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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  January 4, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EST

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with captioning is provided by... ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. chuck e. cheese's proudly supports pbs kids. and by a "ready to learn" television cooperative agreement from the u.s. department of education through the public broadcasting service. ♪ every day when you're walking down the street ♪ ♪ everybody that you meet has an original point of view. ♪ ( laughs ) ♪ and i say hey! ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ if we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ and get along with each other ♪ ♪ you got to listen to your heart ♪ ♪ listen to the beat ♪ ♪ listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street ♪ ♪ open up your eyes open up your ears ♪
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♪ get together and make things better by working together ♪ ♪ it's a simple message and it comes from the heart ♪ ♪ believe in yourself ♪ ♪ for that's the place to start ♪ ♪ and i say hey! ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ if we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ and get along with each other. ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ hey! what a wonderful kind of day. ♪ hey! arthur: hey, d.w. hey! whoa! ( crash ) um... ( clears throat ) you might want to think about... shh! i want to do it myself! okay, okay. sometimes i don't think d.w. really appreciates how easy her life is because of me. i mean, she can always come to me for great advice. do not fear mosquitoes.
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if you blow gently on them, they will go away. ( blows ) ow! more gently next time. now i shall tell you how to tie your shoes with your mind. i constantly encourage her. trust me, d.w. you can do this. that's it, you're doing it! you're roller-skating! ( d.w. screams, crashes ) uh, that was great. now we'll work on stopping. and when she gets to kindergarten, everyone will respect her because she's arthur read's sister. hey, isn't that arthur's sister? all: welcome, arthur's sister! best of all, i teach her things, like checkers. d.w.: king me! ( loud clang ) ( yelps )
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ta-dah! thank you, thank you! the great francine will now accept your applause. ah, yes, the first morning of circus camp. i remember it well. wait till you're on the trapeze, 15 feet off the ground. it's harder than flipping cereal into your mouth. you may have been good at circus camp, catherine, but i'm going to rule. we'll just see about that. yes, we will. mr. frensky: hey, laverne i think we may have two circus stars in this family. got to run! catherine: good luck, squirt. say hi to boris for me. whoa! binky: this sure beats band camp. man: greetings, young apprentices. i am boris-- tumbler trapeze artist, ringleader and more importantly your camp counselor. arthur read? here. binky barnes? that's me. and frensky? are you related to catherine frensky?
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she's my sister. this is an honor. catherine was one of my best pupils, a real natural. okay, let's join the rest of the kids on our first stop: tumbling. follow the feet. let's begin with what you already know. how about a basic cartwheel? frensky, show them how it's done. ow! i-i think my hand slipped. happens to all of us. all right, everyone, on the mat. whoo-hoo! hey, i've never even done one of those before. oof! ( laughs nervously ) just got to get the right momentum. if arthur can do it...
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aah! now, i know back flips look scary but you'll be in this harness and i'll be spotting you. let's have a volunteer. frensky, how about you? um, okay. now just reach back and bring your legs over. ow! francine: sorry! that's okay. just keep your legs together next time. take five-minute break while your counselor gets an ice pack. hey, squirt, i found some circus stuff for you. these gloves are great for the trapeze. oh, and remember this adorable top from my tightrope routine? ( crowd cheering ) francine: yay, catherine! did you see that? she's amazing!
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( whistling ) no, thanks-- i don't want your sweaty old clothes. i thought you could use something to bring you luck. i don't need luck. i'm great at circus camp. you're better than me at horseback riding but you won't win this, too. you can't win at circus, francine. it's not a competition. whatever. need a hand? ( moans ) thanks. i was practicing for hours last night and my arms feel like jelly but i think i've finally nailed tumbling. okay, kids, who's ready to perform on the flying trapeze? kids: me! me! me! me! trapeze?! what happened to somersaults and cartwheels? you'll love trapeze, frensky. it was your sister's best routine. francine: why does everyone expect
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me to be like catherine? i don't even look like her. sure you do. what?! i do not! you're right-- you're shorter. but other than that... well, at least i don't sound like her. do i? maybe just a little, but in a good way. just hold on to the bar and swing across. natatcha will catch you. whoa... ( screams ) nice try francine. mr. frensky: hey, franky, how was camp? ( angrily ): terrific. i can't wait to see you in the final performance. we got the invitation today. um, actually, dad, the performance won't be a big thing this year. you don't have to come. of course we're coming. we wouldn't miss it for the world.
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so, what do you think you'll do? the tightrope, like catherine? no, i will not do the tightrope or the trapeze or back flips or anything else that catherine did! ( slams door ) ( quietly ): catherine, catherine catherine, catherine. ( yawns ) might as well just call myself catherine ii. that's what everyone wants. ( dramatic music plays ) announcer: you loved catherine, the greatest action hero ever known! and now, from the producers of catherine... it's catherine ii-- francine! yes, it's catherine ii! she's kind of back and she's almost as great as the first one. almost... sort of. ( alarm blares ) if you loved catherine you'll probably at least like catherine ii.
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i liked the first one, but this just didn't work for me. yeah, sequels are never as good. just a sequel, huh? we'll see about that. ( in fake french accent ): hello, binky, arthur! francine? what are you wearing? ( in fake accent ): i am just trying a little something new something, how you say, unique? now i am not so much like the catherine, "nest blah"? maybe, but she's nothing like francine either. hello, everyone. i'm fishface your clowning instructor. "clowning is a delightful and entertaining circus art. "but make no mistake it's also very serious business. so pay attention." okay, we'll start with the unicycle. you with the beret what's your name?
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( clears throat ) yksnerf. yksnerf? there's no "yksnerf" on the attendance sheet. there's a frensky. that's "yksnerf" spelled backwards. ( in fake accent ): uh, it must be-- how you say?-- the typo. sounds reasonable. how about trying the unicycle? great-- another thing for me to stink at. okay, it's all a matter of balance. try pedaling a little. that's it-- look you're doing it! whoa...! fishface: stop! i can't! ( yelling ) ( crash ) ( kids laughing ) sorry. are you okay? everything hurts but that's normal. i'm getting pretty good at this. oof! poor francine.
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only two days until the performance and she still can't do a somersault. i really hope she doesn't embarrass herself. ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it has been an amazing, exciting few weeks, and now it is time. i give you the elwood city kids' circus! ( applause and cheering ) ( applause and cheering ) ( applause ) ( applause and cheering ) where's francine? i haven't seen her at all. i don't know. the show's almost over. ( horn honking ) whoa! ( thunk ) ( laughing and cheering )
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arthur: oh, no, she's going to try juggling. i can't watch. ( laughter ) oof! ( audience laughing ) ( applause ) arthur: francine that was the funniest thing ever. you were the hit of the show! thanks, guys. but i owe it all to this guy. no, no, you were a natural. when francine told me she was ready to take clowning seriously, well... ( chokes up ) it just got to me. ( squeaking ) there's my girl. i'm so proud of you. i, um, was never very good at clowning myself. i think i will take those circus clothes you gave me. that frilly pink shirt could be pretty funny in a clown routine. it's already so ridiculous. it is not! that shirt is haute couture. is that french for "dorky-looking"?
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forget it. kids: and now... that's my sister and that's my brother. sean is my older brother. i'm sean. tim is my twin. my name is tim. they're both twins. they're my brothers. we're siblings. we like gymnastics. sean: we are like francine and catherine because they compete against each other and we compete against each other and do our best. this is our home gym in our garage where we have gymnastics equipment. this is the pommel horse. this is the bar. sister: the beam is something you try to balance on the best as you can.
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you can make your own beam like this one right here. it's made with wood and carpet. sean: you could also get a beam that's homemade a regular store-bought trampoline, and you can use mattresses to help pad. we also do sport acrobatics. sport acrobatics involves people balancing on each other and moves that are very difficult. meghan puts her hands on sean's knees, she puts her shoulders on his hands. meghan presses up to a handstand and then does a stag and presses back down. and that's the "candlestick." sean: if you don't have equipment, you could climb trees, and that's a lot like gymnastics. and now...
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( humming happily ) ooh! can i see wacky zack, the zombie king? no. mom, it's just a comedy. binky's mom took him and... arthur, it's rated pg-13. you're not seeing it. but... no. don't you hate hearing the word "no" all the time? since it's arbor day can we have class outside? ( inhales deeply ) no. hmm... no. bitzi: no. no! no. ( gasps ) daddy, how could you? i mean, uh... not right now, muffin.
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we don't have the space for a hippo quite yet. ( bawling ) sometimes, it seems like "no" is all i ever hear. d.w.: arthur, no! ( arthur hits ground ) great-- now i have to make a whole new batch of mud! that was one "no" i wish i had heard. ??????6?6?6???6???6? one... two... liftoff! you beat francine but buster still holds first place. your turn, george. buster: wait a second. you'll go farther if you straighten your legs and start back here. oh, uh, thanks.
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buster: hey, look-- we're tied! nice jumping george. ( school bell ringing ) well, since you all seem to know the multiplication tables so well, this pop quiz should be a snap. ( students groan ) ( whispering ): psst, george. got an extra pencil? here. thanks. aw... ratburn: four minutes left. ratburn: time's up. put your pencils down. george, i can't read this. it's in crayon. don't you have a pencil? um, i did, but... you should have asked for one if you needed it.
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you can retake the quiz after school. thanks, buddy-- i owe you one. is that the last slice? aw... i missed the boston cream pie last week, too! ( whining ): oh, it's my favorite! ( chummily ): hi, george. uh, hi. um, i, um... don't suppose you'd want... oh, no, george really i couldn't. are you sure? yeah, sure. i really like... ( sadly ): pears in syrup. thanks, buddy-- you're the best! this isn't my coat. buster: no, it's mine. i thought we could trade.
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trade? go ahead, try it on. it's real nylon. it's too big. no, that's the way it's supposed to be. how does this look? pretty good. it makes everyone look good. that's why i like it so much. me, too. i think there's some candy in one of those pockets. help yourself. ew! ( grumbling ) then wacky zack comes over to this kid's house. his parents don't know he's a zombie... so the kid hides him in the bathroom, but then his dad goes to take a shower... aah! ( growling ) ( roaring ) ( inhales deeply ) arthur ( chuckling ): anyway, it's a really funny movie. um, i haven't actually seen it but binky told me about it.
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hey, george, do you have the time? ( angrily ): no! what is it with you people?! get your own watch! fine, forget it. wait. arthur, i'm sorry! george: and now buster's wearing my jacket, too. i never wanted to trade in the first place. so why did you agree? you could have said no. i don't know-- i just didn't. you can't keep on saying yes to buster. what if he wants your shoes next time? george: you're right i have to do something. but i'm really bad at saying no. what if i lose my nerve? maybe you could practice with someone. george: okay, so you're buster and you have to try to get the juice from me. got it? george ( as wally ): but i can't do buster! can't i be someone else?
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i do a mean pinocchio. no. well, at least give me ears. i need my props! ( sniffing ) ew-- did you wash these? we're starting, wally. okay. ( clears throat ) hey, george, can i have that box of juice in your hand? no, you can't. what?! after all we've been through i can't have one measly box of juice? i thought we were friends! i trusted you, george! i treated you like my own flesh and blood! ( weeping ): why, george, why? okay, okay! you can have the juice! pineapple? yuck-- i hate pineapple! hey, that was fun! what do you want me to take from you next? i think i'll practice alone. and i really like you, buster. it's just that sometimes i feel
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like you're taking advantage of me, and, well, it makes me kind of mad. ( tape stops, then rewinds ) ( stops rewinding ) george ( on tape ): testing... testing... ( meekly ): hi, buster. i want to talk to you about something. oh, i sound so whiny. buster: hey, george! what are you doing? um... nothing. nice tape recorder. can i see? ♪ baxter day ♪ ♪ oh, it's baxter day... ♪ ha-ha-- this is pretty cool. could i borrow it sometime? buster...! sure, take it. right now? okay, thanks. hey, you want to go to muffy's? she just got "virtual goose" version 29.2. no, thanks.
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it's hopeless, wally. i'll probably wind up giving buster everything i own. thanks, buddy-- you're the best! the kid with the ears told me to give you the bill. everything? what about me? i guess he'll probably take you, too. hi, mr. molina. want your rain gutters cleaned for five dollars? ( kisses five-dollar bill ) ( flies buzzing ) ( slurping ice cream ) hey, where's wally? i thought you had him now. huh? i don't know. oh, well, he'll turn up.
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george ( as wally ): hey! and i thought d.w. was bad! buster ( downstairs ): hi, mrs. nordgren. is george home? george: he's here! did he see us? i don't know. buster: thanks, mrs. nordgren. george ( as wally ): he's got the backpack! he's coming for me! we'll go out the window! i don't think that's such a great idea. it's a long way down. buster: george? george ( as wally ): go away! there's no one here! buster: aw, come on, george. please open up. i just want to talk to you. here. try not to lose him. i don't want your dummy.
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i came to give you your stuff back. here's your jacket, the pencil i borrowed the other day and your tape recorder. press play. buster ( on tape ): hi, george. i'm sorry i kind of made you lend me all this stuff. i didn't mean to. if i knew how it made you feel i wouldn't have done it. anyway, thanks for being a good friend. ♪ funky rabbit! ♪ ( gasps ) ♪ funky rabbit! ♪ ♪ funky rabbit! ♪ ♪ yeah! i'm a funky rab-rabbit. ♪ ( tape stops ) ( chuckles nervously ) thought i recorded over that part. you heard me on the tape? yeah. anyway no hard feelings? oh, and could i ask a favor? w-what is it? next time, if something's bothering you could you just tell me?
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it'll save us both a lot of time. sure. you still want to go to muffy's? yeah! okay, i'll meet you downstairs. he's not such a bad guy. now that he's brought your jacket back can i borrow it? no. how about the tape recorder? uh-uh. the pencil? i could use something to clean my ears. good night, wally. hi, everyone, it's me, buster. we always have something to dance about in elwood city, but you won't believe all the cool dances people are doing all around the country. on my trip with my dad i see people rock, stomp, twirl, pop and boogie to the beat. i'm filming all the groovy fun and sending it back to my friends in elwood city on my very own video postcards. they're postcards from buster. visit us on-line at
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you can find arthur books and lots of other books, too at your local library. captioned by media access group at wgbh ♪ and everybody that you meet has an original point of view. ♪ ♪ and i say hey! ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ if we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ and get along with each other ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ hey! arthur with captioning is provided by... ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. chuck e. cheese's proudly supports pbs kids. and by a "ready to learn" television
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cooperative agreement from the u.s. department of education through the public broadcasting service. every week... that's me! martha speaks is proof positive... do we love llamas, people? ...there's nothing like a talking dog. hello! (voices wobbling) you guys are really irritating. does "irritating" mean "fun"? on your mark, go! martha speaks on pbs kids. wow! (barking) (honks)
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martha speaks is funded in part by... kiddie academy child care learning centers... proud supporter of pbs kids. providing educationally focused child care preparing children for school and for life. kiddie academy... for public broadcasting... and by contributions to your pbs station from: man: ♪ martha was an average dog ♪ ♪ she went... and... and... ♪ (barking, growls) ♪ when she ate some alphabet soup ♪ ♪ then what happened was bizarre... ♪ on the way to martha's stomach the letters lost their way. they traveled to her brain and now... ♪ she's got
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a lot to say ♪ ♪ now she speaks... ♪ how now, brown cow? ♪ martha speaks ♪ ♪ yeah, she speaks and speaks and speaks ♪ ♪ and speaks and speaks... ♪ what's a caboose? when are we eating again? ♪ martha speaks... ♪ hey, joe, what do you know? my name's not joe. ♪ she's not always right, but still that martha speaks... ♪ hi, there. ♪ she's got the voice she'ready to shout ♪ ♪ martha will tell you what it's all about ♪ ♪ sometimes wrong but seldom in doubt ♪ ♪ martha will tell you what it's all about ♪ ♪ that dog's unique... ♪ testing, one, two. ♪ hear her speak ♪ ♪ martha speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks and... ♪ ♪ communicates, enumerates, elucidates, exaggerates ♪ ♪ indicates and explicates ♪ ♪ bloviates and overstates and... ♪ (panting) ♪ hyperventilates! ♪ ♪ martha-- to reiterate-- martha speaks. ♪ today's show is full of grueling activities like hiking and foraging in nature. helen: you guys, it's a nice day. what are you doing inside? trying to fit today's words in one sentence. "we'll have a seminar with an astrophysicist... telescope, identify." there were a couple words
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just hanging out at the end there. you just need inspiration. mr. director? background number 201g, please. can you put the stars in? wow! cool! watch for all the words about nature and stars and we'll see you at the end of the show. what's more relaxing than just staring at the sky? i like it when you have a week off from school like this. guys, did you forget? neil degrasse tyson is at the library in ten minutes! neil who? he's an astrophysicist. astrophysicist! that's a long-hair breed. why is a dog at the library? i'm curious. let's go! he's not a dog. an astrophysicist is a scientist who studies stars, space and everything in the whole universe. he's the director of the hayden planetarium which is the greatest place on earth that doesn't sell hot dogs. we signed up for his week-long seminar, remember? let's go! (barks) nobody but skits followed me and
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he's the only one who's not signed up for the seminar. i don't remember signing up for any seminar. what's a seminar? a seminar is a small class about a special topic led by an expert. this is a seminar on space led by neil degrasse tyson who's an expert on space. count me out. i don't want to do anything more grueling than looking at the sky. that's exactly what we'll be doing. astrophysics involves lots of observing the sky. i can do that. tyson: welcome. in this seminar, we're going to observe and experience the universe. i'm neil degr... neil degrasse tyson! whoo-hoo! come on, everybody, stand up! that's not necessary. but if i do something great, feel free. ooh! ooh! question! we haven't even begun, but okay. i was very upset with scientists when you wouldn't allow pluto to be called a planet anymore. but sometimes the truth hurts. it's part of growing up. thank you for helping me see that. that wasn't a question but it sounds familiar. wait a minute... you're
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truman, the guy who sends me a long e-mail every day at 3:37. i got one yesterday that must have been 500 lines long. sounds like you didn't get the whole thing. i'll resend it. i'm going to be a scientist. i would like to go to the moon. and i'd like to see you go, too. i'm a fan of space exploration. you can start the seminar now. thank you. there are 100,000 times more stars in the universe than words ever uttered by every human who has ever lived. all week, we'll have activities where you'll observe the world and ask questions about it just like scientists. actually, being curious is what most kids are like and a few dogs, too. curious is good, right? it's not like furious? no. curious means excited to learn new things. if you're curious about something, you want to know more about it. pick a buddy and observe the night sky together. you'll share your observations here tomorrow. in case i find one is climbing aboard a ufo unwise without a parent or guardian? technically, if you
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can climb aboard it it's no longer a ufo. ufo stands for unidentified flying object. if you've identified it as a spaceship it's no longer unidentified. oh, he's good. if you must board a ufo, first get your parents' permission but then, most importantly bring back evidence. when those aliens are busy doing something else, just pick up an alien coffee mug as evidence and then bring it back. evidence, okay. helen! hey, helen. want to work on that with me, star partner? uh... oh alice needs me more. alice, be my star buddy? alice: yeah, sure. you don't want to team up with td? no. he'll look for ufos and do goofy td stuff. whoever's with him won't get anything out of this seminar. star partners? uh... i'm with... her! and me him. us. buddies! is there anything more amazing than this vast universe? let's discover
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that together partner. i take this very seriously. promise you'll work hard? so hard we're going to discover stuff nobody's ever heard of. you guys see anything good? yeah. did you know the moon moves across the sky? yes, it not only rises and sets like the sun-- which is due to the earth's rotation-- but the moon also moves against the background stars because it orbits the earth. i always thought it just hung there. we spotted the constellation orion, the hunter. i'm charting it. ever wonder how the stars knew how to line up and form pictures? no. i don't find stars interesting. not even the dog star? dog star? there's a dog star? it's only the brightest star in the night sky. hear that? brightest star: dog. it's the eye of the canis major constellation. canis major means "great dog" in latin. "great
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dog." how right is that? remind me to lick the next astrophysicist i see. and... done! here, td, take this home to look at so you know what we saw. sure. thanks. so td isn't causing problems? no. i think he's going to learn a lot. wow, there are lots of stars truman didn't even use. we observed the moonrise last night and when we woke up this morning, it was setting. it doesn't just hang there. (applause) huh? that was for the dog star. we're next. i charted a constellation that we observed. see if you can guess which one. show them, td. you want to check it first? (gasps) why? td: i added more stars and connected them to see what picture they made. my observation: you can't connect just any stars and get pictures. looks like you observed the scribbley constellation. (audience laughing)
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interesting experiment, guys. "interesting experiment, guys," he said. he thinks i had some part in that mess. i thought adding more stars would make a better picture. i wanted to surprise you. mission accomplished. ever seen a telescope before martha? i've heard the word, but i don't know what a telescope does. a telescope is a tool that helps us see things very far away. it makes them look bigger and closer. (martha licks her lips) up close, the moon looks delicious. i'd like a taste. don't worry, i wouldn't eat the whole thing. or would i? truman, is that dot mars? yes. you can get a better view through my telescope. the best views of mars came from the mars rovers, robots that drove around on the planet and sent back pictures. ooh, where do we get one of those? you can't buy a mars rover, td. maybe i could make one. i took photos of the moon through
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my telescope and printed them out. hold it, truman! we're getting a transmission from the planet mars. what are you doing now? roll 'em, professor! pictures are coming in from our td-truman martian rover. there's the surface of mars now. rocky. (oohs and ahhs) this actually isn't bad. is that a garden hose? the exact makeup of the martian surface will require further research, truman. (barking in video) td: so will that thing. yay, skits! (audience laughing) all you did was strap a camera to a lawn mower. truman? do you know why truman ran out? you embarrassed him in front of his hero. he's taking these activities seriously but you make it look like he doesn't. i can see that
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and i'm a dog. i take it seriously. i couldn't really get a mars rover, so i did my best. what else can i do? you could prove to him how serious you can be. oh. i can do that. truman! i didn't mean to embarrass you in front of that important astrophysics guy. i'm sorry. apology accepted. now, i'm busy. what are we doing? the goal of this activity is to identify possible pieces of outer space here on earth. identify? if you identify something, you figure out what it is. or you could identify someone by saying who it is. i would identify you as the guy who just threw away what looked like a piece of a meteor which i handed to him to examine. oops. so we're looking to identify something that's made of the same stuff that's out there? exactly. this will be our last presentation for dr. tyson so i want it to be just right. okay.
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i'll bring a piece of the universe to the seminar. i am not looking forward to this. by knowing how to identify the north star sailors were able to find their way... ...hundreds of years before gps and computers. knowing about the night sky can keep you from getting lost. thank you, ronald and carolina. truman and td, we're all looking forward to your final presentation. you said you'd bring a piece of the universe. i did. go ahead and start. i foraged for samples of... how can i trust you? you're standing here with nothing! if you brought something for our final presentation, where is it? it's you. me? me, too. all of us. the molecules, and the atoms that form the molecules that make up everything in the universe, are like the atoms that make up the human body. (groans) he's right. he's right? (everyone gasps) we are in the universe and the universe is in us. you've got to love that.
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all: oh... i have to say i didn't make that up. i used the library and read a bunch of things and stuff. he just read it, he didn't discover it. that's not being a scientist. scientists don't just discover. we read and do research and then build on that research to go even further. tyson: by doing research and passing along his findings to us td acted like a scientist. everything he's done shows that he thinks like a scientist. (applause) he did it to me again. neil degrasse tyson, my hero thinks i'm just the goofy kid who was td's partner. tyson: truman? this dog... martha. martha just spoke to me, which was a surprise. she said you were unhappy, which was also a surprise. i didn't want to look bad in front of you. look bad? nobody wanted td for a partner. you were the only one who saw that he has the makings of a real scientist. huh? but he
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spends all his time making stuff up. einstein, a smart guy himself, once said "imagination is more important than knowledge." so to discover stuff takes imagination, too. absolutely. you and td make a great team. that's kind of frightening. why don't you both investigate the science of how a dog can talk? oh, it's all in the alphabet soup. that's it? i'll tell you more if you tell me more about the dog star. you've got a deal. and now that we're in the far reaches of our solar system we will give a presentation about the planet saturn. hold it. what does that mean? saturn? it's the name of the planet there, the one with the rings. no, what does "presentation" mean? a presentation is when someone makes a speech or a report to a group of people. so if we float here and we tell them all about saturn we're giving a presentation about saturn? a presentation with great visual aids like the actual planet saturn. i'd say we went a long way to make this a good presentation. yes, 743 million
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miles from earth. i'm curious about one thing. when the presentation is over, how do we get home? um... our next presentation: how to get home from saturn. help! hey, guys! td, what happened?! it looks like you got blasted by a sonic boom. (loudly): sorry, i can't hear. i just got blasted by a sonic boom. i'm building the first model airplane to break the sound barrier. it's my summer activity. oh, that sounds fun. no, it's an activity. an activity is something you spend time doing like a project. i know what an activity is, td. no, i don't want any toast. but thanks. hey, truman. (sighs deeply) what's the matter? camp winnetka is closing.
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it's in today's paper. oh, but i thought you were going to visit your grandparents this summer instead of going to camp. i am. but it's not me i'm worried about, it's milo. he was supposed to go this year. he'll be devastated when he hears the news. i guess he'll have to come up with another activity for the summer. you don't understand. i've never seen milo this excited about anything. he's been packing for camp since christmas. all right! a duffle bag! milo, don't you want to open up your other presents? of course. just a soon as i'm done packing for camp. it seems like all he does is talk about camp winnetka. i'm going to camp winnetka! see what i mean? but wouldn't the camp have called milo's dad by now to tell him that they're closing? how could they do that if they're already closed? huh, good point. a coffee pot? why do you want a coffee pot? he was doing another experiment, right? yup. well, truman, i guess you'll just have to break the news to milo. i can't crush another one of his dreams. last week milo found out
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the ice cream parlor stopped serving peanut butter swirl, his favorite flavor. one more piece of bad news could shock milo's system and destroy his ability to experience joy. forever. life. dull. running through mud. nothingness. dirt. laugh? no. no more joy. which is why milo can never know how much fun he's missing out on. this is all my fault. i was the one who told him how much fun it was going to be. that's it! i'll do a "mini-camp" for him. only i'll make it so miserable and grueling that he won't want to go to real camp. thanks for agreeing to help, by the way. but we... wait, what did he say? all i heard was something about tacos. (loudly): we'll fill you in later. okay, okay. but you don't have to yell. all right, campers camp truman is now in session! milo, i'm sure you're curious about camp. well, camp truman
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will give you a feel for what camp is really like. that way you'll be prepared for... camp winnetka! thanks for doing this, guys. no problem. of course! this is going to be so much fun! don't get too excited. you see, camp is not all fun and games. really? the brochure says, "camp winnetka is all fun and games. from sunup to..." well, that's wrong. i've been there, and i can tell you camp is grueling exhausting hard work. wait, grueling? is that anything like drooling? because that's easy. no, martha. "grueling" means something that's really tiring and really hard to do. so what's our first activity? the most important part of camp is making sure that you have a clean and tidy campsite. sorry, martha. i guess you can't help with the cleaning. what are you talking about? i'm a great cleaner. (humming as she licks) ooh, there's a muffin crumb! ah! somebody spilled a soda! truman, don't you think this is clean enough? nope, the campground
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must be impeccable. come on, truman. you could eat off this driveway. i have eaten off this driveway. well, there's still dirt on the ground. that's because it's the ground. can't we do something else? don't worry, milo will get tired and quit soon. td: yeah! score! hey, cleaning up like this is fun! td, you have to stop making things fun. milo's supposed to be having a bad time, remember? oh, sorry. all right, the campground is clean enough. our next activity is kp: kitchen patrol! oh, i know all about that. i'm always patrolling the kitchen for scraps. kitchen patrol is an essential part of camp life. at real camp you spend a lot of time doing tasks like washing dishes. sorry you can't help out martha. that's okay. i'll just patrol the kitchen for crumbs. truman, we're almost done with the dirty dishes and milo doesn't seem to be having a terrible time. are you kidding
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me? he's miserable. look at him. hey, td! awesome! watch this! (laughs) this is fun. td: bubble fight! (laughs) all right, kitchen patrol is over! aw, but my fingers were just starting to get wrinkly. td, you have to stop making things fun. milo is supposed to be having a bad time, remember? i can't help it. fun just follows me wherever i go. (laughing) see what i mean? all right, another very important part of camp is snack time! how are you going to make snack time grueling? trust me. camp is about learning survival skills. so instead of me giving you a snack you'll have to forage for it yourself. oh, that's easy. i forage all the time. in fact... when you forage for something, you look or search for it. all of our food comes from nature, but finding it is a hard grueling job. there are no grocery stores in the wilderness. so your task is to forage for your snack.
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can you believe somebody threw out this perfectly good garbage? well, what are you all waiting for? dig in! uh, no thanks. well, suit yourselves. just means more snack for me. kids: ew. also, before you can eat what you've foraged, i have to check it out in this: the complete wilderness guide to edible plants. mother nature can be a harsh mistress. many colorful plants are deadly poison, so i will have to confirm that each and every item you forage is safe to eat. okay, campers, let's get foraging! hmm... (sniffs) ew! watch. milo is going to get so frustrated and hungry there's no way he'll want to go to camp. milo: hey, guys! look what i was able to forage! what is it? it's a wild blueberry medley on a bed of dandelion greens with a few nasturtium petals for color. i want a taste! wait! i
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need to identify these plants to make sure there's nothing poisonous. well, are they dangerous? (sighs) no, it's all stuff you can eat. wow! delicious! all right, snack time is over. truman, i don't think your plan is working very well. just a little longer. if the tasks aren't wearing him down i'll just have to show him how tiring camp is. the next activity at camp truman is hiking. i'm curious, is that something a dog can do? sure. "hiking" just means you're going on a really long walk. really? i think i'm going to like hiking! at camp, you may have to hike through the wilderness for long distances with heavy packs on your backs. that's why i've filled your backpacks with rocks. a grueling hike is the perfect way to send milo over the edge. (truman huffing and puffing) i think... it's working. we're wearing... milo... out. so... are you tired
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yet? oh, this is nothing. i used to walk home from school with my backpack filled with heavy books. in fact, i'm really enjoying this because it reminds me of walking through my old neighborhood. hike is over! time for swimming! swimming? come on, truman, swimming is always fun. not at camp truman. (blows whistle) hey, no roughhousing! but i was just scratching my nose. (blows whistle) no splashing! you're going to have to get used to pool rules. at camp winnetka the pool has all sorts of rules. really? like what? all sorts of stuff like no swimming backwards no wearing yellow, no dogs allowed... sorry, martha. eh, story of my life. i got this great new comic book. (blows whistle) no talking about comic books! this is... (sighs) really nice. just hanging out and relaxing. (blows whistle) all
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right, truman, this has gone far enough! (blows whistle) no standing up and saying, "this has gone far enough!" (groans) truman, your plan isn't working. and it's getting late. and i want to go do actual fun stuff. sorry, truman. we're going home. wait! if making camp grueling and boring didn't work making camp too scary for milo will. helen: a flashlight? well, i'm not allowed to play with matches. so instead of roasting marshmallows we'll just have to air them out. mmm, they do taste better aired out. and now it's time for scary stories, which are a big part of camp. just watch. milo won't even want to hear the word "camp" once i'm done with this story. once upon a time... and the footsteps got closer and closer and... (screams) i'm starting to get really scared. me too. i'm starting to scare myself.
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i can't finish the story. camp is over! milo, i hope you realize that camp is grueling, tiring and really scary so everyone will understand if you don't want to go to camp winnetka anymore. are you kidding? today was so much fun! if camp winnetka is even half as good as camp truman i'll have a blast! truman, you have to tell him. tell me what? i hate to break it to you, milo, but camp winnetka is closed. no, it's not. it's in the newspaper: "camp winnetka closes its doors." but that's only half the paper. where's the rest of it? hmm... ahoy, matie! oh, yeah... "camp winnetka closes its doors... and reopens at a brand-new facility." oh, how about that? anyway, it's been fun. but i have to go home and finish packing. well, i think we've all learned something today. (sighs)
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hey, milo! how was camp? it was pretty fun, i guess. you guess? well, the whole time i was there, i kept thinking about how much more fun it would be if you guys were there. i really like you guys. we think you're great! you're the best, milo. which is why we should have camp truman every day. for the rest of the summer! what do you say? i'm tired. i'm building a model airplane... huh? was it something i said? who knows. hey, do you want to go foraging for snacks and hiking around the neighborhood? what are we waiting for? one of the most fun activities at camp is a sing-along. here's a song about how much i love nature. ♪ from the mountains to the valley ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea ♪ ♪ there's nature all around us, so many things to see ♪ ♪ just keep the bugs and the bats ♪ ♪ and the snakes and the fleas away from me! ♪ but truman, bugs and bats and even fleas are part of nature. tell me about it. yeah, nature is pretty much all plants and animals anything you find outside that wasn't made by people. i know, but i just don't like the part of nature that can bite you. ♪ just keep the bugs
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and the bats ♪ ♪ and the snakes and the fleas ♪ ♪ and the birds and the moss... ♪ what do you have against birds and moss? birds can be really noisy. and moss just gives me the creeps. everybody! ♪ just keep the bugs and the bats ♪ ♪ and the snakes and the fleas away from me! ♪ did you catch all the words about nature and the stars? here are a few again. an astrophysicist is a scientist who studies stars, space and everything in the whole universe. "grueling" means something that's really tiring and really hard to do. an activity is something you spend time doing like a project. that's our show. come on, martha. come play! mr. director, could we have some sticks? thanks! td: come on, go get it! ♪ who's that dog? ♪ ♪ who's that dog? ♪ ♪ dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪ that dog is decota. i got decota at mspca angell. they have an adoption center there. woman: do you want to take that dog for a walk? yeah. woman: so you're all set. you can bring decota home. puppies need exercise.
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the best thing about having a puppy is that you have someone to play with. ♪ he's that dog... ♪ ♪ dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪ announcer: it's "word girl." there was a crime here. word girl, we need your help. when you're trying to catch a villain every moment is priceless. here you go. all done. announcer: "word girl," weekdays on pbs kids go! or watch anytime you want at martha speaks is funded in part by... kiddie academy child care learning centers... proud supporter of pbs kids. providing educationally focused child care preparing children for school and for life. kiddie academy...
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for public broadcasting... and by contributions to your pbs station from: to dig up some more fun words and games, visit or check out your local library for the "martha speaks" books. captioned by media access group at wgbh
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hi. it's me, hooper. can you guess where i am today? ♪ where is he going? what will he do? ♪ ♪ where in the world is hooper? ♪ here's a clue to where i am. there are lots of seats here but no tables. here's another hint: you can laugh here but you're not supposed to talk. ha ha ha ha! laughing's ok but talking isn't, so i'd better shh. ok. now here's a final clue from "curious george." [dinosaur roars] ah. george, come on up and i'll show you how the projector works. great clue! at this place, movies are projected onto a big screen. ok i'm at a place where there are lots of seats where you can laugh but not talk and where movies are projected onto a big screen. can you guess where i am? you guessed it! a movie theater!
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(george chattering excitedly) this program was made possible by: for more than 90 years stride rite's been there. helping you choose the right shoes. stride rite is a proud sponsor of curious george. [ female announcer ] we believe a little bit of curiosity can fuel a lifetime of learning. early learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and curious george. funding for curious george is provided by contributions to your pbs station... ooh. ...and from: (lively drum intro) ♪ you never do know what's around the bend ♪ ♪ big adventure or a brand-new friend ♪ ♪ when you're curious like curious george ♪ ♪ swing! ♪ ♪ well, every day ♪ ♪ every day ♪
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♪ is so glorious ♪ ♪ glorious ♪ george! ♪ and everything ♪ ♪ everything ♪ ♪ is so wondrous ♪ ♪ wondrous ♪ ♪ there's more to explore when you open the door ♪ ♪ and meet friends like this, you just can't miss ♪ ♪ i know you're curious ♪ ♪ curious ♪ ♪ and that's marvelous ♪ ♪ marvelous ♪ ♪ and that's your reward ♪ ♪ you'll never be bored ♪ ♪ if you ask yourself "what is this?" ♪ ♪ like curious... ♪ ♪ like curious... curious george. ♪ oh... captioning sponsored by nbc/universal narrator: some important events happen just once a year. (clock chimes) new year's eve... (loud squeaking) ...the first day of school... (chatters "bye-bye!") ...and, of course, the annual corn roast and attic auction at endless park elementary.
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mmm! this is really good! yum! taste this! get your fresh roasted corn! (chatters) gracias! ah. (excited chattering) this must be what they're going to sell at the auction. ooh... george was excited. he had one whole dollar to spend on whatever he wanted. ooh! heh. should he buy this strange old horn with a handle? (lively dance band music playing) ooh! ♪ ♪ (sighs) or how about these? red mittens with elephants. ooh... yeah! man: those are nice, george. (chattering) well, you can't buy them; you have
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to bid on them. (bell clanging) huh? let's go inside, and i'll explain. at an auction, a person called the auctioneer holds up things for sale and people bid on them. uh-huh, uh-huh? now, a bid is the amount of money someone is willing to spend. you can bid as many times as you want. is that why you have a paddle? to make a bid? yes. woman (over speaker): thanks for coming to our annual corn roast and attic auction to raise money for our school library. and now, please welcome our auctioneer (applause) mr. conrad ditty. howdy, folks. hope you're ready for some exciting auction action! so, the first item up is, uh... i, uh, i don't know what it is. (whispers): a traffic cone. oh! that would make a great mute for my tuba. all righty who'll bid me a dollar for this amazingly yellow traffic cone? i will.
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and we got a dollar. who's gonna bid two? who's gonna bid two? all right, take two, take two. all right, three. three, three, three. somebody say three. somebody say three. three to four. three to four. four now. four-fifty, five. five, five. do i hear six? six. never in his whole life had george heard a man talk as fast as mr. ditty. and sold... to the fella with the big yellow hat for ten dollars! (applause) yes! (whooping) here. hold this while i pay for my cone. (chatters "okay. bye!") up next, we have a pair of, uh... uh, what are these? (whispers): red mittens with elephants. (gasps) those were george's mittens. or they would be his mittens if george bid on them. all righty, let's start the bidding at a dollar. who'll give me a dollar for these mittens? mr. glass: me! huh? okay, we have one dollar! anyone else? hey! (chattering) all right, we got two. how about three? three, three. somebody give me four. (auctioneer talking fast) just so you know price is no object.
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i want those very unique mittens for my m... ooh! (groans in pain) (chatters curiously) (groans) auction elbow-- gets me every time. sold... to the monkey in the middle! (applause) (cheering, chattering) great! okay cone, coffee and corn. that will be $13. ah... (chattering) did you bid for those mittens all by yourself? uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. (chuckles) well, you are one smart little monkey. but i knew that. popcorn? mrs. nguyen: okay, george sign here. ah. that will be $100. (spits) uh... may i see that? (clears throat) "pair of mittens bought by monkey--
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price: $100"?! (chuckles nervously) excuse me, i-i need to speak with my monkey. (quietly): george, a hundred dollars is a lot of money. ah? yeah? uh, how to explain this. hmm. let's pretend this kernel of popcorn is a dollar. so that's the money you have... uh-huh. ...and this is how much money you need. uh, more or less. huh? ten kernels of popcorn equals ten dollars. so this line here is ten dollars. to get to 100, you need ten rows of ten. see? ten... twenty... ...thirty... forty... ...fifty... sixty... seventy... eighty... ninety...
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one hundred. ah. (chuckles) wow, that's a lot. (sighs sadly) george was remembering how hard he worked to earn one dollar. he had to wash mike the pig. ta-da! (groans) twice. (sighs sadly) to make enough money to pay for the mittens george would have to wash mike 100 times... at least. (groaning) that was a lot of pig. i know! we'll tell mrs. nguyen you made a mistake and thought the mittens were only one dollar. mrs. nguyen is nice. she wouldn't make you pay a hundred dollars if she knew you made a mistake. (excited chattering) but... one dollar's a lot less than $100. the library wouldn't be able to buy as many books. so... we should auction the mittens again,
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and mr. glass can buy them for $101! oh, good idea, marco! i am always thinking. (excited chattering) sold... for $22.50... (coughs) to the lovely lady in red! (applause) (whispers inaudibly) okay, i-i need to rest my voice anyway. (clears throat) i'm gonna go get some water while the monkey tries to resell his mittens. you got five minutes. (man clears throat) o-okay, so the bidding will start at $100. heh. george? (clearing throat) (chattering rapidly like an auctioneer) (george continues chattering rapidly) (chattering stops) hey. why isn't mr. glass bidding?
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here, let me try. uh, did you notice these mittens have elephants? yeah! uh-huh, uh-huh. and they're red. and... heh-heh, there are two of them! (chattering) right. one for each hand. or foot. (forced laugh) (clears throat) ta-da! he's still not bidding. (groans) man: uh, mr. glass isn't there. uh-oh. time was running out. if george didn't get these mittens sold a hundred pigs were going to be very clean. uh-oh. i'll look for mr. glass. you keep trying to sell the mittens. (chattering rapidly) ta-da! look, they're not just mittens they're earmuffs.
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there he is. mr. glass. (grunts) excuse me. (chattering) you know, these are hand-knit mittens, knitted by hands-- by these hands, in fact. um, perhaps you can tell us something about your technique? yes. i use yarn... ...and knitting needles. (applause) mr. glass. my bike.
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mr. glass! mr. glass! (screams) do you still want those red mittens? oh, absolutely. i love those mittens. they're unique. great. because george doesn't have a hundred dollars so he put them up for auction again so you could buy them and the library could get $101 only now there's only one minute of bidding time left. one minute. how are we going to get to the auction in one minute? (gulps) man: right, there are two of them, a-and the wool is from a very nice sheep named carmen. ha, ha, ha. let's face it. no one's going to buy those mittens. (groans sadly) mr. glass: stop... (audience gasps) ...those mittens!
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i'll pay a hundred and one dollars! auctioneer: sold! (bangs gavel) (cheering) (audience cheering) this was great. the library had a hundred and one dollars... (hooting happily) ...and george didn't have to wash a hundred pigs. (chuckles) still, he would miss his mittens. (sighs sadly) don't worry, george, i'll knit you another pair of mittens with giraffes. ooh. (chuckles) aha, ooh. (chuckles) boy: the man with the yellow hat showed george how much 100 is. girl: we are using stuff to help us count to 100. teacher: today we're going to show curious george how to count to 100 by using objects that you have brought in from home. this is 100 beads. boy 2: it looks like less than 100. you need it organized
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to really prove how much it is. girl 2: we glued ten in each row... ah! count by tens. ten groups of ten to get to a hundred. boy 3: i have got 100 ounces of cranberry juice here. girl 1: he measured out 20 ounces at a time. boy 4: yeah, that's perfect. girl 3: and we poured it into a container which was marked by 20s up to a hundred ounces. yes! yes! yes! i think we did help curious george learn what a hundred really is. (chattering) (gibbering) narrator: monkeys don't get chicken pox. (betsy groans) i wish i were a monkey. huh? but little girls do, which is why george was going to the opera instead of betsy.
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oh, you guys are so lucky. aw, no, we're not. operas are boring. ugh. don't pay any attention to him, george. hansel and gretel is wonderful. it's magical. (woman singing opera over stereo) listen. isn't that pretty? uh-huh. yeah, pretty high. (falsetto singing) shh, this is my favorite part of my favorite opera. it's where the dew fairy helps hansel and gretel. oh. isn't she beautiful? (sighs) they only do this opera every few years, and i have to miss it. (sighs sadly) oh, we're all going to miss it if we don't hurry. have fun. promise you'll tell me all about it. (chatters) ooh. (grunts)
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(both gasp) oh... sorry, i-it's my monkey's first opera. (man chuckles, audience applauds) ♪ brother, come and dance with me ♪ ♪ both my hands i offer thee ♪ ♪ right foot first, left foot, then ♪ ♪ roundabout and back again... ♪ george thought the boy and girl must be hansel and gretel. ♪ i would dance but don't know how ♪ ♪ when to jump or when to bow ♪ ♪ show me what i ought to do ♪ ♪ so that i may dance like you ♪ ♪ with your foot, you tap, tap, tap ♪ ♪ with your hands you clap, clap, clap ♪ ♪ right foot first, left foot, then ♪ ♪ roundabout and back again. ♪ the opera was everything betsy had said it would be. hansel and gretel danced and played in a magical forest. ah! there was a sandman who lived in a tree... (chatters a question)
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...who made them fall asleep. (whimpers) and a dew fairy who woke them up. then they found a house you could eat, but the house belonged to a scary witch who wanted to eat them. ♪ hocus pocus now comes jocus ♪ ♪ children, watch the magic head ♪ ♪ eyes are staring, dull as lead. ♪ but hansel and gretel outsmarted the witch. ♪ the spell is broke, and we are free... ♪ ooh... her spell was broken and all the gingerbread men turned back into kids. ♪ join hands together... ♪ (george hooting excitedly) good job. (chattering excitedly) wow. steve: oh, it was incredible. yeah! (man chuckles) george liked it so much, he got the music. (hooting) wow. i just wish i could have gone with you. crummy chicken pox.
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(groans sadly) (thunder rumbling) ah. here. this'll keep your head dry. (chuckles) hey, george, you look like you could be in betsy's opera. did he? huh? oh, uh-huh. he sure did. in fact, he could be all the people in betsy's opera. he could do the opera for betsy all by himself. (gibbering) the first thing george needed were costumes. (gibbering) (chattering) next, he needed the music. uh, what's going on? (chattering happily) you want to listen to the opera now?
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uh-huh, uh-huh. uh, george why is there a duster on your head? (chuckles) (chattering) (singing) (chuckles) oh, i get it. since betsy missed the opera you want to act it out for her? (hooting excitedly) ♪ brother come and dance with me ♪ ♪ both my hands i offer thee ♪ ♪ right foot first, left foot, then ♪ ♪ roundabout and back again. ♪ whoa! aah! this was going to be harder then he thought. ow. man: what do you think, george? better? uh-huh. (whimpers sadly) george had enough trouble playing one part.
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how was he going to play them all? hmm... and then george realized he had the whole cast right at his fingertips. now they just needed costumes. (yawns, sighs) he'd have to figure it out tomorrow. tonight he was too sleepy. ah. (chattering) (chattering)
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(chatters "all right!") finger puppets worked great! the actors could come on and go off in a flash. but hansel and gretel were the same size as their parents. george needed something bigger for the adults. hmm. i picked up the laundry. you want to help me sort it? ooh! uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. hey! (excited chattering) ah... uh... no wonder none of my socks match. yeah! the smiley sock could be the sandman. (sniffs) ah. lookin' good.
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the oven mitts could be mother and father. (gasps) wh... now, what did i do with those mitts? (low-pitched chattering) (high-pitched chattering) (low-pitched chattering) but he still needed a witch and a dew fairy. (chatters) huh? ah. maybe this could be the witch. (george imitating witch's chuckling) (chattering) now, where was he going to find a dew fairy? hmm... she would have to be magical... and pretty and sweet and... hey! (excited chattering) george knew just the girl for the job. once the puppets were done george needed to create the sets.
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uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. (chattering) (gasps) ah! (chattering) (grunts) (chattering) but george couldn't work puppets and sets at the same time. his sets had to be easy to move. ah! (excited chattering) george taped the pictures he had drawn onto the paper roll. george's opera was ready to roll.
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george wants to know if we can come over. he has a surprise for betsy. hey... what is this? (whispers): shh. the show's about to start. betsy: show? gretel: ♪ brother come and dance with me ♪ betsy: is that hansel and gretel? ♪ right foot first, left foot, then ♪ how cute! ♪ roundabout and back again. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and gladly watch above them shh... ♪ betsy (laughs): there's the sandman! and there they go, off to sleep. (gasps) here comes my favorite part! the dew fairy! ♪ i'm up with early dawning ♪ ♪ and know who loves the morning ♪ it's me! i'm the dew fairy! ♪ who'll rise fresh as a daisy ♪ ♪ who'll sink in slumber lazy. ♪ (gasps) wow! ♪ children, watch the magic head ♪ ooh, the scary witch!
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oh, be careful! ♪ eyes are staring, dull as lead ♪ (gasps) ♪ now you atom, off to bed. ♪ ♪ we thank, we thank you both. ♪ (song ends) oh, that was great, george! (laughs) that was so great, george! betsy: thank you! it was so fantastic, i even forgot to itch! (cheers, chatters) still sorry you missed the opera? no. i'm sure george's was much better. it does make me wonder, though. (chatters curiously) how do you feel about... ballet? ah... ah! (chatters) girl: george made a finger puppet opera. rl: george made finger puppet opera. we are visiting a puppet studio to make hand puppets. i'm going to steal all the corn. maggie is the creator of magpie puppets. so, this puppet is made out of little boxes,
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i'm gonna make a turtle. i'm gonna make a bear. i'm gonna make a horse. girl: we start with boxes, then we use glue to cover the boxes with felt. and we're gonna put duct tape here to make a hinge for the mouth to move. hello. my name is horse. welcome to our show. do you know the way to my home on the hill? yes. go over the... all the valleys, and go left and then right and then you'll be there. roar! is that the way to my hill? roar! uh, uh i need to go. boom. announcer: coming to pbs kids, a world premiere event! blowfish blowout! earth to kratt brothers. come in, kratt brothers. announcer: two brothers... yes! whoo-hoo! this is fun! way underwater... waah! shark! whoa! way, way, way over their heads!
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it's a rip current! we're getting sucked into it! "wild kratts lost at sea" premieres monday, january 21 on pbs kids, or watch "wild kratts" anytime at s kids it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that." awesome! announcer: buckle up... and blast off to amazing places. it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that," weekdays on pbs kids or anytime at (george chattering excitedly) this program was made possible by: [ female announcer ] at we believe that learning and curiosity go hand in hand. early learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and curious george. for more than 90 years stride rite's been there. helping you choose the right shoes. stride rite is a proud sponsor of curious george.
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funding for curious george is provided by contributions to your pbs station... ooh. ...and from: hola! curious george loves to play and learn so let's play an opposite game. i'll say something, and you shout out the opposite. ready? what's the opposite of up? down! right. and the opposite of stop? go! yes! and you can go online and play more games with curious george at now let's... ♪ go, go, go, go on an adventure ♪ it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that" next. [horn honks] rosa: hi. i'm miss rosa from pbs kids with martha ... martha: from martha speaks. rosa: it's easy to help your kids learn anytime, anywhere. right martha? martha: right. like at the doctor's office. mom: what rhymes with toy? kid: boy.
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martha: or when you're walking the dog. mom: what letter does that sign start with? girl: s! rosa: visit for more tips and free games like these that make it fun for your child to learn to read. martha: so remember... martha and rosa: anytime is learning time. stocks fell on worries that china might... announcer: the new pbs for ipad app. you'll never know what you'll find. [dog barks] announcer: available now in the app store.
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♪ take care of the planet ♪ i'm going to save water. ♪ take care of the earth ♪ ♪ reduce, reuse, recycle ♪ ♪ the 3 rs work ♪ ♪ think trash think of 3 rs ♪ ♪ reduce, reuse, recycle ♪ ♪ reduce, you use less ♪ ♪ reuse, don't throw out ♪ ♪ recycle turns old stuff into new ♪ ♪ take care of the planet ♪ ♪ take care of the earth ♪ so many flowers! ♪ reduce, reuse, recycle ♪ ♪ the 3 rs work ♪
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funding for this adventure is brought to you in part by: viewers like you, and you, and you, and you... ha, ha! thanks so much you're very kind. ♪ ♪ hey ♪ both: what? ♪ come over here ♪ ♪ the cat in the hat is about to appear ♪ ♪ he's whizzing over to whisk you away ♪ ♪ on a fabulous journey today ♪ he's coming! ♪ and now he's arrived in the thingamajigger ♪ ♪ the thing that he drives ♪ ♪ he's a cat and he's oodles of fun ♪ ♪ with his hairy helpers, thing 2 and thing 1 ♪ yoo-hoo! ♪ whoa! woo-hoo! wahoo! ♪ can't stop the cat in the hat ♪ ♪ all of our adventures start
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like that ♪ ♪ wherever you're going wherever you're at ♪ ♪ the cat in the hat knows a lot about ♪ ♪ he knows a lot about, he knows a lot about ♪ ♪ he knows a lot about that ♪ (children laughing) wow! great catch, sally. your turn, nick. got it! okay. try to catch this one! both: whoa! aah! oh my! whoa! hey! thanks for dropping in! (laughing) that ball sure has a bouncy bounce. it's the cat! the cat in the hat! i just love ball games! can i have a try? sure. here, cat! thanks,
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fish. one... two... (laughing) nice shot. what makes that ball so bouncy, cat? that's easy. because it's made of flubbermabubber. or is that mummubaflubber? i'm not sure. you mean it's made of rubber. and i suppose you know where the rubber comes from as well. sure. a tree. a tree? oh, no, no, no, no, no. that's impossible. it's true. well there's only one way to find out. let's go and ask dr. twiggles in jingle jangle jungle. he knows all about trees. yeah, let's go find out. oh, your mother will not mind at all if you do! mom! can we go with the cat to jingle jangle jungle and ask dr. twiggles where rubber comes from? (mom laughing) mom: jingle jangle jungle? of course. just make sure you bounce right back for dinner. thanks, mom! both: we can go! we can go! i know! i know!
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to the thingamajigger! rubber from trees? ha ha ha! really? whoever heard of such a thing! just wait and see. i've never seen a bouncing tree before. that sounds cool! are you ready? both: yes we are! are you steady? both: yes we are! are you sure you're ready to explore? both: yes we are! then buckle up! flick the jiggermawhizzer! isn't this fun? all: ya-hoo! ♪ here we go, go, go go ♪ ♪ on an adventure ♪ ♪ the thingamajigger is up and away ♪ ♪ go, go, go, go ♪ ♪ on an adventure ♪ ♪ we're flying with the cat in the hat today ♪ ♪ we're off to see twiggles who may have a clue ♪ ♪ rubber from trees? ♪
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♪ we'll see if it's true ♪ ♪ here we go, go, go, go ♪ ♪ on an adventure ♪ ♪ go, go, go, go, go ♪ nick: whoa! there's a whole lot of trees down there! well, where there are trees-- we'll find dr. twiggles! exactly! hmm... no sign of dr. twiggles anywhere. then we're going to have to figure this out for ourselves. let's think. maybe if we found something bouncy then we might find out where rubber comes from. good idea, sally. how about this? not very squishy. oww! ouch! and not very bouncy. hey, look. he's bouncy. maybe he will know where rubber comes from. hey, mr. frog.
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do you know where rubber comes from? (croaking) dr. twiggles: frogs know all about hopping but not about bouncing! cat: dr. twiggles! it's so good to see your friendly face again! hello! hello! hi! i was just checking out this floppy leaf problem. ahhh... all done. now, what can i do for you all today? our ball is made of rubber... and we want to know where rubber comes from, dr. twiggles. fish has this crazy idea rubber comes from trees. have you ever heard of such a thing? well, fish is right. totally, absolutely, perfectly correct. he is? (laughing) told you so. rubber does come from trees! how about that? wow. but not just from any old tree. oh, no-siree. it has to be a rubber tree. do you know where we could find one? i sure do. i have some rubber trees near my home. wanna make some rubber?
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yeah! can we? run this way. (imitating siren) (all imitating siren) this tree can't be a rubber tree. i can't see any rubber balls growing. and it doesn't feel very bouncy. of course not! you can't see the rubber yet because it is not outside, but inside! ♪ trees, trees ♪ ♪ glorious trees ♪ ♪ from roots below to crowning leaves ♪ ♪ this tree's a rubber ♪ ♪ it has something to hide ♪ ♪ if you want to make rubber... ♪ ♪ look inside ♪ now, stand aside! i'm so excited! this is what i call tapping the rubber tree. you mean like this? (giggling) no, no, no, cat. not tap dancing.
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we are going to tap the tree. oh. you mean like this? (tapping) hello?! anyone home? (laughing) we need to make a special cut, right here in the tree trunk. it won't hurt the tree, will it, dr. twiggles? oh, not at all, sally. trees don't feel anything. (giggling) perfect! nick: cool! it looks like milk but feels all sticky! is it rubber dr. twiggles? it will be rubber, sally but when it is sticky and wet like this, we call it "latex." both: latex? la-la-latex. don't be late for latex! this dripping takes such a long time. so here's one i filled up earlier. now for the exciting part, follow me! both:
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yay! (all imitating siren) go ahead, nick. we want to make sure there are no lumpy pieces left. here we go, go, go! why nice pouring there, nick. look. i can see the lumps left behind. now just a few drops of a special liquid that helps it set. and then i just need someone to stir. let me, dr. twiggles. sure thing, sally. allow me to be of assistance... with this! give it a big stir, now. (humming) perfect! let's pour it into this tray to set. i have one already set over here. this one is ready to flip. ha ha! it's just like jelly! now all it needs is a little flattening to help it dry out. it's a little
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w-w-wobbly! oh. things are about to get a whole lot wo-wo-wo-wobblier. are you ready? both: we're ready! can i go? aw, come on, let me go! take it away, cat. (giggling) (yelping) aahh! (laughing) try again, cat. okay! i'm on it. nick, sally, come and help me on this side now. we did it! we made our own rubber! let's just go hang it out to dry and we're all done. can i stop now? (laughing) well done, everyone. fantastic job! hmm. but it doesn't look like our rubber ball. our ball
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is round. that's the interesting part! once you have rubber in big sheets, you can shape it into all sorts of things. want things made of rubber? i know that you do. time to call for thing 1 and thing 2! (whistling) (gibberish) (laughing) wow! that's amazing! rubber hats. sally: and rubber boots keep you dry! (gibberish) know what else is made of rubber? balloons! i never knew balloons were made of rubber too! nick: and things to help you float! (gibberish) sally: that's what cars run on!
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rubber tires! i never knew so many things were made of rubber. amazing isn't it? where's rubber come from? we wanted to ask. deep in the jungle we started our task, sticky white latex that drips from a tree it dries to make rubber. well, that surprised me! stir it, then flatten and dry in the sun that's how to make rubber. oh, it's so much fun! (laughing) thank you for showing us how to make rubber, dr. twiggles. my pleasure. remember, if you need to know all about a tree then just call me! we will. bye, doc! bye! see ya! well, what a surprise. who would have guessed that rubber is all around us? it makes so many things. like our bouncy ball. like the tires on the thingamajigger oh! and i see you're even standing on rubber. both: huh? look at the bottom of your shoes, guys. oh! you mean the
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bottoms of our shoes is made from rubber too? wow! why do you think you guys are so bouncy? (laughing) hi kids! today i have a very hard question for you. what type of bear is the biggest in the whole world? is it a black bear? or is it a polar bear? or is it a teddy bear? so which bear is the biggest in the world? if you said the polar bear that's right! polar bears are the largest of all the bears. did you get it this time? well, next time, i'll stump you for sure! both: time to take a picture with our snaparama cameras! i'll take the picture. and i'll guess what it is! sally: this looks like a spider's web that's made of glass! nick: it's too cold and snowy for spiders. guess again! sally: oh, it's a snowflake!
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nick: you guessed it! when you look at a snowflake close up you can see that it's an ice crystal with six points. wow! great photo, nick! (laughing) hey, watch me, sally! i'm climbing the tallest mountain in the world! (grunting) i'll reach the top before you, nick! no way. i'm going to be king of the mountain! and i'm going to be queen of the mountain! wahhh! i'm right back at the start! whoa! me too! cat: i'll show you how to do it! cats are great climbers! it's the cat! the cat in the hat! you'll see. nothing to it. wahhh!
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hmm. how about we meet a creature that knows a thing or two about climbing? who? timmy tippy toes who lives on mighty high mountain that's who! he'll show us how it's done! timmy? who is timmy? he's a klipspringer. a... klipspringer? yes, a klipspringer. like a little deer. can we meet him? your mother will not mind at all if you do! mom! can we go with the cat to the mighty high mountain and learn from timmy how to climb? (mom laughing) mom: mighty high mountain? sure, but don't forget to watch your step. thanks, mom! both: we can go! we can go! i know! i know! to the thingamajigger! i remember timmy tippy toe. he taught me how to stand on my tippy tail. look. (humming) whoa-- oops! you need to go back for another lesson. are you ready? both: yes we are!
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are you steady? both: yes we are! are you sure you're ready to explore? both: yes we are! then buckle up! flick the jiggermawhizzer! isn't this fun? all: ya-hoo! ♪ here we go, go, go go ♪ ♪ on an adventure ♪ ♪ the thingamajigger is up and away ♪ ♪ go, go, go, go ♪ ♪ on an adventure ♪ ♪ we're flying with the cat in the hat today ♪ ♪ we're off to meet timmy who certainly knows ♪ ♪ all about climbing on his tippy toes ♪ ♪ here we go, go, go, go ♪ ♪ on an adventure ♪ ♪ go, go, go, go, go ♪ look! i see something, there on that rock. that'll be timmy. let's go
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down and say hello. hey timmy! sally and nick here want to meet you! hi! come on down! but it's too steep for the thingamajigger to land we'll slide right down the mountain. try the unloadamadoaters, cat! uh... ah, yes! absolutely! i was going to suggest that very thing myself. cool! hey! wait for me! fish... you drive! cat! guys, meet timmy tippy toes the klipspringer climber extraordinaire! hi! hello! klipspringer means rock climber! i climb rocks! you look like you're standing on your toes. is that why they call you timmy tippy toes? toes? oh, you mean my hooves.
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these are a great shape for climbing. where are you going, timmy? i'm going to meet my mom and dad at the top of the mountain to see something absolutely amazing! what is it? is it an elephant riding a bicycle? perhaps a dancing hippopotamus? what could it be? if you come along with me, i'll show you. it's a surprise. oh, i just love surprises, don't you? come on, step this way. both: wow! what are you guys waiting for? (grunting) this is hard to do. why can't i climb the rocks like timmy? it's too steep, and we might fall. don't worry about falling. when you need to keep safe and don't want to fall. why not give thing 1 and thing 2 a quick call? (whistling) (gibberish)
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if anyone falls, they'll have it covered. thanks, thing 1 and thing 2! huh? hey. look at timmy! nick: wow! look at him go! oh, my! what a springy klipspringer he is! how can we climb like him? maybe if we had different shoes we could climb the rocks better! hmm... no. no. perhaps not. (laughing) oh, dear these are not right. we need feet just like timmy's. then we could be great climbers. of course! why didn't you say so? how about these? these feel just perfect. klipspringer shoes! to the surprise! (grunting)
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whoa... i have klipspringer feet but i still can't seem to climb like timmy. waahh... this is hard! having trouble, guys? hmmm... let's see. timmy isn't standing like us. sally: he's using all four feet! that's why he's such an amazing climber! we should use our arms as an extra set of tippy toes! coming right up! hey, look at me. i'm a klipspringer! it's so much easier to climb now! isn't this fun? these four hooves are great for balance! and the shape is just right to grip in between the rock. great job guys! you're climbing almost like me! why let's celebrate with a song! ♪ if you're
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heading for the top ♪ ♪ you want to reach the highest height ♪ ♪ you need to use your hands and your tippy toes ♪ ♪ that's right ♪ ♪ this is our song ♪ ♪ and this is how it goes ♪ ♪ we need tippy-tippy hands ♪ ♪ and tippy-tippy toes ♪ ♪ if the rocks are too slippy ♪ ♪ and the mountains are too tall ♪ ♪ you need to use your hands and your tippy toes ♪ ♪ that's all ♪ ♪ this is our song ♪ ♪ and this is how it goes ♪ ♪ we need tippy-tippy hands ♪ ♪ and tippy-tippy toes ♪ oh, what fun we are having! (laughing) look! i just jumped like timmy.
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but not as far as timmy. he's built for jumping. ah! whoa! both: uh-oh... i'm okay. first time i ever climbed in klipspringer shoes before! last one to the top is a silly egg! i'll see you there, nick! (panting) oh, my... oh, dear. i'm all tuckered out! well, climbing is thirsty work! drink time! but you're eating a leaf?! yes. i get all the water i need from this plant! it's called a succulent. a succulent? i get it. you suck water from a "succ-ulent"! (laughing) let's take a peek. sally: look!
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nick: i see drops of water inside. but we can't drink from a bush! can't speak for you guys but i certainly like my drink with a straw. mmm! good! timmy, you said we were going to have a big surprise. ooh, it's the best ever. mom! dad! these are my new friends. we just climbed the mountain together. welcome. hey, look at me! top of the mountain! hey timmy, i can't wait for the surprise. where is it? why it's right behind you. the biggest surprise ever. all: wow! the best sunset... i have ever seen. mother: and this is the best spot on the mountain to see it. we always enjoy the sunset just before bedtime. (yawning) i
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feel tired. maybe it is time for bed. looks like we're all too tuckered to climb back but we could hitch a ride home! (whistling) all: wheee! bye, timmy. goodbye! see you soon! we learned about climbing and making feet grip. how to leap rocks, timmy gave us a tip. when animals need a drink, there's something to try a succulent plant keeps its water close by. all: wheee! and at the end of the day, when the climbing is done, watching a sunset is such glorious fun. phew! we did it! we made it to the top of the mountain! you did! you did! it was because of these. you need to wear the right things for climbing! and you need to use
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your hands and your feet! time to climb the stairs to bed guys. coming! maybe it would be quicker if we slid down? both: wheee! (laughing) welcome to hat chat! today, we are going to interview an eyed hawk-moth. here i am! hello, mr. moth. we didn't see you there. you blend in with the bark on the tree. yes, i do. the color of my body helps to camouflage or hide me. neat! you're so camouflaged, i can't even see your body. only your big eyes! those aren't my real eyes. those are my wings. wow! your wings look just like a face! that's right. the pattern on my wings look like big eyes. this makes me look much bigger than i am, so other animals don't try to pick on me. thanks for
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teaching us all about your cool wings, mr. moth. yeah, and next time, we'll know which face to talk to. see you later! ♪ this is the monarch butterfly ♪ ♪ let's join her on a journey through the sky ♪ ♪ the monarch travels so far and wide ♪ ♪ it's called migration ♪ ♪ let's go along for a ride ♪ ♪ go butterfly, go butterfly ♪ ♪ go butterfly, go ♪ ♪ where is she going, and why in such a hurry? ♪ ♪ she's flying to warmth before a snow flurry ♪ ♪ 'cause when it turns cold the monarch can't fly ♪ ♪ so she leaves in the fall and takes to the sky ♪ ♪ go butterfly, go butterfly ♪ ♪ go butterfly, go ♪ ♪ she isn't alone ♪ ♪ she has many friends ♪ ♪ who join in her travels all the way to the end ♪ ♪ all together like a big family ♪ ♪ huddled up warm on the branch of a tree ♪ ♪ it's only the monarch who travels so far ♪ ♪ they're the best at flying ♪ ♪ they really are ♪ ♪ go butterfly,
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go butterfly ♪ ♪ go butterfly, go ♪ ♪ go butterfly, go butterfly ♪ ♪ go butterfly, go ♪ announcer: coming to pbs kids, a world premiere event! blowfish blowout! earth to kratt brothers. come in, kratt brothers. announcer: two brothers... yes! whoo-hoo! this is fun! way underwater... waah! shark! whoa! way, way, way over their heads! it's a rip current! we're getting sucked into it! "wild kratts lost at sea" premieres monday, january 21 on pbs kids, or watch "wild kratts" anytime at s kids it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that." awesome! announcer: buckle up... and blast off to amazing places. it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that," weekdays on pbs kids or anytime at funding for this adventure is brought to you in part by:
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viewers like you, and you, and you, and you... ha, ha! thanks so much you're very kind. ♪ the cat in the hat sure knows a lot about animals. do you? let's play an animal guessing game. which of these animals would you find in the ocean, el mar? is it the chicken? no! no. chickens live on land. how about this turtle? would you find it in the ocean? yes! right! but you might also find a turtle living on land, too. you can play more games like this with the cat in the hat at now let's go on a reading adventure with "super why!"
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