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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  January 10, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EST

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r arthur with captioning is provided by... ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. chuck e. cheese's proudly supports pbs kids. and by a "ready to learn" television cooperative agreement from the u.s. department of education through the public broadcasting service. broadcasting service ♪ every day when you're walking down the street ♪ ♪ everybody that you meet has an original point of view. ♪ ( laughs ) ♪ and i say hey! ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ if we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ and get along with each other ♪ ♪ you got to listen to your heart ♪ ♪ listen to the beat ♪ ♪ listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street ♪ ♪ open up your eyes open up your ears ♪ ♪ get together and make things better by working together ♪
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♪ it's a simple message and it comes from the heart ♪ ♪ believe in yourself ♪ ♪ for that's the place to start ♪ ♪ and i say hey! ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ if we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ and get along with each other. ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ hey! what a wonderful kind of day. ♪ hey! arthur: hey, d.w. hey! whoa! ( crash ) ( dramatic music plays ) buster ( narrating ): "trouble in the sandbox." throughout history there have been kids who don't play well together. from the dawn of time... ( mammoth trumpeting ) ( grunting ) ( gasps ) ( exclaims with disgust ) buster: to the heyday of this great nation. ( cow moos )
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your crops are where our cows graze! your cows are where our crops grow! ( exclaims in disgust ) buster: even in the days of your grandma and grandpa. ( grunting ) now, this i like. that's the way things have always been, and that's the way things always will be. wait! this just in ladies and gentlemen-- and you'll never believe it when i tell you! ( barks ) hey! ( whining ): look, arthur it's so hot, my hair is crying. that's sweat, d.w. last one in the pool's a rotten egg!
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the gate's locked. "community pool closed for repairs"?! closed?! what are we going to do?! i'm "suffer-cating" from heat. ( coughing ) water! ow, that's hot. somebody's got to have a pool we can use. what about muffy? um... maybe... we could run in grandma thora's sprinkler. yeah, but that's not a pool. i know! the tibble twins just got a new pool-- we can swim there. tibbles? water. okay. ( twins bellowing ) muffy's? i'm so glad you came over. d.w.: ow! faster! ow! faster!
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ow! grandma thora? thora: i'm sure the senior center pool will be much more fun than my sprinkler. and reach, and reach-- let's go, ladies! this water's really hot. it's like taking a bath, only with lots of ladies. library? uh, it's not a pool, but at least it's got air conditioning. i wouldn't go in there if i were you. the air conditioner's broken. what does a kid have to do to cool off in this town? ( kids laughing ) kid: hey, no splashing! d.w., wait! kid: oops... oh, hello, d.w. you don't need me to kiss you again,
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do you? uh-uh. i didn't know you had a pool. my mom talked to your mom, and you can swim here, as long as arthur swims here, too. okay with me. i told you we'd find a pool. not just any pool, the perfect pool! molly: well, well, well i didn't know it was baby day at the pool. take one more step, and you're entering a world of pain. take that last cupcake, and you're entering a world of pain. step in that pool, and you're entering a world of pain. uh, we were just going. but we just got here! and now we're leaving. i'm not going, so you can't go!
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mom said you had to watch me. and your mother said we could. so, arthur you get in that pool! we'll see about that. my mother says i have to let them play here. rattles ( on phone ): that's okay. all you have to do is make it so hard for them to have fun that they'll never come back again. i like that. i swim on my side of the pool, and you swim on yours, if you can even get in. ( imitating pirate ): walk the plank, argh! ( imitating pirate ): argh! me next, me next! make me walk the plank. okay, matey, prepare to... gotcha. ready... aim... fire! ( yells ) ( laughing )
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how babyish. anybody can do that. ( growls in exasperation ) give it to me. see? that's how you shoot baskets. now you try it. yeah! gee, thanks, molly. don't mention it. ( giggling ) can you show me how you do that water squirt thingy with your palms? ( laughing ) hey, arthur, watch this! ( squawks like parrot ) molly want a cracker? both: argh! ( laughing )
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arthur: oh, and you can squirt water from under your armpit, too. cool. if you want, i can show you how to do a hook shot. okay. rattles: so, molly, did you tell that little baby to get lost? huh? what's he doing here? you're not hanging out with him, are you? no, i... he... i mean... here's your ice cream, molly. it's all my allowance would buy. i'm sorry i touched your pool. if you need more money i'll bring it tomorrow. just don't let it happen again. good work, moll. see you at the jungle gym. ( door opens, both sigh, door shuts ) molly: you saved my reputation. my friends would never let me live it down if they knew i liked you. yeah, i'm not sure my friends would understand either. they'd probably get scared. maybe you guys should just act like you don't know each other
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around everybody else. deal? deal. buster: holding hands?! i don't believe it. i saw it. they were right in the park in broad daylight. they must've been arm-wrestling. you don't arm-wrestle standing up. she's right, you need a table. face it, buster, arthur's in l-o-v-e, love. i won't believe it till i see it. ( buster laughing ) it's so ridiculous! it's goofy what muffy is saying about you. she said that you and... hey, arthur, i found the ball... that you touched. quit leaving your cooties all over my yard. can you believe that? she can keep her old ball! uh, be right back.
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that was a close one. sorry about that. no problem. thanks for the ball. i have something i want to show you. meet me at the library in an hour. it's got all kinds of cool hand tricks in it, like squirting water and stuff. oh, no! that's for babies, you baby. quit following me. whew! that was a super close one. i'll say. want to come shoot some hoops? sure. brain: and then they walked off together. i saw it. i can't believe it. what's arthur turning into? hey, arthur. you sit there, and you're entering a world of pain.
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ooh! we've got to do something or arthur will turn into one of them. slink: and yesterday, he gave her a book and when they thought i wasn't looking they went off together. what if she turns into one of them? hey, everybody! let's name the state capitals. ( cheering ) ( groans ) we've got to save molly before it's too late. your friend is ruining my friend. no, your friend is ruining my friend. your friend started this mess, but we're going to put an end to it. no, we will! francine: okay, guys let's go catch those two being friends. and put a stop to it.
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where's arthur? uh, he, uh... he... you told him he couldn't swim here anymore, didn't you? i... i... he didn't want to swim with you, right? i... i, uh... i... that's what i call teamwork. thank goodness we nipped this thing in the bud before we all became friends. let's go get a milkshake to celebrate. arthur: is it safe? what are you doing here? the community pool is open again. i just wanted to give you back your ball in case you need it for anything. aah, you better keep it. i can't use it now that it has nerdy germs on it. you want your book back? i won't be able to read it anymore. you've put your cooties all over it.
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kids: and now... hi, my name is amanda, and this is my class. and we are writing stories about friends. "how the dog and the cat became friends." unexpected friends. "the hamburger and the hotdog." amanda: they're not just people; they can be anything. the title of our story is "the clock and the virus." for an example, we have "ketchup and mustard" by max and max. max and max: this is ketchup and this is mustard. they start as enemies and they become friends. "once upon a time... "a mother was going to eat a burger. "ketchup said, 'she's going to put me on it.' "then mustard said 'she's going to put me on it.' they argue about who's tastier. "then the lettuce said to the meat 'why are they arguing?'" because they don't think different people should be friends. "so they said, 'okay, we'll be friends.'" friends don't have to be alike.
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different, but mostly the same. if you, like, meet somebody that you like and they like you, then you kind of start playing together. it doesn't matter how they look or how they talk. it just matters what's inside of them. here are two things you wouldn't expect to be friends. our story is about a robin and a worm and usually robins and worms wouldn't get together because robins would eat worms. "one day, the robin was gliding over a garden "and he spotted a little movement in the grass. "so he swooped down, but when he swooped down, he hurt his wing. "after a few minutes the worm was back. "he brought a bandage to help the bird's wing. "so they played the whole day together and became great friends." it wouldn't happen with a robin and a worm, but it could happen with people. boys: we are friends. girl: if you want to be somebody's friend, you can be anybody's friend. both: yeah. and now...
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( thunder crashing ) ( shutter creaking ) ( dog growling ) ( growling ) ( whimpers ) well! where did you come from? not exactly a night for exploring, is it? why don't you come inside and dry... ( growls ) ( barks ) oh! feisty, aren't we? well, i'll just leave this open and you can come in if you want to. ( thunder crashes ) ( whimpering ) ( howls ) ( snoring ) "killer." hmm, that's a mighty tough name for such a cute little thing.
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( whimpering ) well, i bet you're hungry, killer. ( barking ) that's leftover beef stroganoff, and it took me two hours to make, so i don't want to hear any complaints. ( munching ) well, lookee here. it's a little fuzzy rat. what a strange thing to put on a leash. come down here and say that, fuzz face! i'll tie your whiskers in knots! ooh, it has a temper! now, now, little dog-thing don't strangle yourself... yet. you better have all nine lives because you're going to need every one of them after i... what are you looking at, liver lips? ( whimpers ) and stay away! yeah, that's right keep on walking! ( barking )
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sorry about that. she's a little cranky. where is she? where's the doggie? she's in the kitchen. you may want to wait a bit before... she's beautiful! not at all like arthur's stinky dog! ( mimicking baby talk ): hi, little killer. you want to play? oh, no, d.w. be careful! ( killer barking ) ( d.w. screaming ) ( growling ) ( barks ) i didn't do anything! she just came at me like i was a piece of meat! it's not your fault, d.w. killer is a little... well, high-strung. high-strung? she's a monster! ( growling ) let's leave killer to finish her supper in peace. ( clears throat ) excuse me, but that person you barked at happens to be the sister of my owner. so? so, i think you owe her an apology. oh, no! did i scare that girl when she snuck up on me?
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how terrible! i'll go lick her feet right away. here, help yourself to my kibble. kibble? oh, well, i'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. d.w. can be very trying sometimes. ( sniffing ) mmm! smells beefy! ( growling ) ( gasps ): a trap! you probably just scared her. you have to be very gentle with new dogs. ( pal yelps ) pal! ( pal whimpering ) pal: and then the beast came at me, its giant jaws snapping! but i used the old tuck-and-roll.... ( pal grunting ) escaping just in time! then arthur came in. ( gasps ) i ran to his defense but when my back was turned, the beast struck! ( both gasp ) wounding me mercilessly! i dragged myself... ( grunting dramatically ) to arthur's side and collapsed, hoping that my useless body might somehow shield my master from harm.
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poor pal! where did the dog bite you? left leg. i think i saw bone. i can't see anything. oh! must have healed. ( killer barking ) there she is-- hide! ( amigo laughing ) amigo: that's it? that's the beast that attacked you? she's a lapdog! let me talk to her. no, amigo, don't! she's small but vicious! maybe he'll have better luck. he's very charming. ¡buenos días! welcome to the neighborhood! ( killer barking ) amigo: ¡ay, mamita! you are a monster! we're so sorry ramón. i'm glad amigo's okay, but if there's anything you need, just let me know. ( whimpers ) you've had the signs up for a week. it's time to think about taking killer to the animal shelter. ( killer growling, rubber duck squeaking )
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there, there. it won't be that bad. ( killer barking ) a pretty dog like you? you'll be with a lovely family in no time. ( whimpering ) hey, frank, get the gloves. killer is back. you know this dog? oh, yeah. killer's been in and out of here a lot. people adopt and return her quickly. you probably know why. well, she was a little difficult, but... we'll take it from here, ma'am. ( barking ) ( dogs barking and howling ) dog: hey, guys, look, it's a chew toy. you got any biscuits chew toy? n-no. what is this place? dog: the end of the line, sister, where they put the repeat offenders the rejects, the lifers. better get comfy because you're going to be here a while. i'm very sorry to have bothered you, but i've changed my mind.
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thora: you poor dear! life has been hard for you hasn't it? but if this is going to work out, there has to be some changes. you have to be nicer to my grandchildren and other dogs understand? ( panting ) i'm telling you, amigo this is my bone. i distinctly remember burying it. then how did it get in my yard? it is mine! killer: hey, guys! i'm back! ( gasps ) this is it, old friend-- the last stand. ( spits ) amigo: so! you have the nerve to come back after what you did to my paw! and my leg. oh, yeah, i'm really sorry about that. but things will be different now. you see, i never really had a home before, but now... don't waste your breath! we don't talk to biters! i'm not a biter.
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i mean, not really. oh, come on! i said i was sorry! ( giggling ) ( killer clears throat ) excuse me. i, um... brought you something. someone left it at the dog run. ooh! what a pretty ball! pal: stand back, kate! it's a trap! it isn't a trap. i'm not getting much use out of it so i thought you and amigo might want it. we have our own toys thank you very much! good day to you, madam! ( sighs ) well, i'll leave it here in case you change your mind. pal, maybe you should give killer a second chance. she really is trying to be nice. pal: kate, we pets have a saying-- you can't teach an old person new tricks. well, the same applies to dogs. if i were her, i'd leave this neighborhood. she'll never fit in. ( snoring )
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( sniffs ) ( twittering ) come to nemo my feathery bonbon-- just a little bit closer. stupid wings! they take all the fun out of hunting! ( meows ) ( muffled music playing ) oh, no, i'm doomed! oh, thank goodness! it's that cat-saving boy. hello! up here! yoo-hoo! ( thunder rumbling ) wait! wait! come back! oh...! nemo: help! help! hello, little squirrel could you...? oh, it's you. i... i didn't mean you looked squirrelish,
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i just... no! i look like a little fuzzy rat, right? you're right. i don't expect you of all creatures, to help me. ( sighs ) i guess i'll perish up here, cold, wet, alone! you can cut the act, cat. i'll help you. where is your owner? on the third floor of that building. quick, someone's going in! ( grunts ) ( barking ) ( whimpers ) ( elevator bell dings ) ( barking ) i can't get in. we'll have to try something else. hurry! i can't hold on much longer! ( siren blaring )
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( barking ) ( horn honking ) ( growling ) ( horn honking, siren blaring ) ( brakes squeal ) ( barking ) ( nemo mewling ) amigo: and then the little dog didn't move one inch even though the truck was just about to flatten her like a plantain! you sure this was killer who did this? i heard it straight from spot and dot, the fire dogs. but i thought dogs didn't like cats. why would killer help nemo? pal: i don't know but any animal who risks her life for another can't be all bad. ( dogs barking outside ) ( killer barking ) amigo: this is to officially welcome you to the neighborhood. it's a very good bone. ham, as i recall. it was lamb, and it was mine. really?
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for me? my very own bone? oh, you guys, you're the best! ( giggling ) ( laughing ) come on! let's go bury it in the neighbors' yard! well, i guess it's better to be licked than bitten. true, true. you might want to know the secret formula for drawing arthur. we'll do two letter o's, hook them together with a little upside-down letter u. then we'll do a larger letter u like this. we'll do a straight line here. two dots here. two lines here. two dots here. a curved line for his mouth. i will add his ears. and there's arthur. that's great! captioned by media access group at wgbh ac visit us on-line at
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you can find arthur books and lots of other books, too at your local library. captioned by media access group at wgbh ♪ and everybody that you meet has an original point of view. ♪ ♪ and i say hey! ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ if we can learn to work and play ♪ ♪ and get along with each other ♪ ♪ hey! what a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ hey! what a wonderful kind of day. ♪ hey! funding for arthur is provide. rhodes 60 ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. chuck e. cheese's proudly supports pbs kids. and by a "ready to learn" television cooperative agreement
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from the u.s. department of education through the public broadcasting service. broadcasting service every week... that's me! martha speaks is proof positive... do we love llamas, people? ...there's nothing like a talking dog. hello! (voices wobbling) you guys are really irritating. does "irritating" mean "fun"? on your mark, go! martha speaks on pbs kids. wow! (barking) (honks)
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stocks fell on worries that china might... announcer: the new pbs for ipad app. you'll never know what you'll find. [dog barks] announcer: available now in the app store.
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martha speaks is funded in part by... kiddie academy child care learning centers... proud supporter of pbs kids. providing educationally focused child care preparing children for school and for life. kiddie academy... the corporation for public broadcasting, by a cooperative agreement from the u.s. department of education's ready-to-learn grant by: and by: martha was an average dog ♪ ♪ she went... and... and... ♪ (barking, growls) ♪ when she ate some alphabet soup ♪ ♪ then what happened was bizarre. ♪ on the way to martha's stomach the letters lost their way. they traveled to her brain and now... ♪ she's got a lot to say ♪
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♪ now she speaks... ♪ how now, brown cow? ♪ martha speaks ♪ ♪ yeah, she speaks and speaks and speaks ♪ ♪ and speaks and speaks. ♪ what's a caboose? when are we eating again? ♪ martha speaks... ♪ hey, joe, what do you know? my name's not joe. ♪ she's not always right but still that martha speaks. ♪ hi there. ♪ she's got a voice, she's ready to shout ♪ ♪ martha will tell you what it's all about ♪ ♪ sometimes wrong, but seldom in doubt ♪ ♪ martha will tell you what it's all about ♪ ♪ that dog's unique... ♪ testing, one, two. ♪ hear her speak ♪ ♪ martha speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks and... ♪ ♪ communicates, enumerates ♪ ♪ elucidates, exaggerates ♪ ♪ indicates and explicates ♪ ♪ bloviates and overstates and... ♪ (panting) ♪ ...hyperventilates! ♪ ♪ martha, to reiterate ♪ martha speaks! ♪ martha speaks. ♪ listen up, we've got a big show today and everybody's got to be on top of their game. i want to see some real effort and concentration out there. truman... yes, coach! let's hear a tongue twister. peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. martha: great! now get in there, and i want to see a winning show.
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your job is to watch for all the words that have to do with competitions and what goes into winning them. words like: "concentrate," "effort," "achieve" and "victory." i'll see you at the end of the show. (growling) (barking) (growling) no you let go! (growling, barking) i am not beaten! i'm just pacing myself. you guys! why do you make everything a competition? (skits yelps) a competition? what's that? it's when you try to beat someone else to see who's best, like you and skits with that toy. i don't make everything a competition. just the important stuff. (martha laughs) ha-ha! victory! (skits barking) (groans) monsieur rudolphe is here! take one. take one. (yelping, hooting)
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(gasps) (skits barks) helen: sorry. oh i'm really sorry. (gasps) monsieur rudolphe must be too long in the hot sun. he thought he heard your animal speak. he did. i mean you did. (gasps) a talking dog. formidable! you must enter my dog show. the winner will get a medal. oh, a medal? can you eat it? no. then what's the point? the point is to show everyone that you are the best. we already know that. thanks anyway. come on carolina's waiting. you should enter! you could be somebody! you could be a champion! (growling) martha, ¿campeona? a champion? yup, that's what he said. hmm, you mean a champion, like someone who's a winner someone who's the best? yeah, that's what a champion means.
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you don't think martha could be a champion? oh, sure, sure. (skits growling) (growling) well, when i think of a champion i think of a dog like... françois. i think martha could be a champion, too, though. sure sure. (gasps) hey! you think mrs. clusky would let me enter françois in the dog show? françois? but he's not even your dog. i can be his handler. it could be so much fun. and you can help me. you know so much about dogs. we'd make a really great team. well... i'm going to ask her. qué buena idea! that's a great idea. thanks! you're... welcome? (growling) where's carolina going? um nowhere. hey, want to do something fun? sure, what? i thought you said something fun.
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but don't you think being in a dog show could be fun? what would i have to do? just allow the judges to behold that silky, honey-brown fur, that noble posture those deep brown eyes. you're sure to win the prize. does it cost money to enter? no, no, no, no, no, no. a little. how much is "a little"? a mere ten dollars to enter. and five for the shampoo. fifteen dollars?! a shampoo? no way! right? hmm... helen, helen right? carolina: bonjour, everyone! (with french accent): the winner has arrived! so, why are you guys here? are you going to enter martha in the competition? sure, why not? just for fun. well mrs. clusky gave me some money for françois.
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ah merci. thank you. but $15 is a lot to spend just to lose to françois. (grumbling) hey, cuz, ¿qué pasa? do you think i'm criticizing martha? um, a little. no, no, no. martha's great. (baby talk): it's not her fault she's not a champion like "widdle" françois. monsieur woo-dolphe-- uh, rudolphe-- said martha's a champion, too, right? well... of course, but martha would never beat françois in a dog show right, monsieur rudolphe? uh, it is a complex question. the only way to know for sure is to... enter both dogs in the competition. only then will you know who is the best. (whimpers) what are you doing? i need to find another stinking dollar to enter you in that stinking contest. (gasps) contest?
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now there's a contest, too? contest, competition-- same thing. they're both when you try to beat someone, so you can be the best. but i thought you said you already knew i was the best. i do, but some people don't. (thump) ow! aha! but i don't care what anybody else thinks. i only care what you think. i know, but i just can't stand the way carolina talks about you. are you certain martha can win the contest? i mean, this is all the allowance money i have in the world. oh, i... i cannot give an official statement. but i can practically guarantee that martha will have a victory. a victory? you mean she'll win? exactement. that is exactly what i mean. ten dollars, right? to enter, yes.
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to win... uh perhaps it would be better if she had a shampooing. but you said she... well, it's not required. just, with this other doggie françois, in the competition, it is going to be very close. dad: five dollars?! to shampoo a dog? that's ridiculous. dad, martha needs a professional shampoo if she's going to win. uh, losing's okay, too. (nervous chuckle) dad, please? i'll work extra hard. i'll do whatever chores you want-- promise! i'll pay you back. (sighs, grumbles) but i don't need a prize. i'll just swallow it or lose it in the backyard somewhere. hi, cuz. what are you doing here? i ask myself the same thing. ah mademoiselle martha! eh. doomed.
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you're really going to enter her in the competition? stop saying that! you're always putting martha down. well you are in for a surprise! françois is the one who's going to lose! helen, i don't want you to be my rival. i'm not your rival. how can you stand here and call me your rival? i'm not your rival. what's a rival? rivals are people who are trying to beat each other at something. and i don't want us to be rivals. i'm not being your rival. i just want martha to win. and i want françois to win. then i guess maybe we are rivals. (martha coughing, spitting) help! what are you staring at? quit it! come on, martha, we need to get ready. ow! ow.
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ow. ow. ow-ow-ow-ow-ow- ow-ow-ow-ow! ow! ow. what happened? it's boring. yeah, but why did you say "ow"? it's so boring it hurts. (sighs) now, martha, come on. the contest is tomorrow. don't you think it's worth practicing just a little bit more? (sighs) oh all right. but if i win, i know what i'm doing for the rest of the week. what? nothing! (dogs barking) good afternoon, mesdames et messieurs and dogs of all shapes and sizes. welcome to monsieur rudolphe's dog show. it's a wonderful day for a competition. ready? let's go! (applause)
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this is a poem i wrote about bones. (clears throat) "how i love the crunch of the leftover bones that i get for lunch." (applause, murmurs of approval) if all the contestants will please line up, i will begin the awarding of the prizes. oh helen, i don't want us to be rivals. i don't care about this dog show at all. me neither. i don't know why i got so carried away. (rudolphe clears throat) rudolphe: and the winner for best poodle goes to: françois! victory! i-i mean, not that i care. the prize for best talking dog
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goes to: martha! woo-hoo! yeah! not that it matters. (both laugh) the prize for best dog named john goes to: john. "best dog named john"?! (dogs barking in distance) "best brown dog"?! what kind of award is that? hey, this medal is cheap plastic. there's something funny about this competition. where's monsieur rudolphe? i want my money back! hey, where'd he go? (engine revs, tires screech) there he is! he's trying to get away! (clamoring) looks like we were fooled. this is your fault, ed. my fault?! i knew there was something fishy about that man. he was just after our money. this medal is fake! quiet! quiet! quiet! quiet!
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what's all the fuss about? i mean, everybody got a medal so everybody won. this just proves what i've thought for a long time: every pet is special to someone. and isn't it worth it to find out what great pets we have? to me, that's the only kind of competition to enter. (murmurs of agreement) oh, martha! heck, it's even worth getting a shampoo for. what's with the leaves? carolina's helping me do chores to pay back all the money i owe. i can't believe i got so competitive. me neither. from now on, i don't ever want us to be rivals again. (yawns) do you mind if i stop? i think i've raked the most leaves. uh-uh! i did! how can you say that? i raked way more than you. helen: no way! i was raking and raking. (martha screaming) martha! martha!
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quick, let's see who can pile the leaves up the fastest so we can do that again! now, that's a competition i can really get into. (chuckles) martha: and that tennis ball is going high and wide, but holy mackerel... ...she makes the catch! wow, martha, that was great. can i try? can i throw the ball? sure. can you go inside? i'd like to toss the ball to martha alone. um sure. i have to do my homework anyway. skits, too. huh?! uh okay. skits. (door closes) is she gone? yeah. go ahead. throw it. throw it to me. we're not tossing the ball. we're not? i have something important to discuss with you. what is it? i can't explain it here. walk slowly out of the yard with
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me. act naturally. martha, i have something i want to show you. it's a book about hoboes. ah. from what i can gather, they ride trains and eat pie, frequently with a dog. ride trains and eat pie? truman: frequently with a dog. that sounds like fun. really? would you like to be hoboes with me? it would mean riding on trains and sleeping in dirt. sounds like fun. eating squirrel soup and sleeping in dirt. martha: count me in. truman: it means sleeping in dirt-- sleeping in dirt and hardly ever taking a bath. music to my ears. when do we start? (sighs) what's the matter? i was kind of hoping you'd talk me out of it. ah no. sounds great to me, hobo truman. (chuckles) all right i'll get my harmonica and some baggy pants. uh how long are we going to be hoboes
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for? i need to be home before dinner. martha, this is forever. forever?! weird. yesterday, he asked me about how you join the pony express. he said he was scared of horses, but he thought ponies would be okay. that's strange. why would he even attempt to ride a pony? tempt? no "attempt." it means to try something that's hard to do. like attempting to understand what truman's up to? exactly. he asked me how you join the circus. i thought he meant when he grew up. the circus?! truman? yeah. i reminded him he's frightened of tigers. and clowns. you don't think he's trying to run away from home, do you? why would truman want to run away? maybe his parents got a cat. that would make me run away. but truman likes cats. so maybe they got a bear. why would they get a bear? to scare away the cats. (sighs) i'm worried. if he really wants to run away,
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why hasn't he said anything to any of us? it's nothing. trust me, he'll go half a block, see a bug, and run home screaming. hey, look! he's right over there! martha: he's going into the library. there he is. (gasps) he's looking! hi. oh hi! i just happened to be here looking for a book about, um, something. and here it is! tractor repair made easy. oh goody, they have it. see you later. wow! this guy is really mad at this whale. td this is no time to start learning things! come on! whoa! carolina: he's attempting to swing a rope over his head. oops. i guess he's thinking of joining the rodeo.
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i still don't understand. truman's got a great family great friends. why would he want to run away? it's weird. speaking of weird this book is great! this guy does not like white whales. (sighs) it's time to get to the bottom of this. truman, do you have a minute? i have to return this book to the library. i'll walk with you. truman, what is all this with hoboes and rodeos and circuses? are you planning on running away? well, not if there's clowns, no. is something bothering you at home? no. why do you ask? because you want to run away. oh, right. nah, it's just this thing at school. softball. we're supposed to have our first actual game tomorrow. softball? but softball's fun! it isn't when you can't catch. oh. i tried to explain it at practice. everyone has things they can do and can't do.
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i can't catch. that's just a fact. and i'm okay with that, because when you think about it, there are very few things in life that depend on having an ability to catch really well. so i'm happy with me, even though i can't catch, and i think you'd save yourself a lot of frustration if you accepted it too. truman, everyone's waiting. get out on the field. (sighs) (bat cracks) (whimpers, groans) kids: truman! i tried to warn you! i'm okay with the fact i can't catch. i accept it. but everyone else has a problem with it. have you tried practicing catching? this morning. it didn't work. well, you have to have patience. patience means you're willing to wait for something to happen. like being patient and waiting for dinner or being patient and waiting for flowers to grow.
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the softball game is tomorrow. i don't have time to be patient. hmm. what about being a gold miner? you know, i could go dig in caves. caves have bats. ugh. truman, i'm sure with a little bit of effort, you could be a great catcher. effort?! you're saying if i try really hard, i can do it? yeah! you just need to give it a little extra effort. and i know just who could give you some lessons. who? don't worry, i'll teach you to catch in no time. first lesson. watch this truman. go skits! okay! toss it! see, it's all about being friends with the ball. friends? that's right. the ball isn't your enemy it's your friend. and when you see your friend what do you do? um... you jump all over and lick him. well, well... it's what i do. you're happy to see him right? look. here he is, your friend. pick him up.
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truman: um... you're worried about the slobber, aren't you? uh, no. ugh. martha: that's it. stay under it! stay under it! (grunting) td: wow! this story is really long. and i have a bad feeling about this whale business. i probably shouldn't have attempted to read it at my age. then stop reading! i wish i could. now watch. (panting) good, martha. truman, your turn. ready? not with your mouth, truman! it's a joke! i'm joking. oops. next lesson: concentration. to catch the ball you have to concentrate. let me see you concentrate. concentrate? you can't see that. when you concentrate you think really hard. you can't see my thoughts. yeah, but you can see it in your
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face, like this. let me see you concentrate. um, okay... like this? hmm. no, concentrate harder. harder? like... um... this is hopeless. shh! i'm trying to concentrate. (sighs) okay, ready? um... but... great, 'cause here it comes! martha: get under it! get under it! (whimpering) (whimpering) i did it! i caught it! i caught it! oh. you know how to catch it. now hang onto it. here it comes! (grunts) i have a bad feeling about this. this could really turn me off reading
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for good. excuse me. may i? stay calm but concentrate. if you grab it, it'll just bounce out. (whimpering) keep your hand soft and let the ball drop into the pocket of your mitt. he'll get it. ya verás! (laughs) helen & alice: yay! td, truman's game is starting. just a sec. this is not looking good for the whale. where's truman? i don't see him. over there. here goes. (gasps)
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calm, calm... i caught it! i did it! yeah! good job, truman! way to go! you did it! see? that's how it's done. yeah! i caught it! who got the out? i got the out! right fielder truman, mvp and catching pro! yeah! throw the ball, truman! come on, truman! helen & alice: throw it home! throw it! come on, truman. throw? (grunts) (sighs) sounds like all that extra effort really paid off, truman. now i just have to get some throwing lessons. eh can't help you there. no hands. i can. it's easy. come on, let's go to the park. this'll be fun. (sighs) when is throwing ever going to be an important skill to have? i'm never going to need it in real life. in real life people carry things they don't toss them around. well i, for one, am all for people throwing more things.
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martha's right. make an effort, truman. come on, throwing lessons are starting now. (truman groans) he won! the whale won! awesome! this is the greatest book ever! guys? oh, well. hmm. moby dick. gotta tell people about this. i might even help make it famous. mr. astonishing and captain thrill here. i'm captain thrill. we're here to discuss achievements. an achievement is when you set out to do something and succeed. especially after trying really hard. today, mr. astonishing is going to attempt to achieve a feat of daring. i am going to try to check out a library book. using his enormous powers of concentration mr. astonishing looks for a book he'd like to read. aha! he patiently waits his turn to check out the book.
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this card belongs to someone named td not mr. astonishing. psst! it's me. and he succeeds! quite an achievement! great work, team! you really got all those words out there. let's look at the highlight reel, shall we? truman, i'm sure with a little bit of effort you could be a great catcher. effort. you're saying if i try really hard, i can do it? why would he even attempt to ride a pony? tempt? no, "attempt." it means to try something that's hard to do. good work, gang! and we'll see you next time. bye! ♪ who's that dog? ♪ ♪ who's that dog? ♪ ♪ dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪ that dog is casey. casey works for my dad. my dad's a farmer. she's a farmer's helper that's a dog. she catches mice... and rabbits. she scares away birds. (casey barks) casey learned to not walk in the beds. sometimes she'll work and
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sometimes she'll play. ♪ she's that dog... ♪ ♪ dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪ announcer: look who's coming your way every weekday. hot diggity! wonderific! isn't that amazing? perfect! [ruff ruff ruff] announcer: catch all your pbs kids friends weekdays and anytime you want at martha speaks is funded in part by... kiddie academy child care learning centers... proud supporter of pbs kids. providing educationally focused child care preparing children for school and for life. kiddie academy...
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the corporation for public broadcasting, by a cooperative agreement from the u.s. department of education's ready-to-learn grant by: and by: to dig up some more fun words and games, visit or check out your local library for the "martha speaks" books. captioned by media access group at wgbh
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hi. it's me--coach hooper-- and i've got my special whistle, which means it's time to get up and exercise! [baa] wow! it's also time to get a new whistle. ok, now, let's get moving because today, we're going to exercise like baseball players. ♪ catch that ball ♪ ♪ jump up and catch ♪ ♪ it's soaring high ♪ ♪ so catch it, that's right ♪ ♪ now swing that bat ♪ ♪ keep swinging till you hit that ball ♪ ♪ swing it, with all your might you got that right ♪ ♪ just swing ♪ ♪ and wave to your fans ♪ ♪ they're everywhere, so wave ♪ ♪ you're the hero you're the star ♪ ♪ come on and wave ♪ awesome job! and if you want to try out more exercises with me just visit anytime you want. see you soon! (george chattering excitedly)
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this program was made possible by: for more than 90 years stride rite's been there. helping you choose the right shoes. stride rite is a proud sponsor of curious george. [ female announcer ] we believe a little bit of curiosity can fuel a lifetime of learning. early learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and curious george. funding for curious george is provided by contributions to your pbs station... ooh. ...and from: ( lively drum intro ) ♪ you never do know what's around the bend ♪ ♪ big adventure or a brand-new friend ♪ ♪ when you're curious like curious george ♪ ♪ swing! ♪ ♪ well, every day ♪ ♪ every day ♪ ♪ is so glorious ♪ ♪ glorious ♪
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george! ♪ and everything ♪ ♪ everything ♪ ♪ is so wondrous ♪ ♪ wondrous ♪ ♪ there's more to explore when you open the door ♪ ♪ and meet friends like this, you just can't miss ♪ ♪ i know you're curious ♪ ♪ curious ♪ ♪ and that's marvelous ♪ ♪ marvelous ♪ ♪ and that's your reward ♪ ♪ you'll never be bored ♪ ♪ if you ask yourself "what is this?" ♪ ♪ like curious... ♪ ♪ like curious... curious george. ♪ oh... captioning sponsored by nbc/universal narrator: on their way home from the circus, the monkey with the yellow balloon and the man with the yellow hat noticed that professor wiseman's light was still on. hmm? don't tell me you're still working, professor? of course. it's only 9:00. what's this?
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a foot race? mm-hmm. we're trying to raise money for an expedition to the lost city of oman. oh. great cause. i'll sign up for that. hey, you want to help me train george? (chatters agreement) great. what about you, professor? are you going to run? me? (laughing): oh, i can't run. i've got way too much work. poor professor wiseman. she doesn't know what she's missing. uh-huh. the next day george couldn't wait to start training. hey. (chattering excitedly) wait up. wiseman: stop! i need help! this was strange. the professor who said she couldn't run was running. (panting) terrible! absolute disaster! what? did the t-rex collapse?
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oh, worse. anonymous donors-- they won't contribute to the expedition unless i run the race. but that's great. races are a lot of fun. can you help me train? i don't know a thing about running. no problem. let's meet in the park at lunchtime tomorrow. bye-bye. terrific. uh, i can't wait. (charkie barking) no, charkie, look out! oh! aw! whoa! (loud thud) oh! oh, boy. what?! he sprained his ankle? how can i train for the race without him? oh. hey... you want to be my personal trainer? uh-huh, uh-huh. o-kay. well, let's get running. all right!
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(chattering excitedly) hey, wait for me. george thought that to be a trainer all he had to do was run and professor wiseman would follow. simple. (chattering) (sighs) george, wait up. oh. (panting) hmm, maybe not so simple. (chatters questioningly) oh, i'm so thirsty. do you have any water? uh-uh. hey, a-ha. here. (gasps) uh-oh. okay, that's it. i'm done. aw. sorry, george. i'm too tired to run anymore.
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we can try again tomorrow. george's first day as a trainer had not gone well. (door opening) hi, george. professor wiseman called. she said you tried to help her train for the race. oh... well, don't give up. i think it's a great idea. and i found something that might help. it's an old training video i used to watch called run for your life. you-- yeah, you. are you ready to run like you mean it? uh-huh, uh-huh. you might want to take notes. oh. tip #1: before you hit the road, you've got to get graceful. you've got to stretch those muscles. (grunting) when george met professor wiseman in the park the next day he wanted to be ready.
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(grunting) mm, stretching does feel good. okay, what's next, george? ooh. ah, uh-huh. time to run? uh-huh, uh-huh. but not too fast, right? (chatters agreement) all right, then, let's go. ooh, i'm getting thirsty. uh-huh. (panting) ah. ah, thanks. much better. so far, professor wiseman's training was going great.
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and then... not so great. hey. (chatters question) i don't think running is for me, george. i find it... well, boring. huh? i'd much rather be carbon-datina stromatolite. oh, oh... the training coach didn't say anything about boring. the problem is i don't have time to be bored. i should get back to the museum. thanks for trying, george. huh? huh? george couldn't understand why she didn't like to run. running can be so much fun. a-ha. make running fun. it just might work. (chattering excitedly) (chuckles) you want to show me something, george? uh-huh. okay. let's go.
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oh. is this a ferris wheel? uh-huh. okay. i've never been on one of these before. (chuckles) what an amazing view! hey, look! there's the museum. george: ooh! i can see my window. it looks so small from here. (chuckles) the professor had had so much fun on the ferris wheel that george took her to all his favorite places. (hooting) (laughs) (laughing)
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(trumpets) the day the professor outran him george knew she was ready for the race. oh, i never knew running would make me feel this good. i have so much energy now. thank you, george, for the ferris wheel for the balloons for teaching me that running is fun. (chuckles) good evening, professor. oh, hi, everyone! i'm running in that race tomorrow. will you be there? ha! we wouldn't miss it for the world. (chuckles)
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on race day, george couldn't believe how many people showed up. okay, i'm ready. oh, no! i forgot my water. (chatters) (sighs) thanks. so, you really think i can do this? uh-huh. go, professor wiseman! go, professor wiseman! sis-boom-bah! sis-boom-bah! man: runners, take your marks! (whistle blows) the race was on. man: go, go, go! faster! push it! yeah, that's it, run! go! the professor seemed to be doing everything right. she ran at a steady pace. and there she was drinking water. so far, so good. (crowd cheering) george wanted to see the professor cross
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the finish line, so he made sure to get a good spot. do you see her? i don't see her. (chatters) she looks tired. george: uh-oh. oh, no something's wrong. maybe she got a charley horse. huh? that's a cramp in your leg, george, and they can be very painful. oh! whew! hi, there. (squeals) i thought it'd be fun if my personal trainer finished the race with me. huh? (squeals) (laughs) (crowd cheering) ha-ha! (chuckles) i did it! i actually ran a race! uh-huh, uh-huh.
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i got a medal for finishing, and the race was a huge success. we raised enough money for our trip to oman. ah, that's terrific. and i found out who those anonymous donors were. apparently, they thought i needed to work a little less and have fun a little more. that's right because all work and no play... a crummy way to spend your day. (both laugh) to thank you for helping me learn that lesson, i want you to have my medal. oh! (chuckles) boy: george is a monkey. girl: he showed professor wiseman how to have fun with exercise. one, two, three, four.... today, we are exercising. each kid made a part of our exercise course. go! boy 1: exercise is important because it gets your heart going and that sends blood to your body, so it can keep you moving. go!
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girl: it helps your body and mind to get active, and it makes you feel very good. i know that my heart is beating fast. so you get a good exercise. boy 1: soccer or any running sport, it's fun but you're also exercising. boy 3: stuff you do every day is kind of like exercising. boy 2: walking is an everyday thing. you could walk to the park. you could walk to school. going upstairs is exercise. boy 2: it's an everyday thing but it gives you exercise, too. it gets you stronger. so, for the future, you'll be in the habit of exercising. kids (clapping along): ♪ oh, we are the county sprouts ♪ ♪ and today we're going out ♪ ♪ 'cause we're the county sprouts! ♪ whoo! yeah! (all laugh) george was feeling pretty proud.
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he had been made an honorary county sprout, and today was his first sprout outing. exciting stuff, huh, george? uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. it's my first outing, too, as the new sproutmaster. and let me compliment my assistant sproutmaster bill. kids: yeah! ooh, yeah, reporting for duty, sproutmaster, sir. oh! i lost the map! look, we're here. all: whoa! woman (over p.a.): welcome to the incredible edible arboretum a cornucopia of exotic comestibles. blueberries! i'll race ya! blueberries are my favorite bush-based fruit. come on, george! all: mm! mm!
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it looks like you all forgot the county sprout rules. huh? uh, rule #1: "never eat any plant that you're not 100% certain is safe." and that means... the edible plants guidebook? um, no, it means getting an okay from an adult. right. rule #2: "plants are living things. you can kill or hurt them if you're too rough." so don't pull on them and don't break any branches. (chuckles) come on. (device beeping) now let me explain what we will do during our vegetation exploration. (device beeping) uh, mr. sproutmaster? we're going to pass through orchards and nut groves. i wouldn't go that way if i were you. after that, we'll meet the head gardener, dr. greenbean.
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(whistle blows) (gasps) whoa! according to my new global positioning system, the apple orchard is that way. um, why don't we check the map? where is the map? it flew out the window, sir. but this is even better. well, then as assistant sproutmaster you can be our navigator. lead the way. cool. ♪ oh, we are the county sprouts ♪ ♪ and today we're going out. ♪ (george grunting) if there was one thing george did not want to do, it was break any more branches. (cheering) awesome! thanks, george. i think we'll get to the blackberries faster if we go this way. i don't know, bill. that trail looks overgrown. a gps is never wrong. it says so in the brochure.
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oh. (blows whistle loudly) follow me, sprouts. (hoots happily) (beeps) why is the screen flickering? (tapping screen) either the earth is off its axis, or i forgot to charge the batteries. okay. george, can you climb that tree and see where we are? uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. (hooting excitedly) and bill... bill? bill, where are you going? don't worry. i've got my handy back-up compass. this way, folks! bill, a sprout never leaves the trail. that-that's rule #3. bill! ♪ oh, excitement's really growing ♪ ♪ 'cause we don't know where we're going. ♪
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in this direction, green. in this direction, a path. (shouting happily) (hooting excitedly) huh? george couldn't believe what he was seeing. someone was trying to break that branch. somebody was not being a sprout. (grunts) oh, no. this man was wrecking a tree. (hoots frantically) whoa! hey. are you a monkey? uh-huh. uh-huh. cool. (gibbering worriedly) i always wanted a monkey but my mother said no. george had to do something and fast. this tree was in trouble. (gibbering thoughtfully)
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(hooting happily) hey! return the headgear, monkey. (chattering happily) seriously. i need that. i might get sunburn. no fair! i don't have monkey legs you know. (man panting george hooting rapidly) stop! (man panting) come on. come on. (man panting) (sighs tiredly) (man panting) (hoots happily) you know, this is fun and all, but i have to get back to work. aah! oh! oh... (hooting sadly) george didn't mean for the hat to get wet... or the man. but george couldn't wait around.
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he had to check on that tree. ♪ oh, we are the county sprouts ♪ ♪ and we're wandering all about ♪ ♪ 'cause we're lost in the forest ♪ ♪ and no one is looking for us ♪ ♪ which mean we're... ♪ vinny and vicki! please. we're not lost. we're just misplaced. according to my compass, this way is north; this way is south; and east and west are here and here. uh, but without a map, that doesn't really help us. but you know what? we can determine our precise location using an analog watch. we just need to know the true local time. do you know the true local time? i have another idea. let's ask george to climb a tree and... oh, no. i left george in the tree. george! where are you?
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george? george wished he could think of a way to get the branches back on the tree. he needed something sticky really sticky. like... ah... mud! (hooting excitedly) (grunting) ah! (chatters "there.") another great monkey invention. (chattering contentedly) (gasping) the tree-wrecking man was coming back. and he'd probably want to keep on wrecking. ha-ha!
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(hooting happily) you are one crazy monkey. i haven't run like that since... hey! where's my lopper? (chatters "lopper?") that thing i was cutting branches with. (chattering) george? can you hear me? george! (hooting happily) george! oh, thank goodness i found you. oh, i'm sorry i left you in that tree. (gibbering anxiously) oh. dr. greenbean. nice to see you. huh? sorry we're late. we've had a rough day. tell me about it. first this monkey ran off with my hat, and now my tree lopper has vanished. uh-oh. (giggles) hey. what's going on?
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who put mud on this? uh... george? (gibbering anxiously) ah! so, dr. greenbean was cutting some branches and you thought he was hurting the tree. uh-huh. oh, you should have asked. oh, wait. (chuckles) you're a monkey. well, anyway this is called pruning. you make a careful cut, and it doesn't hurt the tree at all. (chatters curiously) he's right, george. i've pruned many a tree in my day. you see, george, too many branches are bad news. they block the sun and then the fruit can't grow. oh. but, hey, i'm proud of you, george. you behaved just like an honorary sprout. in fact, i would say your effort on behalf of trees qualifies you for full sprout status.
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huh? hooray! go, george! nice work for a city kid. (hooting happily) okay, sprouts, let's go get some lunch, and dr. greenbean can tell us everything he knows about trees. uh, bill are you coming? in a minute. i'm still trying to figure out where we are. oh. huh. hey, i got it! uh... mr. sproutmaster. according to this, you're going the exact wrong... wait! you're going the right way! never mind. proceed. girl: george i girl: george is a monkey. boy: he learned that it's important to take good care of trees. we are at the arnold arboretum. nancy is showing us different kinds of trees. can you tell us what it's called when a tree keeps its leaves through the winter? it's evergreen. evergreen-- that's right.
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nancy: the trees that lose their leaves in the winter are called "deciduous" trees. girl: the evergreen needles are small and pointy. the deciduous leaves are flat and wide. she asked us to find a particular tree. nancy: this tree is called sassafras. it smells kind of like fruit. the branches smell good. it smelled like salsa. smells like hot pepper. and the root smelled really good. it smells like root beer. it smells like candy. i think it's important to know about trees. announcer: coming to pbs kids, a world premiere event! blowfish blowout! earth to kratt brothers. come in, kratt brothers. announcer: two brothers... yes! whoo-hoo! this is fun! way underwater... waah! shark! whoa! way, way, way over their heads! it's a rip current! we're getting sucked into it! "wild kratts lost at sea"
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premieres monday, january 21 on pbs kids, or watch "wild kratts" anytime at s kids it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that." awesome! announcer: buckle up... and blast off to amazing places. it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that," weekdays on pbs kids or anytime at (george chattering excitedly) this program was made possible by: [ female announcer ] at we believe that learning and curiosity go hand in hand. early learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and curious george. for more than 90 years stride rite's been there. helping you choose the right shoes. stride rite is a proud sponsor of curious george. funding for curious george is provided by contributions to your pbs station...
8:28 am
ooh. ...and from: hola! curious george loves discovering new things, and guess what i just discovered. how to make new shapes by adding other shapes together. let's take these triangles and put them together. what shape did we just make? a square! cool! we made a square out of these two triangles. you can play more games like this with curious george at get ready for more fun ahead. it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that."
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8:30 am
♪ simple machines like pulleys, wheels, and levers ♪ ♪ they get things moving ♪ ♪ faster, higher, farther ♪ ♪ making our work easy to maneuver ♪ ♪ those simple machines give us the power ♪ ♪ a lever is a tool ♪ ♪ that can help us with a project ♪ ♪ push one end down ♪ ♪ the other lifts an object ♪ ♪ you can even ride one yee-ha ♪ ♪ an example of a lever is a seesaw ♪ ♪ put a wheel on an axle, and don't you know ♪ ♪ you can ride it almost anywhere you go ♪ ♪ add a chain for a pulley ♪ ♪ then spin it around ♪ ♪ ride your bicycle around the playground ♪ ♪ simple machines like pulleys, wheels, and levers ♪ ♪ they get things moving ♪ ♪ faster, higher, farther ♪ ♪ making our work easy to maneuver ♪ ♪ those simple machines give us the power ♪
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funding for this adventure is brought to you in part by: viewers like you, and you, and you, and you... ha, ha! thanks so much you're very kind. ♪ ♪ hey! ♪ ♪ what? ♪ ♪ come over here, ♪ ♪ the cat in the hat is about to appear. ♪ ♪ he's whizzing over to whisk you away ♪ ♪ on a fabulous journey today. ♪ ♪ he's coming! ♪ ♪ and now he's arrived in the thingamajigger ♪ ♪ the thing that he drives ♪ ♪ he's a cat and he's oodles of fun ♪ ♪ with his hairy helpers thing two and thing one ♪ ♪ instrumental ♪ ♪ instrumental ♪ ♪ it's the cat in the hat! ♪ ♪ all of our adventures start like that. ♪ ♪ wherever you're going where ever
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you're at ♪ ♪ the cat in the hat knows a lot about ... ♪ ♪ he knows a lot about he knows a lot about, ♪ ♪ he knows a lot about ....that! ♪ (laughter) ♪ [car noises] ♪ here we go, go, go! on an adventure. ♪ ♪ the thingamajigger is up and away! ♪ [giggling] press the flubbety-jubber sally! push the skip-to-ma-lulu, nick! [honk honk] [giggles] huh? did someone say skip-to-ma-lulu? it's the cat! the cat in the hat. do you like our pretend thingamajigger? it's the jiggiest thingy i ever saw! we're going on an incredible journey! ooooh goody. where to? we can't make up our minds.
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i want to go on an adventure! and i want to go swimming! well let's do both! we'll take a real incredible journey, in the real thinga-ma-jigger! with a real fish! that'll be me! n-n-n-no, i mean another fish... samantha! samantha the salmon - she really is incredible! yes. she goes on the most incredible journey from the whirly-swirly ocean all the way up the swirly-whirly river! wow! that sounds like a long way. incredibly long! can we go too!? yes! your mother will not mind at all if you do! mom! can we go on an incredible journey up the swirly whirly river? the swirly whirly river? (laughs) that really does sound incredible. sure! have fun! we can go! we can go! we can go! we can go! i know! i know! to the thingamajigger! it'll be great to watch the salmon run!
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don't you mean swim? (laughing) pfft...those crazy salmon have to be different. they say "run" when they mean "swim"! it's time for some fishy fun. ♪ ♪ are you ready? - yes we are. ♪ ♪ are you steady? - yes we are. ♪ ♪ are you sure you're ready to explore? ♪ ♪ yes we are! ♪ then buckle up! [honk] ♪ flick the jiggermawhizzer! [giggles] [boing] [honk] [pop] ♪ [laughs] isn't this fun? ya-hooooooo! ♪ here we go, go, go go! on an adventure.♪ ♪ the thingamajigger is up and away! ♪ ♪ go, go, go, go! on an adventure.♪ ♪ we're flying with the cat in the hat today! ♪ ♪ we're off on a journey, to find salmon sam. ♪ ♪ i hope you're excited, ♪
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♪ i know that i am! ♪ ♪ here we go, go, go go! on an adventure.♪ ♪ go, go, go, go go! ♪ ♪ welcome to the swirly whirly river! hang on to your hats! wheeee! i think we're about to get wet! not if you pull the subber-e-blubbler! [laughs] [bell rings] yahoo! uh oh! (gasp) i almost forgot. press the shrinkamadoodle so we don't frighten any fishies! well you frightened me! (laughs) ♪ wow! look at all those fish swimming along with us... huh? look. oh! why's that big fish going the other way?
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that'll be a salmon. crazy salmon - just have to be different! is it salmon samantha? yes! that's her. woo-hoo, samantha! i'd know that flashing fishtail anywhere. hey! come back! how are we going to catch her? the river's pushing us the other way! you need to be a strong swimmer if you want to go up the river like those crazy salmon do! or you can press the flipper-ma-doodle! [honk] ♪ yay! ♪ howdy, samantha! (gasp) why slap my tail, if it ain't the cat in the hat! meet nick and sally. you remember fish of course. hi samantha. hi samantha. hi samantha. oh please call me sam. gotta go! hey? wait up! where are you going? to the little pools where the river
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starts. but why? all the other fish are going that way. i need to get there to lay my eggs! she's gonna be a mom! ahhhhh! yikes! yee-eee-haw! (laughs) you are a very good swimmer. i'm a good swimmer too. so's sally - she loves swimming. (gasp) then why don't you join me on my adventure? okay! sure! your flippity-floppity swim flippers will help us keep up with sam! yeehaw! get along little fishies. whoa! yoww! what was that? something tried to catch us! it's just an old grizzly bear! a grizzly bear? (laughs) don't worry! he won't hurt you. it's only me he's after. for fun? oh ho ho... for lunch!
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that doesn't sound like fun to me. i see you. but you can't catch me! [laughs] cough! grrrrr! good day to you sir! what kind of fish are you? can't you tell? i am a catfish! huh? hmmm... a fish in a hat? you guys are swell travel buddies. we sure have travelled a long way together. we have? yes siree, we're nearly there! you've just been having too much fun to notice! i, on the other hand, notice everything. (spluttering) oh! (efforts) why is the water going faster and faster? and what's that noise? let's take a look. waterfall! falling water? grab a rock!
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i guess this is the end of our journey. sam can't get up there. never ever. yeeee-ha! where did she go? i see her! look under the water she's swimming in circles! she's building up speed! there she goes! yee-haw! ohhhh! she didn't make it. the waterfall's too strong. hold on to your hats. here she comes again! go sam go! ♪ go! go! sam! flick your tail! ♪ ♪ swim your best and you won't fail! ♪ ♪ swim, swim, sam! jump up high! ♪ ♪ go, go, sam! fly, fly ,fly! ♪ yeeeeeeeee-haaaaaaaaaaaa! yes! she made it. [laughing] (sigh) we can't follow her, can we? not even with flippety-floppity flippers.
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goodbye sam! hmmm... let me see... (gasp) ohhh! in need of a boost? don't know what to do? who better to call than thing one and thing two! ♪ we need to get up there right away. ♪ yeeeee-haw! aaah! nice try guys. any more ideas? uh-huh! ♪ this is clearly, impossible. uh oh! uh oh! [screaming] we'll never swim up that waterfall. if only we had a tail like sam's.
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ahhh! you're so clever! we do! press the fishamatailer! [honk] yeehaw! go team! go! ♪ go! go! team! flick the tail! ♪ ♪ swim our best and we won't fail! ♪ ♪ swim, swim, team! jump up high! ♪ ♪ go, go, go. fly, fly ,fly! ♪ yay! yahoo! that's using your heads... and your tails! the river's different here. not so swirly and whirly. that's right! these are the little pools where the river starts. that's where sam was heading! where is she? salmon sam. yoo-hoo! where are you? shhhhhh! you'll disturb my eggs. they don't look like the eggs i have for breakfast. more like beautiful tiny jewels.
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and one day soon they'll turn into baby salmon. isn't that exciting? it is for me. i'm their mom! when they grow up, will they all go on the same journey as you, sam? and come all the way back here? you bet! this is home! an incredible journey incredibly done, we've followed the salmon to see where they've swum. and now we can see that the reason they go is to lay their new eggs, in calm waters below. awesome! nobody does it like a salmon! it's time for us to go our home. i never leave my home. thanks salmon sam ! bye samantha. yee-haw! goodbye everyone. [car noises] beep beep! honk honk! hop in cat! we're going on another incredible journey. (gasp) that's the thing about incredible
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journeys. once you've finished one, you can't wait for the next to begin. [car noises] oh isn't this a good time! (laugh) welcome to hat chat. today we're talking to a hippopotamus... hello! hi hippo! i see you're in the water. are you a fish? no. i'm a hippopotamus. a very big mammal. you are big! so... why do you spend so much time in the water? it gets really hot where i live, and the water keeps me cool. so - you swim all day? actually, grown-up hippos can't swim. our feet are always touching bottom. if we want to get across a deep part, we hold our breath and walk across the bottom.
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coooooolll! coooooolll! thanks for talking to us. hip-hip-hooray! ♪ it's pammy the panda's birthday today nick. i know sally. we have to find her a present. shhh! do you think pammy heard us? i don't think so. good. because it should be a surprise. what's a surprise? it's the cat! the cat in the hat! ♪ why are we whispering? because we're trying to figure out what to get pammy for her birthday. it's pammy's birthday? shhhh! shhhh! pammy doesn't know we're getting her a present. oh i see. well... i know a lot about presents... i have just the thing...
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ta-da! (giggling) it's too silly. thanks cat but i think we should get her something else. well i do know a real panda who could tell us. who? her name is zhu zhu. she lives in the forest of bamwamabooboo. let's go ask her! can we really go to the forest of bamwamabooboo? your mother will not mind at all if you do. mom, can we go to the forest of bamwamabooboo to find a birthday present for pammy the panda? the forest of bamwamabooboo? okay! make sure you find something she likes. we can go! we can go! we can go! we can go! i know! i know! to the thing-ma-jigger! buckle up! [honk] ♪ flick the jiggermawhizzer! [giggles] [boing] [honk] [pop] ♪
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[laughs] isn't this fun? yahooooo! ♪ here we go, go, go go! on an adventure. ♪ ♪ the thingamajigger is up and away! ♪ ♪ go go, go, go! on an adventure. ♪ ♪ we're flying with the cat in the hat today! ♪ ♪ we're off to meet zhu zhu and put her to the test, ♪ ♪ to help find the present ♪ ♪ that pandas like the best! ♪ ♪ here we go, go, go go! on an adventure. ♪ ♪ go, go, go, go go! ♪ ♪ whoah! (laughs) woo-hoo! wayia! there's bamwamabooboo! wow! it looks like a forest of giant grass. cool! hold on everyone we're going down. here we go again! whoa.... wow, this is the biggest grass i've
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ever seen! i can hug it! the grass in our yard never grows this tall! i'm sure glad i don't have to mow this lawn. [laughs] yeah bamboo grows fast too! bamboo? bamboo? yes. this giant grass is called bamboo. that's what zhu zhu called it last time we came visiting. bamboo! there sure is a lot of bambooooooooooooooo in bamwamabooboo! (giggle) how are we going to find zhu zhu in the middle of all this bamboo? why don't we climb up and see over the top? oh! it's too difficult to climb. how about we use these? i can see everything from up here on my bamboo stilts!
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wow. bamboo must be really strong if you can stand on it. yes, bamboo is a grass that's as strong as a tree! he's just showing off! can you see zhu zhu from up there? no, but i can see bamboo... and more bamboo... oh! and more bamboooooooooooooooooooo! ooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaagh! aagh...... oooh! bamboo is really bendy too. i knooooooooooooooow! help! cat! cat! are you okay cat? oh, i'm fine.. i meant to do that. if we don't find zhu zhu how are we going to know what to get pammy? allow me to think. luckily, i'm wearing my thinking hat. hmmm. interesting. can't think of a thing. only thing i see around here is bamboo, bamboo and more bamboo. if zhu zhu lives here
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i guess she really likes bamboo. so if pandas like bamboo, let's make something out of bamboo for pammy! (gasp) you are soooo clever! but what will you do with the bamboo? let's think. we know it's bendy like grass! and it's strong like a tree. and it makes the best back-scratcher ever. ohhh... ahh! that hits the spot! hey! what happened to my back scratcher? there it is! hi cat. hey, zhu zhu! oh, who's that with you? sally and nick. er... hello. hi zhu zhu. i'm so excited to meet a real panda. i see you borrowed my back scratcher. oh, you know i just love bamboo, cat.
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i can't help myself. zhu zhu. we need your help. you do? we want to know what would be a good present for pammy the panda. she's our very own panda. we had an idea to make her something out of bamboo. oh that sounds good. we'll make some things and then you can choose the best. well okay. i'll try. there are zillions of things you can make with bamboo! who better to show us than thing one and thing two! hello! ♪ (laughing) ta-da! ah! (giggles) hey! (laughs) ♪ a picture frame! oooh! a lamp! wow!
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a fence. huh? a bicycle! ahhhh! it's amazing the things you can do with bamboo! super-amazing! well, zhu zhu, which one would pammy like the best? you choose. well. they're all great... it's the bicycle i knew it! (laughs) no. the chair? oh! the excitement! i can't wait to find out which she'll choose! the picture frame - the fence - the table lamp - what will it be? they're all very nice... yes? pandas do so love bamboo... you do! you do! we know! we know! well? ummmm..... i prefer my bamboo.... ♪ like this.
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mmmmmmmmmmmm. delicious. you eat bamboo? isn't it a little tough? not when you have a strong jaw and good teeth like me. i eat almost nothing else. bamboo really is your favourite thing! delicious, mouth-watering crunchy bamboo! your most favourite thing in the whole world? nothing beats it. then that's what we'll give pammy for her birthday. a bamboo snack! wahoo! yeah! ow! who put that there! wow! did you hear that cool sound? [drum sound] there it is again! ♪ bamboo can even be musical! it's a bamboo drum. that's because it's hollow inside. really? it is. try blowing across the top sally.
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[flute sound] hey! i played music! ♪ rockin' sally! i feel a musical number coming on. one, two play that bamboo! ♪ hit it... ♪ ♪ we love bamboo... - we love bamboo! ♪ ♪ so much to do. - so much to do. ♪ ♪ when you got bamboo! - when you've got bamboo! ♪ ♪ when you got bam-lama-bam-boooooo. ♪ ♪ bamboo is best for you... and you... ♪ ♪ and zhu zhu too! ♪ ♪ oh yeah! ♪ ♪ ♪ bamboo! ♪ (laugh) that was fun! awesome! where's zhu zhu? over there. take these for your friend pammy. are you sure? i've got plenty to spare.
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thank you, zhu zhu. you're welcome. oh my. do you know what time it is? [nick and sally] no. time for a panda style birthday party! bye bye zhu zhu. [nick and sally] bye! bu-bye friends. i can't wait to give pammy her present. the best panda present ever! bamboo is great! yes, bamboo is king! bamboo can make almost anything. it's tough and it's tall. it's bendy and sweet. and for panda's, bamboo is the best food to eat! can we please drive more carefully this time? whoa! i guess not. [laughing] surprise! surprise! happy birthday pammy! we got you a present! hey pammy smiled. i saw her! she did? really? she e says, "thanks for the present.
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i just love..... bamboooooooooooooooooooo! (laughing) ahh! toucans! ...oh! i have a brilliant question about toucans! ready? hey! where did that berry come from? so, do you know what toucans do when they like each other? ♪ yes! they play catch with berries and other fruit. you are too smart! well... you got it this time but next time i'll stump you for sure! mmmm! tasty!
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♪ to keep your tootsies warm ♪ ♪ you need boots and woolly socks ♪ ♪ layers are the key ♪ ♪ hats and scarves for you and me ♪ ♪ penguins have a layer that's a lot of fat ♪ ♪ on top, fluffy down and feathers ♪ ♪ they keep warm like that ♪ ♪ my old friend, the polar bear ♪ ♪ two layers of fur, that's what he wears ♪ ♪ when it's cold outside you'll never freeze ♪ ♪ put on your layers it's a breeze ♪ ♪ when it's cold outside you'll never freeze ♪ ♪ put on your layers it's a breeze! ♪ ♪ seals are very plump ♪ ♪ their skin soaks up heat from the sun ♪ ♪ on top their fur is waterproof ♪ ♪ and i swear, that is the truth ♪
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♪ it's the truth! ♪ ♪ when it's cold outside you'll never freeze ♪ ♪ put on your layers it's a breeze ♪ ♪ put on layers ♪ announcer: coming to pbs kids, a world premiere event! blowfish blowout! earth to kratt brothers. come in, kratt brothers. announcer: two brothers... yes! whoo-hoo! this is fun! way underwater... waah! shark! whoa! way, way, way over their heads! it's a rip current! we're getting sucked into it! "wild kratts lost at sea" premieres monday, january 21 on pbs kids, or watch "wild kratts" anytime at s kids it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that." awesome! announcer: buckle up... and blast off to amazing places. it's "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that," weekdays on pbs kids or anytime at funding for this adventure is brought to you in part by:
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viewers like you, and you, and you, and you... ha, ha! thanks so much you're very kind. ♪♪ the cat in the hat sure knows a lot about animals. will you help me find an animal that's hiding on this log? there's a snake! right! there's a snake on the log but look closer. there's one more hiding a moth! it's a special kind of moth that blends in with the log. this color pattern is a type of disguise called camouflage. pretty neat! you can learn more about animals with the cat in the hat at coming up next it's a reading adventure with "super why!"
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