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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  February 18, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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filmed in secret. police find evidence a baltimore gynecologist videotaped patients. >> privacy of hundreds of women in question. tonight why we may never have all the answers. >> i am denise koch. >> i am vick carter. >> an abgyn at johns hopkins hospital takes his own life two weeks after he is accused of secretly taping women. we spoke to a patient she is worried she is a victim. megan mccorkell has more. >> reporter: baltimore city police have contacted a few victims but the numbers that
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could potentially come forward could be huge. dr. levy an obgyn at johns hopkins took his own life inside his home. the same house where baltimore city police served a search warrant. they found extensive evidence he videotaped and took photos of patients without their knowledge. she was a patient and received a letter saying he left the fa silty but didn't say why. >> i thought he moved on got promoted. >> reporter: hospital security was alerted february 4th by another staff member he was using personal video equipment to tape his patients. police are trying to determine if others were involved. a spokesperson said the doctor was let go from staff earlier this month. in a statement to wjz they say any invasion of patient privacy is intolerable.
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his behaviour violates john's hopkins code of conduct and privacy policies and against everything johns hopkins medicine stands for. police believe there could be a large number of victims. he saw around 1,000 patients. >> that is a violation. you got some body you are supposed to trust with your body your information which is supposed to be confidential. >> reporter: johns hopkins has launched its own investigation. police are setting up a hotline. anyone who has ever been a patient of the doctors are to call in to see if they have been victimized. megan mccorkell wjz. >> thank you. according to the maryland board of physicians he had an active medical license and no known disciplinary actions against him. >> for the second time in a week a student is murdered in a maryland university. a young man is stabbed during
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home coming weekend. police are offering a reward. derek valcourt is in search of his killer ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> reporter: 21-year-old edmund st. claire made music videos that is how many of his fellow students on the university of maryland, eastern shore campus knew him. his murder saturday night a source of heart break. >> i was surprised, shocked. my prayers go out to his family and friends. >> reporter: it happened after 9:30 p.m. when st. claire his younger brother and a third friend were driving across campus when they encountered a group of at least three other young men. a fight broke out and st. claire was stabbed in the chest. he died in his brothers arms. >> i saw the people too but it was like stay with my brother, or go get them. you know what i am saying so i had to stay with my brother. >> reporter: police say the crime was not random but so far no arrests and with those
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killers on the loose, tensions remain high. >> we believe that is correct this was an isolated incident -- we believe that this was an isolated incident. we are stepping up security to make sure that our students feel they are in a safe environment. >> i am very concerned if it can happen to him it can happen to anybody else. if the person who took his life wasn't scared to do it they could do it to anybody. >> reporter: this will be the focus of a special campus wide meeting tomorrow. in fact the school cancelled classes for one hour so all students, faculty and staff can attend. derek valcourt wjz eyewitness news. the baltimore sun reports state police are looking to the response time of campus police to the scene of the stabbing. why did he kill dozens at sandy hook. some answers he was motivated by violent video games and
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another mass murder. he was obsessed with killing more people, than the norwegian man who murdered 77 in 2011. he apparently chose sandy hook because it presented the easiest target. sources also say he had a number of violent video games which he would spend hours watching in a pitch black room. former aerospace technology president facing federal charges accused of slapping a baby and using a racial slur onboard an airplane because the boy was crying. the mother now worries about the long term effects on her child. >> reporter: when jessica bennett and her 2-year-old adopted son took their seats next to joe hunly their flight got off to a rocky start. >> oh, we are sitting next to you and he just basically rolled his eyes and growled. >> reporter: he allegedly began complaining he was too big to sit on his mothers lap becoming
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more out spoken as the flight continued. >> he was annoyed with his comments, turning my light back on after i would turn it off and constantly saying things to the staff. so i took us out of the situation we stood back by the bathroom. >> reporter: she stood with joe that for 90 minutes returning for the landing. when they sat, jonah began to cry. he became irate. >> he looked at me and said bleep. >> reporter: shocked she questioned him. >> i said what did you say. >> reporter: he then pushed up against her face and repeated himself. when she pushed back he slapped jonah across the face. he is now charged with assault punishable with up to a year in jail. while jonah suffered only a minor scrape his mother worries about long term damage. >> he has suffered effects. >> he worked for an airplane
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parts manufacturer the company said he is no longer employed there. most major airlines do not require a child to have their own seat until they turn 2. we know the source of a fire that lead to the nightmare cruise in the gulf of mexico. the carnival triumph stalled when flames erupted in the engine room. an oil line sprayed fuel on a generator catching fire. 4200 people were stuck without power or working toilets for 5 days before the ship was towed back to port. gas prices are soaring the price at the pump has increased every day for 32 con sec tiff days. some states already averaging more than $4 a gallon. wjz live, kai jackson explains how bad it could get. >> gas prices are notably higher drivers are fuming. the price of gas is burning a
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hole in the wallets of some drivers many are doing a double take as they fill up their tanks. >> i got to pay $60 to fill the tank up. used to be 30 to $50. >> reporter: the the average price is $3.73 a gallon, 43¢ more than the average cost of gas one month ago. triple-a tells i witness news one reason gas prices are higher the price of crude has gone up as well. an opec decision to device production by 1 million-barrels a day reduced supply and demand is down as well. >> investors believe as well oil will continue to rise, that is is further inflating the crude oil prices. >> marcus alan admits it is not cheap to fill up his audi. he said he uses the car for recreation and not every day driving.
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>> we are dependent on oil and fossil fuels, we have to make a change. >> triple-a says based on current trends gas prices could continue, through april but they are not expected to be as high as spring last year. back to you. >> thank you. triple-a says switching to summer fuel blend could reduce prices. 14-year-old joshua campbell walks away with top prize in wjz black history month oratory contest. >> success does not come from our position or social status, but from the journey it took to get there. [ applause ] >> joshua, who beat out 19 others is home schooled by his mother he won $2,300 which he will use to help pay for medical school. >> kai tells me two of the top three finishers were 14 years old. amazing. >> watch out world.
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falling star, shocking new details about the night an olympic hero was charged with killing his model girlfriend. >> frenzied search for pieces of the meteor why millions of dollars could be at stake. brief warm up and rain on the way. complete first warning forecast coming up next
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partly cloudy, 30 degrees. complete first warning weather forecast coming up. smoke could be seen for miles after this recycling
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plant in tampa caught fire. it did not spread to buildings, construction equipment was brought in. workers escaped without injury. the cause is still under investigation. on the eve of his bail hearing disturbing new evidence emerging in the murder challenges. the south african olympic star shot his girlfriend through a bathroom door while she was hiding from him they also say a bloody cricket pat was found in his home -- bat was found in his home. his girlfriend will be buried tomorrow. a memorial service is being planned for mindy mckreedy who died in an apparent suicide. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> investigators say she was found at her vacation home in arkansas with a gunshot to the head. the 37-year-old attempted suicide before and recently left a court ordered drug
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program her boyfriend's suicide -- or death in january is being investigated as a suicide. prince georges county taking aim at gun shows the county cancelled all gun shows because of proposals to change state and weapons laws. they want to see what new gun regulations may pass. martin o'malley,'s gun ban is one of the most controversial items for debate. >> reporter: aurora colorado triggers a call for action. >> we are not doing enough. america, we are not doing enough. >> reporter: new town connecticut the call gets louder. >> these are weapons of war. they belong on our battlefield not on our streets. >> reporter: gun owners strike back, worried their right to own weapons is being attacked.
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>> i don't believe you can truly satisfy the people anti gun until there are none around. >> reporter: they are a part of every day life for tracy and her family. several times a week they practice firing their ar-15 and other guns. >> what do you like about firing the ar-15. >> it is smooth, just fun to shoot. something we do as a family. we shoot together. >> reporter: tracy and other gun enthusiasts are on edge. >> maryland is supposed to be the free state. if this bill passes, maryland will no longer be the free state. >> thousands storm annapolis outraged over governor o'malley's bill, banning awe salt weapons and -- assault weapons and high capacity magazines. >> does it worry you. >> absolutely. i won't have the ability to protect myself and my daughter when we are home by ourselves. >> reporter: passions run just as deep for those who want
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limits. >> what about my rights? i don't have a gun. what about my rights. what about my safety? >> reporter: he admits he hates gunnings that hatred grew deeper, when a mentally disturbed man, shot and killed his son. >> he was 28. been on the force, 18 months. >> reporter: he believes his son would be alive today if the state had tighter controls on guns. >> there is millions of guns in our society, why they are there, it just boggles my mind. >> baltimore county police chief, jim son son pushes thish -- jim johnson pushes the issue to the national spotlight. >> assault weapons and large capacity magazines are not used for hunting. we have seen frequently they are being used for mass murder. >> gun enthusiests argue they favour criminals. >> take a gun away from a law
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abiding citizen you give criminals the power. >> reporter: charles thinks america without guns will be better for everyone. >> what do you think about gun owners who are afraid they will have to give up all their guns. >> grow up. lose your son to a gun and then tell me how you feel. >> reporter: well, house and senate versions of the ban are scheduled to have hearings first week of march. an investigation under way into a major twitter hoax involving a fast food giant. burger king said someone hacked in and posted obscene messages. they went on the say they were sold to mcdonald's and even put a mcdonald's logo on the profile page. burger king was able to suspend the account and get it restarted. they are not looking for gold these hunters are looking for meet rites. the fragments that fell to the
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earth friday may be worth more than gold. depending how many are found a meteorite could be worth $2,200 a gram. >> the novelty is just having it. >> must be. >> i don't know what it is made of. >> book your flight to moscow. >> you know what they say. >> you can find them really just about any where because they do fall, and they have been falling, might find one in your backyard. a little hard to identify that is the issue. in fact they have already found some pieces of that one. weather around here, no meteorites tonight, probably some falling stars from time to time. 30 degrees. no wind, dew points up to 20. earlier today 4 or 5 degrees very dry. getting a little more humidity in the air. barometer, still rising, 34 in oakland, even at that high
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elevation, still freezing. cumberland, 37, 38, drop maybe 1 or 2 more degrees and then go up because our winds are beginning to turn south. 31 up in bel air and 32 westminster annapolis 36. southerly wind now, overnight tonight, start warming up oakland, 12-mile an hour winds, warm air just to the south of us and also shower activity rain from southern michigan. this is a warm front, bring that warm air ahead of it behind it, this is the arctic front. this is not that cold this area of showers most of it will pass to our west we get rain tomorrow afternoon far west, maryland some areas may see a little snow and sleet in the beginning because the rain and presip is not that far. temperatures critical looks like everybody will warm up by the afternoon, close to 50 degrees. look at temperatures to the
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west of us. chicago 37, 52, 45 detroit. even up that far north it is well above freezing. 10, 3 and 6 below another cold air mass. after tomorrow, drop down the front going through the area. it will clear out quickly rain in the afternoon colder temps, windy and drier conditions here coming up on wednesday. the only exception, garrett county, allegheny, more lake- effect snow wednesday. when that cold front comes through. mild air tomorrow turning colder tomorrow night. windy and colder wednesday afternoon thursday winds begin to die down. south winds, gusting up to 25 knots, small craft advisory, bay temp 38, increasing clouds not as cold. drop a few more degrees to 29. up to 49 tomorrow rain and breezes in the afternoon. next 5 days, temperatures take
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a tumble again 39 wednesday 38 thursday partly sunny skies, clouds, friday and saturday could be a rain, snow event. just a little bit, 40 and 42. critical temperatures some areas may see a little wet snow. right now, 1 in 3 chance denise. >> thank you. high hopes for an oriole fan favorite. >> he believes this is the year he returns. mark has the latest on spring training next in sports
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all kinds of auditioning going on in tampa. >> spring training you got to get healthy. 12 season s with the orioles. brian roberts has been with the team longer than anyone with the roster. roberts says he feels great and
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ready to contribute after missing most of the last three seasons with concussions and other injuries. the pain wasn't just physical but mental feeling bad he wasn't helping. now roberts believes he is back. >> so much of the battle is just feeling like part of the team, like one of the guybeing a part of it. i have a lot to give on the field. i still have a lot of capabilities that can help this team. >> darren can help the orioles for two more years he signed a two year contract extension. he was one of the top relievers in baseball last season. university of maryland basketball team plays in boston tomorrow night not against the celtics but boston college. they have a guy that will soon be playing in the nba, alex, 1'7" f the ukraine. pro scouts love him d 7'1",
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from the ukraine. pro could you tells love him. maryland has high hopes as long as their center plays this well. >> you know we need to see that, rest of you can't just be against them. hopefully that was a step in the right direction. >> i talked to him after the game he said he wants me to play like i played against duke for the rest of the season. play with the same intensity. >> guard howard will rejoin the turns he sat out on a one game suspension for an unspecified violation of team rules. >> okay. >> they look like
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>> police in poland found themselves trying to catch a real ham. they needed two hours to corral this wayward pig. it wanted to keep its freedom as long as possible. it's caped from the farm and -- it's caped from the farm and was causing traffic problems. >> trying to make sure he kept
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