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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  January 18, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

12:00 pm
part through a cooperative agreement with the u.s. department of education. (school bell rings) kids: school! (pants, barks) kid: word world! kids: word world! ♪ welcome to the place where words come alive ♪ kid: let's build a word. kids: word world. kid: word world. kids: ♪ jump to the beat ♪ ♪ clap your hands in the air ♪ kids: let's build a word! word world! kid: word world. ♪ we've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ they hold our world together ♪ ♪ with dog ♪ ♪ and sheep ♪ ♪ and duck ♪ ♪ and pig ♪ ♪ there's always a surprise! ♪ (barks) kids: word world! (croaks) (whimpers)
12:01 pm
(giggles) ♪ welcome to our world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ word world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ it's a beautiful world ♪ ♪ word world. ♪ kids: yay! narrator: it was a beautiful day in word world. and frog was working in his garden. kids: rose! (chuckles) what a lovely r-r-rose. (sniffs) ribbit... (gasps) what was that? hmm, r-ock. what's this rock doing here? hmm, well, i certainly can't have a rock in my garden.
12:02 pm
narrator: the rock landed right in front of sheep, (humming tune) who was very good at playing pretend. i'm pretending to be a princess. oh. (gasps) a ruby. i can't believe it. a ruby just dropped out of the sky. uh, pardon me, sheep but i happen to be something of a ruby expert and that's not a ruby. that's a rock. a ruby is a very valuable red stone. and a rock is-- well, just a rock. oh, well, i know that, frog. i'm pretending this rock is a ruby. pretending? why, playing pretend is the most wonderful, fantastic fun thing ever.
12:03 pm
when we pretend, we can do anything. anything? (gasps) don't tell me you've never played pretend before? not really, no. i don't know how to play pretend. then you've come to the right wordfriend. follow me, and you'll be a great pretender in no time. ribbit. really? how? stay right there. i'll show you. we'll go on a pretend adventure to find a really red ruby. and we'll use these letter "r"s. ribbit. why the letter "r"? because the letter "r" makes the "ruh" sound. like in really red ruby. so... ready to play pretend? ribbit. ready.
12:04 pm
first we have to ride a really round rug. a really round rug? then we have to cross a rushing river. a rushing river? then we have to climb to the top of a rocky ridge. a rocky ridge?! we get to do all that to find the really red ruby? yep. (giggles) isn't pretending fun? okay, "rug" starts with the letter "r." now, all we need... is a "u" and a "g." "r-u-g." r-ug. kids: rug! ta-da! one really round rug. let's ride it to find the really red ruby.
12:05 pm
uh, how are we going to ride a rug? um, remember, frog we're pretending. sheep: whoo! whoo. whoo, whee! sheep, you know i'm not really riding a flying rug. but i am having fun. you're doing great, frog. keep pretending. okay. uh, whoosh, whoosh. wow, this round rug sure flies fast. whoo. whee. (laughing) it sure does. both: ♪ isn't this cool isn't this groovy? ♪ ♪ we're off to find the really red ruby ♪ ♪ feels like a dream, like we're in a movie ♪ ♪ we're pretending all the way. ♪ narrator: pretending to ride on a flying rug, frog and sheep went down the road
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looking for the really red ruby. sheep: here we are at the rushing river. uh, sheep, this isn't a rushing river. it's just a stream. frog, remember we're only pretending. oh, right, pretending. oh, no. how ever will we get across the rushing river? never fear, frog i have a plan. first, we need a letter "r." then we need the letters "a," "f" and "t." r-a-f-t. r-aft. kids: raft! this rubber raft will take us to where we'll find...
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the really red ruby? right. come on, frog, climb in so we can go down the rushing river. let's go! whoa, whoo, whee! watch out for those rocks, frog. ooh, no. the water is going faster and faster. oh, great pretending, frog. (giggles) (gasps) oh, look there's a waterfall up ahead. waterfall? oh, a pretend waterfall. oh, no! i think we better... jump! (both laughing) oh, that sure was a lot of fun. ribbit. you're getting good at playing pretend, frog. come on, we're off to find the really red ruby.
12:08 pm
whoo-hoo! ribbit. both: ♪ isn't this cool isn't this groovy? ♪ ♪ we're off to find the really red ruby ♪ ♪ feels like a dream, like we're in a movie ♪ ♪ we're pretending all the way. ♪ narrator: finally sheep and frog arrived at their destination. here we are. the rocky ridge. this hill doesn't look very dangerous or rocky. so we'll pretend that it is. (clearing throat) in all of my adventures, i've never seen such a tall, dangerous and rocky ridge. however can we climb it? lucky for us i have just the thing. and it starts with the letter "r." r-o-p-e.
12:09 pm
r-ope. kids: rope! we can climb the rope all the way to the top of the rocky ridge. (grunting) narrator: so sheep and frog pretended that they were climbing up the side of a tall mountain ridge. this is so steep so dangerous. and so much fun. (strained grunting) ah, we made it! whoo-hoo! sheep, we rode the round rug and the rushing river and scaled to the top of the rocky ridge. but there's no red ruby here. don't worry, frog. i have all these letters in my bag.
12:10 pm
we can build a ruby. "ruby" starts with the letter "r." now for the rest of the letters we need to build a ruby. oh, no. we can't build a ruby with the letters "o-c-k." hmm, no. but we can build a rock. a rock? yes, a rock. sheep, a rock isn't the same as a ruby. yes, that's true, frog but remember, we're pretending. oh... and when you pretend a rock can be a ruby. right. now all we have to do is... both: build a word. ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ ♪ let's build it, let's build it now. ♪
12:11 pm
"r-o-c-k." r-ock. kids: rock! ♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ ♪ we built it, we built it. ♪ look, sheep, we built a rock, but we can pretend it's the really... red... both: ruby! i knew you could do it, frog. ribbit. and... (clearing throat) thank you, sheep, for teaching me how to play pretend. i never knew it could be so much fun. stick with me, frog. this is just the beginning. and there are so many other things we can pretend to be with the letter "r." like race car racers. (imitates engine revving) (laughing)
12:12 pm
hey, wait for me. narrator: so thanks to sheep frog learned that a pretend adventure can r-r-really be the best kind of adventure of all. the end. kids: pig! bonjour, wordfriends. come and help me make pig's perfect pizza. ♪ making pizza is an art, but the most important part ♪ ♪ is the toppings and you'll see ♪ ♪ all my favorites start with "p" ♪ ♪ first i find the letter "p" ♪ ♪ it makes the sound "puh," you see ♪ ♪ add the "puh" sound to an "ickle" ♪ you're making pizza with a pickle? ♪ the perfect pizza this will be ♪ ♪ using words that start with "p" ♪ ♪ here i have another "p" ♪ ♪ i wonder what it's gonna be ♪ ♪ it's not a parsnip or a prune ♪
12:13 pm
♪ what is it? ♪ ♪ you'll find out soon ♪ ♪ you put the "puh" sound with an "umpkin" ♪ you're making pizza with a pumpkin? ♪ the perfect pizza this will be ♪ ♪ using words that start with "p" ♪ ♪ yup-a-diddly, yup-a-diddly ♪ ♪ making pizza is so fun ♪ ♪ wait a second you're not done? ♪ pig: what? no way. (giggles) ♪ i'll add some popcorn plums and peas ♪ ♪ and some pasta, if you please ♪ ♪ a pear, a peach pancakes and pie ♪ ♪ that pizza reaches to the sky ♪ ♪ the perfect pizza this will be ♪ ♪ using words that start with "p." ♪ hmm, just one more topping. no, pig, you have enough. a peanut! (laughing) whoa... whoa... whoa...! (gasps) i broke the pizza.
12:14 pm
oh, what are we going to do now? hmm, there's only one way to solve this pizza predicament. it's time to... all: build a word! ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ ♪ let's build it, let's build it now. ♪ p-i-z-z-a. kids: pizza! ♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ ♪ we built it, we built it. ♪ (laughs) pig's perfect plain pizza. (chuckles) ♪ the perfect pizza starts with "p" ♪ ♪ and that's enough for you... ♪ ♪ and... me... ♪ all: hey! (pants, barks) kid: word world! kids: word world! ♪ welcome to the place where words come alive ♪ kid: let's build a word. kids: word world.
12:15 pm
kid: word world. kids: ♪ jump to the beat ♪ ♪ clap your hands in the air ♪ kids: let's build a word! word world! kid: word world. ♪ we've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ they hold our world together ♪ ♪ with dog ♪ ♪ and sheep ♪ ♪ and duck ♪ ♪ and pig ♪ ♪ there's always a surprise! ♪ (barks) kids: word world! (croaks) (whimpers) (giggles) ♪ welcome to our world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ word world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ it's a beautiful world ♪ ♪ word world. ♪ kids: yay! narrator: on this beautiful spring morning in word world, frog was building a fire truck with duck and fly.
12:16 pm
ribbit. i still need the letter "f," duck. (humming tune) here you go, frog, the letter "f." quack, quack. great. the letter "f" makes the "fa" sound. now we have all the letters we need to build a fire truck. kids: fire truck! (horn honking) quack, quack. wow, cool. let's look inside. yeah. (gasps) wow! that's a cool hat, duck. (grunting) that's my fire hat, duck. it's what firefighters wear. what's a firefighter? a firefighter is someone who puts out dangerous fires. ooh! ooh!
12:17 pm
both: can we be firefighters? well... oh, please, oh, please oh, please? quack, quack. we'll be the best firefighters ever, i promise. well... sure you can. here's one for you, fly, and here's one for you, duck. cool! we're firefighters! yeah! ribbit. well, you're not official firefighters yet. to get your badge and become firefighter duck and firefighter fly, you need to learn everything about fires. especially how to put them out. ribbit. "f-i-r-e. the letter "f" makes the "fa" sound in "fire." f-ire.
12:18 pm
kids: fire! fires are very hot. they can help you stay warm. but when fires get too big they are very dangerous. oh. oh. how do we find dangerous fires? fires make smoke. so where there's smoke there's fire. both: right. where there's smoke there's fire. and it's up to you junior firefighters, to find and put the fires out. then you'll get your badge. so we need to look out for any signs of a fire. correct. you can use my telescope to look for any signs of a fire. and i'll stay here and get the fire truck ready. yes. sir. yes, sir. duck: see any smoke, fly? fly: not yet. how about now?
12:19 pm
nope. let me take a look. (humming tune) (gasps) that looks like smoke behind the hill! and frog said, "where there's smoke..." "there's fire." (gasps) that must be a fire. quack, quack. quick, let's tell frog. quack, quack. (fly yells) frog... (gasping) frog! what's wrong, duck? quack, quack. i found a fire! (gasps) a fire? where? over there. yeah over there. i saw smoke coming from behind that hill. so there must be a fire there. we have to go put it out. follow me! (grunting) right. following you. (bell clanging) (gasping) firefighter duck to the rescue!
12:20 pm
(kangaroo humming) kangaroo! kangaroo! stop the train! (tires screeching) (gasps) g'day, duck. (grunts) (grunts) (sighs) (bell clanging, tires screech) quack, quack. we put out the fire, frog! fly: uh-huh. what? a fire? where? there was smoke coming out of the train. so i, firefighter duck put out the fire. quack, quack. um, duck, the train wasn't on fire. it wasn't? that was steam coming out of the train... (steam hissing) ...not smoke. steam looks like smoke but it's different. so no smoke... no fire... both: no badge! narrator: so duck and fly returned
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to their lookout spot in frog's log. fly: see anything? frog: no. oh. how about now? no. now? no. now? fly! oh. um, now? fly! quack, quack. sorry. i just really want to be firefighter fly. well, you just have to be patient. quack. (sighs) oh, look, it's the lighthouse. and it's covered in smoke! oh, no! quack, quack. the lighthouse must be on fire! come on! we got to tell frog! frog! frog i found a fire! are you sure, duck? yeah, the lighthouse is covered in smoke. it's gotta be a fire this time. ribbit. into the fire truck, firefighters! all: firefighters to the rescue!
12:22 pm
(bell clanging) okay, fire, you got nothing on firefighter duck. (gasping) um... duck? yes, frog? the lighthouse isn't on fire. fly: it isn't? are you sure, frog? i mean look at all of that smoke. frog: that's not smoke. that's f-og. fog. so, again, no smoke... no fire... both: no badge! um, you want to look, duck? no. um, are you sure? yes. quack, quack. (sadly): we're never going to get our badges
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and become real firefighters. oh! (sobbing) quack, quack, quack! (blows nose) oh... (sighs) narrator: at that very moment, pig, ant and dog were camping in the forest. (squeals) roasted marshmallows are my favorite treat. i can't wait. (chuckles) they're fantastic! (gasps) oh, no! what's wrong, pig? my tasty marshmallows, they're on fire! fire! no, no, no! help! fire! fire! pig: fire! fire! uh, what? fire? fire! fire? are you sure? eh, uh, i think so. oh, no! oh, no! you're right! there's "s-m-o-k-e."
12:24 pm
smoke rising from the forest! and where's there's smoke... there's fire. great job, fly. now we'll finally get our badges and get to be firefighters. come on! we have to tell frog! quack, quack. (duck panting) frog! frog there's a fire in the forest! a forest fire? are you sure? yeah, it's not steam or fog. it's definitely smoke. everyone in the truck quick! all: firefighters to the rescue! (bell clanging) pig: fire! fire! (blowing air) oh, help! save my marshmallows! (bell clanging tires screech) both: firefighters to the rescue! great job!
12:25 pm
now you're firefighters. here's a badge for you and a badge for you. both: now we're firefighters! yeah! whoo-hoo! yeah! that's right. all right! oh, thank you, firefighters! ooh, you saved my marshmallows! mmm! yum! (chuckles) that's what we do. we're firefighters. (barks) mm-hmm. but now how are we going to roast marshmallows without a fire? (clears throat) i think our new firefighters can help. what? oh, yeah! the letter "f" makes the "fa" sound in f-ire. fire! we can use the letter "f" to make a new fire. all we have to do is... all: build a word!
12:26 pm
♪ it's time to build a word ♪ ♪ let's build it. let's build it now! ♪ duck: f-i-r-e. f-ire. kids: fire! ♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ ♪ we built it, we built it. ♪ duck and fly firefighters to the rescue. narrator: and that's how duck and fly became firefighters; by putting out and building a fire. the end. pig: i prefer my marshmallows tartare. (chuckles) announcer: come join the wordfriends for more wordplay adventures at ♪ hi, there dot here ♪
12:27 pm
creative kids just like you have been going to take a look! christopher sent in this story with these great pictures! you can do it, too but first, let's see what christopher made. that was a lot of fun! you can make a story like that, too, by going to this next one is from danny. that was fun! you can do great things, too, at
12:28 pm
rosa: hi. i'm miss rosa from pbs kids with martha ... martha: from martha speaks. rosa: it's easy to help your kids learn anytime, anywhere. right martha? martha: right. like at the doctor's office.
12:29 pm
mom: what rhymes with toy? kid: boy. martha: or when you're walking the dog. mom: what letter does that sign start with? girl: s! rosa: visit for more tips and free games like these that make it fun for your child to learn to read. martha: so remember... martha and rosa: anytime is learning time. whee! ha ha ha! ha ha ha ha! bye!


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