tv Eyewitness News CBS February 2, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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bye-bye, kids. - ( kids clamoring ) - here ya go. bye, gina. bye, george. bye. bye, arthur. it were a lovely cut of meat as usual. aye. little tip, lass. give it a bit longer next time, eh? uh, safe journey home, dad. bye, son. i'll look out a nice ground roast for next week. last week, he said i'd overdone it. lenny, look what you've done! i'm scalded, you pig. that's where she lives, frankie.
6:03 pm
very well. i shall be there. oh, these are marvelous. come and see what joe rawlins has brought me. - my beans. - what? taken this afternoon after that last drop of rain. that was the police department. requesting my services urgently on a matter they can't unravel themselves. you're not going now, are you? i was about to suggest we went over to have a look at these, and then, on for a celebration supper. oh, where were you plannin' to take us? anywhere you fancy. i've been stuck around here for a week now. that new lebanese place we found on the mat.
6:04 pm
oh, that's a very nice thought, robert. but detective chief inspector adams requires me tonight. there's some cod in the fridge... which geoffrey will cook when he gets back from his driving lesson. if he gets back. this won't take long. ( phone rings ) wainthropp detective agency. derek! hello, son. it sounds as if you were in the next room. where you speakin' from? it's the duffield estate addersleigh. oh, geoffrey should help us then. he comes from addersleigh. they're decent folk up there. just lately, there's been a spate of mischief. as you know, mrs. wainthropp, we like to tread softly in these kinds of places. we get better results. which is why i've thought to call you in. to do a job which might be right up your street.
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well, you know my terms of reference, chief inspector. no sex scandals, no divorce no drug running, and no industrial espionage. how's your needlework? you're drowning those chips. - would you... - ohh! just sit down, mr. wainthropp. don't agitate yourself. i have done this before, ya know. it would have been easier to go out and buy this lot ready wrapped. we got any vinegar? in the cupboard up here, same place it always is. this phone call from derek, mr. wainthropp. yeah, wait till i tell his mother. that'll teach her to go off on police duty. it's to do with his promotion with his computer firm. they want him to go off on a business studies course and he thought he might do it in manchester. will his wife be comin'? i hope not. no, no, no. i think this will just be a solo visit. bit of home comfort while he's studying.
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i have to send him details. so he'll be wantin' his room back. it'll only be for two or three months. and let me tell hetty about it. we don't want her getting all over-excited. those peas are burning. take 'em off! last night, one of the residents had her car burned out in front of her house. maureen o'callaghan. a district nurse. she's well-liked. she's not one to stand any nonsense. the prime suspect is a lad called lenny thornber. nineteen years old. the police have had him in, but nobody young or old will volunteer evidence against him. bye, mum. robert: what does adams want you to do? break down the wall of silence was how he phrased it. i'll use me wits. find out what's behind lenny; why he's behavin' like this. and find someone who has the courage
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to speak out against him. i'm to pose as maureen's sister. nurse o'callaghan? is she irish? well, i should think so. why? if she is, you'll have to do the accent. that'll be the least of my worries. i'm to join some quilt-making enterprise and get the women talking. haven't done any stitching in years. but i suppose it's like riding a bicycle. or falling off one. seems to me they're asking you to do their dirty work. you shouldn't mess with the lennies of this world, love. say you won't do it. of course i'll do it. - hetty! - i'm sorry, robert. but this is the first time the police have actually offered me a job themselves. and i'll have geoffrey to mind me. he's goin' as me son. ah. yes. now, talking of sons we had a phone call from our derek tonight. what?! why didn't you say so?
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- calm down. - something's happened. calm down. it was 4:15 in the morning... 4:15?! and you've never told me? he was coming back from a party. it was gloria's birthday party. will you get into bed and i'll tell you all about it! hetty! it's number two, was it? there's number four. me mind's not fully on this, geoffrey. you'll have to help me through. don't worry, mrs. wainthropp. i'm right beside you. and just think you can get into practice having a son again. come on. me auntie beryl lived up the top there. she wasn't really me auntie. she just used to help out when me mum was a bit worse for wear. oh, and i remember a girl when i was 14 who lived... i hope nobody remembers you, geoffrey.
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number two. i think we've arrived, geoffrey. hello, love! what a lovely surprise! - oh, and jeremy! - it's geoffrey. hello, shirley. - oh, hello, maureen. - this is my sister-in-law. from ireland. she's over on a visit. come inside, both of you. chilly for the time of year, isn't it? i'm sorry about that demonstration at the door. thought i'd better make it look right. shall i be meeting my brother? only i ought to know his name. it's robert. but he's had to stop at home. he's had a bit of an accident. he fell over his wheelbarrow, and he's broken his collarbone.
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oh, that can be very painful. it is. milk and sugar, love? well, begorrah you should've remembered. well, you'd better be sure of what you're saying, dad, because i am sure. it's been on me conscience. what did he nick, radio? worse than that. he gutted the car. gutted. yeah, they think it were petrol in a drinks can. it burnt the whole thing out. oh, my god. look, would you know him for certain? i would. i, uh... i'll ring police. hang on. it's a bit late for that, dad. aye. happen you're right. let me think on it. maureen's car. - he saw who did it. - now listen. we're not messin' with that young
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devil. we put our family first, right, shirley? last month i had a break-in. he came in the back, and swiped my microwave, a kettle, the toaster, and my best tea towels. you knew it was lenny? i do. a neighbor saw him stashin' it in his van. what sort of van? plain, white. he uses it to do odd jobs for people. removing stuff from houses. just that. you trust him round here? i think he goes farther afield for his day job. he sometimes has a young lad with him. frank starling. he's a waster. and a girl trisha grice. i brought her into the world for my sins. this break-in, maureen you called the police? i did not. i went straight round to his house. i said, lenny, give me back what you took, and we'll say no more this time. right out i said it, in front of his father. he's a funny fish. - a criminal? - no. christian. used to be a welder in burnley. and what did his father say when
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you accused his son outright? he just gazed at him geoffrey with a silent look. the lad didn't flinch. he denied everything. i told him, i've marked you down, my lad. i'll be watchin' your every move from now on. and then, i turned on my heel and left. and have you been watchin' him? of course i haven't. how could i? i have my job to do. i just wanted to make him tremble. excuse me, mum. auntie. the quilt class-- i think i'd stick out a bit. and i need to find some reason for being seen around here. don't suppose you have a car, have you, geoffrey? no. i'm workin' on it. they've given me this old banger from the medical center, but i can hardly get it out of second gear. can you put up a shed? a shed? you mean a garden shed? yeah, definitely. no problem. what'll you do with yourself while i'm at the quilt? well, i'll just scout around to make a few contacts, you know.
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- nothing silly. - me? never. i'll pick you up back here at what time? - 8:30? - 8:30? yeah. watch it. this is what we're aspiring to. my word. done by the local art school for us. and, uh... this is as far as we've got. it's coming along nicely. well, we're supposed to auction it in a fortnight for save the children. just can't find it, mum. where did you lose it? come on, you must remember. if i remembered, i'd go and find it wouldn't i? was it at school or on your way home? where have you been these past three hours anyway? your tea is ruined. he's lost his key. here. take mine.
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but you better be in when i get back or i won't get in, will i? go on. off you go. hello, david love. how you doing? all right? school? - it's okay, thanks. - good lad. - hello, david. - hello. they say he's bright as a new pound coin at school. when he wants to be. he spends most of his time dreamin'. well, he'll be a poet then. or a politician. evening, ladies. all here, are we? i hope so. we've a mountain to climb tonight. hello, sandra. and where were you last week? got waylaid. claire, this is my sister-in-law, hetty. she's come all the way from ireland to give us a helping hand. - how do you do? - welcome, love. you've done applique have you? oh, well, sure, i have in the past. come with me. what do you fancy? well... some puffy cloud and a chimney up here.
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hey, david. where were you sunday afternoon? football on tv. oh, yeah? who were playin'? spurs. man u. we missed that. crackin' match were it? sparks flew? we saw a fire. saw 'em put it out, didn't we, lenny? engines, the lot. did you see it david? no, i were home, i told ya. no place like home, eh, frank? you what? is that where you're goin' now? nobody there. empty. even the goldfish drowned. me tea's ready. you hear that, frank? his tea's ready. - tea? - way past tea time. i think you should come with us. what for?
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we wanna talk to you, david. - come on. - where we goin'? don't know yet do we, frank? nope. yes. you have done this before? i used to help my grandmother. i shall speed up. of course you will. don't worry, love. you stick with me. which house? that one there. oh, right. you can't do that. you might kill someone. no, we won't. the house is empty isn't it, frank? yeah. she's in hospital, is mrs. sheron. it's all right.
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time's our enemy, remember. shall we see you at our extra class on thursday? - yes, definitely. - marvelous. give her a hand, maureen. fancy a drink, karen? oh, heck why not? ( sirens wailing in distance ) - good night, love. - night. sorry i'm late, love. i've been to the pub. are you all right? what's happened? nothin'. robert, i don't know. but we'll be getting a lift home. inspector adams is with us. we're all in one piece so don't worry. oh, go to bed. how is mrs. sheron? she'll pull through. she only got out of hospital this morning. they thought i done it even though it was me raised the alarm.
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it was reasonable for them to wonder what you were doing there. police work is what he was doing there. - and he spotted the van. - yes. and they pulled it in, mrs. wainthropp. unfortunately, since he couldn't identify the miscreants they weren't able to hold them. hetty: so they pulled him over and let him go. what does that do for him? another little triumph? or is he thinkin' who was there? who shopped him? what makes him tick, geoffrey? he's not into serious thievin'. it's something else. if i could just get into his gang and get involved. then we could nail him. he's not got a gang. not to speak of. at least i learned that at the stitchin'. that's where he's so clever. it's some sort of control over people is what he's after.
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come on, let's get moving. you can count me in now. this has turned out just as i feared. oh, robert. you're not going back there alone no matter how enticing it is working with adams. i'm going with you. and how will that help us? haven't we got a shed to build? oh. yes. right. well, you will be needing my toolbox. oh, thanks mr. wainthropp. just what i do need, actually. make sure you take good care of it. i will. i shan't let it out of my sight. i promise. that's very good of you, robert. we'll do our best not to be late. "and ensure that they are standing equidistant." everything in hand geoffrey?
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and i'll take it over there with my son. oh. i'll bring it over. what are you doin' here? it were rainin', and i thought, dinnertime. well, i'm here for a different reason. just follow my lead best as you can. right? right, mrs. wainthropp. sorry. mum. - right, mum. - oh, yeah. i can see the likeness. you must be maureen's nephew then. yes, i am. he's buildin' a garden shed for her. i am, but the weather's turned against me. she's a dark horse. we thought all she had was a cousin in oldham. how's your lad? did he get home safe last night? oh, yeah. silly monkey. well, there's a relief. because from what my sister tells me things aren't too rosy on the estate
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just now. aye, we're very worried for our auntie maureen aren't we, mum? i know. her car. that was dreadful. and poor mrs. sheron last night. did you hear? mm. someone's just told me. well, sure, it's the elderly we have to think about. and women on their own. and young lads your david's age i should imagine. it's been bad these past two months. we had the helicopters out last week. trying to pick out a white van? oh, maureen knows who burned her car but she can't prove it. and others are too frightened to talk. do you know this lenny thornber? by sight, yeah but not to speak to. does david? i don't know. i'd have to ask him. i'd like to get my hands on him. nobody messes with my auntie maureen. she saw my husband through his illness. he died of cancer at christmas.
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how's david coping? oh, he's the brave one. man of the house is my david. sorry. i have to go. it was david i saw in the quilt class with the number ten on his back. shouldn't we have told his mother or inspector adams even? neither at the moment. from what you described, he was running away from them. we don't want his mother upset more than she needs to be. oh, hello, shirley. my son geoffrey. he's doing some construction work in maureen's garden. - oh. hello, geoffrey. - hello. oh, this extra class for the quilt tomorrow - shall you be goin'? - if i can, yes. oh, i did enjoy myself. my goodness, how they work those poor children
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in the mills. it's easy to pretend it never happened. we get so careless with the past. i can't remember what took place two days ago half the time. can you? unless it's an upset like my sister's car going up in flames in broad daylight on a lovely spring evening. just here, was it, or further down? uh, no, it was there. it's a pity you weren't doin' what you're doin' now. you could surely have prevented it happening. yes. if you'll excuse me. indoors at the time, were you? - what do you mean by that? - i'm sorry. i didn't see anything, if that's what you're implying. none of us did. well, i didn't suggest that you did, shirley. what's goin' on around here has nothing to do with us. nothing. now if you'll excuse me i have to collect the children from school. excuse me.
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she knows something. she's covering up. and it's too early for school collecting. - no! - my dad had one of them. he got it up easy. oh, hey, oi. uh... helped him did ya? yeah. shouldn't you be in school? i'm off sick. right. you better come help me then. come on. hey, what's that bolton wanderers? - yeah. what's yours? - man u. our number ten's better than your number ten. never. - what's your name? - david. mine's geoff. hey, do you know my auntie maureen? your mum works at the bakery, doesn't she? just been up there. good pasties. they're all right.
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sorry to hear about your dad, david. that's rotten, that is. is your mum copin'? - with your help, eh? - yeah. all right, come on. get hold of that. we'll just try and stick it... - oh. - all right, love? something wrong? no. no, nothing. there's a lad in maureen's garden. he's with that little david. tryin' to build a shed or something. that's right. that's maureen's nephew. oh. they're makin' a right hash of it. we'll need the hammer. right. whoa! - that were your fault. - what did i do? you let go of that. you told me to for the hammer. - i said we'll need it... - okay, all right. just grab that.
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have you got a dad? yeah, but he's hurt at the moment. otherwise he'd be here helping us fix this. he's never a rogue mrs. wainthropp. i'll swear on my life. did you talk about lenny? a couple of times, but he didn't really respond. which supports my theory that he was taken along for the ride last night, against his will. if i could put in my two penny worth what was he doing in maureen's garden? was that just coincidence? no. if mrs. wainthropp's right, he was just plucking up courage to tell us something. we must keep him in our sights. is this all derek's stuff to do with the business course? you should've got this posted. how can i get it posted? it's gotta be addressed and a covering letter written. what am i supposed to do use my left hand? i'm sorry, robert. i'm very sorry.
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what do i have to do? leaving aside the matter in hand our lodger is worried about his place in the household. i can see that for meself, robert. we haven't got room for both of them. i wonder if the outhwaites would put somebody up. but who? well, it'd have to be... i don't know. what do you think? don't ask me. they're both our sons now. we'll discuss this when this case is over. i've not had time to answer all your questions but there's no form on mr. thornber. he was a welder, now unemployed. got an alsatian called betsy.
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