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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  January 21, 2013 4:30am-5:00am EST

4:30 am
thank you, mrs. crawley. (laughter) when do you want it to happen? tomorrow night. not mr. durrant? no. any other warder but him. tell turner about it. he's straight. but don't tell him 'til the afternoon. why are you doing this? why are you helping me? i can't stand craig. you do that very neatly, my dear. i was trained by mrs. hughes. she was a good worker. even though things haven't gone so well lately.
4:31 am
i hope that you can accept our offer, ethel and that we can be friends. because we both wish you well, don't we, dear? i don't wish you ill i'll say that. i can't accept your offer. and we won't be friends. mrs. bryant: what? not even for charlie's sake? i think you love my son, mr. bryant. i don't think you're a nice man or a kind one, but i believe you love my boy. so you'll be pleased by what i've come here to say. any news while i was out? no. perhaps the home secretary won't see him. papa'll pull some strings until he does. a-ha, you've started on the augean task. how are you getting on?
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not badly. i'm beginning to get a sense of how it all works. in a way, it's probably best you tackle it by yourself. ah, carson. may we please have some tea? of course, m'lady. anna said you were interviewing footmen today. that is correct. have you chosen the lucky winner? not yet. there were two candidates, when it came down to it. one was steady but not much else, but the ladies downstairs want the other one. why is that? i don't know precisely. unless it's because he's more handsome. of course it's because he's more handsome. oh, do pick him, carson, and cheer us all up a bit. alfred's nice, but he does look like a puppy who's been rescued from a puddle. carson: well, this new one seems very sure of himself. you can manage that, can't you? i suppose i could, sir. well, it's settled then. tell the maids they can buy their valentines. so be it, m'lady. but alfred is very good, you know.
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he's very willing. even if he is miss o'brien's nephew. (laughing) clearly nothing worse could be said of any man. (laughing) mrs. bryant: you'll want to say goodbye. i give you my blessings for your whole life long my darling boy. yes. you won't remember that or me but they'll stay with you all the same. let's not make a meal of it. mommy... come on. i'll write to you. i'll never see my son again.
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never is a long time, ethel. but you were right. he does love charlie. and not just for his father's sake. now i must be going. i'll say goodbye. (crying) you've done a hard thing today, ethel. the hardest thing of all.
4:35 am
you don't agree, do you? i don't want to make you doubt now that it's happened. you've done the right thing for the boy, ethel. whatever mrs. crawley may say. begging your pardon, ma'am. perhaps you're right. i am until we live in a very different world from this one. well, then. i should be away. what chance is there for a woman like her? she's taken the road to ruin. there's no way back. (door opening) stand up. against the wall the pair of you!
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what are you looking for? just keep quiet. mr. turner. well, well. a very mysterious package, i don't think. craig, what do you call this? i don't know. i've done nothing. you'd better come with us, craig. you'll be sorry. (sighs) (door closes and locks)
4:37 am
oh, thank god. i'm so sorry. it's all right. they didn't try to stop me. but it doesn't mean they won't come after us. unless papa can persuade them otherwise. tom, how could you have left her all alone to fend for herself? it wasn't like that. we thought this might happen, and we'd decided what to do. the question is, what now? you mustn't travel anymore. not before the baby's born. but tom wants it to be born in dublin.
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he won't hold you to that now. well, won't this be the first place that they look? how could you be part of it? the drumgooles are like us. she came out with me. she was laura dunsany then. how could you dance 'round her burning house, tom? it's horrible. he didn't dance, and he isn't dancing now. (knock at door) come in. telegram for you, m'lady. your father's coming home. he's seen mr. shortt. and what happened? he doesn't say. only that neither of you is to leave downton. people think they'll eat anything, but it's not true. you must be careful what you give them if you want good bacon. nay, don't shy away, daisy. we raise animals to eat, or for their milk or their leather.
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i could never be a farmer. don't say that. i'd like to think you value what i do. i do. i value and admire it. well, then, that's all i ask. can i ask you something? of course you can. this will be hard for you, but... what would you say if i'd met a man i liked? because the last thing i'd ever do would be to hurt you. what? did you think i'd want you to be left alone your whole life long? no, but... and william wouldn't want it neither. so, tell me... has he spoken up? not exactly. but he's ever so nice. (chuckling) would it be wrong, do you think if i were to show him that i'd like it if he did. ooh... this is too modern for me, daisy. i'd only say this.
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you have a pure heart, and if he's a proper man he'll know that. but take your time prepare what you'll say. make sure your words cannot be misconstrued. you're back. i am. anything happen here? there's a new footman. came today. how was london? quite fun, as a matter of fact. has the firebrand been saved? that's not for me to say is it, mr. molesley? i'd better take these upstairs. you got the job, then? i'm on my way, mr. barrow. they say you were a footman once. that's right. so can i come to you if there's anything i need to know? certainly. why not?
4:41 am
where's robert? he went straight to his room as soon as he came back. he wants us all in the library at 8:00. why? i don't know quite how to put this. try. (sighs) looking through the books, there appears to have been a great deal of waste. what do you mean? as far as i can tell there's been no proper management for years. the rents are unpaid or too low. there's no real maintenance scheme. and half the assets are underused, or else ignored entirely. you're not saying papa is guilty of anything? not in that way, no, of course. i don't mean to pull rank, matthew, but a country estate is not a city business. there are people, many people, we have to look after. nobody benefits when the thing is badly run. well, obviously, if that's your impression,
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you should talk it through with papa. i can never go back to ireland? that's impossible. if you do, you'll be put in prison. it's the best i could manage. cora: surely they need proof to ban a man from his own country. they have more proof than tom will concede. sybil: is that fair? he's admitted to being there. he's told you so himself. but he did not tell me that he attended dublin meetings where the attacks on the anglo-irish were planned. i was always against any personal violence. i swear it. oh, so at least we can sleep in our beds. maybe, but you were not against the violent destruction of property. i've told you, the sight of it was worse than i expected. so what was the deal you managed to extract from the home secretary? they don't want to make a martyr of him. and with sybil they think they could have another maud gonne on their hands or lady gregory or worse if they're not careful. lady gregory countess markievicz-- why are the irish rebels so well born?
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whatever the reason, i don't want lady sybil branson to join their ranks. mercifully, nor do the irish authorities. if tom can stay away they'll leave him alone. i can't be kept away from ireland. you'll be arrested the moment you touch dry land. now then, do what mr. carson tells you. i know what i'm about. are you all right, alfred? yes, but shouldn't i be carrying the pork and jimmy the veg? i am first footman. mrs. patmore: never mind that. up you go. i think alfred's right. isn't he first footman like he says? that's for mr. carson to decide. by heck, it's nice to think we're running at full strength again. really? i'm running at full strength and always have been with no one to help me, neither. all in good time, daisy. all in good time. what do you mean you wrote to a newspaper? no lady writes to a newspaper. what about lady sarah wilson? she's the daughter of a duke and she worked as a war journalist. well, she's a churchill. the churchills are different. have we no churchill blood?
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i think granny is right. can somebody write that down? cora: it's good to have strong views but notoriety is never helpful. well, i've sent it now. it won't be published. thank you for the vote of confidence, papa. this is our new footman, mama. what should we call you? jimmy. james, your ladyship. this is james. robert: welcome to downton, james. thank you, m'lord. (clears throat) mary: well done, carson. that must have cheered up the maids. he looks like a footman in a musical review. poor alfred. we mustn't allow him to be completely overshadowed. quite right, m'lady. hard work and diligence weigh more than beauty in the real world. if only that were true. i've never been "james" in my life. i was "jimmy" to lady anstruther. i don't care if you were father christmas to lady anstruther. you are "james" now, and you will stay "james" while you are at downton.
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he thinks he's the big cheese and no mistake. that's 'cos he is the big cheese. he's nice, that new bloke, isn't he? why do you say that? oh, only an impression that's all. if you'll excuse me, i'm going to bed. can you tell the others? tomorrow, we'll make some plans. i don't know how. you've lived out of ireland before. surely you can again. but ireland is coming of age now and i need to be part of that. but i know what you've done for me. i know you've kept me free. and i am grateful. truly. poor chap, i'm sure he is grateful. no, he's not. he says it to keep the peace with sybil. but then i only rescued him for sybil's sake
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so i suppose we're even. did you get a chance to look through the books they brought in? as a matter of fact, i did. could you make head or tail of them? i think so, yes. i was waiting for a good moment to discuss them. oh? yes, there were some... aspects of the way things have been done that i wasn't quite sure about. you sound like murray. do i? he's always banging on about how we should overhaul this or overhaul that. nothing's ever right for him. well, then i hesitate to say it... come on, we should let them get in here. we can talk about it another time if you really want to. these came for you, bates. when? when did they come? they came when you were out of favor.
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now you're in favor again. why? what have i done? just watch out for mr. durrant. you're not a favorite with him. (door locking) (sniffing) oh, my... oh! are you going to tip that over me? (laughing) i was just making myself some toast. you have to set the number on the dial and i had it up too high but i've got the hang of it now.
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would you like a piece? i was worried that mr. branson might take it into his head to burn the house down. but i didn't think that you would. no? you should never take anything for granted, mr. carson. (quick footsteps) no, no, no, not now! (chuckling softly) you never told me you went to those meetings. i never told you i didn't. and what else haven't you told me? all i know is i can't stay here. not for long. you must. and so must i. and you must let the baby be born here. you're very free with your musts. but i will not be free with our child's chances. we need peace and safety. downton can offer us both.
4:49 am
robert: god in heaven... "earl's daughter speaks out for women's rights." what? "in a letter to this newspaper today, "lady edith crawley, "daughter of the earl of grantham, "condemns the limitations "of the women's suffrage bill "and denounces the government's aims to return women to their pre-war existence." you said they wouldn't print it. well done. that's most impressive. don't say you support her. of course i support her, and so do you, really. when you've had a chance to think about it. so i should hope, anyway. (groans) what do you think, carson? i would rather not say, m'lord. anna? yes? there's quite a packet of letters arrived for you earlier.
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are they all from mr. bates? (sobbing happily) it looks like it. why so many at once? oh, i neither know nor care just so long as i've got them. thanks for sticking up for me last night. it won't make any difference. oh no, but it's good to know you're on my side. i am on your side, alfred. in fact... there's something i've been wanting to say. you've got my attention. well... mrs. patmore: ah! here we are, daisy. i'd like to introduce miss ivy stuart, the new kitchen maid. and this is daisy, my assistant cook. alfred: my, but aren't you a sight for sore eyes, miss stuart? mrs. patmore: that's enough of that.
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alfred's a footman so you'll know enough not to listen to a word he says. shoo. tell me if you need any help. sorry, daisy what were you saying? nothing. it don't matter now. i hope we're going to get on. we don't have to get on. we have to work together. and he doesn't explain why the letters were withheld? not really. he says there's been a spot of bother but he's sorted it out. i suppose the reason's tucked inside that. you're finishing your husband's "spot of bother." i suspect i may be just beginning mine. why? i thought everything was settled now, back to normal. mr. crawley's idea of normal may not be the same as his lordship's. but they won't fall out, surely? i don't know. i don't think so. it rather depends on mr. crawley.
4:52 am
matthew: a situation has arisen and i'm not quite sure which way to turn. obviously. if you've turned to me. robert won't discuss the matter. mary is affronted by the very mention of it. but given that i've sunk my own fortune alongside everyone else's, into... into downton. i feel a duty, apart from anything else to do what i can. about? downton is being mismanaged, cousin violet, and something must be done. the thing is how do i do it without putting people's noses out of joint? oh, my dear... oh, i doubt there is a way to achieve that. i mean, you must do what needs to be done, of course, but... oh, i think i can safely say a great many noses will be out of joint.
4:53 am
(crying) (chuckling softly) (laughing softly) (laughing) (sighs) linney: next time... edith has had an invitation to write a newspaper column. when may she expect an offer to appear on the london stage? i'm always a failure in this family. i thought you might work here for a while. are you sure you've thought about this, ma'am? mrs. crawley has hired a prostitute? mrs. hughes: i don't remember ethel as any great cook.
4:54 am
so they were planning for you to be hanged for her suicide. it was her revenge. jimmy: mr. barrow's so familiar all the time. i'd like to tell him to keep his distance. what are you implying? linney: downton abbey next time on masterpiece classic. funding for masterpiece is provided by... not a job, this is a joy. doing th e women's collection you gotta create something and make it new every season. i'm drawing inspiration from my life from history from movies, from books from everything i see. the best pleasure is the creativity, not accepting the ordinary. of historic cities and landscapes on a river, you see things differently. you get close to iconic landmarks, to local life
4:55 am
to cultural treasures. it's a feeling that only a river can give you. these are journeys that change your perspective on the world, and perhaps, even yourself. viking river cruises. proud sponsor of masterpiece. additional funding is provided by: major support is provided by donald and darlene shiley. masterpiece is television for the mind and for the heart. please join me in supporting masterpiece and public television. support is also provided by conrad prebys and debbie turner. and by the following... and by viewers like you. thank you. visit us at to watch video and explore features and follow us on facebook and twitter. downton abbey 3 is available on blu-ray and dvd.
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the chronicles of downton abbey book is also available. to order, visit captioned by media access group at wgbh turn to pbs... for stories that define the american experience. all of this stuff was just erupting revealing our strengths... you create a new future. our struggles... it's very american to say this is not right. these are our stories. we were so innocent and oddly enough we were so american our american experience. only on pbs.
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