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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  February 8, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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storm is hitting the northeast. just missing maryland. powerful winds are slamming the state now. this is what it looked like at logan and boston a few hours ago. crews are trying to keep up with the snowfall. in connecticut, the snow is beginning to accumulate on sidewalks. people are being warned to stay inside and off the roads. here's a live picture from boston. the snow is falling heavy and steady. wjz is live with complete coverage. marley hall is in connecticut, where a state of emergency has been declaredded. christie ileto has more. first, meteorologist tim williams and bob turk are tracking the storm on first warning live doppler radar. and it's a very, very impressive-looking storm. really, it's a strong northeaster. very deep low pressure. sitting out with very warm water out in the atlantic. and that's helping to it to -- it to really grow. you can see heavy bands of rain and snow now, moving over portions of inland, connecticut. and around the new york area. we have a little rain moving through.
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that's pretty much all we're going to see. maybe a snow shower moving into our region later on tonight. the main impact will be primarily wind and a little snow out there in garrett county. northern maryland. yes, we'll probably see wind gusts tonight and tomorrow. over 30 miles per hour. that's the main impact. temperature-wise. still quite mild. 41. 42 in ocean city. getting colder. there will be snow breaking out in oakland and garrett county. and frostburg west, later on tonight. maybe a fau snow showers. the northeast, boy, they're really going to get hammered. tim has a look at the real impacts coming up later tonight and tomorrow. >> we're talking about a storm of historic proportions because of the amount. they get heavy storms up there. but not quite to this magnitude. what we're looking at here is rain. temperatures will stay warm. but mild, i'll say, 41 degrees,
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when this storm was rolling up the eastern sea board. and now that the moisture has passed us. it's timing, with all the colder air. that's going to mean roughly 24 to 36 inches, up near boston, in about a foot up near new york city. it's going to mean significant delays. of course, this storm is intensifying as it is moving up. we have rain from ocean city, to cecil county. except for just a few showers. could present flurries before the night is out. we'll have more on the storm and how it may impact the rest of the week coming up. now, back inside. blizzard warnings are in effect from new york city and maine. first warning weather coverage continues with marley hall, who has the latest from harford county, connecticut. the icy sleet that pelted new york city this afternoon, is turning into a full-blown snowstorm this evening. by tomorrow, manhattan could be buried under a foot of snow. >> if it gets crazy, stay in.
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if not, you know, keep on moving. that's now new york is. >> reporter: a satellite photo shows the nor'easter colliding with another storm from the northwest. creating a winter double-whammy for the northeast. they are preparing for hurricane force winds and storm surges. residents in harford, connecticut, started clearing the first few inches of snow this afternoon. they're expecting two feet. connecticut's governor declared a state of emergency. >> do yourself and the state a favor. then stay off the highways. >> some gas stations in connecticut ran out of fuel as people prepared for the storm. here in harford, people are filling gas cans to run their generators, in case the power goes out. >> ed hernandez fueled up his power truck today. he fueled up for other generators yesterday. >> right now, i'm looking at 60, plus 100 yesterday. parts of massachusetts, including boston, could get 3 feet of snow. >> we expect up to 2 to 3
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inches of accumulation per hour, making for extremely dangerous conditions. >> in maine, the stormy weather caused a 19-car pileup, with no serious injuries. >> reporter: amtrak trains stopped running north of new york city today. many airports across new england are shut down. and thousands of flights are canceled. in harford, connecticut, marley hall, wjz eyewitness news. >> and many schools across new england were closed today to let students out early. >> wjz's complete coverage continues. maryland travelers are feeling the wrath of this super snowstorm. complete first warning weather coverage continues now, live at penn station. christie ileto explains the snow is halting air and ground travel. christie? >> well, it may not be snowing here in maryland, but travelers are being stopped in their tracks because of the blizzard- like conditions, happening miles away. >> reporter: while new england braces for snowstorm nemo,
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maryland travelers are trying to dodge it. >> right now, i'm just keeping my fingers crossed. i have a feeling i might be spending the night in cincinnati. >> reporter: blizzard conditions are bringing travel in the northeast to a halt. >> i just talked to my dad. >> reporter: hoping it won't keep her from getting home to buffalo, new york. >> i just checked now. so far, it's moving on time. >> i moved my flight up. and the second one is delayed. >> reporter: while bwi couldn't tell us just how many flights have been canceled so far, we do know that airlines started making those cancellations as early as friday, midday. >> the airlines, particularly these days, really cancel flights ahead of storms. >> reporter: by midday friday, bwi marshall had canceled 43 incoming flights and 43 outgoing flights to the northeast. more than 30 had been delayed. >> originally headed to stanford. can't get to stanford. so i'm going to new york. >> reporter: and frustrations are mounting because travel by train isn't any easier. >> all the trains are not going
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past new york as of 10:00 this morning. >> but it was for marcella. she left ightdica at the crack of down, barely making it out before the storm hit. >> reporter: and if you are headed out of town, in the direction of new england, assume that you could have trouble and consider all of your options. reporting live, christie ileto, wjz eyewitness news. >> wjz is always on. for weather watches and warnings, and your updated first warning forecast. log onto any time. wjz following breaking news from northwest baltimore. investigators are on the scene of a deadly house fire. it happened in the 5700 block of highgate road. firefighters say it started about 2:30 this afternoon. smoke was coming from the first floor of the home. a woman was found unconscious inside. and we are now told that she has died. there is no word on a cause. if there were any smoke detectors inside that house. we'll continue to follow that
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story. well, the 15-year-old accused of shooting a classmate at perry hall high school last year will be tried as an adult. wjz is live at circuit court in towson. investigator mike hellgren has new details in this case. >> that includes chilling confessions he made at the scene. being tried as an adult is a huge loss for his defense. >> 15-year-old robert gladden will be charged as an adult. on the first day of school last august. >> sending the campus into chaos. and injuring classmate daniel borowy, who was shot but survived. >> it's a mother's worst nightmare. it's horrifying. >> it included chilling new comments gladden made after the shooting. he wished he was a student at sandy hook elementary, where
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more than two dozen people were killed last december. the judge also learned gladden was sending letters to notorious mass murderer, charles manson. a big issue will be whether any of gladden's statements to police at the scene are at trial. they did not read him his miranda rights? >> one officer said gladden told him, can i get the death penalty for this? i wanted to kill him. i wanted to commit suicide. he told another officer, he warned two of his friends before the shooting to get out of the cafeteria, and get anyone out you care about because people are going to get hurt. gladden's facebook page also displayed warning signs. he wrote, first day of school, last day of my life. and called the columbine shooters, eric harris and dylan klebold, inspirational. his lawyer says he isn't evil and he just needs comprehensive care. he now faces life in an adult prison. in court today. gladden still had his long
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hair. he was drawing on a legal pad, drawing much of the testimony from several police witnesses. reporting live from towson. mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> and the trial is scheduled to begin later this month. possessed by an evil spirit. that's the reasoning a mother gave for alleged -- killing her daughter. 25-year-old chelsea booth is charged with first- and second- degree murder in the death of her daughter, cassidy. police say they found the little girl's body last night in a pile of trash at the waste transition center in jessop. boost said he of she believed cassidy was possessed by an evil spirit. booth is being held without bail. the ravens' victory brought tens of thousands for m&t bank stadium for a station. an 11-year-old boy is trampled. wjz is live at the stadium. moneek griego has more on the changes the ravens now plan to
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make for future celebrations. monique? >> mary, the problem started when the stadium reached full capacity. thousands of fans were left outside. and many started to rush in. >> as the ravens arrived alt m&t bank stadium for their super bowl celebration, a massive crowd of fans followed. but with the stadium already filled with capacity, thousands were turned away. and many were making desperate and dangerous attempts to get in. >> 11-year-old tyreke hodge became trapped when the crowd suddenly rushed the gate. he told our partners at the baltimore sun what happened next. >> i fell. and they started piling up on me. i couldn't breathe. and then -- i said, mommy help me. i thought i was going to die. >> reporter: but tyreke's mother also couldn't move. >> all i can do is hold his hand at the time, being rushed over piles of people. >> reporter: he was eventually drag toed to safety. the 11-year-old suffered a
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concussion, broken blood vessels in his eye, and several large scrapes. they had expected around 30,000 people. more than 200,000 showed up. >> we did not anticipate the size of that crowd. i don't think the police anticipated the size of that crowd. >> to avoid some of the chaos we saw monday, ravens officials say from now on, they'll hold ticketed events. >> i think that was probably the major potential safety issue. next time we do this, we'll know better. >> hodge still believes more should have been done. >> i understand you can't control the big crowd. i understand that. but it should have been more security than regular people who work at m&t bank. >> reporter: and tyreke is expected to be okay. he is now recovering at home. reporting live at m&t bank stadium. monique griego. >> team officials also say they thought baltimore city police did an extraordinary job of trying to handle that crowd.
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in new orleans, officials finally determined what caused that partial blackout during super bowl. jessica kartalija reports, energy officials are taking the blame for this major mistake. jess? >> reporter: well, kai, ironically, the system was designed to prevent something like this from happening in power outage. but it turned out to be defective itself. >> reporter: seconds into third quarter of the super bowl. >> half the power in new orleans stadium, the super dome here, is out. >> reporter: the super dome's power company, entergy, taking the blame, saying a device, known as a relay in the company's switch gear malfunctioned. cutting power to one of two feeder lines, supplying power to the dome. >> it's important to find the root cause. and it's now been traced back to this relay, this faulty device, inside that switch gear that entergy owns. and i think that can be fixed. >> reporter: the super dome was
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dimly lit for 34 minutes, while crews worked to restore power. >> that means about a 20-minute delay. >> reporter: ravens' head coach, john harbaugh, appearing on david letterman thursday, jokes about the outage. >> i believe you, during the blackout, who are you talking to there? >> that's mike cantsa with the nfl. and what is the issue? >> well, there was a concern about the restaurants after the game. new orleans has a lot of great restaurants, dave. >> they ruled out the cause. ironically, it is due to a $4 million upgrade made before super bowl. >> the device has been repaired for service and new and replacement equipment is being evaluated. we are working with the manufacturer on a recommended course of action. rest a-assured, the super dome is fully functional. >> some city officials in new orleans say they're worried this might blow their possibilities of having another super bowl at the super dome. the nfl says that is not the case. of course, they will consider new orleans once again.
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all right, jess. thank you. the new orleans city council says it still wants the super dome to hire an independent engineer to investigate. still ahead on eyewitness news tonight at 5:00. >> more chances to cast your ballot. i'm pat warren, coming up on eyewitness news. the general assembly considers expanding early voting. i'm mike schuh, at chase elementary. and the kids of this school are getting the thrill of their lives today. super bowl champion tory smith comes for a visit. the story coming up next. i'm ron matz. getting ready for the sweetest night of the year. it's the chocolate affair. the story coming up here on wjz. and here's a live picture from new york city. wjz will continue to update you on this massive snowstorm.
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[ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. [ male announcer ] with over 50 delicious choices of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant ♪
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it's cloudy. 37 degrees in central maryland now. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. several lawmakers are moving ahead on the proposals to expand early voting. political reporter pat warren explains why this has become such anish this year. -- an issue this year. remember these lines? were you in one of them? voting matters. no matter how long the wait. >> this is josh, zach and tyler. and you know, it's important to get out here and show them what this process is about early. >> we are prepared with apples and halloween candy for the kids. they were really good, being patient inside. >> i feel great. i've discharged my civic duty and responsibility of the citizens. >> reporter: each with early record voter turnout, there were long lines on election day. >> i was surprised that at midday, that we had the turnout that we had. >> i think a lot of us wish we had more days for early voting. >> that's what we plan to do.
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>> a number add days and polling places and would allow marylanders to register and vote on the same early day. john cardin dismisses concern that expand voting invites fraud. >> there is essentially very little evidence of people trying to vote twice or vote in two different locations. >> reporter: the o'malley administration also has proposed bills. opponents of early voting argue that the better solution is more machines and better staffing, rather than expanded voting days. i'm pat warren reporting. now back to you. >> and the house ways and means committee heard testimony on one of the bills yesterday. if you're waiting for someone to get home from works, let's check on the roads with kristy breslin at wjz traffic control. hi, kristy. >> hi, kai. hi, everyone. the traffic just a mess out there. top side inner loop, delays from charles street. around to 95. average speed, as you can see by our sensor, only 13 miles
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per hour. west side inner loop, at a crawl there. 295 to liberty road. outer loop, very heavy. beginning at york road to edmondson avenue. still only moving at 30 miles an hour. northbound 95. stop and go there, from caton avenue to whitemarsh boulevard. northbound on the harrisburg expressway. from shawan road to mount carmel. 40 west at angleside. let's take a live look. you can see, heavy traffic on the beltroad. this is brought to you biez bge -- bge smart energy saver's program. $10 off l.e.d. visit bge, smart back to you. >> kristy, thank you. she was talking about running errands this weekend. we'll be able to do it. but neighbors to the northeast? >> if you live in connecticut, rhode island, massachusetts. you can even be stuck in the house for a couple of days, i'm sure. let's take a look at
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temperatures around here. 38 now. just dropped a little bit. humidity is up. winds west/northwest at 12. barometer, still pretty low. but it's rising. we're looking in new york now. that is live. getting a mixture of rain and wet snow. it will become all snow later tonight. they'll see heavy accumulations overnight into tomorrow. with blizzard warnings for that region. thro
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can't see much. >> can't. >> i think the camera froze. that's a mixture of heavy, wet snow. >> looks like on a roadway or something. >> temperatures up there, right around 32 degrees. and currently have a wind gust at 49 miles an hour. that's gale-forced winds. pretty messed up there. let's take a look around here. 38, 32 in oakland. just got to freezing. there will be some accumulations are snow in garrett and western allegheny county tonight. 37 in cumberland. 42 in d.c. dew point comes down a little bit. a bit dryer. and colder air begins to move in. and we'll get down below freezing tonight. if there's any moisture around. most will dry up because we get windy. 40 in bel air. 34 up in westminster.
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maybe snow shower activity later tonight. but we don't expect much in the way of accumulations at all. much of the moisture is just bypassing the region. right now, winds are 14/12. dead calm in hagerstown. beginning to turn more to the west ask northwest. that would indicate the storm is well past us. and the circulation behind it is bringing these in. to our north, winter storm warnings. up toward boston and southern maine right now. from 9:00 tonight. that should be 9:00 tonight. through 6:00 tomorrow morning. we have a winter weather advisory across pennsylvania. wind gust could be maybe 35 to 40 miles an hour. 32 in boston. 20s to the north of us. we'll get cold. once the storm gets past us. as soon as that is over with, mild air moves in for sunday. and next week we'll be around 50 degrees, believe it or not storm this afternoon was off
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the coast this morning. this clipper is moving off to the east. they both combining. that's what will make this more. warm water out here is really feeding. just see that spin right there. heavy rain offshore. snow now, heavy snow across connecticut. north of new york. and much of massachusetts. snowing to the new york- canadian border as you can see. and look at that. just looks like a major nor'easter, which it is. wind gusts now, 49 in boston. 20s and 30s. and they'll get even stronger. cape cod could see a wind gust over 65 to 70 miles an hour. gusts here on the bay tomorrow, at 30 knots, with a gale warning through saturday afternoon. windy later on. maybe a few snow showers and rain showers. 29 overnight. and tomorrow, the sun comes back out. it will be windy. really cold, with a high of only 37. and with the wind, it will make it feel in the 20s tomorrow. so dress appropriately for
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windy, cold, but sunny, dry saturday. >> all right, bob. thank you. still ahead on wjz eyewitness news at 5:00. prepping is over. snow now falling in the northeast. as bob was just talking about. and what could be a historic blizzard. an angry ex-cop, still on the loose. as the massive manhunt moves from los angeles to a california ski town. beyond the textbook. how one education group says schools can boost a number of students interested in science and math courses. i'm gigi barnett. at umbc. that story is next. and here's today's report from wall street. we'll be right back.
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hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ nom, nom, nom. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪
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it's 5:30. 38 degrees and cloudy in central maryland. good evening. thank you for staying with wjz eyewitness news. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. strong winds and lots of snow. that's expected from a massive winter nor'easter. the big apple could see upwards of a foot of snow or more. randall pinkston has more from manhattan with the latest. >> reporter: wet snow and sleet are creating a midday mess in manhattan, as the big apple waits for what could be a foot of snow or more. >> 6 to 10, i think, a pretty good estimate. and then 10 to 15, in and around the city. the city right on that line. >> reporter: new york city
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plows and salt trucks are armed and ready to clear the city's almost 6,000 miles of roads. the storm will also bring higher tides. >> many of the same communities that were inundated by hurricane sandy's tidal surge, just about 100 days ago, are likely to see moderate coastal flooding this evening. >> reporter: many new yorkers are trying to leave work early, hoping to get home before the blizzard arrives. then there are the tourists, stuck at the storm, looking for a good time. >> reporter: doug watkins and his wife flew in from charlotte, income. canceled -- north carolina. canceled flights kept some from joining them. but they've got plans. >> we have tickets for a show tonight. hopefully we'll make it there and back. maybe walk in for snow. >> you think the show is going to go on? >> well, we're hopeful. haven't heard otherwise yet. >> reporter: jeffrey young is here from connecticut. >> we're down here for a show. and we had nonrefundable tickets. so -- >> you're the second person i met who said they're here for a
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show. now, there's supposed to be a blizzard tonight. what are you hearing? is the show going to go on? >> i hope so. the show always goes on, right? >> reporter: even if the theater is closed, the blizzard and the city should put on quite a show of their own. randall pinkston, wjz eyewitness news. >> utility crews across the new york area are also getting in place other anticipating widespread power outages. in massachusetts, there is a traffic ban. pretty much a driving ban. here's a live picture from just outside of boston. the massachusetts traffic ban began about an hour and a half ago. you see a plow out there. that's allowed. it's believed to be the first traffic ban in the state since the blizzard of 1978. saw one car go by. time to go home. first warning weather forecast continues. our team is tracking this snowstorm. meteorologist tim williams and bob turk with the latest on this storm. >> what happened in that last one, the people were trapped and stuck out on the highway
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for several days. there were a lot of fatalities. they want to avoid the issue. that's the smart thing to do. there's very heavy snow headed up to the region as we have been mentioning. heavy band is moving into boston area, connecticut long island. that will continue through the night. we've had a few rain showers moving through. we saw maybe snow showers later on tonight. but our temperatures have been rather mild. we do have late tonight, tomorrow, a wind advisory. winds could pick up as maybe as strong as 40 to 50 miles per hour, in some locations overnight. 37 now. 40 in ocean city. 30 in oakland. 36 up in hagerstown. temperatures are dropping. so we'll have some below frozing temperatures tonight. that's what they're dealing with right now, over must much of new england. tim has a look at the impact they'll be seeing. >> we'll definitely see just a little light rain moving
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through. temperatures are still above freezing. so most of the moisture, all of the cold air that is all merging together to come together with this major storm, is all happening north and northeast of us. 6 to 12 inches of snow up near new york. 12 to 24 inches up near providence, rhode island. upwards to 2 feet to maybe 3 feet of snow, up near boston. as we have been saying, it's going to result in traffic shutdown, significant delays because of flight. training in and out of the northeast. what we'll be dealing with, maybe light snow showers. attaches are now starting to approach freezing. but it's not going to be anything significant or measurable for this area. winds are starting to pick up as you can see. we'll have your complete first warning forecast coming up in a few moments. wjz is always on. for weather watches and warnings, and your updated first warning weather forecast. log onto cbs any time. a manhunt continues in california for a former lapd police officer, accused of murdering three people.
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the frantic search is now centered on a ski resort town, about 80 miles east of los angeles. bigad shabang has the latest for wjz. >> police are checking cars for accused killer christopher dorner. his burned-out pickup truck was found in the big area area thursday. s.w.a.t. teams are reaching snowcaps to reach remote areas. >> about 8 square miles is what we're searching. there's about 200 empty cabins that we're going to check, one by one, using our s.w.a.t. guys. >> reporter: the former lapd officer ask navy reservist is wanted for killing three people. in a rambling manifesto online, dorner declared war on law enforcement. >> i explained to them to be very careful. >> the lapd fired dorner in 2008. he accused a fellow officer of using excessive force in the field. but the department ruled dorner was lying. >> police say dorner's first victims were monica kwan and
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her fiance. she's the daughter of the lapd officer who represented dorner during his disciplinary hearing. authorities are now guarding dozens of potential targets, listed on dorner's manifesto. not certain the 3-year-old suspect is still in the area. and admit the burned-out truck could be there for travel. bigad shaban, wjz eyewitness news. >> two people in torrance are recovering from gunshot wounds after the lapd mistakenly opened fire on a truck similar to dorner's. two cumberland volunteer firefighters are facing arson charges. kevin van meter and zachary plumber have been charged with arson and malicious burning. the men meabl involved in at least three others. both men posted bond. in tonight's wjz school watch, the u.s. lags behind otherries when it comes to
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preparing other students for science, engineering, and math courses, also known as stem. one group of writers believes that more media attention could boost the number of interested students. >> behind every science project is a student with many questions. >> i have a baby cousin. and she has a security blanket that she carries around everywhere. and i noticed she was like sucking on it and sticking it in her mouth. >> reporter: the 9th grader tested that banquet -- blanket and found toxic substances. it's the kind of science project students from maryland showcased today at umbc. all were featured at the national writers education conference. >> we wanted to see, what is really working in the classrooms in local schools and neighboring states? what has kids excited about learning? and we found that really it's the kind of hands-on intensive activities. >> reporter: emily richmond is the spokesman with the group. she says education writers and reporters across the country,
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spent the day examining what attracts students to science, technology and math careers. one way to boost interest among students and parents. >> get it in the news more. and help people understand, particularly taxpayers who may be asked to include a measure. >> teachers say one reason why the u.s. may lag behind other countries when it comes to sim is that they start early, teaching the subjects to younger students. >> if we can provide a wide range of opportunities, from ap courses down to perhaps on-site or school-based experience. to give students more hands-on opportunities and really let them see beyond the taxbooks. >> reporter: and make it a tool for life. i'm gigi barnett, wjz eyewitness news. >> compared to other nations, they ranked 17th. time now for a look at some of the stories you'll find in
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the baltimore sun. a columbia mom is using facebook to gather support for her son, who is a victim of cyber bullying. a local woman got an unexpected gift of tickets to the academy awards. and johns hopkins lacrosse season, opener against sienna. for all of these stories and more, read the baltimore sun. remember to look for the updated forecast, from wjz's first warning weather team. well, they're the most popular people in baltimore these days. this morning, a member of the world champion baltimore ravens, surprises a school full of children. >> when you win the super bowl, everybody wants to stop you, shake your hand, take your picture. the nfl knows this. and they sending out their stars to try to influence children to live healthier lives. this year, under a special program, all of the students at chase elementary, are fed breakfast. >> i have apple juice. milk. and rice crispies. >> friends, just put your book bags and stuff in the coat room. >> reporter: the same is true at miss gray's classroom down
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the hall. >> i'm excited for the kids today. >> are you noticing how she's dressed? >> she has a secret. >> some of her kids are going to find out about it right now. >> what's going on? >> you put spritz on this thing? >> yes. that's the real tory smith. remember that breakfast? that's why smith is here. to talk about milk in your breakfast. but tory pulls out his phone. >> then we flew back. we had everything. all shiny. >> the kids are starstruck. >> and this is the first time they're silent. which is the funny thing for me to see as their p.e. teacher because i know how they are. >> i was just so excited. >> you don't think they'd only share tory smith with these kids, do you?
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>> yes. smith told me afterward that that experience of winning in new orleans and seeing the faces of the fans here in baltimore during the parade is something he and the team would love to feel at least one more time. good luck. i'm like shoe reporting. back to you on tv hill. >> mike, thank you. smith tells wjz, he enjoys days like this, because he remembers what it was like to look up to older athletes near his hometown in virginia. and scream when they walk in a room. >> my goodness. it was so cute. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. turn the spotlight on new artists. the grammy awards are this weekend. and you know, they're overrun by breakout stars. we'll take a look. >> i'm bob turk. the sun returns tomorrow. i'll have the exclusive first warning five-day forecast. here's today's cold, cough and flu report.
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it is one of the most popular events of the winter
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and more. and it is described to help the city's homeless. ron matz reports, saturday night will be the sweetest night of the year. it's paradise for your sweet tooth. 1,000 people are expected at this year's chocolate affair. benefiting healthcare for the homeless. >> reporter: dozens of baltimore's very best restaurants, caterers. folks like canton cold stone, serving up their best to benefit the homeless. >> canlton quoald stone will be there, mixing up their favorite ice cream once again. >> i knew this was something that we almost felt like we had a responsibility as a business in baltimore city to get involved with this great charity. >> reporter: last year's affair raised a quarter million dollars. the money provided services to the homeless. >> we have the odd asity to believe that we can end homelessness. and also by trying to change the public policies that create and maintain homelessness
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faster than we can stop it. >> check this out. it this cold stone's chocolate devotion. >> chocolate ice cream, mixed with chocolate brownies, fudge and chocolate chips. >> the chocolate, you know, ron, has always had medicinal purposes. and it certainly has medicinal purposes saturday night at the healthcare for homeless chocolate affair. >> ron matz, wjz eyewitness news. >> to the very last drop, ron. >> there are just a few tickets left. for information, log onto all right. here is a live look from the boston area. the camera may be frozen up just a little bit. the snow isn't going to let up any time soon. in fact, blizzard warnings are in place for much of the northeast. roads look okay. dicey, though. meteorologist tim williams -- [ inaudible ] >> reporter: well, it's definitely getting colder.
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and the winds are starting to pick up, which is why we have the wind advisory in place, from 9:00 tonight, through 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. temperatures going down to 29 degrees with sun tomorrow. we'll start off just at that mark. then we will go up. stays chilly. goes into the 30s. but the sun will be out. winds will die down. and temperatures will stay pretty moderate into our next chance of rain. which happens at the beginning of the week. for the next five days, we send it in to bob. after tomorrow, it's going to be a mild period. late sunday night into monday. light chances of showers. warms up with a low of 38. 50 on tuesday. sunshine. partly cloudy. a little down on the end of the week there. 46, 32. that's still above average. kai? >> all right, bob. thank you. a young pakistani activist, malala yousufzai is out of the hospital. the 15-year-old underwent surgery to repair her skull and restore her hearing. she was treated at a british
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hospital for nearly four months after she was shot in the head by a taliban gunman. the militant group targeted her for saying girls have a right to an education. u.s. and south korea marines run through military drills in subzero temperatures. it simulated going to war in snowy areas. it was held in a ski town in south korea. u.s. has about 30,000 troops in the country that supports the 650,000 soldiers. neighboring north korea has some $1.2 million troops, mostly stations along the border. the grammy awards are scheduled to be handed out sunday in los angeles. many new artists are up for top award. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> reporter: we are young. that could be the theme of the 55th annual grammy awards. >> it's been an incredible year in music. feels like alternative music is back. >> reporter: this year, the spotlight isn't on veterans
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like springsteen or dylan. it's about black, the keys, mumford and sons or jack and white. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> reporter: they're all nominated for album of the year. and they're all in their 20s or 30s. ♪ [ music ] ♪ this past year, attention was focused on the breakout stars, most notably fun, the power pop trio from new york. and frank ocean, the r&b singer who shot to stardom on his late- night performance with jimmy falon. >> to be in love, someone who could never love you. >> reporter: both ocean and fun are nominated for best new artist, along with country multiinstrumentallist, hayes. >> my first record. debut record. >> reporter: blues rock group, alabama shakes. >> two years ago, what were you guys doing? weren't you guys working at the postal service? >> yes. i was working, delivering postal mail. >> went from sleeping in
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people's friends houses. and then going to, like six people to a hotel room to now, like, grammy nomination. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> i was rocking to it. i love it. jay z is in that song. and look for timberlake's first grammy performance in six years. and a collectioning bruno marx, sting and rihanna. you can see the 55th annual granl awards -- grammy awards here tuesday night. and tomorrow night, at 9:00, make sure to watch the grammys will go on. a death in the family. it is a behind the scenes look at how last year's show, and the extraordinaryert to -- effort to put it together just hours after whitney houston's death. check in for eyewitness news at 6:00. for these stories and more coming up, denise is standing by with a live preview.
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monster snowstorm. a huge nor'easter taking aim at much of the northeast. first warning weather coverage continues at 6:00. and close encounter. an asteroid coming within an eye lash of the earth in just days. should there be concern? we'll have more coming up at 6:00. now, back to kai and mary. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back.
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ravens super bowl season wasn't always a smooth one. critics were around the teen and quarterback joe flacco every turn. more on how the team's front office stayed the course. not just critics but tough critics. ravens owner steve bisciotti made an interesting analogy. he compared to what new york's eli manning went through in the courting of the 2011 season. here we are now, as bisciotti opines that they stay true. he mentioned one of flacco's biggest is on the field.
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pro football's greatest stage, super bowl xlvii. joe proved that you can win, being like joe. and we're thrilled because we never thought we needed to change the way joe was, like some of you all or some of our fans and -- and now, he gets to say, i told you so. >> ravens' management continues his off season discussions this weekend. charged with signing joe to a long-term contract. free agency starts march 12th. coming up at 6:00. are you ready for some baseball? o's report to spring training next week. we'll hear from manager buck showalter on eyewitness news at 6:00. mary? >> okay, stan. thank you. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. a rush of ravens fans at m&t bank stadium, for a super bowl celebration, leads to an 11-year-old boy being trampled. i'm monique griego. coming up, the
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coming up right now on wjz eyewitness news. a perfect storm. a massive nor'easter, taking aim at the northeast. some places could get feet of snow or more. the first warning weather team is tracking it. critical decision. i'm mike hellgren in towson, where a judge decided the accused perry hall shooter will be tried as a juvenile or adult. parade danger.
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a young boy, trampled during the ravens super bowl celebration. the changes the team is making. and we'll look at the weather situation here in our area. fight the first warning weather team is tracking that. that's right. check these stories and all the day's breaking news. >> wjz eyewitness news at 6:00 starts now. hello, everybody. i'm denise koch. and i'm vic carter. here's what people are talking about tonight. a monster winter storm. blizzard warnings stretch from new york city to maine here in rhode island, you can see the snow is starting to intensify already. this is the scene in fall river, massachusetts this evening. crews loading up their salt as the storm begins to move


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