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tv   Eyewitness News Magazine  CBS  January 20, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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if you smile through your fear and sorrow, smile and may be tomorrow you'll see the sun come shining through for you. ignazio: light up your face with gladness hide every trace of sadness, although a tear may be ever so near that's the time you must keep on trying. piero: smile what's the use of crying,
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you'll find that life is still worthwhile. group: if you just smile. gianluca: smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking. group: when there are clouds in the sky you'll get by. ignazio: that's the time you must keep on trying. group: smile what's the use of crying.
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piero: you'll find that life. group: is still worthwhile, if you smile. [music playing] gianluca: when there are clouds in the sky you'll get by. group: if you smile, smile. group: if you smile, smile. ignazio: you'll find that life is still worthwhile. group: if you just smile.
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ignazio: smile. gianluca: you'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile. group: smile.♪ ignazio: my friend gianluca, our friend gianluca, was born in roseto degli abruzzi, a very beautiful part of central italy.
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as you know, the three of us met on an italian talent contest that gianluca won, only two years ago. we have been singing together ever since, and tonight gianluca sings "musica proibita" for you. [music playing]
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gianluca: ♪ogni sera di sotto al mio balcone sento cantar una canzon d'amore piu' volte la ripete un bel garzone e battere mi sento forte il cuore, e battere mi sento forte il cuor oh quanto e' dolce quella melodia, oh com'e' bella quanto m'e' gradita, che io la canti non vuol la mamma mia, vorrei saper perche'
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me l'ha proibita, ella non c'e' ed io la vo' cantar, la frase che m'ha fatto palpitare. vorrei baciare i tuoi capelli neri, le labbra tue e gli occhi tuoi severi, vorrei morir con te angel di dio, o bella innamorata tesor mio, qui sotto il vidi ieri a passeggiare, e lo sentiva al solito cantar. vidi ieri a passeggiare, e lo sentiva al solito cantar.
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[music playing] stringimi o cara stringimi al tuo core fammi provar l'ebbrezza dell'amor.♪ fammi provar l'ebbrezza dell'amor.♪ as you know, we italians are a very romantic people
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and we appreciate love songs very much, no matter what language they're in. this next spanish song speaks of love, the moon and the stars, and i sing it to all the beautiful women here with us tonight. ignazio: ♪la luna hizo esto, fue culpa de la luna haberme enamorado enamorado de ti, su brillo reflejo entre, tus ojos mi fortuna, la luna lo hizo así. pia: said i would not surrender, the moon must have known better, 'cause now i'll be forever, here
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in your arms. group: al cielo le agradezco brindarme su ternura, all la luna lo hizo así. pia: i never believed someone could touch my heart, must have been the moon that pulled me to your arms. piero: hoy mi mundo eres tú, la luna hizo esto, fue culpa de la luna. group: la luna lo hizo así.
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[music playing] gianluca: yo nunca creí poderme enamorar pia: must have been the moon that pulled me to your arms. piero: hoy mi mundo eres tú ignazio: la luna hizo esto fue culpa de la luna haberme enamorado enamorado de ti piero/pia: su brillo reflejo entre tus ojos mi fortuna
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all: la luna lo hizo así la luna lo hizo así.♪ group: ladies and gentlemen the beautiful, pia toscano! piero: this has been a wonderful night for us. thank you for making us feel so welcome. gianluca: we hope to see you again soon.
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ignazio: and we couldn't say goodnight without asking you to sing along with us, a classic oh wait, wait, wait, a classic italian song that everybody knows. piero: don't say the name! ignazio: okay, i won't say it, but everybody sing along. piero: everybody know this song, so everybody get up! [music playing] ♪aieressera nannine' me ne sagliette tu saie addo', tu saie addo'. gianluca: addo' 'stu core 'ngrato cchiu' dispiette farme nun po' farme nun po'. ignazio: addo' lo fuoco coce ma si fuie te lassa
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sta, te lassa sta. piero: e nun te corre appriesso nun te struje 'cielo a guarda'. group: jamme jamme 'ncoppa jamme ja, jamme jamme 'ncoppa jamme ja, funiculi' funicula' funiculi' funicula' 'ncoppa jamme ja funiculi' funicula'. jamme jamme 'ncoppa jamme ja, jamme jamme 'ncoppa jamme ja. gianluca: funiculi'. piero: funicula'. ignazio: funiculi'. group: funicula', 'ncoppa jamme ja funiculi' funicula'. ignazio: se n'e' sagliuta oi n'e' se n'e' sagliuta la capa gia', la capa gia'. gianluca: e' gghiuta po' e' turnata po' e' venuta sta sempe cca, sta sempe cca. piero: la capa vota vota attuorno attuorno attuorno
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a tte, attuorno a tte. ignazio: sto core canta sempe nu taluorno sposammo oi' ne, sposammo oi' ne. group: jamme jamme 'ncoppa jamme ja, jamme jamme 'ncoppa jamme ja funiculi' funicula' funiculi' funicula', 'ncoppa jamme ja funiculi' funicula'. jamme jamme 'ncoppa jamme ja, jamme jamme 'ncoppa jamme ja. gianluca: funiculi'. piero: funicula'. ignazio: funiculi'. group: funicula', 'ncoppa jamme ja funiculi' funicula'.♪
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been a wonderful audience, and we
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want to thank you for making tonight so special for us. gianluca: i know that i speak for all three of us when i say that we will never forget tonight. ignazio: thank you for helping us to make our first flight so memor-. piero: memorable. ignazio: memorable and so beautiful! all, we love you. group: we love you. gianluca: ♪che bella cosa 'na jurnata 'e sole, n'aria serena doppo 'na tempesta pe'll'aria fresca pare gia' 'na festa, che bella cosa 'na jurnata 'e sole.
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piero: ma n'atu sole cchiu' bello oi ne' 'o sole mio, sta 'nfronte a te.♪ narrator: this program has been brought to you by ferrarelle, the water of italy. naturally effervescent, no carbonation, sparkling water straight from the ground to the bottle. ferrarelle. explore new worlds and new ideas through programs like this. made available for everyone through contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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