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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  July 13, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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police involved shooting. a man is dead after officers opened fire. how it happened. held lo, again. i'm jessica kartalija. here's what people are talking about today. we're following a developing story in baltimore county this noon. police shoot and kill a man while trying to solve a warrant at his home. wjz is live. rochelle rich ie is at police head quarters with the latest. good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon. the police police officer who fire -- the police officer who fired those fatal shots is a 17 year veteran although the baltimore county police station. he's now on paid leave. >> baltimore county police say just before midnight they tried to serve a search warrant at this home on the 400 black of high meadow road. >> as officers entered the home identifying themselves as police officers they made their way to the second floor. >> it was on the way the second floor an unknown man, later identified as ronald melvin cox, began swinging a sword as officers entered the bedroom. >> it was a large sword in the
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range of 3 feet long. >> the sword struck one of the officers shields. >> the officer opened fire to stop the attack. >> police are not saying if he's attempted to the murder case. >> reporter: they are not releasing his name of the officer. back to you. >> thank you . baltimore county homicide detectives are investigating this case. a carroll county man is behind bars this noon charged in connection with a double shooting over night that left one man dead and another injured. state police were called to the harvest inn just after a midnight. they found david garis and david hail in the parking lot. hail was taken to shock trauma. police arrested 24-year-old jacob bercher. he's been held on a temporary warrant charging him with first degree murder. the baltimore city fire department is changing its social media guidelines. gigi barnett is in the news room with
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the details. >> reporter: the city fire department says it's taking a second look at its rules on social media. fire department leaders say they may change their rules on what comments firefighters can post on social media sites. the move coming after firefighters post information on websites like twitter. some firefighters say the new poll sis could speak their rights to speak their right. the city police force is working on its policy as well. >> some of the complaints posted on twitter include the city's decision to close three fire companies. a victory for baltimore. wells fargo will pay millions of the city. baltimore sued wells fargo assuming sub prime lending practices. wells fargo agreed to pay $175 million to eight
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cities and states, including baltimore getting $7.5 million. the settlement also gives restitution to city redents. the secret service is investigating a report that a police officer made threatening comments towards michelle obama. the officer was over heard saying he would shoot the first lady then showed a picture from his cell phone of the firearm he would use. the officer has worked as a motorcycle escort for white house officials. he's been assigned to administrative duty. it's shaping up to be a quite day weather wise. taking a live look outside. the sun is trying to peak out through the clouds over the inner harbor. we have complete first warning weather coverage with marty in the weather center. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i've got that high over cast out there. it's a bright day if you're just getting up. you could use your sunglasses. there's not a ton of sun out there.
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let's take a look at some temperatures, the numbers that tell the story of this noon hour. 85 on tv hill. the dew point of 58. not unlike the past two days. there is a bit of a different feel this afternoon all be it with the temperature change. we have, as i said, these high clouds in the area in the region. let's take a look at the doppler. we do indeed have some shower actively. now you -- activity. you saw that light stuff at the beginning of this loop. i'll run it right, there at cecil county. that's the eastern extent of a waive out to our west. all that moisture is going to stay northwest of the baltimore metro moving southwest to northeast. if you live in portions of carroll county you may see a couple of showers this afternoon but not enough to spit at. that's our best hope for
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widespread rain in the area. we're starting to get dry. we're moving into the driest period of the year. what are our chances of getting moisture, rain, over the next 5 days? we will take a look at that coming up shortly in our first warning weather significant mnt. back to -- segment. back to you. j p morgan chase said their giant trading blunder was more serious than first reported. the fall out for the bank and its traders. >> jp morgan chase now says the trading mistake has cost the bank $5.8 billion so far this year. that's almost triple its original estimate of the loss. ceo jamie diamond told analysts this has shaken our company to the core. traders in london managed the botched portfolio. they were supposed to be protecting the company against risk. diamond said the managers had been dismissed without pay.
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he plans to take back 2 years worth of compensation from each of those executives, that includes the bank's former chief investment officer. >> until the trading loss came to light jp morgan had one of the best reputations in the banking business. it's working hard to repair that imagine. >> diamond told analysts we're not making light of this error but we think it's an isolated event. the company made a profit of $5 billion in the last quarter. that was down from a year ago but still beat wall street's expectations. >> those better than expected profits have boosted jp morgan's stock 4% in morning trading. there's no need to fear new speed cam ares in baltimore -- cameras in baltimore county. police say there's a glitch. the cameras were installed in
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county school zones but won't be turned on today due to a technical problem. police promise to let everyone know when the cameras will be operational. you will have a 30 day grace period before receiving a ticket. hundreds are head following another -- are dead following another out brake of violence. >> yahoo e-mail hack. who is being effected. >> will the sun make an appearance later on? marty will be back with your updated first warning weather forecast. [ dog growls, barks ]
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bring your dog to work day... not our best idea. [ barking ] george! stop it! stop. oh. it was a nice thought. [ male announcer ] some business decisions are better than others. the best decision is switching to verizon. you're good to go. that was fast! thank you. [ male announcer ] speed, reliability, and now with our worry free guarantee, it's the best time to switch.
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12:11 pm
it's the perfect match for the perfect moment -- oreo the dunkin' way. introducing the new oreo coffee coolatta and new oreo vanilla bean coolatta. taste the fun today. america runs on dunkin'. hurry in to dunkin' and try the new oreo coolatta and donuts today. it's cloudy and 85 degrees in central maryland right now. your complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. syria says hundreds of people were killed. activists say pro-government troops killed more than 200 people, mostly civilians. the government is blaming terrorist groups while haman claims the government violated the peace plan. acquisitions are flying between president obama and mitt
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romney about romney's business record. at issue is when romney left bain capital, the private equity firm he founded. he said he left in 1999 but documents show romney as the head of bain until as late as 2001. the time period is when the firm out sourced jobs and ran companies that went bankrupt. joe paterno's family is responding to a new rourt out yesterday that a-- report out yesterday that accuses him of koring up jerry sandusky's child -- covering up jerry sandusky's child abuse. they say the acquisitions are, quote, impossible to accept. the paterno's say a more realistic conclusion is that many people didn't fully understand or misinterrupted what was happening. sandusky was convicted last month of molesting 10 boys. explosive scare. a delta flight is headed to madrid hours after being evacuated at jfk.
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the jet returned late last night and more than 200 people were evacuated after a report of a suspicious device if the bathroom. officials -- in the bathroom. officials say the wires were determined to be nonexplosive but didn't belong to the plane. if you have an yahoo e-mail account headacheers have leaked about -- hackers have leaked about 450,000 e-mail addresses and passwords. they say they stole the information to give yahoo's security managers a wake up call. yahoo says only 5% of the passwords were still valid. looking ahead to the weekend. find out what's in store for us weather wise. your first full weather forecast is 2 and a half minutes away. >> here's a look at today's midday stocks and last night's winning lottery numbers. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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. welcome back to eyewitness news at noon. this is our friday noon puppy. this is crispy. now, he's 4 years old. he's a poodle mix. he's just a friendly dog. he's got his tail wagging. he's matted and had to hit the old beauty salon because of some sort of negligent. if you can find or if you can
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provide him a great home that would certainly be appreciated. he's at the maryland spca. the phone number is coming up here shortly. the adoption county -- adoption county counsellor -- adoption counselers will be happy to work with you. there's free cat and kitten adoptions tomorrow at the maryland spca. there's a ton of kittens and cats. we have to find them homes. if you're looking for a feline, that would be the place to go this weekend, today, tomorrow and sunday. our little yellow scarf is compliments of our friday noon sponsor, mr. basement, who believes we can make a difference for pets who need a home. one of the good guys. crispy, you have a good time. will you watch him? >> i will. >> i have to walk over there and i don't want him to follow me. i want to take a look at
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first warning doppler weather radar. we've got shower activity that's sitting just out to the west. it's not going to migrate east. the thing is, we really do need some rain. last night on eyewitness news first warning weather we were telling you that normally we have an inch and a half of rain in july. right now we're over an inch and a tenth down area wide for rain in this month. this is one of our drier periods of the year. this is very light moisture to begin with. it's very doubtful the bulk of this will be here, other than a spotty shower will migrate east. i think there's a better chance of some steadier shower activity towards carroll and frederick county. having said that, we take a look at the current temperatures. 85 on tv hill. for the most part dry. 40 per % humidity. it's actually very comfortable. there's barely a breeze.
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the barometer is at 30.22. 71 oakland, 75 cumberland, 79 haguers town. that's where the shower activity has been. notice the temperature difference. 83 easton, 82 on the boards in ocean city, 82 westminster, bel air and columbia and annapolis and kent island. 83 rock hall. of course there's that 85 in the district. heat is going to creep back as is humidity. we see a waive that's helping to draw this humidity and heat up into the mid atlantic. for the most part what we'll see tomorrow and sunday is going to be a chance of isolated pop up showers and thundershowers, nothing that should totally ruin a weekend day. do understand there could be some cause and effect. 90 the high today. over night a low of 70. tomorrow -- again, i think this is the best wording for the day and actually i wouldn't -- i
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didn't want to put the rain symbol up. i don't want you to think it's going to be a horrible day. is there any rain coming our way? we'll talk about that here coming up shortly. >> thank you, marty. the oriels start the second half of the season this weekend at camden yards. on sunday it's on wjz. see the birds take on the detroit tigers sunday afternoon at 1:30 live on wjz 13. still to come on eyewitness news at noon, tracking your food. does it help our hurt you when it comes to losing weight? the answer coming up in health watch. >> wjz 13 is owls always -- always on. here are the top stories at this hour. for instant updates on all today's news and updated weather forecast log onto ,,
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you can see from the quarterly projections it's all about the d word "distribution" what happened to his shirt ? he reached his shirt limit for the month i hate shirt limits bottom line is... voiceover: shirts don't have limits he really should of planned ahead huh idiot the internet should be like shirts get clear 4g home internet you can take with you with no data limits plans start at $34.99 a month clear the way the internet should be
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in today's wjz health watch, keeping track of every bite you eat could help you lose more weight. researchers in seattle looked at data on more than 100 older women. women who keep food journals lost 6 pounds more than those who didn't. experts say if you're going to keep a food journal it's important to record everything you eat and be honest and accurate. a new report on health care shows 20% of u.s. women had no insurance no 2010. that's nearly (1) 900-0000 women. another 16 -- that's nearly 19
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million women. another 16.7 million were underinsured. women without insurance will drop to 8% under the affordable care act. obese children are just as smart as not over weight children. researchers did research on this. police opened fire killing a man. the latest on what led to the fatal gunfire. cleaning house, jp morgan chase firing everyone involved in a major banking blunder. join us for these stories and all the day's breaking news today at 4:00 right after dr. phil. >> please stay with us, your five day forecast is next. ,,,,,,
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just how hot. >> wait and see. tonight miss tonight's cbs prime time line up, at 10:00 it's blue bloods and stay tuned [ dog growls, barks ] bring your dog to work day... not our best idea. [ barking ] george! stop it! stop. oh. it was a nice thought. [ male announcer ] some business decisions are better than others. the best decision is switching to verizon. you're good to go. that was fast! thank you. [ male announcer ] speed, reliability, and now with our worry free guarantee, it's the best time to switch. get your choice of terms. no activation fees. a 30-day money back guarantee. flexible scheduling. professional on-site installation. and 24/7 tech support. and now, get a 2nd line. it's all included for just $84.99 a month
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