tv Up to the Minute CBS January 21, 2013 3:35am-4:30am EST
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really lock that knee and pull your toe all the way back up. lift, lift. really breathe stay up straight. keep breathing for six and five, and four, and three, and two, way up, really lead with your heal, and good job. switch sides. let's go, bring your knee up and lift, and lift and lift. now as elise is doing you're gonna go a little bit higher, really squeeze get it way up there, pull your stomach in. if you catch yourself losing your balance, pull your belly button back towards your spine it will really, really, really help you balance. let's go lift and lower, lift and lower, lift and lower, lift and lower.
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all the way up. and one. good job, shake your legs out. now you're gonncome all the way around drop your hands all the way down your legs if you have a bad back keep your hands on your legs for support, if it feels good here just stay here and keep you hands and brackets otherwise hand all the way down. really disconnect your head and walk your hands over to the side, really keep your legs straight here. really breathe, drop your head all the way down really disconnect, really hang down, deep breaths. push that other side leg back mom. there ya, i like that. and swing it all the way to the side, really breathe deep breaths and disconnect your head, drop your neck, really breathe. all the way back to the center. now from here you are gonna bend your left knee down, drop your left hip, keep your feet flat on the ground.
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and you're gonan just switch back and forth. and switch, and switch and switch, and switch and switch and switch, and switch. good job. bend both of your knees and slowly roll it all the way up. it's great to open up those hips if you have lower back tension opening up your hips is crucial to freeing up your lower back. now we're gonna do a little bit of kick tips. feet shoulder width apart and you're just gonna lift and kick, lift and kick, lift and kick. now that's easy isn't it? ok let's move it up to the next level; let's work with balance. bring your hands all the way up, here we go everybody get your hands up, there you go. and you're just gonna kick and go all the way back, kick and all the way back. if that's easy for ya, you can kick a little bit higher by bringing this hand down. let's go for ten and nine, and eight
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and seven, and six, and five, and four, come on, really breathe, three, and two, and one. great job. switch sides. if you're doing this and you want to work a little bit more with balance kick up like this like elise is doing. and if you want to pump it up from there, bring your hand down and propel your foot way up and kick, and kick. deep breaths, keep your chest up. keep this hand up here, why do you keep your hand here? because if you keep it down here, you'll lean forward and that will be bad on your lower back. keep it up and it will keep your chest up. let's go for ten, and nine, way up there and eight, and seven, you got it, six, and five, four, three, two, and one. feel those? shake it out. bring your feet all the way together
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bring your hands all the way up, like a genie. lift your foot off the ground, really lift that heel balance on your toe and you're gonna squat down and back up, and down and back up. and way down, and back up come on elise way down and back up, and way down and up. so where do you go from here? well you lift this leg off the ground and balance; down and up, down and up. really breathe deep breaths. as far as you can go. three, two, one. switch legs. lift that heel off the ground keep those elbows up. why do we keep our elbows up here? because it keeps your spine up straight. it prevents you from leaning forward. you want to keep your elbows in line with your shoulders. and drop and up, and drop and up. now elise join me, go all the way down.
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there you go, way down. now if you got great balance and this is easy for you, what do you do? you lift this foot off the ground. five, four, three, two, one. great job. shake it out. put your feet all the way back together. now we're gonna stretch our feet and our quads out. slowly roll it all the way down, use your hands here for support, and lift your heels off, way up. really breathe. deep breaths in your chest. now walk your heels out and tap them back together, out and back together, out and together. for five, four three, two, one. slowly come all the way up. if you have bad knees, on that stretch all you want to do is roll your feet up by standing. good job.
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now we're gonna do a little bit of ballet here. place your hand on your stomach, your other hand, on your back, bring this leg and toe all the way out, and you're gonna lift it up, tap it back down lift and tap lift and tap. if that's easy for you, lift it up a little bit higher. if that's easy for you there, why don't you get it up there? let's go. really lift, keep that leg straight keep that toe pointed. breathe. why is my hand here? because it's pulling my stomach in which in turn keeps my chest lifted. ten, nine, you got it eight, come on higher seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. what do we do now? we work the other side. switch your hands; the same leg and hand are front. point your toe; lift, lower, lift, lower.
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keep your breathing going. if that's easy for ya crank it up a little higher. really lift. if that's easy for ya where do you go? a little higher. burn that core. press your hands towards each other; keep your chest lifted and your shoulders back. let's go for ten, and nine, you got it, eight seven, all the way up, six, for five, four, all the way up, three, a little higher, two, one. now place your hands on your knees, and we're just gonna circle our knees out. ooh that feels good. my mom has a tendency to open her feet up like this which is gonna fill her knees up. so mom make sure your toes are all the way together like that, and they're right in line; makes a huge difference. circle your knees. now switch directions. feels good doesn't it? and release, shake it out.
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now for this stretch look down at your toes take your foot up and over there you go. now from here you wanna line your hips back up forward. if this is too easy, line them back up with your feet, take the same leg you just lifted to hand, reach it up and over as well. i'm trying to get this middle finger as far away as i can from your big toes. really breathe, deep breaths. pull. this hand is gently pressing your hips to the side. really breathe deep breaths. now a lot of people have a tendency to start doing that. that's a little bit too easy. lift your self up ballerina straight. and switch your hands keep your feet the same. and from here, you're gonna walk your hands down your legs. if this feels good just stop right there if this is too easy for ya, hand all the way down. really drop your head, really breathe
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deep breaths. hang all the way down, disconnect your neck if you have good balance. deep breaths all the way through your back. and walk you hands up your legs, hands back onto your waist, and switch your feet. there you go. what do we do from here? line our hips back forward. a lot of people on this stretch have a tendency to go like this. that's not good for your back. you want to line your hips all the way back up so they're right in line with your feet. there you go. now from here, reach the opposite hand all the way up and stretch all the way over. get this middle finger as far away as you can from your feet. deep breaths, puff your chest up keep your chin lifted. deep breaths. and switch to the other side.
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really breathe, pull this middle finger way away use this hand to press your hips. and walk your hands all the way down your legs drop your head, disconnect your neck. really breathe all the way through your back. and slowly roll up, one vertebrae at a time. and put your feet shoulder width apart, take your hands, interweave them, palms out, and stretch. there you go. if you want to go a little bit deeper, drop your head look at your toes. lift your head back up now take your knuckles, bring them all the way back to your chest and you're gonna twist and switch, and switch and breathe. i'm pulling the top of my head way away from my tailbone i'm keeping my body very, very straight.
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really breathe deep breaths, you really want to twist. some people can go way around. really breathe. pick up the pace a little bit and twist. great for your spine. way back, way back, there you go. look where you're going. some people get a little bit nauseous doing this exercise, if you do then don't move your head move your arms like this and look straight ahead. and back to the center release your hands. take a deep inhale and exhale, and inhale and exhale. that was a great lower body workout. i'm really glad you joined us. i hope i see you back here real soon. have a great day.
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diane: joel, that is an incredible workout. i sort of am somewhere in between the beginner and intermediate. is that ok? joel: well that's the great thing about it is when you're watching it you can go to the beginner and maybe you'll think you're a beginner, but then you look at the workout and you'll be like oh i can do the intermediate, and you can have immediate gratification, you can go back and forth. and sometimes you know you think you're a beginner, but you can really do the advanced because a lot of people have much more balance than they think they did and that's why it's great to throw the balance in there. because the older we get, the more likely we are to lose our balance. diane: that's true. i'm finding that more, and more joel that what i used to be able to do at 20 and 30 and 40, as i am into 60 plus it's a whole different story but i still want to keep at it, i don't want to quit. joel: exactly. diane: and you give me the impetus to do that. this dvd for a pledge at 60 dollars, friends is a fabulous way in which we can keep physically in shape and the station can keep fiscally in shape as well joel, right? joel: exactly. it's great to support public tv,
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it really is. diane: well and also this chair workout. remember if you put that extra 15 dollars, making it a 75 dollar pledge, that would be great. but joel, what you have introduced us to is the. joel: this belt. diane: creme de la creme. joel: it's an amazing product. it's a belt, it has velcro on it, all you do is put it on, on top of a shirt so it doesn't touch your skin, its just a little bit more comfortable that way, you just pull it around and pull it tight like that and you velcro it. doesn't that feel good? diane: oh my gosh, can i wear this all the time? joel: yes. diane: i feel straighter all of a sudden. joel: exactly. diane: is that the whole idea? joel: it is, it pulls your belly in toss, and it really, really focuses on your core when you work out. diane: this is incredible. this trimming band comes with the chair workout and the regular dvd for a pledge at the 125 dollar level. i have to tell you, i have back aches sometimes and joel i can just feel this, and it gives me the confidence to exercise can i do it while i have a little back problem? joel: exactly, it's great for that, it makes it feel, it increases the
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warmth in your body and keeps your back warm. diane: oh friends, keep public tv warm right now won't you go to the phone make a pledge for yourself and public tv. today you're helping two people, call now. narrator: stay fit as a member of public tv while helping to keep this station fit with your 60 dollar contribution for this dvd, no equipment required, no gym membership required. it's joel harper's firming after 50 complete workout. the dvd contains three exercise routines: upper body. joel: feel those shoulders warm up deep breaths into your chest. narrator: lower body. joel: you're gonna squat down and back up and down and back up. narrator: and abs. joel: lift and lower, lift and lower. narrator: stay fit in mind, body, and spirit with joel harper's at home workouts, with your 60 dollar contribution to this station. or for a 75 dollar contribution we'll send the 60 dollar dvd plus this bonus chair workout.
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joel: bring your hands all the way up you want your elbow pointing down and your wrist pointing straight up. grab your thumb, interweave your hands on the opposite side and use that as a brace to bring that thumb all the way in towards your wrist. narrator: joel harper's workouts are for all ages and levels. call now at a giving level that's right for you. dan: i think diane likes that trimming belt, that's a really neat item. a special thank you for you if you make that 125 dollar contribution to your public television station and get the trimming belt and of course joel harper's firming after 50, and the fit pack chair workout. now on this dvd itself, the firming after 50 wanted to mention about that because it is in not only the three parts which is the upper body workout, lower body workout, and abdominal workout, but then there are also the additional tips that will help you get the maximize, uh, maximize the effects of the walk that you take that i hope you take every day or maybe it's the walk that you take
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on your treadmill. so all of that is on that basic, uh, 60 dollar level joel harper's firming after 50 dvd. and, and that's a great level for you to support your public television station, but i also want to mention that if you want to make a contribution just at the basic membership level that encourages us to go out and find, and produce, and buy, and broadcast many more fine programs throughout the course of the year. programs that help you get the most out of your life, help you improve your life. so if that's important to you make a basic contribution. we appreciate every contribution because you are standing up for that which you believe in you're standing up to make more good television possible. so, choose one of the bonus items choose to make the basic membership but choose to call now the numbers on your screen. thanks, we do need to hear from you. diane: joel, all the exercising that i do, or what little of it that i do, i just concentrate on, you know just trying to flatten the stomach and all of that, but i never really thought about the upper body toning, and i'm getting this and a little bit here. joel: that's why on the dvd i address all those issues.
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it's your total body being worked out on the dvd. it's important to do everything because you don't want to just focus on one thing, you want to work everything in your body you want to have a balanced body. diane: well you know, it reminds me of public television and how we don't just have one specific genre of programs on public television, we cover gamut for kids, the nature lovers the symphony lovers, the dramas, the documentaries its all in one place, it's the whole package. joel: yeah we don't leave anybody out, yeah. diane: and in your workouts, you don't leave anybody out joel. joel: nobody, anybody can do these workouts, and its fun to do with somebody else. it's a great idea to get somebody else in shape while you're doing the same time because it makes them feel better and yourself and you can spend some quality time together. and that's why i use balance, its fun to workout with somebody else to see who can balance a little bit better it gets a little bit competitive but it makes it fun; at the same time you are taking care of your body and you're getting in great shape. diane: well joel you're holding my magic key right here i've never seen something like this before. just you and i were talking a little while later
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and said we've got to offer this to folks. this trimming band is incredible how long will it last a month or two? joel: oh i just threw out one i had for five years they last great. and if you're really thin, you can cut it and make it short just so the velcro goes around; it's one size fits all. diane: it really does because it stretches. joel: it's big, it stretches all out. diane: this all stretches so you could probably fit somebody with a 50 inch waist line into this trimming band, but the other part was i slouch and i just sort of let go of the posture. joel: with this belt you can't slouch. there's no slouching with this belt. diane: i, can i wear it 24 hours a day and get really skinny? joel: ha ha ha, you gotta do the workout but they work. diane: they work just like your pledge for public television works, it's a guarantee for our success just like doing the work is a guarantee for your good physique. call now, keep us both healthy. narrator: firm and tone your arms legs, and tummy with joel harper's firming after 50 complete body workout on dvd. the three workouts are our thanks for your 60 dollar contribution to this station. joel: get that knee up all the way
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up, pull your stomach all the way in. dr. roizen: firming lowers blood pressure inflammation, and blood sugar. joel: push your tailbone forwards and pull your stomach in. my goal is to move my tailbone as little as possible. narrator: pledge at the 75 dollar level and we'll include this bonus chair workout on dvd. joel: an interesting stretch is you can take your hand, and put the back of your palm onto your hip there you go now take this hand and drive this elbow slightly back. narrator: support public tv with a gift of 60 or 75 dollars. call now. diane: public television has done so much for you and your family, that's why you continue to watch. as you take a look at what's happening in the commercial world, on the commercial landscape or even the cable channels there's a lot of specialization on the cable channels and in the commercial world, there's thoughtless programming.
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i hate to say it, but for the most part there's nothing worth watching anymore on commercial television. if you want something that will not treat you as a person who doesn't have a brain, you turn to public television because you like to think 24 hours a day or at least while you're awake. public television respects your intelligence it helps you to grow in every aspect of your life, it helps your children to flourish and to have that quest for knowledge for information and joel harper is also continuing in that learning vein. now's the time to say you care about public tv. you know how to do it, reach for your phone and pledge. narrator: continue to be motivated as a member of public tv with joel harper's workouts on dvd. the full length upper and lower body workouts are included on the 60 dollar dvd plus you'll receive the bonus abs workout and tips to maximize your fit factor. throw another 15 dollars in for public tv and at the 75 dollar giving level we'll include
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the bonus chair workout dvd. joel: your ankles are below you a lot of the time so you want to increase the circulation in there. let's go, lift your foot all the way up and rotate that foot. narrator: double your love for public tv with a gift of 150 dollars and we'll double the gifts for you to share with a friend. call now and show your love for this station. diane: well we've been working pretty hard here in the studio, joel. joel: we have. diane: and i'm getting thirstier and thirstier you talk about water, don't you as part of this. joel: yes. throughout all my workouts i give you little tips to help you out in your daily life and one of them is your water intake. a lot of people don't know how much water to drink a day and the rule of thumb is you take your body weight so lets say i way 180 pounds you cut that in half, that's 90, and so i should be drinking 90 ounces of water a day. you could have tea or whatever it is but just make sure that it's 90 ounces. if i've worked out, i need to add 10 more ounces on that so that makes it 100 ounces a day. a lot of people are dehydrated and do you know that 85% of all headaches
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are caused from dehydration? diane: another piece of information and they are right here because the dvd of todays program has the bonus material, the chair workout has more and dan. dan: this trimming band i, i came over here because i've been showing this thing and i really want to know how it works. joel: all you do is wrap it around you. dan: oh that's right lift up my coat. joel: lift up your coat, you just wrap it around, you just pull it taut, and it velcro's just like that. there you go. dan: there we go. joel: pull your stomach in and right away when you loosen your belly, its like a trigger to make you sit more up and hold your stomach in. it keeps those muscles tight. dan: and if, if you're wearing this while you do the exercises does it improve your ability to do the exercises? joel: exactly. posture, yeah, and it also helps to tighten your abs more. actresses and actors i get them to use this and they're like no, no, no but once they use it they're like where's my belt every time i workout with them. dan: ok so you'll be seeing me from now on doing these breaks with this belt on. this is great, i'm really glad that you came in. joel: my pleasure. dan: for working with us and our audience like this. joel: oh my pleasure. it's my pleasure to be here, thanks for having me.
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i'm laura linney and this is masterpiece classic. previously... i would like to help you. there's no point. i knew it was bates. she was terrified. dent: bates, watch out. search your room. lavinia must have written to him on her last day. we don't have to leave downton. i'm going to give you reggie's money. what i will allow is for you to invest in the place. dearly beloved we are gathered... i can't do this. what?! i can't let you throw away your life like this. linney: downton abbey, tonight on masterpiece classic. captioning sponsored by viewers like you funding for masterpiece is provided by... not a job, this is a joy. doing th e women's collection you gotta
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create something and make it new every season. i'm drawing inspiration from my life from history from movies, from books from everything i see. the best pleasure is the creativity, not accepting the ordinary. of historic cities and landscapes on a river, you see things differently. you get close to iconic landmarks, to local life to cultural treasures. it's a feeling that only a river can give you. these are journeys that change your perspective on the world, and perhaps, even yourself. viking river cruises. proud sponsor of masterpiece. additional funding is provided by: major support is provided by donald
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you won't have any reason to. but you have to pull your weight. that's all i'm saying. how is bates? i've not seen him for a while, sir. oh? why is that? i'm not quite sure, sir. they've stopped all his visitors. has he given you a reason? well, he's not written in quite some time now. and you don't know why? no, but i'm certain i will before too long. (knocking) (door opening) mrs. crawley? how may i help? i'm sorry to push in on you again but i didn't have time to come down before dinner and now we're on our way home. oh. mrs. hughes, you know i went to see ethel parks? i do, ma'am. well, she wouldn't speak to me then but she has since sought me out and asked me to deliver this letter into your hands.
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when we last spoke of her, you seemed to think she'd fallen into bad ways. i'm afraid that's the case. she has been working as a prostitute. my, my. that's not a word you hear in this house every day. no, but i think it also serves to show the measure of her misery. ethel has been driven to this, of that i have no doubt. if only she would allow me to help her, but she won't. if this letter can give you any clue as to how i might be helpful please let me know. i will, ma'am. your sentiments do you credit, but i suspect she will be too ashamed to face how far she's fallen. good night. good night mrs. crawley. so am i to answer to you both?
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of course not. what lord grantham means is that i have made an investment in the estate. that is all. otherwise nothing has changed. very good. and can we bring the staff back up to snuff? i believe we can. mrs. hughes is short of a housemaid mrs. patmore wants a kitchen maid and i need a new footman. do you really? i sometimes feel the world is rather different than it was before the war. i see. i would like to return to my duties as a butler, sir. but if you prefer that i continue to do the work of a second footman in addition... mr. crawley does not mean that at all. do you? certainly not. well, that is good news. i suppose it's too late to get into shape before the dinner for the archbishop of york but it'll be the last time you'll have to fudge it. i will do my best for the archbishop with an added spring in my step. matthew: why don't you have breakfast in bed? because i'm not married.
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yes, but now that ... now that both of the others are, what difference would it make? you know what i mean. i prefer to be up and about. tennessee is going to ratify the 19th amendment. meaning? all american women will have the vote. which is more than they do here. well, they almost do. i don't have the vote. i'm not over 30 and i'm not a householder. it's ridiculous. you sound like sybil. you should write to the times. maybe i will. ask your mother if she needs any help with tonight's dinner. there's nothing so toffee-nosed as a prince of the church, so make sure you put him next to your grandmother. she'll know how to handle him. i've been thinking matthew, you should look through the books and meet with our accountant all that sort of thing. robert, i know you don't want to feel as though you've somehow absconded with swire's money but this is your house and your estate, and you must run it as you always have. but i think you out to be put in
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the picture. who knows? you might have some good ideas. (sighing) oh anna, you'll be happy to hear that as soon as we take on a new housemaid, you will be a lady's maid to lady mary, at last. that's nice, mr. carson, thank you. i thought you'd be more pleased. no, i am pleased. really, i'm ... i've just got a lot on my mind. sorry. carson: i have also advertised for a new footman. o'brien: he'll be second footman, won't he? as to that, i will make no pronouncements at this stage. try to find a man with something about him, mr. carson. i don't like to feel the house isn't being properly represented. is that aimed at me? if the cap fits, wear it. carson: you're very quiet. you'll never guess what.
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i've had a letter from ethel. she wants to meet me but she won't come here. what for? and why not? i think she'd be uncomfortable. why, particularly? never you mind. i think i'll ask mrs. crawley if we can meet there. heaven knows what ethel wants of us this time. matthew: cora said you were looking for me. yes. i've stolen the nursery as a sitting room for us and this is the paper. unless you hate it. oh. is that all? why? what did you think it was? cora said you'd been to the doctor earlier. i wondered why. to find something for my hay fever. and what will we use for a day nursery, should the need arise? i think we can worry about that a little further down the line.
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oh. thank you, my dear that's very kind. how much do i owe you? a guinea. (cork popping) a guinea? for a bottle of scent? did he have a mask and a gun? (chuckles lightly) how are you? all right, i suppose. yes, i worry about you. that sort of thing is so horrid. being jilted at the altar? yes, it is horrid. multiplied by about ten thousand million. oh, you must keep busy. what with? there's nothing to do at the house except when we entertain. well, there must be something you could put your mind to. like what? gardening? well, no, you can't be as desperate as that. then what? edith dear you are a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. stop whining and find something to
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do! mr. barrow, with this new footman coming, i wonder... sorry, alfred. i've too much on my own plate to chew your helping. don't worry. if you need to ask anything, you ask me. i will, mr. carson. thank you. (sighing) mrs. hughes: i'm going out, anna. i've told mrs. patmore and i think everything's under control for tonight, but... what's the matter? nothing. except... well, i haven't had a letter from mr. bates in weeks. i worry...
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i worry that he's being gallant and trying to set me free, if he wants me to make a new life without him. i doubt it very much. then why would he be silent like this? and stop me visiting? obviously i don't know why but i do know there'll be a good reason. do you really think so? i'd swear to it. dent: they know you tricked them. who knows what? dent: that mr. durrant's a dealer on the outside. what's that to do with me? he's working for your cellmate. all i know is that you punched craig, so they set you up but you hid the stuff they'd planted
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and turned the tables on them. now they're angry. and what can they do? i'll tell you what they start by doing. durrant's reported you to the governor for violence. you're officially a dangerous prisoner. the governor won't fall for that. no? so when was the last time your wife came to visit, eh? how many letters have you received lately? (chuckling) thank god. what a relief. i thought she'd given up on me. don't thank god until you know what else they've got in store for you. stop talking! go on, then.
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tea spoon. egg spoon. melon spoon. grapefruit spoon. jam spoon... shall i tell you? all right. a bouillon spoon. but i thought soup spoons were the same as table spoons. ah, and so they are. but not for bouillon, which is drunk from a smaller dish. off you go now. i must get on. you're taking a lot of trouble with young alfred, mr. carson. i feel quite jealous. i don't know why. he asked for help. you never did. ethel: it's very hard to begin. well, find a way ethel. we all have lives to lead.
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could you write to the bryants? to say i want them to have charlie. we've already been down this path. to no avail. i know. and i know i said a mother's love was worth more than all they had to give, but i said it for me not for him. my dear, you mustn't do anything until you're absolutely sure. mrs. hughes said we all have lives to lead, but that isn't true. i've got no life. i exist, but barely. ethel, we all know the route you've taken. it's good of you to have me here. all i mean is that i work with others like you to rebuild their lives. can't we work together to find a way for you to keep your son? with his grandparents, charlie can build a life that is whatever he wishes it to be. with all respect, ma'am, you and i working together could never offer him that. you want me to write to them again? but leave it vague. say that ethel would like them to keep in contact with their grandson.
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i won't change my mind. nevertheless that's what i'll do. then there'll be no disappointment, whatever comes. now, if you'll forgive me, we've a big dinner tonight. good day, ma'am. ethel. mrs. hughes: ethel has had a very hard time of it since she left us, mrs. bird. she's had great difficulty making ends meet. and we know how she solved that problem. give my regards to mr. molesley. until we meet again, my dear. oh, i had a coat. it's there. you will help miss parks please, mrs. bird. some manners wouldn't go amiss. i do not believe it is part of my duties
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to wait on the likes of her. i'm sorry, but that's what i feel. archbishop of york: i don't want to sound anti-catholic... why not? i am. not in any real way, i'm sure. i don't want thumb screws or the rack, but there always seems to be something of johnny foreigner about the catholics. sybil: i've no time to talk but tell them i'm all right. i'm out of the flat. they haven't stopped me... who hasn't stopped you? sybil? hello?
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what's the matter? i've just had the most peculiar conversation with sybil. she kept on about being "out of the flat" and nobody had "stopped her," and... what do you mean no one had stopped her? stopped her from doing what? that's just it. i don't know. she suddenly put down the telephone. dinner is served m'lady. what time are you going on wednesday? after breakfast, if you can manage. we'll have to. how is it mr. carson can have a new footman and mrs. hughes a new maid but we can't have a kitchen maid? don't worry, i'm working on it. i've put a card up in the shop and i've asked the schoolmaster.
4:19 am
glad to see you speak up for your rights. are you, alfred? because if you are i'd really like to say... mrs. patmore: alfred aren't they ever going to get their savory? or is this some form of rebellion by starvation? tell me, doctor lang do you find that the war has driven the people back into the churches or further away than ever? (loud knocking at the door) "behold, i stand at the door and knock." someone sounds very angry. or very wet. or both. (knocking continues) do you have any luggage, sir? i barely have the clothes i stand in. where are they? they're in the... tom? what's happened? where's sybil? i had to get away and leave her to follow, but i'd made all the arrangements, in case. she'll be on her way by now. but why are you here? and why must she follow you alone?
4:20 am
i can explain. there's a dinner going on, but i'll go and tell them that you're here. no, don't. no one must know. i'll tell you it all when they're gone. (footsteps approaching) what's the matter? tom? go upstairs and find some dry clothes of matthew's. i'll come for you when the coast is clear. would you please ask mrs. hughes to sort some food out for him? yes, m'lady. an idiotic man delivering a village pamphlet. can you imagine? in this weather and at this time of night? it's branson. he wouldn't come in. why not? is sybil with him? what's going on? she's not here, but apparently she's coming soon. he'll explain what's happened when our guest is gone. something to look forward to.
4:21 am
other men have normal families with sons-in-law who farm or preach or serve their country in the army. violet: maybe they do, but no family is ever what it seems from the outside. do you think he's on the run from the police? don't be so daft. well, he hadn't got the money for a taxicab from the station. maybe he fancied the walk. yes, that's it. i should think he loves a night walk in the pouring rain without a coat. what room is he in? i'll take that thank you, daisy. so there'll be no more gossip on that subject tonight. they turned everyone out of the castle-- lord and lady drumgoole, their sons and all the servants-- and then they set fire to it. what a tragedy. violet: well, yes and no. that house was hideous. but, of course that is no excuse. no, it is not. but what was your involvement? who says i was involved? well, you seem to know a lot about it if you weren't.
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and why are you running away? and what was sybil's part in all this? she's not involved not at all. they think i was part of it. they think i was one of the instigators. so the police are looking for you? that's why i couldn't go home. i knew if they took me i wouldn't get a fair hearing. cora: you mean you gave them sybil while you saved yourself? i don't think they'll hold her but if they do then i'm prepared to go back and face the consequences. you damn well better be. cora: you must see the home secretary. and tell him what? the police say he was there, he says he wasn't. i didn't say i wasn't there. why were you? for the fun of seeing private property destroyed? those places are different for me. i don't look at them and see charm and gracious living. i see something horrible. with drumgoole castle, i rather agree. mama, you are not helping. but when i saw them turned out standing there with their children, all of them in tears watching their home burn
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i was sorry. i admit it. i don't want their type to govern ireland, i want a free state. but i was sorry. never mind that. what's happened to sybil? we agreed that i should leave at once and that she'd close the flat and follow. but i got the last boat, so she won't be here before tomorrow. good god almighty! you abandon a pregnant woman in a land that's not her own! you leave her to shift for herself while you run for it! cora: you have to go to london, robert. for sybil's sake if not for his you have to see mr. shortt. i don't have to do anything! i never meant... go to bed! i'll give you my answer in the morning.
4:24 am
(crying) of course she married beneath her. mrs. patmore: and who are you then a hapsburg archduke? o'brien: what if he has to go to prison? what then? that's quite enough of that, thank you, miss o'brien. bedtime, i think. (knocking) i'm going up. good night. i'll try to keep them quiet, but to be honest i knew it would happen. i knew he would bring shame on this house. it sounds as if he's on the run from the police and for all we know, lady sybil is languishing in a dungeon somewhere in dublin. let's wait and see what the morning brings. what in god's name is it? an electric toaster. i've given it to myself as a treat.
4:25 am
if it's any good i'm going to suggest getting one for the upstairs breakfasts. is it not enough that we're sheltering a dangerous revolutionary, mrs. hughes? could you not have spared me that? hello? can we help you? i'm here to see mr. carson. who's this? jimmy kent, at your service. i'm mr. barrow his lordship's valet. and i'm hoping to be his lordship's footman. which is why i'm looking for mr. carson. mrs. hughes: what's the matter? have you all been turned into pillars of salt? may i help? i've come for the interview. i see.
4:26 am
well, if you'll wait there. i want to make it quite clear that whatever i do i am doing it for sybil and not for you. i find your actions despicable whatever your beliefs. you speak of ireland's suffering and i do not contradict you. but ireland cannot prosper until this savagery is put away. that's all very well, papa, but you must keep tom out of prison. i'll go to london today. i'll telephone murray and ask him to arrange an interview. i won't come home until i've seen shortt. thank you, i know it's right. it's right for him. cora: and for sybil and for this family. i suppose so. let me know if sybil gets in touch. she won't. she won't want to give them anything to trace her by. what a harsh world you live in. we all live in a harsh world. but at least i know i do.
4:27 am
i see you've been working for the dowager lady anstruther? yes. but she's closed up the house and gone to live in france. she begged me to go with her but i didn't fancy it. i didn't think i'd like the food. i see. she begged you, did she? you know what women can be like. not, i suspect as well as you do. right, charlie let's get your hat on. look nice and smart. be a good boy for mummy, yeah? yeah. come on. mrs. bryant: thank you for letting us come. and why have we come? to hear more guff about a mother's love? mr. bryant that's not fair. isn't it? we know what you are now, ethel. we know how far you've fallen.
4:28 am
i didn't want to let mrs. bryant in the same room as you, but she insisted. what mr. bryant means... how could you know about me? do you think it's so difficult to find out about a woman like you? hah. i could give you a list of your clients. you mean you've had me followed? what? didn't you think we'd keep a check on our grandson? mrs. bryant: we're not judging you... i'm judging her! i judge her and i find her wanting. ethel, we've decided to offer you some money. to make things easier. so that you won't have to... unless you don't want to give it up. well then, that's very generous isn't it, ethel? it throws a different light on things. (faint clattering) oh. there's mrs. bird with the tea. would you like to help me, ethel?
4:29 am
charlie, look what i've got for you. a teddy! that's right. do you want to give him a cuddle? should i not take it in, ma'am? i can do that. i'm sure i don't need your help. thank you, mrs. bird. ethel, you don't have to do this. you have a choice. you mean i should take money from that man? it won't be much. enough to keep us from starving, but not much more. but even if charlie doesn't go to a famous school or university, you'll be there to give him love. yet i suppose mr. crawley went to a famous school and university? i see.
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