like this. although that could be a tourist draw on its own. >> i've seen this on the statue of liberty as well. >> reporter: $15 million had been set aside for repairs. although it could cost more. >> we hope to mobilize in september. if everything goes well, then we could be done by late 2013. we'll have to come back then, huh? [ laughter ] >> and take in the view from inside. alex demetrick, wjz eyewitness news. >> now, the washington moniewments was completed in 1884 before the quake it brought in 600,000 visitors a year year. air traffic delays around newark international airport, are expected to last well into the evening. earlier today, the air traffic tower was evacuated after workers smelled smoke in the elevator shaft. flights into and out of newark
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were halted for an hour until the smoke cleared. the problem caused a ripple of delays across the country. ooh baltimore police officer is sentenced for his role in a towing company extortion scheme. mary is in the newsroom with more on a scandal that involves over a dozen officers. >> reporter: and jamie lugo of aberdeen was sentenced in baltimore court to two years in prison. he pleaded guilty to part of the scheme that referred accident victims to a particular repair shop. in exchange, the officer would seek payment from the owner. prosecutors say the majestic auto repair shop was not an authorized to company for the city. the u.s. attorney's office says 14 officers have pleaded guilty in federal court. one officer was convicted at trial. denise? >> thank you, mary. the final police officer involved in the scheme is set to be sentenced in follow federal court next month. residents in one neighborhood have lost their fight against the military olympic security plan. as monica villamizar reports, they didn't want missiles positioned right next to their homes.
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>> reporter: this london apartment building is about to get a new feature. rooftop missiles. a british judge rules that the military can legally install them. and that's upsetting residents. >> i'm scared. and i'm scared for my kids. because they live here. >> reporter: the missile system, similar to this one, can shoot down a hijacked airport. they are using the missiles to protect against the possible terrorist attacks during olympics. but residents worry the weapons will make this neighborhood a target for terrorists. >> whatever they have decided, it's now set in stone. so can't really change much. >> reporter: east london residents held protests and filed suit in the city's high court to keep the missiles out. but a judge rejected the challenge, saying the weapons present no real threat to residents. >> the clear indication of today's judgment is that the ministers of defense now has the pour to militarize the private homes of any person in britain. >> reporter: the british military is expected to install the surface to air missiles within days. this building is just one of
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six locations in london where the weapons will be deployed. >> reporter: it's all part of britain's massive security operations for the olympics. fighter jets, naval ships and more than 20,000 soldiers and guards will work to keep the games safe. the military says it is putting missiles on this apartment building because it offers a clear view to downtown london and the olympic park. in london, monica villamizar, wjz eyewitness news. >> surface to air missiles were also used as a security measure during the 2008 summer olympics in beijing. crews in southwest baltimore are beginning major repairs to an aging water main. the department of public works says the main under these railroad tracks could fail at any time, causing a massive flood. nearly 2 million people in the region are being asked to conserve water for the next three weeks. so crews can replace the main. some may see a slight drop in water pressure, beginning thursday. well, a warning tonight for ocean city businesses. keep an eye out for counterfeit cash. police are looking for two
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teenagers who they say have been trying to pass off counterfeit $20 bills, at several different boardwalk shops. investigators say the most common way money is faked is when someone bleaches a lower denomination bill and reprints a higher amount on the bill. a south florida teenager has a gator attack and it tears off his right arm. >> the gator was about two felt away from him. just came straight at him. abraham yelled fred. looked and punched the gator. then went under. >> fred said the gator attack seemed to come out of nowhere. >> the gator was coming at him, on top of the water as fast as he could. coming. >> reporter: gary beck was on shore but jumped in to get fred and the other boys out of the water. >> he said, my arm is gone. he was freaked out, obviously. >> reporter: friends were in the river with him, say langdale knew exactly what to do. >> here's been around alligators all his life. he is smart enough to know if
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he offers his arm, he won't take his torso. he was smart to take the risk. >> reporter: teens here are very well aware of the presence of alligators in these waters. wildlife officials say this happens to be a very active time for alligators. >> very active mating season. they're very active. any type of commotion in the water is potential food. >> reporter: fish and wildlife officers say there had been reports of two gators called in from that same area earlier in the day. the bite spawned a three-hour search to retrieve the 17-year- old's arm. trappers also hauled in several other gators in that time. lang dale's friends say it's all part of their world. >> will this stop us from coming out here again? no. especially fred. he'll be the first person bax in. >> police say it's actually very unusual for a gator to attack a person in this area. though they have been known to go after dogs and other animals. here's a question. would you jump if you were stuck on an amusement park
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ride? that's what 17-year-old melanie and her best friend did when they got stuck on the sky ride. a storm was rolling in. so they took a leap of faith. 35 feet to the beach below. >> i looked to my side. and i was like, we're right increase to a huge metal pole. and in my mind, i was like, we're in a metal death trap. i was like, i'm either going to get struck by lightning or a break a leg. >> and i was like, i'll only jump if you jump, too. and she was like all right. and she jumped. and i was like, wait, i wasn't ready. >> melanie says she is never going on that ride again. time now for a quick look at the baltimore sun. more on the new organizers are the baltimore grand prix, guaranteeing that they will pay all of their bills, regardless of whether this year's race makes money or not. grading the first half of the orioles season. and how to make the perfect i -- panna cotta, the sweet
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italian dessert. still to come on wjz's eyewitness news. is fashion harming your health? how clothes may look good but you may be surprised what they can do to your body. hot air balloon makes an emergency landing that is going to leave a mark. and i'm in for bob turk tonight in the first warning weather center. we'll have your first warning five-day forecast. we'll have that coming up shortly. wjz 13 is always on. and here are the top stories on at this hour. for updates on all the day's news, and the updated forecast any time, log onto ,,,,
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but they can be really well thexpensive.ted a puppy, so to save money i just found them a possum. dad, i think he's dead. probably just playin' possum. sfx: possum hisses there he is. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes
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a father in california is arrested after allegedly leaving his son in the car for five hours. san diego police found the 11- year-old in the vehicle. he only speaks spanish and told police his dad was at a bar. officers say empty beer bottles were also found in the car. >> dad looked like he had been sitting in the bar for a couple of hours. worst case scenario, gets behind the people, drives under the influence. >> police searched the man and also found cocaine in his pocket. the dad faces a series of charges. as for the boy, he is now in protective custody. police in boca raton, florida, were led to a church,
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in search of a shoplifter. surveillance video shows a priest, allegedly walking out of a gnu nieman -- nieman- marcus store. a witness couldn't identify the priest so his picture was deliberated to other -- distributed to other stores. the priest says he is innocent. mary kay kleist reports for wjz, some doctors say the cloighting you wear could be responsible for everything from digestive issues to headaches. >> reporter: it's one thing to be fashionable. it's another to be so uncomfortable that you have to go to the doctor. >> the skinny jeans in themselves are too tight. they squeeze too much. they flatten too much. >> uncomfortable around the waistline. >> reporter: and doctors say too much squeezing yourself into match stick jeans can cause nerve compression. >> for people who wear tight pants, the most common thing is
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something called meralgia essthet ca. >> that is when the nerves get it. >> tingling. >> it can also cause abdominal discomfort, heartburn and belching. >> reporter: this happens most afternoon when someone's stomach is 3 inches larger than their pants size. >> the cinch belts can be be uncomfortable. >> reporter: if you wear body shapers, remember, they're made for smoothing not squeeze you down a size. >> it does leave a mark on your legs sometimes. >> reporter: if if worn too tight for too long, some shapers can also prevent the lung from fully inflating. reducing oxygen intake. any guy can look put together. but about seven out of 10 men look too small. according to a university of cornell study. >> you have the carotid going up to the brain. >> reporter: and that can cause
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headaches and blurred vision. tight shirt collars and ties can also increase muscle tension in the back and shoulders. >> there's no need to cause yourself injury just to be fashionable. >> heavy handbags can also cause back issues. the american chiropractic association says women should carry no more than 10% of their body weight. a hot air balloon crashes near phoenix. but before it came down, it was dragged quite a ways. the wind played a big part in the final destination of the balloon. it traveled for several hundred feet before it stopped. the winds were whipping about 20 miles per hour. upon landing, five people crawled out of the basket. and in the end, no one was hurt. >> fortunately, none of them were wearing tight clothing. >> that's right. scott pelley has a preview of what's coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. cops working for minimum wage. teachers taking unpaid furloughs. some of the hard choices that cities are forced to make. we'll look at that tonight on the cbs evening news.
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and here's a look at tonight's closing numbers from wall street. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. what a start to the week so far. live look outside.
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meteorologist bernadette woods has the forecast. and the rest of the week. >> that's right. the front is going to remain stalled to the south. chance for thunderstorms. here's that forecast for tomorrow. it's just a small chance. and most of us aren't going to see anything at all. otherwise, we'll see our high go up to about 88 degrees. now, over the next day, still a small chance thursday. thursday night into the weekend. that front comes back up over maryland, really increasing our chances for scattered showers and thunderstorms as we head through the weekend. high 90 on sunday. denise? >> thank you, bernadette. mick jagger's crazy life is revealed in his crazy biography with shocking details about his obsession with an a-lister. chris jacobs has this. >> coming up on entertainment tonight. mick jagger is one of music's all-time greatest bad boys. but was his lifestyle even crazier than you knew? a new biography has claims about his sexual sexual obsession and wildest of all,
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his obsession with angelina jolie. >> jolie, playing a stripper in the music video, anybody seen my baby? it was 1997 before she was famous and he was married to jeri hall. >> mick was excited by her instantly. continually calling her. and they did, indeed, have an on and off again affair. at one point, he would leave a series of messages on her answering machine, with sobbing on the phone, why won't you return my calls. he said, she scares me a little and i like that. >> reporter: madonna. mick, a torid affair with uma thurman. >> uma thurman's then boyfriend, ethan hawke said he would call in the middle of the nice, asking where she was. and it was a serious threat to their relationship. >> reporter: and also tonight, new information on tom and katie's divorce settlement. who will suri spend christmas with?
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that and much more coming up later on entertainment tonight. >> that's at 7:30, here on wjz 13. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. baseball's best gather in kansas city for the all-star game. and some orioles are basking in the spotlight. >> mark has more coming up next in s,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar.
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or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day. get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh.
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the last we saw adam jones, he was eating a lot of barbecue. >> here's how an optimist should watch the all-star games tonight. orioles will have home field advantage in the world series. >> aha. >> adam jones, matt sweeters and jim johnson. three orioles, earning all-star status. and the perennially low star boston sox. adam jones even joined david letterman to help him with the late-night top 10 list. >> number 4, baltimore orioles outfielder adam jones, ladies and gentlemen. adam jones. >> players need notes from two different doctors to get out of doing lame top 10 lists. >> yeah, i'm sorry. and there's jones crashing the espn broadcast set during home run derby, sampling the
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city's cuisine. jones has become the face of the orioles franchise. and he is eating up his second trip to the all-star game. >> having two of my teammates here with me is even better than myself. if i'm here. we got three guys. i found out ortiz is the only guy representing baltimore. when was the last time only one red sox was here? it's cool that i get to share with wieters and johnson and played their tails off the first half. >> to be able to be voted in by the players, makes it even more of an honor. to feel like you have that kind of respect. and any time you get to come to an all-star game, it's a great experience. but to be able to make two, it's nice. >> and that all-star experience includes a red carpet ride through the city to the ballpark. jones and wielters in the all- stars. it's jim johnson's time to pitch in the all-star classic. matt cain from the national
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league threw a perfect game for the giants last month. and the american league starting pitcher, he'll be in baltimore when the regular season resumes this friday. tigers will come to town with the all-star starting pitcher and the all-star home run derby champ. eight of them lined up for the annual long ball blastoff. and detroit bigman. fielder. plus, the king of swing. came down to fielder. batista. fielder knocked 12 out of the park in the final round to claim the trophy. second time he's won the derby. >> i don't think it looks easy. because it's hard. i mean, you've seen me. i'm sweating. out of breath. and definitely not easy. just getting in the groove. and have good like i did. >> also won three years ago as a member of the milwaukee brewers. he's the first slugger to win the contest as a representative of each league. all-star game in kansas city tonight. basketball's best in las vegas. most of them anyway.
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it is the usa squad getting ready for the summer olympics. the 12-roster man. back row to the left. on the olympic team for the third time. the u.s. opens olympic play in london, july 29th. they'll take on france. the u.s. is coached by duke mike shechef krzyzewski. we will hear from the team coming up tonight at 11:00. >> when it's red, white and blue, who care fist he coaches a team-- if he coaches a team. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet,
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cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle, but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time.
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or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. don't miss the cbs primetime lineup at 10:00. episode of 48 hours mystery, followed by eyewitness news at 11:00. how smart is your dog? man's best friend is putting training to the test in china. learning 30 chinese characters. his name is uze. he and his owner live in the northern province of china. the dog can read in chinese, recognize his name and where he lives.
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residents are surprised for a whole different reason in north texas. some say those residents are karching grasshoppers. catching grasshoppers. others since early june have caught locusts by the jarsful. speculation is they are using the bugs for food. fried grasshoppers are a delicacy in some parts of the world. but they haven't exactly caught on in the panhandle. so there's surplaws -- surplus, in case you're interested. >> bon appetit. that's it for us tonight. >> thanks for watching, wjz. maryland's news station. we don't want you to rush away. there's much more ahead on the cbs evening news with scott pelley, including the drastic measure local cities are taking to keep the city afloat. plus, why veterans aren't getting the >> pelley: tonight, going broke. a city near bankruptcy cuts the pay of firemen and cops to minimum wage.
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another city's cuts have students jammed into classrooms. elaine quijano and ben tracy on cities in crisis. the supreme court upheld the president's health care law. but now several states are opting out. anna werner reports. what's behind this extreme weather? wyatt andrews say a government study out today names the culprit. and david martin on the unbelievable mountains of paper that stand between wounded veterans and their benefits. >> you're surrounded by paper. i am. i am. this is my daily life. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. if you go to the official website for the city of scranton, pennsylvania, you will find this boast: "the future is here." well, city workers hope not because their pay has just been slashed


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