tv Eyewitness Noon News CBS January 29, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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operative agreement with the u.s. department of education. (school bell rings) kids: school! (pants, barks) kid: word world! kids: word world! ♪ welcome to the place where words come alive ♪ kid: let's build a word. kids: word world. kid: word world. kids: ♪ jump to the beat ♪ ♪ clap your hands in the air ♪ kids: let's build a word! word world! kid: word world. ♪ we've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ they hold our world together ♪ ♪ with dog ♪ and sheep ♪ and duck ♪ and pig ♪ ♪ there's always a surprise! ♪ (barks) kids: word world! (croaks) (whimpers)
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(giggles) ♪ welcome to our world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ word world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ it's a beautiful world ♪ ♪ word world. ♪ kids: yay! narrator: today we begin our story under the waters of word world with an s-h-a-r-k... kids: shark! hi. all: sh-sh-shark! eek! oh, why does that always happen? i say "hi," and everyone swims away.
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narrator: well, shark, lots of wordfriends think you're... scary. who, me? but that's... but that's... silly. i'm just looking for a friend. duck: hey, anybody want to hear a joke? (gasps) i do. hello, anybody? yoo-hoo, fishes. doesn't anybody want to hear a joke? i do! oh! oh! i'm sorry. i didn't mean to scare you. (laughing): i'm okay. say, you're a mighty big fish. who are you? (laughing): well, i'm... wait, wait, don't tell me. let me guess. i know my letters pretty well, you know. i can figure out what you are. oh, okay. okay, let's see... (clears throat) s-h-a-r-k.
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hmm... s-hark... oh, you're a s-hark. yeah, that's... what's a s-hark? well, you see, actually, you say it... well, i'm duck. d-u-c-k. glad to meet you, s-hark. now, you want to hear a joke? uh, sure. okay, okay, okay. (clears throat) how do ducks learn to fly? i don't know, how? we just wing it. (laughing): you get it? we got wings. (both laughing) we got wings. you're funny. i am? i mean, of course i am. i like you, s-hark. you want to be my friend?
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(gasps) do i ever. you got to meet my friend frog. oh, he'd love you. hey, you want to come back to my pond and play with me? play? i love to play. well, come on then. (quacking) narrator: of course, duck didn't know that "s-hark" was really a shark. so he wasn't afraid of him. duck was just happy to be his friend. you sure walk funny, s-hark. oh, frog. frog? uh, frog? are you home? hmm! i guess he's not home. well, come on, s-hark. let's go find him. uh, would you mind if i just stayed here while you look for him? all this walking around has made my tail sore.
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oh, sure, s-hark. you just wait right here and i'll be back with frog. make yourself comfy. see you soon. (sighs) narrator: so duck went off to find frog. but what duck didn't know was that frog was already on his way home. wait until you see this, sheep. oh, i think it's my best invention yet. oh, i'm so excited. oh, and fish is, too. aren't you, little fish? s-h-o-e. sh-oe. (squeaking) (twanging) kids: shoe! ooh... a shoe. not just any kind of shoe. this is a shoe you can wear on both
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feet. so you only have to put on one shoe every day instead of two. in... deed. here, let me show you how it works. (grunts) uh, if you only have one shoe on both, uh, feet how do you, uh... walk? okay, i'm still working out the kinks on this one. but i have more inventions to show you. let's see... the reversible underpants are going to be a good one, i think. ooh, how about the 37-scoop ice cream cone? (snoring) or the word-powered tongue warmer? watermelon seed extractor? solar-powered itch-a-ma-scratcher? (whispers): frog, you didn't tell me you had company. well, that's because i don't, sheep other than you and fish, i mean. well, excuse me for asking then,
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but, uh... who's that? (whispering): sh... sh... shark! (croaks) (squealing) it's okay, little fish. shh. don't wake him. (mumbling) ...hungry. um, how did a shark get into your log? that's what i'd like to know, sheep. who would bring a shark in here? hi, guys. i see you found my new friend. shh. duck... why would you bring a shark into my house? (laughing) frog, can't you read? that's not a shark that's a s-hark. duck, when s and h are together they make the sound "sh."
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the sound "sh"? yes, like in "sh-eep." yes, s, h. sh-eep. s, h... sh... sheep. oh, yeah. well, what do you know. s and h make "sh." (laughs) (grumbling) shh. yeah, yeah, yeah that's what i said. s and h make "sh." no, duck, shh-- as in be a little, uh, quieter. or you'll wake the... no, no, no, wait wait, wait, wait, wait. i can sound this one out. so, sh-ark... shark. we don't want to wake the shark. (gasps) shark?! shh! (yawning)
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my, that nap was just what my sore tail needed. oh, hi, duck. (quacking) (whimpering) and this must be your friend frog. (whimpering) and this must be your friend sheep. um... uh, uh, uh... (squeaking whine) and this must be your friend fish. (fish squealing) you certainly have a lot of friends, duck. it must be because you're so funny! (laughing) s-hark? you're a shark? uh... uh, um yes, that's right. well, why didn't you tell me you were a shark? i was afraid you wouldn't want to be my friend
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if you knew i was a shark. no one wants to be friends with a shark. well, why not? i don't care if you're a shark or a s-hark or a purple, polka-dotted monkey laying eggs on a bicycle. (laughing) purple, polka-dotted! (shark laughing) you're so funny, duck. (laughing) (groans): oh... uh, what's the matter? my tail, it still hurts from walking. oh, it does? well, if we're gonna play together, then we have to do something about that tail of yours. well, frog, what about your invention? of course! my shoe! i've got just the word thing for you. (tongue zings) we just have to put it back together again. sounds good to me. come on, duck, give me a hand.
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it's time to... build a word! build a word! ♪ ♪ ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ ♪ let's build it, let's build it now ♪ sh... oe. (squeaking) (twanging) kids: shoe! ♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ ♪ we built it, we built it. ♪ (music stops) (grunts) wow! this shoe fits perfectly! thank you! mm, it was nothing. i'm something of a shoe expert, you know? narrator: and so the wordfriends put aside their fear of shark and got to know him a little better that day. ooh, hey, shark! quack, quack! why don't the letters "s" and "h" talk? (laughs): i don't know, duck. why?
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kid: word world. kids: ♪ jump to the beat ♪ ♪ clap your hands in the air ♪ kids: let's build a word! word world! kid: word world. ♪ we've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ they hold our world together ♪ ♪ with dog ♪ and sheep ♪ and duck ♪ and pig ♪ ♪ there's always a surprise! ♪ (barks) kids: word world! (croaks) (whimpers) (giggles) ♪ welcome to our world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ word world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ it's a beautiful world ♪ ♪ word world. ♪ kids: yay!
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narrator: early one morning in word world, dog... (sniffing) was sniffing around for something to do. (sniffing) (barking) hmm. (curious groan) (insects buzzing) ready, bug? aw, you betcha, bee. let's play b-a-l-l... b... all! (bug laughs) kids: ball! narrator: that's right-- ball! now, that looks like fun. don't let it drop! (barking and panting) narrator: what's that you're doing with your ears? oh, you're making the shape of a ball. (barking) (barks) (groans) narrator: i'm sure they would love to play with you, too,
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but they're too far away to hear you, dog. (sad groan) aha! (panting, barking) (playful growling) narrator: what are you doing, dog? (happy grunting) narrator: oh, i see! you're going to make your own ball. good idea! "ball" does begin with the letter "b." now all you need are the other letters. (curious groan) what's the matter, dog? (confused groan) uh-oh. no more letters. dog: oh! (happy grunting) narrator: where are you going, dog? (dog panting, barking) narrator: oh, yes! maybe pig has the letters you need. bonjour, mes amis! today on cooking with chef pig we're making a bounty of beautiful breakfast foods! (dog barking, panting) (laughs): well, what do you know!
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it looks like we have a special guest today. it's our old pal, dog! so, what can we do for you today? (barks, pants) (laughs): oh! you have the letter "b." and, um... you want me to, um, uh, bake some food with the "b"? uh-uh, uh-uh. well, you've chosen the right letter, dog. because "b" is a great b-b-breakfast letter. you can make b-b-bread. uh-uh. b-b-b-bananas. uh-uh. (oinks) (whimpers) oh, of course. you want to make my favorite breakfast food. a b-b-bagel.
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kids: bagel! (laughs): that's right! i like to call it my breakfast bracelet. (growls disagreement) uh... right, dog. a bagel is a circle. uh, i don't think that's what dog wants, pig. oh, sure it is. you want a bagel right, dog? (frustrated groan) pig, you're not listening to dog. he's trying to tell you something. huh? (excited growling) you want, uh, to... bounce, uh with your bagel? (laughs): oh, of course. you want to bounce with your bagel. bagels with a bounce. ooh, i like it. how... do you... eat it? (giggles) don't bounce around so much.
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i'm getting dizzy. (moans) (groans) oh, pig! (laughing) narrator: dog didn't seem to have much luck getting his friend pig to listen to him. (groans) oh, keep trying, dog. (pants) come on, this way! (buzzing, barking) (panting) (sighs) (curious groan) (panting) good idea, dog. maybe sheep can help you. (whines, panting) (barks "hello") shh! you'll wake the baby. (quiet growl) (panting) oh, that's a nice letter "b," dog. what do you want to do with it? make a b-b-bib? or a b-b-binkie?
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well, there. mm-mm. (sputters) when you do that with your ears, dog, you look like a baby in a baby bonnet. uh-uh, uh-uh. b-b-baby bonnet. ooh, you want to pretend to be a b-b-baby? (confused groan) and i'll... i'll pretend to be your mommy. (gulps) aren't you the sweetest baby? goo, goo, goo, goo, goo. (strained growling) well, what's the matter, baby? are you hungry? i'll bet you're hungry. don't cry, baby. (groans) mommy will make you a nice baby bottle. kids: bottle! oh... oh?!
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that's right! a nice baby bottle for my nice b-baby doggie. (slurps) (sighs) (bawling) oh, there. there now, baby dog. (burps) what a good baby doggie. now it's time to change your diaper. huh?! (barking, panting) baby dog? b-b-b-baby dog? come back. narrator: since she didn't understand what dog wanted, he decided to ask frog for help. so, let me see if i have this right. you want to do something that starts with the letter "b." (barks) uh-huh, uh-huh... aha! i know just what you want. and i happen to have it right here.
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remember, that bubble could easily pop. uh-oh. (howling) (humming) huh? (howling) (grunts, chuckles) hi, dog. (laughing) don't! that tickles! dog, are you all right? we saw you fall from the sky! (barks) ah, he's fine, frog. (sighs) that's such a relief. (howls) but i think he wants something. i know. he wants a bagel. no, he wants a baby bottle. i believe he wants a bubble. okay, dog, what do you want? (barks) hmm, he wants something that starts with the letter b. oh, he's making a circle with his
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ears. so what he wants starts with a "b" and is round... uh-huh, uh-huh. okay, and now he's bouncing. so what he wants starts with a "b," is round and bounces. uh-huh, uh-huh. let's see, um... uh... b-b-ball! (barking excitedly) all: oh, a ball! well, then dog, now that we know what you want i think it's time to... all: a word! ♪ ♪ ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ ♪ let's build it, let's build it now! ♪
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(squeaking, twanging) kids: ball! ♪ yeah, we just built a word, we built it, we built it. ♪ (excited panting) let's play ball! (all laughing) (buzzing) hey, can we play ball with you guys? uh-huh. (all laughing) bee: come on! mm-mm! i've got it! yay, good one! narrator: that day, dog and his friends learned that when you listen to one another you can all have a ball. the end. announcer: come join the wordfriends for more wordplay adventures at...
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mr. steve: ♪ whoo hoo ♪ music time! with steve songs. ♪ are you ready to discover? ♪ yeah! yeah! ♪ are you ready to be surprised? ♪ ♪ maybe today you'll find another ♪ all: ♪ brand-new thing right in front of your eyes ♪ ♪ discovery ♪ kids: ♪ discovery ♪ ♪ it comes suddenly ♪ ♪ discovery ♪ ♪ sometimes when you least expect it ♪ ♪ you might connect with ♪ ♪ a discovery ♪ ♪ well, it could be something you learn to do ♪ [whistles] ♪ like whistling ♪ ♪ or a hidden shortcut that gets you through ♪ ♪ to the playground where you learned how to swing ♪ ♪ discovery ♪ kids: ♪ discovery ♪ ♪ it comes suddenly ♪ ♪ discovery ♪ ♪ sometimes when you least expect it ♪ all: ♪ you might connect with ♪ ♪ a discovery ♪
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