tv Eyewitness Noon News CBS February 1, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
12:00 pm
ative agreement with the u.s. department of education. (school bell rings) kids: school! (pants, barks) kid: word world! kids: word world! ♪ welcome to the place where words come alive ♪ kid: let's build a word. kids: word world. kid: word world. kids: ♪ jump to the beat ♪ ♪ clap your hands in the air ♪ kids: let's build a word! word world! kid: word world. ♪ we've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ they hold our world together ♪ ♪ with dog ♪ ♪ and sheep ♪ ♪ and duck ♪ ♪ and pig ♪ ♪ there's always a surprise! ♪ (barks) kids: word world! (croaks) (whimpers)
12:01 pm
(giggles) ♪ welcome to our world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ word world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ it's a beautiful world ♪ ♪ word world. ♪ kids: yay! kids: snug as a bug! narrator: it was nighttime in word world and everyone was asleep. (moaning) oh, um... except it seems, for frog. uh, frog? (frog grunts) pardon me. (frog croaks) is there something wrong? i can't fall asleep. hmm. well... maybe some running around might make you tired so you can fall asleep. yes. running around. like, in a nice game of tag. and i've got the best tag-playing partner
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in all of word world. buh... ug. kids: bug! evening, bug. (yawns) what's up, frog? i am. i can't sleep. and i was wondering, would you be up for a game of tag? tag?! i'm always ready. you're it! (laughs) missed me! (laughs) wah! (croaks) whoa! narrator: ooh. almost got him, frog. (laughs) (laughing) (croaks)
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(yelps) oh, water... yuck. you can't catch me! nyah-nyah! almost got you! whoo! close one. (laughs) (frog groans angrily) narrator: by the end of the game frog had become quite sleepy. (yawns) good night, bug. but bug was wide awake. yeah! that's right! now i can't sleep! well, sure you can, bug. everybody needs sleep. you just need to get snug. bugs love being snug. um... what's "snug" mean? oh, you know... comfy cozy. ah, well, i do like being comfy cozy. yeah. snug as a bug in a... in a...
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huh, hmm. what was that rhyme again? snug as a bug... in a... (yawns). (snores) in a what, frog? wake up! (snoring and croaking) snug as a bug in a what?! where will i be snug? (horn blowing) what? what? i need to go to sleep! oh, right. (yawns) i'm not sure, bug. snug as a bug in a... uh... well, it's got the same "ug" sound. i know that much. hmm. snug... bug... ug. so, it's something that rhymes with "ug." that's what i need. hmm. okay, frog, so... what's the "ug" word? i can't think of it. maybe a mug of hot chocolate will help me remember.
12:05 pm
yeah, maybe... what?! w-w-what did you say? i said maybe a mug of... that's it-- mug! yes. you're right. "mug" rhymes with "bug" and "snug." snug as a bug in a mug. (laughing) let's find out. mmm... ug. (clinking) kids: mug! mug? well? umm... i don't feel very snug in this mug. it's cold and-and hard. (sighs) nope. that's not it. (yawns) well maybe bear will remember that "ug" word. narrator: like everyone else in word world,
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bear was sleeping. (snoring softly) bear? (snoring softly) (gasps) she's asleep. yup. you're right, frog. she's asleep. hey! oh-ho-ho, but look she forgot to turn off the light. frog: bug, no! that's her night-light. ah! who turned out the light? whoopsie-daisy. frog? bug? what are you two doing here? well, the thing is frog couldn't sleep, so we decided to play a game of tag and he was sleepy, but i wasn't so here we are. uh... huh? uh... bug, let me explain. bear, have you ever heard the rhyme, "snug as a bug in a..." ? in a... um... in a... and don't say "mug." we already tried that.
12:07 pm
uh... (gasps) in a hug! yeah! snug as a bug in a hug. yeah. like a bear hug. "hug" definitely rhymes with "ug." that might be right! well, let's find out. what? bear hug! (bug choking) are you snug yet? (muffled): not... really. huh? (gasps) oops. sorry, bug. (blowing air) (sighing): phew. thanks, bear but your hugs are a little too snug for me. let's go, frog. (frog snoring and croaking) (horn blowing) (yelps) oh. right. (yawns and croaks) night, bear. good night, guys. good luck. narrator: off they went to the barn, where pig was sound asleep.
12:08 pm
or was he? (snores, hums and oinks) uh-huh. he's cooking. yeah, and sleeping. look at him. he is cooking in his sleep. i always thought he might. (humming) (oinks) he's making pancakes. (oinks) uh-huh. mm-hmm. bug: well, i guess we're not gonna find any "ug" words here. (snores) frog: uh-oh. that jug of maple syrup is gonna spill. yeah, it's going to... "jug"? wait a minute. jug! that's... an "ug" word! an "ug" word! (snoring) frog: juh... ug. oink, oink, oink, oink. bug: jug! snug as a bug in a jug. that could be right! (yawns and croaks)
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that jug looks pretty snug to me. gangway! (laughing) (grunting) uh, frog? frog! a little help! uh... pig! whoa, pig, wake up! pig! frog, help! (bug yelling) bug! (jug shatters) (gobbling) mmm... (snoring) (yelling) hmm? bug! hmm. frog! (sheep squeaks) (bug yelps) (stammering): oh, my. what is that? uh, it's just me-- bug. (giggling): oh, hi, bug, i... (high-pitched giggling) oh... that tickles. oh, sheep, have you seen bug?
12:10 pm
stop! stop! (laughing) you found my tickle spot. huh? (sighs) oh, it's okay now. he moved. who? bug. where is he? in there. hiya, frog. bug! oh, it's no use. we're never going to find a word that rhymes with "ug." let's just go home. you know what, frog? i-i might just stay here. sheep's wool is comfy cozy. (chuckling): it's sort of like, um... a rug. well, thank you, i appreciate the compliment, but actually... wait, did you just say "rug"? that's it. snug as a bug in a rug! i need a rug! i've got just the letters at home. let's go. uh... uh...
12:11 pm
what just happened here? narrator: so frog and bug rushed back to frog's log. (music playing) okay, ready? it's time to... both: build a word. ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ ♪ let's build it, let's build it now. ♪ frog: rrr... bug: ug. kids: rug! both: ♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ ♪ we built it, we built it. ♪ here you go, bug. (sighs deeply) how's the rug, bug? pretty snug? (chuckles) i'm snug as a bug in a rug. (yawns)
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thanks, frog. narrator: so with his friend finally snug as a bug in a rug frog went off to sleep himself and he slept like a frog in a log. the end. kids: pig. (pig laughs) hi, there. come join me and my best buddy... ant. (chuckles) come with us to the... both: playground. ♪ ant, oh, ant, oh, a-n-t ♪ ♪ you're a great big friend to me ♪ ♪ pig, oh, pig, you're my friend, too ♪ ♪ i really like to play with you ♪ both: ♪ when good friends want to say "i like you" ♪ ♪ they play in the playground ♪ ♪ that's what they do ♪ ♪ let's ride the seesaw ♪ ♪ pig, oh, pig ♪ (grunting) ♪ but i'm so small and you're so big ♪ ♪ i'm always up and you're always down ♪
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♪ let's find something else in the playground ♪ both: ♪ when good friends want to say "i like you" ♪ ♪ they play in the playground ♪ ♪ that's what they do ♪ ♪ let's ride the swings yeah, ant, oh, ant ♪ ♪ i'll try to push you but i can't ♪ ♪ i'm just too small to reach that high ♪ ♪ we'll find something else we both can try ♪ that's a good idea. ♪ let's ride the rocket ride it fast ♪ hee-hee! ♪ too fast, too fast ♪ ♪ i just can't last ♪ ♪ oh... pig, oh, pig, it's not my day ♪ ♪ there has to be something we both can play. ♪ there doesn't seem to be anything we can ride together, pig. oh, don't worry, ant. we'll find something that we can both use. yeah, something that has steps so that i can reach the top of it. and something we can swoosh down together. hmm. "s."
12:14 pm
"l." (sounding out): sl... i know what we need. (giggling): so do i. come on, ant, let's... both: build a word. ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ ♪ let's build it, let's build it now. ♪ (sounding out): sl... (sounding out): ...ide. kids: slide! both: ♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ ♪ we built it, we built it. ♪ (giggling): ready? one, two, three. both: slide. (both laughing) sweet! let's do it again. (both laughing) both: slide! (pants, barks) kid: word world! kids: word world! ♪ welcome to the place where words come alive ♪ kid: let's build a word. kids: word world!
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kid: word world. kids: ♪ jump to the beat ♪ ♪ clap your hands in the air ♪ let's build a word. word world! kid: word world. ♪ we've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ they hold our world together ♪ ♪ with dog ♪ ♪ and sheep ♪ ♪ and duck ♪ ♪ and pig ♪ ♪ there's always a surprise! ♪ (barks) kids: word world! (croaks) (whimpers) (giggles) ♪ welcome to our world ♪ word world! ♪ word world ♪ word world! ♪ it's a beautiful world ♪ ♪ word world. ♪ yay! kids: nightlight! narrator: it was the end of another beautiful day in word world, and as the sky grew dark
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the wordfriends settled in to go to sleep for the n... i... g... h... t. kids: night. narrator: that's right. night. frog was brushing his tongue. bug was fluffing his rug. ha, yeah, ha. (yawns) narrator: sheep was putting her wool up in curlers. dog was finding that perfect spot to sleep in. (grunting) (sighs) and bear was... what are you doing, bear? it's nighttime, time to turn off the lights and go to bed. i'm working on my sculpture. oh. narrator: uh, bear, what are you
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doing? turning on the lights. narrator: well, isn't it time for bed, bear? oh, who could sleep with all these lights on? narrator: well, exactly. so why don't you turn off your lights so you can... oh, no, i need my lights. narrator: bear, are you afraid of the dark? uh... oh, no. i'm a bear, after all. bears aren't afraid of the dark. (laughs nervously) narrator: bear? (sighs) well, just a little bit, but don't tell anyone. narrator: okay, your secret is safe with me. thanks. narrator: hmm. it seemed bear was not quite... ready to go to sleep but she didn't realize that she was stopping the others from sleeping, too. (distant pounding, frog groans) (croaks)
12:18 pm
what is that noise? (pounding continues) (muttering) (silence) (sighs) (pounding resumes) (grunting): oh... how is a frog supposed to get any sleep around here? (buzzing) frog? what is it, bug? aw, i was wondering if that noise was keeping you awake, too. yes. in fact, it is. what is that terrible sound? i was hoping you'd know. well, i'm going to get to the bottom of this. a frog has to have his sleep. otherwise, i get all... (croaks) croaky. i know. narrator: frog and bug soon found they weren't the only wordfriends who couldn't sleep that night. go long, dog, go long.
12:19 pm
(barks) (howls "uh-oh") sheep, dog. (howls "hello") sheep? sheep! (stammering): oh, uh, hi, frog. hi, bug. w-what are you doing out here in the middle of the night? (banging loudly) well, uh, you know i don't mean to complain, but that noise is just too loud for me to sleep, even with the wool in my ears. (banging loudly) oh, dear. (whimpering) (moans) (banging loudly, dog barks) (dog growls, sheep stammers) dog? don't worry, sheep, we'll get to the bottom of this. follow me. so the friends headed out to find where the noise was coming from. which wasn't too hard to do. frog: bear! (dog panting) (licking sound)
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(laughs) huh? hey! oh, hi, guys. what are you doing up? pardon my saying so, bear but i think the question is: what are you doing up? me? oh, uh, just working on this sculpture. oh, yeah, it's coming along nicely, bear. but, uh, could you possibly work on it tomorrow? well, i don't know. i'm just not tired. (yawns) well, bear, uh we would be happy to try to help you fall asleep. oh, no. no, no, no, no. i couldn't ask you to do that. oh, believe me, bear we want to. (laughs) (croaks) bug, i think we're gonna need the help of some of your friends. narrator: frog had a few ideas about how to get bear to go to sleep. they tried playing a lullaby. ♪ close your eyes, it's late ♪
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12:22 pm
it seemed that nothing would get bear to go to sleep. what are we gonna do, frog? this bear's not getting sleepy. and everyone needs sleep. yeah, especially us. you're right. hmm? what could be keeping bear awake? oh, light... pretty. (buzzing) that's it! i've got it. what is it, frog? bear can't fall asleep because it's too bright out here. she has too many lights on. uh, no, no, uh-uh. no, the, the lights are just fine. nothing's wrong with my lights. but bear, you need it to be dark when you sleep. and besides the night is so beautiful. (howling)
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come on, bear, come and look at the night with us. no! no, i'm, i'm fine right here. what's the matter, bear? i mean, it's not like you're scared of the dark or something, hmm? who, me? scared? (laughs) no, of course not. come on. let's go. sheep: what's the matter, bear? what is it? i'll be right back. there. i just need to bring my l-i-g-h-t. kids: light! yes, light! (sighs) okay, let's go. so they all went out to look at the night. wow. frog: yeah, wow. frog: n-i-g-h-t.
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night. ah. and such a pretty night at that. i mean don't you think, bear? bear? what? uh, huh? oh, yeah. pretty, very pretty. can we go back now? pardon me, bear, but are you afraid of the dark? (both gasp) yes! yes, i am! i'm afraid of the dark! big ol' bear is afraid of the dark. go ahead, go ahead. go on and laugh. i would never laugh about that, bear. i used to be scared of the dark, too. you were? me, too. really? you, too? uh-huh. uh-huh. i still am. you know, a little. wh-what do you do about it? well, i try to remember that the night is really not that different from the day. it's only, well, darker.
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yeah, that's the problem. it has to be dark for me to sleep, but when it's dark i get scared and i don't want to sleep. so that's why you need the light at night. light... night... night, light! i might know how to make the dark less scary for you, bear. you do? i think i get it. sometimes when you put two words together you can make a whole new word. that's right. so get ready. it's time to... all: build a word! (funky dance music playing) ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ ♪ let's build it, let's build it now. ♪ frog: night. bear: light. kids: nightlight!
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♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ ♪ we built it, we built it! ♪ wow! i get it! night... light. when you put them together you get "nightlight." oh, just enough light so i won't get scared of the dark. but not so much that you can't sleep. narrator: good night, wordfriends. (dog howls) and everyone had sweet dreams, especially bear. the end. announcer: come join the wordfriends for more wordplay adventures at hi there. dash here!
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i've got a great dancing game for you at let's dance along. ♪ come on, it's time to dance ♪ ♪ get on your feet and dance ♪ ♪ it's a dance party ♪ ♪ dance, dance party ♪ ♪ it's a dance party ♪ ♪ dash's dance party ♪ are you ready? now dance along to my song! ♪ clap on my count 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 ♪ ♪ wave on my count, 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6 ♪ ♪ shake on my count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ♪ ♪ stomp on my count 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 ♪ ♪ now wave good-bye 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 ♪ bye-bye! you can keep on dancing with your favorite pbs kids friends on the computer at thanks for dancing! got to dash! ♪ dash's dance party ♪
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